settleintoash · 2 months
left outside his place of stay, a particular package is delivered. there was no reason for her to hand it over in person, especially in regards to the fact she plans on inviting both him and ines out later for a proper celebration. still, what's left behind is none other than a cake when opened, decorated to the nines and, in turn, with a bunch of candles awaiting to be lit.
the tag is simplistic, reading from Ines and W, not needing to say anymore as to why it was left. beneath the cake itself was another note, however, addressed from none other than ines, reading as follows:
Good luck. She changed the candles when I wasn't looking. Ines.
He closes his eyes, holding the package as looks around. Luckily, nobody else was around.
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"The cake is going to explode."
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"It feels nostalgic. The first birthday we've gotten to spend together in a while."
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doublemasked · 3 months
He let out a long whistle as he poked his head down from where he'd been hiding - well, hiding might be too strong of a word, but he's being a bit more careful for the moment. Tending to wounds and exhaustion and - well, actually maybe it'd be better to go out in a blaze of glory since there's a purgatory.
He's pretty sure that still exists.
But the place was already a shitshow, and an impressive one at that. Everyone he'd been looking to take out himself was around in various states of injury, and there was one lone woman in the middle of the group.
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"Normally I'm not an art guy, but this is some fancy work." He continues hanging upside down, taking in the sight. "Beat me to it, too! Not many people like to come down here to the bottom of Fib to play with these guys."
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eternalrecurrxnce · 2 years
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“Do not take one more step out that door. I’ve been meaning to speak with you about the state of our apartment-- or at least, what seems to be left of it,” clearly unamused, Richter stood within the threshold of the home he shared with the woman before him; arms crossed over one another as his finger tapped impatiently against his sleeve. “Am I correct to assume that you are the one who almost completely decimated our kitchen? If I didn’t know any better, I’d think you set off some sort of bomb in there.”
Or perhaps she was just as bad at cooking at he was. .. no, not even Richter left that sort of mess behind.
                                                                   –   ☼☽;   ( @sarkazmercenary​ )  
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punishercross · 3 months
There was a dangerous glint in her eyes. Maybe. Something was making his fur stand on end, and between his guardian's instincts and his own training, he could feel something in him tilt. At the very least, she carried herself not necessarily with the swagger of a soldier but more like the bravado of someone who was strong enough to not worry about being tracked.
Maybe not dangerous, but interesting, at the very least. The Punisher, more lynx than ever, rolled lazily over in his nest.
"Told the last guy t'get lost." He announced, putting his hands under his head. His tail flicked dangerously.
"Ain't opposed t'tellin' ya the same." He set himself up far enough away from Home to put anyone else off from the scent of where they're set up, but sometimes more forceful methods are required.
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sparklingsplendor · 3 months
At some point even a fool needed to consult someone else for information. Sparkle didn't really take pride in working off someone else's ideas especially if they were wrong but if it meant getting some pleasure by the end of it all then it certainly wouldn't be a wasted trip.
All of what she heard found so far lead Sparkle to a certain alleyway, spotting the individual from a mile away thanks to the rather bright hair complimenting their dark outfit.
"Hey there! How's your day going?" Even though she didn't have any of her powers the way the young woman slid up to them practically felt like she was invisible. A character with no real relevance to "this" plot at least.
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"Oooh nice hair too. Matches your horns perfectly~~"
Not too many compliments of course. Butter up someone too much and they'll expect you to do this all the time. As if they'd probably meet again after this is all over.
"Right right your probably a very busy woman and all that. But a little birdy told me that you know a lot about this city. Would that little creature be right in telling me the truth?"
@sarkazmercenary | s.c
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isolaradiale · 11 months
making poor decisions on my part but i'd like to reapply as w from arknights, please! you can find her app if needed by clicking the navigation and it being the first link. thank you!
Welcome back to scenic Isola Radiale, W!
You will be housed in CONDO 412.
You will retain everything you were given in your previous stay.
– mod pleiades.
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khaenriahn · 3 months
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kaeya alberich (khaenriahn) kaveh (@empyreanlight) wriothesley (@cerberice) veritas ratio (@scholarking) dan heng (@heavenquelling) elysium (@flagbearing) w (@sarkazmercenary) dusk (@feranmut) minako arisato (@greatsealing) lily (@blightborn) jeanne d'arc (@saintism) akali (@assassinsmark)
hello hello! for those who don't know me, i'm hika. i'm nonbinary and i've been writing for a good 20 years now. which is... a long time thinking about it alkgjag. either way, writing has been my hobby for the longest time out of my other things such as gaming. as you can tell, i'm very much into gacha games, specifically hoyoverse and arknights stuff!! i also like mmorpgs like ffxiv, too. i'm also into all types of music, but things especially like house or electro swing. i'm always down to chat ooc even if i may be a little slower with it at times, but feel free to knock an im or two my way, especially if you'd like to interact with any of my muses. you can also follow me on twitter where it might be a bit easier to get in touch with me!
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gleamknight · 2 months
@sarkazmercenary said: coming for the sky-strewn isles next buddy
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dear god pls no
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egofelt · 2 years
     ❝   Honestly, are charming girls with horns in style these days ?  Or perhaps it’s fate that I keep running into them. Either way, lucky me.   ❞   or so she chimes, more to herself than anyone else, evidently pleased with the encounter despite the body lying on the ground next to her. 
     a local informant, or so it had been whispered on the streets – one elysia had hoped could tell her more about her situation now that she was without the wonder of the world wide web. this place was vastly different from her beloved elysian realm, and although in some ways familiar, the soldier had her doubts that it was the current era that mei hailed from. alas, her well-intentioned pursuit of knowledge was not to be. perhaps her beauty had overwhelmed the man ? or alternatively, and an altogether more realistic thought ( though she would never admit to such a thing ), was that her many questions – questions from a stranger who had appeared from nowhere, at that – had aggravated him. 
     either way, elysia didn’t take kindly to being attacked so suddenly !  he was well deserving of a short time-out.    
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     ❝   Were you looking for this fellow ?  He seems popular around here, though quite quick to anger.  Oh well !  He should be awake in an hour or so, if you really need to talk to him.  And besides, I can treat you to a nice cup of tea to make up for it, if you’d like !    ❞
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moltentwilight · 2 years
@sarkazmercenary​ : wow, finally you say something after my own heart
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       ❛   Hmph— coming from the most talkative of all.   ❜
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babelsghost · 2 years
     despite the general warmth many of Rhodes Island people and Operators have given to the Doctor, there are a small few who hold a different opinion. it’s born from hate, a feeling that was planted moments before Babel fell. it rose with Theresa’s death, withstanding the test of time and change. Amara was well aware of it, and something that she had known for some time know. Kal’tsit makes it crystal clear, yet she herself admitted that there is still something that exists to exist with that hate. Amara does not remember-- there is hardly anything they remember, so they cannot know how much of her words are truthful.
      but for one, there is nothing to balance out the hate.
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       “ -- W. Didn’t expect to find you here.” or rather it was the Sarkaz that found them. there’s no surprise nor fear to be found upon their features, just recogniition. in some strange way, there was a modicum of comfort to be found. not in the mercenary herself, but from the fact this confirmed one of Amara’s theories-- numerous beings from one singular world could be pulled here. but then, what of their status back in Terra? how did this work? why? too many questions, too many things to be learned, and none of it to be fit in here. unless W had answers but getting her to give them to the Doctor was a whole other ballgame.
    “ That was quick. Eager to meet me? “ she had seen her name on the contacts lists and knew it would have only been a matter of time. 
@sarkazmercenary​ -- starter call
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settleintoash · 8 months
Waking up had been a jolt.
Years of memories flooded into his subconscious seemingly overnight. A sharp pain where there had not been one previously, settling into a dull ache that had become familiar while he slept. While he slept in a house owned by W.
And as he woke with his new memories, hand covering his missing eye, he couldn't help but groan.
Things had been going so well. And now he remembered exactly why she had been (more so than usual) hostile with him when he had first arrived.
Looking in the mirror, his hair had grown out (as he remembered it in his memories, but not as it had been yesterday). He had more scars than he had gone to sleep with - some a year old, some a few years old. The most obvious one being where his eye had been previously.
(It felt odd that it did not take any getting used to, as night turned into a year overnight, and he was already accustomed to walking and fighting with half of his vision).
He left his room, walking into the common area. Luckily (or unluckily) for him, W was awake, or she hadn't slept yet.
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"...Something happened." That was putting it mildly. His appearance had changed overnight.
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isolaradiale · 3 years
with prior reserve, here is w from arknights! you can reach her app by going to /RESUME or by clicking navigation and hitting the heart icon!
Welcome to scenic Isola Radiale, W!
You will be housed in CONDO 401.
You will be given a water balloon launcher.
– mod pleiades.
0 notes
settleintoash · 11 months
Free movement had been difficult for months now. An 'invitation to stay' had been indicative of house arrest, but considering he had been left alive, it was a sacrifice he was willing to make for their cause. The concern, then, became when he awoke on a platform, in a strange city, and he could feel the anxiety creeping in.
Because were he missing, he could do little but worry about his group. Reconnaissance was necessary to determine what had happened, and the large Sarkaz took his pamphlet and began to seek answers as quickly as possible.
Flag in one hand, and wooden weapon in the other, he continued his trek. Weaponless, in a strange place - although not without options. The lack of weapons was concerning only in that he would have a had time requiring what he needed, and not because he was defenseless. It was interesting he had been handed a wooden blade, for it likely posed more a threat to the user than to the assailant.
His own curiosity and concern only became worse than a familiar figure appeared. W. She was supposed to be with Reunion, working on her end of the deal. If they had both been brought to the same place, then it may have meant that their plans had been revealed. He swallowed a hard lump.
His way of greeting - more stiff than he would usually be with her, even if he was not the friendliest or most jovial person. Still, it was W, one of the two people he trusted in this blasted world.
"What are you doing here? Where is this place-"
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