sashico · 4 years
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“Sharing the Sashiko” is my goal. In order to keep sharing, establishing the “Sustainable Sashiko” is very important. Not only the “Sashiko as Sustainable Fashion/Practice”, but also a “Sashiko as Sustainable Business” where we all can continue practicing with supporting suppliers & craftsmen in the industry. That’s the only place where money plays an important role. ☆ In the Edo period (more than 200 years ago, when Sashiko came on the surface of history), the Japanese merchants had established the philosophy of sustainable business. We call it - “Sanhou-Yoshi”, a business good for 3 directions (Seller, Buyer and Society). We are not only merchants but also the artisans. Therefore, I added 2 more directions - good for suppliers & artisans. In short, I would like to operate a business where everyone, including the people who lived in the past, will be happy doing so. It is my core principal in the Sashiko business that I do with my mother. Therefore, I keep saying, the art/freedom/innovation over someone’s pain is not what I would like to do. Sashiko is a hand-stitching practice to mend. If one needs an answer within a few minutes, then Sashiko isn’t for them. I try to care for as many people as possible, so everything slows down. However, it is okay. It is supposed to be slow to take care of everyone.  ☆ - - - ☆ 近年、「持続可能(サステイナビリティ)」という言葉を耳にされることがあると思います。範囲がとても広いので一言では説明できないのですが、ことビジネス(商売)に関して言うと、日本は江戸時代から持続可能な経営哲学を持っていた様に思います。それが近江商人の方々の「三方よし」の精神です。買い手よし、売り手よし、世間良し。背負う責任が少ない今、なんとか形にしたいと思っている商売への向き合い方です。 ☆ 刺し子を商売にする以上、それは製造業です。商人から違った考え方をする必要もあるかと思います。理想論だとは思うのですが、上記の「三方よし」に、作り手よし、記憶(伝統)良しと、2つの良しを付け加えたものを展開していければ……というのが、母と息子の二人の商売ですが、経営哲学としてあります。関わる人全てが幸せになれる商売&製造業。きっと形にできると思うんですよね。 ☆ #Sashiko #UpcycleStitches #SashikoStitching #JapaneseSashiko #SashikoPhilosophy #TraditionalSashiko #SanhouYoshi #刺し子配信 #刺し子 #日本人の刺し子 #三方よし https://www.instagram.com/p/CHAnTULJz9f/?igshid=u7hgcgp4o4hd
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