thedeanface-blog · 7 years
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Yes it fucking is beyond satire but not in the way they mean. 1. Are they implying that human rights are a bad thing? 2. There's very little information on what these "crooks" are in for. 3. They go on about the tax payer footing the bill when they're known for NOT PAYING TAX IN THE UK. 4. I am super happy for the tax that I pay to contribute to human rights being met in the justice system. #dailymail #dailyfail #rightwingmedia #satireisdead
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oneangrygamer · 4 years
Virtue Signal Game Expansion Halted After Devs Get Banned From Social Media For Mocking SJWs
Virtue Signal Game Expansion Halted After Devs Get Banned From Social Media For Mocking SJWs | #VirtueSignal #Censorship #TheyCame4Jokes #SatireIsDead
Virtue Signal: The Game triggered Social Justice Warriors to no end. During its Kickstarter campaign the game managed accrue enough attention to get funded, but then afterward it managed to get banned from conventions. Incel Riot Studios decided to do a follow-up expansion for the card game, but he’s been unable to promote it due to getting banned from social media. (more…)
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mattseeleypoetry · 5 years
Satire is dead, so I wrote a #poem called #SatireIsDead about how satire is dead. #WritingCommunity #poetrycommunity Oh, and did I mention that satire is dead?
Satire is dead
Just look at the world;
World leaders nothing
But caricatures of themselves
While society’s become
A parody of the people
Who somehow remain
So blissfully unaware
Of the self mockery
No joke can do true justice
To the incredible reality
Now that satire is dead
  In response to the Word of the Day prompt: jest
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