#savannah ( inquiries )
monarch-afterdark · 5 months
Titan History: Scylla
Welcome once again to Monarch: After Dark, the digital gateway between you and the organisation dedicated to understanding and navigating this troubled new world we live in.
While our inquiry into Janos Biotech continues, we return to the regularly scheduled "Titan History" series, where we break down all you need to know about the creatures we now share our world with. For today's communication, we look to the most recent Titan crisis and examine one of the casualties; the Lovecraftian scavenger, Scylla.
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(Pictured above: Scylla rampaging through Rome, prior to being confronted and executed by Godzilla, circa. 2027)
Monarch Database File: Scylla
Monarch Designation: Titanus Scylla
Height: 341 feet
Weight: 20,000 tons
Nature: Bio-Corrosive
Behavioural Classification: Destroyer
A colossal cephalopod Titan that appears to have crawled out from the depths of the Cthulhu Mythos, Scylla is among one of Monarch's more recent discoveries, noted as 'Titan 024' in our database. Her discovery was recent enough that, during the construction of Monarch Outpost 55, a proper containment field for Scylla was unable to be constructed. Some of the outpost's operatives erroneously believed she was dead when they found her dormant in Arizona.
Scylla is known to us as a Titan scavenger, able to break down the carcasses of deceased Titans and convert the nutrients into a lethal waterborne bacteria. This ability led to the implementation of new protocols for Monarch's pathology teams when cleaning and disposing of Titan remains. She can also emit an incredibly dense fog-like pollutant, which she uses to feed on radiation sources or cover her while she evades an attacker, and can emit liquid nitrogen from her body. The latter ability in particular has been cited for cooling down the Antarctic ice and stabilizing global sea levels.
Scylla is also surprisingly intelligent, able to take the wreckages of ships and craft them into temporary shells for her body, and is remarkably agile in her movements, enabling her to take on opponents such as Godzilla with ease.
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(Pictured above: The Moai statues of Easter Island. It is believed by Monarch these were built by the Rapa Nui people to ward off Titans like Scylla)
Like with most Titans, not much is known about Scylla's activities prior to 2019 outside of what mythological records allow. It is known that, at some point, Scylla made landfall on Easter Island. Feared by the Rapa Nui people, they erected the Moai status as megalithic scarecrows to deter her, and presumably other Titans as well.
When Scylla was awakened by Monster Zero in 2019, she erupted from beneath Monarch Outpost 55 and made her way to Arizona's capital Phoenix, where she rampaged through the city. She was pacified by the ORCA device's activation in Boston, and was among the few Titans present to witness Godzilla become the new Alpha, bowing down to him as he roared into the sky.
Between this and her next known sighting, Scylla enjoyed a deal of popularity among humanity once Monarch's record of her went public, even becoming a trending topic on social media platform Twitter once her Greek origins were confirmed.
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(Pictured above: Artistic rendition of Scylla engaging the United States Coast Guard and Godzilla over possession of a nuclear warhead, circa. 2020)
Around the end of 2020, Scylla appeared off the coast of Savannah, Georgia in search of food. Her hunger led her to a discarded nuclear warhead, which she fought with the US Coast Guard for possession of. Godzilla arrived shortly after and successfully drove Scylla away after a short brawl. She then made her way to a frozen lake at the tip of South America, claiming it as her new territory. Like with all other Titans, Scylla then returned to dormancy, seemingly under Godzilla's instruction.
She did not stay dormant, however. In 2027, Scylla was lured to the Kudankulam Nuclear Power Plant in India by a reactor beacon created by Skull Island trophy hunter Raymond Martin, who (as Monarch later discovered) wanted to use her to occupy Godzilla's attention so he could proceed with his plans for Hollow Earth. After feeding on the radiation there, she would travel to other locations around the world and feed there, Godzilla always one step behind her.
Scylla attacked the United Kingdom Nuclear Labs in Preston and the Aviano Air Base in Italy, feasting off whatever she could find. Her ravenous feeding had caused her to cease cooling the planet's oceans, and Monarch instead found that she was heating the areas she attacked, causing damage to the ozone layer. After an attempted trap by Monarch failed, she was finally cornered by Godzilla in Rome and killed by a point-blank blast of his atomic breath following a short skirmish.
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(Pictured above: An X-Ray scan of Scylla, part of a compiled bioacoustic database Monarch has on all Titans, circa. 2019)
And there you go! While Scylla's passing means we may not be able to learn more about her, unless new data is found or another of her species emerge in the future, we do take some pride in knowing some people out there came to embrace Scylla, rather than fear her as most would.
Until next time,
Monarch: After Dark
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Family odds.
Pairing: Austin!Elvis x reader, Oliva!Priscalla x reader, Austin!Elvis x Oliva!Priscalla.
Scenario: What if the reader in 'ain't that something universe' was black?
Warning: Racial slurs, Time-period racism, Lisa Marie wanting to kick someone's ass,
Summary: you were as sick as a dog and Priscilla was heavily pregnant, so it was up to Elvis to get medicine for you and to look after the children but someone shows their disapproval about his growing family.
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"Spencer, Savannah, Lisa Marie! Let's get a move on!" Elvis called out for the rest of his children while bouncing his newborn son Eric Presley with car keys in hand, soon he could hear rapid footsteps racing downstairs with a "Coming daddy!". Lisa came down holding both of her sibling's hands with a big smile on her face "Which car are we taking daddy?" she asked taking Eric into her arms as Elvis bend down to hug the twins, of course, Spencer, the youngest of the two pretend to dislike it while his sister, Savannah giggled her little heart out.
"Your Favorite one." He answered, standing back up and opening the door, so the children could go before him, once they were out the door he closed and locked it. Elvis smiled at his little, well not so little family, Lisa was already helping her little siblings into the car seats. "Thank you, honey," Elvis said getting in the driver's seat
Luckily they were able to reach a drugstore and unnoticed, quickly Elvis and Lisa got Spencer, Savannah, and Eric into the store without much trouble "Let's split up," Elvis suggests, kissing Lisa's head before walking the other way with Erice. Almost immediately he found the medical aisle "Is that thing yours?" An elderly voice came from behind him "what?" he looked at the old woman, who was glaring at his son in his carrier, oh, Elvis can already feel his blood boil.
"'That thing' is a boy and yes he is my son." He replies " You fucked a nigga?" she said with disgust in her voice "What did you call MY ma, fucking bitch?!" Elvis and the hag turned around to see Lisa Marie with the twins clinging to their sister's pants "Lisa" Elvis hissed, the old woman just stood in shock from the disrespect "Don't look shocked now, you CU-" Lisa Marie started but the store clerk, that arrived at the scene, cut her off "What's wrong here—wait are you, Elvis Presley?" The young girl asked which he reply with a nod and a kind smile. "is this woman bothering you, Mr.Presley?" the girl asked again "Actually," Elvis paused to look at the old woman "She is." at that the clerk grabbed the hag and moved her out the building, while the said elder yelled profanities at Elvis and his children but he chose to ignore it instead looking at his oldest daughter with a disproving look "What?" she raised an inquiry, Elvis just shook his head with a "We'll talk about it later."
"How do you know those words?"Elvis wondered, focusing on the road "You, Ma, and Mama say it all time at night, weird enough" Lisa shared looking back at the twins playing in the backseat. "We do not" "Yeah you do I heard you said 'such a fucking slut' once, whatever slut means." Elvis's eyes widened and he quickly turned the music up on the radio.
'God help me.'
Taglist: @galaxygirl453, @babyxshy, @powerofelvis, @lovincherries @godlypresley, @plasticfantasticl0ver , @ophelia-writes-stuff
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John Church Hamilton to unknown, New York, [January 12, 1824]
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Dear Sir: In the proceedings of the Senate, I yesterday ob served the Report of the Committee of Foreign Relations on the Petition of Francis Henderson Jr. In the course of my inquiries I have had an opportunity of forming an opinion of the services of Lieut. Col. Laurens and of the estimation in which he was held by the family of the Commander in chief, which entitles him, beyond all question to the first rank among the young men of the revolution. During his immediate attendance at headquarters he was, with Col. Hamilton always selected to perform the most delicate offices of his station, and was entrusted with Gen. Washington's most secret confidences, and, from the period of the arrival of C D'Estaing, until the close of the campaign of 1781, in the communications with the officers of our ally, the aids derived from him were invaluable. His military career has left behind him an uninterrupted blaze of glory. Sent forward to R Island, by Gen W. to superintend the conduct of affairs in that quarter until Gen. Greene took the command; to Col. Laurens is principally attributed the reconciliation of D'Estaing, who had been offended by Gen. Sullivan's indiscretion, which excited the most serious apprehensions as to its effect on our ally. His gallantry on this occasion was so conspicuous that he received from Congress a vote of thanks and a tender of a commission of Colonel, which he declined from delicacy to his brother aids. At Monmouth where every member of Gen. W's family seemed to contend, not only for their country but for their personal reputation, as connected with their chief, he participated in all the exposure of the day and, in the controversy between W. & Lee which agitated the camp and Congress, such was his devotion to the former that, late in the year, he invited Gen. Lee to a rencontre, who, after receiving a slight wound, made an explanation equally honorable to himself and satisfactory to his antagonist.
On the invasion of Georgia in '79, Co' L. hastened to Carolina. Here he was conspicuous in preparing for the expected invasion. In order to aid the councils of the State, he was elected a member of their Legisla ture where he used every arg to call out the militia and forward the black levies which he had begun to recruit. On the arrival of Gen. Lincoln, he immedi ately joined him; was present in the storm of Savannah, and such was his chivalry, that, after the retreat was sounded, and the troops had fallen back, he continued on, in the direction of the enemy's fire until C D'Es taing, who was himself wounded, pointed him out to Lincoln, who ordered him to draw off a detachment in order to remove him from the field.
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The misfortune of that day menacing the most alarming consequences, Laurens rode express to Philadelphia, in order to urge succours to the Southern Army. Here he received a new mark of confidence; being elected by Congress Secretary to the Minister at Versailles- a situation which he peremptorily declined (though sought for by the most conspicuous names in the country)_ in order to rejoin the army, and was at last induced to accept, on an intimation “that there was no other individual on whom the two parties in congress could unite.” Circumstances having occurred to render his departure on this service unnecessary, he hastened from Philadelphia and arrived in sufficient season to take part in the defence of Charleston, where I presume, he was taken prisoner_ (this fact I have to learn). The most important incident, however, of his life and that having the most immediate relation to the claim before you, is his mission as Envoy to France in Feby. 1781. The magnitude of his services on this occasion are matters of history, but among many inte resting incidents connected with this event there is one which may not be before the public. Vergennes was opposed to any open interference on our behalf at the outset of the quarrel, and always continued adverse to our independence. In this spirit he presented every obstacle in the way of Col. Laurens negotiation,_ Wearied by these delays L. obtained an interview with him, and after a warm expostulation, characteristic of his noble spirit, he broke from him_ prepared a memorial to the king, and, waiting upon him in the succeeding levée, regardless of the etiquette of the court, handed it to Louis in person. This decisive bearing although it excited great astonishment, was followed by the happiest effects. On the succeeding day the ministers contended with each other in their zeal to promote his views, and he returned here in sufficient season to aid us in a most critical posture of our affairs. (The money obtained by Laurens was deposited in the Bank of N. A. and sustained the financial operations of Mr. Morris until the signature of the provisional treaty). Laurens arrived in Boston, in Sept. 1781, and he immediately joined the army and in the storm of the Redout on the night of the 14th Oct, which was the closing scene of my father's service, L. who, with a body of picked men, was detached by him to take the enemy in reverse and intercept their retreat, entered the works among the foremost and made prisoner the commanding officer. As a compliment to his gallantry and in reference to the capture of Charleston, he with the Viscount De Noailles, was appointed a commissioner to settle the terms of the capitulation. (Signed) John C. Hamilton.
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jamieroxxartist · 2 years
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✔ Mark Your Calendars: Thurs Oct 27 on 🎨#JamieRoxx’s Pop Roxx Radio 🎙️#TalkShow and 🎧#Podcast w/ Featured Guest:
Gena Shaw, #Actress (#ASavannahHaunting #Movie | #Horror) ​ ☎ Lines will be open (347) 850.8598 Call in with your Questions and Comments Live on the Air.
● Click here to Set a Reminder: http://tobtr.com/12155753
​Pop Art Painter Jamie #Roxx (www.JamieRoxx.us) welcomes #GenaShaw, Actress (A SAVANNAH HAUNTING Movie | Horror) to the Show!
● IMDB: www.imdb.com/title/tt12574708 --- ● FB: www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100063619566030 ● IMDB: www.imdb.com/name/nm1008104
A Savannah Haunting, in theaters and on digital October 28 from Vertical Entertainment, centers around a family who moves to Savannah, Georgia to escape the memory of their young daughter's tragic drowning.
Gena Shaw, a New Jersey native, Gena (pronounced Jenna) Shaw grew up with an artist mother and a veterinarian father. She equally loved going to museums as much as she loved watching her father perform surgery on an animal. In high school she did a work-study program allowing her to commute to NYC to study and audition. She landed her first pilot before graduation. After the show wasn't picked up, she relocated to Manhattan and eventually, Los Angeles where she worked in tv, film and dozens of national commercials.
A self proclaimed horror and sci-fi fanatic, Gena's greatest career highlights were working with icons like Greg Nicotero, Tom Savini and Doug Jones. Gena's most recent credits include Creepshow, Dopesick, Cobra Kai and the upcoming horror film A Savannah Haunting which won her two Best Actress Awards as well as five other nominations. ​ ​● Media Inquiries: October Coast PR www.octobercoastpr.com
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dollycas · 11 days
Tallowed Ground: A Magic Candle Shop Mystery by Valona Jones #Spotlight / #Giveaway - Great Escapes Book Tour @ValonaJonesAuthor @MaggieToussaintAuthor
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I am happy to shine the spotlight on Tallowed Ground: A Magic Candle Shop Mystery by Valona Jones today! About Tallowed Ground Tallowed Ground: A Magic Candle Shop Mystery Paranormal Cozy Mystery 3rd in Series Setting - Georgia Publisher ‏ : ‎ Muddle House Publishing (September 10, 2024) Digital Print length ‏ : ‎ 269 pages ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0D9HLPS2W When a killer props his third and latest victim against the double tombstone of Tabby and Sage Winslow’s grandparents’ grave in Savannah, Georgia, the psychic twins are stunned. Even worse, the victim is the very man they filed a restraining order against a few months ago for trashing their book and candle shop. Coincidence...or a connection? Then a clue about the murders points to Tabby’s career as a candlemaker. Now, she is the number one suspect in the killing spree. The twins investigate all three victims, finding little that might tie the cases together besides where the bodies were found—in or near Bonaventure Cemetery, a beautiful 100-acre historic graveyard with a storied past. Then Tabby’s Medical Examiner boyfriend is mysteriously pulled from the case, with his dream job in jeopardy. The situation reaches a flashpoint when new evidence points to Tabby. With her freedom and the family business in jeopardy, Tabby and Sage match their wits and psychic abilities against the wily killer. That is, until Tabby’s spirited inquiry lands her in the worst kind of trouble. Can Tabby clear her name before the fiend snuffs her flame…for good? About Valona Jones Valona Jones, aka Maggie Toussaint, writes paranormal cozies set in coastal Georgia, Her latest release, TALLOWED GROUND, book 3 in the  Magic Candle Shop Mysteries, came out September 10, 2024. Under the name of Maggie Toussaint, she also publishes cozy mysteries and romantic suspense. Her pen name for a three-book science fiction ecothriller is Rigel Carson. In total, she has published more than 27 works of fiction and won multiple awards. She lives in coastal Georgia, where time and tide wait for no one. Visit her sites:  https://valonajones.com and https://maggietoussaint.com Author Links Valona Jones Website  Maggie Toussaint Website Maggie Toussaint Facebook Valona Jones Facebook Maggie Toussaint BookBub Valona Jones BookBub Maggie Toussaint Booklover's Bench Maggie Toussaint X Purchase Links Kindle    Nook     Kobo     iBooks    Amazon Kindle and Print Book  Find books written as Maggie Toussaint HERE. TOUR PARTICIPANTS - Please visit all the stops.  September 11 – Mystery, Thrillers, and Suspense – SPOTLIGHT September 11 – Angel's Book Nook – AUTHOR INTERVIEW September 12 – Christy's Cozy Corners – CHARACTER GUEST POST September 12 – Sapphyria's Book Reviews – REVIEW September 12 – fundinmental – SPOTLIGHT September 13 – Celticlady's Reviews – SPOTLIGHT September 13 – FUONLYKNEW – SPOTLIGHT September 14 – Socrates Book Reviews – SPOTLIGHT  September 14 – Baroness Book Trove – REVIEW September 14 – Escape With Dollycas Into A Good Book – SPOTLIGHT September 15 – Elizabeth McKenna - Author – SPOTLIGHT September 15 – StoreyBook Reviews – CHARACTER GUEST POST September 16 – Storybook Lady – REVIEW September 16 – Books, Ramblings, and Tea – SPOTLIGHT September 17 – Ruff Drafts – RECIPE September 17 – Read Your Writes Book Reviews – CHARACTER INTERVIEW September 18 – Maureen's Musings – SPOTLIGHT September 18 – Binge Reading Books – AUTHOR GUEST POST September 19 – Guatemala Paula Loves to Read – REVIEW September 19 – Sarah Can't Stop Reading Books – REVIEW September 20 – Ascroft, eh? – AUTHOR GUEST POSTS September 20 – Lady Hawkeye – SPOTLIGHT a Rafflecopter giveaway Have you signed up to be a Tour Host? Click Here to Find Details and Sign Up Today! Want to Book a Tour? Click Here Your Escape Into A Good Book Travel Agent Read the full article
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sa7abnews · 1 month
LeBron James draws backlash on social media over stern interaction with young fan
New Post has been published on https://sa7ab.info/2024/08/12/lebron-james-draws-backlash-on-social-media-over-stern-interaction-with-young-fan/
LeBron James draws backlash on social media over stern interaction with young fan
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Fresh off a gold medal victory at the Paris Olympics on Saturday, LeBron James caught flak on social media on Sunday after an interaction with a young fan in France.A video posted to TikTok showed James walking behind his wife, Savannah, and a young fan with his phone approaching the Team USA star. James was dressed down in some Team USA gear as he walked around the front of the car.CLICK HERE FOR MORE SPORTS COVERAGE ON FOXNEWS.COMAs the kid approached James, the Los Angeles Lakers star could be heard saying sternly, “Stop.” One person in James’ entourage nudged the kid out of the way as the group entered a restaurant.James was met with congratulations from photographers and did a little dance as he entered the restaurant.But the interaction with the kid is what caught social media users’ eyeballs.JORDAN CHILES SCORE INQUIRY WAS MADE IN TIME AND THERE’S VIDEO EVIDENCE TO PROVE IT, USA GYMNASTICS SAYSJames and Team USA defeated France in a close game to win a gold medal. He now has three gold medals in his Olympic career on top of four NBA championships. It was the fifth straight gold medal for Team USA.”Super humbled that I can still play this game,” James said. “Played at a high level, played with 11 other great players and a great coaching staff and went on and did it for our country. It was a great moment around.”He scored 14 points in the win.James didn’t appear to address any of the backlash on social media. Fox News Digital asked his representatives for a comment on the issue.Follow Fox News Digital’s sports coverage on X and subscribe to the Fox News Sports Huddle newsletter.
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gutterinstallations · 3 months
Savannah Gutter Installation | Veteran Owned & Operated | Stateline Gutters
Looking for reliable gutter installation services in Savannah, GA? Look no further! Stateline Gutters, a veteran-owned and operated company, offers top-notch gutter installation services tailored to meet your needs. Our experienced team is dedicated to providing exceptional service, ensuring your home is protected from water damage with high-quality gutter systems. 🏠💧 Why Choose Stateline Gutters? Veteran Owned & Operated: Proudly serving our community with the same dedication and commitment as our time in service. 🎖️ Expert Installation: Our team is highly skilled and experienced in gutter installation, ensuring precision and quality in every job. 🛠️ Customer Service: We are available to take your calls 7 days a week at (912) 575-6741. Your satisfaction is our top priority. 📞✨ A Brief History of Savannah: Savannah, GA, founded in 1733, is one of the most historically significant cities in the United States. Known for its picturesque cobblestone streets, historic homes, and lush public squares, Savannah boasts a rich cultural heritage. The city played pivotal roles during the American Revolution and Civil War. Its well-preserved architecture and storied past make it a charming and vibrant place to live. Comprehensive Gutter Solutions: At Stateline Gutters, we understand the importance of a well-functioning gutter system. That’s why we offer a wide range of gutter solutions to meet your specific needs: 1. Seamless Gutter Installation Our seamless gutters are custom-made on-site to fit your home perfectly. Seamless gutters reduce the risk of leaks and require less maintenance compared to traditional gutters. Available in a variety of materials and colors, our seamless gutters not only protect your home but also enhance its curb appeal. 🌧️🏡 2. Gutter Repair & Maintenance Gutters play a crucial role in directing rainwater away from your home’s foundation. Over time, gutters can become clogged or damaged. Our team provides expert repair and maintenance services to ensure your gutters remain in optimal condition. From cleaning to repairing leaks and replacing damaged sections, we’ve got you covered. 🔧🧹 3. Gutter Guards & Protection Systems Prevent clogging and reduce maintenance with our top-of-the-line gutter guards and protection systems. Designed to keep leaves, debris, and pests out of your gutters, our protection systems extend the life of your gutters and improve their efficiency. Enjoy peace of mind knowing your gutters are protected year-round. 🍂🚫 4. Custom Gutter Solutions Every home is unique, and so are its gutter needs. We offer custom gutter solutions tailored to fit your home’s specific requirements. Whether you need a particular color, material, or design, our team will work with you to create the perfect gutter system for your property. 🎨🏘️ 5. Advanced Water Management Systems In addition to our core services, we specialize in advanced water management solutions. These systems ensure that rainwater is effectively channeled away from your home, protecting your foundation and landscaping from water damage. By integrating state-of-the-art technology, we provide efficient and sustainable solutions that safeguard your property and contribute to its overall value. 🌿💦 6. Downspout Installation and Repair Properly functioning downspouts are crucial for directing water away from your home. Our team offers expert downspout installation and repair services to complement your gutter system. Whether you need new downspouts installed or existing ones repaired, we ensure optimal performance and durability. 🏡🔄 Contact Us Today! Call us at (912) 575-6741 to schedule your gutter installation or for any inquiries. We are available to take your calls 7 days a week! Visit our website for more information: https://www.statelinegutters.com/georgia/savannah-gutter-installation/. Check out our Google listing and see why customers trust us: https://www.google.com/maps?cid=9523567842208119587. Protect Your Home with the Best Gutter Installation in Savannah, GA! Don’t wait for water damage to affect your home. Trust Stateline Gutters for all your gutter needs. We ensure durability, reliability, and top-tier service every time. With our comprehensive gutter solutions, you can rest assured that your home is protected from the elements. 🌟🏠
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naturenestsafaris · 3 months
Unlocking the Wonders of Masai Mara Safaris: A Comprehensive Guide
Embark on a journey where the savannah comes alive with the rhythmic dance of the wild. Welcome to Masai Mara, an enchanting realm where nature's drama unfolds in all its majesty. As you plan your adventure into the heart of Kenya's wilderness, you're likely brimming with questions: Is Masai Mara truly superior to Serengeti? What's the cost of experiencing this safari paradise? And, crucially, when is the best time to witness its breathtaking beauty? Let's embark on a safari of knowledge as we uncover the answers to these inquiries and more.
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Masai Mara vs. Serengeti: A Tale of Two Iconic Safaris: Embarking on an African safari is a dream for many travelers, and two destinations frequently vie for the spotlight: Masai Mara and Serengeti. As you plan your adventure into the heart of East Africa's wilderness, you might find yourself pondering the age-old question: Which is better, Serengeti or Masai Mara? Let's delve into the nuances of each destination to uncover the answer to this captivating debate.
The Majesty of Masai Mara: Nestled in southwestern Kenya, Masai Mara is a sanctuary of natural splendor, renowned for its sweeping savannahs, abundant wildlife, and iconic landscapes. Here, the rhythm of life unfolds in mesmerizing fashion, offering visitors an immersive safari experience like no other.
Masai Mara is synonymous with the Great Migration, a monumental event where millions of wildebeests, zebras, and gazelles traverse its plains in search of greener pastures. Witnessing this awe-inspiring spectacle is a bucket-list moment for many safari enthusiasts, as the Mara River becomes a stage for nature's drama, complete with heart-pounding river crossings and predator-prey interactions.
Beyond the Great Migration, Masai Mara boasts an impressive resident wildlife population, including the Big Five and a myriad of other species. From thrilling game drives to intimate bush walks and exhilarating hot air balloon safaris, there's no shortage of ways to explore this captivating ecosystem.
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The Splendor of Serengeti: Across the border in Tanzania lies Serengeti National Park, a vast expanse of wilderness that captivates with its boundless horizons, diverse ecosystems, and legendary wildlife sightings. Serengeti's name, derived from the Maasai word meaning "endless plains," perfectly encapsulates the park's vastness and sense of timeless beauty.
Serengeti is renowned for its role in the Great Migration, serving as the stage for the wildebeest's epic journey as they traverse its grassy plains in search of food and water. The park's varied landscapes, from acacia-dotted savannahs to rocky kopjes and wooded riverine forests, provide the perfect backdrop for wildlife photography and exploration.
In addition to the Great Migration, Serengeti offers year-round wildlife viewing opportunities, with iconic species such as lions, elephants, and cheetahs roaming its plains. Whether embarking on a classic game drive, tracking wildlife on foot, or witnessing a golden Serengeti sunrise from a hot air balloon, visitors are treated to an unforgettable safari experience.
The Verdict: Masai Mara vs. Serengeti So, which safari destination reigns supreme? The answer ultimately depends on your preferences, interests, and priorities.
Masai Mara captivates with its abundance of wildlife, particularly during the Great Migration, and offers a range of activities to suit every traveler's taste. Its proximity to Nairobi makes it easily accessible, while its diverse landscapes provide a rich tapestry of experiences.
Serengeti, on the other hand, enchants with its vastness, varied landscapes, and legendary wildlife sightings. While the Great Migration is undoubtedly a highlight, Serengeti's year-round appeal ensures an unforgettable safari experience at any time of year.
In the end, whether you choose Masai Mara or Serengeti, one thing is certain: you're in for an adventure of a lifetime. So pack your bags, embark on your safari journey, and prepare to be dazzled by the wonders of East Africa's wilderness.
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Cost Considerations: Making Your Masai Mara Dream a Reality: One of the most common queries among safari-goers is the cost associated with experiencing the wonders of Masai Mara. While the price can vary depending on various factors such as accommodation, duration, and activities, it's essential to budget accordingly to ensure a memorable and stress-free adventure.
On average, a Masai Mara safari package can range from $150 to $700 per person per day, encompassing accommodation, meals, transportation, and game drives. Luxury lodges and tented camps offer unparalleled comfort and personalized service, albeit at a higher price point. Alternatively, budget-friendly options such as camping safaris provide a more affordable yet equally immersive experience.
Additionally, it's worth considering the time of year when planning your Masai Mara safari, as prices can fluctuate based on peak seasons and special events. During the Great Migration from July to October, demand for accommodations tends to surge, leading to higher prices. Conversely, visiting during the shoulder seasons of November to June may offer more competitive rates while still providing excellent wildlife viewing opportunities.
Ultimately, the cost of a Masai Mara safari is a worthy investment in creating lifelong memories and experiencing the magic of Africa's wilderness firsthand.
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Choosing the Perfect Time: Deciphering the Best Month for Masai Mara Safaris: Timing is everything when it comes to embarking on a Masai Mara safari, as each month offers a unique glimpse into the natural rhythms of the savannah. To maximize your wildlife sightings and overall safari experience, it's crucial to understand the seasonal patterns that shape Masai Mara's landscape.
The Great Migration, undoubtedly one of nature's most spectacular phenomena, takes center stage from July to October as millions of wildebeests, zebras, and other herbivores make their perilous journey across the Mara River in search of greener pastures. Witnessing this epic spectacle is a bucket-list moment for many safari enthusiasts, making these months the prime time to visit Masai Mara.
For those seeking quieter surroundings and more affordable rates, the months of November to June offer a tranquil escape to Masai Mara's wilderness. During this period, the savannah is lush and green following the seasonal rains, creating a picturesque backdrop for wildlife photography and exploration. While the Great Migration may have subsided, the resident wildlife remains abundant, ensuring exceptional game viewing opportunities year-round.
Ultimately, the best time to visit Masai Mara depends on your preferences and interests. Whether you long to witness the drama of the Great Migration or prefer a quieter, more intimate safari experience, there's no shortage of magic to be found amidst the golden plains of Masai Mara.
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Conclusion: As the sun sets over the vast expanse of Masai Mara, painting the sky with hues of orange and gold, one thing becomes abundantly clear – this wilderness is a realm of timeless beauty and boundless wonder. Whether you're drawn to the thrill of the hunt on a game drive, the serenity of a sunset bush dinner, or the awe-inspiring sight of a lioness and her cubs, Masai Mara promises an adventure like no other.
So, as you embark on your journey into the heart of Kenya's wilderness, armed with knowledge and anticipation, prepare to be captivated by the magic of Masai Mara. With its unrivaled wildlife, breathtaking landscapes, and unparalleled safari experiences, this iconic destination invites you to unlock the secrets of Africa's untamed beauty – one safari drive at a time.
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blakeswanlawfirm · 5 months
Finding a Beacon of Hope: Hiring an Accident Lawyer in Savannah for Your Case
In the aftermath of an accident, navigating the legal process can be overwhelming, especially when dealing with injuries, medical bills, and insurance companies. Hiring an experienced accident lawyer in Savannah can provide a beacon of hope during this challenging time, offering expert guidance and advocacy to help you seek the compensation you deserve. In this guide, we'll explore the essential steps involved in finding and hiring the right accident lawyer for your case in Savannah, ensuring that you have a trusted ally by your side throughout the legal journey.
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Understanding Your Needs:
Before embarking on your search for an accident lawyer in Savannah, it's important to take stock of your needs and priorities. Consider the specific circumstances of your case, such as the type of accident you were involved in, the extent of your injuries, and any financial losses you have incurred as a result. Think about the qualities and attributes you value in a lawyer, such as experience, expertise, communication skills, and empathy. By understanding your needs and priorities, you can better focus your search and identify the right lawyer to represent you.
Researching Potential Lawyers: The first step in finding an accident lawyer in Savannah is to conduct thorough research. Start by compiling a list of potential lawyers in your area who specialize in personal injury law. You can gather recommendations from friends, family, or colleagues who have had positive experiences with accident lawyers, or you can use online resources such as legal directories and review websites to find reputable attorneys in your area. Take the time to read reviews and testimonials from past clients to get a sense of each lawyer's reputation and track record of success.
Scheduling Consultations: Once you've narrowed down your list of potential lawyers, it's time to schedule consultations with each of them. Most accident lawyers offer free initial consultations, during which you can discuss the details of your case and learn more about the lawyer's experience and approach. Use this opportunity to ask questions about the lawyer's background, expertise, and track record of success in handling cases similar to yours. Pay attention to how well the lawyer listens to your concerns and communicates with you, as effective communication is key to a successful attorney-client relationship.
Assessing Qualifications and Experience: When evaluating potential accident lawyers, it's important to assess their qualifications and experience in handling cases like yours. Look for lawyers who have extensive experience practicing personal injury law and a proven track record of success in obtaining favorable outcomes for their clients. Consider factors such as the lawyer's education, training, professional affiliations, and any specialized certifications or awards they may have received. Additionally, inquire about the lawyer's experience in negotiating settlements and litigating cases in court, as both skills are essential for achieving the best possible outcome for your case.
Considering Communication and Accessibility: Effective communication is crucial for a successful attorney-client relationship, so it's important to choose an accident lawyer who is accessible and responsive to your needs. During your initial consultation, pay attention to how well the lawyer listens to your concerns and answers your questions. Choose a lawyer who takes the time to explain complex legal concepts in a clear and understandable manner and who keeps you informed and updated on the progress of your case. Additionally, consider factors such as the lawyer's availability to meet with you and respond to your inquiries in a timely manner.
Reviewing Fee Structures: Before hiring an accident lawyer, be sure to review their fee structure and discuss any potential costs or expenses associated with your case. Most accident lawyers work on a contingency fee basis, which means they only get paid if you win your case and receive compensation. However, it's important to clarify what percentage of your settlement or award the lawyer will receive as their fee, as well as any additional costs or expenses that may arise during the legal process. Make sure you understand the terms of the fee agreement before signing any contracts or agreements with the lawyer.
In conclusion, hiring an accident lawyer in Savannah can provide a beacon of hope during a challenging and uncertain time. By understanding your needs, conducting thorough research, scheduling consultations, assessing qualifications and experience, considering communication and accessibility, and reviewing fee structures, you can find the right lawyer to represent you and advocate for your rights. With the guidance and expertise of an experienced accident lawyer by your side, you can navigate the legal process with confidence and peace of mind, knowing that you have a trusted ally fighting for the compensation you deserve.
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writingratthings · 6 months
The Cheetah's Circular Path
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In the heart of the African savannah, there dwelled a sleek and swift cheetah named Chester. With spots like ink blots upon his golden fur, he boasted of unmatched speed, capable of outrunning the swiftest gazelle.
Yet, despite his prowess, Chester possessed a peculiar habit—he ran in circles. Every morning, as the sun painted the sky with hues of orange and pink, Chester would set off on his morning sprint, only to trace the same path time and time again, never venturing beyond the perimeter of his circular route.
The other animals of the savannah watched with puzzlement as Chester dashed round and round, his agile limbs carrying him effortlessly across the grasslands. The gazelles would pause mid-leap, the zebras would halt mid-stride, and even the wise old elephant would raise his trunk in curiosity.
"Why does Chester run in circles?" they would wonder aloud, exchanging puzzled glances and shaking their heads in bewilderment.
One day, the wise old owl perched atop a baobab tree decided to unravel the mystery of Chester's circular sprints. With a flap of his wings, he soared down to the cheetah's side and posed the question that had puzzled the savannah's inhabitants for so long.
"Why do you run in circles, dear Chester?" asked the owl, his amber eyes gleaming with curiosity.
Chester paused mid-stride, panting lightly as he considered the owl's inquiry. With a sheepish grin, he confessed, "I run in circles because I'm afraid to venture beyond what I know. The world beyond my familiar path is vast and unknown, and it scares me."
The other animals listened intently, their gazes softening with understanding.
The wise old owl nodded sagely, his feathers ruffling in the breeze. "But Chester, my dear friend, it is precisely the unknown that holds the greatest adventures and discoveries. Embrace the uncertainty, and you may find wonders beyond your wildest dreams."
Moved by the owl's words, Chester decided to break free from the confines of his circular route. With a newfound sense of courage, he bounded forward, his paws carrying him beyond the boundaries of his familiar path.
As Chester explored the vast expanse of the savannah, he encountered sights and experiences he had never imagined—hidden watering holes teeming with life, towering acacia trees adorned with succulent fruits, and breathtaking vistas that stretched to the horizon.
From that day forth, Chester's sprints no longer followed a circular path. Instead, he roamed the savannah with boundless curiosity, his agile form a blur of motion against the backdrop of the African landscape.
And so, the fable of Chester the cheetah taught the animals of the savannah a valuable lesson—that true growth and discovery lie beyond the confines of our comfort zones, and it is only by embracing the unknown that we can truly unleash our full potential.
As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a golden glow across the grasslands, Chester continued his journey into the unknown, his spirit soaring with the promise of adventure that lay ahead.
And the animals of the savannah watched with admiration, knowing that Chester had found his true stride in the boundless expanse of the world beyond his familiar circles.
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African Safari: Embark on a Thrilling Adventure with African Travellers Ltd.
An African safari is akin to turning the pages of a National Geographic magazine, offering breathtaking scenery, thrilling wildlife encounters, and a chance to immerse oneself in the local culture. Originating from the Swahili word "journey," safari has a rich historical significance ingrained in the variety of ecosystems found throughout Africa.
Planning Your African Safari Trip
Your African safari trip needs to be carefully thought out and researched. Because wildlife sightings fluctuate throughout the year, timing is critical. Selecting the appropriate location is crucial, regardless of your preference for the expansive plains of the Serengeti or the deep jungles of Uganda. Setting a budget also aids in deciding on the length and degree of luxury of your safari experience.
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Wildlife Encounters
African safaris offer unparalleled opportunities to witness the continent's majestic wildlife. From the iconic Big Five – lions, elephants, buffaloes, leopards, and rhinoceros – to the lesser-known species like the elusive African wild dog and the graceful giraffe, every moment on safari is filled with awe-inspiring encounters.
Accommodation Options
Accommodations range from luxurious lodges offering five-star amenities to rustic tented camps nestled in the heart of the wilderness. Budget-conscious travelers can also find comfortable options that provide an authentic safari experience without breaking the bank.
Safari Activities
Game drives remain the quintessential safari experience, offering close encounters with Africa's wildlife. For the adventurous souls, bush walks provide an intimate exploration of the bushveld, while hot air balloon safaris offer a bird's-eye view of the savannah landscapes.
Cultural Experiences
Beyond wildlife sightings, African safaris offer opportunities to engage with local communities and immerse oneself in traditional cultures. Interacting with Maasai warriors or visiting vibrant tribal villages adds a deeper dimension to the safari experience.
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Safety Measures
Although African safaris offer exhilarating experiences, safety should always come first. From vaccinations to wildlife safety protocols, proper preparation ensures a smooth and enjoyable journey. Additional peace of mind is offered for unanticipated events with travel insurance.
Sustainability and Conservation Efforts
In order to protect Africa's natural heritage for future generations, responsible tourism is essential. Participating in conservation efforts and endorsing eco-friendly lodges help to safeguard wildlife and their habitats throughout the continent.
Packing Essentials
Packing for an African safari requires careful consideration of clothing suitable for varying climates, essential photography gear to capture memorable moments, and other necessities like sunscreen and insect repellent.
Booking Your Safari with African Travellers Ltd.
African Travellers Ltd. is a leading supplier of customized safari experiences, with a focus on creating itineraries that go above and beyond for customers. With a group of knowledgeable guides and an emphasis on environmentally friendly travel, they guarantee that each safari is an unforgettable experience. Testimonials from satisfied customers attest to their excellent service and meticulousness.
Customer Support and Assistance
From the moment of inquiry to the conclusion of your safari, African Travellers Ltd. offers unparalleled customer support. Their team provides comprehensive pre-trip guidance and on-ground assistance, ensuring a seamless and unforgettable experience.
Get In More Information :
Business Name: African Travellers Ltd
Phone -+250783092754
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travelbookingnow · 9 months
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Escape the ordinary and embark on a journey to the heart of Africa with our exclusive Kenya Private Safaris. Immerse yourself in the raw beauty of Kenya's diverse landscapes, from the sprawling savannahs of the Maasai Mara to the picturesque shores of Lake Nakuru. Encounter the iconic Big Five in their natural habitats, guided by expert trackers and experienced rangers. Indulge in luxurious accommodations, personalized itineraries, and unparalleled privacy as you create unforgettable memories in one of the world's most captivating destinations. Join us on this extraordinary adventure where every moment is tailored to your desires, making your wildest dreams come true.
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brexiiton · 1 year
'Shocking': Men were strangers before one was allegedly fatally thrown over balcony
By Adam Vidler, Savannah Meacham, 5:57pm Oct 2, 2023
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A man is in police custody facing a murder charge after he allegedly threw a 74-year-old man from a first-floor balcony in an "unprovoked attack" in Brisbane's south.
Michael Thomas Chesworth was at his Yeronga home with his wife when he heard a knock at the door about 1.40pm yesterday.
Police have alleged a stranger, 49-year-old Raymond John Binge, was at the door.
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Michael Chesworth was allegedly thrown from his Yeronga balcony. (Facebook)
Detective Superintendent Andrew Massingham alleged Binge had been going aggressively "door to door" seeking certain items from people.
One line of inquiry is that he was seeking cigarettes but officers are still investigating.
Police said that a disagreement then occurred between Chesworth and Binge.
"During the course of that disagreement, we allege the 49-year-old man physically picked up the deceased and threw him over the railing," Massingham said.
Officers say Chesworth fell around 3.5 metres and suffered critical head injuries.
He was taken to hospital in a critical condition but couldn't be saved.
"His partner is devastated, she is with us at the moment," Massingham said.
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The Yeronga unit block in Brisbane's south. (9News)
Binge was allegedly found inside a nearby unit by officers.
Police said the two men were not known to each other and that Binge was an associate of someone who lives at the unit block.
Neighbours have been left shocked by the incident.
"He was just in recession for nine months treatment of lung cancer," one neighbour said.
"Shocking, shocking."
"This is horrendously tragic and confronting," Massingham said.
Binge didn't appear in court when his matter was heard today.
His case has been adjourned ahead of a bail application scheduled for next month.
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evoldir · 1 year
Fwd: Postdoc: UGeorgia.EvolutionaryGenomics
Begin forwarded message: > From: [email protected] > Subject: Postdoc: UGeorgia.EvolutionaryGenomics > Date: 6 April 2023 at 06:54:51 BST > To: [email protected] > > > Postdoc positions in the Sweigart lab at the University of Georgia > > Our lab uses genetics and genomics to understand mechanisms of phenotypic > evolution and species divergence. We work with species in the genus Mimulus > (monkeyflowers), a system with tremendous wild diversity and ever-growing > genomic resources including many new chromosome-scale reference assemblies. > > The postdoctoral researcher(s) will lead projects aimed at understanding > how the evolution of self-fertilization impacts genomic variation and > epigenomic regulation in Mimulus, and will benefit from an ongoing > collaboration with Dr. Becky Mosher’s lab at the University of Arizona. > Using multiple Mimulus species pairs with independent derivations of > selfing, we are seeking new lab members to explore two main questions: > > 1) How does the transition to selfing impact host defense against > transposons and collateral silencing of nearby genes? Genomic conflicts, > including those involving transposons, are expected to be dampened in > selfing species. Taking advantage of our new, nearly gapless genome > assemblies, this project will investigate how mating system affects the > dynamics of transposon evolution and host defense, with a particular focus > on changes to RNA-directed DNA methylation. > > 2) Does the evolution of selfing lead to predictable genetic changes in > seed development associated with a reduction in kin conflict? We have > discovered kin conflict contributes to seed evolution and strong > reproductive barriers in Mimulus, but the role of mating system is unclear. > This project will explore whether mating system contributes to these > patterns and, if so, whether they involve changes to genomic imprinting. > > The postdoctoral researcher(s) will have considerable latitude in > determining the direction of their own research and will be encouraged to > use these projects as a jumping off point for future independent work. The > position is ideal for someone with training or interest in evolutionary > genetics, functional genomics, and/or computational biology. > > Successful candidates must have a PhD in the life sciences and demonstrate > a solid record of research productivity. The ideal candidate will also be > enthusiastic, motivated, collaborative, and proficient in bioinformatics > and functional genomics. The position is available for up to three years, > with a competitive salary and full benefits. The target start date is > summer 2023, but this can be flexible for the right candidate. > > The Sweigart lab values equity and diversity, and we prioritize a welcoming > and inclusive lab environment. We strive for a lab culture that is > stimulating, collaborative, supportive, and fun. The lab is located at the > University of Georgia, which has an exceptionally strong group of plant > geneticists and evolutionary biologists. Greenhouse, laboratory, and > computational facilities are also excellent. UGA is located in Athens, a > vibrant college town with a reasonable cost-of-living, wonderful community > spirit, and lively arts/music scene. There is also easy access to > culturally-rich Atlanta and to diverse outdoor recreational opportunities > (e.g. Great Smoky Mountains NP, Savannah/GA Coast, Okefenokee Swamp). > > To apply, please email Andrea Sweigart ([email protected]) a CV, a brief ( < > 1 page) statement of research accomplishments and future goals, and contact > information for two academic references. Informal inquiries are also very > welcome. > > For more information about research in our lab, go to: > https://ift.tt/1BjNhIV. > > > Andrea L. Sweigart > Professor > Department of Genetics > 120 East Green Street > Davison Life Sciences Building, C218 > University of Georgia > Athens, GA 30602-7223 > > office phone: (706)-542-7001 > [email protected] > https://ift.tt/IaV81he > > Andrea Sweigart
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mpmcorner · 2 years
Toddler Quinton Simon' at Georgia landfill..what happened Explained
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Toddler Quinton Simon' at Georgia landfill..what happened Explained .
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Toddler Quinton Simon' at Georgia landfill..what happened Explained Cops claim to have found the bones of missing toddler Quinton Simon at a landfill in Georgia, and they are accusing his mother, who downed shots while searching for the child, of murder. According to the Chatham County Police Department, Leilani Simon, 22, reported her 20-month-old son Quinton missing from their Savannah, Georgia residence on October 5. For a month, detectives have been looking for Quinton's remains in a neighbouring landfill after learning that the police believe his body was dumped in a garbage. Although his body has never been located, bones have been retrieved from the landfill, and DNA testing is currently being done to determine their identity. This is a 'heartbreaking development' as the results are likely to be announced within the next few days. According to the police, Quinton was murdered.
what happened to toddler Quinton Simon'?.
Following the discovery of what are thought to be the toddler's remains in a landfill, his mother, Quinton Simon, has been charged with murder. The 22-year-old Leilani Simon was detained and charged on Monday, according to the Chatham County Police Department. Simon was driven to the Chatham County Detention Facility, where she will sit in detention until her bond hearing. Police say they don't plan to make any additional arrests in relation to the case. In relation to her son's disappearance and death, Simon has been charged with malice, murder, hiding another person's death, false reporting, and making false claims. Police verified finding human remains on Friday, according to Chatham County Police Chief Jeff Hadley, who spoke at a press conference on Monday night. This afternoon, our search teams at the landfill for waste management discovered what they thought to be human remains. We have every reason to believe that further testing, including DNA analysis, will establish that the remains are those of Quentin. The FBI lab in Quantico, Virginia, confirmed that they are, in fact, human remains.
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During the 15-minute press briefing, Chief Hadley appeared to be overcome with emotion as he called the findings a "heartbreaking development." "When we first received the call that Quentin was missing, we were hopeful that we would locate him alive and undamaged. This is a terrible outcome for everyone who loved Quentin, for the many individuals who got to know him following his abduction, and for our department. Though as we.
Chatham police investigate
The hunt for the Little Neck Landfill started a month ago, according to the Chatham County Police Chief, and eventually the partial remains of a human infant were discovered. In response to a question from a reporter, Hadley stated, "We had every belief that Quinton was at the landfill." Additional testing is currently being done to ensure that the bones are truly Quinton's after the bones were delivered to a lab. Police said they have a "high level of confidence" that they are the children, and a decision will probably be made within a few days. Will Clarke, the senior supervisory resident agent in charge of the FBI's Savannah and Brunswick offices, described what occurred to the 20-month-old kid as "unthinkable." No child should ever experience abuse from anyone, much less the one who is supposed to act as their guardian. There is yet much to be looked into. There's still work to be done. The FBI will keep looking for justice for Quentin with the assistance of our law enforcement allies. There is further work to be done in this inquiry. We were positive he was in the landfill. Hadley, who was visibly moved as he spoke about how proud he was of his team and the work they had put in to get to this point, said, "We have spent thousands of hours into this. Hadley commended the Georgia Bureau of Investigation, the Chatham County Sheriff's Office, and the Department of Natural Resources for cooperating with his team. "I would want to thank the FBI. We are incredibly appreciative of their invaluable assistance. Their knowledge, skill, resources, and leadership are unmatched and were essential to our search for Quentin. They helped with every stage of this inquiry and arrived on the scene three hours after Quentin was reported missing. We were able to find Quentin thanks to the amazing resources they expended on the landfill search. On October 5, Simon reported 20-month-old Quinton missing from their house in Savannah, Georgia. Police have determined that he was murdered even though his body has not yet been located. The police said in a statement on Monday afternoon, "We are profoundly grieved by this case, but we are thankful that we are one step closer to justice for little Quinton." Danny Youngkin, Leilani's boyfriend, was last seen with him at 6 am on the day he disappeared, but his mother didn't report him missing until after 9 am, according to authorities. Investigators had looked for Quinton's remains in a neighbouring landfill because police believe his body was dumped in a garbage. The 20-month-disappearance old's and assumed death were both linked to Leilani as the main suspect. On October 12, Child Protective Services also took her other two children from her custody. Leilani and her mother Billie Jo Jowell were sobbing at Sting Ray's, a beach club in the nearby tourist destination of Tybee Island, two weeks after Quinton went missing. WSAV managed to get a snapshot of Leilani inside the pub. Also read:How did Lisa oredia died ? What was her cause of death? Read the full article
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don-lichterman · 2 years
Savannah Ghost Pirates hockey wins first home game at Enmarket Arena
Savannah Ghost Pirates hockey wins first home game at Enmarket Arena
Bob Ohrablo is a hockey guy through and through. He has been part of a startup group for minor league hockey teams in Orlando and Jacksonville. Despite a deep and unwavering love of the sport, he wasn’t looking for a third team. Then, he got a phone call, made some inquiries, had a few meetings and the next thing he knew he was up to his eyebrows in launching what would become known as the…
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