#save me skykids...
deadghosy · 7 months
Hear me out
What about a moth! reader
Like the moth from sky! Children of the light that likes to fly around the hotel and honk at people sense they can't speak
And them giving candles as a way to ask"do you wanna be friends??"
(this is my first time ever requesting something so sorry if it doesn't make sense, feel free to ignore this く⁠コ⁠:⁠彡)
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prompt: a cute moth character enters the ring of hell due to a malfunction of the realms
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STORY MODE: you were celebrating days of love as your ikemen softly puts a flower crown on your head as you honk happily. You hugged the Ikemen as he hugs you back, lifting you for a hug spin as he chuckles lowly.
He lifted you on his back as you wrap your arms around his shoulders. He pointed towards the valley realm as they wanted to celebrate your one year anniversary together. You started to spam honk excitedly as the Ikemen nods and runs into the realm. But something went wrong.
END OF STORY MODE: You just stand there as you smell blood and fire in the air. You were confused as you didn’t see your beloved Ikemen anywhere which made you honk out loud…you didn’t see their name either. You inhaled all the air you could and let out a big HONK! That got you the attention of a fellow moth man who smirked behind you. You jolted with a quick honk as Valentino poked your mask. “My my my~ what a cute little thing you are.” Valentino says picking you up like a child.
You didn’t want to die so immediately you pulled out your candle. That made Valentino drawn to the candle as he squeaks happily at the candle and take it. Before Valentino could talk to you, an arm grabbed you and sped away.
Who was the culprit who took you, it was Angel dust in his pink scooter. (A/n: don’t question the scooter) Angel heard that big ass honk and a light as he was curious and went to go look for it only to see you shaking in Valentino’s hold. He didn’t want to save you, but your small frame was shaking and he couldn’t stand it so he had to save you.
And now you are part of the hotel’s crew as they greet you with open arms.
Angel loves you dearly, you immediately warmed up to him giving him a bright white candle as his eyes shined at the light of the candle shaping like a heart. So when Angel took it and it dissolved in his hands. You were so happy you kept spam hugging him.
You literally follow all the members like a first time moth, holding out a candle as you want more friends!
Fat nuggets just oinks and follows you. You pet the cute demon pig who licks your hand back
CHARLIE LOVESSS YOUU😭💗 she picked you up and you honk hugging her back.
Vaggie admires you as well. You seem like a reliable person to bring hopes up.
Lucifer adores you..I mean you are just so affectionate. He immediately accepted the candle and he lifted you up. Kissing your head and gushing over you with tears yelling “I WANNA ADOPT THEM!”
I headcannon Charlie and Lucifer debating which color scheme suits you better as they try to take off your brown moth cape as you honk at them.
I always headcannon skykid moths to be at least like 4’9 and every time they gain winged light they get taller. 🦆✨but since you aren’t in the Sky cotl universe, you are so small so literally they treat you like a kid.
You know like your light decreases when a dark creature hits it or like basically darkness. (Especially during that damn fire trial😐) I can imagine moth! Reader having a night light that Lucifer made you with a duck light shining on the ceiling so you feel safe.
Husk doesn’t even understand what the fuck you are doing by honking at him and following him around constantly with a bright ass white candle.
Husk eventually accepted the candle which made you hug him alot..and oddly husk liked it. Now you gained a drunk uncle.
As you kept getting adopted by random people, your ikemen was going around every season area asking other skykids have they seen you as he has a missing poster of you….poor Ikemen looks down seeing the flower bracelet you made him.
Back to you as you are making the whole crew paper bracelets thanks to Charlie’s trust exercises and activities.
I can see sir Pentious and you getting along to the point sir Pentious is like a caretaker when you don’t have anyone to be with. Even his egg boiz love to hang with you. Even if they don’t understand you.
You one time big honked and every light flickered since a ring of light was around you. So now the cast is little bit cautious at how “powerful” you are
Alastor would think you eat human/sinner meat as he would bring it to you, noting you don’t eat anything. 😭 DO YOU GUYS KNOW THAT GAGGING CAT?! THATS YOU WHEN YOU SMELT THE MEAT-
Alastor was so offended but he should’ve guessed that you weren’t a cannibal.
Niffty was teaching you how to clean and you accidentally drank bleach making niffty literally chase you around worried as you run.
You actually one time lost your light as you were crouched on the floor. Immediately Lucifer grabbed you up scared that you were dying as your body got out of the state and into your regular appearance.
Tbh Lucifer thought you was a scary demon crawling for your life, until you honked is when he realized it was his moth friend.
You fly around honking as you help razzle and dazzle with putting up banners. Razzle and dazzle pick you up if you don’t have enough energy to fly. You guys are flying buddies is what I headcannon.
I imagine husk is sleeping and you glide down from the stairs as you honk softly in his ear to wake him up. He grumbles at first so you decided to do a big honk. You inhaled as a ring of light surrounds the place as the honk rings out in the hotel.
“GAH!” Husk yells falling off the couch grabbing you as he thought you were trouble to only find out there wasn’t no problems. He grumbles angrily at you.
You once flew down like Batman and Angel recorded it founding it adorable.
Charlie had noticed you like to collect candles so she bought a stack of candles which made your eye light up and immediately run to your room with them.
Your mask definitely falls off your face, so imagine the whole hotel’s cast reaction to your face just being completely black with eyelashes (bruh skykid’s eyelashes are so damn pretty and long 😭)
When you went with Charlie to meet with the angels, Adam raised a brow at you because he never seen a “demon” like you. But he didn’t feel any angelic or demonic energy off you.
“What’s up lil dude…where’s your mama?” Adam says teasing you as he pats your head while Charlie watching nervously. You just honk at him and pull out a big white candle. Lute and Adam glanced at each other as Adam took it. The candle dissolved into a circle as Adam felt warm. You honk happily and hugged him.
“So can I keep this little shit?” Adam says to Charlie. “WHAT NO?!-”
I headcannon you once did the backflip emote and they all applaud you like “oh wow!”
Alastor and Lucifer are the smart ones to try to get you to call them dad…but you just honk and hug them like a little child happy to see them.
Of course Valentino is blowing Angel’s phone asking him if he seen a moth like demon….
Lucifer made you a duck cape. Like the cape was heaven sky blue with duck patterns in it. He found it so cuteee! 🦆💗
You honked madly at fat nuggets as the pig had eaten up your brown cape making angel dust make you a pink cape. It was bedazzled and it didn’t look like the sakura or valley cape you see other skykids wore once
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serene-sky-kid · 1 month
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today with the drawing of the heights of the characters, I felt like talking a little bit about Reah, so it's time, I'll talk a little bit about her under the cut for those who want to read
Reah, hearth and icarus were affected by something in the past, the reason why reah has her wings fused with her arms and also why she is so tall and has sharp teeth. Her wings/arms do not function properly as either wings or arms, Her wings are too heavy and short to compensate for her height and the shape makes all her movements awkward. Reah moves mainly by walking or gliding and rarely flies. She usually walks bent over which makes her look a bit shorter, feathers are oddly heavy so at this point in her life that she has two children, she leaves the hard work to “the younger ones” and she just spends time at home or taking care of her large number of pets as she calls them (she has a sort of light creature sanctuary in a cave under her house xd).
I think all the time she lived alone before meeting Orion and Berk took its toll on her and her mental sanity is a bit questionable, I'd say she's a bit morally gray. Her previous loneliness was self-induced, she has no interest in other skykids, but she has a soft spot for moths in the sense that she wouldn't be able to harm them and has no pity for those who intentionally harm moths. A veteran skykid? be on your own, moth? come with me baby, I'll take care of you. Anyway, most of the moths run away from her and most of the grown skykids prefer to avoid her (too tall, feral, looks like she is going to eat you, I don't know, I would avoid her too).
Berk stayed with her because reah saved Taro and he said “she is my fren now”. Orion, orion was kidnapped, there is no other way to describe it, Reah found a dirty fox in the middle of the forest and tamed it, end of story.
... Yeah the lil insecure moth was orion
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forgottenliv · 5 months
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So your ask may have prompted me to finally draw this idea I've had floating around in my head for a long time. And I may have gone a bit over the top with it for, yknow, a palette challenge, but I had a vision dammit
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I imagine Storm (aka Alef etc etc) to be, well, pretty much just a skykid. But being the first one to fall, ever, they would have had the eyes of all the realms on them awaiting the fulfillment of the prophecy from so long ago. And part of that prophecy, according to the cave murals and the one in Eden, is that they would die and be reborn so that their light could save the world. So this child, this little kid who fell from the stars, had a massive amount of pressure on them from the beginning, held up on a pedestal as the savior they were predetermined to be.
I sometimes imagine what it would be like to make that first ascent. What was going through their mind as the kingdom – their kingdom – knelt before them? Did they fear death, or long to return to the Light? Did they believe they could save the world, or know that the task would be impossible alone?
I mean, they were so young. (I'm really happy with how the face turned out so have a close up)
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And with that, the requests are finished!! Thank you so much to everyone who submitted, I had a lot of fun with this challenge!
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plutonium-sky · 3 days
So! About the revelation I mentioned with WL and Eden statues- I’m going to give some context first. Me and @halcyon-xxy-art were discussing some Sky DND stuff, and then had an interesting idea- what if there was light corruption, alongside dark corruption?
We immediately establish dark corruption as the crystalized bodies, with the soul (light) trapped inside. The thing is, we wanted to make it so that there wasn’t any weakening of their light- it’s just that there is more darkness. After that got put out, we started thinking about what light corruption would look like, and Aria basically perfectly described a Winged Light. That’s when I had my revelation. What if Winged Lights are sky kids who got light overflow?
I’ll elaborate on that in a bit when I establish another fact we put out right after. Skykid DO have darkness inside them. It’s just hidden in a way no one would expect- it’s right in front of us. A skykid’s darkness would be their physical Body. And, if we go by that logic, their light would be everything else that the body holds- their light and Soul.
And then we added more to the corruption parts. Darkness corruption would work that the soul is trapped inside the body- and cannot return to Megabird (it would slowly weaken inside, losing its power bit by bit as the overbearing darkness drains it.) Light corruption was easy to figure out from there as well. The soul doesn’t have a body to guide it back to the cycle (it had burnt it away, and now the soul is horribly exposed, frozen in time, until a new, temporary vessel guides it back to freedom.)
The skykid’s body needs to walk alongside a delicate balance of light and dark, lest things go to SHIT for them. Too much light will result in being corrupted and overloaded by it, and the body will burn and flake away and the soul be frozen in time and space without the body to guide it back to the cycle. Too much darkness will slow them down, overtake them, eventually turning the skykid into an immovable statue, the soul covered on all sides, and it’s now trapped in a cage of its own making.
Also, absorbing WL (the lost souls of someone else) benefits us instead of harming us because all the overloaded light is still being taken by the other’s soul, not yours. Of course, a little still leaks through- and that’s why it makes flying easier. It’s a sort of…. symbiotic relationship, where the sky kid gives the soul a temporary vessel for it to rest in, while the soul helps the vessel, benefitting it as safely as it can. It takes more WL the longer you have to fly for safety concerns- if they keep on sharing the same amount of energy, the light corruption will happen once more, to a new victim, and now there will be two souls trapped beside each other.
Also, the body and soul theory is further supported by sky kids extinguishing. NORMALLY, we don’t grow crystals. By normally I mean stuff like rain and non-shard crabs. That would be a “normal” death- we aren’t corrupted, the soul and body are still in balance. There’s the pity WL too- you can still be saved. For lore reasons, I’m going to partially ignore the fact that you would still get a pity WL if you lost all of yours to a krill, shard, or shard crabs, because let’s be honest- it’s just ingame things. And, if my memory serves my right (I can’t play sky at the moment to check properly), you would grow crystals for all of those deaths- corrupted by darkness.
There’s then Eden. We run around, giving WL to the lost to darkness bodies of sky kids- or perhaps spirits. Honestly, it doesn’t matter. But, what matters is that somehow, this works in freeing them. My theory for how is that the light corrupted and overloaded soul helps balance out the dark corrupted body, sharing its light with the trapped soul inside. By the point we find the eden bodies, though, the souls are so weakened that they’re barely there- my explanation as to why we don’t see double the winged lights in orbit. They need time to recover.
The last nail in the coffin for this theory, to me, is the cutscene in eden that happens when we finally lose all of our winged light and become a statue ourselves. Where we fall in darkness, as a dark figure, then land. The light and dark of our being in a limbo meet. The light (soul) is sitting there, unmoving, trapped. Meanwhile, us, as the darkness (body) moves, going back to the light, to guide them back. This supports my “the light and soul cannot be guided without the darkness of their body” talk- because it IS the body guiding the soul here. It frees us.
TLDR? Skykids aren’t only light- they are also darkness. The light is their soul and the dark is their body. Without a body, lost because of various reasons (the one I gave is being overloaded/corrupted by light), the soul is trapped and we see this ingame as Winged Light. This creates a delicate balance where there can’t be too much light or too much dark in the soul and body. When you are corrupted by darkness, the soul gets trapped but it is still there. A normal death for a sky kid is when no crystals grow on their body. Eden statues are helped with WL because the overloaded darkness and the overloaded light balance each other out.
Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk, hope it lived up to your expectations.
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crabcollectorskykid · 2 years
May I request a fic about vet!skykid reader and the sully family, where reader goes out with the kids and spider, when they get ambushed by Quradrinth (idk if I spelt it right), and they get taken with spider. And Quradrinth’s crew starts to run experiments on them to see what they are. Later they end up taking reader with Spider when they hunt the Tulkun. Then when Lo’ak and Neteyam go back for Spider, they save reader as well. (Also, Neteyam doesn’t get shot.) Everyone goes back to the Metakiyan clan and gets patched when the Sully see that reader has a lot injuries from the experiments?
"I wanna go home.."
Sully family + spider x vet!reader
Genre: angst/comfort
Warnings: violence,death threats,experiments,war?,near death,lots of injuries,swearing,a bit brutal about a certain procedure for (___)
Pronouns: they/them
You guys...I love you guys so much, I absolutely love this kind of angst request where reader gets hurt. I like torturing people in fanfics so this is perfect but I'll try not to make it too brutal with the experiments, ENJOY THE FOOD ANGST LOVERS. Also note that the reader will be a bit shorter than spider
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"where's spider and (___)?" Jake asked kiri who was crying "they took them. They took spider and (___)." Kiri sobbed between the sentence, neytiri was comforting her by hugging her "...shit."
"STOP IT YOU'RE HURTING THEM!" Spider yelled witnessing the crew doing experiments on (___) who was chained on a bed. What kind of experiments you might say, well glad you asked it involves using sharp tools,needles,lots of blood samples,and other things you don't wanna know. "STOP IT PLEASE" spider begged trying to get out of the chair he was strapped into, they eventually stopped the experiments but (___) was barely moving hell I don't think they're even concious, spider quickly went to their side trying to wake them up "s-shit, dude wake up don't die on me just yet. C'mon stand up!" Spider panicked, he didn't wanna lose you yet. You were the only person he knows in the room. Once again they took spider and strapped him in the chair, they took (___) and strapped them in a machine. They turned it on and the things infront of him started circling and the fact it has lights made it worse since a headache started occuring, not even just a headache it felt like your head was about to explode so you started doing everything you can to get out of the machine. The lady with a hat started talking "where is Jake sully?" She said hoping to get an answer but you didn't talk you can't.
"stop it please!" Spider pleaded, the longer you were in that machine the harder for you to stay up "y'know this will all stop if you just tell us where he is." The lady said but you barely heard the words she said, everything EVERYTHING was barely there you can't see,hear,or even comprehend clearly, not with this thing on you "their mind is blank, it's all blurry." The lady said looking at the hologram of your brain". "THEY CANT TALK, STOP IT YOURE GONNA KILL THEM!" spider pleaded again noticing that (___) was moving in and out of consciousness, they also stopped struggling which was very weird. Quaritch can't bare to hear spider again and stopped the machine, this made the lady look at quaritch with a look of confused and a bit of anger. (___) was unconscious and had a nosebleed, spider managed to get out of the chair and went to (___) side who was on the ground in a bad condition. "general, let me handle these." Quaritch said the general looked a bit shock and said "this better be worth it."
Spider was in a room with a table in the middle, he went under it somewhat giving him comfort that he's safe but what he is worrying right now is (___) they were nowhere to be seen and that made him worried what could've to them. Were they dead?are they alive?are they doing experiments on them again? All those questions were not helping him in the current situation he is in. The door opened which made him defensive and hugged himself, the person crouch down and saw it was the guy who stopped the machine but even tho he did that he was not gonna trust him that easily. Once he saw he was going to the other side of the table he took the chance to try and escape but unfortunately the blue caught caught what he was doing and quickly grabbed him from going further "whoa whoa, easy tiger easy." He said putting him on the table that was weirdly gentle since he thought he was gonna be rough, spider was about to do it again but a big blue hand stopped him from doing so. He tried escaping the hand by lashing out trying to push his hand out of the way but he was much bigger and stronger than him so it was quite impossible to do so. So he calmed down a bit, the blue guy raised his hands showing that he wasn't gonna show harm "we good?" He asked, spider looked everywhere BUT him.
*timeskip to where they save spider because I'm in a hurry*
"dude c'mon hurry!" Lo'ak said to spider "wait, (___) is still in there we need to go and get them!" Spider said running inside the ship "lo'ak let's go, like spider said they are still in there!" Neteyam said grabbing lo'aks hand dragging him inside the ship, spider opened a door which leads to the lab (___) was in. They were tied on a wall, they looked weak and in pain so they quickly got them out of it "hey Birdy, don't worry we'll be out of here." Neteyam said cutting the ropes helping you stand up "C'mon let's hurry up or else-" "oi! What are you do-" before the crewman get to finish finish his sentence (___) quickly took the gun from lo'aks hands and shot him "...damn good aim bro." Spider said, all four of them quickly running to find an exit but some of quaritch's crew found them so they quickly his behind the pipes near an open water but they can't just go into it or else they'll get shot, neteyam was trying to shoot the crew "GO GO!" Neteyam yelled spider and lo'ak quickly jumped but (___) stayed not wanting to leave neteyam. Soon after the bullets ran out and they had to jump "when I count to 3 we jump." Neteyam said looking at (___) who nodded "1,2,3!" Both of them quickly jump, the crew trying to shoot them. "There you guys are, c'mon hurry up." Spider said swimming lo'ak was about to follow him but saw neteyam holding (___) up "w-whats wrong?" He asked knowing damn well what happened "they got shot." Neteyam said holding (___) up more since it looks like they were starting to choke on the water "hurry, over here!" Tsiyera said who was riding her ilu, neteyam quickly swam towards it and laid (___) there. He quickly started to look for the gunshot wound and in relief that they just got hit in the shoulder and not somewhere major.
"kiri and Tuk is still there." Tsiyera said lo'ak looked a bit hesitant and said "we can't go back." He said the iku swimming faster.
The gang saw Jake landing on a rock which made them shout at him so they can get his attention "Dad! Help!" Lo'ak said making the ilu go towards him, neteyam was at the back holding (___) up while putting pressure on their wound "Please!" Tsiyera pleaded, you looked young, too young and you were losing alot of blood, you are not gonna die young. Once they were close enough Jake helped them get (___) of the ilu and made them lay on the rock, Jake gentle looked at (___)'s back and sighed "the bullet didn't went through, t-that's good." He stuttered a bit stress by the situation "lo'ak put pressure on the wound to stop the bleeding." He said, lo'ak quickly followed his demand putting pressure on the wound, he saw that the gunshot wasn't the only thing that harmed you but cuts and bruises were scattered around your body making him worried what quaritch had done to you, he looked at spider and asked "what happened to them, why are they covered in bruises?" Spider looked a bit puzzled and said "i-i can expl-" but before he could finish his sentence neytiri went down on ikran and went by Jake side "what happened, are they ok?" Neytiri asked a bit worried, neytiri considered as one of her own she basically raised after you lost your own home and kept you under her wing, she watch you grew and seeing you in this state made her angry on who hurted a "harmless" angel like you "kiri and tuk are still in the ship." Tsiyera said, Jake and neytiri looked at eachother and nodded neteyam was about to tell them that he's gonna follow but Jake beat him to it "all of you stay here and monitor (___)'s condition." Jake knelt down on one knee infront of lo'ak and neteyam "right now I need you guys to protect (___) from any harm, that is an order. So please, don't fail this one mission for me." He said rubbing both of lo'aks and Neteyam's head.
*timeskip to the village*
The family reach the village and saw tonowari and Ronal who were waiting for them tonowari was about to speak but Jake quickly stopped him "I need you to help them please" Jake pleaded, Ronal quickly led them to a marui where medical stuff were prepared. The metkayinas watch as Ronal patched up the cuts and bruises you had but she was frustrated at the gun wound, Tsiyera was hugging lo'ak looking away from the scene because she can't seem to ahndle seeing (___) in pain afterall you were simply a child "the gun wound is too deep, I don't have the right equipments to get it out and it looks like they don't have much time if the gun wound isn't treated." Ronal said looking at Jake, neytiri closed her mouth and cried. Jake quickly thought and said "I need my friend norm to come here and help me with this." Jake said to tonowari who was a bit hesitant whether to say yes or no "please, I need them alive. They are still too young to die." Jake pleaded again, tears was pricking up in his eye, tonowari looked at Ronal for an answer who suprisingly nodded her head "alright." Tonowari nodded.
"give me the tweezers (I think that's what they call it)." Norm said as they quickly handed it to him, he hesitated a bit and Jake noticed it "w-whats wrong?" He stuttered not liking on what's going to happen, norm sighed and had a stern look. "Kiddo, what I'm going to do will be a bit painful. Can you take it?" Norm asked he didn't want you to die but this was gonna be painful without anaesthesia, once he saw you slightly nod he prepared them "take the children away-take them away!" Norm yelled at the metkayinas and neteyam who had Tuk, norm rarely gets serious like this so Jake was a bit nervous "I'm gonna count to three. 1,2,3!" Once he finished counting he put the tweezers inside your shoulder trying to find the bullet as quickly as he can, the tweezers touching your flesh,nerves,and bones made you feel an unbearable pain. You tried to hold it in but you can't you simply just can't, all you could do was let out a blood curdling scream that made the na'vis have goosebumps from. Neytiri and Jake was affected by it the most since you were like their child after they started taking care of you, lo'ak had to take Tsiyera away because of how much she was crying. The other metkayinas also went away because they couldn't handle seeing a child let out a bloody scream, some even covered their mouths, and some even muttered pitiness.
You were mumbling 'stop' 'please' 'it hurts' but they can't do anything, neytiri was crying as she was trying to comfort you and calm you down. All of them felt helpless,useless as they watch you experience the pain, hell even Ronal felt sorry for you and as for tonowari he had the look of horror. You might be thinking, is it really that bad? Yes, yes it is. I could animate but I simply cannot animate something disturbing but finally norm took out the bullet, he quickly instructed them clean the wound and patch them while he prepares for the sedate. Ah I see, why did he not do it in the first place? The dumbass helicopter just arrived with it, that's what.
Jake and tonowari talked to eachother while Ronal and neytiri was talking to each other, Ronal was comforting neytiri after the experience (look man, I want them as besties not enemies-). "Gosh for once I'm glad I was not there to experience that." Neteyam said after lo'ak explained the situation about the procedure, aonung looked like he was about to puke "was it really that bad?" Lo'ak asked he didn't get to see the whole procedure because he went away, aonung shot a glare at him and puked "bold of you to say that, I EXPERIENCED THE WHOLE THING!" he yelled the last part before puking again "the poor child, what had they done to experience that? They looked too young too!" Tsiyera said wiping her tears, she sent a glare towards aonung and said "aonung, don't you dare make fun of them unless you want me to snitch you on mom." She said, even if her eyes were full of tears when they were walking away she still saw a glimpse of her mother's face which was filled with sadness and horror "don't worry I won't, not after they went through that." He responded
After all of them calmed down, the sully and the tonowari's family were talking to each other, you were in a small mattress and a pillow was on your head and kiri&Tuk was by your side doing your hair, something comfortable is important after experiencing something like that "spider, can you tell me what happened to (___)?" Jake asked once more and spider sighed "They kept on experimenting on them trying to find out what they are,they kept putting strange liquids in their body and basically tortured them if they didn't talk. The cuts were from the experiments and the bruises were from uhm, quaritch's crew beating up (___) if they didn't talk.." the explanation made Jake furious he was quite literally muttering threats under his breath but neytiri calmed him down "ma'jake, it's ok they are gone now. They are dead." Neytiri said silently happy that she didn't held back her anger when they were fighting in the ship finding their daughters. Spider had a look of guiltiness but no one saw that, I don't think he has the courage to say it afterall, he doesn't wanna be skinned alive by the sully family after they found out he saved their number one enemy.
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spiribia · 4 months
i like that the only calls skykids can learn are imitations of animal calls despite their regular interface with the humanoid ancestors. not just that, but they don't mimic these calls from their original source, instead ineffectually mimicking them from some random ancestors that are thesmelves mimicking the source animal. do you think ancestors are like Thank You, you saved me! and the sky kid is like Woof! Woof! and the spirit thinks i will stall my own cycle of reincarnation to aid this child
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swearingintengwar · 6 days
Sky: Children of the Light dashboard simulator
(Feel free to add things in the reblogs! Also, pardon the formatting, I'm making this on mobile)
🦋 littlemoth338
🪽 skylark
Honk <3
🤸 do-a-barrel-roll
⛵ eepwright
ista the skykids are all so cuteeeee
🤸 do-a-barrel-roll
- "I swear to the ancestors"
- is an ancestor himself
⛵ eepwright
well who else am I supposed to swear to, do-a-barrel-roll
🏒 thecoolertwin
I usually swear to Eden, personally
🫅 draw-me-a-sheep
You guys are swearing??
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🏆 tonightwearevictorious
Death is a scam invented by the Krill to stop you from eating all the gender.
🦋 littlemoth338
What's gender?
🤸 do-a-barrel-roll
okay but genuinely yeah y'all keep talking about gender and you never explain what that MEANS
🏆 tonightwearevictorious
Wait do skykids really not have genders???
🪽 skylark
We don't, Victor! And Moth, Barrel, I don't really get it either, but I think it's some way the Ancestors categorize each other?
#skylark sings #helping the newbies out
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🤸 do-a-barrel-roll
ancestors, i love you, don't get me wrong, but SOME of y'all don't seem to understand what "all skykids have selective mutism" means. we're not communicating in gestures and noises to be difficult, there is an actual mental block that stops us from speaking to people we don't personally know and trust.
#rant #selective mutism #shut up barrel #just skykid things
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🧑‍🎓 vault-scholar
Thank you so much for your input!
🪽 skylark
Took ages to get my white cape, but I don't regret a moment of it!
🦋 littlemoth338
I'm still in brown, but I'm saving up for a blue cape!
🤸 do-a-barrel-roll
not surprised yellow's so popular, it's a classic for a reason
🪽 skylark
Right??? I wore yellow for the longest time. I still have that cape, actually, I should dust it back off.
#skylark sings
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🦋 littlemoth338
🪽 skylark
I remember my first time in the Eye... (shiver) I was so scared. You'll learn to handle it, little one, but in the meantime it's completely normal to be scared.
🤸 do-a-barrel-roll
lol skill issue
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robinlmaoo · 1 year
An argumentative essay on why you should vote for the Cannoneer in the #bestestspirit polls + a fun meme at the end
(i just realised i should add a link to the poll)
MAIN POINT: You should vote for the Cackling Cannoneer in the semifinals!
Heres an essay on why. (pls dont kill me writing argumentative essays is one of the only things im good at)
POINT: Number one, they have a great character arc. They grow a lot as a character in the time that we see them, from an arrogant, cocky and dislikable person to realising that pride and treasure isnt everything and that the real treasure… is family, friends and good relationships that are truly priceless. They are a character that has had great flaws in their personality in the past, but has learned from it and changed accordingly. This is shown in the ending scene of Season of Abyss quest 5.
POINT: Number two, they, in a way, treasure their friends so much they would risk their life to make them happy/protect them. They would do anything to give their friends what they want and please them. This can be seen as an act of selflessness towards their friends. This is shown in Abyss Quest 5 where, after the player successfully rescues the Cannoneer, they present to the captain (Ceasing Commodore) a large diamond, revealing that the reason why they’d went down to the trench was to give their captain a diamond and make them happy.
To further elaborate on my point, in their official character profile it says they are ‘always ready to protect the ship’. This shows that they are brave, willing to face the dark creatures of the sea to guard the ship, and willing to protect their friends if need be. They are the saver of LIVES. They are the fighter of the Abyss crew, and they are the Cackling Cannoneer.
Counter-argument + rebuttal: Well some people may argue that the Cannoneer has an overly prideful personality, and therefore does not deserve your vote. The truth is, they have already learned from their past mistakes. This is shown in how they bow in respect to the Skykid that saved them down in the abyss, saluting them along with the other crew members as they ascend to orbit.
In conclusion, the Cannoneer deserves your vote. Have a nice day :D
On a funnier note heres one last bit of cannoneer propaganda:
(warning for loud/gunshot like noises!)
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linkedin-corp · 2 months
wait i love ilaw actuslly hes so little guycore. tell us more
EEEEE HIIII . im so glad u asked abt him cuz for the past week or so ive been frothing at the mouth thinking about him and his little gaggle of freaks . tho tbh he is Not really little guy and moreso shadow the hedgehog but in sky:cotl form. its hilarious and i hate him (affectionate)
however unfortunately im one of those people who if i dont know everything there is to know about the lore of a media im super into i just start making stuff up . and sky is one of those occasions . so bare with me
so starting off explaining some sky:cotl lore for those that know absolutely nothing about it . basically . in the lore, wayyy before you (the player) exist , the world of sky was prosperous and full of life and everything was running smoothly like silk butter
but eventually a corrupt fella came around and became a dictator and ruined everything for everyone, dark dragons began to show up and basically strip everyone of their light (which turns them to stone or just straight up kills you)
so (starting to make things up from here on out bcus im not sure if its true to canon or not), when the darkness started to fall, the wasteland elder was at the frontlines of the war that ended up happening, and got sealed away like all the other elders after the war was lost but not killed completely.
ilaw was a high ranking soldier under the wasteland elder and considered them one of his greatest friends (totally not in a gay way) , and it was hard to ever find them apart
ilaw tried to protect his elder (i use the name 'tsadi' for the wasteland elder even though thats confirmed not canon, i still like that its a thing thats in the wiki and its a nice name) tsadi, but ended up failing
tsadi gave light to ilaw so he could continue going on and fighting the war (well. moreso 'run away and save yourself',) but ilaw didint want to leave tsadi behind, and ended up falling right before tsadi did
fast forward to current day (like. hundreds or thousands of years in the future, im unsure how long of time had passed between the shattering and current day in sky), a colleague of ilaw that was revived finds him and offers him light so he isnt trapped anymore
cue ilaw having a massive identity crisis about the fact he fucked up and did not keep himself safe like tsadi wanted OR keep tsadi safe , and failed his duties to keep his people safe in general
so he ends up spending mostly ALL of his time in wasteland, brooding over the fact that pretty much everything is different now and everyone he used to know is either dead or missing
bcuz of this though , he ends up meeting a moth (what people call "new players") there, after saving them from a krill (dark dragon). this of course causes said moth to become attached at his heel and they never leave after that. accidental moth adoption
it helps him heal somewhat, because for awhile he was very closed off and secluded and would only really talk to his colleague, or others that he considered close friends (which. at the time after his revival, wasnt very many)
eventually, said moth heads back to wasteland after building up the courage and makes it through. though, when she returns, they tell ilaw that they saw tsadi there in the temple. it does make him go into shock for awhile and for a bit after that he doesnt head back into the wastelands due to immense terror. 💔 aand the healing process restarts
so. lots of war trauma and gay longing and tragedy . ive cried over these idiots a few times and i love them to death .
but i do have a couple more small facts about ilaw ! or other thoughts i had written down ect ..
he finds the skykids of current day a tad bit annoying right after he gets revived but eventually softens because the hustle and bustle is comforting . something something lots of background noise so he doesnt have to think about his own problems
i also often imagine him easily beating the shit out of the krill in wasteland . but he wouldnt attempt that in current day because i doubt he trusts himself not to get fucked up again plus hes too busy thinking about tsadi
just. sits utop the crumbled forts and grumbles to himself while imagining himself beating up krill . hes literally shadow the hedgehog but in sky form . if he knew what kinning was he would kin that guy
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hi, spirits!!
what were each of your favorite parts/songs in the aurora concert, aside from the songs you each have? ;)
Everybody answers:
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Raito: I personally liked Senshi’s song, ‘Warrior’, the best! It’s extremely uplifting, and reminds us that even if we find ourselves in dark times… we must fight. Like the mantas projected in the concert… even when their friends got captured (by us, I do not support manta capturing at all, and I’m so sorry on their behalf), they still fought to save their comrades, and in the end, they saw the light of a brighter day. Very inspiring!
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Michio: Its going to be the intro, ‘Exhale Inhale’ for me. I dont know, it seems so calm, but so… panicky at the same time. Something about it intrigues me, but Im not too sure about it. Like… the song is telling you to breathe and be calm, but sings about an emergency and sirens and storms at the same time?? Confusing as Eden. But I still like it, dont get me wrong.
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Senshi: Awww, thank you, Raito, Im flattered! I love your song too, but Im afraid Queendom wins my heart over. Its just so lively, it includes and invites everyone to fly, flutter and party, and I absolutely love the energy given off when the song starts, especially during the chorus. I looked inside the meditation room when Miss AURORA started throwing Skykid confetti, and immediately got bowled over by a flying Chibi traveling at the speed of light. Painful, I must say.
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Saki: Ah- my favourite part? I guess- it would be “Through The Eyes Of a Child”. I know its very gloomy and sad and tear-jerking and whatever. But… no, I dont know. Something about the song moves me, in more ways than a few.
Saki: …
Saki: You know. It would be nice to see this world through the eyes of a child again.
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amity206 · 2 years
Days of Bloom Commissions!
I’ll be opening commissions for Days of Bloom soon! Had to modify prices a bit as I have less free time and I’m realizing that drawing complex backgrounds is HARD.
Example images are below! As always, click for better quality. (Top left - complex background minus the skykid; top right - full body skykid; bottom - half body with simple background)
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And now the commission slots! Though of course all of these won’t be available (except for the Journey pack) until Days of Bloom actually starts on March 20, you can reserve them early. All prices are USD.
If you’d like a commission, please message me with a friend invite, what you’d like me to draw, and what I can call you in-game! I’ll draw a sketch of your skykid and you can tell me if you want any changes before I add color. I’ll send the final thing once I receive the IAP item. For accountability, after I receive a commission request I’ll create a post saying what you’ve commissioned me for and what you’d like drawn.
$9.99 - Bloom Gardening Tunic - one full body skykid or two half body with simple background (same image)
$19.99 - Bloom Teaset / Purple Bloom Teaset / Picnic Basket - two full body skykids or one full body with simple background
$24.99 - Journey Pack - one full body skykid with complex background
(As a bonus, I try to light people’s candles every day)
Now the last part! These are the things I will NOT draw as they make me uncomfortable or are just really difficult
Anything NSFW
Realistic animal faces. The animal-themed masks are as much as I’m capable of. I can do tails/ears but PLEASE for the love of megabird don’t make me do realistic animal faces
Extreme gore (I can draw blood and injury, but I’m not gonna like draw intestines)
Anything hateful or bigoted
Horses (idk why you’d be asking me in a Sky commission to draw a horse, but yeah I cannot draw a horse to save my life)
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lelanida · 1 year
I want to know how did you came up with all of your skids lore? Especially how the other "common" light folk treats defective ones...
Also who's your personal fave out of them all?
I was honestly very surprised when I received this question. I didn't expect anyone to be interested in my post about skykids. No-one was interested in it. Although it was given to me with great difficulty, because I had to redo the last art with defective skykids from scratch when my program crashed and deleted the save completely. I cried for 10 minutes.
But, in any case, it's not about that now. Dear @kindatiredtho , forgive me for taking so long for this answer, I hope it will be worth it.
How I came up with the idea of such skykids lore? I didn't, It's their canon. Tumblr is full of talented people, and you can spend days on the fly looking at the amazing art of their skykids and reading their backstories. Buuuuut... Sky, first of all, is the so-called De-power fantasy. No matter how much we would like to, but we are not the one and only heroes. We are only one out of a thousand. The world around us does not stop when we decide to distract ourselves from the quest. No. The world around us HAS ALREADY stopped. The world of Sky is a fantasy in which we have no power, and this concept has always attracted me. Many people come up with an interesting stories for skykids, but I still tend to their more canonical image of Megabird's pawns, low-quality copies of Alef created to perform basic commands for arranging the life of spirits.
And now it's time for a pack of headcannons.
- The classification of skykids primarily belongs to Megabird. The children of light themselves are not inclined to divide themselves rigidly into categories and hate each other. If one of the group has become defective, they will not be abandoned to the mercy of fate, because all the members of the flock hold on to each other as a family. But nevertheless, all skykids are afraid of becoming defective, as they don't want Megabird to turn away from them.
- When skykids face any competition, it is no longer possible to stop them. And it doesn't even depend on the reward, it's a matter of principle. They are very competitive.
- Even if the skykids are not very strong beings of light. I would even say one of the weakest. But they have a strong difference from mantas and whales. They are endless sources of light, as they are powered directly from the Megabird. Thus, they are able to give light constantly and without damage to themselves.
- Megabird, if desired, can suppress the will of the skykids and force them to exist as robots, but doesn't want to do this.
- The skykids have a special mechanism to protect the inner light from the energy of Eden. When a candle takes heavy damage, it goes out, leaving a very small flame so that the skykid won't die. When this light comes into contact with a clean light source, the flame flares up again and the skykid returns to normal.
- Despite their humanoid form, the skykids, like all beings of light, strive for the shape of a perfect circle, to the symbol of Megabird. They are very soft, so that no spirit gets hurt about them.
- In terms of the amount of pure energy inside, skykids are equal to dark crabs. They are stronger than dark plants and shellfish and so are able to get energy from them.
Please don't hesitate to ask if you have questions. And so I will disappear ✌️😔
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elders-of-the-sky · 1 year
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Fonte: …I just…don’t understand. Why wouldn’t they tell anybody? No me…not Kerta…not Derek…not Ezzard…
Fonte: It just doesn’t make sense…
[Flashback underneath Read More]
[ Kerta and Ezzard are co-owned by @jello-skykid ]
“I don’t understand. Your era should have ended a long time ago…Why are you all still here?”
Silence. The current elders all looked among one another, as if ashamed to admit to anything.
“That…” The Vault elder, Nox, spoke, “…is a long story…”
She slowly approached Fonte and took her by the hand, guiding her to a circle of shrines. “Come here…we’ll catch you up…”
Fonte stared despondently at the grass beneath her feet. Still, she nodded and mumble an “okay.”
Nox sat in front of her own shrine, Fonte followed, having finally sat down after hours of wandering the ruins of a kingdom now long gone. The former sighed as she watched her fellow elders find their place. Pop and Rain sat off to the side while Sunn and Sett stayed perched on Gold’s shoulders like birds. Delos, having experienced old age far quicker than anybody else despite only being a few days Nox’s senior, found a way to sit on the grass not too far away from the others without hurting himself. The ancient-looking man silently swore when his mask started to fall apart, as it normally did when his light ran low.
“You remember our coronation…” Nox started.
“Of course,” Fonte sighed, “the twins were barely teenagers when it happened. I wish we had been able to give you all more time.”
“It could not be helped.” Nox spoke with an almost aggravated tone. “Lorelei and Marissa were dying, and you were already losing yourself before then. No matter if the poison was physical as it was with them, or mental as it was with you, the Seven Realms could not run with only three healthy elders. Combined with Kerta’s inconsolable state regarding your prognosis, that really only left Ezzard and Derek to run things. Given all the circumstances that forced our early coronation, I must reiterate…it could not be helped.”
Fonte simply looked at Nox, her eyes still sparkly with tears from before.
“Anyways…” The Vault Elder continued, “Not long we were left to take charge…His Royal Highness…”
‘had a child’ she wanted to say. But then she remembered that she had removed the memory of Prince Kier, and his counterpart Prince Resh, from the others’ minds. She didn’t need them suffering those memories right now. If anybody deserved to feel guilty for not saving them, it deserved to be her.
“He…what? Nox, what happened to King? Is he still with us as well?”
Nox silently wondered to herself why the previous ruler, Charles, had given his son such an on-the-nose name. The man must not have had room for creativity, having been born during the Oasis-Prairie War. She decided not to digress any longer, even if she considered Charles a fool for naming his one and only son “King.”
“…no.” She answered after pondering for far too long. “He is gone. We had to make progress without him, starting with those blueprints for The Eye.”
“How did that go?”
“It went…well.”
“A little too well.” Rain interrupted, “The ancient texts warned us of taking too much light for our own. We found out firsthand what happens when The Balance is disrupted to such an extreme degree, you get-“
“Those things from outside.” Fonte finished for her.
Rain nodded in confirmation. “The Eye exploded in front of us, before we could get it under control. Those things, those dark dragons, they appeared immediately afterwards. We think the explosion opened up a way to us from wherever the creatures of darkness were originally banished to.”
“What even are they?”
Everybody was silent again.
“…Monsters.” Gold simply said, but his voice suggested guilt in every word he spoke. “They’re just…monsters that eat light. Nothing more, nothing less.” He didn’t dare tell them that some of the dragons were once people, people who somehow corrupted into those forms with no escape other than death. If anybody deserved to feel guilty, it deserved to be him.
Gold continued. “They killed Delos…they killed Sunn…they killed Sett…they killed…me…they’re dangerous.”
“I couldn’t agree more.” Said Nox.
Gold felt a pressure in his chest grow slightly heavier.
“Did you fight them?” Fonte asked.
“Yes…” Nox sighed, “…after about a year of conflict, it was only me and the remaining ancestors of our kingdom that remained. I don’t remember how long we held out for, only that I pled to the Makers for our people’s redemption. I can’t recall how long we’ve been stuck in the Realm of Spirits for…but I do know that my calls were answered.”
Nox paused, and looked over to see a child with a brown cape approach her. She beckoned to them, and allowed them provide an offering of light to her realm. The child watched the starry sky fill itself with portraits of a world long passed, and received a nod of acknowledgment from each of the elders before they vanished from the Realm of Spirits. Nox looked back at Fonte.
“…the children…”
“Yes.” She smiled weakly at the woman.
“The Makers sent them down to…redeem our people.”
“At the very least, to redeem the ones who are stuck here as spirits.”
Fonte mused over this information for several minutes. Nox hoped that this would satisfy whatever questions the predecessor had for her group, but it did not. Fonte had one more question.
“…Yes, Miss Fonte?”
“…Why didn’t you call somebody?”
“I can see how much older you all are compared to when I went to sleep. There had to have been about 10 years between your coronation and when the Eye exploded. There’s no way you couldn’t have noticed something awry with it. All of you are far too observant to have not noticed.”
Gold spoke up. “…I…I did mention on multiple occasions that…the Eye seemed to be acting more unstable with time…Rain can consolidate with me about that.”
Rain nodded, “I had my concerns as well…but…”
“But?” Fonte tilted her head curiously.
“We…didn’t want any of you to worry. While we felt that everybody that went to Orbit would likely be healthy again after about a year of rest, we really didn’t want to bother anybody. We figured that everybody would be tired…and that it would be less stress for everybody else if we handled it ourselves.”
“But we’re your predecessors!” Fonte started to shout. She felt offended for the elders she had worked with. Like their experience was somehow out of question. “I might not have been available, but the others would have been. Derek especially if there were issues with The Eye. And when the darkness had finally taken over…I don’t know why you wouldn’t have called Kerta or Ezzard, they love you guys! They would have fought tooth and nail for you and for your people.”
Silence, once more.
“You…you wouldn’t get it.” Pop simply stated. It was the first time he had said anything since Fonte had shown up.
“What…what is there to get? Pop, I don’t understand…”
“It’s complicated. You just…wouldn’t…get it.”
“Why?!” She pleaded with him.
Pop refused to answer. There was too much shame in his heart, in all of their hearts. It wasn’t about asking for help…it was about letting their predecessors, their caretakers, down. Fonte’s era had been one of peace and prosperity, surely they would all seem lesser if they couldn’t as easily find success…but how could he put that into words. How could he admit to Fonte that they were all ashamed to ask for help?
“…why?…” Fonte repeated herself. “…why won’t you look at me? Why won’t you talk to me?”
After several minutes without a response, Fonte stood up. “I’m not mad at you all…”
She paused. “I’m really not…I’m just…confused…and upset that you didn’t tell anybody…”
Fonte vanished into the darkness within the Realm of Spirits, eventually re-appearing back where she started…in front of a shrine: her shrine.
The light of the moon spilled in from a hole in the cave ceiling, the only source of illumination for Fonte as she buried her head into her sleeve-covered palms.
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butasslyn · 1 year
Someone was sleeping in wasteland
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in the mud, AGAIN ☠️
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But another skykid came helping me for the rescue and we became friends ❤️
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... we couldn't save the sleeping beauty though. We waited and finally picnicked 🍪
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That's us giving up. It was depressing but we waited half an hour. It was time to go🕯️
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haze-intheforest · 2 years
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I did some lightless flying today!
ft. The lovely skykids who kept trying to save me. I'm sorry I kept running away 🤍
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lo-cinno · 2 years
also dm me dropping more lore abt this dork /aff. aspen gushes. and i mean he'll gush abt how cute moffs (and less experienced skykids) are,,heck he looks like a mother hen fussing over her chicks. he does use petnames as i mentioned, things like "pumpkin", "cupcake", and "sweet potato". can flirt decently but doesnt know how to respond to it since this man gets flustered easily ~Lycoris
Savoring all this info youre giving me abt the dork like a 5 star full course meal-
Ri hes so adorable pls- ueueueueueu
He’s easily flustered too??? Augh- Lord save me I’ve been shot in the heart.
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