#save me.. stanxeno..save me
xenoslapdog · 8 months
My Roman empire
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burningfaith · 7 months
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*drops the mic*
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cloversdreams · 3 years
Gentle face touch plus StanXeno if it's available. Please and thank you. Also congrats on finishing up the card!🥳
haha thanks! not quite done yet, though. theyre assigned and now i need to actually write them XD. gettin thereee! and now... theM
[potential manga spoilers, this would be post canon as of now]
Xeno held his breath as he watched the stone statue crack. When it exploded to reveal the one person he cared about most in the world in pristine condition he finally exhaled. Their eyes met and a feeling awakened in him that he’d thought would never plague him again. Of course this man’s revival would be the cause of such a thing.
Xeno smiled fondly at the other man as he said, “Welcome back, Stan.”
Stanley cracked his neck side to side then asked, “How long has it been?”
“Too long.”
There was silence for a moment as Stanley studied him. He finally reached out and gently ran his fingers along the light scar upon Xeno’s forehead as he muttered, “Why is it you look different every time I’m depetrified?”
Xeno never even blinked as he asked, “Do you want the scientific explanation for that or was it rhetorical?”
“The second one,” Stanley replied. There was nothing but affection in his gaze as he added, “Not that it really matters what you look like in the end. I’ll always know it’s you.”
Xeno reached for him and just barely let the tips of his fingers brush against where Stanley’s scar used to run across his face. He was just thinking aloud as he mumbled, “And how do you always end up practically flawless?”
“Nerd.” Stanley snickered. He took Xeno’s hand in his and squeezed, unable to do anything about the silly smile upon his face. He looked around the room and found himself surprised once again. His tone was laced with his suspicion as he asked, “No Junior Science Brigade? I can’t believe we don’t have an audience.” 
“I requested this be a private reunion,” Xeno explained. He reached into his pocket and removed the box containing cigarettes and matches he’d been holding onto since the last time they’d seen one another. After a brief pause he offered it to the other man without a word.
“Well aren’t you a romantic fool?” Stanley chuckled as he accepted it. He removed a single cigarette and matchstick then put the box into his pocket. Stanley shook his head and sighed, “I can’t believe after all the training I’ve undergone, you’re the one who ended up saving me in the end.”
“Ours is not the average fairytale,” Xeno replied.
“It certainly isn’t.” Stanley put the cigarette between his lips and was just about to light the match but paused. He removed it once again and said, “Actually, there’s something I want to give you, too.”
“What might that be?” Xeno asked.
A cheeky smile spread across Stanley’s face before he said, “Shut your eyes and find out.”
Xeno did as he was told with what certainly had to be the greatest amount of anticipation he’d ever experienced. A shiver ran down his spine the moment he felt warm breath against his lips. And when he was actually kissed, he swore he could cry. Stanley. His Stanley was finally back where he belonged– with him. And this time they’d make sure it stayed that way. Xeno could not be any happier.
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chuuyagum · 3 years
i went to read back through my comments for nostalgia n my favourite part is how in ur replies in the first few ones you are using ur Customer Service Voice with me like with everyone but after a few it ends up we're both just blabbing at each other ad nauseam VDHSBDBDBFH also how in my first one i was like omg i dont write comments often 😳 and now i just casually write a mile long one on like every chapter😂😂😂
anyway other than that, 11, 30 and 35 for drst of course 🤪
SXHFJFJGJS LISTEN I USE MY CUSTOMER SERVICE VOICE PROLIFICALLY YOU JUST LUCKED OUT THAT WE BECAME FAST FRIENDS i love your mile long comments tho they're fucking great. i remember for the first one you left me i took a screenshot to save & show to @wonder-eggs bc i've never gotten one that long nd i literally cried 🤭
already did 11 so-
30.Favourite canon ship
sengen ok really tho Chrome x Ruri. what even is that called?? chroru? ruchro? man idk but theyre cute
35.Ship that you have kinda love/hate relationship with
ok two actually - stanxeno bc i cant read fic without wanting to hit Xeno over the head with a baseball bat. i know Stan is the one holding the gun, but Xeno is the bastard who wanted to shoot his mentee to death. that said. theyre very much married and celebrating their 3000th anniversary. the other is magen bc that ship only works for me in a scenario where sengen doesn't work for whatever reason. be it bc Senku is aro or he's happy with someone else. which i don't hate, but isnt my fav
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zuura · 3 years
Helloooo 💗
Ahajkdkss with animal crossing it's really what happens! Sometimes I see posts about people's island, and I'm like, mine is so shitty ? So I end up to rebuilt everything again 😆 I saw Uncharted 4 trending on twitter the other day and I thought about you, that's Anto's game!!! And yes every screenshots of that game really are beautiful 👀
ABSOLUTELY they can't die if the chapter doesn't exist right? It's like UA fanarts were the characters are still alive, I totally rather prefer these UA instead of the storyline, because dealing with pain is hard 😔 And the last chapter........... It was the true meaning of PAIN - Chifuyu is totally cracking up because all of this mess, saying horrible things that he doesn't even think!! I think Takemichi has big chance to pair up with Inupi now, because they'd save Mikey and Koko ? I'm very sad because the duo Takemichi and Chifuyu is probably over now 😭 But I want to see Koko and Inupi interact for soon 😏
I finished the both seasons in only three days straight in a row and I crieeed I cried a lot! Their last performance Tenkyuu, was INCREDIBLE !!! The story is so beautiful, and when Satowa met her mother at the end of their performance ahhhhhhh I'm so emotional, all backstories are so good!!! I understand why you love this manga a lot, and all your feelings about it! I haven't see Momoya yet because I still haven't read the manga, but I'm very curious to understand why you love him a lot!!! I was so confused because I first thought that Chika was your most favorited, basically I thought Chika and Momoya were the same person until I check your fav page 😂😂 Maybe there is a reason of why they're so alike to me, maybe not and it's just me, but I'm very impatient to know more about both!!!
Loving underrated manga is so frustrating because the lack of content, so when you find the fanartist it's amazing! Yes, I will always be so thankful to all fanartists to feed us with their incredible contents 😌
Ahhh I agree!!! I'm really into the ships things, some people don't care about it or even don't get it, but me, I really need this like ALL THE TIME, canon or not canon my brain is doing the job dhzizkzdb Because let's be honest, some ships really seem to be canon but authors will never make it official, even though, it's obvious the characters, behind the scenes, already kissed each others right ? Djfjdlzlzdbf The most obvious I've currently in mind is Xenostan, more like Stanxeno, but I'd very suprised if nothing never happened between them tbh 😏
I'm so excited too!!! I almost finish my gift for you, and it looks good!! I have it in my drafts to try things and find a way to set the edit, and I'm always so scared to accidentally publish it before the day, it'd be a nightmare 😆 but luckilly nothing like that happened yet 😌❤️
- Your Animanga Secret Santa 🎅
Hi Santaaa<3
kjansdjad yes, and that is exactly what I'd do too if I played it lmaooo and omg really?? that's so sweet<3<3
Yesss exactly, those are the best and the only salvation when you're into something as heartbreaking as tok rev asasjdkna *cries* YES THIS CHAPTER WAS SO SAD!! All the anger and sadness Chifuyu and everyone else must have felt when they heard the news.... im kinda glad we didnt see the funeral because that would have been so painful :((( Chifuyu and probably the rest of touman will not be show up much this arc, which is also what Takemichi wants but it'll be lonely without them ;-; But yes me too!! I'm so excited to see Inupi once again trying to save Koko, I love them sm and Koko really needs to get out of this kind of world before he gets hurt,,, his face when Mikey was beating Takemichi was so shocked and hurt I really hope nothing bad happens to himmm
AAAAA YES TENKYUU PERFORMANCE IS SOMETHING THAT CAN BE SO EMOTIONAL, listening to it is an amazing experience tbh, i never knew the koto could sound so good until i watched the anime and i was so shocked! it's so good!! aaaaa yes ty, tbh this manga is so so underrated! i get that people dont like high school clubs stories that much but i wish they gave it a chance bc the story telling is so GOOD and all the character developments are so well done, im akjsdkasdasjd i love them all sm! i hope you get to read the manga soon so you can continue the experiece! (you can start around chapter 50) LMAO I GET IT sometimes they look so alike i confuse them too, we all had theories and stuff too but well akjsndkasnj i love them both so much!! they're definitely my both favs and i'll give my life for themmm<3 tetsuki and satowa are right there too, i love them sm<3 honestly all the characters are so loveable and i guess that's why this story sticks with you sm too<3
omggg sameee i always fing a show more enjoyable when i find a ship i like on it! makes me look forward to it more! STANXENO!!!! YESSSS it's so freaking obviousss and last week's chapter where stanley casually caressed xeno's cheek?? PLS GET A ROOM omg i couldnt stop screaming it was so obviousss but i guess stupid jump wont let the mangakas make it canon ;-;
aaaaaaaa santa im so excited!! i cant wait to meet youuu<3 and dw i dont think you'll accidentaly publish it lmaoo but even if you do i dont think i'll see it because nowadays i dont scroll on my dash that much (i need to stop being so lazy lol)
I hope everything's good for you<3 *hugs*
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