#saving his ass... bc she Knows that no matter what logan is a good person..
notafeeling · 5 years
me: idk if i like this ship-
some fanvid: *montage of them giving each other forehead kisses* and they were soulmates!
me, tearing up: oh my god they were soulmates
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hermywolf · 3 years
ranking my favorite characters about random shit part 2
ranking my favorite characters (clarke griffin, dean winchester, fox mulder, rose tyler, newt, kaz brekker, samwise gamgee, charles xavier, bill denbrough, lord asriel, steve rogers, scott mccall, anna milton and barry berkman) about random shit. this is entirely self-indulgent
PART 2 : how many allies do they have/how powerful are their allies. basically how screwed they’d be if they had to rely on their allies to survive
yeah believe it or not im putting him before charles or steve. listen, listen; dean just. does this thing. in which he’ll get pretty much anyone on his side after like two conversations. ESPECIALLY incredibly powerful supernatural creatures. i mean he’s got sam, aka the second best hunter on earth, and jack, literally GOD, on his side; then obviously the dean winchester simp squad, castiel, a seraph and commander of garrisons who can get heaven to fight for him; benny, a vampire; crowley, a powerful crossroad demon and the king of hell; amara, literally THE DARKNESS HERSELF, god’s SISTER; and then there’s just SO many others who will fight for him for diverse reasons, rowena, eileen, claire, jody, donna, kaia, mary, anna, gabriel, DEATH HIMSELF was his bitch before billie, then ketch charlie kevin, he’s just got so many allies and so many are some of the most powerful creatures in the universe. i mean, jack, amara and gabriel alone are three of the most powerful beings who have ever existed, as well as billie and the other archangels but all of them are dead, and chuck but he’s also dead and even he would be on dean’s side since dean is his favorite and if it’s an actual life-threatening situation chuck would want the show to keep going. so yeah dean winchester’s got the biggest defense squad imaginable and honestly? good for him, he deserves it
do i even have to say it? outside of his ability to. you know. literally control minds, he’s also a leader who inspires loyalty and trust, and he’s got all the x-men fighting for him, including jean and logan - and even if we’re being honest some of the brotherhood, i mean especially in the first class timeline, erik and raven would absolutely be on his side. he’s got some of the most powerful mutants of all time ready to fight for his life
I mean he’s the leader of the avengers, man. have you seen the avengers assemble scene? they were fighting against thanos there but don’t try to tell me all of them wouldn’t fight for him. he’s got the falcon, black widow and the winter soldier on his side as well as the SCARLET WITCH, CAPTAIN MARVEL, THOR, do i need to keep going. he’s got a huge reputation and everyone knows and trusts him. and as we can also see in all his movies he inspires loyalty and devotion easily so even with people he doesn’t know he can get himself a loyal army in one well-delivered speech à la captain america
while most of the people on this list (steve, scott, charles, dean, bill, newt, anna) are born leaders who inspire trust and loyalty, kaz is just. really good at blackmail and insanely smart and cruel. and he’s got an insanely scary reputation too. he’s got the crows on his side no matter what, so an amazing spy, the best sharpshooter in ketterdam, a grisha who survived parem, an ex-drüskelle, and a demolition expert; as well as now the entirety of the dregs and inej’s crew, probably. plus, he most likely has leverage on the entirety of ketterdam and more. if he got in real trouble he could probably dig out the years and years of blackmail he got stacked away and get himself allyships with anyone he wants. plus his allies are ruthless, diverse and all strategically selected
he’s got his entire pack ready to jump to help him anytime. and really when you think about it his pack is so big and diverse, there’s all kinds of creatures/skills ready to help him, plus he’s a true alpha, any werewolf would jump to his aid. I mean let’s look at his pack, stiles, allison, lydia, derek, malia, isaac, kira, hayden, mason, corey, and then of course stilinski, deaton, melissa, chris and peter, i mean even theo... he’s got a huge pack who is extremely loyal to him and they’re all kinds of creatures too, he’s fine
everyone loves rose SO much. like obviously the doctor will give his life for her without hesitation but we also got jack, mickey, jackie, and even a bunch of people she met for like a couple episodes like donna or sarah jane immediately loved her. so i think she’s ultimately got some pretty solid allies especially with her father’s wealth and torchwood’s support in the alternate reality
im putting her pretty down because on one hand he’s got very powerful/devoted allies on her side, like bellamy, lexa, roan, nyilah, finn, wells, etc (the key of getting your allies to be entirely devoted and loyal to you is to make at least half of them fall in love with you OR to top them so good they’ll literally put their lives down for you because of how good it was and clarke got that down to an art) BUT they’re also like. all dead. like almost all the people i just listed are dead so. yeah she’s kinda on her own in the end but if we look at early seasons clarke before literally all of them got murdered she had skaikru, azgeda and trikru pretty much in her pocket, so three of the biggest/most technically advanced armies on EARTH ready to fight for her.
now he doesn’t have actual allies per say but he can manage to get pretty much anyone on his side through charisma, threats and promises, so he ends up steadily getting massive support from witches, angels and many others in the books. he can pretty easily get himself a bunch of followers at his side ready to die for his cause.
now listen he does have a pretty solid bunch of allies, aka the entire fellowship, who they, themselves, have a bunch of allies, who have a bunch of allies. i mean homeboi’s got ARAGORN and LEGOLAS and GANDALF on his side all ready to jump to save the tiny hobbits anytime so he’ll be fine.
he’s immediately got the losers on his side, which is a win because they’re stubborn and annoying enough that they defeated an alien demonic clown. plus they’re quite literally assembled by a divinity to destroy a demon, so they’re the perfect team to kick ass and they’ll risk their lives for each other. plus he’s got a fanbase! people read his books and watch his movies. meaning he’s probably got a pretty big part of stan twt ready to help?? idk man i just think he’ll be fine when it comes to allies
11- NEWT
he’s got the entire glade ready to jump to his aid pretty much at any time, i mean let’s be honest if there’s one person all the gladers would agree on defending it would be.. ok it would be chuck bc he’s a CHILD but otherwise it’d be newt. plus he’s alby’s second in command and even gally likes him and respects him more than he likes and respects most people, which isnt much but hey kudos for the effort. anywho yeah the entire glade would defend him i think
she would’ve once had the entirety of heaven at her commands ready to smite anyone who comes close to her but now that she fell and rebelled they all want her dead so. i mean i wish i could say cas would help her but after he betrayed her im not so sure? and the winchesters well idk either, maybe, maybe not, depends whether or not the entire trying-to-kill-sam ordeal happened. gabriel might help her? idk where to put her because i don’t KNOW if cas, dean, gabriel or the angels would help her but if any of them did then even one of these is a pretty solid backup so. idk man
im only on season 4 but as far as i can see he’s got only scully. which is pretty solid backup, she can kick ass, but still. i guess it’s one of the downsides of everyone thinking you’re batshit insane and having the entire government out to get you because they all LOATHE YOUR GUTS SO MUCH
I mean dude. he pretty much kills all his friends. like he could ask for chris’s help but umm well he killed him, if he’s in a bad situation oh great he’s got a friend at the police except NO he murdered her. what’s that? fuches? no barry’s literally trying to murder him as of now. sally wouldn’t help him at all. cousineau just found out barry murdered his gf. at MOST he can hope that noho hank will help but i mean he’s not much help tbh i love the guy but he’s kinda useless<3
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Logan went home and I AM SHOOK. I AM SHOOK TO THE CORE!! I thought he could've used his connections with Luke to save himself but looks like the 4 OG Matterhorn are tight as a rope. Right now Tyler could be in danger because I feel like this challenge is in Max's wheelhouse.
Now my tribe is in a dilemma because we all like each other and we have to vote each other out. Thank the sadistic hosts for that. Now hopefully I win this immunity because I need to be absolutely sure I'm going to merge because ain't no way am I gonna be a pre-merge boot!
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Well, the plan worked out and Logan left. It sucks and kinda felt like how I'd imagine kicking a puppy would feel like but I think it's for the best that he's gone, although it does suck that he went through all of this to get the same placement a second time.
From here on out, the only person I put my trust is 100% is Zack, then Tyler and then Luke, which is kind of surprising. But Luke seemed kinda sketchy this round with his connection with Logan so I'll be keeping my eye on him.
I'm nervous about this round since both tribes are going to tribal, but hopefully I'll be good no matter what as Matterhorn still has the advantage on the tribe, and Tyler and Max are the minority. The ideal situation is that someone other than Max wins immunity and then we can take them out because I think it's about time that we end the feud between Zack and Max, and that isn't gonna be done by taking out Zack, at least not on my watch!
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UGHHH I am so upset. So Logan was voted out and that is a huge blow for not only my game but for Nick and Ashley Sarah's games as well. Now that he's gone, we have to get a majority some other way. The only way we can do that is if we make sure that Ian is on our side so we can blindside Luke, Tyler, Zack, and Abel. My tribe has to stick together and I'm assuming that Max will be voted out of that tribe bc of the friend group. That is kinda good for me though. HOLY CRAP I JSUT CAME UP WITH SOMETHIGN WHILE TYPING THIS. WHAT IF WE BLINDSIDE BEN? COULD YOU IMAGINE THE CHAOS? THIS WOULD BREAK THE ABEL/BEN FRIENDSHIP F2 AND WOULD GIVE US NUMBERS IN CASE BEN FLIPPED ON US AT THE MERGE. y'all this is my story arch or my elimination episode. i'm hoping it's not the latter of the two. anyways. I came into this game wanting to work with Luke. After tonight? I love you luke but you can fucking choke for what you did to logan. logan deserves so much better and now I'm coming for you. I will not stop until you and your alliance is taken out by none other than THE dom from original Monte Rosa. You can kiss my Puerto Rican ass luke. love you as a person tho you're actually super sweet but you pissed me off. anyways good night america and stay shook canada.
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Voting Logan out last tribal was so tough because he's one of my best friends and it sucks so bad but like I said in my voting confessional, it was going to happen at some point. Coming into the double tribal, we really need to do our best to make sure that Max doesn't win individual immunity because he's next on the list to go. If he does win immunity? I have no idea what might happen. I called with Tyler and we talked it through and said that we could probably vote for Abel or Zack but to prevent a tie, I might have to use my vote negator to ensure that rocks aren't pulled and one of us goes home. Tyler and I made a pact to go to the end and we plan on doing that but it's gonna be tough. Looking at a potential merge after these two tribal councils, I predict that the two people that leave in the double will because jury members 1 and 2 but I'm not sure. Merge is going to be difficult with there only being 4 original Matterhorn members (3 if Max wins immunity) so Tyler said he'd protect me as best he can but Tyler doesn't know that I'm actually close with some people over there so I should be okay.
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Double tribal and someone will be immune from each tribe!!!! I'm so nervous!!! It would be nice to actually win something for a change. These challenges seem to be either not my greatest or I just don't have time like people here seem to.
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We were all ready for a merge and to be up 8-4, but SURPRISE! It was a double muthafuckin' tribal. Yikes. The good news was that if I were to survive the double-elimination, I would make it to the top 10 and officially surpass my Tumblr Survivor: Myanmar placement.
Logan was bounced from the other tribe and that came as a MAJOR shock because Tyler and Max were (seemingly) brand new to the OG Matterhorn 4 and furthermore, they had a history of working with Logan on the Trent, Daisy, and Lily votes as far as I knew. And Max is lacking in the possessing a personality department, so I really thought they'd all just be bored do death by them and vote them off. Fortunately, Tyler stuck around and I hope that Tyler manages to survive this double tribal as well.
I discussed Logan's elimination with Nick. Tyler warned me how close the two of them (and Dom as well), so I figured I could get some loyalty points from Nick by eulogizing Logan and bemoaning his tragic loss and how detrimental it is to my game and blah blah blah--we had a good talk, Nick's a really cool dude, and I'm going to need him on my side going forward.
This double tribal does not bode well for me. I'm safe. No one is coming after me. But that's because I'm aligned with everyone (without even trying). It's 100% Parvati's "I'm in such a hot pickle!" situation. Ashley and Ian think that I'm with them (and I am). Dom, Nick, and Benjamin think I'm with them (I'm really with just Dom as far as I'm concerned, but that could change). My ultimate goal is to find a way to get rid of either Benjamin or perhaps Ian this round, preferably the former so as not to sketch out Tyler if he survives this round.
I chatted up Dom first and he took the words right out of my mouth--Ian is sketchy, but Benjamin is a major flight risk going forward. Ben resolved to talk to Nick. I offered to talk to Ashley and she could potentially talk to Ian. We both want the same thing. We both want this vote to be unanimous so that there are no apparent cracks going into a merge at 10 with 4 OG Matterhorns still kicking. That's dangerous territory. When one is in the majority, they need that family as happy and carefree as possible. A 4-2 or 3-3 could ruin lives here. No, thank you. Upon talking with Ashley and Ian, they agreed.
The immunity challenge was finding cows. Really, this was going to come down to who had the most free time available to them and who was the most willing to give up that free time. The answer in this case was Ian (but the real story is--Jesus Christ, Zack! Several thousand cows! I feel like you were safe no matter what and you just put that time in to show...how big of a threat you are? I found that strange) and Ian's safety is a best case scenario for me. The two names swirling around the tribe were Ben for potential connections to the other side and Ian for being a wet blanket in terms of strategy.
Let me take this opportunity while discussing Ian to say that he's been a MAJOR disappointment. Early in the game, he was really sweet and genuine and I loved the guy, but the second we had our first tribal council looming, he became this enigma. He suddenly has no opinions. Talking strategy to him has been very difficult because he brings nothing to the table. Part of me figures that this is because Ian doesn't want any information to come back around and bite him in the ass, but I feel like he's going about it wrong. He's coming across to several people on our tribe as very noncommittal and shifty. When I ask him how he feels about the vote or what he thinks our best move is, he talks in riddles and blah statements and not only is it boring, it's not helpful at all. It's like I'm talking to a dog. I feel like I'm addressing him with clarity and all he hears "Blah Blah Blah, Ginger." Honestly, if Ian hadn't won immunity, I'd have been very tempted to get rid of him this round.
Ian's immunity put Dom and I in a clear driver's seat with Ben's elimination in our sights. We were fine. Ashley was fine. Ian was Ian (but will go along with Ashley and me). Ben thinks everything's hunky dory and Ashley is our only option and such--cool, cool, cool. Then there was Nick. And Dom was telling me Nick is on board because I'm on board, but Nick seemed VERY apprehensive when I spoke to him. Nick clearly wants to vote off Ashley, but is having difficulty with pulling the trigger because he knows voting off Benjamin is best for his game. The whole exchange between Nick and I was so weird because he and Dom were both telling me different things about Nick's perspective at the same time. It was terrifyingly unsettling.
And then I fuck up. Dom & Ben are similar names to me insofar as they're one syllable and three letters and in conversations with both Nick and Dom, I said "Yeah we're all set to vote for Dom" or something like that when I definitely meant "Ben." Oh my God! Such a terrible lapse in language. This is why one shouldn't drink and scheme. The names all start to get loose. Fortunately, I think Nick and Dom believed me (it's the truth, I swear), but holy shit if I were to get voted off just because I did the whole "I Ross take thee Rachel--Emily!" thing. I'm the worst.
New future plan--find some way to eliminate both Ian and Nick while keeping the sane ones, Ashley and Dom happy. Let's make that happen, okay?
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So Zack wins individual immunity... *inserts Katya rolling her eyes losing to Alaska in a lip sync for the second time.gif*
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Wow! I won immunity so I'm guaranteed F10 wohoo! Honestly if I stayed home yesterday instead of going to the mall I may have even reached the 2k mark alongside Zack. But nah I wasn't gonna waste my last few days of summer vacation finding some damn cow. As Bart Simpson said "Don't have a cow man."
Damn Tyler came in second now I'm so worried for him. This double tribal council guarantees 2 OG Monte Rosa going because over here on Matterhorn we're all OG Monte Rosa and on Monte Rosa the 4 OG Matterhorn will obviously stick together.
Now hosts, you know I love all you and all but for this round I hate you all because we all like each other on our tribe and we have to vote someone out. :( Ugh, can we just all eat some nightlock berries and rebel against these evil hosts.
So far according to Nick, Ben and Ashley's name has been thrown and I'm not gonna let Ashley go, not on my watch! The H4rmony alliance must survive this tribal and my tribe needs to have a united vote so no one is alienated and flips on us.
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hiiii!!!! long time no talk!! idek where to begin tbh. so i had like 2 tribals off bc my tribe won immunity?? i was shook bc that was a new feeling in this game to like.. have off and just relax and not worry! but last night, we had a tribal! and logan? went home. that's exactly what i wanted. lemme explain.
i told logan i want max out. (i mean.. i do but i'm not dumb enough to let logan get further then he has already.) so i told logan i'd vote with him, which i did. but i made sure i still had the votes to get logan out. i can't have logan, nick & dom make merge together. i jusy can't, they would be untouchable. but i want logan to think i had nothing to do with his blindside because come merge, i don't want nick & dom coming after me for plotting logan's demise. and it worked. logan believes that i had nothing to do woth his blindside and that it was all luke. so sorry luke, but dom & nick can come after you while i sit back and enjoy my motherfuckin sprite.
SO! this week both tribes are going to tribal. i won immunity so i'm good. (btw my score... i really fucking found over 2,000 cows...) but i want and need max gone now. son of a bitch voted against me last tribal and it openly plotting against me and i don't need someone like that in the merge. so, if i get what i want like usual, max will go. todaloo hoe!
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Okay so I hope this vote goes smoothly. Ben thinks that the vote is for Ashley tonight. Little does he know, my little gremlins and I are flipping the script. or so i thought until brett fucked up by saying my name instead of ben's. im still kinda confused as to why that happened but oh well. i love ben so much but like he's going to win the game if no one takes him out lmao. voting ben out is going to screw us all over when we merge though. the other tribe's friend group is like so close with ben (unless abel is voted out tonight idk i could be reading the other tribe completely wrong) I'm hoping that either Luke, Zack, Jev, or Abel go home tonight because we need numbers going into the merge. Ben is too scary to keep around because of the fact that he'd flip to Abel's side. We need to get Abel out as soon as possible because he literally has a winner's edit. He's gone to 7 tribals and has gotten votes at most of them. He needs to go as soon as possible so someone else has a shot at winning.
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Lmao Zack found like 2000 cows fucking loser
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I'm so nervous, we've all put votes on Max but now I'm scared in case he pulls out an idol and he's the sole vote for me and I leave. He can't vote Zack, so I'm probably next best.
I either beat my previous placement tonight or I do worse than I did last time around, so there's a lot at stake for me personally.
0 notes
survivoremathia · 7 years
Ep. 10 - "Heck Everyone on This Tribe!" - Logan
tea time with ryan. when is it my turn
So last round was wild. If it weren't for duncan, i would have voted david and that would have been even messier. Also sorry Ali I definitely did go in room 9 but it doesn't matter! Because my extra vote was snatcht by Isaac.
LMFAO LAST NIGHT WAS A MESS. it was still totally fun though. i havent had that much fun in a game for a long time. too bad everyone else is being boring af. i dont have anything personal against trevor but i think this series and season is too good to have someone breeze their way to the end because everyone just wants to follow him and hand him the win. i dont get it. oh well. like i said im always just here to have fun and cause a little chaos. it seemed like sam and ali had the most negative reactions to what i said in the tribe chat last night. i literally made it all up...minus the duncan part cause lydia told me about it....anything i can do to spice things up and get ppl paranoid is good. im not gonna survive this round so i gotta make it last. but when i wrote and said that i was a free agent and that if you want my vote you better message me or else someone else will...i got messages from jd logan sam which is interesting. i think sam knows that hes the person i talk to the least so he wants some communication in before im juror...eh...and logan and jd seemed to really want me to know they werent against me...i do actually believe them but that doesnt mean they are gonna go trying to save my ass. honestly just give me that spot in emathia hvv. if i can somehow win this immunity by a stroke of genius itll be my mission to make sure someone good leaves and we dont waste a round by getting david/logan/jd out. oh also i love lydia. and cami.
Also! Heck everyone on this tribe! Literally everyone lied to me last night except for Duncan, Matt and Ryan, and ONE OF THOSE PEOPLE IS NOW GONE BY MY HAND. I didn't want to vote for Matt! If I could have gotten rid of Trevor YER DARN TOOTIN I WOULD HAVE! I just didn't read the rules bc I'm a #idiot. If it weren't for Duncan actually trusting me, I would have voted for David or Trevor and looked stupid as heck. I also told Trevor that the "other side" trusts me which is... well, true, because I am the other side. I'm literally about to play his own game and fucking leak false information to him. Maybe flush an idol, maybe flip someone. I will never trust anyone in this game again. Within the next four rounds I'm going unless I can win challenges. It was a good run.
Me on the bottom? just where i like it! anyway Ali was like "It was rough yesterday ryan was yelling at me ):" and im like bitch I literally didnt vote in the majority and you did can you actually shut your mouth because you have nothing to worry about
Welp, I have lots to talk about, so I am gonna break it up into sections:
Firstly, I am super happy to have made final 10. Like already outlasting 12 people in a season is a huge achievement! Yesterday's vote got a bit crazy, but I think its opened my eyes as to the next steps I need to take to advance my game. Firstly, in memoriam of Matt. I wouldn't have expected to vote him out so soon, but he'd begun trying to turn the tides against a member of my alliance, and he didn't have a majority, so I almost had to go on the 'Trevor' side. Furthermore, when he was talking about the potential 'majority' that'd take out Trevor, he didn't include Sam or JD, who I'd expected him too, as we'd been working together up to that point. His willingness to just leave out allies, meant that he just had to go :( Next Sam. I feel super bad for Sam. I was encouraging him to use the idol, when it was unnecessary. Our conversation leading up to him playing it though super brought us together, so I'm hoping I have his vote going forwards. Next, I got to play Touchy Subjects! I was so excited for that, and even though it was super hard to make some tough decisions, I really enjoyed it and can't wait to see the results! :) Now, onto 'Tea Time with Ryan'. In my opinion, Ryan screwed up. Like, people get that Trevor is a threat, but all that his temper tantrum did, is make sure people don't want to work with him (at least in my opinion). Like I definitely intend on making a move against the Trevor/Owen power duo, in the next coming votes, however I don't think I'll necessarily want to include David or Ryan (unless one of them happens to still be in the game). I'd potentially want to make that move, with a group of 'Duncan,Me,Sam,JD and Lydia'- I'd super want to bring in Logan as a 5th, but JD is weirdly stubborn about not wanting to work with them. I'm not sure why. Looking super long term, there are a number of threats, that I need to remove before F3. Those people include but aren't limited to: Owen, Trevor, Lydia and Ryan Like I don't want to go to F3 with any of them. My dream F3 would be with David and JD, as I feel like those two are the two I have the greatest chance of beating. I wouldn't necessarily have a problem sitting there with Logan or Duncan either. Even Sam is kinda too big of a threat. As promised to Jay, here is a quick breakdown of my thoughts on each tribemate: Ryan: I may be the lap dog, but you’ll be the one heading to the pound JD: My F2, think I may potentially be able to beat them. Really get on with them. I think them being stubborn about not working with Logan may cost us a bit. I don’t get why they so passionately want them out eek Logan: Super sweet person, sucks that we haven’t up to this point been able to work together game-wise Trevor: Really like him, but he is just too big of a threat Owen: Same as Trevor, would almost want to keep him longer though. We’ll see Duncan: I don’t know what to think of him? Like I feel like we’re close, but at the same time, maybe we aren’t David: We barely talk. Like almost never. Lydia: Kinda scary strategy wise, but a great mentor Sam: Love him too, but he is kinda a threat Who is the tenth person? I can’t remember for the life of me. In conclusion, everyone is a threat and they all need to go.
On 3/20/17, at 2:25 PM, Unkie Dunkie wrote:
> Me: He poisoned our water supply! Burned our crops! And delivered a plague onto our houses! > Sam: He did!? > Me: Nooo! But are we just gonna wait around until he does!? On 3/20/17, at 2:26 PM, Unkie Dunkie wrote: > Me about matt summers to Sam
WHEW! THAT WAS FOR YOU EDDIE!!! <3 A few things. Ali leaked that matt summers had a 6 of me him Ali rtp Logan and
I've not talked to any of y'all! You formed a majority without me on our original tribe! And when matt came to me I wasn't having it tbh.On 3/19/17, at 7:28 PM, Matthew Summers wrote: > So like idk if you have any sort of vendetta against me but that was what the last message he sent me started with. Like, I DO have a vendetta against you, you said "its hard for you to trust me", verbatim, and YOU VOTED OUT MY SHOWMANCE BINCH! KARMA IS A BITCH NAMED HARMONIA!! Please also know, I was at work when shit was hitting the fan.  I'm so glad that everything went according to plan despite the plan being leaked. It made sense for Samuel to idol trevor, it built their trust, and it prevented any scare of a tie. Now I just need to find out who has the idol now. The more the idol transfers hands, the messier allegiances are going to be. RTP did call out owen and Trevor on having multiple final threes with people and it did make me think about my long term game. Its going to be really hard for me to take on owen or Trevor in the end. My best bets hones lee? My best bets would have to be with either Logan or one of the newbies or samuel. Like Samuel would get the newbies vote but I might be able to pull off the rest? idk. I know for short term, as long as I'm good with Samuel, I'm good with the newbies, bc he knows everything about them. So I know If I want to go deep I need to *shudders* continue to stick with sam. I know that its dangerous to go deep with sam because he is always a contender for the W, but I need to make sure I get to the end before I start thinking about votes or anything like that. So if that means taking another inch of sam down my throat than so be it. 
"she [Jay]  doesn't believe anything not in a confessional" sandra, aubry, cirie and michaela are co-winning survivor game changers and neda, ika, and cass are co-winning bbcan5 it's just the facts, folks
Hey why is nobody talking?????? this is supposed to be a chaotic vote???? is it me???? i guess these lame-os don't know that i have another idol????
Ryan: Sam just thinks youre a vote with me Me: I mean is he wrong. IS HE WRONG!!!!!!
Okay a few things. Owen told me about Trevor giving sam his idol and obvi We can tell sam gave Trevor the idol bc of trev's disad in the challenge. Ummm I told Ali about the cursed idol and hopefully that gives me some foundation with him for the future moving forward. The vote apparently is for David. That's what I've been told. I'm hoping that if things go off the rails I'm not the one getting hit by the train. I don't think I'm the biggest threat? But you can never know what's going through a persons head. I'm planting seeds for samuel's blindside rn. I'm sharpening my sword. Hopefully I'm still here to slay the beast
im bein played
whew!!! what a time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 Matt Summers ultimately left and I think, in doing so, the game was mostly put in perspective: Ryan/David voted with him, Logan/Duncan are now officially together, the Sam/Ali/JD thing still exists as does Trevor/myself/Lydia. However, I...need Sam out of this game. And Ali, for that matter. So I went to Duncan and we talked without Trevor this time about potentially making a move soon. It's probably not a good idea this round, but potentially next round Duncan/Logan/me/Trevor/Lydia could make something happen? So I was SHOOK when JD started gunning for Logan this round??? Like...way to make it obvious you're trying to keep Ryan in the game, who is literally playing you just like Sam and Trevor and all of the returnees are. Whew! So I didn't want Logan gone at all cause that fucks everything up for future plans, so I tried to push it back on Ryan. Sam, Ali, JD, and Lydia continued to be completely like....unresponsive about the vote until finally Lydia spoke up about doing David and I'm like...as long as it isn't Logan, that's fine by me! :) God JD was like telling Trevor how he was the leader and how nobody would listen to her if she tried to get Logan out and I'm like....girl lol Survivor 101 - Don't TELL someone they're the leader. They don't want the target on their back!!!!!!!!!! Huh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So :) We'll see! Maybe it'll be David going, maybe someone else will get fucked up and I'll have nothing to do with it, but honestly at this point there are a lot of people who, if they leave, it benefits me in some way. Ryan and David can go, Sam Ali and JD can go, and Trevor, though I don't want him gone right now, would ultimately take a target off of my back if he left. As long as it isn't Duncan or Logan then I'm good. AND IT CAN'T BE ME :) Whew! Just a day in the life!
Provided David goes home tonight (which it seems he will pretty unanimously), I think my game is super on the up. Its been clarified that Trevor is a huge threat, and watching conversations develop, its clear he has Sam with him, and Owen is of course linked to him, who is tied to Duncan. Those 4 are dangerous, as they seem inflexible and will likely stick together. It'll really blow to betray Sam, but it's seemingly necessary :( Lydia is a godsend. She is down to make a move on that four, alongside Ryan, JD, Logan and myself. I've finally rebuilt a relationship with Logan, which is great, (I think they're iconic and would love to bring them in as apart of a majority). I also think someone is lying about room 9 and Logan genuinely didn't go. I can hopefully now work with that 4 to do some major to the 'other side'. Woomph, I'm super excited! :) I am slightly scared of the damage being voted 'hero' and someone 'people would like to see win' will cause, but hopefully, also being voted a goat will nullify that! I MAY'VE MADE FINAL 9 AND I'M VERY EXCITED! :) (famous last words). I could've just been a prophet or I just flopped it. That kinda rhymed, but not really. I  guess we'll never know if I make it or not (or at least until the vote reveal in like 15mins). -Ali Out! (but hopefully not of the game)
in other news this round has been fishy and I feel like something fishy is about to happen
So Isaac leaving, that was very sad actually. I don't think that there was many people up at the time but we talked and I can feel for him. Not to the extent, but its sad. 
Scott getting striked out was not a surprise. He has not been very active from the beginning anyway 
Matt's vote, that was crazy. That was, tight. The night before tribal Matt went to Ali and told him that he was thinking about voting out Trevor. Being that me, Ail, Trevor and Lydia were in a final four, me and Ali agreed that this wasn't going to happen so we agreed that we would keep an eye on Matt and try to calm him down so that he would stop targeting Trevor. The only way we were going to tell Trevor was if Matt was really going to push it and as it turns out he really wanted to push it. So it was time to do what we did with Sam, save that ass.
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EP 9: “I'll Be a Fucking Pawn For Y'all If It Saves My Ass" - Carson
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This sucks so much, y'all are awesome for getting Kait to her SECOND win.
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That could've been cleaner. Yikes.
This vote obviously put me in something of a weird position. I was never going to vote Kait because of our alliance. And yes, I firmly believe she'd side with me over the alleged Malay-cult. She and I have been closer than a lot of allies I've had in these games so far. We're in lockstep, we're keeping each other sane, and we're not even talking exclusively strategy. The best alliances are formed by people who like each other's outlooks and attitudes, right? That's me and Kait right now.
I was also never going to vote Jack or Lydia because of our awesome Thotse quad with Wes. And I was not likely to vote Steffen unless there was a critical mass going his way. That left us with Ruthie (immune,) Carson and Jakey (on Kabru with me.) So, shit.
Anyway, I told MJ I might try to protect Jake if I could because they both want to work together. But the momentum started swinging his way, and it became even more locked in when he started targeting Kait. His best play would've been to target Steffen or Carson, and even then I'm not sure he could've rallied the votes. 
Not wanting to be totally screwed on Kabru after a blindside, I didn't really engage with Jake too much. He came to me asking me to vote with him, almost as a last resort I feel? We hadn't talked since the swap, and he only came to me at 6:30, even though I know for a fact he was talking with others throughout the day. He told me he had Ruthie, Jack and Steffen locked in. I knew the latter two just weren't true. So rather than give him false hope, I checked with the latter two that their votes hadn't changed, then told Jake the votes weren't as locked in as he thought. 
And he, somewhat predictably, lost his shit. He didn't want to accept that, telling me that if I voted for him, he'd stay... that my vote was the difference maker... that I was too far up Kait's ass to see it... that I needed to grow a fucking backbone... that I'm pathetic.... that I'm terrible at the game...
Yeah, I've played enough games by now to know nothing good comes from engaging in someone who's resorting to personal shots. So I disengaged. And I think Jake may have forgotten there's a second game going on, in his blind rage? As a multiple-time pre-juror, I know for a fact that it's so not worth getting upset over. Shit happens, the game doesn't break your way. But attacking people over it accomplishes exactly nothing. From what I hear, it sounds like I got off easy too. Apparently he ripped hard into Carson, Kait, Lydia and Jack too.
I don't like when people are sore losers. I don't like when people go for personal shots in a game that's meant to be fun. But I especially don't like when people do both of the above to my friends. Fuck that noise. Any chance of me wanting to work with Jake on Kabru went out the window with that, and I'm sure he feels likewise based on that vote. If it makes sense, I might vote with him as a matter of necessity, but he's not long for this game if I have my say. Bye Felicia.
Normally I would've been more upset about the vote being delayed a few hours, but between the extenuating circumstances out of the hosts' control and the fact that Jake still would've been in the One World chat anyway, nothing noticeably changed. So, fuck it, what's two hours of waiting?
Anyway I like slither.io. It's not my best game, but I enjoy it. Can't wait to put up a high score and show Jake that he's not God's gift to competitions. "Oh mind you I’m the best competitor on this tribe. Not tooting my own horn, just looking back at past performances."??? Like, fuck you? One unnecessarily long endurance run in an early comp doesn't mean we should all just bow down to your *~clear challenge superiority~*. Different people are skilled at different things. 
I'm so glad nobody responded to his diatribe in the OW chat. The last thing he needed was to be enabled. His perspective is just that – HIS perspective. It's clear he doesn't really have a grasp of how this game is playing out, or else he might not have been the one to go last night.
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Gage is super duper cute! But he never responds to my messages, so I am super duper not happy about that! Like, Gage, please. C'mon, Gage. Get it together. C'mon. I sent him what I did in the adventure, and you know the response I got? It was a riveting, rambling silence. Like...? What!? Didn't Gage WIN once or something?? How did he manage that??? Did he sleepwalk there, or were the other people in the final tribal council just that bad? I am completely befuddled.
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Oh MJ really just threw me under the bus eh? I can't believe I got the full Olympics experience in one night. Choke.
Oh not me getting one of the highest scores on both my tribes for a flash game!? What a foreign concept. 
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safe in both games, so i have time to work on RELATIONSHIPS and read my book on how to win survivor so i can win this!!!!
please help
mj and pat treating me like pawns for the adventure! love it.
ill be a fucking pawn for yall if it saves my ass but an idol or something WOULD be nice.
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In other news, Jimmy is the bee's knees. Yes, he is! He is so very cool! Yes, he's hip!
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me and kait on call
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i think theres an imbalance of trust between mj and i.
i trust him wholeheartedly as hes my only close ally, but he sees me as expendable from what i get from our conversations. he barely responds and i obviously seem to be of lesser priority? but idk maybe im just paranoid, but im holding on for dear life
me pressuring mj into sending his screenshots of his latest chats and seeing almost all of them are about the game! how iconic.
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i have more to say but i will wait for after class but i'm still like i legit don't know what i wanna do
i'm gonna need a pair of cargo shorts for all the people logi-wan thinks i have in my pockets!!!
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Sorry that I've been kinda AWOL but it's because I've been feeling pretty shitty about my position in the game as a whole. I'm very lucky to have Matt in the game who is always willing to have strategic conversations that I know will provide me with a secure outlet that's not going to make my position even worse. I told him I planned on making a fake idol but idk if I'll go ahead with exposing that I have an "idol" to my tribe due to current changes in circumstances that I'll talk about later. Jakey's exposing of the tight Malaysian core alliance has made them change their tune which I'm really happy about because I'm sure I'm the target tonight (thanks Owen, you suck), but thankfully Jimmy exists and wants to work with me to pull off some move because the Malaysian's are going whack and he is thankful I saved him all that time ago back in Easter Island? I- I didn't do that much except kill my own game but thank you for willing to switch shit up! 
It looks like their might be a chance I will stay tonight, however there are several different stories being played out on this tribe. Logan told me flat out it's me. However Jimmy told me Logan approached him and Jenn to vote out Gage? I don't get why when clearly Gage showed him loyalty? I'm not complaining cuz it means the vote would not be on me. But I think it's gonna be on me since Jenn reassured that it probably was. So it would come down to MJ voting with Jenn/Jimmy over Owen/Logan. Alternatively I could be a total bitch and expose a plan if I'm totally unsure what to do, or 10 minutes before tribal I could post my fake messages and idol that I found to hopefully send them into a panic and switch their votes off me and onto someone not me. It's a tough position to be in cuz I don't want to reveal I've an idol and for it to backfire somehow, but also how it may look untrustworthy to my alliance if I "had" an idol and didnt "play" it. So hmm. I'm concerned because Gage seems to be going after Logan now but is trying to get Owen? I fear this is where it could blow up. 4 of these people are going to both tribals so it's a very tricky situation. If the plan falls apart, the votes might just all fall back onto me because I'm the "easy vote". I have to see what happens and make a calculated decision before tribal that will work in my favour.  
It could be game over, or game on. 
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So like, I want Gage to go home. He is going to both tribals like Jenn, Jimmy, and Owen. Lydia and Owen are in the minority in Game B, so I'm thinking they're going to be easy boots because Gage is close to Kait. Well, I don't want that to happen, obviously. They're both my allies. But I'm also on good terms with Jenn and Jimmy, so I don't want them to go. Kait isn't an option because Kait isn't going to both tribals, and no one wants an angry, scorned Kait in the game. That's like leaving a provoked bear in the game. No thanks! Plus I'm good with her, too. That leaves Gage, and he made it super easy for me to want him gone by not speaking to me at all, lol. I sent you the receipts of my adventure, the least you can do is respond! Rude!!! Anyways, yeah, Gage should go. Also, he is trying to target me, I guess? Which is also not cool. Good Guy Gage is going down.
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please god
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WHOA I WON THAT IMMUNITY HUH!!!!!! im honestly not that worried if we lose just bc ik i have mj ruthie and matt on my side no matter what and that would at least tie it. but basically i tried to go on call with owen and kait to smooth over some relationships... i rly intended to work with owen if he would let me but he went and told kait the one piece of information i told him which was that i heard that lydia and kait made a deal to stay.. owen u rly know how to piss me OFF huh
i had a pretty good call with kait and i hope it was enough that if mj did keep me if we lose on tribe b, she wouldn't flip her shit and come after mj. mj is literally the saving grace of my game and ill do anything for him in this game. if that means i gotta be fake with kait and pretend like i wanna smooth things over and work together then ill do that. anyway ruthie is a legend and will win this season bookmark THAT
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I've been laying SUPER low.  Like, I apologized to Kait and told her I was close to voting her out because she scares me as a player or whatever, but that I really wanted to work with her because we didn't get a chance to work together in Trashy, and then I also threw in how my good friend Ashley Sarah liked playing with her so much when Kait was catfishing in Canaries and hopefully we bonded a bit.  SHE FREAKING TERRIFIES ME but if working with her keeps me around longer, I'm all for it.  I'm not going to try to make anymore big moves for awhile because as much as I want to, I don't want to piss off the rest of the people in the tribes.  
My goal now is to stay close with Steffen, Steve and keep talking to Pat because he's just so nice.  He's genuinely the nicest person playing in my opinion.  I'm also going to stay close to Jakey, he's my number one, and I'm going to stay close to Carson as well, and just try to stay on his good side and stuff.  I don't want to take Carson to the end, there is no way.  As much as I love Steffen I'd rather not take him to the end either.  Jakey I could see, going all the way with but we both have to stay in order for anything like that to actually happen.  
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I don't know if I made the right choice in putting my foot down about voting Jimmy over Gage. Every option seems bad in my opinion, but I think I've made it pretty clear I want Gage around, just to turn my back and vote him next time... I don't know. This will probably bite me in the ass somehow, like maybe Gage is lying to me and Lydia will end up going, or idk god knows what will happen....
Nobody has really talked to me since I went to dinner at 6:30... So part of me just feels like I'm getting clocked on both tribes. Either way, I guess I'll see what happens. 
I don't want this to be the end, really, and I don't know if it's smart to try and take control in a game where everything spreads like fire and is painfully obvious. I just gotta keep crossing my fingers, huH!
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Time off???? from this game????? A concept! I don't know what to do with my hands.
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gage is leaving????? maybe.... even tho i'd prefer owen leaving but... everything is so risky and shaky at this point im so KJDFHJKDHS NNNNNNNNNNNNNNN 
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This may be my last confessional! I decided against playing the fake idol card because I didn't want it to blow up the plan currently in place. If it goes how I hope I should survive but I've still got low expectations. Secondly, I'm a bad explainer of things and I didn't want to get caught out and laughed at because I made a silly idol. It's a card I'll keep in my pocket if I survive. If not, I'll be thankful to those who tried to keep me in the game and I'll wish my allies luck in surviving. But fingers crossed and all the other stereotypical survival things to say. Lets goooooooo
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I guess Gage is coming for me, so I had to switch my vote against him. If he knew how much I'd been doing to protect his ass, maybe he'd think differently.
It's a shame when people's stupid decisions prevent others from doing the right thing. Oh well! STUPID.
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I had three calls the hour before tribal with Jenn, Lydia, and Owen and they were all concerned with getting Gage out, and then he gets voted out unanimously in both games. I'm glad all that time I spent trying to get him out wasn't wasted. Bye-bye, Gage! Don't target me next time, okay?
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Whew I am so happy I survived but extremely sad that it came at Gage's expense. I really would've loved to work with him because he's honest, caring, charming etc. He's just a all round good guy and buddy. I'm also interested that suddenly I'm making a whole pack of new friends? Kait (although drunk) is talking to me for the first time since day 1 and secondly Owen has found his voice to chat to me! So I'm very interested to see what position this could put me in. I'm also shook that Matt thought my idol was real? I told him it was fake before I made it gdfihgkol. Maybe I should pull it out if it's convincing enough! Also I'm surprised Lydia came to me and goes "you're welcome". Um. I'm not sure you swung the vote on my tribe to Gage considering there was talk of it being him at lunchtime today? Like. I'm crediting Jenn and Jimmy for that one so sorry this isn't Port Royal and I'm a different player. Just cuz I'm in a shitty position doesn't mean I'm not beginning around for whatever scraps I can find. I HOPE this tribal is  turning point for me, but you hosts are sending us all to tribal again so I'll probably get taken out as the easy vote, but I trust Jenn/Jimmy to at least tie it for us.
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