#savior's sickness | cloud strife
november 13 2022
November 13th 2022
Old Testament: Malachi 4:1-6
Psalm: Psalm 56
Epistle: 2nd Thessalonians 3:1-13
Gospel: Luke 21:5-36
Sermon Text: Luke 21:25-36
Sermon Title: “Your Redemption is Drawing Near”
Grace to you and peace, from God the Father and our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.
“For behold, the Day is coming, burning like an oven, when all the arrogant and evildoers will be stubble … leaving them neither root, nor branch”. (Malachi 4:1) “There will be signs in sun and moon and stars. People fainting with fear and foreboding of what is coming on the world … and then they will see the Son of Man, coming in a cloud, with power and great glory. When you see these things begin to take place, look up and raise your heads because, your redemption is drawing near”. (Luke 21:25-28)
There is a line from a (rather obscure) pop song from the 1980’s that goes like this; “We will walk right through heavens door and proudly raise our hands”. This seems to be the attitude of most in our sick and twisted culture/world; either claiming there is no God, or outright mocking Him; shaking their fist at the heavens; saying I know better what is right for me. Most, in our world, no longer make any secret of their sins, even boasting about them. Willfully murdering millions of babies in the name of choice, denying our sexuality, that God created us with when “He knitted us together in our mother’s womb”; (Psalm 139:13b) claiming men can be women and women can be men; mutilating children in the name of transgenderism.
All of these things were enshrined into law in several state constitutions this past Tuesday and many other states have already passed such laws or are promoting them. The churches’ and parental concerns about such things are dismissed by many in authority as bigoted and hateful; and parental notification and consent have also been wiped out. In many places in our country, government authorities are threatening to arrest parents or remove their children from homes that refuse to go along with these evils; claiming it is abusive not to affirm these vile behaviors. One state even passed an addition to their constitution saying that doctors cannot be held accountable if (for any reason) they refuse to treat new born infants.
In our nation, we are truly living out what the Apostle Paul described in Romans 1; “For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness of men, who by their unrighteousness suppress the truth. For what can be known about God is plain to them, because God has shown it to them … So, they are without excuse”. (Romans 1:18-19, 20b)
“Since they did not see fit to acknowledge God, He gave them up to a debased mind, to do what ought not to be done. They are filled with all manner of unrighteousness, evil, covetousness, malice … murder, strife, deceit, maliciousness … gossips, slanderers, haters of God, insolent, haughty, boastful, inventors of evil, disobedient to parents, foolish, faithless, heartless, ruthless”. (Romans 1:28-31)
Like in the days of Noah and of Sodom and Gomorrah, sinners engage in all kinds of evil acts, secure and carefree, with no fear of God; laughing at those who bear witness to the truth of God’s wrath and threatened punishment. As Walther described in his day, and its even worse today, “the world has descended into a pit of vileness and have drunk deeply from the cup of shame”. We are ripe for God’s judgment.
So, how do we respond? Certainly, we are not to respond in carnal security, denying our sins and thinking that we are immune from such false beliefs. God is sounding the warnings for all to hear, even those in His church, that the day of His return is very near. So, we are to respond as Luther wrote in the Small Catechism, (4th part of Baptism), “the Old Adam in us (sinful nature) should by daily contrition and repentance, be drowned and die, along with all sins and evil desires”. God offers no comfort to the unrepentant sinner; as the prophet Malachi declared, “Behold, the day is coming, burning like an oven, when all the arrogant and evildoers will be stubble. The day that is coming, shall set them ablaze … so that it will leave them neither root nor branch”. (Malachi 4:1)
While the unbelieving world continues in their false security; the heavens will suddenly open and “all the tribes of the earth will mourn” (Matthew 24:30a). “Then they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud, with power and great glory”. (Luke 21:27) On that day, just as on the day of death, there will be no more time for the unbeliever to change their mind. In His grace, God provided the remedy for sin and death, by sending His Son Jesus to die for the sins of the world, but “the time of grace will end with the appearance of the judge … this could happen today, even this hour, and it should prompt us to rise immediately and to flee into the wounds of Jesus Christ”. (C F W Walther sermon on Luke 21)
In the Gospel text, Jesus first warns the people of His day about the coming destruction of the temple in Jerusalem in the year 70 A. D., and then He speaks of signs that will occur as the time of His second coming draws near. “There will be signs in the sun and moon and stars; and on the earth distress of nations in perplexity because of the roaring of the seas and waves; people fainting with fear and with foreboding at what is coming upon the world. For the powers of the heavens will be shaken”. (Luke 21:25-26)
As fearful as these events are/will be, Jesus tells us His people, “when these things begin to take place, straighten up and raise your heads, because your redemption is drawing near”. (Luke 21:28) So, we who are baptized and believe in Christ, prayerfully look forward to that day, for when “Christ appears a second time, (it is not to) deal with sin, but to save those who are eagerly waiting for Him”. (Hebrews 9:28) Therefore, Jesus instructs us, “Watch yourselves … Stay awake at all times, praying that you may have the strength to escape all these things that are going to take place and to stand before the Son of Man”. (Luke 21:34a, 36) So, when Jesus says, “Surely, I am coming soon, (we reply) Amen! Come Lord Jesus”. (Revelation 22:20b)
Since the day of Jesus’ second coming is a day of joy for the Christian, let us go to the Small Catechism to review what Scripture teaches about Christ’s Second Coming. First, the Scriptures teach that Christ will return visibly and with great glory on the Last Day. Jesus said, “As lightening comes from the east and shines as far as the west, so will be the coming of the Son of Man”. (Matthew 24:27) “When the Son of Man comes in His glory, and all the angels with Him, He will sit on His glorious throne”. (Matthew 25:31)
At Jesus’ ascension, the angel told the disciples, “this Jesus who was taken up from you into heaven, will come again in the same way you saw Him go into heaven”. (Acts 1:11b) John also, in the book of Revelation declares, “Behold, He is coming with the clouds, and every eye will see Him, even those who pierced Him, and all the tribes of the earth will wail on account of Him”. (Revelation 1:7) Therefore, the teaching of some churches that there will be a secret “rapture” of God’s people to heaven before the final judgment is utterly and completely false. (unbiblical)  
Second, Christ (our Savior) is coming to judge the world by His Word. “Before Him will be gathered all the nations, and He will separate people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats”. (Matthew 25:32) “We must all stand before the judgment seat of Christ”. (2nd Corinthians 5:10) “He will judge the world in righteousness”. (Acts 17:31a) Jesus also said, “I came to save the world, (but) the one who rejects Me … has a judge; the Word that I have spoken will be His judge on the last day”. (John 12:48) Contrary to the teaching of some churches, Jesus is not coming again to set up an earthly kingdom for 1000 years; for He taught, “My kingdom is not of this world”. (John 18:36)
Third, contrary to the predictions of many misguided people throughout the history of the church, Christ will return on a specific day, known only by God. The Apostle Peter and Paul wrote, “the Day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night”. (2nd Peter 3:10a, 1st Thessalonians 5:2b) Jesus also taught us, “Concerning that day or hour, no one knows” (Mark 13:32a) and “You must also be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect”. (Matthew 24:44) We must be ready, because “it is appointed for a man to die once and after that comes the judgment”. (Hebrews 9:27)
Fourth, before Christ’s return, there will be increasing turmoil and distress in the church and the world, “the Holy Spirit expressly teaches that in the latter times, some will depart from the faith”. (1st Timothy 4:1a) “Because lawlessness will be increased, the love of many will grow cold”. (Matthew 24:12) “Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes and pestilences in various places. And there will be terrors and great signs in the heavens”. (Luke 21:10-11)
Why does Christ give us these signs of His coming again in glory? He gives these signs in order to demonstrate His love for us. It is a great kindness of God to warn us about the troubles to come, so that we do not fall away from Him when things get difficult; for “He who began a good work in you, will bring it to completion in the day of our Lord Jesus Christ”. (Philippians 1:6)
He also gives us these signs to drive out any false security that people may have about His coming judgment. These signs take away any excuse for unbelief, because Christ has been warning us for a long time that the judgment could come at any time. These signs are also for our encouragement, “because your redemption is drawing near”. (Luke 21:28b) When trials and tribulations come upon us, we long even more for deliverance from them and from this world, which is not our home. Again, we pray, “Amen, Come Lord Jesus”. (Revelation 22:20b)
This is the fifth thing the Catechism teaches us about judgment day, the return of Christ Jesus in glory is a source of hope and joy for the Christian. As St. Paul wrote to Titus, “(we are being) trained to renounce ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright and godly lives in the present age, (as we) await our blessed hope, the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ, who gave Himself to redeem us from all lawlessness and to purify for Himself a people for His own possession”. (Titus 2:11-14a)
What do the Scriptures teach about the resurrection of the body? “They teach that on the Last Day Christ “will raise me and all the dead and give eternal life to me and all believers in Him”. (3rd Article, Explanation) The opposite is also true; those who have not believed in Christ will be raised to eternal punishment. As Jesus declared, “God will say to those on His left (unbelievers), depart from Me, you cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels”. (Matthew 25:41) Hell was not created for any people, but those who reject Christ will nevertheless end up there.
“And many who sleep in the dust of the earth will arise, some to everlasting life and some to shame and everlasting contempt”. (Daniel 12:2) For those who have trusted in Christ, He has promised to “transform our lowly body to be like His glorious body”. (Philippians 3:21) So, “blessed are the dead, who die in the Lord from now on”. (Revelation 14:13a)
Knowing Christ’s promises, we can now say with the Apostle Paul, “Death is swallowed up in victory. O death where is your victory? O death where is your sting? The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law, but thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ”. (1st Corinthians 15:54b-57) Having been forgiven, we gladly receive God’s gift in Word and Sacrament, and we now look forward to the day of His return with confidence, “straighten up and raise our heads, because your redemption is drawing near”. (Luke 21:28b) Amen.
The peace of God …
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reigning-rhapsody · 4 years
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Genesis Rhapshoedos
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goddessofroyalty · 3 years
Hey look some more Cloud is the Remnants carrier verse I wrote on the train this morning. This one is set almost dead in the center of the actual Advent Children plot.
General statement about this being from Rufus’ POV so there are lines that are his perspective and not necessarily the truth of the situation.
Tags: mpreg, omegaverse
“Do you know where your children are Cloud?” Rufus asks after the former-no-SOLDIER has finished clearing the room of Reno and Rude.
Maybe Rufus should be worried to be without his Turk bodyguards but Cloud isn’t the type to kill an unarmed man. Nor is Rufus the kind to worry about an early death – especially these days.
Cloud’s face twists in the way that shows that, no, he doesn’t know where the three children he gave birth to are. It’s probably the only reason he agreed to even see Rufus.
“So you are acknowledging they exist now?” Cloud asks instead of actually answering the question. It’s deflection but Rufus supposes a valid retort—out of sight, out of mind had been how he had chosen to handle the three since he found out about them back after Sector Seven’s plate dropped.
“They have now tried to kill two of my Turks and threatened me. So I can no longer pretend to be unaware of them or their parentage.” He won’t lie to Cloud and say the three killed Tseng and Elena when they didn’t actually manage it. The omega would likely see through it anyway.
There is no way Rufus would be as merciful if they actually had managed to kill the two.
“What have you done to piss them off?” Cloud asks. Still assuming his kids are right in the situation.
“They were raised by a terrorist group that tried to destroy my family’s company, I think my mere existence offends them,” Rufus points out.
Cloud clearly doesn’t buy it though.
“They were looking for Jenova.”
“Why would they be looking for Jenova?”
“I was hoping you might have the answer to that question.”
“Jenova is destroyed,” Cloud says. Rufus would think the defensiveness is because that destruction is what led to Cloud’s title as hero and savior of the planet. But he knows Cloud has tried to separate himself from being seen as that ever since; choosing instead a quiet life helping the world rebuild.
“They seem to think otherwise.” Rufus knows otherwise. But he is not going to reveal that head just yet.
“Why?” There is a flicker of doubt that crosses Cloud’s face. He’s clearly connecting the dots as well.
“Their sire’s capability for compulsion is strong. Tell me Cloud–have you been hearing Sephiroth’s voice lately?”
There’s another flicker of fear across Cloud’s face before he squares his shoulders and expression turns into intentional blank. He isn’t going to just come out and admit it.
“Or don’t tell me.” Rufus never believed Cloud would just tell him. They don’t trust each other. “They are heading to the Forgotten City with the children they have convinced to follow them. I suggest you handle them before we are forced to step in and deal with it.”
Right now the three might be powerful from their blood and the ones who raised them but they are still children. Still able to be fooled and battered off. Almost entertaining to watch as they build their little cult of sick and dying kids. Still just children up to mischief until their mother can catch up to them and drag them home for a spanking.
If they get Sephiroth and Jenova involved then they will become a real threat. Not just to Rufus and his but the whole planet.
And that cannot be allowed to happen.
“I’ll take care of it,” Cloud says as he goes to leave, easily pushing Reno aside. There’s actual threat in his tone now and not his usual bitchy snark. Protecting his kids from the threat.
Because if nothing else Cloud Strife is a good parent. Better then three Sephiroth-bastards Hojo implanted into him probably ever deserved.  
“See that you do.”
Rufus doesn’t want kid’s blood on his Turks hands again. But he will order it if that is the only way to keep the planet safe.
Too many other lives are dependent on it.
Cloud just keeps walking.
“What now boss?” Reno asks once Cloud is far in the distance.
“We prepare for Reunion.”
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miss-tc-nova · 4 years
A SOLDIER’s Memories - Cloud Strife x Fem!Reader Pt 1
This series was originally called “P!ATD” You know, for Panic! At the Disco. Every time I listen to them, I think of Cloud. But I decided to name it this because the further along I got, the less the songs related to the chapters, even if I still got some inspiration from them. Anyway, first chapter is inspired by “LA Devotee”. Enjoy.
The Infantry Chocobo
                “And the Dream Team is reunited once again!” the man announces.
                “You’re being loud!” I say, shoving him aside.
                He gives me a cheeky grin. “Come on! You know we’re gonna kill it out there! And I don’t mean just the monsters!”
                My eyes roll. “I didn’t say you were wrong. I said you were loud.”
                “Fair. _____.” The two of us instantly straighten up and salute. Each of our mentors stood, waiting for us. Angeal folds his arms. “Not only are the both of you loud, you’re late.”
                “Aw c’mon, Angeal,” Zack complains. “We still have ten minutes before we gotta go.”
                This time, my mentor responds, striding closer. “Yes, but a First Class SOLDIER would’ve been prepared to leave twenty minutes ago and have found their infantry accompaniment.” Him leaning over me with that disapproving stare effectively fills me with guilt. 
                “But we’re not in charge of infantrymen,” I reply.
                “You are just as responsible for protecting them as you are normal civilians,” he warns. “They’re part of your team too.”
                “Okay. I’ll go find him,” grumbles Zack.
                “We already did,” Angeal responds, shoving a timid looking infantryman towards us. “And don’t leave this one behind like the last one.”
                “Yes sir,” we drone.
                My mentor rests a hand on the kid’s shoulder. “Don’t be afraid to shoot them if they get out of hand.”
                “Sephiroth! That’s rude!” I shout. He gives a cat-like grin before following after Angeal. “Those two don’t trust us for nothing,” I huff.
                Zack scratches at the back of his head. “Yeah, well it did take us two days to find that last infantry guy.” The guy in front of us tenses. Zack hastily tacks on, “Not that we’ll lose you! No! We learned our lesson! Not eager for that punishment again!”
                I shiver. “Just thinking about it makes my legs ache.” I turn my attention back to our new ally and offer a hand. “I’m ______ by the way. And this is Zack.”
                The young man pulls the helmet down, revealing a wild mess of blonde hair and the clearest blue eyes I’ve ever seen. His hand takes mine. “Cloud.”
                Zack gives him a hardy pat on the back. “Alright! We’ll take good care of you, Cloud.”
                When he doesn’t look too reassured, I give him a thumbs-up. “Promise.”
                Poor guy gets it rough from the start: motion sickness on the truck. We can’t really do anything to help him other than give encouraging words but he bounces back pretty quickly once we arrive.
                The monster infestation isn’t exactly hard to dig up information on; everyone is complaining about ruined crops and terrorized herds. Zack and I reassure the civilians that we’ll take care of the problem, but something seems off about all the details.
                “That’s why I’m in SOLDIER,” Zack ends, leading the way through the trees.
                The blonde looks to me for my answer. “Meh. I grew up in the Midgar slums and it sucks. Saw the sky for the first time two years ago and that was it; I had to get out.”
                “And joining SOLDIER helped you?”
                I shrug. “SOLDIER lets met travel the world. It’s not just the sky anymore; it’s everything. Plus, you know, the standard ‘I’ll be a hero’ thing.” He seems thoughtful. “So why did you join Shinra?”
                Cloud glances away. “I…wanted to be in SOLDIER.” I catch the disappointment in his voice; getting into SOLDIER is no easy feat and many are turned away.
                “Ah, keep your chin up. You’ll get there someday,” Zack encourages. “Like half of everyone in SOLDIER had to take multiple swings at it before being accepted.”
                “Did you guys?” It’s my turn to avoid eye contact. Zack doesn’t answer either and I hear the blonde sigh. Then Cloud changes the subject. “Is it me, or does the information we gathered not add up to Kalm Fangs?” he says.
                I fold my arms. “Yeah, I thought so too.”
                “What? You guys think they were lying?” questions Zack, walking backwards to join the conversation.
                “Not lying so much as…misinformed,” Cloud replies. “No one actually said they saw the monsters causing any problems and the damage seems bigger than a standard pack of fangs.”
                “He’s right. But we really can’t do anything until we figure out just what’s causing it,” I sigh. “And by the time we do that, we might as well-”
                Suddenly, Cloud draws his rifle, aiming in Zack’s direction. The SOLDIER throws his hands up. “Woah! What’s your deal, man?!”
                “Shh!” His aim slowly rises until he lowers the rifle; the look of concentration drops to horror. “It’s definitely not a Kalm Fang,” he utters.
                Cloud raises a hand, pointing out the massive figure looming over us. “THAT IS NOT A KALM FANG!”
                The front paws come crashing towards us and I just have time to jerk the infantryman out of harm’s way.
                “WHAT THE HELL IS A BEHEMOTH DOING HERE?!” I exclaim, pulling my linked khopesh from their holsters.
                “NOT THE TIME FOR THAT!” orders Zack, swinging his sword at a paw.
                The behemoth is definitely a pain in the ass we weren’t prepared for. Zack and I keep the monster’s focus off Cloud. Bit by bit, we whittle the beast down, but it’s clearly getting agitated.
                My stomach drops when it turns on our gunner. Lashing out a weapon, I entangle the chain around one of the beast’s horns and pull; thank god for SOLDIER strength. “Get back here!”
                The behemoth roars, rearing up; SOLDIER strength is not enough to hold down an angry behemoth and I get thrown through the air. I manage to land on my feet only to be caught in a crushing grip. A gaping mouth of massive teeth comes at me. It takes everything I have to keep the jaws from clamping down on me, but my arms are shaking and the teeth are digging into my hands.
                There’s a rapid succession of bangs. The monster ceases its attempt to devour me. Without warning, I slip from its grasp. A pair of arms catches me before I can hit the ground, but he stumbles and falls. Holding tightly to me, he scrambles backwards out of range of the collapsing behemoth which nearly crushes us. With that, it heaves a final sigh. Everything is deadly silent as we wait for the beast to attempt mauling us again. But it’s dead with multiple bullet wounds across the face, one straight in the eye.
                Zack finally breaks the silence. “Holy shit.”
                I look up to my savior, finding his face a lot closer than I expected. From here, I can see the depth of color in his blue eyes that threatens to pull me in.
                “A-Are you okay?” he asks softly, bringing the blood rushing to my face.
                “Yeah,” I whisper, still unable to break the eye contact. “Thanks.”
                “That was some damn fine shooting, Cloud!” Zack’s boisterous cheer tears my attention away from my hero. “And you caught the girl too.”
                I don’t know about Cloud, but my face is now burning up and I kind of want to kick Zack’s ass. Pushing away from the infantryman, I quickly feel the stinging in my hands and hiss.
                “I can’t believe you stopped it with your bare hands.” The SOLDIER pulls me to my feet.
                “Was I supposed to let it eat me?” I grumble.
                “Uh, here.” Cloud tears at the fabric around his neck and starts wrapping my hands.
                Meanwhile, Zack retorts, “No. You were supposed to not get caught.”
                “It was gonna eat Cloud! And if we lose another infantryman, Sephiroth and Angeal will have us doing squats forever and I can’t do that again!”
                “Alright, alright! Calm down! You made the right call.”
                The blonde releases my hands. “How’s that?”
                “Aww. You’re so sweet.” I very much enjoy the blush that plays across his nose, and now he has no scarf to hide behind. “Zack, why aren’t you this nice?”
                “What do I have that I could possibly wrap your hands with? Or are you trying to say you’d like to see me without my shirt?”
                I deadpan, “I take it back. You’re always gonna be an ass.”
                “Hey! I’m full of charm! Just because you don’t appreciate it doesn’t mean other women don’t.”
                “Thank god I’m not other women.” Cloud snickers.
                It’s dark by the time we make it back to the town and inform the villagers of just what had been stalking them at night. There are plenty of thanks going around though it’s mostly directed towards the SOLDIERs, despite our insistence that the infantryman dealt the killing blow. Cloud seems kind of bummed by the time we get to the inn.
                I flop onto the bed. “Thank god we don’t have to leave until tomorrow.”
                “No kidding,” Zack agrees from the sofa.
                “Hey, you should probably wash your hands and properly wrap them,” suggests Cloud. 
                “I just laid down!”
                “They might get infected if you don’t.”
                The concern playing across his face makes my stomach squirm. I can’t pin down exactly what it is, but this boy is so damn adorable. Heaving a dramatic sigh, I get off the bed. “Fine.”
                Peeling back the bloody fabric and holey gloves, I wash my hands in the bathroom. I return to the room to find the infantryman going through a first aid kit he must’ve gotten from the inn-keeper. Sitting beside him, I reach for a roll of gauze, but he takes my hand and turns it over. Without his gloves, I can feel the cool touch of his calloused fingers and it catches me off guard. He’s very careful about his work and I’m just speechless.
                “It’s not perfect, but it’s definitely better,” he hums.
                A smile pulls across my lips. “You may not have gotten into SOLDIER, but you’re still a hero…If only to me.”
                The blush bleeds across his cheeks and the bashful boy looks away. “Uh, thanks.”
                Reaching up, I ruffle his soft hair. “And you’ll be the best infantry chocobo in the world.”
                His face falls to shock and Zack shouts, “That’s it! That’s what he looks like!”
                “Oh no…”
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dfroza · 3 years
Today’s reading from the ancient book of Proverbs and book of Psalms
for September 15 of 2021 with Proverbs 15 and Psalm 15, accompanied by Psalm 88 for the 88th day of Astronomical Summer and Psalm 108 for day 258 of the year (now with the consummate book of 150 Psalms in its 2nd revolution this year)
[Proverbs 15]
[Wisdom Far Better than Wickedness]
Respond gently when you are confronted
and you’ll defuse the rage of another.
Responding with sharp, cutting words will only make it worse.
Don’t you know that being angry
can ruin the testimony of even the wisest of men?
When wisdom speaks, understanding becomes attractive.
But the words of the fool make their ignorance look laughable.
The eyes of the Lord are everywhere
and he takes note of everything that happens.
He watches over his lovers,
and he also sees the wickedness of the wicked.
When you speak healing words,
you offer others fruit from the tree of life.
But unhealthy, negative words do nothing but crush their hopes.
You’re stupid to mock the instruction of a father,
but welcoming correction will make you brilliant.
There is prosperity in the house of the righteous,
but the house of the wicked is filled with trouble,
no matter how much money they have.
When wisdom speaks, revelation-knowledge is released,
but finding true wisdom in the word of a fool is futile.
It is despicable to the Lord
when people use the worship of the Almighty
as a cloak for their sin,
but every prayer of the righteous is pleasing to his heart.
The Lord detests the lifestyle of the wicked,
but he loves those who pursue purity.
Severe punishment awaits the one
who turns away from the truth,
and those who rebel against correction will die.
Even hell itself holds no secrets from the Lord God,
for before his eyes, all is exposed—
and so much more the heart of every human being.
The know-it-all never esteems the one who tries to correct him.
He refuses to seek good advice from the wise.
[Living an Ascended Life]
A cheerful heart puts a smile on your face,
but a broken heart leads to depression.
Lovers of God hunger after truth,
but those without understanding
feast on foolishness and don’t even realize it.
Everything seems to go wrong
when you feel weak and depressed.
But when you choose to be cheerful,
every day will bring you more and more joy and fullness.
It’s much better to live simply,
surrounded in holy awe and worship of God,
than to have great wealth with a home full of trouble.
It’s much better to have a meal of vegetables surrounded with love and grace
than a steak where there is hate.
A touchy, hot-tempered man picks a fight,
but the calm, patient man knows how to silence strife.
Nothing seems to work right for the lazy man,
but life seems smooth and easy when your heart is virtuous.
When a son learns wisdom,
a father’s heart is glad.
But the man who shames his mother is a foolish son.
The senseless fool treats life like a joke,
but the one with living-understanding makes good choices.
Your plans will fall apart right in front of you
if you fail to get good advice.
But if you first seek out multiple counselors,
you’ll watch your plans succeed.
Everyone enjoys giving great advice.
But how delightful it is to say the right thing at the right time!
The life-paths of the prudent lift them progressively heavenward,
delivering them from the death spirals
that keep tugging them downward.
The Lord champions the widow’s cause,
but watch him as he smashes down the houses of the haughty!
The Lord detests wicked ways of thinking,
but he enjoys lovely and delightful words.
The one who puts earning money above his family
will have trouble at home,
but those who refuse to exploit others
will live in peace.
Lovers of God think before they speak,
but the careless blurt out wicked words meant to cause harm.
The Lord doesn’t respond to the wicked,
but he’s moved to answer the prayers of the righteous.
Eyes that focus on what is beautiful bring joy to the heart,
and hearing a good report
refreshes and strengthens the inner being.
Accepting constructive criticism
opens your heart to the path of life,
making you right at home among the wise.
Refusing constructive criticism shows
you have no interest in improving your life,
for revelation-insight only comes as you accept correction
and the wisdom that it brings.
The source of revelation-knowledge is found
as you fall down in surrender before the Lord.
Don’t expect to see Shekinah glory
until the Lord sees your sincere humility.
The Book of Proverbs, Chapter 15
[Psalm 15]
A song of David.
Eternal One, who is invited to stay in Your dwelling?
Who is granted passage to Your holy mountain?
Here is the answer: The one who lives with integrity, does what is right,
and speaks honestly with truth from the heart.
The one who doesn’t speak evil against others
or wrong his neighbor,
or slander his friends.
The one who loathes the loathsome,
honors those who fear the Eternal,
And keeps all promises no matter the cost.
The one who does not lend money with gain in mind
and cannot be bought to harm an innocent name.
If you live this way, you will not be shaken and will live together with the Lord.
The Book of Psalms, Poem 15 (The Voice)
[Psalm 88]
For the worship leader. A song of the sons of Korah accompanied by dance. A contemplative song of Heman the Ezrahite.
O Eternal One! O True God my Savior!
I cry out to You all the time, under the sun and the moon.
Let my voice reach You!
Please listen to my prayers!
My soul is deeply troubled,
and my heart can’t bear the weight of this sorrow. I feel so close to death.
I’m like the poor and helpless who die alone,
left for dead, as good as the unknowable sea of souls lying under our feet,
Forsaken by Him and cut off from His hand,
abandoned among the dead who rest in their graves.
And You have sent me to be forgotten with them,
in the lowest pits of the earth,
in the darkest canyons of the ocean.
You crush me with Your anger.
You crash against me like the relentless, angry sea.
Those whom I have known, who have been with me,
You have gathered like sheaves and cast to the four winds.
They can’t bear to look me in the eye, and they are horrified when they think of me.
I am in a trap and cannot be free.
My eyes grow dim, weakened by this sickness;
it is taking my strength from me.
Like a worn cloth, my hands are unfolded before You daily, O Eternal One.
Are You the miracle-worker for the dead?
Will they rise from the dark shadows to worship You again?
Will Your great love be proclaimed in the grave
or Your faithfulness be remembered in whispers like mists throughout the place of ruin?
Are Your wonders known in the dominion of darkness,
or is Your righteousness recognized in a land where all is forgotten?
But I am calling out to You, Eternal One.
My prayers rise before You with every new sun!
Why do You turn Your head
and brush me aside, O Eternal One?
Why are You avoiding me?
Since the days of my youth, I have been sick and close to death.
My helpless soul has suffered Your silent horrors;
now I am desperate.
Your rage spills over me like rivers of fire;
Your assaults have all but destroyed me.
They surround me like a flood, rising throughout the day,
closing in from every direction.
You have taken from me the one I love and my friend;
even the light of my acquaintances are darkness.
The Book of Psalms, Poem 88
[Psalm 108]
A song of David.
My heart is committed, O God:
I will sing;
I will sing praises with great affection
and pledge my whole soul to the singing.
Wake up the harp and lyre, and strum the strings;
I will stir the sleepy dawn from slumber!
I will stand and offer You my thanks, Eternal One, in the presence of others;
I will sing of Your greatness among the nations no matter where I am.
For Your amazing love soars overhead far into the heavens;
Your truth rises up to the clouds
where passing light bends.
O God, that You would be lifted up above the heavens in the hearts of Your people
until the whole earth knows Your glory.
Reach down and rescue those whom You love;
pull us to safety by Your mighty right hand, and answer me.
God’s voice has been heard in His holy sanctuary:
“I will celebrate.
I will allocate Shechem and the Succoth Valley to My people.
Gilead belongs to Me, and so does Manasseh;
Ephraim is the helmet that protects My head;
Judah is the scepter through which I rule;
Moab is the washpot in which I clean Myself;
I will throw My shoe over Edom in conquest;
Philistia will soon hear My victory shout.”
But who will take me into the fortified city?
Who will lead me into Edom?
Have You not turned Your back on us, O God?
Will You stay away and not accompany our armies, O God?
Help us against our enemy; we need Your help!
It’s useless to trust in the hand of man for liberation.
Only through God can we be successful.
It is God alone who will defeat our enemies and bring us victory!
The Book of Psalms, Poem 108 (The Voice)
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reigning-rhapsody · 3 years
Strifesodos, past Gengeal; 2841 words
No TWs
The ear piercing noises of pots and pans and what sounded like now unusable plates briefly silenced the patrons crowding Seventh Heaven and let about everyone in the bar flinch in unison- all but one. Cloud merely quirked up a brow as his head shot towards the kitchen where the newest member of the staff, though it had been months since he’d joined and kept some work away from the ever so eager-to-work Tifa, had been on duty to cook for the evening.
I am, by no means, a great cook, he’d warned them at first, which turned out to be more than true, but his tastebuds didn’t lie, nor did his memory. He could tell what needed more salt and what had to stay cooking on the stove just a bit more until it was at its best, and he knew quite a few recipes for someone that, apparently, was no good as a chef. He wants to evade working any more than just as a bartender, Cloud assumed at first exactly because of that, but as good as the man was when it came to acting, as he had proven quite a few times, what he told was no lie.
Tifa insisted he should try cooking, and Gaia, it was worse than Marlene’s mud-pies from when she was younger. According to Barret, at least, who entered the establishment with a growling belly longing for a meal right as their chef in the making had finished his… attempt. A burnt pot and sore stomachs were the victims in the aftermath of Genesis Rhapsodos’ cooking despite everyone who passed him in the process paying attention to him wearing the glasses he was supposed to have sitting on his nose.
If one wanted to trust the promises given by Tifa, who insisted that teaching her new co-worker how to make some proper dishes was essential, he was a fast learner, and occasionally he even suggested to make a few meals he had memorized. No one knew as to why it was that he had recipes in mind, but no one bothered to ask either. One thing was clear though, the guy sure liked apples.
“Cloud, can you check on him?”, Tifa’s voice rung behind the blond addressed by it, barely able to be heard as the chatter and laughter picked up among the patrons again. She was busy, carrying two trays with food and drinks and a plate on one of her outstretched arms on top of it, so it was understandable she didn’t even wait for an answer and moved to the table that awaited their order. His next delivery would be in about twenty minutes and as slow as he could make himself walk, to evade whatever mess just occurred behind that door a few feet ahead of him would was impossible. Better get it over with quickly.
With a sigh, Cloud turned fully to face the direction of the kitchen and closed the gap that separated him from the door with a few swift steps slipping past filled tables. The blond swung the door open while his unoccupied hand rested in the pocket of his baggy pants. “Hey, the hell-?” He started, cutting himself off as his Mako infused gaze fell upon a kneeling Genesis staring at the floor like he was about to propose to it. Or rather, to the soup on the ground surrounding an upside down pot, porcelain pieces of what once upon a time were bowls circling the romanticized mess like ivory rose petals.
Genesis didn’t look up, nor did he answer, nor did he acknowledge Cloud and pretended the delivery boy wasn’t even present. He picked up the shattered vessels meant for the customers to eat what he begrudgingly prepared out of, seemingly doing his utmost to keep his eyes averted, or fully hidden to begin with.
Cloud narrowed his eyes and stepped forward so the door could fall shut behind him, swaying in and out of the room a few more times and allowing whatever curious mind sat in the much busier space of Seventh Heaven to catch a last glimpse of the scene playing out in the no-customer space, although who was sunken on the ground being covered by Cloud standing in front of him. He approached Genesis, both hands now in the confided space of his roomy pockets as he simply stared down at who he usually had to crane his head back for to make eye contact. Seeing someone who held himself so highly on the floor picking up shards with his own hands, it was amusing in a slightly sadistic way to say the least.
He knew that speaking up would only end in a discussion, then an argument and then a passive aggressive verbal fight that could break out into something physical at any given second. At least it sounded like that, anyway, but if it was the truth stood in the stars since the pair usually got interrupted when they got into another of their near daily banters. So he kept quiet and stayed put until the slender ginger would say the first word. And so he eventually did, pausing his task to exhale a defeated sigh and with what was left of his pride for the day.
And yet, he didn’t look up. “Not. A word.”, Genesis punctuated with a clearly irritated voice and Cloud just replied with an entertained huff. “Need help?”
“No.” “Uh-huh.” He didn’t have the time to put up with the mage’s stubbornness and crouched down, reaching out to grab the pot whilst his eyes remained on the culprit of the ruined meal. Finally eye-to-eye, Cloud noticed the missing black frame supposed to reach behind Genesis’ ears, “So, let me guess…”, the younger man started, turning the pot around and holding it by the handles, “You knocked this all over because you’re not wearing the glasses?”
That earned him a venomous glare, but an exposed one. Unlike Genesis’, his own vision was just fine, and thus not spotting the black supposed to be added to the color scheme around his face wasn’t just an illusion. “I don’t need them,”, the redhead barked back, “As I’ve told you before. You all are being dramatic over nothing at all.”
Hearing him out of all people judging what crosses the line of being too dramatic made Cloud snort and shake his head at how ridiculous that was, much to the wannabe-cook’s further annoyance. They locked eyes, three triplets and one glassy, milky-white outcast cataract.
The cracks scarring the porcelain skin roped themselves from his left eye over the same side of his cheek, shimmering through the applied makeup that attempted to hide them in vain as it had been vanishing with the sweat glistening on the man’s face from standing in a hot kitchen for hours on. Like veins dotted with thorns, they reached down his neck, reaching over the visible parts of his equally pale chest that was exposed due to the button up Genesis wore being partially undone. He could only guess how much of his body they tainted. They are what caused that vision problems too, as he’d been told by Genesis.
“I know I’m just mesmerizing, but make yourself useful if you refuse to let me handle this on my own.” An arrogant voice pierced Cloud’s zoned out thoughts and he blinked himself back into reality, not having the best experiences with anything piercing him. If it wouldn’t have been a vocal trigger that brought him back though, it would’ve been the smell of something burning.
“Agh- shit!” Genesis cursed under his breath and got on his feet again, groaning at his aching legs that fell asleep staying in the same uncomfortable position for some time. Cloud followed and watched the man place down the pieces of the bowls he’d already picked up next to the stove where a pancake was smelling like the victims of his flames- although it wasn’t on purpose for once.
Another swear muttered as he turned off the heat, or at least what Cloud assumed to be one since it was spoken in the ginger’s native language, and grabbed a spatula that rested on the workspace to his right to try and scratch the pitch blackness off the bottom of the pan. After some hard work was put into saving what could be saved, or what he hoped to save at least, that being the pan, Genesis put the inedible dessert on a nearby plate flipped over.
Both pairs of eyes in the room stared at it in silence, Cloud approaching with caution like what was sitting there was a Behemoth about to jump up and eat both of them whole whilst minding the puddle of broth, veggies and meat on the floor. He then stood next to the creator of the ‘food’ and stared it down. Roasted darker than his outfit, the smell was absolutely unappetizing and nothing looked appealing about it at all. It even took he blond a bit to figure out that there were apple slices mixed into the darkness, swallowed by it like stars during a cloudy night sky.
“Well… not that it was satisfactory, anyway.” Genesis admitted in defeat, much to Cloud’s surprise, although his ego must have been knocked down a few from their earlier confrontation. He might even go as far and claim he saw the slightest, embarrassed blush tinting the ex-SOLDIER’s pale cheeks, though mentioning it would only result in more than just a pancake ending up scorched.
“How the hell did you survive this long?”, Cloud asked with a wrinkled nose.”
“Thank you for your, as always, comforting words.”
“And what do you want me to say?”
“Nothing. It’s-”, Genesis took a deep breath, tightening his ponytail by dividing it into two strings in his hands and pulling, “There was never a need for me to learn how to cook. As a child, we had someone that cooked for us, and when I went to Midgar I first lived off of cafeteria food.. which I, eventually, resented and blatantly refused to eat. Then it was takeout, mostly, and once we became firsts we got an apartment together, so I had Angeal cooking for me.”
The drop of his name briefly silenced Genesis who still had his leer cast upon the failed attempt of a pancake. His lips thinned and he swallowed dryly, hands placed flat on the surface of the workspace. He exhaled a breath through his nose and his shoulders twitched weakly in a half-chuckle. “‘You’ll stay out of the kitchen when I’m cooking. You’re banned from the stove, Gen.’”, Genesis mocked a deeper voice to the best of his abilities, a bittersweet smile curling on his lips, “Sugar sweet, no? I never needed to learn how to make anything for myself. It was a thing I had done for me, and people never minded, either.”
“Not that that would have gotten me to start learning.” He added after another few seconds filled with nothing but the mechanical whirring of the fridge a few feet away from them. “Angeal, he uh… He loved cooking, but baking even more. The pie he made was to kill for, and whenever he made it, I would sit there and watch. Talk to him, sometimes even help. Providing he let me, that is.”
Finally, he looked up again and turned his head to look at the other swordsman. “No matter what I will make, it won’t live up to what he did.”, his head then hung low once more, “Nor would it satisfy him.” The normally so confident and boasting voice, teasing and preaching highly poetic metaphors nobody but him understood, grew lower in volume, quieter with every word vocalized and brought to live by it, although it sounded dead, unenthusiastic. It wasn’t a voice that fit Genesis.
“Or me.” His hands visibly gripped the edges of the big table harder, like he was trying to ground himself so he wouldn’t fall into a void that existed to eat him up from the inside, fill him with the worst of what life had to offer. His eyes fell shut, knuckles turning white and his fingers shook ever so slightly until he straightened his posture to one that equaled that of a candle and let out a shaky breath between agape lips, mismatching eyes fluttering open again. “I should clean this up now. Don’t you have a delivery to fulfill, hm?” Genesis ushered, his intent to get Cloud out and not show any more weakness than what just occurred beyond noticeable. It went under his skin, let the hair on the back of his neck rise and spread goosebumps across his arms.
It was… so damn depressing to witness.
“Ah. Ah- yeah, right.” Cloud reminded himself and reaches for the PHS in his pocket, flipping it open to check the time. He had a few more minutes. Watching Genesis move to a cabinet where a few kitchen towels were stored from the corner of his eye, the blond warrior pocketed his phone again, ran a hand through his artfully spiked hair, took a deep breath that let his chest puff out, counted his blessings and took off a glove with his teeth to grab the round little mistake sprawled out on the plate. Leather glove dropped in his lowered hand once it returned from brushing back the sunny mess on his head, he made sure the golden-brown side was the one facing the floor and placed it against his lips. He swallowed, opened his mouth and took a generous bite.
The first few times of chewing were experimental, eyebrows knitted together and eyes nearly pinched shut, though he discovered that keeping the part which wasn’t tainted by the lord of the Underworld and all evil himself judging by the pitch blackness trademarking it did make it a lot more bearable. Whenever some of the burnt bit brushed over his tongue he just gave it his best to swallow that piece, his tastebuds welcoming the sweet flavor of the apples dancing over it whenever he was lucky to have some in his mouth the more bites he took.
Two down, about two or another three to go. It wouldn’t be a chore to eat it if it weren’t for the burnt side, he had to admit, so Tifa wasn’t lying when she said he improved and was indeed a fast learner.
“You’re insane, Strife.”
Cloud nearly choked on the load of pancake occupying his mouth the moment Genesis caught him forcing down the food. He cleared his throat and properly swallowed what was left on his tongue. He ‘tch’ed, glaring at the dessert like it was his worst enemy. “I didn’t eat anything yet today’s all. Don’t want Tifa to get on my ass for not eating again.” “And how would she know?” “She… just does- you should be glad I’m making what she’ll say to you less worse.” The sunny haired man silenced himself by ripping another huge piece out off the pancake, so much it only left one last bite instead of a possible three. Although his angles eyebrows raised into a less hostile expression when he saw the slightest bit of a smile growing on the auburnet’s plush cherry lips. He stopped chewing for just a moment, taking in- no, admiring what he did by refusing to let someone sulk and keep self loathing. “Get out, or I’ll tell Tifa all of what just occurred was your and only your fault.”
Cloud playfully rolled his eyes, though did as told and moved towards the door, no intentions of a further exchange made- not on his side, at least. “Oh, also-”, he was stopped by Genesis speaking up once more, coming to an abrupt halt and half turning around, “You should pay me a visit when I am on cooking duty again sometime, maybe I have more blissfully tasting food for you to devour.”
Cloud snorted, “No promises.”
“Don’t you speak to me with a full mouth, learn some manners.”, Genesis retorted with a playful hum before truly dismissing the other with a flamboyant wave of the hand that didn’t hold a soup-soaked towel.
This time truly exiting, Cloud pushed the last small bite of the pancake into his mouth and chewed with stuffed cheeks, hands returning to his pockets as he eyed the bar counter where the delivery was stored. Forcing down the rest of the half-bitter-half-sweet mistake, he glanced over his shoulder one last time to see Tifa hurriedly moving into the kitchen. He exhaled in amusement at the distant chatter coming from behind the door swaying door before it fell shut completely and blocked out the conversation though. Cloud moved behind the bar to crouch down and grab the package that needed to be driven to Junon and set on his way out of the warm and cozy confinement to let the cold air hit him full on.
Genesis sounded more like himself again, he noted.
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reigning-rhapsody · 4 years
//bc I was reminded of the gift of the goddess that is strifesodos,
I think it'd work out really well post-doc (obviously). They're both widowed people that lost someone very important to them and can understand each other so well, better than anyone else, when it's about emphasizing with that
Yet on the other hand their personalities clash so hard and they have huge problems communicating at first. They first meet when gen appears at 7th heaven, obviously drawing attention to himself with a milky/grey eye, cracks that reach out from the turtleneck to stretch across his cheek and make it look like shattered glass and his outfit on top of it. Denzel asked cloud about him, who recognized the eye(s) and walked over to gen, telling him soldiers aren't liked that much around these parts
They didnt talk again until one day cloud walked in on genesis being a new bartender at 7th heaven and from that point on, they pestered each other, but the curiosity from both sides was insatiable (is that the right word-), because all cloud knew about gen was him being a former soldier that introduced himself with nothing but "G", while gen wants to know where clouds mako eyes come from when hes got no idea who that guy is
Things go south and yet that seems to be the right direction when gen asks cloud where he was going one day seeing that he wasn't carrying a package to deliver, who replied that hed go to the church. At that point, genesis knew of it, knew cloud knew zack, but that's all, until he asks if he could come along (not having anything else planned after his shift which would end soon), and much to his surprise, cloud agreed
Genesis sees the buster sword there, the flowers blooming all around it and the pure water. He walks over, shakily sinking to one leg as he places a hand on it, as his forehead and closes his eyes to calm down and speak a quiet prayer. Cloud, confused, asks for his reaction when he's done and finally, genesis opens up. About his name, his past affiliations, deeds, life. They start weaving their stories together and see and understand the parallels and after weeks and weeks of mutual annoyance it becomes a mutual understanding and respect they grow to have for one another.
Though the teasing and mocking and whatnot is still there of course, just on a lighter note
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reigning-rhapsody · 4 years
//genesis and cloud heading to the church like they do ever so often and they decide to wander around it a bit instead of just sitting at the buster sword and flowers (though genesis speaks a prayer before they decide to do so) and they find a church organ under an old blanket
it’s a bit dusty and obviously hasn’t been touched in years but still in an alright condition. he’s only ever played on a piano, and he’s rusty for sure, but genesis sits down after brushing some dust off the seat stuffed in some corner and carrying it over. he experimentally pushes down on a few keys, and it is still working as they suspected, so he gestures for cloud to sit down next to him and starts playing to the best of his abilities of what he can remember by heart
playing a song two or three times, he’s confident enough to add vocals to it, always having been musically talented- his knowledge of how to play the piano stems solely from his mother anyway, so does the fact that he can sing.
he hasn’t talked about being able to play an instrument nor sing with cloud or anyone in the party, so cloud is just staring in awe, listening, watching this moment of vulnerability genesis usually refuses to ever let anyone see, and when the song is over, he notices that it was exactly that and clears his throat, then hastily gets up, but cloud begrudgingly compliments him on what he just did
it’s the first time they don’t bicker. it’s the first time cloud doesn’t want to smack him across the head or genesis doesn’t feel the need to tease and mock him in every way he can think of. for just a bit, they don’t “””hate””” each other and exist in a silent, mutual appreciation for one another
they know that no one gets their pain of loss the way the other does, their stories are so tightly knit together and even if genesis never knew aerith and even if cloud never knew angeal, they still get it, they understand how much it hurts and the guilt the other must have and seeking comfort in one another, even if it takes time to accept that that is exactly what they’re subconsciously trying to do, is what keeps them from just ignoring each other despite oh so “hating” their counterpart
genesis says that he played that song for them, wherever they may be listening from, and he offers to teach cloud to pay tribute to them as well now that they have the opportunity. in the church is where every dispute they’ve had and will have is forgotten and ignored and it’s a safe space, one they share and are glad to have even if it’s now shared- though it’s better than coming there to depressively sulk alone and let the negative thoughts consume them
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reigning-rhapsody · 3 years
Tumblr media
local blind bitch boy refuses to wear his glasses 0011 not yet colorized
ill make this Not Horrible eventually i just never draw comics and im tired i apologize for how bad it looks JASFKASFSA
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dfroza · 4 years
Today’s reading from the ancient books of Proverbs and Psalms
for Thursday, October 29 of 2020 with Proverbs 29 and Psalm 29 accompanied by Psalm 38 for the 38th day of Autumn and Psalm 3 for day 303 of the year (now with the consummate book of 150 Psalms in its 3rd revolution this year)
[Proverbs 29]
Stubborn people who repeatedly refuse to accept correction
will suddenly be broken and never recover.
Everyone rejoices when the lovers of God flourish,
but the people groan when the wicked rise to power.
When you love wisdom, your father is overjoyed.
But when you associate with prostitutes,
you waste your wealth in exchange for disgrace.
A godly leader who values justice
is a great strength and example to the people.
But the one who sells his influence for money
tears down what is right.
Flattery can often be used as a trap to hide ulterior motives
and take advantage of you.
The wicked always have a trap laid for others,
but the lovers of God escape as they sing and shout
in joyous triumph!
God’s righteous people will pour themselves out for the poor,
but the ungodly make no attempt to understand or help the needy.
[You Can’t Argue with a Fool]
Arrogant cynics love to pick fights,
but the humble and wise love to pursue peace.
There’s no use arguing with a fool,
for his ranting and raving prevent you from making a case
and settling the argument in a calm way.
Violent men hate those with integrity,
but the lovers of God esteem those who are holy.
You can recognize fools by the way
they give full vent to their rage
and let their words fly!
But the wise bite their tongue and hold back all they could say.
When leaders listen to false accusations,
their associates become scoundrels.
Poor people and their oppressors
have only one thing in common—
God made them both.
The best insurance for a leader’s longevity
is to demonstrate justice for the poor.
Experiencing many corrections and rebukes will make you wise.
But if left to your own ways, you’ll bring disgrace to your parents.
When the wicked are in power, lawlessness abounds.
But the patient lovers of God will one day watch in triumph
as their stronghold topples!
Correct your child and one day you’ll find he has changed
and will bring you great delight.
When there is no clear prophetic vision,
people quickly wander astray.
But when you follow the revelation of the word,
heaven’s bliss fills your soul.
A stubborn servant can’t be corrected by words alone.
For even if he understands, he pays no attention to you.
There’s only one kind of person who is worse than a fool:
the impetuous one who speaks without thinking first.
If you pamper your servants,
don’t be surprised when they expect to be treated as sons.
The source of strife is found in an angry heart,
for sin surrounds the life of a furious man.
Lift yourself up with pride and you will soon be brought low,
but a meek and humble spirit will add to your honor.
You are your own worst enemy when you partner with a thief,
for a curse of guilt will come upon you
when you fail to report a crime.
Fear and intimidation is a trap that holds you back.
But when you place your confidence in the Lord,
you will be seated in the high place.
Everyone curries favor with leaders.
But God is the judge, and justice comes from him.
The wicked hate those who live a godly life,
but the righteous hate injustice wherever it’s found.
The Book of Proverbs, Chapter 29 (The Passion Translation)
[Psalm 29]
The Glory-God Thunders
King David’s poetic praise to God for the last days
The Feast of Tabernacles
Proclaim his majesty, all you mighty champions,
you sons of Almighty God,
giving all the glory and strength back to him!
Be in awe before his majesty.
Be in awe before such power and might!
Come worship wonderful Yahweh, arrayed in all his splendor,
bowing in worship as he appears in the beauty of holiness.
Give him the honor due his name.
Worship him wearing the glory-garments
of your holy, priestly calling!
The voice of the Lord echoes through the skies and seas.
The Glory-God reigns as he thunders in the clouds.
So powerful is his voice, so brilliant and bright,
how majestic as he thunders over the great waters!
His tympanic thunder topples the strongest of trees.
His symphonic sound splinters the mighty forests.
Now he moves Zion’s mountains by the might of his voice,
shaking the snowy peaks with his earsplitting sound!
The lightning-fire flashes, striking as he speaks.
God reveals himself when he makes the fault lines quake,
shaking deserts, speaking his voice.
God’s mighty voice makes the deer to give birth.
His thunderbolt voice lays the forest bare.
In his temple all fall before him with each one shouting,
“Glory, glory, the God of glory!”
Above the furious flood, the Enthroned One reigns,
the King-God rules with eternity at his side.
This is the one who gives his strength and might to his people.
This is the Lord giving us his kiss of peace.
The Book of Psalms, Poem 29 (The Passion Translation)
[Psalm 38]
A Groan before the Throne
A poetic lament to remember, by King David
O Lord, don’t punish me angrily for what I’ve done.
Don’t let my sin inflame your wrath against me.
For the arrows of your conviction have pierced me deeply.
Your blows have struck my soul and crushed me.
Now my body is sick.
My health is totally broken because of your anger,
and it’s all due to my sins!
I’m overwhelmed, swamped, and submerged
beneath the heavy burden of my guilt.
It clings to me and won’t let me go.
My rotting wounds are a witness against me.
They are severe and getting worse,
reminding me of my failure and folly.
I am completely broken because of what I’ve done.
Gloom is all around me.
My sins have bent me over to the ground.
My inner being is shriveled up;
my self-confidence crushed.
Sick with fever, I’m left exhausted.
Now I’m cold as a corpse and nothing is left inside me
but great groaning filled with anguish.
Lord, you know all my desires and deepest longings.
My tears are liquid words and you can read them all.
My heart beats wildly, my strength is sapped,
and the light of my eyes is going out.
My friends stay far away from me, avoiding me like the plague.
Even my family wants nothing to do with me.
Meanwhile my enemies are out to kill me,
plotting my ruin, speaking of my doom
as they spend every waking moment
planning how to finish me off.
I’m like a deaf man who no longer hears.
I can’t even speak up, and words fail me;
I have no argument to counter their threats.
Lord, the only thing I can do is wait and put my hope in you.
I wait for your help, my God.
So hear my cry and put an end to their strutting in pride,
who gloat when I stumble in pain.
I’m slipping away and on the verge of a breakdown,
with nothing but sorrow and sighing.
I confess all my sin to you; I can’t hold it in any longer.
My agonizing thoughts punish me for my wrongdoing;
I feel condemned as I consider all I’ve done.
My enemies are many.
They hate me and persecute me,
though I’ve done nothing against them to deserve it.
I show goodness to them and get repaid evil in return.
And they hate me even more when I stand for what is right.
So don’t forsake me now, Lord!
Don’t leave me in this condition.
God, hurry to help me, run to my rescue!
For you’re my Savior and my only hope!
The Book of Psalms, Poem 38 (The Passion Translation)
[Psalm 3]
Covered by the Glory
King David’s song when he was forced to flee from Absalom, his own son
[The Humbling of a King]
Lord, I have so many enemies, so many who are against me.
Listen to how they whisper their slander against me, saying:
“Look! He’s hopeless! Even God can’t save him from this!”
Pause in his presence
[The Help of God]
But in the depths of my heart I truly know
that you, Yahweh, have become my Shield;
You take me and surround me with yourself.
Your glory covers me continually.
You lift high my head when I bow low in shame.
I have cried out to you, Yahweh, from your holy presence.
You send me a Father’s help.
Pause in his presence
[The Song of Safety]
So now I’ll lie down and sleep like a baby—
then I’ll awake in safety, for you surround me with your glory.
Even though dark powers prowl around me,
I won’t be afraid.
[The Secret of Strength]
I simply cry out to you:
“Rise up and help me, Lord! Come and save me!”
And you will slap them in the face,
breaking the power of their words to harm me.
My true hero comes to my rescue,
for the Lord alone is my Savior.
What a feast of favor and bliss he gives his people!
Pause in his presence
The Book of Psalms, Poem 3 (The Passion Translation)
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