ilminnestrone · 3 months
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My spider sense tells me I lack the ability to render this one further BUT I actually don't hate it!
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rottenpumpkin13 · 4 months
Strifesodos building IKEA furniture vs. Zack and Sephiroth, with Angeal as the judge. Who wins?
*While building a book shelf*
Cloud: Hold it straight.
Genesis: I am straight.
Cloud: No the fuck you're not.
*Sephiroth is going over the instructions manual to build a desk*
Sephiroth: This guide is very helpful. I'm sure that if we adhere to the instructions, our desk will be flawless.
Zack: DESK?
*Sephiroth looks up, Zack has build a chair*
Sephiroth: ?????
*Angeal is sitting with a BLÅHAJ*
Angeal: You and I are the only sane ones here.
*He places a knife beside it*
Angeal: Isn't that right, Shark-iroth?
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strayheartless · 4 months
Post AC Strifesodos be like
Cloud: what are you doing here Genesis?
Genesis: I-
Cloud: five words or less.
Genesis: Out. For. A. Walk… bitch.
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strifesodosweek · 6 months
Official Strifesodos Week Prompt List!
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Strifesodos Week will take place from October 7th-13th! I wanted to give people as much time as possible to work on their stories and artwork!
Check here for the Guidelines
And check here for the AO3 Collection
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salternateunreality2 · 3 months
Wholesome strifesodos please?
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With pleasure. Thanks for the ask! ❤️🍊❤️
Cloud: Bet you can't...
Genesis: You're on.
Cloud: ...go a day without Loveless.
Genesis: *nearly pops a blood vessel trying to prevent himself from responding with a quote*
Cloud: Just kidding *kisses and runs*
Genesis at the bar, drunk as a skunk: Tifaaaa... he's so...so...HOT
The coatrack he thinks is Tifa: ...
Genesis: I jus' wanna...KISS him, y'know? An' an' an' tell him he INSPIRES me. But like, to be a better person? Which? Like? I'm already great? But I'm secretly not and he loves me anyway? And I think I love him? Y'know what I mean, Tifa.
The coatrack: ...
Genesis: Tha'sh a lie. Everyone knows I'm a failure. But he SHTILL loves me. Why? He's so cute too. I wanna punch him in the mouth. With my mouth. Make him go "wark!" in shurprishe. But, like, he be into it. Y'know?
The coatrack: ...
Genesis: Here, I wrote a poem...
Cloud, behind the coatrack: 🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅
Aerith, sitting with Cloud: 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Genesis: ...roses are red. Your eyes are blue. You're good with materia. I wanna kiss you. Do you think he'll like it?
The coatrack: ...
Cloud: ...
Genesis: ...
Cloud: ...
Genesis: You called me out here, Strife. What can I do you for 😘
Cloud: FREE-99! 🍅
Zack, in the bushes: YEAH!
Genesis: ...
Cloud: ...
Genesis: you mean...
Cloud: YES.
Genesis: ...
Angeal, in the bushes: KISS HIM!
Genesis: *kisses Cloud*
Angeal and Zack: 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
Cloud: Let's leave immediately.
Genesis: Yep. *Sprouts a wing and zooms off*
Cloud: *panting and dying and bleeding*
Sephiroth: Well, Cloud, looks like I have you right where I URK!
Genesis: When the war of the beasts...
Cloud: behead him. Faster.
Genesis: Fine, fine. Honestly, you have no flair for the dramatic.
Cloud: *passes out with a gurgle*
Genesis: dammit.
Genesis: I am DYING. I am PERISHING. In my will I leave my 17th century edition to you...
Cloud: You have a minor cold. Now drink your apple juice. *Lovingly slams it in front of him*
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ff7-has-taken-me-over · 5 months
The way Genesis would go fucking feral over Cloud dressed as Alphried from Loveless but be so woefully wounded by his terrible acting 😂
He’d be equal parts mortified and hopelessly in love at the sight of him
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dissidiacloudstrife · 1 month
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okay this one was on purpose
Sephiroth | Genesis | Angeal | Zack | Aerith | Tifa
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oftheddawn · 11 months
new to ff7 how do i find the four other people on the internet that like genesis rhapsodos
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banorawhite · 2 months
Pairing: Genesis Rhapsodos/Cloud Strife
Series: I Have Kept of You What is Indissoluble
Cloud can't help but wonder if Genesis looks at him and sees a replacement for Sephiroth.
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sheylara-san · 11 months
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ilminnestrone · 2 months
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rottenpumpkin13 · 3 months
Cloud:*feeling the need to mentally break a man* Gen
Genesis:yes, precious?
Cloud:*kisses him on the lips* sweet, just how I like it. *Walks away*
Zack: Cloud....did you flirt with Genesis?
Cloud: Huh? No? He keeps wearing this apple-flavored chapstick and asked me if I ever wanted to try it, I could go ahead.
Zack: And you kissed him.
Cloud: Yeah? How else was I supposed to try it?
Zack: By applying it to your lips.
Cloud: I did! I kissed him!
Zack: How are you this dense
Cloud: Should I go apologize to him?
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strayheartless · 9 months
Anti-Hero: an ASGZC angst ficlet:
**A/N: I’m back at torturing Cloud again! This time by poking at his negative self talk and intrusive thoughts! If that’s triggering maybe give this one a miss! Also ⚠️trigger warning ⚠️ for panic attacks and Cloud having some issues with food (no ED but he’s depressed and struggling appetite loss), also I have highlighted a perceived possible power imbalance, but I want to make it clear that ASGZ take their power relation to Cloud seriously and rank does NOT get brought into the relationship.**
“It’s me, hi. I’m the problem it’s me. At tea time everybody agrees. I’ll stare directly at the sun but never in the mirror. It must be so exhausting always rooting for the Anti-Hero.” -Taylor swift, Anti-Hero
Cloud stirs his spoon through the soup Angeal has very kindly spent all afternoon cooking. It’s good, great even, it’s just a shame Clouds appetite abandoned him at the beginning of the week. He’d make up for it once he’s got his head on straight he promises himself, but right now he really can’t face eating all that much.
As he looks up through the hair curtaining his face he see’s his ridiculously beautiful boyfriends chat easily back and forth, swapping anecdotes about work or missions they’ve been on. Cloud has nothing to add. His job is seriously lacking in interesting anecdotes compared to actual first class SOLDIERS. If he opened his mouth to speak he knew he’d only be met with polite smiles and internal cringing on his own part.
He was nothing compared to these literal gods among men. Sometimes it was enough to make him feel like a mako monster sat at a dinner party. You could put lipstick on a wererat but that didn’t change the fact it was a rabid animal.
He looked back down again, trying desperately to convince himself to at least swallow a spoonful. Anything to let Angeal know the food was appreciated. Next to him, Zack laughed easily and slid an arm across the back of clouds chair; his own soup demolished.
“There’s no way you let them get away with anything less than Latrine duty!” He pressed, and Cloud realised he had no idea what the conversation was about… he’d zoned out too hard.
“Oh I had them on worse than that!” Genesis replied, and Zack lifted his hand off of the chair back to scratch at Clouds nape. “I’ve court martialed men for less.”
“You’ve set men aflame for less” Sephiroth pointed out.
The hand in Clouds hair felt like too much. The conversation was grating at him for no reason. For one horrifying second Cloud felt a yell well up in his throat before he stamped it down viciously and tried to wrestle his expression into something attentive.
He moved forward just a touch making Zack’s hand fall lazily between his shoulder blades, in a move that seemed like he was simply leaning into his own bowl. Zack at least, didn’t seem to notice or catch the discomfort in his face. Instead he mildly watched Cloud shove his spoon into his mouth and force himself to swallow.
The soup tried to force its way back up in protest but Cloud swallowed hard against the feeling. He would not make himself look like more of a fool than he already was.
How could he think he belonged here? How could he think he could possibly date these men who had achieved more in one year then Cloud was capable of in a lifetime. How could he simply sit here and play at being anything more than what he was… a lesser being.
Cloud wanted to push himself away from the table and run. Just throw open the door and go find a nice cave to hole up in. Maybe in twenty years time he could re-emerge and pretend he’d never tried to be more than he was.
His hands started shaking, the spoon falling from his grasp and making a loud clattering sound against the rim of the plate.
He was having a panic attack.
“Cloud?” Angeal was looking at him with his beautiful mako ringed eyes. Cloud could hear his own breath trying to break his chest cavity open. He grasped at the neck of his t’shirt frantically trying to claw it away from his throat. It felt like he was being choked.
Every eye in the room was on him. Genesis had placed his wine glass on the table; Sephiroth’s hand on his arm, having apparently silently pulled his attention to Clouds pathetic display. Zack was leaned forward and rubbing at Clouds back.
“Stop!” Cloud cried out. “Stop! Stop touching me I- I can’t,” he panted and Zack pulled his and away fast, giving a placating apology.
“Darling,” Genesis spoke soft but firm. “You need to breath,”
Oh, Cloud wanted to throw something at him. He wanted to spit in Gen’s face and rage that he didn’t have the perfect control that they did. Instead he pressed the heel of his hand into his breast bone and leaned heavily against the table top. The feeling in his chest was getting worse, the elastic band on his lungs tightening.
Angeal, slipped deftly off of his chair and knelt to the side of Clouds own, taking the hand that was curled, white knuckled, against the edge of the table.
“Here,” he murmured, placing Clouds hand against his own chest. “Follow my breathing,”
Angeal took a deep breath in, held it and then let it out slowly. He kept up a steady stream of reassurances as he did so, making sure Cloud knew he was safe and that the attack would pass.
“Good, you’re doing so good Storm Cloud,”
The pet name was something Angeal had picked up from Claudia last time they’d visited Nibelheim, and much to Clouds outward irritation, but inward pleasure, he’d started using it at home too. It had a pretty settling affect on Cloud, as his brain registered the name as something safe. Something innocent.
“That’s it,” the ravenette cooed. “Easy does it, there you go.”
Once the immediate danger of passing out had passed, Cloud tried to pull himself into the smallest ball possible on the uncomfortable dining room chair. He tucked his feet just under his butt and wrapped his arms around his knees, hiding his face between them.
Was he ever not going to embarrass himself in front of them? He guessed not.
“Sunshine, what’s going on?” Zack was touching him again. Just a light touch of his finger tips to Clouds elbow, but it felt more grounding then before.
“Imtoomuchofawasteofspacetobedatingallofyouanditmakesmewanttocraoutofmyskin,” Cloud didn’t lift his head or try to enunciate properly. The exhaustion had made his accent thicken and his brain feel like it was filled with treacle. It was seeping out of his ears.
“I’m sorry, we don’t speak mumble.” Genesis ribbed lightly.
“Gen,” Angeal said warningly.
“Cloud, you need to speak clearly. If we can’t understand we can’t help” Sephiroth said in place of Genesis’ retort.
Cloud looked up a little and whispered “you shouldn’t be dating me.”
“Oh for goddess sake!”
“Genesis!” Angeal warned sharply this time. He turned his attention back to Cloud. “Baby why would you think that?”
Next to him, Zack had made a pained sound and pulled Clouds chair closer to him so he could wrap his arms around the smaller man. It didn’t feel as overwhelming this time, but it also didn’t feel deserved.
Cloud shrugged helplessly. “I just feel like I’m some kind of broken monster dressed up like a real person… I don’t feel like I can match up to what you guys are,”
The sentence hung in the air between them like a loaded gun. They were all aware of how their individual ranks within Shinra effected their relationship with Cloud.
Between the four firsts it wasn’t such an issue. Sure there was a hierarchy to follow while at work but that got left at the door. They were all first class. They all were working at similar levels.
With Cloud it was different. He was Infantry and while he may have been working towards third class with more clear cut success this time, it didn’t change the fact that they were operating at a very different level.
There were things, information, they were all privy to that Cloud was not authorised to know. Conversations that had to be cut short when he entered a room. It was incredibly isolating to be on the outside of that while pretending to be in a fair and equal relationship.
“You surpass us all darling,” Genesis leaned over the table and placed his hand on Clouds.
“I don’t. I’m not even a SOLDIER…”
“And what does that matter? You are strong in other ways. Besides, with all the work we’ve put into you these bast months and then knew research on mako sensitivity you are sure to pass.”
Clouds frown deepened.
“Don’t you feel used? Like I’m just using you to achieve my goals?”
It was Sephiroths turn to roll his eyes impatiently.
“Are you?” He asked
“No! Bu-“ Seph cut him off.
“Cloud getting into SOLDIER is not about how you utilise the resources available to you. It’s about your physical ability. We could put all the effort in the world in you and it wouldn’t matter if you didn’t meet the requirements,” he said, “you are not using us, and we would not let ourselves be used. Zack can tell you himself that his progression into SOLDIER was mostly possible because of Angeal.”
Zack huffed in amusement. “Hate to admit it spikes but he’s right. If Angeal hadn’t taken an interest in me I wouldn’t have gotten far at all.”
“That’s not true,” Cloud narrowed his eyes but Zack just shook his head at him.
“No it is. Before Angeal I was scrawny, hyperactive, undisciplined and really fucking forgetful. Ang used to say I’d forget my head if it wasn’t screwed on.”
Angeal chuckled, “not much has changed really,”
“Aside from all of that nonsense,” Genesis pressed on irritated at being sidecarred. “We have never, and will never see you as less than. You could put in your voluntary withdrawal tomorrow and we’d still love you and want you with us. It’s not your status we love Cloud it’s you.”
Cloud blushed deeply. Love. It’s funny how a four letter word can kamikaze straight into the side of his insecurities and drag them off a cliff.
They loved him. He kept forgetting that.
“I love you too,” he murmured staring deep into Gens eyes. The red head smiled at him adoringly, and Angeal placed a hand on the back of Clouds neck.
“Then stop playing the roll of the anti hero,” he squeezed once, tight enough to send sparks down Clouds spine.
“Okay,” said Cloud “I’ll try.”
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strifesodosweek · 7 days
18 days left!
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I can't believe it's almost time! How is everyone doing?
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salternateunreality2 · 5 months
Strifesodos Silliness
Genesis: The gift of the goddess has arrived ✨🦜✨
Cloud: Where is my bitch-be-gone spray when I need it...
Tifa: Cloud, you ARE the bitch-be-gone spray 
Cloud: UGHHHHHHHHH I hate when you’re right *grabs a random spray bottle in one hand and Tsurugi in the other* *pfsst pfsst* Shoo!
Cloud catches cold one day and Genesis wraps him up in his own coat...then has to carry him home because Cloud keeps tripping over the coat.
Several people perish by nosebleeds from seeing Gen’s muscles bared and/or Cloud's sweater paws and disgruntled chocobo face.
Cloud: *dumps an armful of feathers on Genesis* If you’re going to molt in the living room, clean up after yourself.
Genesis: *squawks*
20 minutes later…
Genesis: *hurls a wet clump of blond hair in Cloud’s face*
Genesis: If you’re going to molt in the shower, chocobo, clean up after yourself *smirks*
Cloud: *goose mode activated*
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cantanatova · 25 days
Past Subjective has now updated!!
Strifesodos week fics also underway as well as an extra Past Subjective update planned to mark its second birthday… there is going to be a lot of content coming over the next couple of months!
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