#saw a post where an anon told someone not to say girlboy
definitely feeling lately like all this queer slur discourse is a way for people to police how other people describe their gender, to make sure people only stick to a couple, cis/binary approved options of how to have (or not have) a gender. Getting mad at people for saying femboy and girlboy, dictating who can and can't use butch or femme, trying to box who's allowed to say they're gnc, getting mad at dykes and faggots for calling themselves that, the whole anti-queer discourse. It's like. They come after everything so the only things left are like 3 sanitized options of "man, woman, or Androgynous Nonbinary" and I'm so over it. Being genderqueer is cool and good and personal and often contradictory, and calling anything that's not those 3 options a slur and getting mad at people for describing themselves as such is so ugly actually
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