#saw some bs about how max is an adult and know to distance himself from him or call him out on shit blah blah etc etc
girlsdads · 4 months
sooooo what we’re NOT gonna do is hold max responsible for his dad’s bs and we’re not gonna villainize him for the fact that his dad has influence over him we’re definitely not gonna do that right
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mushroommushy · 3 years
Enter Bunnix
The Bubbler
Breaking news! Local teen calls Mr. Agreste out on being a shitty father!
- Adrien’s birthday! He’s turning 14
- Alix is still older though at 15
- She got him some Heelys since he’s been begging to use hers all the time
- And planned on giving him hair dye just to get on Gabriel’s nerves
- Nino had been talking on a private group chat that excluded Adrien about planning a birthday party for him
Nino: This is gonna be Adrien’s best birthday party!
Alix: Of course it will be.
Chloe: He’s never had one.
- Alix, Sabrina, Nath and Chloe were a little worried, due to Gabriel’s history of not allowing birthday parties
- But forcing his son to go to galas he doesn’t want to attend is perfectly fine!
- Bunnix showed up at Adrien’s window at literally seven in the morning to say happy birthday
- Then Ladybug popped up to say the same thing an hour later
- Gabriel saw that and was very much confused since why the hell did two superhero’s thank a random kid happy birthday
Nathalie: Maybe they know him sir? Or admire him?
- He’s considered using his son as leverage
Adrien, at Plagg: Did you just. Eat a ribbon?
Plagg, coughing it up: Yup.
- Adrien was very nervous about leaving his house because fangirls exist
- Gorilla gave him a hug when he came downstairs and Adrien was vibrating like he drank 7 cups of coffee made with Red Bull from happiness
- He wants affection and will cling to people if needed
- Jalil had stayed up the entire night studying for his exam and when Alix walked downstairs she shoved him on the couch
Alix: Sleep ya dork. You look like a zombie.
Jalil, muffled from his face being in a pillow: I have an exam
Alix: At 2 Pm. Sleep.
Alim, from the kitchen: *Extreme amusement*
- Alim loves how close his kids are
- He can go and check on Jalil and Alix is just clinging to him while he’s working
- Alix defending her brother from those who pick on him
- He does worry about Alix seemingly being gone more lately though
- He can tell that she isn’t getting much sleep either from something
- And also he’s wondering when did his daughter start developing muscles
- But he just assumes Nora must be training her or something like that
- For context, Nora and Jalil are the same age and are best friends
- That something would be midnight Mr. Pigeon attacks and patrols
- She really wants to know why the fuck Mr. Ramier is out that late
- She suspects he may be drinking but who knows
- Wouldn’t be much of surprise
- Alim has known Gabriel for ages and can get away with yelling at him a little bit
- So of course he scolds him on being an uptight dick about not letting his kid have a party
- Doesn’t get him to change his mind though
- Once Adrien got to school, Alix smacked him on the back of the head with his gift and ran off cackling
Adrien: *Flips the bird*
- Alya was very much not expecting that to happen and was a little stunned
- Marinette was more confused at what happened while Chloe was trying not to laugh
- Nino is very determined to get his friend a birthday party
Nino: I’m sure he’ll let you have a birthday party!
Nathaniel, whose tried several times: *Insert press X to doubt meme*
- Marinette still wasn’t able to gather up enough courage to give her present to Adrien
- Chloe didn’t shove Marinette though
- She did wish him a happy birthday however and gave him Ladybug, Chat Noir and Bunnix plushies that she had custom made
- She also has some of her own but will die before admitting to it
- Alix was dragged off onto the photo shoot with Adrien while hissing
- This was because Gabriel was still trying to market them as a couple despite Alim cutting it off
- The latter is not happy about this when he hears about it
- Alix has also been getting attacked on Twitter and such by Adrien’s fangirls despite not liking him
- She just wants to forget about it
- This is when Mari finds out about Alix and Adrien being ex’s
- Which she was not expecting
- Marinette delivers the present to Adrien and screamed at the camera
- She signed it this time thankfully
- Nathalie called Gabriel out on his bs and told him to buy his son a present himself
- Nino was turned away by Gabriel because he wasn’t presentable and banned him from the house
- When he heard a throat being cleared as he turned away he assumed it was Nino again and was about to dismiss him
- It wasn’t Nino
- It was Alim
- Who was not amused with the photo shoot
Alim: I believe I explicitly told you that my daughter as well as your son were uncomfortable with the relationship. Then my daughter calls me telling me that you forced her to act like they were a thing again? Maybe your son wouldn’t talk to you because you distance yourself so much Gabriel. But I make an effort to tell my daughter to talk to me. So the next time you try to control my daughters life it will end badly.
- Alim is a good dad, and has had adoption papers for Adrien for years
- He just needs signatures
- Adrien was also not happy when he came home from the photo shoot with Alix and saw Nino stomping off
- Alix went up to join her dad
- Adrien at this point has trusted Alim more than his father for awhile and stayed behind him
- Gabriel, like the coward he is ran off to hide from Alim and to Akumatize Nino
- Nino is akumatized into Bubbler with the intention of getting rid of bad parents rather than all adults as he does understand that not all adults are bad
- He doesn’t look stupid this time because I despise Bubbler’s design with a passion
- Alim immediately picked up Alix and Adrien noticing the bubbles outside, and a few adults floating in the sky
- Alix and Adrien just gave each other a nervous look
- They appreciated Alim’s care but they couldn’t go transform with him around
Alix: Should we split up? It might be safer.
Alim, immediately: Absolutely not! I’m not letting you two get hurt.
- Alix and Adrien are considering telling him their identities because he is trust worthy
- Thankfully they don’t have too
- Because Bubbler broke into the house with a smile
Bubbler: Adrien!! Glad to see you have a decent adult around. Now I can throw you a party!
Adrien: Nino?!
Alix: Oh boy..
- Bubbler leaves Alim alone since he isn’t a bad parent
- He also leaves Gorilla alone
- Nathalie isn’t spared however and Bubbler demands for Gabriel’s location to which she doesn’t respond
- He just growls and sends her sky high and leaves, gathering the rest of the classmates
- Marinette was already transformed having seen the bubbles
- She just hoped that this would maybe end with some in jail if they were really bad parents
- She was searching for the Akuma until she saw Bubbler carrying a terrified looking Rose across buildings
- She had a bit of a hard time catching up with him until he stopped at the Agreste mansion and dropped Rose off in the back yard with the other classmates for the party
- Bubbler started the party with most students looking a little nervous
- Most of their parents were left alone
- I said most not all
- Nathaniel, Chloe and Sabrina’s parents were all taken by the bubbles
- Alim is pulling out adoption papers again
- Bubbler is honestly more amused by that
- He likes this parent and is planning to drop his classmates bad parents because they are his friends
- Alix can’t really slink off to transform and with Bubbler watching him Adrien couldn’t either
- Chloe still pulls the slow dance thing
Rose, dancing with a random dude: I’m a lesbian.
Random dude: Neat. I’m gay.
- She made a new friend with her dance partner, a black haired boy with bright green eyes
- Alix was taking slight amusement in Max tripping over himself because he can’t see shit without glasses
- Ladybug shows up, and switching the music with her lucky charm record
- Several kids tripped and it took Alim glaring at Alix not to laugh
- Alim was the responsible adult and ushered all the kids inside to hide
- Which thankfully gave Alix and Adrien the ability to transform
- Bunnix and Chat fought Bubbler while Ladybug fed her Kwami
- Chat did flirt a little with Bunnix
- This is how Ivan, Kim and Sabrina started shipping Bun Noir
- She just smacked him with her umbrella lightly
- Alim was panicking because he managed to loose both his daughter and Adrien and couldn’t find them
- Ladybug got back, using her yo-yo as a shield against the bubbles
- She also bonked Chat because she wanted to
- Bunnix was cackling
- Bubbler used the green bubbles on them, trapping Chat and Ladybug in one and Bunnix on her own
- Bunnix hearing Chat’s comment she just went: Dude please go to therapy your dad is a dick and I’ve met some shitty people
- Bubbler just sent them up into the sky
- Chat used his cataclysm white Bunnix exited with her burrow
- Bunnix was waiting where they landed and slowed them down so they didn’t skid
- Bunnix and Chat’s timers started up
- The fight ensued on the Eiffel Tower and they successfully deakumatized Nino
- Ladybug used her cure and sent the adults back down to earth
- They did their pound it and Bunnix and Chat ran off to get back to the mansion
- Alim was a little mad at them for disappearing but they just said they were nervous and couldn’t hear him looking for them
- Gabriel is now scared of Alim a little bit
- Adrien gets taught how to use his heelys by Alix and sleeps with the hero plushies every night
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