#saw some midlink art
malo-mart · 1 year
Link can't stand on his tip toes to kiss Midna my man needs a step ladder
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midzelink · 5 years
I’m gonna go ahead and put this under a cut, because it’s not exactly relevant to this blog, but it IS tangentially related to it and I thought it was too hilarious not to share here:
So, story time.  For those of you who saw the post I made about it, you’ll know that I made a Twitter as somewhat of a companion account to this blog (@midzelink over there, same as here), and it’s been an...interesting experience.  I generally didn’t like Twitter (and I still don’t!), but it HAS exposed me to some pieces of art and other media that I wouldn’t have seen otherwise, so I’m pretty grateful for that, at least.  Mostly, my Twitter is currently a dumping ground for posts I don’t think are Quality Enough for this blog, but I’ve also uploaded a lot of my GIFs there, and I’m hoping to help spread the word of Midlink Week with it here in just a few days.  Blah blah blah, et cetera, et cetera.
But one OTHER thing that being on Twitter has given me is an opportunity to see...people reuploading my GIFs!  This was something I didn’t really think would bother me all that much until I saw it action.  To make a somewhat long story kind of short, I saw two reuploads of two completely different GIFs - and though the first case was a Tweet with zero likes or RTs (that the user simply deleted upon my request), the second case was an artist with a hefty number of followers who then credited and followed me after I asked them to.  So, each incident ended fairly without any problems (I wasn’t hostile in either circumstance), and I’ve already taken it upon myself to start watermarking all of my graphics from this point forward to prevent this kind of thing in the future.
Fast forward about a week, and I see a Tweet on my timeline featuring a quoted Tweet that I for some reason am unable to view.  I switch over to my personal Twitter and see that it’s a Tweet from the account @GifZelda, which is an account with over 32K followers dedicated to, well...posting GIFs about Zelda.  Trying to view the account on my LoZ account yields this:
Tumblr media
And my initial reaction is naturally, damn, what in the hell did I do?
So I do a bit of digging, and I find out that this account is following the really popular artist who reposted one of my GIFs (link to that Tweet thread).  On top of that, scrolling through their account, it’s painfully clear that they aren’t creating most (possibly any) of the graphics that they’re uploading; though it doesn’t appear they’ve reuploaded any of my stuff personally, they did RT that GIF that the artist reuploaded, and I recognize one of the GIFs they’ve recently posted as belonging to one of the GFX folks right here on Tumblr (whom I won’t name to keep them out of this).
Given the above info, I can only surmise the following:
Twitter user @GifZelda saw my completely valid request to receive credit for a GIF that I created in the replies of a Tweet they Retweeted
being an account comprised almost entirely of reposted and uncredited GIFs, they blocked me
Twitter user @GifZelda is a gotdamn clown and a coward
Like, damn.  Reposting GIFs is one thing - but blocking someone who hasn’t even interacted with you out of fear that they might do something as benign as ask for credit for a GIF they made if you end up reposting on of their graphics in the future?  The amount of disrespect this punk has for the people who make the very GIFs they pride their account on around  is REALLY freaking incredible, lmfao. 
And no, reposting GIFs isn’t nearly as bad as, say, reposting art - but these things still take time and effort, and it’s a hobby I’ve committed a lot of both to, considering I make literally $0 from it when all is said and done.  Asking for credit isn’t overstepping bounds.  It’s just the bare minimum, folks.
Anyways, as ridiculous as this whole situation has been, it IS pretty hilarious how blatant of an asshole this person is, and if they think blocking me on my LoZ account is gonna stop me from requesting credit should they ever repost one of my GIFs, they’ve got another think coming B)
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