#saw the eng updates make a joke about how he kept saying he needed to prepare and then ran off and talked to people
youphoriaot7 · 9 months
It's noon. A war is coming. He needs to prepare.
He takes inventory. Stocks up on potions, golden apples. Buffs up his armor. Maxes out his sword. Roots through his backpacks, shuffling items around in a futile attempt to make himself seem more ready than he really is.
It won't be enough. He knows this. But he does it anyway.
It's two in the afternoon. He's been aimlessly rubbing the cloth against his sword blade for almost an hour now. He needs to get out of the house, get away from his thoughts.
So he heads out.
He chats with Pac, greets Mike—it was good to see them again after so long. He argues with Tubbo, fights with Roier. (He doesn't mention the fight to them. They don't need to know.)
Forever is hanging around, working on his presidential affairs with Richas. He takes as much joy as he can in messing with the other man. (It might be his last.)
Philza is up on the Wall, as usual, and he decides to swing by for a visit. He runs a few tasks with Tallulah, smiling as they wave when he leaves. (He's going to miss them.)
On his way back, he runs straight into Antoine and Baghera. It's much easier from him to hide from those he doesn't know—the two of them can immediately tell something's wrong, and they won't stop pushing him until he explains. He does, albeit reluctantly, and gets away from the group as quickly as possible, making joking and sarcastic excuses just like he always does. (It blankets their concern.)
It's four in the afternoon. A war is coming. And Etoiles is not prepared.
He knows he's going to die. But he keeps fighting anyways.
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