#say it again off anon if you’re so self assured in your stance ✌🏻😗
henrysglock · 4 months
those spicy byler polls get over a hundred votes on most polls. what are you gonna do? arrest all of us voters? are you the cops? there’s nothing morally wrong about engaging with byler sex content and I will die on that hill. they are fictional characters, and we can do whatever we want. of course people are free to criticize all they want, but that doesn’t mean people will stop liking what they like lmao. “It’s not lost on me.” What are you the puritan morality police??
a hit dog will holler 🤷🏼 i said what i said and you immediately came barking in my inbox.
“that doesn’t mean people will stop liking what they like” so you agree? you like thinking about teenage boys screwing?
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