#say theoretically I overanalyse Lance as a character next??
graniteknight · 3 months
A very long overdue analysis on the two big loser knights and how the relationship between them is something that developed majorly over time.
Understandable that Clay and Lance’s friendship wasn’t really that understood in the very first episodes of the series, considering from first glance they just seem like the duo that hate eachother.
(honestly I completely thought they hated eachother when I was like 9/10 which is when I first watched it ..) but looking into their relationship more you realise that they don’t HATE eachother, they just hate their contradictory opinions and ideas.
They’re polar opposites when it comes to character, Lance doesn’t give any care about anything really, and Clay cares too much about everything. considering the way they grew up makes quite the impact on this as well. With one barely having anyone take care of them and the other barely getting any sort of attention from their family.
The way they care about eachother is probably the way they stick out the most. It’s like they care for eachother in a way, but expressing it is harder for one compared to the other. What I mean is, they both have these flaws about them which makes them so.. interesting.
I absolutely love s3, and the way it shows their development from s2 -> s3 says a lot. (even from s1 -> s2 you can see a slight difference in their development too.) but s3 really sticks out because it’s just those parts where they’re just being absolute idiots together. (especially with the bizarre addition of clay and the wet floor sign.. idk what he was doing there.)
When it comes to s1 and specifically ep4 the way Lance goes about the whole thing with Clay being upset over losing the knights code. (idk if it was a whole team thing deciding to get it digitalised for him so I can’t really say anything about that..)
I like the random thought of Lance actually reading the knights code and quoting it in s4, I thought that was really sweet considering how much he takes the absolute piss out of it. (Also I before I forget to mention Lance usually referring to Clay with different nicknames such as super knight is really silly, idk why.)
The way they didn’t really agree on anything, and yet still made their friendship work is something I truly love about them. (**another thing before I forget, Lance suggesting they should split up and find clay in ep5 is something that is just.. uausgsb..)
Also in ep17 when Clay joined in with being a complete IDIOT, because Lance was pulling the faces at him is so real.. they care for eachother sm in every way but don’t know how to express it..
s3 and Lance worrying about Clay ALOT was so silly, he was constantly worrying about if he was actually going to be okay for their missions (especially in rotten luck) . also with ep27 and taking the piss out of eachother, (especially with their art knowledge..)
I love them sm.. and I don’t think I could NOT overanalyse their relationship as much as I do usually.
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I need to stop with the lego gays.. they’re taking over always.. and there’s nothing I can do about it.
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