#say yes. say Yes something will happen character wise Preston we promise
millennialdemon · 1 year
Back on Black Clover again
I keep watching an episode or two and abandoning this anime for months because the few episodes I watch are so, so bad. This pattern continues with episode 40, the ugliest beach episode I have ever seen in my life.
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Distractingly off-model animation aside, this episode was jam-packed with everything I completely hate about Black Clover: The Black Bulls, and the insufferably 1-dimensional characters therein acting out their tired, unfunny tropes while screaming and interrupting each other constantly. It honestly started to feel like I was watching a Collins Key video, which might be one of the harshest criticisms I have given anything on this blog thus far. 
I am baffled by this anime’s high score on MAL. I can’t parse if this title just has a lot of die hard fans giving it 10’s out of spite/delusion/irony, or if somehow Black Clover eventually becomes something genuinely good in its 170 episode runtime. Reading reviews offers no actual insight – claims it’s “the best written modern shounen” are completely absurd and penned by people that have watched even less than I have, and most reviewers giving it a 10 concede it’s a shameless copycat of various works that came before but that “the author is trying” even if the studio is ruining it with awful animation... so somehow that makes it a masterpiece? Is something pitiable seriously worth an 8.14? Make it make sense…
Then there are my own sensibilities to account for: I think Black Clover is the most misogynistic shounen series I have picked up since I checked out Fist of the North Star (which was made in the 80’s). I think it is wildly immature and its fear of indulging any story beat that is too heavy or too serious is frustrating. In 40 episodes I cannot remember an episode or a scene from Black Clover that left an impression or felt at all formative – I can still remember multiple scenes that make me feel something from pre-shippuden Naruto that I saw over 15 years ago on TV as a child. And that series is far from perfect, but at the very least it knew how to stop and let its characters breathe and feel their feelings and take something seriously. How the hell are we going to have this (extremely, pathetically basic) Teamwork Makes The Dreamwork theme in Black Clover when our protagonist group of misfits don’t seem to give a damn and don’t have to put any work into staying together?
It all just feels so lazy. Everyone’s together because they were assigned to be in a team because they’re all the same and they’re all a joke. Noelle is the only outlier because she is a royal but that doesn’t matter at all anymore because her only character trait is having a huge tsundere crush on Asta that somehow renders her just as “defective” as the other freaks. It has been such a let down honestly that Noelle turned into a willing member of the Black Bulls so quickly because she was like… the only person in the entire team that could facilitate some character drama. But no. She girl. Rich girl like dumb dumb country boy. Dumb dumb country boy say classism bad. Rich girl go ooga booga.
Literally had my head in my hands this episode while Noelle begged Asta to look at her in her bikini. They have massacred my girl. And every other girl in the series thus far.
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sasuke_stanpdf you're the only person in the Crunchyroll comment section of episode 40 of Black Clover that even remotely understands my pain. Thank you.
The new OP made my skin crawl because it looks like we’re going into a Black Bull centric arc. (And because the digital zooms looked bad. Sorry.) But maybe the group will actually do something interesting. Better yet, maybe their characters will be challenged somehow. Maybe they will even have conflicts with each other! What a treat that would be in this barren wasteland of a narrative. And maybe, just maybe, Gauche will finally die. Surely, there will be a light at the end of the tunnel that is this arc, right…?
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tvserieshub · 6 years
History Channel’s original show SIX came out swinging last year, delivering fantastic action and emotional content hand in hand. SIX grabbed audiences in the first episode and delivered through the entire first season. With season 2 premiering Monday, May 28th we wanted to take this opportunity to remind you why you should be watching this military-themed show.
10. Olivia Munn
Olivia Munn is joining SIX as a shady CIA Operative…need I say more? Ok, maybe just a bit more. Munn is great in everything she does and from what I’ve seen this is no exception. The addition of Munn throws an already ticking time clock of a team into near meltdown. Going into season 2 look for her to be both help and foil to our team.
photo credit @SIXonHistory
9. Troop Support
Even in real life, the cast of SIX has taken their military connection seriously. The actors participated in a Tough Mudder Run as a team to fundraise for the charity Student Veterans of America in 2016 and 2017. They also recently participated in the Flag and Flower challenge created by Preston Sharp. The challenge asks people to visit the grave’s of veterans, leaving flags and flowers to honor them, in particular NOT on holidays. Even as I write this, some of the cast are preparing to participate in The Murph (a physical challenge meant to honor LT. Michael Murphy, a SEAL who was killed in combat). Whether it’s in interviews, or on social media, you’ll find this cast expressing a constant respect for the warriors they portray.
Flags and Flowers event @SIXonHistory
8. Locations
SIX uses it’s time wisely. It’s no cookie-cutter action show with all the fights taking place in dingy lighting, creeping through underground tunnels. Instead, you’ll see this team on land, in the air, on the water. You’ll see them at home (some of the hardest hitting scenes), trekking through the forest and busting down doors. I love never knowing where the team is going to end up next, there isn’t any sense of repetitiveness.
7. Complex Villains
Forget blah, zero backstory villains. SIX allows it’s bad guys to be every bit as interesting and dynamic as it’s heroes. Tell me, how many other military shows can say that? Dominic Adams spent last season playing Michael Nasry, the American-born terrorist who’s out for revenge. Although we loved to hate Michael and the tortures he planned for Rip (Walter Goggins), you never impatiently wished him off the screen. In fact, I’m happy to say that Adams is back for season 2, although we’ll find Michael in a very different set of circumstances this time around. SIX is also introducing “The Prince” (Nikolai Nikolaeff) as the big bad of the season. Nikolai spent months preparing himself for the role, diving deep in background so that he could best honor the role. I guarantee you won’t be disappointed.
6. Diversity
When the U.S. military is 40% PoC it’s completely unrealistic to have a military show with no (or a single token) non-white person on the team. Unfortunately, for some networks that continues to be the trend. SIX threw that nonsense out the window, showing a true picture of what a SEAL team would be. We have an African American member, Hispanic member and, my personal favorite, an Afghani American. Yes, that’s right. The first Muslim SEAL portrayed on American television. If that alone isn’t cause for celebration I don’t know what is. And yes, if you’re keeping track – that’s 50% PoC. Thank you SIX.
photo credit @SIXonHistory
5. The Action
The cast of SIX brings it full force physically. Training with former Navy Seals helped the actors hone their physicality and bring realism to their fight scenes. SIX doesn’t have the big budget of network shows and instead relies on the details instead of huge explosions. Although, no fear, you do get your fair share of those as well. The precise shots and killer hand-to-hand combat are impressive in every episode. Whether it’s taking down terrorists or rescuing school girls, you’ll believe every minute. I’d highly recommend checking out the Instagram accounts of the actors, there are lots of BTS videos detailing the grueling preparation they went through to get ready for these roles.
4. Characters
You can tell from episode one that these characters have been fully fleshed out, loved and thought about. Whether you’re watching Bear mourning his daughter, Buddha struggling with a changing family dynamic or Caulder being forced into parental responsibility, each of these men has some serious backstory. One of my favorites from last season was Fishbait, portrayed by Jaylen Moore. Even without the screen time to explore his family life, Fishbait never felt 1 dimensional and Moore was able to grab some of the spotlight. I’m happy to say we’ll be getting more Fishbait this time around! Bill and David Broyles as the writers/creators clearly love their show and it shines through. They’ve lovingly crafted complex 3D people that you will be captivated by.
Jaylen Moore @sixonhistory
Eric Laden @sixonhistory
Juan Pablo Raba @SIXonHistory
3. The Families
This military drama spends a significant amount of time on the effect that this job has on the home life of our SEAL team. These men go through hell and back on a constant basis and that takes a serious toll. SIX addresses this with respect and honesty. Seeing the inner turmoil of the team and the families around them connects you to the show in a way you might not feel if the focus was all on the action side. I’m partial to a good shoot ’em up show, but SIX is an action show I can recommend to everyone. The issues of home life for these warriors are addressed with a frank simplicity that’s stunning.
Brianne Davis as Lena Graves, and Nadine Velazquez as Jackie Ortiz, bring a warmth and personal touch to the show. As a Navy wife, I couldn’t ever watch dramatized shows like Army Wives. It felt nothing like my own experience since it was essentially Desperate Housewives on a base. SIX, however, shows the good and bad of being a military family in a way that I could immediately connect with.
2. The Cast in General
There are some serious heavy hitters here. Juan Pablo Raba plays Ricky “Buddha” Ortiz. Buddha is one of the most compelling characters to me personally because of the strain he feels between his work and home life. Raba brings his experience and acting chops to show that push/pull of warrior/husband powerfully. Walter Goggins is good in everything he does and SIX is a compelling argument for him as one of the best actors out there. Jaylen Moore has been in a lot – but hasn’t had a lead role in a hit tv series. I predict great things coming out of SIX for him, we didn’t have a chance to see a whole lot of background for Fishbait last year, but that will be changing in season 2.
Brianne Davis adds a level of heart and connection to this show that just blew my mind. She was one of the first cast members I wanted to interview because I felt that honest connection from the start. Kyle Schmidt is charming, funny and still manages to break your heart. Edwin Hodge brings a gravity and intelligence to his role and I look forward to seeing where that takes him in this much darker season 2. There isn’t a miscast actor in the bunch, and to honest, I could have written a paragraph for each one and why we love them. From interviews we’ve done we’ve learned that several of the characters were created AFTER meeting the actors who would play them. Juan Pablo Raba and Jaylen Moore in particular. The writers saw potential and they know exactly how to make their stars shine.
1. Barry Sloane
I’ve been a fan of Sloane’s for years, but in SIX he’s a totally different actor. From the bad boy romantic on Revenge to the deputy on Longmire, Sloane has always been good on screen. But in this? In this he’s great. As Joe “Bear” Graves, Sloane brings a power and complexity that shows what a truly phenomenal actor he’s become. Bear is ripped apart, suffering PTSD and struggling to balance home and work. He’s following the path of his mentor Rip (Walter Goggins) in all the worst ways, something the audience hopes and prays he can pull away from. He’s a leader on and off screen, the rest of the cast referencing him in every interview we did. To be honest, I’m really amazed Sloane hasn’t been nominated for an Emmy for his work in this series. Here’s hoping it happens in the future
I’ve been fortunate enough to interview several of the hard-working actors from SIX. Check out what they have to say about the upcoming season:
Barry Sloane Interview
Joshua Gage Interview
Brianne Davis Interview
Eric Ladin Interview
Jaylen Moore Interview
Nikolai Nikolaeff Interview
Juan Pablo Raba Interview
  We have more interviews coming, check back soon!!
Get Watching!
All told, SIX is a standout series worth your time. If you haven’t seen Season 1, get binging! Season 2 premieres Monday, May 28th at 10/9c and then moves to its regular time on Wednesday, May 30th at 10/9c. This season promises to be darker, more emotional and explore new sides of our team. It’s going to be great!
I’ll be live tweeting from @tvserieshub all season, check back after the episode for my reviews. Hit me up anytime @nolenag03 to chat about SIX
  10 Reasons You Should be Watching #SIXonHistory +Cast Interviews @BarrySloane @EricLadin @TheBrianneDavis @JuanPabloRaba @Jaylen_Moore @EdwinHodge @NNikolaeff @iamKyleSchmid History Channel's original show SIX came out swinging last year, delivering fantastic action and emotional content hand in hand.
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lil-area-sfw · 7 years
Hello Area. I really really want to hear your opinion about the last episode of Star vs. Would you make a review?
Well, I wanted to do a review about Battle of Mewni some time ago, but with all the stuff happening I didn’t have the chance or even the motivation to do it. But hey, these last episodes were strong enough to “jumpstart” my motivation. So let’s do this :)RANT TIME, SPOILERS AHEAD!
Let’s begin with Demonicism, of course.
We start with Star calling Tom for whatever reason and I instantaneously suspected we were going to have some Tomstar vibe in this… but oh, boy, I never expected anything more than that X)
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I can add this random comment here. What’s with Dog Glossaryck? How much time will we have him like that?
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But ok, we see Star is still keeping her room “earth way shaped”. In past episodes we have her letting go stuff but of course she’s still stuck in Earth mode.
We see her kind of bored as if something was missing.
Then we have Ponyhead
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Yeah, Ponyhead’s unreliability can be useful sometimes. This time for Star to know that Tom was into something potentially dangerous.
I can say that I like how they’re managing Star and Ponyhead here in Mewni. They really look like two close friends. Now I can see why she was jealous of Marco in season 1.
Now they needed to know where the super secret thing was because, you know, it was a super secret thing. Hm, who’s this guy and what happened to him? His behavior was very confusing. It was a joke about something?
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Anyway, advancing a bit to the moment when they get to Tom’s demonic thingy.
Star complimenting out of nowhere Tom’s look. Yup, I knew Tomstar vibes will come. I dunno, this moment was cute and yes, Tom can rock that kind of suit for sure.
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The thing that I liked about this scene was knowing that Tom is really trying to change and to be a better person. And not because he wants to impress Star. Not anymore. I dunno but since the first time he appeared I said that he wasn’t really a bad guy. Also, all of this, showed me why Tom was my favorite part of the new intro :3
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And weeell, we reach the point where things got a biiit out of control and Star goes to the rescue. She looks really concerned and wow if I loved this scene. Tomstar everywhere again.
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We had a recovery scene with a very worried Star and hey, the thing that Tom decided to deal with his own demons and accepting himself was neat. More points for him. Totally different of that “hated antagonist” people made of him in the first season.
Everything was going as I suspected yeah, and suddenly BAM! Actual Tomstar! No “vibes”, no “hints”, no “tips of the hat”. Star and Tom holding hands and I wasn’t unpleased at all ^ ^
Let’s see how this develops in the future.
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Yeah, I know that the show, as much as I like it, tends to set things in a wonderful way but the resolutions sometimes can be a bit underwhelming. Let’s hope they can manage all of this the best way possible.
Now, now, with Sophomore slump… Oh boy.
We start setting the episode with a concerned Angie and Rafael because Marco looks obsessed with Mewni. Particularly, as I’ve mentioned before, I like things to be settled previously so props to the creators for that continuity handling, since we could see Marco wearing that cape in the quick look we had of him, when he was hanging out with Jackie and Janna in Rest in Pudding ^ ^
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The thing is that Marco is making everyone sick with his constant talk and stuff about Mewni, so, we can see Marco is stuck in Mewni mode too.
So, each one of his friends is shown getting annoyed (with the exception of Janna because we never know what’s with that girl). And when I say friends I’m going to mention one of the things I loved about this episode. We had Alfonzo and Ferguson back! Thank you very much people of the cast! From the casual shot of Marco dating Jackie to showing them casually playing and talking in this episode, it looks like they were reading our rants, eh? :3
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You don’t need to focus in every stuff but of course is very good to show something here and there to set how the things are and not looking like some stuff is just suddenly missing when it shouldn’t be like that.Eh, Alfonzo has some moustache now X)
Then of course, Marco goes to Jackie for some support. I liked the fact that, finally, we could see some more of the closeness between those two, since the scenes were in Jackie’s house. Also, Marco was searching for Jackie’s approval. What I disliked? Again Jackie was being the supportive one for Marco’s let downs. But hey, this time at least, Marco realized he was messing up and decided to compensate her.
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Then we have the date. The normal Earth date with no cape that Marco promised ^ ^
Yeah, finally another moment for them. Of course I will always say they could use the time better and spend other episodes showing some of this instead those ones like Trickstar that weren’t even that interesting or plot contributing (Sorry Preston ^ ^). But well, we take what we get and I wasn’t unpleased with this.
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I loved how they just hanged around and we could see more of Jackie, like she’s very good at aiming. The cotton candy scene was cute and I really liked the surprised expression of her when Marco casually told her about how much money he had X)
The restaurant thing was great, they actually stole that lobster. Those two looked like having so much fun not caring about anything else besides their goal and also looked like partners in crime… That reminded me that time in Starcrushed when Rafael told Marco that Jackie was no partner in crime because she was a good girl. What do you think now Rafael? :3
The reactions of Jackie were lovely all the episode and we could see a side of her we never saw before when she answered Marco that she wanted to free all the lobsters. That rascal expression, she’s such a hippie! XD
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Aaand then we have the episode ending. Oh, boy, Marco, what were you thinking? He had the cape all along under his hoodie! Yes he probably thought he could have both things but wow if it was a terrible idea… He lied to Jackie!
This action causes Jackie to go again in “mom” mode. I really like how calm she is and admired when she just sat down and patted the bench for Marco to sit. I dunno if until that moment things could be fixed somehow but Marco, trying to fix things and to show he really cared (After all the crap, he seemed to be really worried about them), he says to Jackie that she’s his best friend… Way to chose words, Marco… 
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This part broke my heart since, I dunno, what I saw here was a girl about to cry… but not. And her answer was worst: “We both know that’s not true”. I think that was the last straw. Then she just put her helmet on and smiling (probably on the outside) says “Stay being awesome” to Marco before leaving on her skateboard. That looked very mature… and sad. I liked that they gave us a look at Marco with watery eyes showing he knew how big he messed up.
Finally, we have the last part of the episode. I accept that I didn’t get completely the intention of sending Marco back to Mewni but I can see what’s Angie’s point of view. Is something he needs to go through. 
Well, I liked how all his friends were there to say goodbye. Alfonzo and Ferguson Included (Yeah, I will not get tired of this :P). Everyone was there except Jackie :(I got a bit annoyed seeing the eagerness in Marco’s face, like wow, he’s really fixed with that in this moment but well, as his mom said, he needs to do that.
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We ended with Marco in Mewnie, smiling and very expectant about the things he will meet there, like adventures, unusual creatures… and Tomstar ^ ^Yes, this episode made me mad at Marco. Who told him that lying to his girlfriend would fix the things? Well, he’s not as mature, anyway. He’s what? 14-15? So I can understand but c’mon… (Yup, 14-15. We will never understand how those time shenanigans work since Marco as we see is full teenager, not 30 years old as some people said back then). But on the other hand, I liked it too. Why? We could see the bad side of Marco. In the previous season we only saw him as this “perfect guy”, a complete husbando material and everyone shipped every girl (And Tom) with him. I don’t want perfect husbandos, I want good characters. And we finally saw another side of him.What else I liked about this? It was different than so many love stories in, for example, many animes where they make the main love interest like the perfect piece who everybody wants but no one can get but the main girl. Here Marco messed up, clearly, even to the point I’ve read people saying “Jackie deserves better”. From my point of view, it’s not “deserves better”, she needs someone who really likes her and is not just confused and trying to please her. But yeah, I really liked that they made the characters like normal people. This just makes my search for Starco more interesting UuU
I can say that I liked these couple of episodes and I also can say that I’m liking this season a lot until this point. Of course, as not everything is flawless, now I can mention that the thing I didn’t like about it was Jackie and Marco ending that fast. It was handled better than I expected for sure but we got two shipping episodes in a row. The first one seemed to be Star getting with Tom and the second one Jackie breaking up with Marco BAM! Now we will have the opposite dynamic with maybe a jealous Marco. I thought the idea was to keep each one of them with different couples but well.I would like that Marco could learn something from his trip to Mewnie. That he realizes something, just as his mom said and goes back to Earth for a while a bit wiser, and why not? apologizes with Jackie at least. I dunno, I really don’t want this to be the last of her plot wise and, as an artist, I have some hope that they have something more there. After all, Jackie’s house has a design now. You do not simply make a design and waste it like that!
Well guys, I think I’ve ranted for a long while this time. Maybe it was all the steam accumulated through time, dunno. I hope you didn’t get bored or at least not so much and also hope that we can see us soon in another one of my crazy opinions about the shows episodes :P
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