i-dreamthedream · 8 years
your fic dear john is so good!! i live for the updates!!
Thank you that’s so sweet!
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thestuckylibrary · 8 years
For that person looking for vampire fics, there's a series called Bloodstream which I'm pretty sure is by AustinB and it's wonderful
thanks for the rec
Bloodstream (series) by AustinB
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projectbot13 · 8 years
Hi skylar, why do you like bees so much?
hi scaaarlet-witch.Under the sea sting people smile empty soul give yourself up.
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julecapulet · 9 years
i was tagged by scaaarlet-witch! (sorry this is a million years late wow)
1) Do you like reading?
yes i love reading for sure, i was an english major and i’m hoping to go to grad school for a phd in shakespeare and the classics so yes for sure 100% love reading.
2) Favourite movie?
um excuse u this is a rUDE question tbh because i’m a huge movie nerd but ok, i suppose i’ll compromise with this question by saying what my favorite movie is that i’ve watched over the past few months, and that is the virgin suicides
3) If you could bring back any extinct animal, what would it be?
mermaids tbh 
4) What is your OTP?
i have so maaaany oh god ok, well, right now the one that’s been mostly on my mind is wanda/vision of course aaaaaand clarke/lexa from the 100 aaaaaaaaaaaaand cordelia/misty from ahs
5) Do you like writing/reading fanfiction?
too much it’s so bad
6) What is your opinion on pockets?
they’re pretty rad tbh can’t complain
7) Are you addicted to Netflix? (If you aren’t, kudos to you.)
lmao yah 100%
8) If you could time travel into the past for one day, where (when?) would you go?
i’d go to woodstock honestly fight me
9) Would you eat dry cereal? 
for a while i had to because milk fucked me up
10) If you could only drink one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be? (Let’s say that it would have no repercussions health-wise.)
no repercussions health wise? sweet tea hands down honestly
11) Do you hate the minions?
they look like jaundiced skin feces
alright and here are my ten questions: 
if you could fix the life of any marvel super hero, whose would you choose and why? how would you fix it?
you know those if-your-life-were-a-movie memes? yeah. cast the leading characters in the lifetime original movie of your life. explain your choices. since it’s lifetime, pick the most obnoxious and untalented actors as you can.
do you have an aversion to tap water? first of all, if you do, pat yourself on the back because you’ll live longer. explain why you do or don’t. then: what is your favorite brand of bottled water?
over the past few weeks, think of the dreams you’ve had (that you remember). if you could make one of them reality, which would you choose and why? 
pick five ideal pets and give each of them a name in accordance with a theme (i.e., mythological names, fairytale names, fandom names, etc). why did you pick this theme and why did you pick those pets?
if someone offered you the chance to play the voice of a cartoon character, what would your standards be before accepting such an offer? why? 
let’s imagine you’re about to drop the new hit album of the year. name each of the (10) tracks on your album, including an explanation for each one as if you were being interviewed about your writing process for a big magazine.
if you could marry a celebrity who would you choose? also: select either/both your bridal party or groomsmen from your favorite celebrities as well. explain why for each one. if you identify as someone uninterested in marriage, list which 10 celebrities you’d like to go on a private cruise with at a destination of your choice, and why.
think of one of your vices. once you have one in mind, create a 5 track playlist of songs that exemplify how you feel when indulging in this vice.
if you had three days with a group of small, impressionable children (age range 4 - 6), what would you try to teach them and why?
whew ok and i tag:
the-punstar, grandmahella, they-call-me-cursed, magistrate-of-mediocrity, lanaw-inters, topayforbirth, czarmoriarty, wickershire, tehriz, disorderli, an-essay-in-madness, whinemoms, enchantingenigma, sleater-kinneyed, lifestyleinequalities, keetuhh, piietro-maximoffs, clementinecrane, ladylemonade4ever, seraphangel, dazedblueyes, stillatsea, napoleonicpowerqueen, frozeninmotion, piperhalliwell, zombiescorp, clarkebiprincess, arthnerdianlegends, stormqueen, heartsways, jillamy
aaaand i know i probably forgot people so honestly if you want to participate then just say i tagged you bc i probably meant to but oops @ hydrocodone brain so yeah let’s just say i tag all my mutuals honestly just anyone who wants to do it xoxo
don’t forget to tag me so i can see your responses!!!
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thestuckylibrary · 8 years
For some reason a lot of angst makes me anxious ???? god knows why but for that reason I very rarely fics that look rly angsty specifically ones like ain't no grave and war children and stuff like that, but at the same time really long, angsty fics seem to be the most popular so I was wondering if you could rec me any really long fics that you like that aren't super angsty? like it doesn't have to be completely angst-free but not too much. thank you, I know this is kinda a weird request!
We have a whole Fluff tag! :) 
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thestuckylibrary · 8 years
For the person looking for cancer fics, there's The Beach House by silkiemae which I absolutely love
The Beach House by silkiemae
Bucky came to his parents old beach house to get away of his memories of the war.
He definitely didn't expect to find some skinny kid lurking around his privacy.
He certainly didn't expect to get sucked into this kid's life.
Warnings: Major Character Death
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thestuckylibrary · 8 years
Do you have any fics where they're kids but like in modern times? Thank you!!
this is actually a fair chunk of our Growing Up Together tag. also recently Timeline (WIP) by perfect_plan has come out, it’s in the 90s and moving though time from there.
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thestuckylibrary · 8 years
Do you have any high school aus where Bucky gives Steve is letter jacket?
check out the High School/University AU tag
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thestuckylibrary · 8 years
What if I want to change my idea for the Big Bang? I had it all planned out and everything, but every time sit down to try to start it, I just can't do it.
That’s totally fine, you can change your idea after you submit it. Just let us know what you’re doing and we’ll sort it out. 
Do wait to be sure before you submit your summary though. There is some flexibility if your fic totally changes before May 20 and you need to change it but we don’t want to end up dealing with 200 authors who changed their mind last minute on May 19. Be sure before you submit it just so everything runs smooth.
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thestuckylibrary · 8 years
heyyyy can I rec just say you do by biblionerd07 because that is one of my absolute favourite fics
yeah! thanks for the rec (we’ve already got this in our arranged marriage minipost!)
just say you do by biblionerd07
Steve just wanted a job. He wasn’t expecting a marriage proposal. And he certainly wasn’t expecting to accept.
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thestuckylibrary · 9 years
For that one person who wanted outsider POV: the series Surveillance by sproings is really good /series/400945
Surveillance (series) by Sproings
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thestuckylibrary · 9 years
Hi! So one of my absolute favourite fics ever is listen to your heart (but don't say goodbye to me) by CinnamonCake and because of that I've read through all the Greek mythology stuff in the library, and I was wondering if you had any other stuff like that? Thank you!!
check out this post
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