#scarelet witch x reader
hiiraya · 3 years
you are my sunshine (rewrite)
pairing: wanda maximoff x reader
words: ~1,793
warnings: angst, mentions of injuries, character death
a/n: i just realised i hadn't posted since my birthday! I figured i should get something out to you guys before the month ends so here's a rewrite from my old account bc uni is currently turning my brain into mush. happy reading!! ♡
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The other night dear, as I lay sleeping
It was obvious to everyone around you that you were more of a lover than a fighter.
It was easy – a little too easy sometimes – for you to get lost in your Imagination, dreaming away to your hearts content if nothing in the real world could hold your attention for more than a few minutes.
The fact that you were the type of person who would do anything for anyone when they asked, or just simply because you could didn’t help your case at all.
For the most part you did it to be nice and helpful to the team, but you’d be lying to yourself if you didn’t say that it was also so a certain witch who held your heart would come up to you whenever she needed help with something.
But you weren’t going to admit that just yet. 
They always wondered how you did it.
You know that they would never ask it to your face, but you could see how they questioned how easily you could get side-tracked by your imagination, or how you could stay so optimistic and be dreaming of better days when it seemed like the whole world was against you.
After going through so much hurt and suffering, they would’ve thought that you’d turn hard and emotionless, giving up on the world that had given you every reason to stop believing in those who lived in it.
But against all odds, you kept the childlike joy and passion they were sure you would’ve lost years ago. They knew they had.
You were the one Peter would go to when he needed cheering up because he was told that he wasn’t allowed on a mission with the team (not just yet, Tony would kill you if gave the kid false hope, but you always told him that the time will come).
You were the one Bucky would seek out whenever life became a little too much to handle, because you knew just what to say without him having to say a word. “You are more than the sum of your mistakes, Buck.”
You were the one Natasha went to when she wanted someone to talk to just because she knew that she could tell you anything and you would listen, no questions asked.
You were the one they went to simply because they wanted to witness life through your eyes and see that there was still hope and goodness left in this world.
I dreamed I held you in my arms
You pined after her.
Oh boy, did you pine for her.
You dreamed of worlds where she was yours and the both of you were happy; worlds where no one thought of her as a monster, where everyone she’s ever loved was safe; where you could show her just how ethereal and radiant, she was in your eyes.
You dreamed of a world where you made Wanda feel so happy and loved, that she forgets about all the hurt and pain this earth had put her through.
But when I awoke, dear, I was mistaken
As all dreams do, they end, and unfortunately for you, as much as you loved to dream, nothing every came of them.
Those dreams would never become reality. And maybe it was because you were scared of being rejected, of being ridiculed- whatever the reason was that you gave to convince yourself that she could never know.
You don’t know.
You would always be just a friend to her.
So, of course, when you had finally worked up enough courage to do something about your feelings for Wanda after the whole mess that was Ultron, Vision had beaten you to it.
And now it was too late.
Because he was the one who could be there for her in the ways you wanted to. The one who could hold her and kiss her and treat her like you wanted to. The one she would come home to at the end of the day.
But luckily for you (was it luck or was it just a cruel twist of fate?) there was no one else but you that could calm her down.
Whenever the world got a little too loud, you would let her into your mind, conjuring up the few peaceful moments from your life that you held close to you, just for her to see, letting her ground herself back to reality while you sang to her softly.
It was in those moments that you knew, that yes, she had him, you were an irreplaceable part of her life too.
So, I bowed my head and I cried.
Even though everyone had dubbed you as the happy-go-lucky Avenger, you still had those moments where you broke down in the solitude of your room.
You tried hard to convince yourself that you would be fine seeing her with him, but deep down you knew that it broke you down little by little each time you saw Wanda being happy with someone that wasn’t you.
It was a selfish thought to have, and you knew it, so you tried to keep it locked away in the back of your mind.
Without realizing, you had built walls around your mind whenever she was around, letting her in just enough to calm her down but never enough to let her know what you were truly feeling.
You are my sunshine
You found it funny when you found out that people thought of you as the personal sunshine of the Avengers.
If only they knew about your own personal sunshine.
Wanda helped shape you into the person you were, acting as your own personal ray of sunshine that kept you going, shining just as bright as her to keep her happy and shining.
And if she shone a little brighter whenever you would call her your sunshine, then you would continue to call her that for as long as you could.
My only sunshine
“(Y/N), I didn’t know that you could play the piano.” She said with surprise.
The two of you were hanging out in your room when she noticed the piano tucked away in the corner of the room.
You hadn’t mentioned it to anyone before, Tony got it for you when you had mentioned to him that you missed playing when you first joined the team, and if you were being honest, you hadn’t touched it since then.
“That’s because I don’t play it much anymore.” You shrugged as you looked over at the instrument, getting off of your bed and crossing the room to sit on the worn-out seat.
“Can you play for me?”
“Anything for you, sunshine.”
Play the opening chords to your favorite lullaby, you looked at her with such longing and want before forcing your gaze away so she couldn’t see your eyes as you started to sing.
You make me happy, when skies are grey
You look up at her from you place on her lap, where your head is resting against her legs as she ran her fingers through your hair, offering you the best smile she could muster.
You couldn’t tell if it was real or not.
She looks so beautiful, and she doesn’t even know it.
With the sun shining high and bright behind her, chestnut locks framing her face, you wouldn’t be surprised if someone told you that you were looking right at an angel.
You’ll never know dear, how much I love you
Maybe it was because you had fully convinced yourself that she would never feel the same way for you that you had missed on the forlorn gazes she sent your way.
Wanda couldn’t help but feel like she was missing something. Especially when she realized that you had started to block her from going further into your head whenever you let her in your mind as easily as she could before Vision and her had announced that they were together.
She couldn’t help but think back to all the times you would retreat back into your room after she walks into the room with the android; how your light would start to dull when she would bring him up in your conversations; how you seemed to smile less whenever he was around.
She didn’t know what was worse, to lose him or to lose you.
She wouldn’t be able to have a choice in the matter anyway.
You’d never tell her how you felt about her - you hated the feeling of separating people. Simply put, you just didn’t have the heart to say something and ruin the friendship between you and Wanda, or the relationship she had with Vision.
Please don’t take my sunshine away.
“I’m sorry I won’t be there to calm you down, sunshine.” You murmur softly, (e/c) meeting shining emerald ones.
“Don’t say that (Y/N/N). It’s okay,” She says, shaking her head. “Everything’s going to be okay. You’re going to be fine.”
You ignore her words for the first time as your breath hitches in your throat, wincing as she presses her hand harder against the wound on your stomach.
It wasn’t supposed to end this way. Just a simple recon mission to go into an abandoned Hydra base and gather intel that turned out to be a trap to lure your team in.
You were blindsided. All of you were.
“I’m sorry I can’t make this better. I’m sorry that I won’t be there to cheer you and the rest of the team up when you get back home. Tell them I’m sorry that I couldn’t say goodbye.” You manage to get out between breaths.
You had to get your apologies out now before it was too late.
Before there was no breath left in you to apologize to the one woman you swore to yourself you would never hurt.
The one woman you would love no matter what.
“We’re going to get you out of here, (Y/N). Just hold on for me.” She begs desperately, tears starting to stream down her cheeks as she lifted her head to shout for help.
You reach your hand up to cup her cheek, pulling her back down to look at you before you start humming the familiar tune you would sing to her after a rough night of nightmares.
Placing her hand over yours, she leaned into your touch, refusing to accept the fact that you were slipping away right in front of her eyes.
An anguished sob left her mouth while her tears fell harder as she watched you close your eyes for the last time, gasping for air as she manages to choke out the last line.
“Please don’t take my sunshine away.”
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