#scarian children of the night au
bluiex · 2 years
Part 6 of Children of The Night/Wondering in The Night
I know it been a while sense I made a part but in these next parts there will be a little bit of a new functional development in Scar's biology. His brother Green also going through it, Blue being left out.
There will also be key mob characters being introduced as well, having worked with Herobrine sense before the his children where born. One being the summoner of Scar's best friend/first boyfriend. Who still very much love to interfere with his love life, and boy will you see why~
Hope you enjoy~♡
We start up again a week or two after having explored "The Great End City" with Grian's soul mate, Scar Brine "Lord of The End". They had fun exploreing the temple based city, seeing just how many people/ender (5) worked on the project. But the way the build was made made it look like they worshipped Scar like Notch.
Now speaking of Notch, The Creator Himself, has invited the reborn cartographer, to a Ball themed around The Void. It to celebrate the coming of a new time. In a very vague way it doesn't ever say what this time is ment to be, and why it's so importent yet never named. He was skeptical as to if it was real or not, but find out quickly when trying to toss it away. It stuck to his hand like it had a binding curse, but the tags of the item had no curse.
Now Grian's location was millions of blocks away from Central where his apartment home is. He would have to travel so far to get back home, to get his best outfit, and then to the Farlands where The Void Ball is taking place this year. He also has a job, at this location he needs to finish, otherwise these people living here, millions blocks away, are never going to have a decent map for the next 2000 years.
The man who hired Grian calls himself CubFan, he said his bestfriend called him Shmook as a joke once. But sense it just a way to flirt without flirting. Grian can only guess at the reason he was told any of that. It could be because he's a true Watcher or it has something to do with Scar. Possibly both.
Grian sits up in a tree over lookingbthe area to make one of the most accurate map he's ever made. His extra eyes have helped in so many ways, starting and end with his perspection. And his wings have maked it easy to get to higher points to get details that he had to leave out in the past because of time crunches.
Tonight will be the first time he stays up into the early night to see if the dark will hinder his ability to work. If it doesn't he'll have to be careful on how long into the night he'd works. Because he'd work on and on without sleep if he could. So if like before that it does hinder work, we'll we already know what happens.
Well night falls and it's still as bright as day for Grian, so he easily finds himself loosing track of time. Scar appears by his side, not expecring him to be awake so late into the night. Still drawing the area around, with great such detail.
"Star Bird, you normally don't say up past the 20th hour of day. It's 10th hour of night now, whats got you up still?" Scar sounds so concerned for Grian, thinking something may be bothering him.
"I'm sorry, my guardian. I knew this would happen if my new vision made it possible to work into the warped hour of the night." Grian puts everything aside to cuddle into Scar's side, feeling a bit ashamed for not paying closer attention to his clock. "I had almost forgotten it was night with how bright everything seems. It's amazing to be able to work threw a night or dark forest."
Scar sighs at in relief that Grian is just exploring possibilities of his power. He's pretty sure the lesser watchers didn't even know they can see in the dark. Given they think, they're already all powerful with no need to test for limitations. You can only guess why so many get removed before the next year starts. They are pompous assholes!
As Grian and Scar sit together vaguely talking, they agreed that tonight Grian would stay up to get a proper night sleep the next night, and hopefully not make this a habit. Scar is already work around the clock to keep people safe at night. Grian shouldn't be runnung himself ragged aswell.
The night has a lot of Scar pop in and out, as his brother's basically yell at him with private messages in the chat. They often being callout on Hacker locations, base and current attacking groups. It was funny to see them pop up all of a sudden. Especially when it was a random message from one of the other family members he hadn't seen or spoken to yet. But one imparticuler is from Notch, written out in the infinitely scrolling text, that no normal person could read. It had reminded him of the invite, and right there deside to briefly bring it up.
"I got an invite to this years Ball. I honestly wondering what I did to be invited." He said it almost softly, and a little to quick.
While planning to move on, Scar's response is immediate and Unsettlingly truthful. "It's becaise I had mentioned of you to him in these past weeks. He even told me, it is rare I show such intrest in someone." His laugh is soft, and wicked, but not threatening. "You know the endermen have stolen and replicated your work for years now. I had talked about your work to Notch many time. So he can tell the difference in the conversations after I met you. You'll be surrounded during the party, your are the first invited on my behalf."
The smile gracing Scar's face is taunting in a way, get just to get a pout out of Grian. Pout Grian does, but the look paired with the best set of puppy even seen. He got Scar to be miffed with himself, for setting up a pourly made trap, that he now realizes will backfire in the worst way for both of them.
They started talking about outfits for the ball, it's about Dresses for Grian, and Tuxes for Scar. But Scar is complaining about always wearing a Tux to the event, making Grian realize how little he wears suits. Even his Watcher Garbs is a dress. He starts thinking of Tux options asking Scar what he think would look best. Scar Ask the same for Dresses from Grian.
They now had a plan for The Ball, and it should keep them together, as they'd be a matching set from start to finish.
This spawned from the fact the Scar in Dresses isn't done enough, we always get Grian in a dress. Now we should get more Scar in dresses I mean they look so good on him in so many art works. I'd love to see scar in one of my dresses.
I'll be tagging you Bluiex with the dresses and suit tomorrow, and everyone can decide the dress and suits for the two. Because I can't deside what I like better on Scar and Grian.
-From The End's Queen, Pink~♡
AAAH! A BALL! I love balls in fics. literally the best- cant wait to read that
!! I will be looking out for those tags
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pinkblackheart · 2 years
So I'm going to show of some of the outfits that Grian and Scar had first talked about, before deciding they needed to change it up. I just love the idea that Grian loves to show off his new wings now. I mean he just love dragging peoples imagination to the sewers.
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I mean common try telling me he wouldn't look good in these. That's right you can't.
And for Scar with suits I was thinking some thing along the line of over decorated and flashy suits.
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Sadly with the suits I can't fine many that are just drawn so I had to use real pictures of suits. Did my best to keep real people faces out of this.
I hit a limit so I'm doing two post, or reblpgging this with the other pictures.
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bluiex · 2 years
I got a bit of a none Part on the Children of The Night/Wondering in The Night au, because it uses my character's children as a base for it. So you guys can be the ones to give the real name's to Scar and Grian's children. As just like with Scar's siblings, the names used are filler names. You can call them what ever you'd like.
So Enjoy~♡
Scar and Grian are out in the Farlands, visiting the farland people. As they had been attacked recently by a group known for hunting down the brine's and losing. So this group thought it be best to take out the Blessed and the Farlanders, because of the like ness the bare.
They failed on many occasions to the Blessed, and this has been the first known attack on the farlanders. Endermen and Blessed folk habe been acting as scouts, to find Farland towns to see if any others had been attacked. So at this present time The End Kings are helping the village, in burying the dead and healing the wounded.
But as days turn into week, then months. The two bound by souls, blessings, and marriage. Eventually have a fight, as this has been becoming more and more stressful. It's eventually agitates them both to the point of lashing out, and things only escalate further. Until the power that they had been letting of during their acts of aggression, flings them apart creating two souls. One soul magenta in color, the other soul a cyan.
Scar is staring in awe at the two souls and starts crying, as the two souls start to take a shape. The magenta soul becomes an Allay. The Cyan one, a Vex. They clings to eachother holding no hostility. Until Grian moves to stand. The Vex turns Red being protective of the Allay, who looks only confused. Scar is careful to approach, and not take the Vex's attention. The Allay Chortles at Scar once he's next to them, and the Vex calms seeing no hostility in the man now next to them.
Grian moces close now that Scar has calmed the Vex, and watches the two souls. A question not spoken aloud, "how did they get here?" Scar opens his arms to the two, as The Allay is quick to hug him. With another chortle leaving them they change shape again. This time into a baby girl with sandy blonde hair, the vex goes to Grian with a hissing wailing that seemed like an apology. He gives the Vex a hug and watches them turn into a baby boy, with muddy blonde hair, slightly bigger then the girl. And by the feeling of their life spans, the boy is older by seconds.
The babies aren't living being, but they are still The children of Grian and Scar, Samuel and Sarah Brine.
"The Ghost Twins, born of The End Kings' power." -Grian
Thing may be stressful, may it be war, work or family, but there is always a way for light to shine.
My brain is always trying to find ways to make, my story into something to share with you guys. Plus come on, why not give a twist of fate to someone unable to physically have children. The energy they cast of in the most blissful, or rathful situations can become life in this world. Like the breeding of animals in game.
I love these children, I woild die for them- *holds them gently* sweet babies, whom will be loved so dearly by Scar an Grian
Idk bout you guys but I like the names Sarah and Samuel
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bluiex · 2 years
Part 5 of Children of The Night, now renamed to "Wondering in The Night"
This addresses some thing that I have thrown around the whole time while also adding more questions.
I hope you enjoy~♡
They are now with in The End, and the main island is nothing like what the art in the overworld depicts. Thought he should have realized it would be outdated by now. The island has been made into a Castle made out a a crystal like structure glass. There are towers made of the material, dipping deep within the void. Using it as an energy source to light the crystal-glass up to make the castle glow. Enchanting the experience to be something grand and almost unforgettable.
Making their way inside, they reach a throne room. With 16 throne, one each have one of the 16 color. The walls around the thrones, are lit up in the very same color as the thrones with the crystal-glass making such a dull room look better then it would in standered lighting. Grian just doesn't get the point of these thrones their only one rule in the end and he rule from the overworld.
Scar however is glaring at the empty seats before them, giving an off hand complaint about how the current Watchers never do their jobs while he's away. He quickly composes himself and taking his shirt of exposing a rather big scar on his chest looking to go down into his pants. The scar starts at his collarbone, and he think it end somewhere befor Scar's thighs.
Now I'll be give you locations of the scarring on Scar's body. The ones that are visible at all times is the scar on the upper left hand of Scar's face, completely incasing Scar's left eyes in scar tissue. The scar lightly brushes alond, his hairline, cheekbone, and the bridge of his nose. The other visible scar is the one on his left arm starting just below his elbow, and ending at his fingertips. He should be able to use his arm, but he can pull a bow string and swing a sword like it not big deal. Ever with a scar on his shoulder that basically scream, he's had his arm pulled off a few times.
Moving to his torso, the entire front of his body looks like someone has skinned him alive. Like said before, it starts at his collarbone, and ends at the bottom of his pelvis, and some where on his hips just before his thighs. His chance at having a family was basically stripped away. At least a living one. On his back there is a scar that looks like electrical burns, but its really from someone having torn out his spine... twice.
Now on his legs, the is a scar that is a perfect square and it seem really random until, looking at his chest. It was a text to see how well the person could skin him. Look how that turned out. The last major scars are on his shins, lava burn scars that should have rendered him unable to walk. But he walking around like it's no big deal. Do you wonder if he's in pain?
So back to the moment, Grian stares at Scar Bewildered by the action. He does quickly fall in love with Scar's body, just being some imperfect and torn up. The Scar stretches and in starts a transformation, half his body because that of a Drowned, and the big scaring become open would glowing blue to highlight them on his body, before some areas reach Wither Skeleton bone under the skin. His face and arm look to be the least problematic to look at it his chest and stomach that makes Grian's heart stop. Ribcage highlighted around by blue glowing rot, and on open obviously empty stamach cavity leading into his pants defining more as to what he's lacking. It's from the front you can see the careful stitching holding the spine in place. If Scar took off his shoes right now, you'd find his legs are bone and lacked feet. The only way for him to wear cool shoes is the have a redstone custom make bone fitting to fit in the shoes he wants. And at this point he has that for ever type of sheo he wears. I'll be honest this is cannon to my character as well.
The rotting part of the transformation open the scar up and made only half his body rotting. The other half looking just find with the added additions of Dragon scale covering along his neck, shoulders, wrists, down the side of his body to his hips, and most likely along his thighs. Which on look a lot more appetizing then before. Then wing spreading out from his back, big black beautiful wing with hint of purple.
The moment it was done Scar locks eyes with Grian. Once forest green eyes now a bright consuming deep purple, and it triggers something in Grian, a transformation of his own. Scar runs over catching Grian as the process of changing occurs. It start with the expansion of knowledge within Grian's mind, then it turns to physical, skull chaging shape enough to allow for two more sets of eyes. Then three sets of wings sprouts from Grian's back, colored purple and red. Like the pendent he bought for Scar.
Once it was done, Grian looks to Scar for answers. In the moment they locked eyes he see the day they meet, sitting by the fire a moment of distress, turning calm with a name. Scar's name, finding a powerful blessing hinden within the word, ment only for Grian. He has been reborn by a blessing and became a Watcher, The Choosen Angel of The End. He now can see details in Scars form that he couldn't moments before. Like his eye obbsorbing light and shadow from the air to seemingly make it look like they glow.
Scar's rotting skin is also very well taken care of for something rotting away slowly. He didn't so mind what was missing, when there is some much to explore on Scar's seemingly misshandled form. But Grian's mind bounce back to the fact he has also changed and runs up to the wall to see his own reflection. For a moment he thought he'd end up hating himself, but finds peace in his reflection. It was still him he hadn't changed much at all, just gained some eyes and wing they fit in perfectly.
Scar comes up behind Grian, much taller then before, with his shirt back on. To hold Grian close loveing the dirty blonde just as much as before. Scar spoke to now that the calm has returned after the scare with Grian. "Now that we are both better suited to explore the end, let go to the city. It's a beautiful place and I really want someone from the over to see it before its done. I want you to tell the engineers and architects what you see in the city they never would have seen." It was softly spoken, and encouraging. When they make eye contact they seem the thing that make the other tick. For Grian, he see how Scar love interacting with people, even if it the bad moments. For Scar, he see how Grian marvels over terrain, and they idea's of possibly putting buildings on it like makeup.
Grian may be a cartographer, but it was only sobhe could find the perfect place to call home, and build away on what ever came to his mind. So here is Scar telling him to take a look at some else work, and give some idea's. Like I need them for my trading hall. He's being told to help a build along.
Gtian turns around to Scar and grabs his hands, excitement glitching in his eyes, as he's asking where they need to go. "We could take the bridge that goes straight there, or we can go to a flight plateform if you want to try to fly there."
The opportunity for so many thing now presented to him, and he chooses to walk not ready to test his wing, as he can't feel the muscles in them yet. As they walk down the bridge Scar is talking and some of the stages the city as been through to get to where it is. While Grian keep looking at Scars wings realizing just how different Scar may take there relationship. Has Scar done thing to try to prove his worth for Grian heart and he hadn't noticed? No one knew anything about the Ender Dragon and here he is dating the only dragon left. That won't beable to have living offspring.
When silence falls over the two, Grian thought he'd get ever more lost in his head. That was till the void told stories of the past. Of The end being a lush land with all walks of life. Of a group as powerful as Watchers and Listeners, Called Tellers. They told truths like stories like the void does now.
It was long how ever for the two to see the City glowing in the distance. Grian couldn't wait and took off bolting down the bridge. Only slowing to catch his breath. Scar takes Grian's hand in his as they once again start walking to the city. Building on island high above and down below the main island made this place look like a sort of monument, made to be a place of living and worship.
Though one thing about this place that would make anyone laugh is the HotGuy gift shop in one of the first building. It's funny the most to Grian as the version of the story told by Green, made it look far more like a faz then what it really was. Even if Grian knew the truth, he'll tease Scar with Green's version of the story.
Scar was only annoyed by Green's tell, and went off again about Green being a choas envoker. Before Grian drags scar into the gift shop to see what is there. They looked at a lot of this before Grian got stuck on a pendent version of the HotGuy symbol, with a color palette change. Going from Cyan and Orange, the Purple and Pink.
The symbol was something he took a lot of pride, especially with the colors he chose for it. So for it to have the colors that come from The Crest of The End's Lord. It stricks cords he couldn't ignore, this will finish the exchange of of gifts. So he took the pendant holds it in front of Grian's neck and smiles. "This looks perfect, don't you agree. It's like it was made for you, my bird."
Grian looks to the pendant he got for scar and realized just how similar in color scheme they are. So he laughs lightly and leans on Scar for a moment. "Yeah it really is, like the one I got for you. They are so similar. Yet so different."
Scar buys the necklaces for Grian and puts it around his neck and they walk around the city. Talk about it and what they'll want to do next.
"The City of The End known as The City of Sight. Where the Kings of The End raised their hand and help the Seer build the land up to glory unseen" Grian blurted out, as they had been walking. "It feel like if we are going to get people to come here in need a story to do so. Even if it's not accurate. We are helping to raise this land."
Took to long to rewrite this all, but I did it in less time, and the words hold more power then the first time.
Now addressing The Drangon situation, I really want to known what your guys thought are on Dragon displays would be because I think wing spreading and shows of power would be part of a dragons display, and exchanges of gifts.
As a d&d player, I learn a few thing here and there about dragons. This little fact inlearned from my sister, it that when a dragons hoard grows, the power of the dragon does to. So to exchange gift or combin the hoard theydragons grow Stonger together.
With in dragon families the parents and/of older sibling often will give the younger Dragons some of their own hoards to get them started and grow their strength a bit faster then leaving them on their own.
So for Scar here, it makes a lot of sense to give something as sign of devotion to friends, family, and his lover. I may keep spill dragon facts out here if I'm dedicated enough to find them.
Watcher, angel of the end- Love that sm Keeps getting more and more interesting!!
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bluiex · 2 years
Part 4 of Children of The Night
Note about the first 3 parts, they had all been made in the same 24 hour, before and after the time I was streaming. So being as they had been made in one day, I'm a few days late having to recharge my creativity.
The journey Grian is about to imbark on, requires him to enter "The Castle on Zero." He had only been in the castle once, on it was to astablish citizenship in the city. Now though, he enters to reach the gateway to the end.
Grian and Scar are walking up to one of the castle check points. Normally people would have to check with the guard posted there to gain access. But being with Scar, Lord of The End. Grian has pass this time, quite obviously because they both are holding hands. Once inside the castle, Scar and Grian are 5,000 block away from 0,0.
The Castle is so big, that it is known fact that what ever created it was able to build past the hight limit. The first floor of the castle has alway been a very well known trading hall, nether highway, and Grand Festival Hall. On some of the upper floors, it is rumored that there are massive farming plots to supply the food in the city. As well as housing for Admins, Angels, Dieties, and Gods. With other floors having other things going on.
Grian has never needed to know if what they say about the upper floors are true. He is an Admin Watcher and isn't allowed up the floors. So he feeds into the rumors to keep people curious. He only cam guess Scar does the same, as this place is a mystery to everyone. Scar even said it himself, when they had been a hundred blocks out, that "No place had more rumors about it then The Castle on Zero. My family doesn't even know where this came from, and My Father has been around for almost as long as the world we live in." Makes you wonder if this place was ment to be here at all.
Scar finds Grian is dosing off again as he tries to ask him a question. So gently squeezing his hand, bring him back from his thoughts. Like he has commonly done for the past few hour, when thing had gone quite for to long. Asking Grian once again, "I was wondering if you would like something from one of the vendors as we head to the portal. Just something to keep close when we're apart in the future."
Scar is a sentimental fool, having something from each member of his family to keep them close. He'll be so happy to have something to represent his little bird, the ever watchful eye Grian.
Grian thinks about it briefly, and leans on Scar with a loopy tired smile. "Thats seem like a good idea, it'll act as a charm of protection. If you need me I'll be there, and if I need you you'll be there."
Scar beams hearing his angel say yes, but purposely ignores what else was said. It wasn't time to address it.
They soon enter one of the major corridors, and see vendors of all kinds. Walking along they talk about all the things they saw. Never agreeing on something for eachother. Just every little thing was plain to both, never having the energy of the others personality. They spent so long there, looking for something that they had seen it all. Walking on with a heavy disappointment for coming up with nothing.
They soon decend the stairs leading into the caverns many call the castles basement/dungeon layer. When looking at it from the stairs, it looks natural and very much man made. It is a beautiful, in so many ways, but Grian finds it to be oddly dull for something with some much color, gradient and design. It just got on his nerves.
Scar shared the others sentiment, but didn't know why, it never bothered him in the past. Maybe because he's always rushing in and out before, now he's really looking at it, and bored of it quickly. While Grian, is visibly glaring at the pillers and walls, like he see something others don- exssue me, like it's not made by the same being that made the castle above. Will you take a Teller's word for it Listener.
Reaching the bottom of the stairwell the mob vendor seem to be buying tickets to use the nether highway for a few years to make it easier for their trade. Some look to be selling thing while waiting in the lines. Scar quickly takes with the mobs down here to see if they have anything better then the vendors upstairs. As Grian spots a endermen making little bird pins, keychains, rings, earrings and necklaces. Seeing one that is a necklace of a purple bird carrying a map. It was perfect to give to Scar, so Grian asked to buy it from the small ender. Paying only a diamond for the work of art.
Scar however, is still unable to find anything for Grian. Who runs into Scar's back laughing in a gleeful way. "Scar I found you a necklace that fits perfectly." Grian says as he's already putting the necklace around Scar's neck. He takes a look at it and grins seeing a detail about it Grian didn't. It has a red belly, and a proud glint in it's visible eye. It really is Grian made into a charm.
They walked away from the nether highway ticketing booths, once again to the end. Scar maybe able to find the Charm he's looking for some where in the end if not will he be able to give Grian one? He is about to worry, when he remember that will do no good, he'll just take his time finding one that shines for his Cartographer Bird.
Man this took longer to make then I wanted, but still so worth it when once it's shared.
I ment for this to be the part that jump to the end but I had remembered that the castle is big and I'd never be able to build it's full hight.
For any who is wonder where and what I stream.
It's minecraft on twitch at P1nkBl4ckH34rt, I talk about just about anything with people willing to listen. I do suggest bugging me more about my story if you decide to pop in. This will be the only plugging I do about my channel.
This is fun to share and write
*cheers* watchers!!!
Omg lovely amazing. This is coming along so GOOD. Love the castle, it sounds really fucking cool and in my head it's massive and dark
Ayo twitch! I followed you! my twitch is Bluieluv :D
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bluiex · 2 years
Part 3 of Children of The Night
Little snippet for day/night cycles in my world, they are based of the minutes that pass for every day and night in minecraft. There are 20min for a day and the same for a night. So adding that up, minecraft has 40hours in a full cycle. I the normal week cycle by a day to hopefully fill in the amount of time going by each year. I don't have a number for the days in a months or how many months there are. But there is 450 days in a year for them. You can sugest thing for this if you like.
Grian and Scar are walking down a side road of The Central City, passing a book store, an old cartography shop Grian worked at, and a lovely little bakery. They can see Green helping a lovely blond woman, keep pace with people coming in at such odd hours of the night. Well it's not so odd when people and mobs alike live here. Mobs run the shops during night and people run them during the day. So that way some shops can be open 40/8 a week.
As they walked side by side, Grian refused to hold Scar's hand. As to why, is because when they had been out side the wall of the city, Scar put his cold hands up under Grian's sweater. So the two of them have a arguments over this, to fill what would have been silence. During this they walk past some skeletons rattling on about some failed attempt to make a famous map maker fall from fame. This stops Grian as he only got half of whats being said, he needs to brush up on the rattling pattern of skeletons. Scar noticed Grian stop to ask the skeleton what it is their talking about, with brief explanation of being a bit rusty to the patterns. One of the skeletons was happy to explain. Apparently the con-artists that have harassed Grian in the past had planned this to be the end of his career, but in the city, because of the redstone artisans. His name is well preserved as being one of the kindest, and most talented Cartographers to live. It won't take long of the damage to be corrected outside the city walls. Scar thanked the Skeletons for the information, with a sightly glowing eyes. One of the skeletons only bows and telling him it's their job to collect information and send it around.
Grian takes hold of Scar's hand to calm him down. Giving a smile to his tall loveable goof, he starts dragging him to a candy store near by and get some thing sweet. The taffies in the store look like the best treat to Grian, but for Scar, it looked to be the chocolates. Once they picked out and payed for their treats, only costing two gold total. They continue on down the street into a plaza with an interactive redstone art piece made by Mumbo Jumbo. The plaza also had a unique redstone water fountain play area for the kids. You could see a few Drowned, Zombie, and Husk kids playing in the fountain at this moment.
Scar watched the kids play with a smile. He did after all, feel really grateful to the leader of the city, for the kindness he shows to people and mobs alike. It had been rare before the city, to find mobs living in anytype of settlement. Any still outside the walls fight to survive, even if passive around people.
Grian had to bring Scar out of the clouds of thoughts to get back on track. "Well come back HotGuy, I was asking you if you wanted to sit for a moment to relax. Maybe have a treat." Grian teased, tacking a giggle to the end for effect. Scar blushes in response, and agrees to sit down. The bench they sit on it closest to the art piece so you can see the diamond plake with Mumbo's name.
Grian smiles at the piece remembering when it was being built. Grian decides to tell the story to Scar, seeing if he'd find it just as funny as Grian does. "I was there was this piece was built and boy was it a disaster of redstone dust and explotions. It even made Mumbo confused why it kept exploding when there was any tnt going into it. It took weeks for him to figure out there was way to much dust going to a few of the pistons making them go to fast and burst apart. I was a sight to see when it was finished with no more problems. I was also funny to try to kept up with the ladder jump staircase. Also the reason for that name, is because this piece is just a back a forth stair case going straight up instead of diagonal." Scar does laugh with a goofy grin spread wide across his face, at the idea of pistons exploding because extra redstone dust.
In the still moment after, Scar takes some taffy out of the bag full of sweet and hands it to Grian, who take it happily with a thank you slipping out mindlessly. Scar takes a piece of chocolate and savors to taste. While he does he notices Grian staring at him with a longing look on his face. It's a cute look to Scar, but question the other without words hoping he'll get an answer.
The answer he gets, isn't one he expected. Grian pulled Scar in to a kiss to lick chocolate out of his mouth and while also leaving him flustered. "Chocolate always tastes better when it from you partner~" Grian's teasing tone flustered Scar more then before, and got him covering his face. Earning a laugh from Grian who can't help love looking at a flustered Deity.
Once Scar has clamed down enough, he starts a little flirting war with Grian. As they continue to sit there, with quite a lot of teasing flirts. They hear someone clear their throat. Grian turns to look first, and finds his best friend standing in front of then with lots a bucket of slime to oil to piece behind him. He was glad to see Grian again though, hence why he cought his and the Brines attention. "It been a good while sense we've seen eachother hasn't it."
Grian jumps up and hugs Mumbo grinning like he just won a prize. Just to pull back and just start talking about the time he been outside the walls. Starting with a mishap that happened in a village, that burned down years after. To an event called "The Race of Destruction" where they see who can blow up a build the cleanest and fastest. Leading into how he met Scar. Ended it off with the con-artists attempt to sully his name.
Scar sitting on the bench almost falls off with how hard he's laugh. It wasn't the stories thay madenhim laugh so hard, even with how funny they are. It was the look of shock that is visible in the very way to stands. He even goes on to sputter out a few words before giving up on them. All while Grian is grinning like a mad man, whatching his best friend prosses everything he spoke of.
Once Mumbo got a single sentence out, it wasn't anything to do with what he had been told. It was about needing help oiling the old art piece so that can still be used for the next few years. Scar was the first to agree, wanting to get to know Mumbo so that it not so awkward to see eachother in the future. So for the next few hours Scar and Grian helped Mumbo out with his self-appointed task of maintaining his art piece. Before start to wonder again to the end portal under the city.
Their was a few more encounter they had with other redstone artisans, as some of them had been commissioned to do a new art piece in a few of the barer plazas. Just to name a few of the people they ran into, there is Etho, Impulse, Doc, and Iskall. Scar was suprised to meet Doc, a creeper hybrid, with world breaking redstone skills. Doc in return was just as suprise to meet one of his lords. They seemed to habe gotten along the best, even if their convesation was short.
I thought was going to be able to do more for our redstoner artisans, but as you can tell I only put some detail into Mumbo and even less into Doc.
But yeah these are the Redstone Artisans that kept Grian's name from being a bad omen. I will admit though that Scars eyes are still glowing as he's wait for Grian to pass out so he can put him to bed and sneak off to possibly torture some con-artists for their attempt to drag Grian from his grace.
I hope you enjoyed~♡
Oo I like the minecraft days/years being much longer, instead of min it's hrs
Heheh Grian such a tease, love this for them. YAY MUMBO. I love how they're artists, so cool
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