#scarian hcxdsmp
bluiex · 2 years
Personal Tubbo family headcanon time
Grian and Scar are his adoptive parents, Phil had found Tubbo, 'abandoned' and alone, in a box covered by blankets, he had trusted Tubbo to Grian since he was already dealing with 3 other children
Grian at first wasn't going to take him but seeing how Scar fell in love (/p) with him immediately Grian couldn't exactly say no (don't worry Tubbo grew on him eventually)
Tubbo's birth father is Captain Sparkles (I don't know much about Captain lore please spare me)
I remember there being a fic of Jordan wishing for a child and Lady lanite granting his wish, creating Tubbo from the stars in the sky and I haven't been able to let it go, also from my knowledge Jordan, majority of the time, is a dragon hybrid, so I'd say from being a mix of Jordan and Lanite that Tubbo ends up as a shapeshifter though even as a child he'd enjoy having horns (he doesn't understand why he likes it so much due to not remembering his origin)
Tubbo ended up alone because of some people trying to kill Jordan
Jordan had to hide him away, promising to come back if he lives (he doesn't), and prays to any god that hears to keep his son safe
- 🌌 Anon, I'm in a Tubbo lore mood tonight
!!! Yooo this is awesome! Love this headcanon for Tubbo family!
I never considered adding Jordan into the mix of things honestly, (i've yet to read/see anything for his c! LOL) but love that Tubbo was created from the sky, thats so cool. and him being a shapeshifter is my personal fave headcanon
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dying-acc-idk-man · 2 years
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ermmmm welllllll hmmmm
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bluiex · 2 years
been super busy bc I just got two docs out within the past 2 days but thinkjng about fluffy desertdads headcanons
i think tubbo would want wings like grian, not elytra, but real wings, so grian and scar work together to make a pair of costume ones for him and he loves them
they definitely instill a love of building into him, though tubbo prefers to watch mumbo and iskall tinker around with redstone, so they encourage that for him (even if they're completely clueless when he starts talking about the new complicated machine he made)
scar is not allowed at parent-teacher meetings after trying to bribe the teacher with 5 dollars and a stick of gum to start giving tubbo less english homework. grian then has to explain to scar that they can just talk to the school about tubbos dyslexia.
also scar would definitely be the one to cry in the first day of school. every year.
AWW i love that for Tubbo, getting wings built for him like Grian <333 thats so good Tubbo deffo enjoys the more technical side, its how hes learned so much about it from a young age
AJKHGDFSK Scar immedately going toi bribing to get his son less work is just amazing. Grian having to apologize and explain about tubbos dyslexia asdfgk 100% Scar would
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bluiex · 2 years
Ok idea of an adoption AU
After many attempts with no success, Scar and Grian go to a doctor, to which they find out that unfortunately Grian is infertile, so he won’t ever be able to have biological child/children.
Scar and Grian are of course quiet very up set about the news, especially Grian, it was always a dream of his to have a huge family.
By the time they got home, it was night. Grian heads upstairs to the bedroom, not saying a word. So Scar decides to make Grian favorite for food. When he’s done heads up, to where he finds Grian bet down on the bed praying, with Jellie beside him.
Scar and Grian weren’t at all religious people, they both had some form of religious trauma, and so they never wanted to bring religion into their lives.
But at this moment, Scar could understand why. He goes to him, sets the food plate on a desk, and begins to massage his shoulders, telling everything will be alright and they’ll get through this together.
Suddenly there’s a shattering noise that comes from downstairs. Scar and Grian are quickly alert, hearts begin racing. Scar grabs a pistol they have in the bed-side table. They both head down cautiously.
There’s a noise coming from the kitchen. They carefully, they don��t see anyone, which means they might be crouched down behind the counter. So they make their way quietly as they can. When they turn to see what was behind, they were shocked.
Three small children, not looking older then 8, sitting on the tile floor, eating tortilla chips. The three children didn’t even seem to notice that they were there.
One of had split color, albinism white and jet black. He also seem to have heterochromia eyes, one green the other a crimson reddish-brown. They also seem to have vertigo. They wear a white dress shirt with a black vest, black pants and socks, no shoes.
The second was a brunette like Scar, however instead of it being straight, it was quiet fluffy looking. Dark brown eyes and just a few freckles. He seem to be the smallest one. He was wear a green button up shirt, and brown shorts.
The last one was a blonde, sky blue eyes, and frail body. He was wearing a white-red sleeve t-shirt and beige pants.
The two stared at these three children in disbelief, and were both completely frozen. They might have gotten in three the window, which was basically half way opened. They left it open for Jellie, but it had never accord to them that other creatures or in this case children could get in.
Finally, one of the children notices them, it was the blonde one. He seemed startled which alerted the other two to turn in their direction. They were frightened.
Scar finally snapped out of it, then remembered he was still pointing to pistol at them, he quickly lowers it and sets it on the counter.
“Hello there” he says as friendly sounding as he could.
The children didn’t respond, besides the split colored haired one giving a little wave.
“We’re going to hurt, we just want to know, why you are in our house”
“…W-we we’re hungry, and you left a window open so we just” brunette spoke.
“Yeah and we didn’t think anyone was home” the blonde followed with.
“Well it isn’t really nice to sneak into other people’s house, and steal their food” Grian finally said.
“We don’t have any other choice in the matter, stealing is our only option, it’s either that, or we starve” the split colored one explained.
This made both and Grian pause.
“You three don’t have a home” Scar asked.
“Would you think we would be stealing food if we did” the blonde responded.
There was a long pause, then Scar spoke.
“Ok how about we introduce ourselves and get this settled with. I’m Scar, and this is my husband Grian”
“I’m Tommy, the brunette is Tubbo, and split colored one is Ranboo” the blonde spoke.
“Well Tommy, Tubbo, Ranboo, why don’t we get you three something proper to eat” Grian explained.
“Can it be spaghetti” Ranboo asked excitedly, almost shouting.
The other two seem to role their eyes.
“As you probably guess, Ranboo loves spaghetti” said Tubbo.
“Well that good, because that’s what we have for left overs” Scar grinned.
Scar sets up three plates, preheat the spaghetti, before giving it to them, that were now sitting at the table, sense there only two chairs, Ranboo chose to sit on a high stool.
To say they are the meal quick, was an understatement, they ate like if ate any slower, some force was going to take it from. Which now that Scar and Grian thought about, for them being looking 8, they were all pretty under weight.
“May I ask, when the last time you three ate” Scar said.
“4-5 days” Tubbo responded.
Grian and Scar looked at each other, really concerned, they know Ranboo had said that neither of them had home, which got them wondering, how long have they been homeless.
“How long have you three been alone” Scar asked.
“Don’t know, I think for 8-9 months” Ranboo responded.
“It was 9, Ranboo doesn’t have the best memory” Tommy said.
“You three have been alone for 9 months, did no adult help” Grian asked, how very concerned.
“Well not alone, we had each other, and no, no one ever thought to stop to help us” Ranboo explained.
“Well then, how about for now, you three stay with us, we have plenty of room, and more than enough money to support you three” Scar said.
“Really, you’d take us in, even after we broke into your house” Tommy asked.
“We gave you three food didn’t we, if we’d have it any other way, we’d probably have to call police” Grian explained.
The three of them nodded.
“Last two questions, one how old are you three, I’m was assuming eight, but now that I know you three haven’t eaten in days, and are clearly malnourished, I could be wrong” Scar said.
“Well you’re not to far off, I’m 11, and Ranboo and Tubbo are twelve” Tommy said.
Scar only gave a single nod.
“Ok second, do you guess mind animals, we have a cat named Jellie, she’s very sweet, but I want to know if you three like them, or have allergies towards them” Scar explained.
Ranboo immediately perked up.
“You have a cat, I love cats” Ranboo said joyfully.
“As for us two, we also love animals, and no we’re not allergic” Tubbo said.
“Good, I’m sure Jellie would absolutely adore you three” Scar smiled.
“Now look, now that you three are done eating, you guys could use a bath and shampoo, we don’t have that will fit you, so we’ll have to wash and iron the clothes that guys already have” Grian explained.
“Speaking of which, when was the last time you three had a bath” Scar asked.
“3 weeks ago” Ranboo answered.
Scar sets up the bath, making sure the temperature was perfect. When asked who would like to go first, Tommy responded that they usually bathed together, and it was usually in their boxers. Unfortunately the tub wasn’t big enough for that so Ranboo went first, the water immediately turn a yellowish brown, it took three drains and refills for each one them, until that water stayed clear.
Grian was busy putting their clothes in the wash, he hadn’t realized how much dirt, mud, and grass stains were on them until he had a better look, which made found out that they were fleas. Once they were done, they looked almost brand new, if you don’t count the small tears and holes. He irons them, and then sets them in the guest bedroom.
Once all that was done, Tommy asked if they could sleep together in the guest bedroom, for they didn’t like sleeping apart, to which Scar and Grian of course agreed.
Once they were asleep, Scar and Grian head back to their bedroom, to talk about what they should do next.
“I want to adopt them” Grian immediately stated.
“I was thinking the same thing” Scar responded.
“They’re so sweet, I love them already” Grian explained.
“As do I, but we’ll have to ask them first, see if they’re ok with it” Scar followed.
“I know, I just hope they say yes” Grian replied.
(With the three)
“Sss, Tommy, Tubbo, are you two still awak” Ranboo whispered.
Both groaned be for shifting to turn towards him.
“Yes we’re awake Boo, now what is it” Tubbo asked.
“Do you guys think they’ll adopt us, I mean they seem so nice, and I’d really like to stay here” they explained.
“I don’t know but, I do too, they’re so friendly, and they weren’t mad that we basically broke into their house” Tommy responded.
“I don’t know, I mean, I’d love to stay here, if you guys do, but don’t know if I truly trust them yet, this could be all an act” Tubbo explained.
“Well if it is, then they’re pretty good actors, and they’ve gay me and Ranboo fooled” Tommy said jokingly.
Tubbo chuckled
“I guess you’re right, but I’ll need time to trust them” Tubbo said
“We understand, take your time, you don’t have to trust them right away” Ranboo responded.
“Thanks for understanding” Tubbo replied.
“You’re welcome” Tommy and Ranboo answered.
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bluiex · 2 years
Once again people on TikTok do not know how to put a spoiler warning on things.
Anyway i have some more random facts about my royal scarian + Tubbo au.
- Tubbo's biological mom is sadly dead. She passed away after a brutal beating from her husband while he was drunk.
- Scars parents and grians parents are alive (for the most, Grians dad is dead) and maybe I'll write about it later.
- In the future tubbo will become king of the Vexlands, Tommy is his personal gaurd and Ranboo is king of Endlantis.
- Endlantis and the Vexlands are in a strong alliance and that will continue into the future.
- There are quite a few animals in the palace. We have the royal cats; jellie, Maui and Pearl. The family Minecraft has a dog. There is a royal beekeeper(this was done on Tubbo's request) Tommy has a per spider named Shroud, Tubbo and Ranboo like to visit a piglet that they named MICHEAL and there are some horses that the family uses to ride for fun.
- A lot of familiar faces work around the castle. Like mumbo is a butler, Scott is the Gardener, Tango is a mechanic. Pearl is the head maid. And many more.
:( poor Tubbos mom
but YEEES TOMMY PERSONAL GUARD i love it sm aww michael being a piglet quq
This universe is just so good
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bluiex · 2 years
The Scar/Tubbo stream has reignited my desert dads brainrot like GOD DAMN HOW I LOVE THEM SO <3 Soo have some aus 😳😊
- Inspired by the stream! In a apocalyptic world where a super-volcano or something erupted so big that the world is being swallowed by lava. Scar lost Grian in the panic and ran into Tubbo and bonding! Sometime along the way the find Grian again and become a family <3.
To angst this AU Grian dies sometime along the way and Scar dies at the very end leaving Tubbo alone in this shitty world </3
- The classic 'Scarian was married before hermitcraft’ but add Tubbo as their kid. Not only do the hermits learn that ‘WTF your married!??! and didn’t tell us?!?’ they also have a KID???!
- This ones a personal AU which has been haunting my brain but I add Tubbo. The Life Series Games happen BEFORE hermitcraft was made, rather than during. The memory problems we often associate with the life series is still there and the memories re surface when the games take place irl (aka, 3rd life is remembered at the end of s7)
After getting their memories back, cue the pure panic from Grian and Scar (and partially from the other lifers) because ‘omg we forgot about Tubbo!? (who was born/adopted during the series)
A bunch of self loathing and parental guilt later they find out about the dsmp and go and kick butt. Probably pseudo-adopt tommy along the way
I love you for all of this anon.. I love this so much
Ooajsnxckxjsn the forgetting about Tubbo thing because of the life series.. Aaahhh like
Imagine tubbo wondering why suddenly his parents stop sending him letters, stop sending him pictures and little gifts.. Hhnnngngn
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bluiex · 2 years
(Vex and Allay AU) could you imagine the kids finding a small, fluffy, black kitten in a bush during a rain storm at night, and Ranboo named her Ender
They take her inside, give her a bath and some water and some of Jellie’s food
When Jellie finds her, she immediately goes mother cat and cuddles her
Grian and Scar would come down stairs so confused on why there is a black kitten in there house, but they keep her anyways
Just the kids and Jellie all gathered around this kitten, Scar and Grian come in like where the heck did this cat come from- but ykno immediately keep it. Jellie being so sweet an takin care of it
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bluiex · 2 years
(Pt 6 of Adoption AU)
The next day, Scar, Ranboo, and Tommy went the hardware store. Tubbo had stayed behind cause Grian had asked him if he’d like to help in gathering honey and eggs.
“So what do we need to get again” Ranboo asked.
“Just some extra nails screws, and planks of wood” Scar replied.
“Can I get the nails and screws” Tommy offered.
“Sure of course, they’ll be in the building material section, just come to me once you get them, I’ll be in the wire fencing section” Scar responded.
Tommy ran off down the isle, while Ranboo stood by Scar.
“What can I do” Ranboo asked.
“You can help carrying the fence coil, you’ll need to be careful though, the ends are very sharp” Scar said.
“Got it” Ranboo nodded.
Scar and Ranboo ended up get 5 coils of wire fencing, just as Tommy was running towards them, with a box of nails and screws in hand.
“Is that everything” Ranboo asked.
“No, we still need to get the wood” Scar explained.
Both Ranboo and Tommy nodded.
(With Grian and Tubbo)
“How many eggs often are there” Tubbo asked, holding a basket, and looking over at Grian, who was unlocking the doors to the chicken nest.
“Usually 13, sometimes 17” Grian replied.
“That’s a lot of eggs, how many do you and Scar use” Tubbo said.
“Usually just 8, and we put the rest in the fridge, though now with you, Ranboo, and Tommy, we had to use 12” Grian explained.
“Oh, I see” Tubbo responded.
“Can you bring the basket over” Grian asked.
“Sure” Tubbo said, he brought the basket over and set down on the ground.
Grian put 7 eggs in the basket. He closed and locked the door to the nest, and then went on to the next door. There were 5 eggs in that one, and then 8 in the nest, and another 7 in the last one. So together, there was 27 eggs.
“That’s the most we ever gotten” Grian said cheerfully.
Grian went to put the eggs in the house, while stayed outside, watching the chickens. There were blond chickens, brown chickens, black and white chickens, and white chickens.
When Grian had came back, he was wearing a bee suit, and was holding up a smoker. He had put paper and hot charcoal in it, so it was smoking.
“Don’t stand to close Tubbo, our bees are usually friendly, but I still don’t want to risk you getting stung” Grian warned.
Tubbo did as told and stood back, and just watched from affair. Grian opened the box, and bees began to swarm. Grian began pumping smoking in the air where the bees were swarming.
“The smoke helps calm the bees, and covers up their aggression fermions, so it’s less likely they’ll try to sting me” Grian explained.
Tubbo only nodded, taking it in.
Grian put down the smoker and drew out a honey comb wall, it was completely gold and dripping with honey. Grian took out a glass jar, and began to scrape the honey out of the honey combs, and into the jar. Once it was full, he closed it and then repeated the process. After some time, there was 5 jars of honey.
Tubbo helped carry them back inside, and set them on the counter.
At that moment, Scar, Tommy, and Ranboo came through the door. Tommy, Tubbo, and Ranboo went to go play, while Grian and Scar spoke.
“How did it go” Grian asked.
“Great, Ranboo and Tommy are great helpers” Scar answered.
“That’s good, Tubbo was helpful to, helping me gather eggs and honey” Grian said.
“Great, how much did we get this time” Scar asked.
“5 jars and 27 eggs” Grian responded.
“That more we’ve gotten so far” Scar replied.
“Yup, and I’m thinking of making begets with some honey” Grian explained.
“Mmm, good idea” Scar nodded.
“How long to do we have to build this fence and gate, before the goats, sheep, and rams get here” Grian questioned.
“5 weeks, so I’m going to go get started now” Scar replied.
“Alright, good luck” Grian responded.
Scar went out to start on the fence, while Grian started up on lunch.
Tommy would totally come back with a hammer just to hold onto and swing around- Scar struggling to get him to put it down only for Ranboo to join in an mock fight in the middle of the store
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bluiex · 2 years
( pt 4 of Adoption AU)
(Context Grian and Scar live in the country side, and own up to 10-12 acres of land)
The three headed in the backyard, (they snuck in threw the front yard) It was huge, there was a pool, a hot tub, and a pool house, as well as and outside bar and grill stand, behind it was what looked to estimated 522,720 ft of an orchard. (yes I did the math)
There were apple trees, orange trees, cherry trees, mango trees, banana trees, strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, black berries, carrots, greens, potatoes, turnips, and radishes, all with their own sections. In very middle of all of it, there was looked to be a green house, a chick coop, with all sorts of breeds of chickens, and six bee farms.
“How rich are these guys” Tubbo commented.
“Very, they must sale as this in the market of every harvesting” Ranboo replied.
“So this where they get their eggs” Tomm said, heading towards the chicken coop.
(The chick coop contains two doors, a door get in a fence in outside area, and another door where the chickens are kept)
Tommy tries to open the first door, only to be disappointed that it had a lock.
“Guess they really care for their animals, so that people like Tommy can’t get in” Tubbo whispered to Ranboo.
Ranboo chuckled
Three then went over to the cherry trees section. Ranboo picked a couple of fresh cherries, and shared them with Tommy and Tubbo.
“These are delicious, they’re so juicy. They must really take good care of there crops too” Tubbo said, as he munched on the cherries.
The three went back to house, to see Grian and Scar making lunch. They seem to be making fried fish, smashed potatoes and gravy, and salad.
“How was everything” Scar asked.
“It was awesome” Tommy replied.
“Yeah and it was fun” Ranboo followed.
“Well go wash up, lunch will be ready soon” Grian said.
The three did has they were told and went to their bathroom in the guest bedroom to clean up.
When went back, their food plates were already sitting on the table. They all say next to and beside each other, as they began to eat.
“I caught these fish at the lake near by” Scar said, trying to start up a conversation.
“Well they are delicious” Ranboo responded.
“Thank you” Scar replied.
“So tell me, how did you enjoy everything, which was your favorite part of all of it” Grian asked.
“I liked the bees” Tubbo replied excitedly.
“I take it you like bees” Scar chuckled.
“I LOVE them” Tubbo responded.
“Well I liked Jellie’s cat room, Grian wasn’t kidding, when he said that you love spoil her” Ranboo said.
“GRIAN” Scar shouted out of embarrassment.
“What it’s true, you treat her like a queen. You literally got her, her own personal groomer and an animal spa ID card, not to mention that she’s on a raw meat diet and you take her to a cat cafe every Saturday, sometimes I think you bring her there more then you bring me, led alone spend more on her then on me” Grian argued jokingly.
“Well anyways, mine were the chickens, but couldn’t go in because it was locked” Tommy said.
“Oh yeah, we have all sorts of wild animals, including coyotes, that have learned to open the doors, so we had to put locks on them” Scar explained.
“I see” Tommy responded.
The rest of the lunch went on without much more conversation. But needless to say, Tubbo, Tommy, and Ranboo, all felt at home.
Ofc Tommy would like the chickens- aaah I love them all so much Scar treating Jellie like an aboslute queen as he should
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bluiex · 2 years
Scar and Grian would have to be though who legit have to put leashes on their kids so that they don’t go floating off or phasing through the floor
LOL Scar and Grian going out for the day with the children. having them in those backpacks that also work as leashes- Thats amazing- I- I need to see that drawn xD
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bluiex · 2 years
(Vex and ally AU) I just of something hilarious, so as we know both vexes and allaies can fly, but hear me out, they also can just leverage without moving their wings. Also vexes can faze in and out of walls or the ground
So could you imagine baby Ranboo, Tubbo, and Tommy not having control of this, and so while they’re all asleep, Ranboo, Tubbo, and Tommy just start floating of the ground without waking up or knowing or just faze through the ground, so when Scar and Grian wake up, they go into a panic of where their babies went
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"Uuuh, Grian- The babies are gone?!" Grian comes running to the room, slamming open the door "WHAT!?" Suddenly you see 2 little heads pop out of the ground laughing- and Tubbo just suddenly falls from the ceiling onto Scar's head giggling.. I love them
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bluiex · 2 years
Sorta prompted by the desert dads anon just but also was already spinning in my head you know the fantasy AU I talked about where Grian had an adventure into a magical world and found his way back again as an adult:
I think they should have a kid somehow in that AU yep, yep.
And I think it should be Tubbo because Tubbo.
Yeees I love that AU
omg Grian and Scar could find a child or somerhing at some point in the fantasy world-- They out adventuring or something and some kid comes out of the wood screeching trying to attack them "I want this gremlin" Scar says holding Tubbo back by just his head while Tubbo is swinging wildly lmao
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bluiex · 2 years
What do you think a vex’s and allay’s eating habits are like, I imagine vex’s would eat any type of raw meat, that includes organs and or intestines, while allays usually eat berries, honey combs, and fish especially salmon
So that’s something to imagine with Scar, Grian, and their kids
Vex definitely prefer the raw meats and such along those lines. (they will occasionally have sweet things like berries and honey as a little treat) But yeah deffo that for Allays, they prefer not to eat raw stuff at all, and if so it is fish
I feel like all the kids, would eat anything. Raw, berries, fish.. their genetics would allow them to be able to properly eat it
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bluiex · 2 years
(Pt 3 of the Adoption AU)
Some time as pass sense breakfast, the bench trio decided they wanted to explore the house more, Scar and Grian of course said it was alright, along as they were careful.
For what they saw, there was Grian and Scar’s bedroom, which was upstairs first door one the right, grey painted walls, oak flooring, white carpet, grey covers for the bed. There were pictures of the both of them all over the wall, and some more on a drawer, one of which they could guess was their wedding photo. The door beside it was what looked to be an office. It had a green light grey color scheme to it.
The walls were painted a swampy dark green, grey furry carpet in the middle of the floor, the floor itself looks to dark oak or jungle wood. There was a whole computer and monitor set up with a microphone and filming lights. There was also a very tall cat tower, with a medium size chest next to it, full with all sorts of cat toys.
The three guessed it was Scar’s office.
The first door on the left was another bathroom, which was the bathroom they got washed up in, the night before. The second door, showed what looked to be another office
This time it seem to have a red and white color scheme to it. The flooring was birch wood, with a fluffy red carpet in the middle, red and white triangles design walls, and another whole computer and monitor set up with a microphone and filming lights. And a red ceiling light.
They went back downstairs to check if they’re any other rooms.
They was a decent size room, which was all a cat furniture wall. (look those up they look amazing) the walls were painted a light grey, dark oak flooring, and green ceiling light. There was a cat carrying backpack and a cat leash hanging in the corner of the room. This must be Jellie’s own playroom.
“The cat gets her own playroom” Tubbo questioned.
“Her name is Jellie, and yes I think so, Grian did say Scar loves to spoil her, and my god was he not kiddind” Ranboo responded.
“Talk about it” Tommy mumbled.
God i wish i had a cat room for my cats.. I'd spoil em rotten if I had the money to do so LMAO
Love the house you've described tho
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bluiex · 2 years
Yeah his allay wing has coloration and glow of a vex’s wing, and his vex wing has the coloration and glow of a allay’s wing
!!! I love that idea!! The opposite coloring of what they are. mean while Tubbo is just allay and tommy Vex but with allay eyes- fhgdnjfdjh i love them
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bluiex · 2 years
(Pt 5 of Adoption AU)
Later in the evening the Bench Trio went to watch TV in the living room. It was a flat screen TV, with all sorts of channels and apps, such as Disney+, Netflix, YouTube, CrunchyRoll, and Hulu.
They were certainly watch The Office, Tubbo was in the middle, Ranboo on the right, and Tommy on the left. Jellie was laying in Ranboo’s lap. Tubbo seem to be loving it.
Meanwhile, Scar and Grian were already preparing dinner. They making pork and chicken soup dumplings, with chicken, sausage, and potatoe fresh made ramen, and crawfish and shrimp.
Before dinner, the three went to wash up, Grian had went to to the mall earlier, and so now they finally had some new clothes.
While eating, Grian began to make conversation.
“How you guys liking it here so far” he asked.
“Everything’s great, I’m really enjoying it here” Ranboo responded.
“That good, we wanted to make place seem like home to you three” Grian explained.
“Anyways, you three should probably know that we’ll be getting sheep, goats, and rams here soon, we’ll need help building up their pen” Scar said
“I’d love to help” Ranboo replied.
“Yeah same, I love rams” Tubbo followed.
“That’s good which why tomorrows we’ll be going to hardware store to pick some more nails, screws, and woods planks” Scar responded.
“Ok” the three said unison.
“What do you need, sheep, rams, and goat for any ways” Tommy asked.
“The sheep will be for wool, the goats will be for milk, and the rams will be for weed and poison ivy control” Scar explained.
“Alright” Tommy replied.
That night they all had a movie night/slumber party in the room, they a huge pillow and blanket fort, and a lot of popcorn and candy.
The farm life for them! Yeeeees
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