#scarlet cousins
daemonoferror · 1 year
So after creating a google doc of all my Scarlet Hollow ocs, I threw all their names onto a wheel, spun it, and landed on:
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(All the MCs were made with the Potato Lord picrew, its lowkey my favorite lmao)
Some things about them:
Their traits are keen eye and hot
They're from Los Angeles
They're a singer and actor, though mostly small gigs and extras roles, they have the most fame from their music streams.
While Kennedy is very logical and sensible, they hide behind a kind of "sweet, bubbly blonde" facade until being pushed to break it temporarily. They use it to come off nicer, and because they think it's what people expect of them. They worry a lot that they won't be accepted by most people if they just act like themself.
So far, they're getting along great with everyone they've met! They're a little untrusting and confused that everyone's brushing off all the terrible things happening (they even complain about it to Sybil), but they're glad people seem to like them.
They're very classy and neat. They think the architecture of the estate is beautiful, but are way too grossed out by the bathroom and kitchen to use either of them. (They're taking any food they can find, stealing the chips was tempting but they resisted)
Their clothes are very fashionable and stylish, with some vintage inspiration.
Kennedy is their last name, and has been their nickname since high school.
They were scared of going into the mines, and almost didn't want to go after Alexis and Becca.
They're more scared of Wayne though. With the dream of fame, they're terrified of being stalked, so Wayne is their worst nightmare. He'll get no redemption from them.
Speaking of Wayne, Kennedy has a great horror movie scream they probably use whenever they see him.
Ask me anything you want about them, I'm having the time of my life playing this dramatic theatre kid.
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satzzzart · 9 months
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Opelucid Siblings🐉
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stellesappho · 1 year
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this girlboss girlfailure is the love of my life and i just want her to be happy, if she doesn't get to go to the sea, i'm destroying the whole internet
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 8 months
May I request Kieran with an older cousin Reader who also goes to blueberry? Like post TealMask and pre Indigo disk reader is just like “Alright buddy, why don’t you just take a breath and calm down, I’ve poured some chocolate milk, tell me what’s wrong.”
Yesss bc TealMask Kieran definitely needed somebody to talk to after all that shit went down-
And choccy milk, of course
"I hate you...you should've chosen ME. Was I not good enough? If I'm that weak, then I'll just get stronger. And I'll get even stronger until you wish I was your trainer-"
The knock on the door snapped Kieran out of his tirade for a moment. But he refused to move from his bed, glaring back down at the Ogre mask in his hands as the knocking persisted.
He wasn't in the mood to see anyone right now.
"Go away, sis." He snarled. "I'm busy-"
"Too busy to see your cousin, Kiki?"
Although he was still brooding, he couldn't ignore the fact that his favorite cousin was here, wanting to see him after he's been away from the academy for a while. So he forced himself to get up and leave the mask on his desk.
He opened the door to see you and your Shiny Furret at your side, smiling at him in greeting. Attached to her collar was a shimmering normal gem; he recalled you explaining how it powered-up one of her normal type attacks in battle, albeit only once.
Yet seeing her reminded him of his own Furret and the losses they both suffered....and he couldn't help but look away, unable to meet her gaze. "Hi, [y/n]..it's been a while.."
"I know, right?" You chuckled. "How was your trip? Carmine told me you guys had to come back a little early-"
"It was awful."
"...awful?" In that moment, you could feel your stomach sink, and hearing your Furret's concerned trill made you realize something was very, very wrong.
Kieran looked as though he hated the world, anger clouding his eyes.
"Yeah.." Clenching his fists, he could feel his jaw tightening up. Tears were already blurring his vision as he wondered why everything had to turn out the way it did...
He thought he made an actual friend who was a strong trainer....only for them to befriend his sister, meet Ogerpon, lie to him on multiple occasions, and steal the Pokémon he idolized--all while kicking him and his team into the dirt like they were nothing.
Like he was nothing.
He felt cheated, wronged, humiliated-
"Hey, it's alright..take a few deep breaths." You gently patted him on the shoulder, noticing how he was seething in anger over something you didn't quite understand yet. But you hoped to get to the bottom of it soon enough. "We can talk about it over some drinks."
He took a few breaths, his body now slightly less tense than before as he tried to remain calm. "You got me something?"
"Of course." Nodding, you took some glass bottles out of your satchel--moomoo milk to be exact. "They finally restocked your favorite. Chocolate." You handed one to him, confused when he just stared at it, not taking it right away.
Normally, he'd be unable to resist something sweet, especially chocolate (it runs in the family, anyways), but now he looked almost offended that you dared to buy him something he liked.
"I'm not a little kid anymore, y'know."
"Kiki, I'm almost 20 and I still drink this stuff. You're never too old to enjoy it."
".....fine, thanks." He grumbled, finally accepting the bottle before returning to his bed, taking a few sips.
Although he felt a little better knowing you still thought about him, he kept stewing over the other people who didn't care about him anymore.
Or at least in his eyes...they didn't care.
You sat beside him, with your Furret climbing on the bed and curling around him. He sighed and rested a gloved hand on her tail, fingers stroking the fur.
"Now..what happened?"
".....where do I even start?"
Yikes. He wasn't cracking right away and instead was being extremely vague, so you knew something was seriously wrong.
Growing up, he used to always run to you to hide from his sister or bullies, never keeping secrets. You were the only cousin (or family member for that matter) who didn't judge him for liking Ogerpon or being reluctant to do Pokémon battles.
Now he was acting more withdrawn than ever, even with you here.
"Maybe from the beginning..when you first got to Kitakami." You suggested, yet he still seemed hesitant.
"Do you have time? You don't have better things to do?" He muttered.
"My class in the canyon biome got out early, so I have all the time in the world."
Although it took some more convincing, Kieran ended up going into detail about everything that happened on his trip: Florian/Juliana, Carmine, his grandparents, the festival, Ogerpon, the Loyal Three...nothing was left unsaid.
He rambled for a long time, having finished his drink long ago while you were still savoring yours. But you just calmly listened, feeling absolutely awful for him as he talked about all the times his team got beaten down by this exchange student.
Not only that..but they apparently lied to him as well about meeting the Pokémon he admired. He kept wishing he was good enough to be its trainer--yet he kept failing at every chance to prove himself worthy.
Least to say, this kid sounded like a real jerk.
"...and now all I wanna do is be stronger than them. They got everything I've ever wanted, [y/n]: friends, strong pokemon, Ogerpon's love...the whole village was amazed by what they did, but what about what I did?!" He gripped the glass bottle tightly. "I told them all the Ogre's story was false! But it's like..nothing even changed!"
"You had to leave early, though.." You pointed out. "Things might've changed. They could've left the Three's monument in ruins-"
"They won't. They'll find a way to restore it. All they want is money...and any tourist gullible enough to visit without caring about the truth."
"..jeez, now you're sounding more like Carmine-"
You only meant that as a light joke, yet it only plunged the atmosphere into even deeper tension as your cousin gave you such a cold stare--like he was using Mean Look.
It honestly startled you a bit.
"I-I'm sorry, Kieran.." You apologized quickly. "You're right. Kitakami's banked their entire economy on tourism for generations. They're not gonna let go of that story easily, even if it's all fabricated."
His gaze softened, although now he was looking down at the floor, now absentmindedly petting your shiny Pokémon's fur. "[Y/n]...could I ask you something?"
"Of course. Anything."
"Would you be able to look after my old team?"
In an instant, your heart sank. "What..?"
"Yanmega, Furret, Poliwrath..and all the others..I wanna transfer them into your care permanently. But I'm keeping Dipplin."
"You..wanna surrender your entire team?" Your eyebrows furrowed with confusion. "That's....look, there's ways you can improve upon it. Maybe they just need-"
"NO! You're not listening!" Kieran snapped angrily, clinking the glass harshly onto his desk. "I couldn't win at least ONE battle!! I did everything right! I formed bonds with them, taught them the best moves possible...and for what?! Just so they could hold me back?! Just so I could keep failing?!! I need to change my team, so I don't want any of them anymore."
"Not even Furret?"
"Not even Furret." He repeated with a scowl, gritting his teeth. "It's no good to me if it keeps going down in one hit..."
Blinking, he looked down at your own Furret, almost forgetting that she was still curled around him. She seemed rather upset, ears folded flat against her head...and he made the mistake of staring at her beady-black eyes for too long, as guilt quickly settled in.
What was he doing?
''m sorry, I didn't mean any offense. I've seen you fight...and you're so much stronger. [Y/n]'s lucky to have you...o-of course, you're a shiny after all...h-haha..." He began to sniffle, his hands trembling as he pet her fur; unlike before, it was failing to calm him down. "It's okay. Y-You'll get to hang out with my Furret from now on...just like the old times. Wouldn't that be fun? You and him..d-don't have to worry about me anymore.."
"Ret-ret?" She felt a drop of water splatter onto her ear, which she flicked off, now looking worried.
You frowned slightly, finally understanding how much your little cousin was in pain...and to learn all of this happened within such a short timespan.
It made you wonder if you could've somehow prevented this.
"I-I don't wanna surrender anyone, I don't wanna feel like this. But..what else can I do?" His voice cracked, bowing his head. "I just..w-wanna be like Florian/Juliana..but nobody takes me seriously. They all think I'm going through some "phase". They all treated me like the Ogre..laughing behind my back, calling me weak...getting mad when I try to fight back...and I hate it, [y/n]!! They hurt me and NOBODY CARES!! Not even my own family!!"
"That's not true at all. I care, Kiki..I care so much about you. That hasn't changed." You wrapped your arms around him, letting him clutch your uniform jacket as he hiccupped, burying his face into the fabric. The poor kid was shaking, and you weren't sure if it was in anger or sorrow, or perhaps both.
When you were his age, you remembered dealing with all sorts of difficult feelings, too, and just like him..nobody else seemed to get you. You were mostly alone in coping, yet you had incredible Pokémon who helped you realize there's more to life than battling and winning.
Hopefully, you could help him realize this, too.
"..wh-why couldn't my own sister be this nice to me..?"
"I don't know. You want me to beat her up?"
He was quick to shake his head.
"Okay, okay.." You sighed softly, patting his hair in comfort. "Then...if you wanna become a stronger trainer, I'll do my best to help. I'll take care of your old team, lend you some research articles...whatever you need, just say the word."
"...I-I wanna take on the Elite Four and become champion.." He mumbled. "Maybe then..no one will mock me. Will you still support me then?"
That caught you by surprise, considering it was such an unrealistic goal for him right now. He barely has any double battle experience, yet he was willing to learn it if it meant becoming the best trainer in this academy.
Who were you to say no to him when the rest of the family seemed to turn his back on him? You didn't want him to shut you out, too, so you finally relented after giving it some thought.
"Of course."
"You're not lying, are you?"
"No, I promise."
Those words seemed to get Kieran to settle down, as he pulled out of the hug. His cheeks were a scarlet hue, stained with tears that he hastily wiped away before you could fully see them.
And he immediately insisted on going to the library to begin his research, and you both simply packed up your things and headed out, sending your Furret back into her pokeball.
You hope you made the right choice.
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hydrategea · 1 year
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the dead moms club
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worldsendramen · 4 months
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daywalker-rr · 10 months
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no canoodling at work you’ve got bills to pay (this is a very loose extension of this post lol)
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multiscales · 2 years
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Paldean Guzma????
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The Seance.
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strawberriandromeda · 3 months
Literally sobbing and wailing and writhing and screeching i fucked up being Tabitha's friend in the playthrough where i play as myself. Tabitha please forgive me we can still be friends give me 3 more days
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wingsoffirememes · 1 year
Listening to the first book again and yeah I see why people like scarlet she’s fucking hilarious
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daemonoferror · 1 year
I l think after Miles tells them to steal chips they're all like "haha no! I certainly couldn't do that!" But then their stomach growls comedically loud (because they've only eaten a biscuit and handful of dried apricots since they've arrived) and after an awkward pause they just start shoveling candy and snacks into their arms and pockets. They glare at Miles- who still probably doesn't care- and are like "Not a WORD of this to ANYONE"
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rairolin · 1 year
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Hot people doing hot people stuff. Drinking cocoa. Staring at each other 💀💕
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amburglr · 6 months
I can't begin to describe how imperative it is for me to strike out with every single romanceable NPC in Scarlet Hollow in increasingly ridiculous ways that usually involve Tabitha for some reason.
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lytorika · 2 years
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i know i already used it as a caption at some point but GO GET YOUR GUN, GET YOUR GUN AND LET'S FIND OUT WHAT IT DOES
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not-too-many-eyes · 10 months
I played Scarlet Hollow and my biggest takeaway is that I would do (most things) for Tabitha.
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I'm doing it for her.
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