#scarlet lref
tabl3 · 10 months
calderan world-building that I've had the whole time but never mentioned lol:
most of them are aro/ace, there's no romance between any as reproduction isn't an issue and they refer to each other as brother/sister/sibling
skylar is a shame to all of them for defecting to an unworthy planet and losing her powers
there are two empresses who hold the power
experion isn't as much of a stain, but they still disdain him (hence the way scarlet treats him in my writing)
sky, expey, and scar are all childhood friends (gone horrible enemies/frienemies in scarlet and experion's case)
scarlet is a high general
the planet is collapsing (more on that when we delve into scarlet's motives)
the planet is sentient, a female creature from millions of years ago
with its distance from earth, the years are different. in calderan, sky is about forty (they live hundreds of earth years)
they are a warrior planet, meaning a very roman war camp vibe
with advanced tech (she's helping Horace and Douglas integrate it into theirs)
dorenbasches are rare
male calderans are prone to have the weird names, though some female ones do too
they don't have surnames bc they're all a family (sky is valentine to normos and diaz-storm to heroes and such (later davenport))
most of the planet is volcanic rock, but some of it is lush forests with killer plants lol
bionics and superpowers don't work there, there's arcturion and foreign tech barriers, and they have metal collars that turn off powers)
skylar was on the track to be a general with the other two, before he became a hero, which she followed suit
there's no night time
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tabl3 · 1 year
A guide to the villains:
to make it a bit easier to understand the dynamics in my writings, both in power and personal
Lab Rats Villains: Giselle and Krane might be the most officially allied, but neither trusts the other in the slightest. Both have contingency plans for the other and are plotting downfalls, should the slightest sign of betrayal come about. Their partnership is of convenience, not trust. Also, Sebastian and Marcus hate each other lmao. They only put up w the other because of their fierce loyalty to their proverbial creators. Giselle eventually discovered Bridget Hunslet's identity. Mr. Terror was both amused and impressed by their little group, and extended her invitation
Rodissius: He rules his home with an iron fist. Mr. Terror saw the rage within him at the loss of his powers and hatred of both supers and normos, and invited him and his children to join her cause
Mr. Terror: Every last one of the above mentioned are completely terrified of her (pun intended) She has both Experion and Scarlet's loyalty (will be elaborated on in the future) which definitely adds to the fear factor. Except she's totally in Mighty Max. Yup.
Least to Most Powerful:
Rodissius: He's got a physically strong stature in my design and is definitely skilled from his hero days. The chokehold he has on his veritable army is formidable. But at the end of the day, he's a regular normo now (and weakening with each passing day (will be elaborated on later #2))
Giselle: She's a super genius, manipulative, calculating, and highly skilled in combat, given she held her own against Bree. That and she has a torrent of androids at her disposal and Marcus's unflinching loyalty. However, she is simply a normo as well, and despite her brain being dangerous as it is, when it comes to most of the others, she wouldn't be able to dent much.
Sebastian: Giselle granted him new bionics. He has his soldier training and is obviously very skilled, but he wouldn't hold a candle to the next listed.
Shapeshifters: Wide range of powers, incredible skill because of training since birth for one purpose, and there are thirteen of them. The black swarm ability is also pretty op, on top of all the other assets. The main thing to hold them back more than anything is their loyalty to Rodissius and fear of his retribution toward them.
Marcus: He has all of ABC's bionics and then some. Not to mention as an android, he tires far slower and is largely unaffected by any injury. The problem with him mirrors the shifters'. He's blindly loyal to a woman who doesn't genuinely care for him (my Giselle is a sociopath with a sprinkle of psychosis). He definitely couldn't take all thirteen shifters, not when a five-person team, two bionic, two heroes powered by the arcturion, and a Calderan couldn't. But he would probably manage to defeat one or two at a time. Same with Sebastian, depending on which shifter. A lot of the younger ones they could take down. Roman, Riker, and the Spider-Legs girl (2nd oldest) they couldn't beat, most likely. Reese and another yet to be revealed are the only exception to younger shifters that could take them.
Krane: He's hard to place. I could easily switch him with the next listed. Powerhouse is the only descriptor. He's probably the most formidable in the Lab Rats show. I think he could take half the shifters at a time with relative ease, despite the setbacks from his injuries. He stands way above Marcus and Sebastian as well.
Scarlet and Experion: Calderans are op. That's it lol. I can't decide which among them is more powerful. Scarlet stayed on her warrior-gladiator world and gained experience that way (she has a much different backstory bc the EF one sucks. Also I wanted to give Sky a personal rival bc Experion is shared between her and Kaz) but Experion has hero experience. Both are master manipulators, and fully powered, unlike Skylar. I don't know if Krane could take two Calderan soldiers.
Mr. Terror: Girlboss Extrodinare. She's rich, has an empire, and hundreds of lackeys beneath her. Not to mention full loyalty of two Calderans. Even without all of that, she could most definitely defeat any before. And they know it. She has a quiet power over the rest in their partnership, and all of them fear her greatly. She's highly intelligent and motivated, a scary combination. The unspoken leader: whatever she orders goes. The only one ballsy enough to make a contingency plan for her is Giselle, and she hasn't found anything to be of possible use. Bridget has her own plans for each of them, and every move she makes has extreme intention (peep the chessboard. Not just symbolic)
anywhoozle, there ya go :)
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tabl3 · 2 months
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color wheel w/ the canon couples
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