drylicu · 6 years
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         “You’re adorable! You really think I was kidding?” How funny was it that this man thought she was joking? Morgan was indeed a practicing witch, and while of course the spells weren’t exactly as flashy and such as he would have liked to imagine, hexes were very much real! “--I could hex you into next week, and you wouldn’t even know it. Wouldn’t it just be terrible if something truly awful were to happen in your life?”
( @scarletego )
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gooselullaby · 6 years
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         “--Is daddy taking us to Aiya? I wanna go!”
( @distancetruth & @scarletego )
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braveblacle-archive · 6 years
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There’s finally been a break between classes, and he finally had hired help he  could  trust the Junes  he now manages in Tokyo while he takes a well deserved  vacation  to  visit  his  parents  back  in  Inaba.  Things  with the Phantom Thieves  seem to be  quieting down  as well,  and in  truth,  after getting  involved as much as he had,  he  was  beginning to become home sick for the friends he had back in Inaba. Last he checked, Yukiko was still at the Amagi Inn, and Chie and himself had agreed they would meet upon his arrival.
The sound of the train departing filled the air around them, the bustle of the passengers leaving following its absence. Yousuke was among them, eyes glued to the screen of his phone. Something had come up for Chie, so they altered their meet up point back to their old headquarters, with the promise of dragging Kanji and Yukiko with her.
As he expected,  Inaba  really  hadn’t changed much in his absence. There were very  minor renovations,  but  nothing that immediately  jumped out at him. It was nice to be home, he thought.
Approaching  the  Junes  court yard, he wondered briefly if he’d find the old man  in  his office  —  if so, he could pop his head in while he waited for his friends  —  or  if  he  had  already  headed  home for  the day; the train was delayed enough where it was late afternoon by now. Shoving his phone into his pocket and re-adjusting his bag on  his back, he  looked up long enough to find an empty table he could wait at.
                                                                            ❝ N-.. No way! It can’t be! ❞
 What was he doing out here and not behind bars? Does Souji know? How could neither Chie  or any of  his friends whom still live in Inaba fail to warn him ahead of time?
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gamenu · 6 years
scarletego replied to your post:
Neku ready to fucking throw hands.
With her or with the anon--
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maroonego · 6 years
@scarletego ♡′d
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“ Tohru, don’t you wanna go out or something instead of laying around and watching documentaries? It really is a nice day out, I think you’d enjoy it. ”
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masayoshiko · 6 years
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                                                      crimson   light   seeps   in   though   every   which   window.   the   hallways   of   this   tower   gleaming   with   a   freakish   nightmare   ken   begged   to   never   see   again.   TARTARUS   ---   no   ,   this   was   different   ,   the   tower   remained   yet   it   had   been   years   since   it   stood   ---   &   still   ,   it   was   not   the   same.   offering   koromaru   a   light   pat   on   the   head   ,   the   boy   &   his   companion   made   their   way   without   fear.   auburn   optics   resting   on   what   he’d   hoped   was   just   an   illusion   further   toward   the   stairs. 
             ❛     you   again   ---   you’re   working   with   that   guy   with   the   scar   ,   aren’t   you   ;   why   are   you   just   sitting   around   in   a   place   like   this   ?     ❜
// @scarletego // s.c //
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crestfallcn-blog · 6 years
scarletego replied to your post:
“Run kid, it’s a systematic way to lock ya into place.”
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             ❝ You make it sound like a crime, Adachi-san...or a punishment for committing a crime. Then again, I guess I should listen to a detective over anyone else, right...? ❞
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queenbyytch-blog · 6 years
As Bethony pulled up a chair, she took a seat and placed a hand gently under her chin as she stared towards the jailed friend. How pitiful ... How did he get caught so easily? Bethony knew him better than this ... unless he did it on purpose. Legs crossing with her dark eyes staring through the glass, she seemed annoyed and even bored that they had such a thing keeping them interacting much other than speaking. She didn’t like that, especially if it were with Adachi.
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“ Ya know, I’d pinch your cheeks right now if this glass wasn’t in the way. ” A finger raised and polished nails began to drum against the glass almost in a rhythm. She had prospered over the years, her modelling career flourishing along with her investments growing more and more with each day. While, her best friend had to sit in jail to rot over a crime she doubt he ever did. “ Besides, all those murder allegations ... They aren’t true are they? You can tell sweet ol’ me! You did come out for me, after all ... I heard from the officers that you never come out for anyone ... So I must be so special! ”
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gooselullaby · 6 years
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         Oh! She didn’t know he was going to make it a quiz game! Standardly, he’s supposed to ask someone else for help on the question. Not the hostess herself! Although...Nanako does love him. So maybe it wouldn’t be so bad if she were to just tell him. Then he could get it himself! “--It’s going to be my birthday! My birthday is on Thursday. I’m going to be another year older, and another year closer to you!”
( @scarletego )
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gamenu · 6 years
#adachi having to take nicole in and she's asking for the aux cord
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         “I have betta music.”
( @scarletego )
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kismetgallant-blog · 6 years
- - // A “ ♥ “ for some kind words ! \ - -
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- [ Oh, I have so many people I want to mention in this. I’m glad there’s three hearts here. Alright, so first I want to mention @beautyxthief / @milady-empress for, well, being somebody I can look up to. I’ve followed them on all three of my different profiles… I believe, and it’s something I can’t regret. They balance values within their muses mixed with tasteful blends of headcanons and perceptions that make their scenes, their… choreography, so tasteful and unique. It’s my absolute delight and pleasure to be able to write and coordinate our muses together.
- [ Then I would like to mention @scarletego, as I can’t help but mention such an exquisite writer. We haven’t interacted yet, though I haven’t interacted with many yet, I do hope we can write together at some point soon. Adachi’s a finicky muse to play. He happens to be one I’ve seen fallen between the fingers of some who can’t seem to understand his details, but you handle them with a finesse that makes a natural reading Tohru I appreciate getting to see on the stage of my dash. As they say; Fire burns much brighter when oxygen is the supplier.
- [ Ah, I can’t forget. @pupuscorvus! A friend (or an acquaintance I’d like to call a friend) of mine that that is quite a breathtaking person, IC and OOC. They’re pleasant to speak to within the OOC chats with a brightening sense of humor, one that carries into a portrayal that I would personally have expected to come from a novella. It’s woven and unwoven within itself, taking aspects to flesh out without dragging like a chain, airy but heavy as steam to clear out thoughts. Thank you for being someone I have written with, even in small amounts.
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- [ I’ll add a bonus one since this was three hearts in one! There are so many more of these I would love to get into… But first, @arcanaoffool; I want to mention Yu. Well, Yu as in you- Regardless! Pun aside, your blog is a perfect mixture of soft on the mind, sharp tips to drag on the heart, and a wafer of gentle lightness placed in from the Mun’s occasional words. I do hope we get to write more in the future, it would be an honor of mine to get to interact with how you have your Yu coordinated! It’s satisfying to read already, just on my dash.
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maroonego · 6 years
  how adorable are you ? “ Well hey, at least I’m an...
“Uncommon is right.”
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“ Well, isn’t uncommon a good thing, Tohru? I think so nowadays. ”
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sugarlcss-blog · 6 years
❴ Stranger. ❵ ▸ @scarletego 
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                        ❝ Eh? What’d’ja say? ❞ Having not been paying attention to a single utterance brought by the man, the drowsy puzzle master rubbed at his eyes to try to bring himself to have any ability to focus on this guy’s question--or questions if he had been there a while. Was this guy a cop or was he a runaway villain ready to slice and dice? Was he a teenager like him or an elderly man with back problems? Having no interest in opening his eyes, he released a well-deserved yawn that resounded through the park before clicking his tongue to speak again, ❝ ...oh, yeah, thanks for blocking the sun...really helps keep the eyelids drooping... Sooo...what’cha want...? ❞
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braveblacle-archive · 6 years
CONTINUED FROM | @scarletego
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How the Hell did he end up in a situation like this? To say that Yousuke was  not a fan of Adachi was a  bit of an understatement. He had every reason  to  hate  his  guts,  more  than  the other members of the IT for reasons  that  did  not  need  to be  brought  up. But,  if  Souji said they  needed to work together,  then so be it. Yousuke  knew how to  behave himself, and he certainly knew how to take orders and follow them. And so far, Adachi  has been rather  useful, though he  hated to admit it.  He wasn’t stupid; he knew how far apart they were in terms of strength, but at least he wasn’t much of a dead weight.
Swallowing thickly, he watched the unnerving  Shadow before them.  It  was one  they  haven’t faced  before, and Rise  did not  have too  much information on it other than the fact that it was strong. His eyes focused on the  Shadow, making  sure  that their  location  has  not  been  given  away. So,  when he  noticed that  Adachi was  no longer at  his side, he stumbled  back a couple  steps before  turning around to  catch up.  He wished  he could  goad the  other for being a  coward, but he knew that avoiding that thing was their best decision.
                                                        ❝ Man, I hope the others are  fairing                                                                                       better than we are. ❞
Yousuke was mostly  speaking out loud  versus  toward  the other,  but his statement still stands. The quicker they finished their mission and reached the  end,  the better. He did  not want to  spend more time  with  the  other than he really needed to.
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maroonego · 6 years
  Pros of dating Akihiko: Everything Cons of Dating...
Adachi vc: debatable
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Akihiko voice you aren’t mister perfect yourself...................
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