#scat personals Boston
sobriquett · 11 months
Dear Yuletide Author 2023,
Dear Yuletide Author,
What a wonderful time of year! Thank you for thinking about writing for me, I hope this letter is useful to you. Up here, you’ll find a bunch of stuff about general loves, likes and DNWs, both generally and for certain mini-challenges. Further down, there’s fandom-specific information and a handful of prompts for each fandom.
I am Sobriquett in pretty much all fandom spaces I use (here, AO3, Dreamwidth, Discord, etc.), so at least that should be easy to remember!
Please use as much or as little of this letter as you like. As a writer, I like to have all the information and so I want to make sure my writer has everything they might need, but the intention is absolutely not to overwhelm you with minutiae or to restrict you to these prompts. If you only get 5% in but the Lightbulb of Inspiration is flashing in your mind, then go for it! I hope you have a blast.
Treats are enabled and very welcome, including drabbles – I have high hopes of writing a few of my own. I am also open to IF or poetry.
You can also poke me if you’re looking for a beta reader in this fandom or any other fandom I’ve requested before. I will sign up in relevant places as I see them, or use the ask box or email sobriquett at outlook dot com.
If you still want more information, please look through previous letters using the tags at the bottom of this post. (I've requested everything except Boston Legal before.)
I don’t have any major triggers – I’d just avoid or Alt+F4 any of my DNWs, I wouldn’t be harmed by them –  so you’re probably safe with most darker ideas, even if I haven’t explicitly opted in. However, because I do love darkfic but we’re generally a thoughtful community, by all means ask through the mods if you have an idea but it’s on the edge of the commonly acceptable and you’re not certain. Also, anything canon-typical/canonical/canon-appropriate will almost certainly get a thumbs up, except my DNWs.
Also, please don’t feel obliged to be unrelentingly positive about any or all of these characters. I am happy to read you poke at their hypocrisies, selfishness, resentments, poor decisions or unkind thoughts as appropriate. Characters don’t have to be perfect, even our favourites; people certainly aren’t.
(I spend a lot of time in disability advocacy spaces and, as the person I'm usually caring for will say, "disabled people can be arseholes too". It turns out I really want to read nuanced, imperfect disabled/neurodivergent characters being arseholes with agency who are occasionally called out by the people who know and love them; who knew? Three of my requested fandoms contain canonically disabled/neurodivergent/otherwise physically or mentally impaired characters, and I am 100% on board if you want to headcanon something for the women of The Godfather too.)
DNWs for All Fandoms and Challenges
Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics | Anyone being called “Daddy” in a sexual context | Bestiality | Body Horror | Gore | Medical Experimentation | Mpreg | Mutilation | Non-Canonical Amputation | Sadism | Scat | Torture | Vore
(Note: Nobu has canonically lost an arm and Rochester has lost a hand and I would love fic to explore or consider that – it’s more that I don’t want characters losing limbs “on-page”, so to speak.)
General Likes and Loves
5+1 Times | Alternate Endings | Angst | Backstory | Banter/Bickering | Bittersweet | Canon Compliant | Canon Divergence | Character Death | Character Death Aftermath | Character Study | Class Differences | Coming of Age | Competence | Complicated Sibling Relationships | Cultural Differences | Dark Fic | Debt & Financial Pressures | Despair | Disabled Characters | Domesticity | Different Worldviews | Enemies to Friends/Lovers | Epistolary | Examining Societal Issues | First Meetings | First Time | Fix-It | Fluff | Found Family | Friends/Lovers to Enemies | Grief/Mourning | Grumpy Character/Sunshine Character | Historical Details | Humour | Hurt/Comfort | Last Time | Laws of Magic | Living Up/Down to Expectations | Long-Distance Friendship | Marriage of Convenience | Miscommunication | Missing Moment | Obeying Canonical Boundaries (Social/Cultural/Moral) | Outsider POV | Parent/Child Relationships | Pining | Platonic Intimacy | Politics & Intrigue | Poor Life Choices | Post-Canon | Pre-Canon | Pregnancy & Babies | Presumed Dead | Protectiveness | Redemption | Religious Elements | Reunions | Romance | Sad Endings | Secret Relationships | Uneven Power Dynamics | Unexpected/Unlikely Friendship | Unreliable Narrators | Whump | Worldbuilding
Crueltide Likes
Apocalypse | Betrayal | Character Death | Character Death Aftermath | Claustrophobia | Conspiracy | Debt & Financial Pressures | Degradation | Disease | Dubious Consent | Dystopia | Fire | Forced Marriage | Gaslighting | Hauntings | Humiliation | Hypothermia | Infertility | Miscarriage/Pregnancy Loss | Murder | Paranoia | Poisoning | Prison | PTSD | Shame | Suicide | Terminal Illness | Unhappy Endings
Yuleporn Likes
Biting/Marking | Bondage | Canon Compliant/Historically Appropriate (esp. period fandoms) | Desperate Sex | Dirty Talk | Dubcon | Edging/Orgasm Delay | Fingering | First Times | Fisting | Foreplay | Hair Pulling/Touching/Playing | Last Times | Loss of virginity (either/both/all partners) | Oral (any/all combinations/intensities/setups) | Porn with Feelings | Power Imbalance (Physical or Social/Financial/Other) | Restraint/Held Down | Rough Sex | Semi-Public Sex | Sensual Details | Vanilla Sex
Honestly, I am up for near anything that feels like it fits into the canon context, would be in-character(-ish) and isn’t on my DNW list. Bonus points for anything I haven’t thought of that is really contextually appropriate!
Fandoms in alphabetical order to avoid the impression of favouritism!
1. Boston Legal
Requested characters: Any Tag set characters: Alan Shore | Denny Crane | Jerry Espenson | Katie Lloyd
I watched this series for the first time this year and I really enjoyed it. There are certainly elements that haven’t aged well, and some things that are unfortunately still far too relevant, but I was so delighted by it overall. This is a first-time request this year, so this section is a little thinner and my thoughts a little more disorganised than for other fandoms!
I am interested in any or all four of these characters, and in any combination of & relationship between them, or perhaps Jerry/Katie, and but let's talk a little more about Alan~/~Denny:
Alan and Denny’s relationship was remarkable. I am 100% here for that queerplatonic dynamic – the sleepovers, the platonic intimacy, the complete joy of their friendship and their reliance but not dependence upon one another (although of course that dynamic may shift as Denny’s illness progresses). They have so many differences and yet such consistent and open love for one another. And then they get married, and it makes sense. Oh, my heart.
I would love to see more of this relationship, either during canon or post-canon. (I haven't seen The Practice, so references there will go over my head, but pre-canon is cool too!) They’re both so aggressively, offensively heterosexual that I think it would be a tough sell for me to believe in a sexual relationship here, but an incredibly intimate friendship with occasional romantic overtones where they are unambiguously the most important person in each other’s lives? Yes please. We should all be so lucky. Dysfunction also welcome.
I’m not sure Jerry’s character is 100% okay by today’s standards, but I related to so many of his quirks and tics and I rooted for him right from his first appearance. I felt a physical pang when Alan was deliberately cruel to Jerry to knock him off-balance when they were on opposing sides and I’m glad it wasn’t immediately dismissed. Equally, I was delighted when Katie stood up to Jerry when he was “using” his issues to avoid his problems or to play the victim when things were within his abilities to address.
Katie is also interesting to me. What is a young British woman doing in an American law firm? What effect does her Britishness have on her life and career in Boston? Does she have any darker shades to her personality?
I am a little short of prompts here and will try to add more if I think of them. Hopefully the likes/loves above will provide some inspiration if the below doesn't, or you already have an idea of your own! I just want a little bit more of these characters; that would be lovely.
How did Katie find herself in Boston, or at an American law school before that?
How do these characters and their relationships develop?
Does Alan get to open his legal clinic? Do Jerry and Katie work for him?
How does Denny get on? Does he continue to work, maintain his streak?
Do Alan or Denny have any other intimate relationships outside their marriage? Is the other jealous?
How does Jerry get on after the changes at Crane, Poole & Schmidt? Does he find a new firm? Does he land on his feet? Does he keep working with Katie? Does their relationship work, despite their differences?
2. Jane Eyre – Charlotte Brontë
Requested characters: Jane Eyre
Jane Eyre is an unreliable narrator.
This is one of my favourite novels ever, but I read a new story each time I read (or rewatch – Ruth Wilson 2006 version, yes) it. I had a different experience of it as a child, teenager, young adult, and so on – and with time, I’ve come to see Rochester as more of a villain, and then also as a victim of circumstances and a product of his environment, and to increasingly believe that Jane Eyre lies to us. She’s also every bit as prejudiced and superior as those she criticises, but/because she’s also a product of her world. But I still love her, and love that she says she got a happy ending. But that doesn’t mean it has to stay happy, or even that she was telling the truth.
This is a fandom where I particularly enjoy a darker edge, and a playful approach to the text on the author’s part. The novel is a first person autobiography. Have fun with that! Jane Eyre is an unreliable narrator. The novel is her autobiography and I don’t believe that the story she told is necessarily the story that “happened”. What did she conceal? What did she tweak? What did she exaggerate or minimise? Is she trying to tell a moral story, and if so for whom? Does her faith endure and guide her quite as steadfastly, perfectly and purely as she says? I adore fics that play with this idea.
Although my only requested character is Jane herself, I am also happy with Outsider POV stories that are very much about Jane.
Post-canon happiness?
Post-canon unhappiness?
Canon divergence at any point.
A missing moment from the engagement - an evening spent together, a walk, a trip out. Tension, anticipation, uneasiness, a sense that all’s not quite right that can’t be entirely set aside. Rochester trying to claim more affection than Jane is yet willing to give, with either a playful or darker edge.
A missing moment between the interrupted wedding and Jane fleeing Thornfield? What if they do have a night of madness before Jane flees Thornfield, where just for a moment she gives in? Or is coerced? (Dubcon over complete non-con please? Also: gloriously awful or happy consequences welcome.)
How does Rochester discover Jane’s missing? How does Adele find out? Mrs Fairfax? How do they all react? What is that day like? (Jane’s absence would almost be the character in this case. She doesn’t have to appear, she’s still the focus.)
Jane, Mrs Fairfax and Adele are all dependents. Thornfield Hall might be where they live but it’s not their home, and there’s an inherent precariousness to their position that might be worth exploring – or what it’s worth when they finally do have a home that’s theirs, and they feel it.
Does Jane ever meet her Reed cousins again after Mrs Reed’s death? What would they think of her changed circumstances? Does Jane become – or put on the airs of – a great lady, and put them in their place? Or does she forgive, warmly, and try to cultivate relationships because she remembers what it was like to be alone, as her cousins may have become?
Do Jane and Mrs Fairfax meet again in the future? At Thornfield, they were the closest thing to peers as they were both ladies but dependents, but there was a huge gulf between them in terms of age, experience and outlook. How does their relationship change?
If Jane and Rochester have children, what does that do to Adele’s place in the family? Is she beloved sister or unwanted burden? (I can’t see Jane considering her a burden but I could perhaps see Jane being torn in too many directions and having no time left for Adele, leaving her bereft.)
What if Adele’s mother returned to collect her, or for some other (nefarious) purpose?
Rochester dies in the fire. What happens then?
Jane goes with St. John as a missionary and it doesn’t start/go/end well.
What if the first wedding isn’t interrupted? Rochester’s a bigamist and Jane a fallen woman when it comes out. (I have started writing this but not finished it.)
Jane tries to put Adele back together, after she’s traumatised by the sudden loss of her home, the dismissal of her nurse Sophie, the loss of Jane, the wrath/rage of Rochester, her cruel treatment at school, etc.
Does Jane come to see Rochester as a villain? Does she find herself corrupted, tarnished or lessened in his eyes in some way when he comes to marry/possess her and the sharper, darker side of his character turns on her once she’s off her pedestal?
Does Jane resent being Rochester’s carer, his eyes and hands?
Jane is not in the habit of receiving gifts, and still isn’t used to it. But she has grown to enjoy giving them to those she loves and cares for.
News articles of the aborted wedding, Thornfield fire and subsequent events?
Does Adele correspond with Jane or Rochester from her school? Either miserably from the school Rochester sends her to, or more happily from Jane’s choice? How does Adele find school, either the one Rochester sends her to, or the one Jane moves her to? How does this compare to Jane’
Is Rochester more of a villain? How?
How does their wedding night go? How do Rochester’s blindness and injury affect this side of their relationship?
An in-character moment of passion, with badinage and fairy talk.
There are no fics about Jane Eyre and her former teacher, Maria Temple. Do they keep in touch through Jane’s adult life, or get in touch or meet again in the future? What does the former Miss Temple (I can’t at this moment remember her married name but it is given in the novel) think of how Jane’s life turns out, her choice of husband, his story? Does she offer Jane counsel? What if Jane goes to her instead of to the Rivers when she flees Thornfield? Would the story go differently?
Jane dies on the moors.
Does Jane resent being Rochester’s carer, his eyes and hands?
Is Rochester “really” as injured as Jane writes in her autobiography? Did she provide some sort of divine/literary punishment for his sins? Or what really happened instead, did he get a comeuppance?
3. Memoirs of a Geisha - Arthur Golden
Requested characters: Nitta Sayuri, Nobu Toshikazu
Nobu/Sayuri is my rarest rare pair, although I have been lucky enough to receive fic before.
I enormously prefer the novel to the movie, mostly because there’s so much more Nobu. He’s my favourite character, for the gap between how he’s perceived and how he is. He inspires such loyalty and friendship in those who know and value him – Mameha, the Chairman, Sayuri - and yet more shallow characters (Hatsumomo) can’t stand him based only on his looks (and grumpiness). In many ways, the Chairman is the more ghost-like character in the novel, floating in the background as Sayuri develops a deep and genuine friendship with Nobu despite their differences. Her entire fantasy of the Chairman is based on a five-minute encounter and a hanky and then she essentially doesn’t speak to him for a decade, and I wish she’d made a different choice. Nobu would have been an active choice, rather than continuing down the path she set as a child without consideration for how she’s changed as she’s grown up and seen more of the world. I understand Sayuri’s heartbreak knowing that having Nobu as her danna would preclude any possibility of such a relationship with the Chairman, but it would open up a world of other possibilities, and to kindness from a different source, as well as a more even relationship. Neither Nobu nor Sayuri know much kindness in their lives, and I really enjoy their repartee. It’s one of the few times Sayuri seems to have fun.
Nobu is missing an arm and disfigured by burning; there’s no need to romanticise or sanitise these parts of his character, but I am curious about their effects on any long-term or physical relationship with Sayuri (either practically or just in his head).
What if Sayuri chose Nobu instead, and accepted him as her danna before the war?
What if she accepted him after the war?
Sayuri appreciating Nobu, with optional romantic edge
How does Nobu feel when he realises what Sayuri’s done? What does he know, what is he told, does he try to find out more? Is his respect once lost gone forever?
Sayuri could be the Chairman’s but he could never be hers – he already had a wife – but Nobu would have been hers. Would she want this? What would Sayuri want, given the opportunity?
Nobu and Sayuri being affectionate to one another, even gruffly and distractedly.
How would an evening with Sayuri, Nobu and the Chairman unfold? With or without Mameha to guide Sayuri’s choices to their advantage?
Exploring the differences between the pair – in power (financial, sexual, influence), personal freedom, status, ability to make their own decisions, the rules they play by.
What do they have in common? They are both survivors, at the top of but on the outside of their respective worlds. (Teahouses, factories, okiyas, battlefields.)
Sayuri and Nobu have an en. How else does this manifest?          
Do Nobu and Sayuri ever meet again, in the future? Are things frosty, all bridges burned?
What if Pumpkin does bring Nobu instead of the Chairman?
4. The Godfather - Mario Puzo
Requested characters: Any Tag set characters: Apollonia Vitelli Corleone | Carmela Corleone | Kay Adams Corleone | Lucy Mancini
I reread this over the summer. (Well, more specifically, Audible finished one book and rolled straight into playing this one and I went with it.) As always, I want more of the women. The author (probably the author, but definitely the authorial voice) is wildly misogynistic, where all women are essentially defined in terms of their fuckability and/or relationships with men (specific and general), and very few women are ever really the POV character. Kay is occasionally, and possibly Lucy, but that’s it. But they are all defined by their (sexual) relationships with the Corleone men – wives, lovers, mothers. I want more of the women as women. That can include the men, but no woman is defined entirely by her relationship with a man.
Apollonia says one word in the novel: “Grazie.” Who is she? Give her some flesh, a spark, to be more than just a pretty shell. What does she want? What moves and motivates her? How would she have fit in with the New York family if she’d lived?
Mama Corleone is much the same, she turns up for a moment here and there to (magnificently) berate one of her sons or to feed somebody, but she also feels like a thread of steel in the lives of those around her, holding them up, but it’s unspoken. I love her Catholicism and how it both sustains her and supports her family, and how she converts Kay, and they go together to pray for the souls of their husbands. The ending of the novel is divine.
Kay is an outsider to the world for more than just having girl parts, and I’m curious how that changes her experience, and particularly how she relates to her mother-in-law (and sister-in-law) through cultural and generational differences.
Lucy’s character arc is literally defined by her vagina and she willingly and semi-knowingly lets herself continue to be used by the family through the hotels, but there is more to her than that. Like what? How does she balance what she wants to know, what she guesses, what she thinks, what she absolutely and definitely knows? Is Sonny a lingering ghost through her life?
I don’t really know what I want, just more of the women.
Apollonia and the American dream: what does she actually want? Is Michael a way to get it? (Children, comfort, fortune, adventure, love, other?)
Does Apollonia love Michael? Does it matter? Was her courtship/marriage a pleasant or a horrible experience? What did she think her future would look like?
What does Kay want? What does she think their future will look like?
The same questions for Kay as Apollonia, possibly different answers. Compare the women, be thoughtful or go dark.
I’m always intrigued by Kay’s Catholicism, especially in the book. The movie’s ending happens too, but then Kay goes to church with Mama Corleone and prays for Michael’s soul.
Michael’s grief at losing both women in his life, in very different ways. (Does he acknowledge them as women and individuals, or only as wives/lovers?)
A missing happy moment for any of these characters or either couple.
A contrast between weddings – Connie’s, Apollonia’s, Kay’s, others.
What if Apollonia had lived, and met Kay?
What if Apollonia lives?
I feel like Kay makes a “better” American wife for Michael, in the world he wants to move in. Would the path have unfolded differently with a different woman at his side?
Does the ghost of Apollonia haunt Michael at later points in his life?
How does Carmela respond to the milestones in her husband’s life? The shooting of Don Fanucci, having Clemenza and Tessio in her home, the Don’s first shooting, the rise in their fortunes, that magnificent carpet?
What if Apollonia had lived, and they’d returned to New York, and she’d lived in the compound? What place would she find in that family, in that life, in that country? What would Mama Corleone have thought of her new daughter-in-law? Would this have impacted Michael, how would he show it? Could Apollonia be happy? Or a very mixed bag?
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zooterchet · 3 months
Five Literature Careers (Plus Boston Provo Tradition)
Personal Careers (Hopkinton Highschool, Class of 2003):
Military Economist: Sheets of informed economics plans, as terms learned and systems understood from observation; translated into common terms of doctrine applied by those being explained the form of fact. (Target: Stan Lee).
Police Ciphers: Scenarios being used to circumvent dilemmas, dilemmas being the argument of the common police, and ciphers being the contradiction form important to personal education as a child from religious house. (Target: Mark Firman).
Homeland Security: Utilization as street agent, already doomed to die before deployment and support; targeting pacifists and peace plank activists, any defector from American military means or corporate production. (Target: Jeffrey Lange).
Literature Chaplin: The use of terms of fault and fact, to interpret data outside of limited review, the authorship removed and the proper fact of an interpretation important to the individual being explained, as the superior form. (Target: Andrew Donson).
Freelance Writer: The anarchist's form of police logic, propaganda without force or territory applied, only the common signal from those in poverty, therefore need; any poverty interpreted as requiring money, not influence, and influence to be rejected, as against the common term of state and dreams. (Target: Prince Philip the Consort).
Boston Provisional Irish Republican Army (Boston IRA):
Albert De Salvo: US Army Intelligence; while overseas, got Otto Skorzeny to admit that "Jewish", during the War, was any European having refused to admit to being "Jewish", despite a Wehrmacht or Waffen or Schulzstaffel or other male or female service registering them as a spouse.  Liberated death camps, where relatives of Hitler, the Bruces, were held in scat sex; "paisleys", Afghans.
Ted Bundy: CIA Corporate Company; while in the Midwest, got Jeffrey Dahmer to admit that rehabilitation services, "Anonymous", were Saudi Arab services, attempting to "rehabilitate" Americans, through "therapy" and "rehab" and "medicine", to remove military service traditions from families to turn into slave labor through semen outside of suit, for Arab services overseas and at home.  Removed the cattle market, from the Midwest, by talking to a Congressman with a cigarette and a joint, while eating a steak; sold Texas, their cattle, while poultry, pork, wheat, barley, corn, squash, and tobacco, remained up North, impossible to cultivate at profit in Texas, "the dylexics".
David Charlebois: NSA HUMINT; while in operations services at Berkshire Valley, got Ivan Tomasic to admit that the rape allegory, of a stolen woman, "Two-Face", was offensive to Russians, as being anti-Iran, and that Salman Rushdie, was censored for holding prostitutes as sacred, but in Persian terms and in origin through Russian logic, as necessarily sacred in a different term; the prostitute as scarred, in British culture, and the slave as scarred, in Slavic culture.  Stopped dozens of school shootings by hunting as a serial killer, anything involved with Holocaust History, the National Rifle Association; hit Carlin Sarkesian, with a one shot pigsticker, "the blumpkin", to save the Hopkinton developmentally disabled, from special education students on "MUSH".
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bigboxochristmas · 2 years
Yuletidings 1994: Christmas Jazz #2
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1. Jingle Bells-Duke Ellington and His Orchestra 2. Santa Claus is Comin' to Town-The Dave Brubeck Quartet 3. Hark the Herald Angels Sing-Take 6 4. God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen-Joey Caldarazzo 5. Santa Claus Came in the Spring-Putney Dandridge and His Orchestra 6. I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus-Pete Fountain 7. Winter Wonderland-The Chet Baker Quartet 8. 'Twas Da Night-Take 6 9. I'll Be Home for Christmas / Sleigh Ride-Eliane Elias 10. Sleigh Ride-Wynton Marsalis with Jon Hendricks 11. O Tannenbaum-John Hart 12. A Merrier Christmas-Dianne Reeves 13. We Three Kings-Paul Horn 14. Meet Me Under the Mistletoe-Dick Robertson and His Orchestra 15. White Christmas-Lionel Hampton and His Orchestra 16. O Come, All Ye Faithful-Take 6 17. Deck Us All With Boston Charlie-Lambert, Hendricks & Ross
There’s so much great holiday jazz out there that I have to devote an entire compilation to it every few years.  And as you can see, I was too lazy to come up with new cover art so I just took the old cover, added a ‘2’ coming out of ‘Trane’s horn, another one on the spine and printed it on green construction paper.
Highlights include: Duke Ellington’s swaggering “Jingle Bells”; the amazing harmonies of Take 6 on “Hark the Herald Angels Sing” and “O Come, All Ye Faithful, not to mention the speed-rap version of ‘The Night Before Christmas’, re-titled “‘Twas Da Night”; the only known Christmas song by Thelonious Monk, “A Merrier Christmas”, sung by Dianne Reeves; Chet Baker’s exhilarating “Winter Wonderland” and my personal favorite, “Deck Us All with Boston Charlie’, originally created by Walt Kelly for his Pogo comic strip, and interpreted here by Lambert, Hendricks and Ross.  That amazing scat solo is by Jon Hendricks, who also, many years later, contributed his vocal skills to “Sleigh Ride” by Wynton Marsalis, which is also on this compilation.
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povestea-emei · 5 years
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Scat singles alcalá de henares and scat dating Uddevalla
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townchick9 · 4 years
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Producing A Perfectly Intense Smile
Teeth whitening can permanently and gently lighten the colour of your teeth making use of a risk-free oral whitening gel. http://greater-london-city-of-london.toothwhiteningpros.co.uk/ committed oral wellness specialists can offer the treatment your family requires for excellent smiles as well as wonderful oral health and wellness. We're able to provide first aid in addition to developing a normal program with a variety of aesthetic dental therapies.
Following the whitening treatment we will certainly supply an examination to establish how your whitening treatment is going. At your tooth whitening or teeth whitening appointment, your dental professional will examine whether this is likely to influence you or otherwise. If your dentist feels you go to danger of experiencing level of sensitivity, they will certainly provide you with a desensitising tooth paste. They may additionally recommend to include a bespoke, gentle teeth whitening/ tooth whitening regimen. Tooth whitening level of sensitivity can be seasoned but is short-lived and also will stop soon after teeth whitening is quit. Teeth can become discoloured by food, beverage, smoking cigarettes and specific medicines. Some individuals have normally somewhat darker teeth than they would certainly favor.
Along with teeth whitening our group will certainly give you with a dental consultation as well as teeth cleansing to improve your tooth whitening outcomes. The examination is free as well as if you need a boosted oral hygienist clean prior to your teeth can be whitened this only sets you back ₤ 45, typically ₤ 59. Study carried out shows that there is no risk at all to the enamel of the teeth from laser teeth whitening therapy. A very small portion might experience some momentary sensitivity to hot and cold for between hours after therapy. When a person goes in to the dental workplace for a laser teeth whitening treatment, there are steps that are absorbed the procedure. The first step is a detailed cleansing and also elimination of plaque from the teeth. If you would love to schedule a teeth whitening examination, have some guidance over the phone or merely desire to go over the common rate or your basic dental care, please telephone call reception today.
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Some whitening systems consist of a series of 3, 15-minute sessions conducted in one resting. In between each session, the dental practitioner will inspect the gauze and the fluid dam materials to guarantee that the soft cells of the mouth are separated from the bleaching service. The X White Pro tooth whitening treatment takes approximately 1 hour as well as 15 minutes as well as normally costs ₤ 399. Today you can book the X White Pro treatment with a 50% discount rate for only ₤ 199! Did you know that Brite Dental can offer you three teeth whitening solutions to suit your spending plan and oral needs?
You can also return to our oral center in Lewisham for a re-whitening treatment. The entire point of the trays is that you take them scat and also use them at house with the whitening gel for up to 2 hours at once. Dr Marques discussed I can do this every few days or spread it out a little bit. Dr Marques did also give me some special enamel securing toothpaste to assist with any type of level of sensitivity as well. By complying with some basic post whitening care instructions, your teeth will constantly be lighter then they were previously.
How To Get A Clean Smile (And Conscience) With Toothpaste Tabs - mindbodygreen.com
How To Get A Clean Smile (And Conscience) With Toothpaste Tabs.
Posted: Thu, 31 Dec 2020 13:13:08 GMT [source]
When dealing with clients, we employ the same standard of treatment & attention that you would certainly expect from your dentist. Unlike the bleach, laser teeth whitening therapy is among the safest teeth whitening treatment especially in the hands of the competent personnel at Ultima White. Contrasted to Zoom whitening as well as bleaching trays Ultima White laser teeth whitening is affordable and also is ensured to operate in 60 minute therapy. When activated, this light will certainly beam straight on the teeth to activate the bleaching process. The light from the laser shines on all the teeth at once as well as does stagnate. People have to sit still in a reclined position in the dental chair to make certain the laser beams uniformly on all subjected teeth.
What is the fastest teeth whitener?
If you're looking for fast results for a last-minute event, try Crest 3D White Whitestrips 1-Hour Express. These strips remove years of stains in just one hour. You'll need to use the full product for full results. How Long Will My Teeth Stay White?
To keep your teeth looking their ideal, we advise flossing, brushing twice daily, as well as occasional touch-ups with the whitening pen or the exclusive NiteWhite gel and also custom made trays. The treatment starts with a 10 min prep work complied with by three fifteen min applications of the gel as well as laser light. We can review your whitening objectives and encourage you on which of our fantastic whitening treatments will best fulfill your requirements as well as be most scientifically ideal.
How much does it cost to whiten your teeth with a laser?
The cost of laser teeth whitening is tough to pin down. Because it is a cosmetic procedure and not covered by dental insurance companies, there is no “standard” fee. Depending on your location, the cost can range from $400 to $1,500.
Make sure to tell us what you need and also our own specialists will see to it you get the very best possible care during your process. By following some basic blog post whitening care instructions, your teeth will certainly constantly be lighter than they were previously. To maintain your teeth looking their ideal, we advise flossing, brushing twice daily, as well as periodic touch-ups with Zoom!
Teeth whitening therapy utilizes special teeth whitening gel to gently get rid of spots and also offer your teeth back a natural, bright brightness.
The length of the treatment relies on the reason and also degree of discolouration.
As a practice, we have actually been executing teeth whitening therapies for several years.
Our teeth can become discolored by food as well as drink, including coffee, tea and also soda pop.
Discolouration triggered by particular types of food as well as drink will certainly take less time than those triggered by medication or condition.
Routines such as smoking cigarettes also discolor the teeth, while lots of people find their teeth lose their natural luster over time.
We would have the ability to go over what you require as well as also established an analysis for laser teeth whitening in Spalding PE11 2 instantly. The law was changed on the 31st October 2012 concerning tooth whitening implying it is unlawful for any person to bleach teeth if they are not a dental expert.
What do dentists use to whiten teeth?
Carbamide peroxide and hydrogen peroxide are commonly used in whitening interventions and can readily permeate dental hard tissues. Temporary tooth sensitivity and gingival inflammation are the most common adverse effects.
The British Dental Association recommend that it is unlawful for any individual other than an experienced oral professional to accomplish teeth whitening. Products supplied by non-dental experts can harm teeth, for that reason it is best to speak with your dental practitioner for whitening therapy. The Zoom whitening therapy procedure is risk-free, efficient as well as just carried out by our extremely qualified dental professionals.
The Naturawhite teeth whitening treatment is made to create resilient, remarkable whitening outcomes. Reliable teeth whitening calls for the mix of a powerful, tailored light with a specifically formulated, quick-reacting, non-peroxide whitening gel revealed to the teeth for 45 mins. Naturawhite laser teeth whitening therapy is a pre loaded tray which is self carried out. Whichever teeth whitening therapy you prefer, you will require to have your oral impacts taken, in order to create customized bespoke whitening trays that fit specifically over your teeth. Our qualified teeth whitening professionals are totally trained in all aspects of laser teeth whitening. We do not make use of hydrogen peroxide as well as no drills or injections are called for. Your gums, lips and lining of your mouth are protected whatsoever times.
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intoxiicatiing · 5 years
Task 001 ;;
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Full name: Willow Dana Meyer.
Gender: Female.
Date of birth: 15th July, 1972.
Birth location: Boston, Massachusetts.
Date of death: 22nd September, 1999.
Death location: Las Vegas, Nevada.
Age: 27.
Marital status: Single.
Family (living): Gracie Meyer(Younger sister. 30 years old), Franklin Meyer(Younger brother, 34 years old), Maryanne Meyer( Older sister, 49). Both of her parents are dead.
Mark: Slave
Willow was the second born to the Meyer family. The Meyers were a respected and sophisticated family, their reputation known all about their hometown.
Willow was a quiet child, someone who never wanted to cause any type of trouble or disturbance. She never caused any problems , was always a prim and proper child/teen and was always polite. She’d always stick by her parents side at parties rather than go off bothering people like her sister would. She was pretty much the picture of innocence and perfection in front of people. She was always so scared of disappointing her parents.
She eventually grew distant with her family when she was around twenty two. She was being set up to marry a family friend, but she had no interest in it. She wanted to be able to live her own life rather than end up as someone’s stay at home wife. It was the first time she’d truly humiliated her family.
She left home with her savings and ended up moving to Las Vegas, Nevada. She bounced around in a few jobs after she moved, but ended up working at a strip club after being recommended by a friend. Though it wasn’t the dancing she wanted to do, it was still an active job she could enjoy.
That’s where things got a bit messy. She was popular at the club, her body and stage presence always drawing people in. She made sure to keep it as professional as she could, but as the years passed, she fell weak to the attentions of others and fell into bed with more and more patrons from the club. She’d always felt bad after, knowing these people had families waiting at home for them to return. She wasn’t the same person she was on stage. On stage she was a vixen, not caring for peoples feelings, just trying to play the game of seduction. But out of the getup, she was soft at heart, a sucker for attention and seemingly loving touches. She didn’t know how she let things get so out of hand.
It all carried on for a while, despite the guilt she felt. She couldn’t seem to pull herself away from it. Maybe it was the attention that kept her doing it, or maybe it was the fact that people were so enticed by her that they just had to have her, take her for their own. She couldn’t get enough of it. Though, it all came to an end on the 22nd of September, 1999. She’d been in the middle of crowd pleasing dance when she was shot dead by an enraged woman who had found out about her husbands affair with Willow.
Her life was spent being under people’s control. Her parents for the most part, the men and women she slept with. Though her stage character radiated power and dominating energy, her real self always fell to the hands of others. It’s no surprise she finds herself in this possession, it’s a permanent reminder of how she was in her life, weak willed and easily controlled.
Willow is just willing to be beneath anyone. She’s a sucker for attention and as soon as she has it, she’ll just fall to her knees. She’s obedient for the most part, though can definitely be a bit defiant and teasing if she feels confident enough. She’s always willing to be put in her place though. She’s tall with lithe limbs and blonde tresses. Sweet sapphire eyes and petal soft pink lips. She can take pain like a champ.
She’d be down to be claimed by someone, though if it doesn’t happen, she’s cool with that too. Doesn’t really have a clue what she truly wants.
Kinks: Knife play, wax play, degradation, blood play, spanking/paddling , rough sex, total power exchange, pet play, bondage, orgasm control, pretty much anything not on anti kinks or anything illegal..
Anti kinks: Scat, vore, vomit, bestiality.
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thistleandthorn-rpg · 5 years
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Congrats Armand on your second character, Unique Adams! Send us her blog within 48 hours!
Name/Alias: Armand Preferred pronoun:  They/Them Age:  32 Timezone/Country:  CT RP Experience:  I’m an ancient one, I’ve been around since the Myspace era. Activity Level:  6/10
Name:  Wade ‘Unique’ Adams Designation:  Switch Age: 20 Faceclaim: Alex Newell Birthday: June 10th Orientation:  Pansexual Kinks:  Pretty much anything that isn’t in the anti section. Exploration is the spice of life. Anti-Kinks: Vore, scat, other bathroom related things, bloodplay, knifeplay, extreme kinks of any kind, really.
 It’s hard enough feeling that you will never live up to your parent’s expectations. It’s even more difficult when you don’t even feel comfortable in your skin to begin with. Wade was very young when he knew that he just did not feel right. It started out simple - he’d wear his mothers heels around the house, put on a bright scarf, experiment with lipstick. And the more Wade did, the more he finally felt like himself for the first time. He was about 9 years old when he learned about transgender and felt that something finally made sense. It was at that moment he realized he was mis-assigned and went on with live identifying as a female. She gave herself the name Unique and started out just being herself at home. Her parents took sometime to process it, but over all, they seemed to accept it. Until Unique was ready to go public. Then, they put their foot down. They did not want everyone to see the drastic change in their ‘son’ was going through and they did not want to go through the ridicule they would get from everyone who knew them. So Unique could be herself…as long as no one saw it. Which, of course, was just a new struggle on the same problem.
What is your biggest fear and why?  
Never being able to express myself the way I want. It’s a leftover from my upbringing. But even though I’ve been out of my parents’ house for a while that fear is still in the back of mind every time I slip on a new dress or put a wig on my head and head for the door.
What 3 objects/places mean the most to you and why?
The first shade of lipstick I found that complimented my skin tone and didn’t make me look like a hooker. That should be pretty self explanatory. I may like feeling like one sometimes but I don’t want to look like one of the regular.
The Swan Boats in Boston Public Garden.  I feel like there’s poetry here. I saw those for the first time when I was young – and still very much an ugly duckling – and knew that one day I would be a swan.
The notebook I used to brainstorm names for my true self. There are more than a few embarrassing ones in there. But it’s my history and history in general is littered with a ton of embarrassing moments.
Who is the one person you’d most like to meet (dead or alive)?
Tona Brown.  Her talent is very inspiring and definitely someone who I view as a role model. I only hope that I will have her reach one day.
What is the one moment you would describe as your happiest/most excited? 
The moment my parents accepted me for who I am, I was walking on air. We’re just going to ignore that the worst moment came a few seconds later and caused me to crash right back down to earth.  
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huzzatullah · 4 years
2016 Dodge Challenger 392 Hemi Scat Pack Shaker 2-Door Coupe, B5 Blue Pearlcoat 4.6 out of 5 stars 87 customer ratings Dealer Suggested Retail $39,650.00 Used Private Party Value $37,950.00 Used
About This Vehicle
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Model strengths:Classic muscle-car looks; modern tech and entertainment features; smooth ride; performance; responsive handling; cargo space Model changes:The Dodge Challenger is mostly unchanged for 2016 with several notable exceptions. A new Blacktop Package is being offered on SXT and R/T models. It features 20-inch gloss black wheels, a backup camera, fog lamps and satin black interior and exterior accents. Also new for 2016 is the return of Dodge's classic "Plum Crazy" paint color.Model value:The 2016 Dodge Challenger is instantly recognizable and one of the most distinctive new cars at any price. With thoroughly modern underpinnings, the Challenger manages to maintain legitimate V8 muscle-car credibility while meeting modern expectations for ride comfort, handling and safety. Among coupes, the Challenger is surprisingly practical; it seats five people and Dodge says that it has best-in-class rear headroom and legroom; it also boasts best in class in trunk space. For the truly power hungry, the SRT Hellcat boasts an incredible 707 horsepower and 650 pound-feet, with 0-60 mph coming in under 4 seconds, with a top speed close to 200 mph.Model overview:The 2016 Dodge Challenger is offered in ten different trims: SXT, SXT Plus, R/T, R/T Shaker, R/T Plus, R/T Plus Shaker, R/T Scat Pack, 392 HEMI Scat Pack Shaker, SRT 392 and SRT Hellcat. Like the pony cars of old, the Challenger offers something for everyone, with offerings ranging from sporty and economical to full-blown muscle car and, in the case of the Hellcat, something completely insane.
SXT and SXT Plus models come with a 305-horsepower 3.6L V6 engine, which is capable of an EPA-estimated 30 mpg on the highway. The Challenger R/T draws its power from a 5.7L Hemi V8, which makes 375 horsepower and 410 pound-feet of torque. The new R/T Scat Pack features a 6.4L Hemi V8 with 485 horsepower and 475 pound-feet, while still returning up to 25 mpg on the highway. The SRT 392 utilizes that same engine, while the top-of-the-heap Challenger SRT Hellcat has a new 6.2L supercharged Hemi V8. The monstrous engine makes 707 horsepower and 650 pound-feet of torque -- the most powerful muscle car engine ever produced. All Challengers feature a standard 8-speed "TorqueFlite" automatic transmission, though a TREMEC 6-speed manual is available in all the V8 cars.
Challenger SXT models have the same retro muscle-car silhouette as the others, but they're a little bit more sensible, with a low base price and reasonable fuel economy on the highway, while still providing satisfying acceleration for most everyday driving. The V8 models, however, have a different attitude, with a rumbling exhaust sound, tremendous torque just off idle, and a true muscle-car feel. Thanks to Dodge's multi-displacement system, which shuts down some of the cylinders during coasting or cruising to save fuel, all Hemi engines have the power to lay rubber but can also behave themselves when cruising.
Seating rests rather low in the Challenger, and the car's tall shoulders lend a protective feeling. The redesigned front seats have plenty of space for the largest folks, and although technically the Challenger is a 5-person coupe, its back seat can be quite tight, and entry and exit from the back seats can be a challenge. The trunk, however, is huge and easily accessed; Dodge says it's as big as that of the Charger sedan.
The high-performance SRT models at the top of the Challenger range are truly where the muscle-car cues all come together. They include HID headlamps, power heated mirrors, a remote start system, heated leather seats, a media center with hard-drive system and Boston Acoustics sound. Exterior cues include hood stripes, a rear spoiler, a functional hood scoop, a satin chrome grille and special SRT 20-inch alloy wheels. The appearance extras make the most of the blunt, aggressive shape and low, wide stance.
Standard features across the Challenger model line include electronic stability control, anti-lock brakes, side airbags and side-curtain airbags. The base Challenger SXT isn't luxurious but it includes nearly all the features that are expected at its price level, including keyless entry, cruise control, air conditioning, power foldaway mirrors and a CD/MP3 sound system with auxiliary input. In addition to the V8, suspension, steering, and wheel upgrades, the R/T adds fog lamps, satellite radio, Bluetooth and a spoiler, while the R/T Scat Pack also includes premium cloth sport seats, Brembo 6-piston brakes and a Bilstein high-performance suspension.
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A Boulder County zip code produced the nation’s most greenhouse gas per person, study says
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By Seth Borenstein, The Associated Press
Rich Americans produce nearly 25% more heat-trapping gases than poorer people at home, according to a comprehensive study of U.S. residential carbon footprints.
Scientists studied 93 million housing units in the nation to analyze how much greenhouse gases are being spewed in different locations and by income, according to a study published Monday in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Residential carbon emissions comprise close to one-fifth of global warming gases emitted by the burning of coal, oil and natural gas.
Using federal definitions of income level, the study found that energy use by the average higher income person’s home puts out 6,482 pounds of greenhouse gases a year. For a person in the lower income level, the amount is 5,225 pounds, the study calculated.
“The numbers don’t lie. They show that (with) people who are wealthier generally, there’s a tendency for their houses to be bigger and their greenhouse gas emissions tend to be higher,” said study lead author Benjamin Goldstein, an environmental scientist at the University of Michigan. “There seems to be a small group of people that are inflicting most of the damage to be honest.”
MORE: Read more environmental coverage from The Colorado Sun.
In Beverly Hills, the average person puts four times as much heat-trapping gases into the air as someone living in South Central Los Angeles, where incomes are only a small fraction as much. Similarly, in Massachusetts, the average person in wealthy Sudbury spews 9,700 pounds of greenhouse gases into the air each year, while the average person in the much poorer Dorchester neighborhood in Boston puts out 2,227 pounds a year.
“That is the key message about emissions patterns,” said University of California San Diego climate policy professor David Victor, who wasn’t part of the study. “I think it raises fundamental justice questions in a society that has huge income inequality.”
Even though richer Americans produce more heat-trapping gases, “the poor are more exposed to the dangers of the climate crisis, like heat waves, more likely to have chronic medical problems that make them more at risk to be hospitalized or die once exposed to heat, and often lack the resources to protect themselves or access health care,” said Dr. Renee Salas, a Boston emergency room physician and Harvard climate health researcher who wasn’t part of the study.
Salas and Sacoby Wilson, a professor of environmental health and epidemiology at the University of Maryland, who also wasn’t part of the study, pointed to studies in Baltimore and other cities showing that because of fewer trees, more asphalt and other issues, temperatures can be more than 10 degrees hotter in poorer neighborhoods.
“Heat waves are hell for the poor,” Wilson said.
Goldstein calculated the emission figures by crunching data on 78% of the housing units in America as of 2015, factoring the home’s age, size, heating supply, weather, electricity source and more. He then compared income levels.
Nine of the 10 states that produce the most heat-trapping gas per person rely heavily on coal or have cold weather. West Virginia by far leads the nation with 10,046 pounds of greenhouse gas per person per year, followed by Oklahoma, Wyoming, North Dakota, Kentucky, Missouri, Iowa, Alabama, South Dakota and Colorado.
California by far is the greenest state with 2,715 pounds of greenhouse gas per person. Oregon, New York, Utah, Washington, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Idaho, Connecticut and New Mexico round out the 10 cleanest states.
The study’s 25 cleanest zip codes for residential greenhouse gas emissions are all in California and New York. The cleanest was Mission Bay in San Francisco, a white collar area with relatively new housing stock, where the average person produces only 1,320 pounds a year.
The zip codes that produced the most gas are scattered across Colorado, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Alabama, Louisiana, Wyoming, Maryland, West Virginia, Minnesota, Missouri, Georgia, Arkansas, Indiana and Utah.
The zip code that produced the most greenhouse gas per person was in the mountains of western Boulder County, where the 23,811 pounds per person is 18 times higher than in the San Francisco zip code.
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Because some zip codes didn’t have adequate data, Goldstein said there may be additional zip codes at the extremes of the emissions spectrum. Also, he said some zip codes with smaller, expensive, energy-efficient apartments buck the national trend of greater emissions in wealthy areas.
Wesleyan University climate economist Gary Yohe, who wasn’t part of the study, said Goldstein’s analysis helps the search for solutions to global warming by offering “two new targets for policy action or behavioral modification beyond the usual list: floor space and density.”
But residential carbon emissions are harder to change than those from transportation, where you can trade a gas-guzzler for a cleaner electric vehicle, Goldstein said.
Noting that many residents are stuck with the fossil fuel-based energy delivered by their local utility, he said, “I don’t think we can solve this based on personal choices. We need large scale structural transitions of our energy infrastructure.”
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stbrendansacademy · 7 years
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Congratulations, Tasha, on your second character, Professor Roxanne Gilmour! Please send Roxanne's blog to the main within 24 hours!
OOC Information:
Name: Tasha  Pronouns: She/her  Age: 26 Timezone: EST  Activity Description: 6/10-8/10. I’m almost always lurking + I just redownloaded the tumblr mobile app so I can be on more often!
IC Information:
Character Name: Roxanne “Roxy” Keighley Gilmour Age: 42 FC: Kate Walsh Designation: Dominant Occupation: Professor of Impact and Pain Play Kinks: anything not on the anti-kinks list.  Anti-Kinks: Scat, vore, gore, watersports, non-con, beast.
Roxanne was born and raised in Boston, Massachusetts. Daughter to Traditionalist Lawyer Johnathan Gilmour and stay-at-home submissive Jacqueline Gilmour, she was raised in a very Traditionalist household and grew up believing all of the same things that her parents did. Submissives only had a place in the home, Dominants did the work, and the way that each person behaved had everything to do with the designation in their bloodline.
Roxanne went to a Dominant-only Academy for high school. At 16, her parents introduced her to Xander (15) - the son of one of her father’s business associates. She had met him a handful of times before but this occasion was different. Xander was to be her submissive, and he moved into the family home immediately. She Claimed him at age 18 and Xander was with her when she attended Yale University to earn a degree in Psychology. She got a job working as an assistant to a Behavioral Psychologist (Dr. Eva Greenspan) which helped to fund her continued education to get her doctorate degree in health psychology.
Due to a brief pause in her studies caused by the birth of her daughter Chrysanthemum at the age of 25, Roxanne did not graduate with her Doctorate until she was 31. She remained an assistant with Dr. Greenspan for just a few more months, until her second journal (which she had been working on for two years with Dr. Greenspan) was published on the affects that being a Switch could have on a person’s physical and mental health. She was offered a position with a New York City based Psychologist Company that focused solely on studying people who identified as Switches from the various points of Psychology. 
Over the course of the next six years, Roxanne worked closely with her colleagues to study Switches and they published a handful of studies with their findings. The longer that Roxanne worked with her colleagues, the more she realized that the research they were finding did not meet her own beliefs. The research was conflicting - there was no clear leaning about whether being a Switch had a positive or negative long term affect on a person’s well being.
At the age of 38, she resigned from her position and returned her family to Boston. She chose to work from home as a Psychology Consultant and found moderate success in doing so. She no longer published journals, but she found a rather vocal group of Traditionalists that became her close friends. Roxanne soon found herself working closely with them - along with her father - to try and keep laws the way they always were.
Roxanne had become the type of Dominant that Xander always hoped she wouldn’t - one who didn’t want submissives to have any sort of rights outside of the home. She wouldn’t let him get a job, his only focus was to be on the home and raising Chryssy (though she was now 13 and did not need him to raise her as much as Roxanne thought she did). 
One day Roxanne came home from a consult to find Xander (and most of his belongings) gone. Chryssy, now 16, came home from school and was confused to find her mother staring blankly at a note left on the kitchen table. It was from Xander, and it said that he had dealt with enough and that he was done. That Roxy should not try to find him, and that Chryssy should remember he will always love her.
Roxanne tried to find him but to no avail. She closed her consulting business to regroup. Sold their house and moved north to New Hampshire to live by the ocean. Chryssy remained in Boston with her grandparents to finish her high school education, visiting her mother on weekends and school vacations.
Roxy is now ready to return to work but wanted a change of pace - something a bit less out of the public eye that would give her time off with Chryssy during her own school breaks. St. Brendan’s - the local Academy - had a different Philosophy than Roxanne herself, but it seemed as good a place as any to work. Plus it allowed her to teach one of the courses she herself had enjoyed as an elective at her first University - Impact and Pain Play.
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newedenhq · 5 years
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Congratulations JUNIPER! You have been accepted as BOOKER WRIGHT (GIACOMO GIANNIOTTI)! Please check our New Members Checklist and send in your account in the next 48 hours! Welcome to New Eden!
NAME / ALIAS: Juniper
AGE: 25
CHARACTER NAME: Booker Archer Wright
AGE: 27
OCCUPATION: EMT / Firefighter
MARK: Switch
FACECLAIM: Giacomo Gianniotti
HARD LIMITS:  Non-Con, Blood Play, Branding, Scat, Vore
WHAT SORT OF PLOTS WOULD YOU LIKE FOR THIS CHARACTER?: Exploring his life off of V, exploring the relationships he can build outside of his life in Boston, possibly more firefighters and an EMT we can ca
WHAT POLITICAL PARTY DOES YOUR CHARACTER FALL UNDER ( TRADITIONAL, MODERATE, LIBERAL, OR APOLITICAL [NO PARTY] ) AND WHY?: Booker is Moderate he was raised in a stiflingly traditionalist house hold and while he was mostly just the house disappointment in most aspects of his existence he still heard the beliefs they had and a few of them stuck. He had to form a political stance on his own as he grew older and while it took him awhile to find his own footing he’s confident in his belief system. He thinks there’s a natural order to things, and Switches fall into the middle of that natural order and should be treated with that respect and given those opportunities and right to an education. Off V he’s found he also believes the V Shot should be reformulated and made optional despite the studies he’s read.
PERSONALITY: Confident, hot headed, protective, goofy, blunt, passionate, independent, impulsive.
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arabellaflynn · 5 years
Advent Calendar: "Thirteenth"
From Italian Popular Fairy Tales, by Thomas Frederick. Houghton Mifflin, Boston, 1885. There was once a father who had thirteen sons, the youngest of whom was named Thirteenth. The father had hard work to support his children, but made what he could gathering herbs. The mother, to make the children quick, said to them: "The one who comes home first shall have herb soup." Thirteenth always returned the first, and the soup always fell to his share, on which account his brothers hated him and sought to get rid of him. The king issued a proclamation in the city that he who was bold enough to go and steal the ogre's coverlet should receive a measure of gold. Thirteenth's brothers went to the king and said: "Majesty we have a brother named Thirteenth, who is confident that he can do that and other things too." The king said: "Bring him to me at once." They brought Thirteenth, who said: "Majesty, how is it possible to steal the ogre's coverlet? If he sees me he will eat me!" "No matter, you must go," said the king. "I know that you are bold, and this act of bravery you must perform." Thirteenth departed and went to the house of the ogre, who was away. The ogress was in the kitchen. Thirteenth entered quietly and hid himself under the bed. At night the ogre returned. He ate his supper and went to bed, saying as he did so: "I smell the smell of human flesh; Where I see it I will swallow it!" The ogress replied: "Be still; no one has entered here." The ogre began to snore, and Thirteenth pulled the coverlet a little. The ogre awoke and cried: "What is that?" Thirteenth began to mew like a cat. The ogress said: "Scat! Scat!" And clapped her hands, and then fell asleep again with the ogre. Then Thirteenth gave a hard pull, seized the coverlet, and ran away. The ogre heard him running, recognized him in the dark, and said: "I know you! You are Thirteenth, without doubt!" After a time the king issued another proclamation, that whoever would steal the ogre's horse and bring it to the king should receive a measure of gold. Thirteenth again presented himself, and asked for a silk ladder and a bag of cakes. With these things he departed, and went at night to the ogre's, climbed up without being heard, and descended to the stable. The horse neighed on seeing him, but he offered it a cake, saying: "Do you see how sweet it is? If you will come with me, my master will give you these always." Then he gave it another, saying: "Let me mount you and see how we go." So he mounted it, kept feeding it with cakes, and brought it to the king's stable. The king issued another proclamation, that he would give a measure of gold to whoever would bring him the ogre's bolster. Thirteenth said: "Majesty, how is that possible? The bolster is full of little bells, and you must know that the ogre awakens at a breath." "I know nothing about it," said the king. "I wish it at any cost." Thirteenth departed, and went and crept under the ogre's bed. At midnight he stretched out his hand very softly, but the little bells all sounded. "What is that?" said the ogre. "Nothing," replied the ogress; "perhaps it is the wind that makes them ring." But the ogre, who was suspicious, pretended to sleep, but kept his ears open. Thirteenth stretched out his hand again. Alack! The ogre put out his arm and seized him. "Now you are caught! Just wait; I will make you cry for your first trick, for your second, and for your third." After this he put Thirteenth in a barrel, and began to feed him on raisins and figs. After a time he said: "Stick out your finger little Thirteenth, so that I can see whether you are fat." Thirteenth saw there a mouse's tail, and stuck that out. "Ah, how thin you are!" said the ogre; "and besides, you don't smell good! Eat, my son; take the raisins and figs, and get fat soon!" After some days the ogre told him again to put out his finger, and Thirteenth stuck out a spindle. "Eh, wretch! Are you still lean? Eat, eat, and get fat soon." At the end of a month Thirteenth had nothing more to stick out, and was obliged to show his finger. The ogre cried out in joy: "He is fat, he is fat!" The ogress hastened to the spot: "Quick, my ogress, heat the oven three nights and three days, for I am going to invite our relatives, and we will make a fine banquet of Thirteenth." The ogress heated the oven three days and three nights, and then released Thirteenth from the barrel, and said to him: "Come here, Thirteenth; we have got to put the lamb in the oven." But Thirteenth caught her meaning; and when he approached the oven, he said: "Ah, mother ogress, what is that black thing in the corner of the oven?" The ogress stooped down a little, but saw nothing. "Stoop down again," said Thirteenth, "so that you can see it." When she stooped down again, Thirteenth seized her by the feet and threw her into the oven, and then closed the oven door. When she was cooked, he took her out carefully, cut her in two, divided her legs into pieces, and put them on the table, and placed her trunk, with her head and arms, in the bed, under the sheet, and tied a string to the chin and another to the back of her head. When the ogre arrived with his guests he found the dishes on the table. Then he went to his wife's bed and asked: "Mother ogress, do you want to dine?" Thirteenth pulled the string, and the ogress shook her head. "How are you, tired?" And Thirteenth, who was hidden under the bed, pulled the other string and made her nod. Now it happened that one of her relatives moved something and saw that the ogress was dead, and only half of her was there. She cried in a loud voice: "Treason! Treason!" and all hastened to the bed. In the midst of the confusion Thirteenth escaped from under the bed and ran away to the king with the bolster and the ogre's most valuable things. After this, the king said to Thirteenth: "Listen, Thirteenth. To complete your valiant exploits, I wish you to bring me the ogre himself; in person, alive and well." "How can I, your Majesty?" said Thirteenth. Then he roused himself, and added: "I see how, now!" Then he had a very strong chest made, and disguised himself as a monk, with a long, false beard, and went to the ogre's house, and called out to him: "Do you know Thirteenth? The wretch! He has killed our superior; but if I catch him! If I catch him, I will shut him up in this chest!" At these words the ogre drew near and said: "I, too, would like to help you, against that wretch of an assassin, for you don't know what he has done to me." And he began to tell his story. "But what shall we do?" said the pretended monk "I do not know Thirteenth. Do you know him?" "Yes, sir." "Then tell me, father ogre, how tall is he?" "As tall as I am." "If that is so," said Thirteenth, "let us see whether this chest will hold you; if it will hold you, it will hold him." "Oh, good!" said the ogre; and got into the chest. Then Thirteenth shut the chest and said: "Look carefully, father ogre, and see whether there is any hole in the chest." "There is none." "Just wait; let us see whether it shuts well, and is heavy to carry." Meanwhile Thirteenth shut and nailed up the chest, took it on his back, and hastened to the city. When the ogre cried: "Enough, now!" Thirteenth ran all the faster, and, laughing, sang this song to taunt the ogre: "I am Thirteenth, Who carry you on my back; I have tricked you and am going to trick you. I must deliver you to the king." When he reached the king, the king had an iron chain attached to the ogre's hands and feet, and made him gnaw bones the rest of his miserable life. The king gave Thirteenth all the riches and treasures he could bestow on him, and always wished him at his side, as a man of the highest valor. from Blogger https://ift.tt/34cI1eZ via IFTTT -------------------- Enjoy my writing? Consider becoming a Patron, subscribing via Kindle, or just toss a little something in my tip jar. Thanks!
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thistleandthorn-rpg · 6 years
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Congrats Rose on your second character, Cassaundra Adams! Please send us her blog within 48 hours!
Name/Alias: Rose Preferred pronoun: She/her Age: 20+ Timezone/Country: CST RP Experience: RPing since 2014, and in this rp since Feb :) Activity Level: 5-6
Name: Cassaundra Adams Designation: Domme Age: 19 Faceclaim: Candice Patton Birthday: March 15 Orientation: Bisexual Kinks: Breath play, bondage, orgasm control/denial, gender play, pain play, exhibitionism, sensory play, degradation/humiliation Anti-Kinks: Vore, scat, watersports, needles
If there was one thing Cassaundra knew, it was when to fade into the background, and when to take center stage. Being the only acknowledged daughter of Robert and Nancy Adams, Cass was expected to be polite, demure, and yielding. Bred to be the perfect little wife and Submissive for the husband and Dominant she would one day pledge herself to. And she played the role well, following her father’s rules and operating within the world he had designed acceptable for his daughter, never drawing any negative attention to the family name.
At least, not that he ever found out.
The greatest advantage of seeming to always comply with her parent’s will was that they always trusted that she was being honest with them. So when Cass left in the evening, claiming that she was going to a friend’s house to study, they never suspected that she was really out with those her father would consider to be “undesirables”, before wandering off to warm the bed of whomever happened to catch her eye that particular evening.
A traditional man, Robert had expected his daughter to be marked as a Submissive, so it was quite the surprise when she was marked as a Dominant. 
What is your biggest fear and why?
Fear is for the weak. Being trapped in the tiny little dollhouse life my father wanted for me.
What 3 objects/places mean the most to you and why?
My acceptance letter to Lima Heights- The first step of the rest of my life. I’ll finally have the freedom to do what I want, without having to worry about playing the role of the sweet and ever so demure daughter of Robert Adams
Downtown Boston- You haven’t lived until you’ve experience Boston’s nightlife. Fabulous food and drink, gorgeous people everywhere you turn, and unparalleled entertainment. There’s nothing you can’t find downtown- if you know where to go.
My Paints- One of the few concessions he made for me growing up was allowing my interest in painting, and it’s one that I never quite grew out of.
Who is the one person you’d most like to meet (dead or alive)?
Alice Roosevelt. That girl had zero fucks to give and honest I admire the shit out of her for doing what she wanted, when she wanted.
What is the one moment you would describe as your happiest/most excited?
The moment that [D] was etched into my skin, securing my place as a Dominant
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