#scattered all over the place KSKSKDKD but thank you for reading omfg
dilfbatman · 4 years
I'm curious, is Percy still the child of the prophecy in your patrochilles!lovechild AU?
AHHH i think in my current patrochilles!lovechild au he’s a little bit older he’s around 18 and got claimed at around 14/15/16 i honestly never thought about it that much - so i think yes he may be? he did talk to achilles & pat about how difficult it is having to shoulder a prophecy so yes! imagine the first pjo series but a lil bit older! so in short, yes! :’) sorry that was so unclear i never really talked about it/gave too much thought to it but i have a new set of hc’s coming up that i will try & hopefully explain it better!!! <3
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