#scc challenge
zelphin124 · 10 days
SeasonTale Creative Challenge (2024)
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Art and Design by Aoi-Kanna
Greetings, Artists! It is I, Zelphin, and I am back with the annual SeasonTale competition! Welcome back to the second year of the SeasonTale Creative Challenge!
There are going to be a few changes from last year. One, there will be no voice acting addition to the competition this year, and writings will receive short story prizes, not cash prizes like the artists.
DEADLINE IS NOV 15th, 2024, 12:00 AM (GMT-4)
Winners will be announced no later than December 1st!
Updates are in #scc info
Scroll down for details!
It must be any character from SeasonTale or IroTale. You can find all of their designs here! (For IroTale: here)
You MUST tag #SeasonTale Challenge and @zelphin124 in the post so I can see it! Or DM me on Discord!
You CAN do more than one submission.
You CAN do the SeasonTale characters interacting with OCs or popular Sanses, get creative!
DIFFERENT/SIMPLER OUTFITS ARE ALLOWED! I know they are a pain to draw...
You CANNOT steal/copy from other creators!
You CANNOT submit something you submitted last year.
Please keep all content PG-13
Payments will be made via PayPal (unless negotiated otherwise)
All prizes are in USD currency!
First place: $60
Second place: $40
Third place: $20
Note: There MUST be at LEAST 20 submissions from different people in order for me to hand out prizes, so make sure your friends participate too!
Check out the Past Winners for some inspiration!
HAVE FUN! I'm so excited to see what you all come up with!
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capahiyosi · 11 months
Hi it's me again ❤️✨💖✨
Just gonna drop this off-
*flying away*
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initially there were 4 more options but I settled on this one lmao @zelphin124
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faerein29 · 11 months
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Submission for @zelphin124 's SeasonTale Creative Challenge!
SeasonTale & Autumn Sans → Zelphin
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r0b0-writes · 1 year
Dates: 25th-30th
25th - Haunted Studio
26th - K_Kreature Feature
27th - Deadly Beat
28th - Sweet Surprise
29th - Mask’n
30th - Freeform (You choose a theme)!
Hey everyone! This is just a fun holiday prompt challenge. Feel free to do however many or few you wish! Absolutely no pressure to do the entire week! And feel free to draw, write, etc. for this challenge!
Have fun, everyone!
And happy holidays!
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nuitdelapin · 1 year
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The nelna stile Is sooooooo hard qwq
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waffleston · 1 year
Day 2 of making low effort sketches in the hopes that it helps me get better at music and art! You're watching me slowly figure out the PSG and SCC chips. TWO drum channels this time. There's even a barely audible bass line somewhere in there. Triangle waves are annoyingly quiet.
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redmagedovei · 7 months
Final Fantasy Tactics: Summoner SCC (Post Run Review)
Version Played: PSX (no mods) Rules: Challenge starts at Dorter Trade City. All characters must be on the Summoner job, and all abilities must come from that job (No secondary, and all Reaction/Support/Movement abilities must come from Summoner). No special characters allowed. Level caps enforcer per chapter (20/35/50/70).
Goal: Any%
Challenge Rating: ★★★✩✩
Fun Rating: ★★★★✩
Overview: The beginning of this run is the most tactical, as you start with just enough MP to get one (1) attacking summon off per character per battle, so you have to make sure that you do enough damage to either take a unit out in one hit, or hit enough of them in one cast to make it worth it. As the game progresses, you get Half MP Cost and better gear, so MP becomes far less of an issue. Moogle’s healing is underrated, especially with good Zodiac compatibility between your units. Fairy is basically a full heal at the cost of slower casts. Both have their uses. Sylph/Silf can Silence and Carbuncle can apply Reflect, for pesky mage battles, but I never found a major use for it that just using an attack summon didn’t cover. Midgame, watch for elemental absorbing/resistant gear (Fire/Ice Shields, Gaia Gear, etc) and things like Float and such. Weather plays a small factor, but it might make the difference between an enemy surviving or getting knocked out. Summoner is squishy, but the big thing that makes this challenge a lot easier is Golem. The AI will often forego a move to take out one of your units in favor of a physical attack to try and break Golem. This is true for Lucavi battles, as well. Golem can make the difference between life and death. It’s expensive early on, but it’s worth it almost every time. Speaking of Lucavi fights, Lich is your friend. Two casts takes out everything except the final boss, which goes down in… I wanna say like 6? 8? I forgot to count. Of note, I didn’t use Lich until Hashmal and Ultima, so the rest are totally possible, played conventionally. That said, watch KOs, on your side, because there’s no way to revive, and Summoners are slow.
Final Thoughts/Recommendation: This one isn’t too bad. If you’re looking to delve into an SCC, Summoner is a good place to start. The biggest things to get used to basically comes down to MP management early, and the fact that your units never go first, ever. Some battles rely on not getting taken out before you can move, but there’s a lot of leeway with equipment to help survival.
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the-meme-monarch · 5 months
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all of the ‘black and white Are colors’ belief leaving my body the second I’m presented with a limited palette challenge: black and white aren’t colors so it’s ok if i use them here
plus different arrangements bc i thought it’d be fun :] separated by the fun gang and The scc and then by who they dance with in the cutscene
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if you ship scc and or kr/alsei go away 👍 i don’t like them
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splatwav · 10 days
i can’t wait to do more challenge battles in the party dojo. i can’t wait to read through all the new recruit bestiary entries and add new darkners to the cafe. can’t wait to talk to seam about new secret bosses and see what they say if i skip different ones. can’t wait to go upstairs and see queen and ralsei’s rooms. can’t wait to go into the six-winged door by the cauldron. can’t wait to see what optional stuff adds non-enemy darkners like the baby car and nubert. can’t wait to talk to scc and play new songs from their mini booth. can’t wait to create the twisted sword.
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minosduos · 1 month
TJ post once a week challenge: Impossible
Health issues are really slowing down how much time I can spend on my pc, so less time drawing. I really wanna draw more stuff but I keep getting new ideas and forgetting to finish the old ones...
Maybe I'll just try drawing some SCC today
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Day 3: Deadly Beat
Do what you love, and you’ll never work a day in your life. The band always considered themselves lucky to have a trifecta of jobs they could take on over the days that they could do as a trio.
They baked together, they took commissions together, and they played together. Not often did they mix any combo of the three, at least not professionally.
That was, however, until today. A strange addison came in with an envelope of a decent sum of cash, and a letter detailing an odd commission.
“We’re working on a horror movie, and we figured you guys could score the final scene”
The three looked it over in silence. Until Cap spoke up, “Well, that’s vague.”
Sweet nodded, “Yeah, no additional context? No details on what’s happening? How do we set the mood if we don’t know what mood we’re setting?!”
K_K tapped the bottom of the letter, reading the title of the movie being produced. “‘Cessation’?”
“So…death?” Sweet deadpanned. “Cripes, uhhh…okay, hmm…” they ambled over to the keyboard, “Okay maybe it’s a slasher? If they’re using background music, they got Queen’s approval, so maybe it’s something corny and yet popular, like…so maybe the song should go…”
An 80s-inspired synth progression resounded from the keyboard, combining the right ratio of catchy and unnerving, all wrapped in a nice bow of nostalgia.
…until it was interrupted with a classic church organ. Sweet snapped out of their music making to notice their boyfriend had switched the tune of the keyboard.
“Yeah yeah, but if it were a slasher, there’s about a dozen other producers in the city alone that could make the backing track. This, must be something underground, something deep, soulful, artistic!” Cap monologued as he approaches Sweet and subtly pushes them from the keyboard.
“Like what?~” K_K tilted their head.
“Vampires!” Cap crowed, “Which would sound like this!”
Immediately, he jumped into a suspenseful, eerie organ solo, painting the images of dark castles, thousand-year-old lords in cloaks, the distant shriek of a maiden being encountered…
…and bright neon lights. He looked over and, surprise surprise, Sweet switched the music back.
“Yeahh…just because you had a twilight phase doesn’t mean every horror movie being developed is above vampires.”
Taken aback that Sweet dared mention such a dark time in his preteens, he retorted. “Well at least it’s not another slasher movie, we already have enough of them!”
Sweet threw their arms up. “They’re classics!”
Cap crossed his arms. “They’re overdone, played out, cliches! Unlike the vampire film, which is-“
“A dead genre oversaturated with romcoms and sub-par tv series?”
The bickering escalated into a play fight, as K_K simply watched from above. They turned their attention to the letter, thinking up their own solution.
The argument was cut off by a catchy tune emanating from the CD player, as they tapped the play button. Slowly the play fight stopped, as they bopped along to the music.
Until Sweet piped up. “K_K we can’t use Mambo no. 5 for the scoring we’ll get the movie copyrighted.”
“Oh.” K_K paused. “Let’s make a parody of it! About scary movies!”
And the three did just that.
Happy Halloween!!!
Hope you guys enjoyed this piece, I want to finish out the other ones even though technically the week of the challenge is over. So stay posted for that! -Mox
(SCC-ween week prompts by @r0b0-writes !)
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zelphin124 · 1 year
SeasonTale Creative Challenge
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Art and Design by PrinceTal
Greetings, Artists, Voice Actors, and Writers! It is I, Zelphin, and I am hosting an (annual?) competition! Introducing the first year of the SeasonTale Creative Challenge! 
This is a competition to express your creative talents by contributing to SeasonTale for a cash prize! There are three ways to participate: Art, Voice Acting, and Writing! Contribute some time to use one of the three involving SeasonTale to enter the challenge for the prize!
DEADLINE IS NOV 15th, 2023, 12:00 AM (GMT-6)
my birthday hehe~
Winners will be announced on December 1st!
Updates are in #scc info
Scroll down for details!
It must be a SeasonTale Sans. (I might do other characters from SeasonTale another year)
You MUST tag #SeasonTale Challenge and @zelphin124 in the post so I can see it! Or DM me on Discord!
You CAN do more than one submission (one per Sans for VA, two for writing)
You CAN do the Season Sanses interacting with OCs or popular Sanses, get creative!
DIFFERENT/SIMPLER OUTFITS ARE ALLOWED! I know they are a pain to draw...
You CANNOT steal/copy from other creators!
Please keep all content PG-13
Payments will be made via PayPal (unless negotiated otherwise)
Specific rules within the Google doc!
All prizes are in USD currency!
First place: $55
Second place: $35
Third place: $20
VAs and Writers
First place: $40 
Second place: $30
Third place: $20
Summer flirting with literally anyone
Particularly a feisty character
Spring cooking with Swap/Horror
Spring loves cooking Japanese Ramen
Autumn being a gremlin, as usual
Usually being feisty while training or hissing at a cat (he’s scared of cats)
Winter meeting your OC/you in the snowy mountains of SeasonTale
The Four Sanses in a training session
The four Sanses exploring a new AU
Spring comforting someone
Summer flirting with someone
Autumn getting frustrated at someone being annoying and telling them to go away
Winter is an awkward teddy bear trying to organize something
Ft. Iro!Sans for a female character/female voice actors!
Make something up! Be creative! Have fun!
Need more details? Here's the Google Doc:
Art and Design PrinceTal
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Oh and Iro!Sans
HAVE FUN! I'm so excited to see what you all come up with!
Been dying to do this for a long time~
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papashittycams · 1 year
I'm sure "the shitty camera challenge" is self explanatory but just in case it isn't, could you explain what that is for those of us who don't know?
Hey anon! The Shitty Camera Challenge is a photography contest that I run.
The Shitty Camera Challenge started on Twitter but we migrated to Mastodon. You can follow us at ‪@[email protected]‬ (we have a tumblr & Instagram but rarely use them)
The basic idea is to make art using cameras that are well… kinda shitty. Here’s a chart that can help loosely tell you what is or isn’t a shitty camera. But I find that shitty cameras are like pornography, you know it when you see it.
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There’s actually a Shitty Camera Challenge happening right now on Mastodon until August 31st. There’s a bunch of people making some amazing stuff. Ultimately SCC is about not taking things to seriously & having fun with photography.
Here’s a short article about the Shitty Camera Challenge, it’s inception, & goals from 2019.
Hope that was helpful, if you need any more information just ask.
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OOO ok, been scrolling through some asks and i am so ready to spout some more bs bc i love orv with my whole heart and i haven’t even finished the novel.
to the anon that described yoohankim as: “ They are all supremely flawed people who started at each other’s throats and misunderstand each other consistently and repeatedly but work past it anyway with a kind of reckless devotion one can only have after seeing people at their worst and realizing you love them anyway,” holy shit, thank you, you are so real, you’ve put them and my own thoughts into words i would have never thought of on my own, i think this is just what makes yoohankim so attractive to me in the first place. extremely flawed people with reckless devotion, seeing someone at their worst and deciding you still love them,,,,, what if they were actually love wins but like literally,,,,,, bc it’s their love that allows them to persevere,,,
ALSO !!! to add and explain the idea of expanding the polycule. orv’s strong point is rlly their characters and the relationships between them, which is how you get stuff like the whole group being one huge platonic happy family and the other extreme side with all of the adults in the group are in a huge polycule. their relationships r flexible in a way that they can be platonic or romantic and it wouldn’t be much of a stretch either way.
anyways i had this whole section spouting some bs abt jhw (holy shit french keyboard let me write jhw challenge) and hsy but then i realized i didn’t want to talk too much abt characters that aren’t involved in the tournament and you won’t be able to recognize. but just note that jhw and hsy has a nice dynamic bc they are like similar but different to me in a way idk how to explain. they are opposing but they are on the same side. also also, ysa and kdj being metamours (IS THAG THE WORD I CANT REMEMBER) bc i thought abt that while writing and went “they would be such chill metamours”
ik all of this is slightly off topic of yhk but i just wanted to add my two cents. anyways i noticed yhk is up against scc and i am literally sweating. i am passionate and ready to defend and advocate for yhk but i can tell thisll be a TOUGH battle. but besides that, regardless of what comes out of it, i need to say how much i respect the scc fans on the this again. they’ve really persevered through it all and came out friends with like two other groups it’s amazing honestly -Toon
metamours is correct! a friend of mine jokingly called it partner in law once and i thought it was funny so theres that also? if u wanna laugh w me
i like that scc fans have been like "oh no yoohankim is a strong opponent this might be it...." but this time its an orv fan sayin "oh gosh we're against scc" its funny that both fandoms underestimate their own power (imo) and i feel better about the match up, i think it will be a closer match than ppl expect!! but we have to wait and see
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cynicwriter · 1 year
B. K. Pavithra v. Union of India, 2019 SCC OnLine SC 694 
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📢 Hey Tumblr peeps! Let's talk about an important legal development in India 🇮🇳 concerning reservation policies and consequential seniority for Scheduled Castes (SCs) and Scheduled Tribes (STs).
🔎 So, there was this case that challenged the Karnataka Extension of Consequential Seniority to Government Servants Promoted on the Basis of Reservation (to the Posts in the Civil Services of the State) Act 2018. The Act basically ensures that SCs and STs promoted under the state's reservation policy since 1978 get their fair share of seniority. But the petitioners weren't too happy about how the state collected data to justify this Act. 😕
❓ The main issue: Is the 2018 Reservation Act valid, given that a similar 2002 Reservation Act was invalidated?
⚖️ The Supreme Court of India weighed in, and guess what? They said the 2018 Act is constitutionally valid! 🎉 Here's why: the data collected by the State government through the Ratna Committee report can only be scrutinized by the Court to a limited extent. After all, reservation policy is mainly up to the legislative/executive branches, not the judiciary.
💡 Some key takeaways:
1️⃣ The Ratna Prabha Committee was set up to analyze the representation of SCs and STs in the State Civil Services and the impact of reservation on overall administrative efficiency.
2️⃣ The Court found that the state government's opinion on the adequacy of SCs and STs representation is ultimately subjective.
3️⃣ Ultimately, equity, justice, and efficiency are variable factors that can only be identified and measured by the State.
So there you have it, folks! The 2018 Reservation Act has been deemed constitutionally valid, and it's an interesting development in India's ongoing conversation on reservation policies and social justice. 🗣️👥
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nuitdelapin · 11 months
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IT'S DAY OF THE DEAD!!! I don't know if you know it but it is a Mexican celebration. So here is a small drawing of scc celebrating this holiday.
In case you like a mini challenge like scc horror week...Draw them from November 1-2 celebrating this! I feel like it would be fun :D
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