slutneto · 3 years
Idk. If some guy I just met asked me to kiss him, I'd immediately say no. I know what you are Greg.
listen. if some guy i just met, who i did not find attractive at all, and who was my cousin's boyfriend, asked me four times if i'd kiss him, in the middle of a softball field, where we were surrounded by my family, i would say no at least once.
that seems to me like a very reasonable thing to do. if i didn't want to kiss him.
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slutneto · 3 years
Babe no offence but Greg saying are you trying to seduce me is not literal. He is talking about Tom trying to seduce him to that lifestyle. I like the ship and Tom has actual moments, but that isn't one. Greg still is at the most friendly. That may evolve though. I still buy 'you just ruined it'.
babe, how did you watch tom ask greg out two seconds after shiv told him she won't be in for the night, followed by them getting a table for two in a fancy restaurant, with tom plying greg with food and wine, with greg literally asking if he is being seduced rn, and doing the sluttiest hair tuck, while smiling coyly and blushing slightly, when tom says that he is trying to seduce him. how did you watch all of that and still came up with 'friendly' as the best way you could describe it. how.
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slutneto · 3 years
That's something I love about tomgreg scenes. A lot of them are shot as if they're the only two characters there
oh boy, i cannot get enough of that. especially when they are other people around. like the would you kiss me scene. it literally happens in the middle of a softball field, with all of the roys surrounding them, but it's shot like there is nobody else there.
or the bill send off in 1.3, where obviously the whole department is there, but tomgreg are just on the other side of the room, leaning against a wall, not an inch of space between them.
1.6 has a couple, but that's understandable, they are on a date. 1.8 as well, the buckle up fucklehead happens in a room full of people, as does that scene where greg asks about the arrangement. tom's story about snowballing looks like it happens in a booth of sorts, but they are literally sitting by the bar.
1.9 where greg talks to tom about tabitha, it's just the two of them there for the longest time, you don't even see shiv come up until the shot widens. how long was she there? you just don't know. that's not important.
2.3 with greg begging tom not to say shit to logan HAPPENED IN A ROOM FULL OF PEOPLE. as did their morning after breakfast. 2.4 toys with this trope a bit, reminding us that there are other people around constantly, but making you forget about them on purpose as well.
2.6 where they are surrounded by a sea of business men, but their conversation about tom's welcoming pack looks like there is nobody else there.
or 2.7 where tom comes to greg's apartment while he is hosting some kind of a meet up, and these guys can fucking see and hear them, but the whole scene is shoy to look like it's just the two of them.
already covered 2.10 where swimming was like a group activity, but somehow you only get to see tom and greg there.
3.6, where the shot starts off with roman shiv tom and greg in full view only to narrow slowly over time, leaving you with just tomgreg hamilton convo. insane.
every single tomgreg scene at ken's birthday party in 3.7 happens in front of other people. prove it? there are literally new guests being 'birthed' into the party while that shit goes down. compliment tunnel? there are other people going through it as well.
fucking 3.9 italian proposal where the is a full blown reception happening all around them, but it looks like there isn't anybody around when tom pops the question?
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slutneto · 3 years
Gerri and Frank explaining to Logan how a gay CEO and COO is good for the company and makes them look diverse. Logan can't hear them over the paper bag he's been breathing into ever since he saw Tom and Greg shooting each other homosexual glances.
karl is also there, offering valuable insight like 'who hasn't sucked a dick or two to seal a deal? it's all business i'm sure,' and logan does not know which is worse, knowing karl has literally sucked dick for waystar's prosperity, or the mental image of a tomgreg blowjob.
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slutneto · 3 years
S4 has so much tomgreg ammo it's insane. There definitely has to be a scene where Greg confronts the fact that the Nero and Sporus talk came true. He has to realize that Tom legit betrayed his own wife for Greg. You can't just skip that
bestie, i am waiting especially for that. the moment of realisation. the second the severe implications of what tom has done and why hit greg square in the chest. his, undoubtedly, insanely entertaining reaction to all of these significant and very telling decisions and moves.
it's just too big and too good to ignore.
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slutneto · 3 years
Oh man I spend so much time thinking about the parallels b/t the proposals, especially the contrast between "of course" and "fuck it" like, those are very different sentiments, aren't they. Plus greg clearly being very happy while willa immediately looks unhappy. What does it all mean.......
i have thought a lot about the two italian proposals. they both seem very similar on the surface. mostly because both willa and greg are in similar position - their affection seems bought rather than earned. they aren't the same though. i genuinely think that even the statement above sets them apart. connor has made himself believe that willa's love is true, while she's in there mostly for the money. tom has come to terms with greg being in there only for the money, wouldn't it be hysterical if he too was wrong and greg was there simply for tom? but i digress.
the way each proposal goes down is insanely different. con makes a spectacle of it, there are people everywhere, everybody can hear them clearly, everybody is watching. this is clearly done to manipulate willa into saying yes. tomgreg proposal, again, is the exact opposite. tom sits greg down away from everybody, because he wants greg to feel free to be honest in his decision. he doesn't go on one knee, but huddles close, stays at the same level as greg because he wants them equal in this.
willa keeping con on the edge for days (a day?) and only agreeing because she felt sorry for him is totally different than greg agreeing straight after tom makes it clear he does not want to lord over him anymore, that he wants them both at the top. the insane difference between willa's 'fuck it' (how bad can it be?), and greg's 'of course' (how could i not be there for you?). truly telling.
the way willa's smile disappeares the second con cannot see her face anymore, because this isn't true, isn't genuine, this isn't really what she wants, contrasted with greg making jokes about giving his soul to tom gleefully, laughing honestly, gripping tom's shoulders reassuringly, shaking his hand, only to initiate a hug between them, where he clings to tom tightly (and we have seen greg hug so many people, always awkwardly, terribly, with insane amount of distance between and like two points of contact, nothing like this, two bodies glued to each other), before watching tom walk away with clear concern on his face because he cares truly, wholeheartedly.
those differences are killing me inside.
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slutneto · 3 years
Can't stop thinking about the season 4 posters. What if Tom is sitting on a throne and Greg is leaning over his shoulder and whispering in his ear? What is he's the one gripping Tom's shoulders this time around? Give him that Lady Macbeth vibe.
please, i desperately need a poster where both shiv and greg are whispering in tom's ear, all 'an angel on one shoulder and a devil on the other' like, but there are no angels here.
alternatively, i would love a reverse of this season's tomgreg poster, but, instead of hands on tom's shoulders, greg keeps one hand on his throat. for reasons.
(sidenote: i seriously think shiv could have had that lady macbeth vibe if she only wanted to. if we hadn't had two seasons of broken tomshiv already, i would love to see her do that)
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slutneto · 3 years
Greg is so funny he literally shoots his shot at his cousins cringefail bday party and its just, never brought up again. And he didn't even get railed 😔
we talk loads about how hot and cold tom is with greg, but never about how hot and cold greg is with tom. not only did he pull this face 🥺 after the forehead kiss, he then decided to tell tom he will be pursuing some girl tom has literally never met, only to then tell him his wife is way too hot for him, TO THEN, IN AN ACT OF BRAVERY THAT COULD BE ONLY TRIGGERED BY THE PENIS DELIRIOUS STATE OF MIND, he asked him to fuck him to prove him he fucks well and his meat is huge.
all of that and for what? for absolutely nothing because his news about wanting to chase some unknown girl has already taken its toll on tom.
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slutneto · 3 years
I think Greg would be greatly improved in season 4 if they made him chew gum in every scene and pop it loudly. Bonus points if he blows a bubble while someone is talking to him
season four prediction: cousin greg in his bubblegum bitch era
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slutneto · 3 years
Tom should know how Greg jumped and then hugged Ken when he gave him an apartment. Tom should watch a short video clip of that.
bestie, if tom was aware this is a reaction he could unlock in greg, he would go broke, he would become his wealthy winchester widow, he would welcome the sugar daddy allegations with open arms, he would buy greg whatever he wanted, he would do anything, just to see him like that. he would never let this go.
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slutneto · 3 years
We always make a fuss over Greg potentially calling Tom "Nero", but what if we got a scene where Tom off handedly calls Greg his "empress of Rome" much in the way he called him a "leggy princeling".
TOM INTRODUCING GREG TO MATSSON GOING 'AND THIS IS GREG, MY RIGHT HAND MAN, MY LOYAL COMPANION, MY EMPRESS OF ROME'. to everyone's astonishment this is the encounter that makes matsson decide that tom and his rancid homoerotic vibes are good enough for at least the coo position.
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slutneto · 3 years
So Tom is gonna jokingly refer to Greg as his work husband in season 4 (and then jokingly shoot a longing look at his lips), right?
in a surprising turn of events, it's greg who calls tom his husband offhandedly, and tom does his best to blink back the tears in that strangely alluring way of his. fails miserably. goes 'husband??' quietly, and greg just says 'well, if i'm sporus... doesn't that make you my husband? nero?' and tom has a stroke because it never occurred to him that this was a two-way street.
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slutneto · 3 years
Can't believe Greg stole his own cousin's husband AND her place in the family company all because she took his last $20. He invented pettiness.
i know we joke about this, but he is so petty. he sulks because shiv took his money, fucks kendall because he did not buy him a watch, tells everyone tom got his own come fed back to him simply because tom did not take care of him after he snorted way too much coke, hates roman viciously because he made fun of him once and punched him in the arm, also just once.
i have a feeling once he decides you have wronged him somehow he hates you viciously. the only exception is tom, obviously, but that's because he wants to fuck him so much he sometimes forgets he should hate him.
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slutneto · 3 years
Can we talk about how Greg's demeanor changed since the moment Tom talked about Nero Sporus ? Like he is talking more personal stuff, and then calls Tom 'Tommy' starts touching him ... Lolz
i wrote a very long response to this yesterday, but my phone died just as i was proof-reading it. i'll try my best to recreate my train of thought, but i fear i'll miss half of it. anyway.
there is no denying the fact that nerosporus was crazy. so crazy in fact that thinking about it and the 'let's fight like chickens' line that comes after tests my limits of comprehension. BUT STILL there is more. there is also tom saying 'neither do i greg' when greg tells him he does not want to wrestle him. it's a direct parallel to tom admitting he does not like the person he is after the safe room fiasco. those brief moments of honesty are exactly what enables greg to understand tom better than any other character.
the reason i am comparing these two situations is because greg reacts to them the same way - he ups the friendship factor. in 2.4 he makes sure to mention how much he likes tom multiple times, in 2.6 he follows tom around like a lost puppy, watches his presentation with this 😳 expression never leaving his face. in 3.5 he includes tom in his current family drama, goes out of his way to keep him updated, orbits tom subtly, spares tom quick glances when he cannot see greg looking.
but in both of these situations another shift occurs. both of these times greg uses this new sign of weakness he sees in tom to ask for things. in 2.4 he gets a new office out of it, but it comes with a price - tom threatens to rat him out and break his legs, he has to give up his leverage. it's that moment that truly plants the seed of discord between them, that ultimately leads to greg choosing to save himself and leaving tom for dead (if he stayed, if the cruises docs stayed at waystar, they would still pin it on ken, even if he deflected. it was all up to greg, truly).
BUT even though something similar happens in 3.6 - greg asks tom to go to prison for him, tom keeps history from repeating itself. not by saying yes, because in the end he does not end up in prison, no. for wanting nothing in return. that is the moment that truly shifts their whole dynamic for me. tom showing greg that he would do something so big for him, not for leverage, not for any future favours, but because he cares about greg is a gesture big enough for greg to trust tom unconditionally from then on. to drop the mask completely - he is more open with tom, more playful, more honest. i am so curious to see where that takes us. can't wait.
as for the touching part though. i think that's tom's fault because after nerosporus he has stopped touching greg almost completely. before that he was always so handsy with greg. after? he either crosses his arms, keeps his hands in his pockets or makes sure his hands are full when he is talking to greg. and it's visibly getting to greg, who is, as we all know, touch-starved, and who, up to that point has had tom touch him constantly. there is a moment in 3.6 when he is speaking to tom and kind of strokes his own chest simply because of this (it reminds me of the way drug addicts can sometimes kind of paw at their chests while going through withdrawal? obviously it wasn't intended to be viewed that way, but it looks a bit like that to me for some reason).
understandably, tom slips up a bit in 3.7. because he is happy. because he now recognizes it's greg. greg matters to him an inconceivable amount. but his touches become smaller and smaller as the party progresses. i did not even catch the way he touches greg's hand just before the compliment tunnel at first, and greg probably did not register it at all. he was literally stealing that last touch. he does not touch him again until the hug at the end of 3.9. and again, it visibly bothers greg. comfry touching his arm and kissing his cheek does not sit right with him, makes him doubt the validity of their super fresh relationship for some reason. makes him reach out to tom multiple times, something he hasn't done often before. makes him touch tom, call him tommy.
it must have been killing him during the proposal. because they sit so close they are nearly scissoring, tom leans in so close, but makes sure not to touch greg anywhere. no wonder greg gets so testy, no wonder he reaches out and grips tom's shoulders so hard, no wonder the handshake is not enough, no wonder he is so eager to embrace tom tightly. i sincerely doubt he knows why he wants tom to touch him again so much, but he needs it badly.
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slutneto · 3 years
Nick Braun literally speaks French. Where is my bilingual icon Monsignor Grég
been saying this for months. greg giving tom cute little nicknames in french bcs tom does not speak a word of it. greg switching from english to french whenever he gets too stressed or worked up. tom going 'what did you just say?' or 'you know i can't understand you, right?' and greg just telling him it's nothing, when in fact he has been using that language barrier to say shit he would never dare to tell tom if he could understand him.
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slutneto · 3 years
Honestly its really funny to frame all of gregs interactions with Tom through the lens of 'he desperately wants to get railed' like, oh thats why he doesn't react much when tom is being insane, he's too busy thinking about [redacted] his [redacted] to pay attention. The first time he ever paid attention to anything tom said was during the nero&sporus scene bc the castration bit brought him out of his fantasies for a moment.
what if greg isn't actually that dumb, but has been incapacitated by the constant stream of disrespectful thoughts about tom.
but seriously, in almost every conversation they have, there are moments where greg looks like literally cannot think about anything else but getting railed. especially that balcony scene in 1.5, high as fuck greg does not get the muchies, he gets horny and that's canon (that's probably why he thinks comfry is a good idea; he probably was high most of the time he spent in ken's camp). ALSO ESPECIALLY WHEN TOM SAYS HE DID A GOOD JOB. this boy's praise kink knows no bounds. in 2.7 tom told him he liked how he played his hand and greg had to literally close his eyes and look away for a second. unreal.
(btw 2.7 my beloved. greg was so down during that convo even though tom was giving him bad news. the way his hands flailed by his sides when tom did the tie thing. if greg weren't entertaining guests he would have dropped to his knees right then and there. i am sure of it)
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