laurel-dreams · 4 months
KNY Rewrite Part 1: Demons
I'm going to change a bunch of things so, beware!!!Part one talks mainly about Demons!
Yokais are a thing that exists in the universe now, hidden between humans
"Demons" and "Onis" are different things, despite sharing a name. Demons are not born as such, instead being turned by Muzan or the Uppermoons, Onis are born the way they are.
The Demon Slayers don't know of the diffrerence between Demons and other Yokais (since they live hidden), so anything "demon looking" will be considered as such by them, and therefore killed. This had led to many Yokais being injustly killed by Slayers.
The flower that was used in the medicine that turned Muzan into a demon, the Blue Spider Lily, is a flower used in traditional medicine in Yokai culture. But it doesnt have the same healing effects on humans. Still Muzan believes that if anything can make him resist sunlight is that flower. In actuallytiy, the BSL is the reason whe he can't walk in the sun, so his search is, ultimatley pointless.
Mentioned previoulsy but: only the demon king and the uppermoons can turn people into demons. The lowermoons can change demons apprerance and powers to a certain degree. (Like Rui does in canon) Humans turned by Muzan might look very different, but demons turned by the Moons will share similar features to said uppermoon. (A human turned by Gyokko, for example, might showcase scales on his body, like a fish)
The demons do not know of the existance of Yokais, believing them to be rumors derived from their existance.
Muzan enjoys experimenting on other demons, specially those who share his bloodline (he has an habit of trying to convince/forcefully turning whatever Ubuyashiki is in charge of the DSC at the time to turn into a demon. Thats why the Ubuyashikis are always hiding and move locations frequently). He uses them as experiments and has them locked in a room in the infinity castle. they rarley get food, ofen eating eachother. Some have lost regenerative properties due to the experimentation, others have become imune to a certain degree to flowers like wisteria.
The reason Muzan does this experiments is to create a "perfect replacement" if anything were to happen to his moons. He also has them forcefully fight kokushibo untli their fighting level is "good enough"
The reason demons don't remember their past is due to their long age, as time goes on they begin to forget their human lifes, and because once they get turned their first instinct is to eat, none of them are actually able to control themselves (Until Nezuko). Some of them however get to have a perfect memory of their lifes as humans, such as the demon king himself and Douma.
Tamayo stil managed to get freed because of the Yoriichi fight, so everything in her storilne goes as canon, mostly
Before Nezuko, there was another demon that managed to conquer the sun, Muzan made a deal with her to absorb her blood, but it wasn't enough for him to walk in the sun without burning, but it made the burns appear slowlier and more tolerable. Said demon is refered as the demon queen, and is a silent ally to Muzan with her own agenda.
Demons turned after muzan absorbed the demon queen blood inside them, also carry her blood in their veins.
The demon queen is not present in the majority of the story, only begining to play a role after Muzan's death. (Which is where the majority of my oc lore takes place lol)
the demons that had her blood inside them, managed to survive after Muzan's death.
The demon queen is baisically the actual final boss, not Muzan. Think of it as a game of schess, but the game doesn't end with "Checkmate" rather when the queen is dead
(Yes the demon queen is one of my ocs and she is OP you can't do anything against this lol, I also mentioned two more ocs of mine during this whole ordeal, but I wonder if you can figure out who they are)
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andellaheartz · 2 years
Gribbld schesse
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serychesson · 3 years
Let’s keep the train moving “The Chicken” with some hot coco @hotcoco_palace #schess #rapper #digitalfilmmaking #atlanta #superproducer #bluecar #angelking #videoshoot #model (at Hilton Atlanta) https://www.instagram.com/p/CVOEaLNJISt/?utm_medium=tumblr
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robot-game-dev · 4 years
RobotRoom (Alience Schess) (1983, Akira) (Enterprise)
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thechesspuzzler · 6 years
AlphaZero vs Stockfish 8 (2018) Is The ‘Terminator’ of Chess As Good As...
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orbemnews · 4 years
Artists at Studio in a School Consider Joining a Union Workers and artists at Studio in a School, a nonprofit group founded more than 40 years ago to teach art in public schools, have organized an effort to join a union. The National Labor Relations Board will send ballots to eligible employees on Friday, the first step of an election by mail to determine whether Local 2110 of the United Auto Workers will represent a handful of full-time administrative staff and about 100 artists who work as part-time instructors with one-year contracts. Those instructors want more predictability in work assignments and greater transparency in scheduling decisions, said the local’s president, Maida Rosenstein, adding: “In the pandemic, that became a very critical issue.” Alison Scott-Williams, the president of Studio in a School NYC, wrote in an email message, “We have entered into a voluntary election agreement where employees will exercise their choice in this matter.” The effort at Studio in a School comes after employees at a number of other cultural organizations in New York, including the New Museum, the Brooklyn Academy of Music and the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, have formed unions in recent years. Agnes Gund, a prominent philanthropist and president emerita of the Museum of Modern Art, founded Studio in a School in 1977 as a response to cuts to arts education budgets brought on by a financial crisis in New York City. Gund, who is known for supporting progressive causes, is still on the organization’s board. So are other art world figures, including Dorothy Lichtenstein, who was married to Roy Lichtenstein and is the president of a foundation named after him, and Tony Bechara, El Museo del Barrio’s board chair emeritus. Today, the organization’s instructors teach art forms like drawing, painting and print making to about 30,000 students in New York City public schools. It has also exhibited work by students at Christie’s New York and the Asia Society Museum. Union officials said Studio in a School had hired a law firm, Klein Zelman Rothermel Jacobs & Schess, that lists “preventative and union avoidance measures” among other services on its website. Several employees said they had been required by management to join video meetings at which it was suggested that unions may be more interested in collecting dues than in helping workers. “While we are out promoting social justice in marginalized communities through art, they are engaging in a very aggressive anti-union campaign,” said Kathy Creutzburg, an artist who said she had taught with Studio in a School for 22 years. Scott-Williams said the meetings were designed “to understand the issues motivating our employees.” Another artist, Victoria Calabro, who said she had taught with the organization for 14 years and supports the unionization effort, said she sought greater transparency on a host of issues, such as how many hours artists can expect to work. “We love what we do,” she said. “We just don’t want to be in the dark in terms of how decisions are made.” Source link Orbem News #Artists #Joining #school #Studio #union
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bartholomaus · 4 years
Interesant! Toate numele medievale de cetăți si castele din Transilvania au avut un nume de origine maghiară sau germană. Toate! Cu o singură excepție: Cetatea Colț din Țara Hațegului.
Uitati inca o chestie surprinzătoare . Nu stiam ca asta e etimologia : Suceava  -  Szocsvar (var-cetatea, szocs-cojocar). Adică Suveava vine de la Orașul Cojocarilor...Nu mai zic de Bako - Bacău, Szeret - Siret
Conform observatiilor lui A.A. Rusu numeroase cetăți sunt formate dintr-un nume oarecare (topografic, o apă, o stâncă/piatră, o caracteristică-mare/mic, culoare etc) la care s-a adăugat sufixul vár (cetate) sau burg: Kolosz-var, Sebes-var, Schess-burg, Weisse-burg. Sau Temes-var (Timisoara=cetatea Timișului), Varad (Oradea=cetățuia, devenită apoi NagyVarad=cetățuia mare), Földvár (Feldioara=cetatea de pământ). Sau Gurghiu (de la gorgeny=gorgan , movilă), Ciceu (de la csucs=vârf), Kohalom (=movila de piatră, Rupea), Chioar (Kovar=de pe piatră, de pe stâncă). Alte nume legate de întemeietori. Alba Iulia (Iulia e latinizarea lui Gyula), Turda (de la Torda), Dăbâca (de la Doboka), Cenad (de la Csanad).. Toate vechi nume...Alte nume amintite de istoricul AARusu în lucrarea Castelarea Carpatică: un nume + terminatia var . Cetatea lui Dranko (Drenkova), Turnul lui Csak (Ciacova), Cetatea lui Dietrich (Bran; Bran vine din slavă și înseamnă Poartă. Ulterior numele va deveni Torcsvar/Torzburg). Câlnic se pare că vine tot de la un nume al unui întemeietor Chyl. Sau după numele sfântului patron: Marienburg (Feldioara), Tăuți (Lapis Sancti Michaelis=Stânca Sf Mihail), Pescari (a Sf Ladislau)... Lista e mult prea lunga ... dar e interesant...
Nu sunt partizanul nimanui si ma irita excesele nationaliste indiferent din partea cui vin. Istoria românească este excesiv de poluată de ideologie și naționalsim. Si implicit falsificată. Pur si simplu sau prin omisiune. Dacă vă interesează trecutul istoric-cel real-hai sa lasam deoparte atitudinile șovine și să încercăm să deslușim adevărul, indiferent care a fost. Dacă vă place doar propaganda și istoria naționalistă, vă salut!
Astea sunt numele localităților de care apațin cetățile azi. Numele medievale nu sunt cunoscute. Si sigur nu corespiundeau cu numele acestor localitati. De ex noi zicem cetatea Crizbav (nume de orig săsească dar luat după numele satului apropiat). Insă numele vechi e castrum Heldenburg. Heldenburg e numele cetății , nu Crizbav
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abominandus · 8 years
i smeell like grilled cheese why do i smele like grilled schesse i don't even like grilled cheers
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xlevelpr · 5 years
Bernie Sanders conserva el apoyo de los votantes jóvenes frente a Biden
Bernie Sanders conserva el apoyo de los votantes jóvenes frente a Biden
Han visto a sus padres y amigos batallar con el pago de facturas médicas. Han pasado tiempo en España, Australia y otros países donde las personas no tienen la misma preocupación. Se preocupan del cambio climático. Los jóvenes que apoyan a Bernie Sanders se hacen la misma pregunta: ¿por qué las cosas no pueden ser diferentes?
“Los jóvenes son aspiracionales”, dijo Jaclyn Schess, de 24…
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serychesson · 3 years
We had so much fun him and the music we made #schess #youngd #bigphavor #omzeternal #rapper #singersongwriter #producer #independentartist #fashiondesigner #nephew (at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) https://www.instagram.com/p/CU827AiFxXS/?utm_medium=tumblr
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serychesson · 3 years
R.I.P @bigphavor #schess #youngd #bigphavor #omzeternal #rapper #singersongwriter #producer #independentartist #fashiondesigner #nephew https://www.instagram.com/p/CU0SlwOAGok/?utm_medium=tumblr
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serychesson · 3 years
Ok! All right! That’s fine! Ok! I’m feeling to sexy to accept requests #atlanta #rapper #singer #songwriter #schess #superproducer #studiolife #progress #dmvartist #dj https://www.instagram.com/p/CURm37fpyxr/?utm_medium=tumblr
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serychesson · 3 years
It’s one thing to be elevated to the top but it’s another thing to shine from the bottom. #rockstar #atlanta #rapper #singer #songwriter #schess #youngd #bandobumpin #woodbury #progress #dmvartist (at Woodbury, Georgia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CUMnZzvs6mR/?utm_medium=tumblr
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serychesson · 3 years
Grateful for the team and the little things that Pat @pat_producer did to finish up the track. Let’s keep the train 🚂 moving #rockstar #atlanta #rapper #singer #songwriter #schess #youngd #superproducer #studiolife #progress #dmvartist (at Atlanta, Georgia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CULdTPqpSpj/?utm_medium=tumblr
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serychesson · 3 years
Thank you 🙏🏾 Corey @englandcorey for adding the final touches on the guitar 🎸 for this track. You really rocked this one ☝🏾 all the way from L.A #rockstar #atlanta #rapper #singer #songwriter #schess #successful #superproducer #nextlevel #progress #losangeles #dmvartist (at Los Angeles, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CUDuEhxpgOx/?utm_medium=tumblr
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serychesson · 3 years
Why drive when you can be driven. #rockstar #atlanta #rapper #singer #songwriter #schess #successful #superproducer #nextlevel #progress (at Atlanta, Georgia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CUDWUzYpalr/?utm_medium=tumblr
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