laikaflash · 1 month
AU where siegfried is the father of hilde’s children 👀
ASDDFGH... *rubs hands excitedly*
Just to streamline things a bit, the children are born after the dissolution of Wolfkrone. To that end, Hilde's forces ally with Schwarzwind several years earlier.
Jumping back a little bit: Wilhelm died from infected wounds after the siege on Ostrheinsburg. Hilde still mourns him by the time she and Siegfried meet again. Over time, they start meeting more often in secret...
Hilde's firstborn is a redheaded son. The timing leads Hilde's retainers to take for granted that he's Wilhelm's posthumous son, so the boy becomes a symbol of hope for the kingdom. Suffice it say, Hilde can't bring herself to refute them in the moment. It gets rockier a few years later when her daughter is born with blonde hair.
There is, of course, a whole thing over (shock horror) the queen having children by a mercenary captain, mostly from Hilde's retainers. (Even if he is the son of a knight and even then...) Siegfried is... not wriggling his way out of that.
For the most part, the childrens' training is done with spear and short sword in the traditions of Wolfkrone (as best they can manage under the circumstances). Although Siegfried wouldn't say no if they wished to learn any other fighting styles. He'd still balk at either of them wanting to pick up anything the size of Requiem.
Sorry for leaving this one in the drafts for so long. My mind went a little all over the place just trying to keep this from becoming a wall of text. I debated on whether or not I would bring up Wilhelm for this at all, but even if I made up a different character for the same role, the end would be the same. I swear just about every fic I've read where Siegfried and Hilde get together took for granted that an entire kingdom would be okay with that and... I dunno, but the potential drama compels me more than anything.
The AU ask game.
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soulofamy · 1 month
au where pyrrha officially becomes the new nightmare/inferno and pat is unable to stop her
Send me a potential AU and I’ll tell you five fun facts that would happen in a story.
a fic for this idea actually exists and its pretty good, you should check it out (Game Pieces by 666-HyuugaNeji-999 on fanfiction.net)
anyway heres my take!
this happens in the timeline where patroklos breaks free of elysiums manipulation
unlike a typical european knight like siegfried had been, pyrrhas nightmare armor would resemble moreso a full on gladiatrix
pyrrhas first order of business is publicly executing patroklos and making an example out of him, then making a display out of shattering soul calibur
tira gleefully serves at her side as her second in command. tira was given the role of weeding out the servants of soul edge she thought were obsolete (solnhoffen gets killed because of this LOL)
schwarzwind goes from being mercenaries to becoming the resisteance against her. their jobs are to protect people and villages under threat. cassandra claws her way out of hell to be the one to put an end to pyrrhas corruption
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thaliexvii · 2 years
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Viola in her 2p fighting some malfested creature near the Schwarzwind Citadel when the Ancient Citadel is under siege.
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szyf · 4 years
i hate liking soul calibur i see a picture of hildegard von krone and i go WOOOOOO YEAH WOOOOOOOOOOO
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amazcballs-blog · 6 years
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It had been only a few days since the girl had awoken in the middle of a ravaged town, her hopes of remembering how she had gotten there or figuring out the purpose of the glowing orb that levitated close to her having not yet been realized. She wasn’t sure what had happened prior to her waking up but she found herself feeling weak and tired, and as the days progressed she began to feel like her legs would give out any moment beneath her. And the orb seemed to follow her wherever she went. She’d figured out it was linked to her, evident by the very few times she was able to dismiss it. However it would always shortly come back and continue following her, which she knew was one of the reasons she was drawing stares from villagers and travelers alike. Her pale complexion and unusually colored eyes and hair didn’t help her either.
Of all circumstances she could find herself in now, she was running through a forest as she was being chased by numerous men who seemed intent on killing her. What was this? Had she done something wrong? What could possibly have prompted so many at once to want her dead? She didn’t have time to ponder these thoughts though, she needed to keep running, she needed to get as far away as she her legs could carry her. But she wasn’t in a position to run very far, and the more she ran the dizzier she got. She knew she couldn’t get much farther before collapsing and being at their mercy, she needed to hide. As she ran, in her clumsiness, her foot hit a root and she went down, a pain pulsing in her ankle she had twisted in her fall. As quickly as she could, she propped herself up and crawled behind nearby bushes, sitting as still as she could and keeping her eyes shut as she hoped they would not see her and leave.
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       he always enjoyed the forest, it seemed a natural habitat given his partner. ein always seemed most happy when they were in the forest and that put him at ease. it was usually quiet, something zwei really tried to enjoy while it lasted. it never seemed to last as long as he wanted, as evidenced by the noises he could hear. they were far off and faint, and he would’ve missed them had it not been for the gifts he had, thanks to ein and mani. it didn’t take him long to realize someone was being chased, he’d been chased enough by monsters, malfested or otherwise, to know he should help. 
       with both his and his partners noses to guide them, it didn’t take long to find them, malfested with their glowing eyes hunting down a poor girl. it was savagery at best, and he detested it. kreuzgriff in hand, it only took a subtle nod to his companion before they both emerged, striking down at the monsters threatening the girl who’d fled into the bushes. it was as he suspected, malfested ordered to hunt down some poor girl, a girl he wouldn’t let be harmed. luckily for him, he had experience dealing with malfested and it only took a matter of moments to dispatch the assailants. the only thing left was to learn about the poor girl who’d been endangered by them. 
       stowing his sword and shooing ein for the moment, he kneeled down to the bush she’d scampered into, attempting to lessen the shock his formidable size tended to give out. 
       “ are you okay ? ” he called out, still not finding the girl apart from knowing which bush she’d vanished into. 
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rosearcanum · 3 years
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i dont know if i necessarily want to add this in as a headcanon just yet but if viola truly does end up abandoning her identity as amy after she learns the truth about her past and abandons raphael and such, i wonder if viola is going to have very negative associations with the name “amy”. like if someone called her amy, would that make her uncomfortable? i dont know yet, i feel like there is much development that needs to happen before i decide
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soulsandswcrds · 4 years
☽ | @yukikorogashi​​​ 𝖍𝖆𝖘 𝖈𝖗𝖔𝖘𝖘𝖊𝖉 𝖕𝖆𝖙𝖍𝖘 𝖜𝖎𝖙𝖍 𝖟.𝖜.𝖊.𝖎. | ☾
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winter had settled in as the days had grown short once more. dumas’ forces were smart enough not to attempt a raid on the schwarzwind encampment in this weather. they were perfectly fortified for the long cold nights. z.w.e.i. had been poking at the fire for the better part of an hour during his watch when he started to make out a figure on the perimeter of the camp.    what the hell?    too small to be one of dumas’ assassins. grabbing his sword, he approached the figure with caution. no, that couldn’t be right. she seemed to be a young girl. definitely not dumas’ usual mo. still, he called out before getting too close. 
                                                                         “ hey kid! you shouldn’t be out in the cold like this. don’t you got some place to call home? ” 
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z-w-e-i · 4 years
being a member of schwarzwind is fun. you get thrown into cages.
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exaltsblood-blog · 6 years
@starcfchaos \ 🗡️ [ accepting ]
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       “ if i’m to hire you then show me what you can do. prove yourself worthy of my coin. ” his hand stayed fixed on falchion, still not drawing it. he was unsure if she intended to strike him or simply demonstrate her abilities, but he stayed at the ready regardless. 
       he’d not meant to wind up here, but he and his shepherds had managed to stumble upon the group known as schwarzwind. normally he was more inclined to trust an ylissean in his group, but their leader talked bold words of confidence he had to see for himself. 
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papillonsetroses-a · 6 years
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Ever since Viola left Schwarzwind, she found her own existence to be rather drab and meaningless. She had imagined by now that she would be traveling with Zwei and the two of them would figure life out together. She even foresaw that being the case at one point. It all changed though with the arrival of that dog, Patroklos Alexander. Now she walked alone from town the town alone, telling fortunes to make money as she tried to figure out what to do with herself now, what her purpose now would be. 
Her satchel resting across her shoulder and hood covering her head, Viola was making her way to the next town. A man walking in the opposite direction of her caught her attention however, a man who seemed quite out of place and yet he walked with purpose. She caught glimpses into his past, the hundreds of years plus worth of memories too vast for her to get anything meaningful out of them. If this man was a human, he definitely wasn’t an ordinary one, though he didn’t feel malfested to her either. It was quite curious, really. As she passed by him she spoke. “You aren’t from around here, are you?” She questioned as she stopped, turning around to face the man.
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laikaflash · 10 months
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A moody Siegfried from the second Soul Edge light novel. We are introduced to him just before he leads his bandit gang Schwarzwind out of their crumbling castle hideout to ambush some weary knights in the woods. What could go wrong?
Illustrator: Masae Hashimoto Publisher: ASPECT Novels
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soulofamy · 4 months
ive gone back and forth on what i think the outcome will be on amy and her relationship with viola and i think after spending a lot of time really dissecting soulcalibur 6 and what lines are filled in for amys story, heres what i think is going to happen.
first and foremost, yes i am going to assume that amy and viola are the same person, no one is going to shake this belief, if you are here to try and convince me amy and viola are sisters or that viola is amys clone, you are wasting your time. and yes i am also going to assume that, just like in the old timeline, amy is going to lose her memories and become viola. the only differences will be that this time we know how it happened and this transformation will have more to do with the main story. that is a discussion for another time though. anyway
i have always believed that viola is eventually going to get her memories back and remember her time as amy. but i have thought a lot about what that realization will mean for her. because while her central identity as amy is extremely important, as it is where she started and it is also raphaels main motivator (please give him something else to do alongside being amys groupie bamco i am literally on my hands and knees begging), it is also quite possible that amy has spent over half of her life as viola. we dont know when exactly viola came to be but if the difference between sc4 and sc5 is 17 years, theres literally nothing stopping us from speculating that amy has had her memory gone for that entire timespan. it could obv be shorter but my point is, amy had a very big and eventful chunk of her life go by AS viola so i can imagine there is a big clash of identities as amy wonders which one she should be embodying going forward.
i think at first, when her memories come back, she will be a LOT more distressed than she thought she would be. to remember raphael and how he took care of her to then realizing that raphael died all those years ago to then coming to realize that his body became soul edges marionette who was bent on killing her and her best friend. i imagine she would have no idea what to do with all this information. it would also depend on WHEN she got those memories back too, whether it would be before or after zwei killed graf dumas, etc.
in a world where graf dumas was able to come to his sense and be raphael for her again, i imagine that she would be furious with him for what he put himself through but she would ultimately, after a little time to process, be happy to have her father back. especially if he apologized for it all.
as for her name, i think she would continue to allow zwei and the rest of schwarzwind to call her viola but she would go back to introducing herself as amy. she chose that name for herself in the first place, she refuses to let whoever is responsible for her memory loss strip her of that.
she would go back to using albion as her primary weapon over her orb. i can totally imagine post amnesia!amy fighting against zwei with albion and him having victory lines against her along the lines of "you fight even better with a sword" or "and i thought you were good with that orb!" or smth along those lines
as for what happens to the orb, i am actually not really sure. canon suggests the orb might possibly be sentient and want to protect her, like it did when the pack of wolves cornered her in the forest. but canon also suggests that the orb is why viola couldnt access her memories before and it was keeping her from the truth so i truly dont know what to expect from her relationship with it going forward
idk if all this makes sense or not, im really curious to know what other people think
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rosearcanum · 4 years
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It had been roughly a month since Viola departed from the gates of Schwarzwind, satchel at her hip and only the vaguest idea of where she was going to go. The hooded woman walked with a heavy heart, as she was still not over the loss of her closest companion. The sight of that wretched girl impaling Zwei from behind replayed in her mind every day and she felt her heart drop every time she watched him fall to his doom. She felt so lost without him. So alone. She couldn’t stay at Schwarzwind another second after witnessing that, she decided. And so she left the battlefield, going back to the fortress to gather what little belongings she had, and left. She wasn’t sure where she was going, but she followed the moon. At least it hadn’t abandoned her.
She decided to stop in a small town on the route. Perhaps a night on a bed in an inn would do her better than sleeping on the forest ground the way she had been for days. However she was quick to notice some commotion in the middle of the town. Some people who appeared to be angry were speaking in raised voices, gathered around something...or someone...though Viola couldn’t see properly. With curiosity getting the best of her, she approached the crowd and craned her neck as best as she could to try and see what it was that had these townspeople so upset. 
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soulsandswcrds · 4 years
☽ | @sparkingpraelia​ 𝖍𝖆𝖘 𝖈𝖗𝖔𝖘𝖘𝖊𝖉 𝖕𝖆𝖙𝖍𝖘 𝖜𝖎𝖙𝖍 𝖟.𝖜.𝖊.𝖎. | ☾
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The tall man pushed the brush aside to allow Viola to cross through. There was a nice clearing ahead that would be safe to camp for the night. They weren’t always with Schwarzwind, Dumas’ men forcing them to sometimes take off in search of other safe spaces until they could have a strategic advantage against the assassins he always sent. It wasn’t always turmoil, however. There were moments of peace in the chaos and he had hoped tonight would be one of those nights. 
                       ❝ We can set up camp here, plenty of space and we can watch the perimeter easily. You holding up alright? ❞
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vilesnice · 7 years
Siegfried Schtaufen and Viola
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life
hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would bang
It´s only the long haiiiiirrrr
hogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuffbest quality:
I just really like how Siegfried ended up, he matured and is more open towards others. He tried building his guild Schwarzwind again and doesn´t try to kill every cursed being in his sight. He needed to lecture Patrokolos not to kill his own sister for turning into a vessel for Soul Edge. More of his personality is shown that he might be an awkward dork. He still is trying to create distance because he still fears that he will fuck shit up, but he made progress and is still trying to be more empathetic. He even made friends! I am so proud!
Also his head butts are just... great. His head butts are the strongest.
worst quality:
basically when he was still trying to fix his mistakes alone and just tries to be the tragic hero. “I did all wrong, I need to fix it. Only I can fix it! *cries in german*”. Then he freaking dies in almost every alternate ending. I guess rather than being consumed by the evil again, he gets consumed by his pessimistic view and dats not healthy.
ship them with: Zwei.
I never really cared shipping Siegfried with anybody because Siegfried was just this self rightous idiot. But SCV came along and Siegfried wasn´t a cold prick anymore. Like he turned out to be a person, people admire and have respect for, calling him “Hauptmann” and shit. And then Zwei cames knocking with “Ey Boss”. I mean, I am a succer when it comes to local punk trying to be thick skull´s wife . It kind of fits since Siegfried is a hard nut to crack and somebody literally needs to follow him and question his defensive attitude of not trying to find his own happiness. And it can even work the other way around, with Zwei not being able to fit in with other and Siegfried trying to help him by explaining he was also an edgy teen and blablabla your usual fanfic shit
brotp them with: Hilde no question. They are pals who can just be calm and talk. Sure, there will be always that “respect distance” and formal acting because they mostly meet to discuss what shit one of the guild member did again, but they seem like two parent, exchanging advices on how to stop Schwarzwind members to kill the newest recruit . I dunno, I want to see Siegfried being an guid uncle to Hilde´s kids. 
needs to stay away from: from his sword. The old man need to settle down and have 20 puppies with Zwei
misc. thoughts:
It´s funny how Siegfried can be interpreted as oblivious and innocent or as a charming person. Since fighting games are so vague, we will probably never know. We could assume since he was a handsome guy and probably an overconfident brat, the grills loved him. Or he was focused on achieving his goals that the boy never took part in adult life and kept being a guid mama boi. And ye after his possession, well he completely lost interest trying to make even friend. There are just so many jokes I could make at his expenses…  40 year old virgin…
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would bang
hogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuff
best quality:
Despite not being shown much about her personality, I just loved how she immediately became snarky with Patrokolos. She just insults someone without batting an eyelash. I hope she has a more sacrastic attitude, hiding it with her riddles whenever she tries to foresee something. I really can imagine her being passive aggressive and having a colorful vocabulair that it is just waiting to go off. After all she can predict something with the moons, probably knowing the crap other´s have been doing.
worst quality:
I guess due always following Zwei around like a duckling, she becomes dependant on him when it comes to social interactions with others. Heck Zwei himself doesn´t seem one that is integrated in the guild. So she probably is an awkward mess when she is  alone with no censorship in her speech.
ship them with: Phyrra (when she is more maturer),  Hilde (in case she isn´t married, but probably is so uh...)
I honestly just see Viola, being too busy watching other people´s life, rather than caring to create a romantic relationship with someone. She will likely get her grubby hands on Phyrra since she might idolize Viola later on like calling her “lady Viola”, being thankful that the woman helped her and her brother to be freed from the evil  and maybe feels bad for pushing her guardian Zwei from the cliff .Also it would piss Phyrra´s brother, so more reasons for Viola to get her clawy hands on the cinnamon bun, but Viola gets attached to Phyrra neverthless because local goth is blinded by ray of sunshine. I know it´s a pattern to keep putting edgelord and a happy bun together, but I can´t help it.
brotp them with: Zwei
Stepping in the unpopular opinion in an almost dead fandom. I dunno if it´s just me, but I feel like Zwei and Viola seem more like sibling. Not to mention, them being similar just makes me think, a platonic relationship would only work. It´s just a cute thought of Viola being like a duckling, following Zwei around. And on the other side Zwei being like a mother hen, worried that Viola might trip over her own feet. Not to mention, they seem like the sneaky duo who create some trouble just for shit and giggles, if they are invested enough, but still get in argument about useless things like stabbing Patrokolos. Just two goth kids talking shit about others, but are nice siblings to each other. Wholesome content for my heart.
needs to stay away from:
Patrokolos, once Zwei is gone, she will likely stab him. And you know... Zwei is gone.
misc. thoughts:
I am still hoping that Viola would turn out to be Amy. Then I could actually write more about her. Almost everything are just speculation and just my interpretation because there is freakin no information about Viola. Especially since she only appeared once. It´s just an interesting concept to me to make a quiet person like Viola turn into a snarky person.
I dunno, but almost every character in my grubby hands turn into asexuals and suddenly have a foul mouth.
Thanks dude for forcing me into this dead beaten fandom
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"You're out of your league,so scram!"-Z.W.E.I,Soul Calibur V
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