#scifi rgp
thelostbaystudio · 1 year
Rebel ship draft
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Haven't posted in a while, I've missed the raw energy of tumblr!!! I've been super busy setting up the preproduction of Skyrealms which will go to production soon - but today I'm super excited to share with you this Rebel ship lost in the Outer Rim draft. Isn't it good?!!! The art is by Holly Jenka, she's an amazing artist and if you don't know her art I totally recommend to check it, especially if you dig Sci-Fi. So actually this is just the first bit of a bigger illustration, that will feature two ships.
Holly is making it for an upcoming bundle of tabletop RPG zines I'll be publishing with The Lost Bay Studio. I've been publishing a few bundles already, and this is going to be pretty much the most ambitious project I've worked on, we're talking about 20 zines/pamphlets by 10+ designers
As you can probably tell the art has a vintage touch, we're are taking inspiration from covers of 70s Sci-Fi books.
I don't want to spoil the bundle, but I'm super excited by all the art/content that is produced for it, so I'll try to share a few previews. Have a great weekend folks!!!
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new episode thoughts below!
first off:
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second off:
vyxx here like ‘haha who can resist meelo’s animal magnetism. it’s me. I can. because I’m a huge butch lesbian and tamira’s my mark in more than one sense. call me, tamira, xoxo.’ 
I’m surprised tamira doesn’t use a code name when calling riq. it’s probably more for the viewer’s benefit so we know who exactly she’s talking to, but still. I want everyone to have dumbass code names that are incredibly on the nose. sonny’s is gummy and tag’s is earned stripes. tamira’s is bad luck. riq’s is Bad Absentee Dad.
loving the implication that tag loves trashy light-night scifi schlock. tbf that’s probably what he grew up watching, I can’t see lily and miles being able to afford cable tv when he was younger.
“keep your boy on a leash” would probably have more impact if tag were some sorta canine, but idk what the tiger equivalent would even be??? this is just making me wonder what leashes are even used for in an anthro animal universe like this. maybe child leashes??? MILES COME COLLECT YOUR SON HE’S TRYING TO CLIMB THE DOWN ESCALATOR AGAIN
pike and meika, back at it again with the heavily implied ~history.~ I’m getting some distinct possibly-romantic vibes from it, especially with that bg music. meika here like ‘---and that’s the story of how I don’t have a preference for dudes anymore! eat hallway floor, fuckboi’
the framework of sonny watching tabloid news that implies pike and meika are dating makes me wonder if they’re gonna go for a romantic subplot w/ him and meika eventually? that’s never really been a focus on the show before, but you never know. I’m kinda hoping it isn’t bc while meika and sonny are cute together I definitely think adding another subplot to this whole web would be. a bit much to untangle!
just silently adds this new instance of sonny getting thrown off by tamira being where he doesn't expect her to my hc pile labeled “how does sonny cope with the PTSD he undoubtedly has about the crash last season and tamira’s involvement in it.” I’m still work-shopping the name sgdgshh
SONNY REALLY IS A RIQ THE RIPPER FANBOY I’M SO FUCKING GLAD. now we can assume that post of mine is just post-this-episode canon tbqh. also heh heh. driveshaft dagger. heh heh.
sonny dunking on everyone for keeping him in the dark for so long
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BACKSTORY TIME. riq here brushing over how xeno has to be like. at least in his 40′s/50′s at this point. I still can’t get over that. world’s oldest professional racing toad thinks of nothing but murder all day.
THE RGP SURE HAS NO PROBLEM WRECKING ANCIENT RUINS TO MAKE THEIR RACE TRACKS, HUH. if that’s just common knowledge maybe it really isn’t that surprising the whole sport is corrupt as hell lmao
meelo here ready to throw down like
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sonny silently helping meika despite everything actively broke my goddamn heart. 
rest in fucking pieces, krom
interesting how tag calls riq dad, and riq calls him kid. emphasize that 14 year distance between u two all the more, riq, why don’t ya. way to push all of ur parenting flaws onto the shadowy conspiracy ur fighting. if sonny were there to hear that exchange he’d be so skeeved out.
miles here to save the day like ‘get in the shame cube, riq’
“they say you never left my bedside” pokes holes in a theory I had that sonny might have been partially aware of his surroundings during his coma, but also: : (
this is the absolute angriest I think we’ve ever seen sonny in the entire show. the fact he’s ready to make threats, even if he can’t finish saying them, is so telling and so upsetting to him.
In conclusion:
u ruined a perfectly good friendship is what u did, meika, look, they’ve all got trust issues now
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