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your-greekblogger · 5 years
Being the first female for an office isn't a 'selfish' motive
Being the first female for an office isn’t a ‘selfish’ motive
A Houston appellate court judge running for a seat on the Texas Supreme Court has come up with one of the more, um, creative epithets to hurl at a primary opponent.
Jerry Zimmerer is running in the Democratic primary for the SCOTEX chief justice spot. His opponent, Amy Clark Meachum, wants to become the first woman ever elected to the chief justice on the state’s highest civil appellate court.
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jkanelis · 5 years
Being the first female for an office isn't a 'selfish' motive
Being the first female for an office isn’t a ‘selfish’ motive
A Houston appellate court judge running for a seat on the Texas Supreme Court has come up with one of the more, um, creative epithets to hurl at a primary opponent.
Jerry Zimmerer is running in the Democratic primary for the SCOTEX chief justice spot. His opponent, Amy Clark Meachum, wants to become the first woman ever elected to the chief justice on the state’s highest civil appellate court.
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nailcarol-blog · 8 years
Ragazzi questa è la mia proposta per cena :) . Ho voluto provare gli anelli di totano con il patè di olive nere che ho trovato al supermercato, non dimenticate di controllare gli ingredienti, nel mio caso con olio d’oliva.
Come primo piatto ho  fatto un’insalata di lattuga, avocado e yogurt.
200 g  Anelli di totano surgelati
30 g  Paté di olive nere all’olio d’oliva
50 g  Pomodori
50 g  Piselli  surgelati
1 Spicchio d’aglio
Foglie di coriandolo fresco qb
Mezzo bicchiere di vino bianco
Sale qb
Rosolare in una pentola l’aglio tritato, aggiungere gli anelli di totano lavati precedentemente e avendo cura di togliere bene l’umidità con l’utilizzo dello scotex. Unire i pomodori tagliati a metà, i piselli, le foglie di coriandoli tritati, sale, il patè di olive nere, mescolando bene il tutto.
Quando comincia a bollire aggiungere anche il mezzo bicchiere di vino bianco e lasciate cuocere a fuoco basso per 10 minuti con coperchio chiuso.
Servire caldo.
Buon appetito :)
Anelli di totano con patè di olive nere e piselli 202 kcal Ragazzi questa è la mia proposta per cena :) . Ho voluto provare gli anelli di totano con il patè di olive nere che ho trovato al supermercato, non dimenticate di controllare gli ingredienti, nel mio caso con olio d'oliva.
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the-blockchain-news · 8 years
Scottish Looking at their own Blockchain-driven Stock Exchange
Scottish Looking at their own Blockchain-driven Stock Exchange #Scotex #StockMarket
Up until 1973 Scotland had its own independent stock exchange, the Scottish Stock Exchange, born from a merger of the Edinburgh, Glasgow, Dundee and Aberdeen Stock Exchanges in 1964. But the doors were slammed shut when it was officially merged with the London Stock Exchange in 1973 and all operations were moved to London.
With the Scots getting more wary of staying in the United Kingdom due to…
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dark-ling-i-listen · 11 years
I just got a new puppy!!!
Hes sooooo cute and little and exaclty the same as the Scotex labrador puppy from the adds
he has no name yet!!
Can any of you guys think of a cool name for a cute goldie-white labrador?
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