#scout has adhd send tweet
bobamilkk · 2 years
Tf2 Headcanons but I get Carried Away easily
Scarily Flexible and will casually do contortionist stretches in his room when he’s bored
He subconsciously chews on his dog tags when he thinks
Talks with his hands
Eats random shit that he should not eat-Soldier encourages him too-Medic has found a car battery in him before
Lactose intolerant
Surprising good driver-races his motorbike around the base when bored
Street racing nerd /pos
Undiagnosed adhd and will very loudly complain when his energy spikes but he’s not able to go on a run-no I’m not self projecting what are you talking about /s
Has a visible scar on his hip from the comic, wears crop tops with every intent to show it and his tattoo off
The opposite of scout-He gets stuck doing a handstand. Tries to mimic scout anyways
He gives a war pep talk before every single meal and demands they do the pledge of allegiance before eating-even on days they don’t have missions
Partially deaf and has hearing aids from the extended exposure to his rocket launcher-his screaming doesn’t help
Him and Scout are each others lack of impulse control-Scout goes “what if” and Soldier very loudly tells him to do it and cheers him on while he does said dumb thing
He/They :)
Easily cold and steals everyone’s blankets
Medic gave him anatomy coloring books-They only color them with pink crayons for some reason
He,,,doesn’t eat?? At all?? And he only drinks by sticking a straw through their mask
Gives people plushies when their sad-alternatively offers themself as a plush to hug if that doesn’t work
Accent gets stronger the more he drinks-after a certain point no one can understand a single word he’s saying
Cries during sad movies even when sober
Jokingly doesn’t share his alcohol with Scout while teasing him that he’s “too young”
The only one with a braincell when paired with the offense trio-he gets the main blame for whatever bullshit they pull off as a result
One of the most common people to be on cooking duty, alongside Engie
Gentle giant around the team-will even sing Pyro lullabies when they ask for it
Will gladly go on hour long infodumps around Sasha
Often falls asleep on the couch and wakes up with all 8 of the others using him as a pillow-every single time he wakes up confused af
Never swears but can and will call you every southern insult in existence-if he DOES swear you know your FUCKED
Somehow the only one able to scare Scout into doing chores-no one knows how
Kisses his plush of whatever respective ship partner when he thinks no ones looking-Spy has a blackmail photo of guise
Calls people to the dinner table by threatening to throw their food out to the coyotes
He’s dubbed the dad friend when in reality he’s unhinged af
Birds flock to him constantly-not even just doves either-He’ll step outside once in the city and for some reason every pigeon within miles is coming to him for affection
He names every single bird he meets and can recognize them at the briefest sight mo matter how similar they all look-Archimedes is his favorite
Has a plush of every single teammate with,,,oddly disturbing stitching and pins stuck into them
Either doesn’t sleep period or sleeps on the infirmary medical tables
Rather than healing or being sewn up-the bullet wounds medic received in the comic are just-straight up 2 holes in his torso
Kept the baby baboon he forced Cheavy to birth and is raising it-It’s name is Tobias and it has a little wooden crib in the infirmary
His room/office is the most unorganized mess youve ever seen and yet he claims to reorganize it every single day because he can’t find the THING and he’s got to rearrange it so he won’t loose the THING again-looses the thing the next day
Only sleeps in the base during holidays or events and half the time he ends up sleeping in someone else’s room after an impromptu sleepover-it’s normally Scout or Pyro-God forbid the man sleep in his own bed /j
Has a pinboard on his wall with pictures of the team as well as less wholesome pictures and notes about new mission strategies-it’s a confusing mess and no one else can understand it
His skin is more sickly grey and unhealthy after the events of the comic
Sleeps bare ass naked and spends a good hour just laying in bed debating of if he cares enough to actually get up
The worst fucking hygiene-He fucking stinks and Spy won’t let him in the base without drowning him in cologne first
Collects random trinkets and gives them to people he likes-Your nice to him? Have a random pretty rock he found. He thinks your cute? Here’s a fucking tooth he collected from a guy he killed
Absolutely disgusted by Scout’s stretchiness
He’s actually married to Scout’s mom (if you ship them) and literally everyone but Scout knows-it’s a genuine surprise Soldier or Pyro hasn’t let it slip to Scout yet
Will lecture people about chores around the base and then proceeds to vanish anytime someone tells him it’s his turn to do the most basic of tasks
Shows his affection and love to the team by flexing on them and buying expensive dinners anytime they all go out-no one appreciates it
Names his cars in French
Dies inside every time he hears Scout proudly announce that his dad is Tom Jones
If you want more of my hcs give me a character or ship or scenario and I will GLADLY go off yelling about them for ages-hell expect a part 2 to this post later either way cuz I guarantee you it’ll happen
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