#scout marigold dolarhyde
lost-in-sokovia · 1 year
bathtub baby
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this idea came to me on a whim oh my god
warnings: cursing, fluff with no plot
“she keeps splashin’ me— dammnit, scout, stop fidgetin’!” your husband half-laughed half-scolded. your ten month old daughter moved her chubby little arms up and down in the small metal tub she sat in, giggling as she continued to splash warm water all over her father as you and him sat in front of her.
“it ain’t gonna be warm much longer if you keep it up, scout-a-roo,” percy warned lightly. of course, your baby daughter didn’t understand what she was being told, and instead kept happily splashing and making you laugh as percy closed his eyes and scrunched his nose with every contact of water. you sat with the small tub in front of the fireplace so scout’s bath water could stay as warm as possible for as long as possible, more water being heated above the fire for whenever it became too cold for her.
your daughters little cheeks were pink and plump beneath her green eyes, her reddish hair matted to her soft baby head as she joyously laughed and squirmed.
“splash your momma, daddy’s had enough,” percy groaned jokingly. your daughter looked to you, recognizing your name, and scrunched her nose as she giggled again. you laughed as she bounced, causing the metal tub to scrape a bit against the floor.
“god, perc, she’s so funny!” you observed and booped her little nose. you dipped your hands into the water and gently poured more water over scouts head, your daughter instinctively closing her eyes and percy helping to wipe the water away as she blinked. he grabbed the small bar of soap beside the metal tub and dipped it beneath the warm water before beginning to gently scrub his daughter’s soft baby skin. scout’s eyes widened as the bubbles formed and looked from her daddy then back to the soap suds.
“she’s goin’ to grow up and be smarter than me, i’ll tell ya that,” percy remarked as he gently rubbed scout’s chubby tummy. scout giggled and percy mimicked it, causing her to laugh louder. “she’s the most curious baby i ever seen.”
“how many babies have you seen, though, percy?” you asked. he chuckled and shrugged.
“you’re right, but she’s got her momma’s brains already, i know it,” your husband persisted. you hummed and kissed his cheek, leaning your head against his shoulder. it was lovely watching your husband and daughter bond as she got older, but you longed for the days when scout was small enough to fit perfectly in the crook of percy’s arm. you frowned.
“i miss when she was little,” you mumbled. percy didn’t reply, simply rinsing off the remaining soap on scout’s tiny body before wiping his hands on his pants. he wrapped his arms around you as scout cooed and wiggled her little legs beneath the water, splashing some onto the wooden floor beneath her.
“darlin’, she is little,” percy responded gently. he kissed your head and smiled at the wiggly baby. “she’s only ten months, not even a whole year yet. she’s still got tons to learn and tons to grow, just enjoy where we’re at,” he told you. you knew he was right; scout wasn’t even walking yet and she could only say mama, dada, and moo. you sat in silence with your husband until scout started to frown.
“getting cold?” you cooed, sticking your fingers in the water. percy rubbed his hand over her thin, wet hair and sniffed.
“think she’s done, anyway,” he said. you grabbed the fuzzy towel beside you and percy lifted your daughter out of the tub and into your arms, scout cooing as you held her close to you and the fire warmed the other side of her. you closed your eyes and placed your head atop hers, snuggling her and letting out a deep breath.
percy carefully moved the tub aside before wrapping his arms around both you and scout. the crackling fire and the sound of your daughter’s soft breathing filled your ears as your husband held you in a comforting grip.
this was the life you had longed for.
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lost-in-sokovia · 2 years
ghosty stories
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my first fic in a while, i hope you guys enjoy this lil halloween drabble with my favorite cowboy🤭
warnings: none :)
percy held the lantern up to his face in your dark bedroom as he made an ominous expression, holding his hand up in a suspenseful manner. your seven year old daughter sat in your lap on the bed, eyes wide and glued to her father as he kept her entranced with the ghost story. it was dark in your little home in absolution, the moon in the sky indicating it was scout’s bedtime and being the only other source of light aside from the lantern currently being used by your husband as a prop.
“…and the little cowgirl rode slooowly through the dark forest—“ your husband slowly moved his hand in a straight line, “—lookin’ for any sign of the ghost man…” you combed your hand through scout’s thin, ginger hair as you felt her tense in your lap. “when suddenly, she was snatched!” percy grabbed out just inches away from his daughter’s face. scout gasped and lunged back against your chest.
“your daddy is silly,” you mumbled against scout’s soft hair, pressing a kiss to it. percy had a devilish grin on his face as he raised an eyebrow.
“i’m tellin’ ya, little darlin’, ghosts are nothin’ to be doubtin’.”
scout held her arms and fists close to her chest, her little face painted with a mix of fear and curiosity in the warm glow of the lantern. “did they ever find the girl?” scout asked nervously. percy shrugged slowly and ominously.
“nobody knows, but when ya hear cryin’ in the wind, you know that’s the girl,” he replied, egging his daughter on. you rolled your eyes.
“it’s just a story, scout-a-roo,” you sighed. “it’s time to say ‘goodnight’ to daddy.”
scout hesitantly crawled out of your lap and across the bed to give percy a hug and kiss. “goodnight, little darlin’,” percy said gently. scout then carefully hopped off the bed and stood beside it, looking at you and percy with big glossy eyes.
“alright then, scout?” you asked. “want me to walk to bed with you?”
scout glanced at the darkness outside the door, clutching and fumbling with her little white nightgown as she thought it over.
“n-no, i gots it,” she replied as confidently as her little voice could muster. you raised an eyebrow in skepticism.
“alright, well goodnight then, baby,” you said unsurely. your daughter’s green eyes gave you one last look before she quickly scrambled out of your room, nightgown swishing behind her. percy began to chuckle and you gave him shoulder a swift smack.
“what?” he asked through laughter.
“you’re goin’ to scare our poor daughter half to death, perc,” you replied firmly. percy climbed up beside you and began to lift the covers.
“in my defense, it don’t take much to do that to her.” percy shrugged. you rolled your eyes once more.
“just like you,” you mumbled. your husband huffed at your comment before flopping back against the pillows. you gently laid yourself beside him and begrudgingly cuddled up to him. “when she comes cryin’, i’m blamin’ you,” you muttered. percy hummed and kissed your head.
“she’ll be fine, she’s a tough one,” your husband yawned. you both closed your eyes, basking in each others’ body heat and settling in for the night.
it was only moments later when the sound of quickly pattering little footsteps approached your room.
i hope you guys enjoyed my first lil drabble since being back!!🥰
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lost-in-sokovia · 2 years
I have a blurb idea for Scout!! So, lets assume Percy's way of courting reader was to annoy them til they found it endearing and got together and eventually had Scout. One day, Percy sees someone bullying Scout the exact same way he used to, so he knows what's up ;-) young love n all that jazz
daddy would know
“hey there miss dolarhyde!”
scout whipped her head to the side, her braids nearly smacking her in the face. percy’s eyes darted to where the source of the voice was, looking to see who was calling his ten year old daughter’s name. a little boy about scouts age was waving at her, rocking back on the heels of his boots. scout rolled her eyes and scoffed, directing her attention forward once more.
“who’s that, goldilocks?” percy asked as the boy began to make quick pace to catch up with her. scout scrunched her nose and tried to ignore the approaching footsteps, her fists clenching around her pretty pink dress.
“pick me up, daddy. pretend i’ve passed out or somethin’, please,” she asked desperately between gritted teeth. percy’s green eyes widened and he let out an amused laugh as the boy landed on the other side of his daughter. he was panting, his straw cowboy hat protecting his little face from the sun yet his cheeks were flushed.
“hi scout,” he panted, trying to regain his composure. percy simply kept strolling through town alongside his daughter, amused at scout’s obvious dismay towards the boy. scout didn’t respond and percy nudged her gently.
“don’t be rude. speak up, sweetheart,” he implored. the boy nodded in thanks to percy and he didn’t respond; he wasn’t telling scout to do that for the boy’s sake, he was trying to help you raise a polite child. scout growled and opened her mouth.
“hi richie,” she groaned. the boy called richie tipped his hat and percy chuckled to himself, waiting to see where this interaction would go. scout squinted in the harsh sunlight and percy took his hat off, setting it atop his daughter’s gingery locks.
“say, how come you haven’t been out on your horse much?” richie asked, swiping his dirty blond hair out of his face. scout rolled her eyes, pulling her daddy’s black hat down further.
“‘cause,” she muttered back flatly. richie glanced from percy and back to scout, scratching the back of his neck.
“‘cause what?” he asked curiously. scout blinked her green eyes and stared right at the boy, halting in her tracks.
“would you kindly let me and my daddy carry on home by ourselves?” she snapped. the boy blinked widely and percy shrugged to himself, if scout wanted something she usually got it. the boy took a small step back.
“yeah scout, i-i’ll see you some other time?” he offered. scout grabbed percy’s hand and marched away, yelling a “probably not!” which caused percy to break out in laughter. after letting her get a bit ahead, percy stopped scout and picked her up, groaning at how big she was getting.
“what was that all about, sweet pea, hm?” percy asked, tucking some of scout’s hair behind her ear. scout’s eyebrows furrowed.
“that boy’s always followin’ me around, daddy. sayin’ ‘morning miss dolarhyde,’ or, ‘nice dress you got, miss dolarhyde,’ and ‘mind if i ride along side ya, miss dolarhyde?’” she spat. percy chuckled and hoisted her up higher. scout scrunched her little nose and huffed. “he’s so very annoying, daddy. he’s a real bother to me.”
“i think that boy’s doting on you, goldilocks,” percy teased. scout gagged and percy smiled in amusement, gently tugging on her braids. “i would know, i used to talk to your momma every chance i got before i married her, but i wasn’t as polite as that young boy back there,” he explained. scout wrapped her arms around percy’s neck and nuzzled her face into his neck.
“i ain’t ever gettin’ married, daddy,” she declared. percy raised his eyebrows, home closer and closer in sight.
“is that right, now?”
“yep. boys have cooties and they’re pests,” scout explained. percy mocked a gasp.
“you think i’ve got cooties?” he asked. scout lifted her face out of his neck and giggled as he tickled her, setting her down on the ground. he pointed towards the house and gave her a nudge on the shoulder.
“well you go tell your momma what happened today and she’ll tell you all about what i used to do,” he said lowly. scout ran towards the house, her pretty pink dress flowing as she kicked up dirt behind her and percy shook his head with a smile.
baby girl’s first admirer.
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lost-in-sokovia · 2 years
Please can you do a short summary of the Dano babies and which character they’re for I’m so invested!
yes i can!! thank you for asking!!😊
august edward nashton - auggie, the most popular dano baby so far, is edward nashton’s son from the batman. he doesn’t need much explanation, he’s all over my blog and easy to find under his tag :)
peony - peony is jay’s daughter from “okja.” she’s soft spoken like her daddy, has long dark locks that look like his, and is his absolute princess. sometimes when jay is on missions she doesn’t get to see him for a few days or even weeks, but jay always makes up for lost time. p likes to play with animals and dance. she’s a little sweetheart, and jay is constantly proud and thinking of her. (peony doesn’t get a full name because jay doesn’t have a last name, so she just gets a first name)
scout marigold dolarhyde - scout is percy dolarhyde’s daughter from “cowboys and aliens.” what more do i have to say about this baby? she’s percy’s pride and joy, he’s in love with his little baby girl. she’s nicer than her daddy, but she’s just as spoiled. everybody in town knows who scout is, considering percy always parades her around and always buys her the most expensive things. she wears her gingery hair in braids and her daddy calls her “goldilocks.” scout likes to draw and ride horses. she’s got her daddy’s wit and she’s a little charmer
thomas david sunday - tommy is eli sunday’s oldest son from “there will be blood.” he’s quiet and polite, very much like his uncle paul. he’s kind, helpful, and is always willing to help his daddy out. tommy looks like eli just alone by genetics, but he likes combing his hair the way eli does too and eli is so proud of his little boy. tommy likes to sing and build things. tommy often follows eli around and is very good at keeping up polite conversation with members of his daddy’s congregation when they shake his hand and ask him how he’s doing.
alexander eli sunday - alex is eli’s youngest son and middle child. he’s two years younger than tommy. he’s a sweet boy but he’s a little more rambunctious than tommy (and slightly insane like eli is but that takes a bit more diving into for a different post😀). alex looks like eli as well, but his hair is less unkept and he’s often covered in dirt of some sort. eli is kind of a mischief maker. daniel plainview likes alex, thinks he’s funny and has got good spirit, and that drives eli crazy. alex isn’t afraid to drive his father wild sometimes. he enjoys spending time with hw and his aunt mary (jesus christ that’s weird to say). alex enjoys mischief making and helping you do things around the house. despite how wild he is, he’s a momma’s boy
daisy elizabeth sunday - daisy is eli sunday’s only daughter and youngest child. she’s fifteen years younger than alex, seventeen years younger than tommy. daisy is a quiet little girl and the gem of the sunday family. the congregation absolutely adores little daisy, and eli capitalizes on that by often involving her during his services (which you hate and get on to eli about often. she’ll clutch onto her daddy’s leg as he goes on and on about being a prophet and you just shake your head. whether or not you believe what eli has to say is a different conversation for a different post as well😀). daisy has the same color hair and eyes as eli, all the sunday babies look like their daddy. she likes putting flowers in her hair when you braid it and put it up all pretty. daisy loves nature, reading, and baking. she’s a mommas girl
yelena peotrovna bezukhova - pierre bezukhov’s firstborn. she’s lively and outgoing, a bit tomboy-ish, and can get herself into trouble among the society quite easily. she’s got pierre’s curls that she likes to keep at shoulder length and refuses to grow out any longer than that. she has your eyes, however. she loves playing the piano and running about. lena finds the high society boring and that amuses pierre. every time she stirs up trouble he simply cannot stay mad at her or even get mad at her at all; he wishes he had her confidence and carelessness. yelena loves to mother her younger siblings, and she can be sort of a brat sometimes.
dimitri peotrovich bezukhov - pierre’s second born and oldest son. dimitri is much like his older sister in personality, for the two are only one year apart. he’s a bit more timid, however, just slightly enough that he questions things a bit more than yelena. he’s very good at riding horses, an area lena is not good in. dimitri is a carbon copy of pierre; eye color and shape, hair color and texture. dimitri is a bit of a klutz like his father, which annoys lena whenever they stir up trouble together. dimitri enjoys hanging about with his older sister.
novel peotrovich bezukhov - pierre’s third born. novel is much more quiet and reserved compared to his older siblings. he’s two years younger than dimitri, three years younger than yelena. he likes curling up with a book in a quiet place. he also enjoys writing poetry and stories, for he has quite an active imagination. he often tells stories to pierre at bedtime rather than pierre read to him, and pierre adores to hear just what his son comes up with. novel looks like his father as well. he’s the most welcomed child by the society, the rest of pierre’s children are a bit more looked down upon for their personalities. novel is naturally a polite and quiet young boy, which makes him favorable. he’s a sweetheart and loves his siblings even though they aren’t quite the same.
evva protrovna bezukhova - evva is pierre’s fourth child. she’s three years younger than novel, five years younger than dimitri, and six years younger than yelena. evva means “life,” and she was named that because there were troubles not only trying to conceive her, but when she was born as well. she looks like a little porcelain doll with her curls, big green eyes, and long eyelashes. she’s quite small having been born a bit earlier and weaker than usual. she is strong, however, and would eventually grow up to be a fine young lady. evva loves animals, always coming home with something new and begging you and pierre to let her keep it. she also enjoys the water, mermaids are her favorite mythical creature. she loves sleeping alongside yelena rather than in her own bed, and yelena loves to take care of her younger sister when she’s not being the rebellious child she is.
tatiyana peotrovna bezukhova - pierre’s fifth and youngest child. she is four years younger than evva, seven years younger than novel, nine years younger than dimitri, and ten years younger than yelena. her name means “fairy princess” and that’s exactly what she is. she’s the smallest bit of a brat, but not much. she enjoys dressing up and being treated like royalty and pierre absolutely indulges her wishes. she always has her chestnut hair done to perfection (she has learned how to do hair quite well) and adores using the title “countess.” she thinks high society balls are exciting and loves to go out and dance by herself or with her father on the floor. she doesn’t care for the interaction with the adults much, but she knows how to be polite like novel. she likes walking arm and arm with pierre which makes you giggle, giving up your husband to your daughter. pierre calls her “princess.” tatiyana also adores singing when her oldest sister plays the piano, and the two put on shows for the family very often.
annie hendrix taylor - joby taylor’s second daughter, only daughter with you. annie has dark hair and serious green eyes like her daddy. she was born four years after joby’s divorce from claire took place (so she’s probably around 9 or 10 years younger than ellen). annie is a bit quiet like joby. she’s very laid back but she’s shy to strangers. she understands his humor and her daddy can easily make her laugh. she’s just as clingy to him as he is to her. joby wants to make sure he’s there for annie and is better dad than he was to ellen, so he spends every minute possible he can with her. he still performs and when he does sometimes he brings her onstage at the end (if she’s not passed out in your arms, headphones over her little ears) and let her sing or just say goodnight to the crowd. joby started annie on guitar when she was little and annie also likes drawing.
ariel ivy klitz - ariel is klitz’s baby from “the girl next door”!! she’s got brown hair like her dad, but she’s got your eyes and most of your facial features. ariel loves watching “the little mermaid” because she knows that princess ariel is her namesake. ariel is more outgoing than her dad, and klitz just thinks she’s the cutest thing alive. ariel loves doing makeup and dressing up. she loves when auntie danielle does her hair and puts on fashion shows with her for uncle matt, uncle eli, and daddy. ariel is spoiled with attention by her family and is the funniest little girl ever.
peter matthew freeman - peter is matt’s son from “too young to be a dad.” essentially @spicedchaiandromeda and i took matt and like, made him older and talked about him in college. peter is genevieve’s little brother, he’s ten years younger than her. peter is very smart, just like his dad. as peter gets older he likes hanging around his sister, even though she’s way older than him. (sometimes, if she lets him, he’ll sleep in her bed because he just loves his older sister.) peter like playing video games and trying to explain them to you and matt. peter also likes making up little stories and telling them to you and matt. he’s such a sweet little boy and your little family loves him.
juni mae hoover - juni is dwayne hoover’s oldest daughter from “little miss sunshine.” you and dwayne had juni right after college. you got pregnant and told him on graduation day that you were pregnant. juni is quiet around people she doesn’t know, but she is so bubbly and smiley always. she’s a little firecracker when she gets to know somebody. she is more outgoing around her family, but she’s so quietly kind to everyone around her. she’s got dark hair like her daddy and green eyes just like his, too. juni likes making crafts. she’s very creative, and your house is filled with art by her. dwayne is a phenomenal father to her and has support from his dysfunctional yet loving family, and juni loves every single one of them.
luna jay hoover - luna is dwayne hoover’s youngest daughter and juni’s younger sister. she’s nine years younger than juni. luna is much quieter than her sister. she’s a dancer, growing up doing dance recitals, and when she’s older she learns french (to later on become a french teacher). juni looks after luna so well and is basically attached to her when she’s born. where juni was a daddy’s girl, luna is yours. she loves to be held by you. luna has the personality of her father, and she’s the sweetest little thing. she has an amazing bond with her older sister, and surrounded by her loving family she’s just sweet as can be.
benjamin thoreau weir-fields - ben is calvin’s first born from “ruby sparks.” ben wants to be exactly like his father… so. he wants to be a writer just like him. he wants to dress like calvin. he wants to look like calvin (even though he already does). he’s a lot more sensitive than calvin, which is saying a lot. he’s got the biggest heart and looks after his little sister with such love. ben likes spending time with calvin, he’ll sit on the floor of his daddy’s office while he writes and just stare at him because he loves the atmosphere. ben is full of love and wants to make everyone he meets happy.
eloise alcott weir-fields - eloise is calvin’s daughter, ben’s little sister. she’s a big ball of energy and constantly keeps calvin on his toes. calvin wants both of his kids to be writers, but el will just smile at her daddy and go “hmm, no! i want to be a singer!” and she will sing all around the house and just act like she’s the main character. el likes to do calvin’s hair when he’s too tired to tell her “no.” it’s very fun for her. she’s got a big heart like her brother and loves playing with him and singing songs for him.
that’s the rundown on all my dano babies!! thank you for asking about them because i really do put time into developing them and i hope to introduce more of them soon!😊💕💘💖👼🏻
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lost-in-sokovia · 2 years
Percy spoiling scout and just all in all scout being a daddy’s girl??? their dynamic is so cute i’m crying i love all the dano babies
oh he entirely would oh my god he is ENAMORED by this little girl. this is just something cute i decided to write about just how weak percy is when it comes to saying no to scout hehe
scout says
“daddy! daddy, wake up!”
percy groaned as he felt his five year old daughter jump on him, nearly mutilating his guts. it was bright and early in the morning, the sun having barely just risen over the horizon. it wasn’t unusual for scout to be up at this o’god-o’clock, and percy was the one who was usually victim to his daughter’s antics.
“darlin’, quit jumpin’ on me,” he grunted, scrunching his nose. the jumping stopped and he felt the weight of his daughter cover more surface area as she laid atop him. percy exhaled and scout nestled against him, her little cheek pressed against his ear. she giggled.
“daddy, it’s time to wake up,” she whispered loudly. percy swallowed and blinked his groggy eyes, grabbing his daughter and holding her on him as he flipped from his side to his back. scout wrapped her arms around percy’s frame as her head now rested beneath his chin. percy didn’t respond to his daughter, drifting off to sleep once again. scout waited patiently for her father’s response but frowned when he heard him lightly snore.
“daddy!” she reached up and pulled at his long hair. percy inhaled sharply as his eyes shot open.
“okay, okay, i’m awake,” he assured gravelly. he couldn’t be mad at scout, not at his little girl. everything menacing she did she meant no harm, and percy was just relieved she wasn’t like him at that age. percy met scout’s gaze and she gave him a wide, toothy smile. percy scoffed at her knotty, gingery bedhead and tried to tame her lion’s mane with his big hands.
“daddy, do my hair,” scout said sweetly. percy sighed, glancing to you still sleeping soundly next to him.
“i don’t know, sweetpea. i ain’t as good as your momma, i’m still learnin’,” he replied, his fingers landing beneath her little chin. scout frowned, her green eyes widening as she did so. percy knew what she was trying to do, and he wasn’t going to fall for it. “i’m doin’ my best, hon. i ain’t say i wouldn’t do it, i’m jus’ sayin’ it may not be lookin’ as fancy,” he chuckled at the end. scout shrugged.
“momma just has more practice than you, she’s teachin’ you so you can be good too!” scout reminded. percy sighed and nodded. he never thought in a million years his wife would be teaching him to braid hair because he had a five year old daughter with a lion’s mane. but, then again, he never thought he’d be captured by aliens either, so nothing quite surprised him anymore.
“alright,” percy grunted. “get up, let’s go.”
scout quickly plopped herself back onto the wooden floor and jumped about excitedly as her father dragged himself out of bed. percy pressed a kiss to your head as you slept, earning a hum from you.
“go kiss your momma,” he instructed to scout softly. the little girl skipped over to the edge of the bed where you laid and pressed a happy little kiss to your cheek.
“i love you, momma,” she told you as gently as she could muster. your mouth perked up in a momentary smile.
“love you too, baby,” you mumbled back sweetly.
scout ran back to her father and he scooped her up, patting her back and kissing her head.
“your hair’s a knotty mess,” percy chuckled. scout scrunched her nose and ran her little fingers through the end of her father’s gingery hair.
“yours is too!” she argued.
“no it ain’t.”
“yes it it!”
“no it ain’t.”
“yes it is!”
“no it-“
“what, darlin’?”
“make me breakfast?”
“anything you want.”
“pick out my dress?”
“i’ll do my best.”
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lost-in-sokovia · 2 years
Could you continue the thing of pregnancy headcanons with Scout as well?
sure thing! (this turned out to be way longer than i intended so just a warning haha)
pregnancy headcanons
when you find out you’re pregnant, percy was still being held captive
you cried that day, all alone in your struggling town because your father-in-law insisted that you stayed behind. there was nobody for you to tell, everyone had their own problems to deal with because they had loved ones missing as well, and there was nobody there to help you
considering the last time you had seen percy he was getting arrested and sent to santa fe, it wasn’t like things had been wonderful prior to the alien invasion
you were terrified that percy was dead and that you’d have to raise this baby on your own
you were overjoyed that evening when everyone who had been lost returned home. you saw percy and woodrow, dirty and dehydrated, with the rest of the town slowly entering
you’d rushed out of your small home and ran as fast as you could with tears streaming down your face, nearly tackling percy in a hug
he caught you and held you as you wrapped your legs around him, letting out a shaky sob into his neck
“i-i thought you were dead,” you sobbed. percy looked to his father with wide eyes and woodrow nodded
“that’s her,” you heard him say lowly
something inside you froze when you heard your father-in-law mutter that to his son. you slowly began to unwrap your legs from around your husband and stand. your arms were still wrapped around his neck as you pulled away to look at his slightly bewildered expression
“…percy? baby?” you asked. his green eyes concentrated on you as he racked his brain for more details about you. you began to panic, your heart rate picking up and breathing begin to become harsher. you glanced to woodrow
“why isn’t he-“ “he’s been having some trouble rememberin’ things since he got saved…” woodrow cleared his throat. your breath hitched and you looked desperately at your husband, his expression faltering with embarrassment
“don’t worry though, he’s been doing mighty well piecing things back together with a little nudge,” your father-in-law added, trying to soothe your anxieties and boost his son’s confidence. this was a different side of woodrow you hadn’t seen before. he usually wasn’t this kind or complementary to percy
you blinked away your tears as you stared at your husband, sympathy rising in your chest; things must’ve been worse than you thought. you reached a hand up to rub away some of the dirt that powdered his face with your thumb
“i-i’m sorry…” he mumbled, his gaze falling. you shook your head and lifted his chin. “hey, hey, it’s okay,” you promised. “we’re gonna get you back to normal, hm? we’re gonna fix this,” you said, fresh tears brimming your eyes
“he remembered all by himself your name was y/n,” woodrow added from the side. a grin formed on your cheeks and percy sighed
“you remembered that, baby?” you asked happily. your husband was still embarrassed, obviously not his cocky self. “yeah, pa mentioned me havin’ a wife and it came back to me,” he huffed, slightly frustrated “i don’t remember much about you darlin’ and im sorry… but what i do remember’s that your name is y/n and that i love you, i loved ya so much.”
you smiled sadly and pulled him into a passionate kiss, his grip around your waist tightening. you pulled away when you absolutely had to take a breath and you pressed your forehead against his
“i love you too, percy dolarhyde. let’s take you home and wash you up— i promise you’ll start remembering things in no time,” you whispered
telling him you were pregnant would have to wait
it only took a few days for percy to have regained his memory. it wasn’t like it was majorly gone or anything, he just needed a little boost to jog his memory
he had never been more loving towards you, either. you were the only thing percy ever cared about before being taken hostage, but you could tell that being in that place messed with his mind in more ways than one
he was constantly telling you how much he loved you, hugging and kissing on you. he was even kinder to the people in town, and that warmed your heart
four days after percy’s return, you decided to tell him you were pregnant
it was a bright morning and the sun lit up every single inch of the room. your head was rested against percy’s chest as he held you, rubbing your back and staring at the ceiling as the two of you tried to gain the energy to get up
your stomach ran somersaults inside as you took a deep breath. “perc?” you asked quietly
“hm, darlin?” he whispered back. you turned your head to look up at him and met his tired gaze, a weak smile curving his lips
“there’s one thing i didn’t remind you of, and i don’t know if you remember it or not,” you hesitated. percy cocked an eyebrow. “well you can tell me, i ain’t afraid”
you bit your lip. “before you got taken, we were… tryin’,” you said carefully. you could see the confusion once more in your husband’s expression. “‘tryin’?’” he repeated. you exhaled. “tryin’ for a baby,” you added. percy looked back up at the ceiling again, trying to see if he had any recollection of that taking place
“hmm… yeah… i think i remember that?” percy confirmed hesitantly. you gulped
“i’m pregnant, baby,” you finally told him
his green eyes blinked and widened at you before he pulled you further up his body to kiss him. all your anxieties melted away against his lips as you maneuvered your legs to straddle him
when his lips released from yours he beamed at you, tears forming in his eyes
“oh sweetpea… darlin’… i remember now,” he breathed. your smile grew and grew and you bit your lip to contain your excitement at his reaction
“i can’t believe this. i don’t deserve this,” he let out a small cry. you cupped his face and kissed his lips before looking at him sternly
“yes you do, percy. you listen to me: i know how you’ve acted in the past, but your love never faltered for me and you always treated me like a princess. you’re a changed man now, and this is the start of your new life.”
percy’s glossy eyes stared at you lovingly as he nodded slowly. “i love you, ya understand?” you asked. he kissed you again and you smiled, running your hand through his gingery hair
after that, percy was constantly touching you
he was also so immensely proud telling everyone that he was gonna be a dad, one arm wrapped around you and kissing your head
when you and percy told woodrow, you saw the old man shed a tear; something you’d never seen him do before. he clasped his son on the back, clearing his throat and muttering out a “good for you, son” and percy beamed
percy would always have one arm around your waist when the two of you went out, and watching him grow more civil and kind to the people around the growing town made your heart flutter
he wasn’t afraid of pda either: not in the same way he used to, like making out with you against a post or something, but in the way he would kiss your head and mumble “i love you” into your ear
he also would spend more time at home with you
“wanna go out for drinks, percy?” “mister i’d sure love to, but i gotta pregnant wife waitin’ for me at home who needs attendin’ to”
percy was so enthusiastic about being a father, too. one of his greatest accomplishments was building a cradle all by himself and he didn’t shut up about how proud he was of if for weeks
at night in bed he’d kiss you all gentle and sweet, rubbing your belly as you sigh against his lips
“you’re everythin’ to me,” he’d whisper. he was so gentle with you, and that wasn’t something you always got before he was taken. he was always loving, yes, but never gentle and vulnerable with you like this
when laying in bed he’d be the big spoon and pull you as close to him as possible, one arm over your waist with his hand gently circling your stomach
as you got further along, percy would refuse to go anywhere without you
he’d have you come to work with him and woodrow always made sure someone was watching over you and attending to your every need
“she’s carrying my baby, y’know,” percy would tell whatever men were elected to look after you (both as an fyi and a slight threat)
you always told percy you’d be fine at home but he wouldn’t allow it. until his father gave him some time off closer to when you were due, you were going to be with him
that stemmed from percy being afraid to lose you again. he knew you could look after yourself at home, but percy needed to be by your side always
as your tummy grew, percy went wild
this man would entirely take time out of his day to compliment you on how big your boobs were getting and you’d be like “😐k thanks”
he would come up from behind you and kiss at your neck and you’d have to remind him that you were already pregnant and to slow his roll
that never stopped him at night if you know what im saying😏
one night as percy laid with his head on your shoulder and hands caressing your bump, fear struck through you; what if you didn’t give percy a boy? what if that’s what he was expecting? would he be disappointed? would he leave you?
“percy,” you whimpered. he looked up at you and saw tears begin to fill your eyes. he panicked, sitting up to get a good look at you
“don’t cry, sweet darlin’, what’s wrong?” “what if it’s not a boy?” you whispered barely audibly
percy stared at you for a minute and ran his hand through his long hair, before tutting and leaning over to give you a kiss and wipe one of your tears with his thumb
“oh sweet girl, i ain’t expectin’ nobody in particular,” he reassured. you sniffled
“y-you’d be happy if it was a girl?” you croaked. he laughed his gorgeous laugh and nodded his head
“hell yeah i would! a lil’ girl with braids in her hair, bein’ as pretty as her momma,” he cooed, rubbing his nose against yours. he gently kissed you again and rubbed his hand over your bump
“i’m just lucky this is real, sweetpea. i’ll be the happiest man on the goddamn planet no matter who it is, hm?” he cuddled close to you. you exhaled and nodded, carding your hands through his hair
“i love you” “not more than i love you, darlin’”
when it came around time for your due date and percy was granted a sort of paternity leave (or whatever) by his father, he would do all your chores around the house and was constantly worried you’d just pop at any given moment
when baby dolarhyde decided it was time to make their appearance, however, it was lucky it was during the day and percy was able to get ahold of the doctor quickly despite the fact he was absolutely losing his chill
percy kneeled at your bedside as you squeezed his hand and yelled, him looking at you with worried green eyes
“don’t go,” you breathed. percy shook his head “i won’t”
if percy dolarhyde wants to stay in the room, percy dolarhyde gets to stay in the room and will throw a goddamn fit if otherwise and the doctor learned that the hard way
percy nearly passed out when he looked between your legs and one of the midwives had to slap him to wake him up
fucking complaining about you squeezing his hand too hard
“you just keep pushin’, darlin’… you jus’ keep… jesus christ y/n lay off the squeezin’ would ya?”
you give out one last strangled yell before percy’s ears are filled with the sounds of a baby’s cry
he scoffs and covers his mouth with his free hand as he sees the pink little body being held up
“oh-“ he can’t fathom any other words before he dives into your lips, kissing you passionately as you tiredly kiss him back and cup one of his cheeks
“i love ya, y-you’re amazin’… jesus christ…” he’s breathing as he tries not to cry
“it’s a girl. congratulations, mr. and mrs. dolarhyde”
you look nervously to percy who is just overflowing with joy as he watches the tiny baby be placed on your chest, still crying
“oh my sweet girl,” he coos brokenly, trying to place his finger between her soft fist. you exhale and smile, overcome with relief. “oh, she’s so tiny,” percy remarks. “look at you, you lil’ scout”
“scout,” you breathe. percy looks at you with glossy eyes and you gently nod. “scout marigold dolarhyde,” you offer. percy lets out a happy, breathy sob
scout, the little dolarhyde girl
y’all can thank cowboys and aliens for this hdhhdh
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lost-in-sokovia · 2 years
Ok so after reading those Percy Dolarhyde pregnancy headcanons I have a personal headcanon I’d like to share you don’t have to accept it at all just wanted to tell you!
So in the headcanons you mentioned Percy building the crib and being really proud of it which made me think you also said previously that Scout loves riding horses- what if when Scout is little the reader doesn’t want her riding because it’s dangerous and she’s too young or whatever so Percy builds her a rocking horse to practice on 🥺
I looked up that rocking horses were first built in the 17th century and the film takes place in late 1800s so the timeline matches up!
So yeah that’s what’s going on in my head please let me know what you think!
my eyes are sweating🥺
rocking horse
you blinked as you heard your husband groan outside and something thud against the side of your small house.
“percy?” you asked, leaving your two year old on the floor of your room with her doll. you quickly made your way to the front of the house where percy was trying to fit something big and bulky through the door.
“help me out, would ya, darlin’?” he grunted. you quickly helped him maneuver the large object into your house and out of the heat. you swiped a bead of sweat off your forehead and percy clapped his hands together as he moved next to you, wrapping his arm around you. “ain’t it nice?” he asked proudly. you glanced from him to what you could tell to be a little wooden horse that was sitting in your front room.
“it’s a horse?” you asked, watching the invention rock slightly back and forth. there was straw braided into a tail and mane connected to it, handlebars on the neck, and two little black eyes painted on it as well.
“well, yeah!” percy exclaimed, giving you a little squeeze. “built it for scout, since you’s been sayin’ you don’t want her ridin’ a real horse with me yet,” your husband explained. your heart warmed and you leaned your head on his shoulder. percy had built scout’s cradle all by hisself when you were pregnant, and you guessed this is a new project he had decided to take up.
“where did you build this?” you asked, placing a hand on his chest.
“my pa’s, at work,” percy sighed, still admiring his handiwork. “at first he was gettin’ on to me about not workin’ ‘n all that, but when i told him who it was for… he didn’t say another word,” he chuckled. you shook your head and smiled softly: your husband was still spoiled, that’s for sure. when you heard the stumbling of little feet enter the room, percy turned around and made a silly growling noise at his daughter, causing the toddler to smile before he took two steps forward and scooped her up.
“hi there, little darlin’!” percy greeted his daughter happily, kissing her rosy little cheeks. scout grinned and showed off her new teeth she was continuing to grow in, percy’s muddy green eyes just in love with the little thing he held in his arms. “look, look!” percy gasped as he began to lower scout onto the horse. the two year old’s eyes widened and her mouth curved into an o-shape as she stared at the wooden creation her father was lowering her onto. “look, scout-a-roo, it’s a horse!” percy announced proudly.
the two of you crouched on either side of scout as her little hands grabbed and ran all over the wood and braided straw, her eyes wide with curiosity as she did so. you tore your gaze away from your adorable daughter and looked to your husband. though she was only two years old, you could tell percy was nervously waiting for his daughter’s verdict on the contraption he’d spent god-knows how long making.
“i-it rocks, too,” percy added before giving the horse a little push. it squeaked for a moment before setting a slow rocking pace. scout looked down at her feet as she felt the back and forth of the horse, before meeting her daddy’s gaze and giving him the biggest smile. percy laughed excitedly and you giggled, happy to see your husband so excited about his daughter.
“good job, baby,” you complimented, reaching across to pat your husband’s shoulder. he took your hand and kissed it before centering his attention back on scout.
“yeah? you like it?” percy asked the toddler happily. he gave it a firmer push and scout let out a little laugh, percy laughing and slapping his knee in response. you made your way over to the same side as your husband, holding onto his shoulders as you crouched down next to him.
“look at you, scout!” you cooed to your daughter. “did daddy make you that horse?”
percy kissed your head as the two of you admired your smiley baby rock back and forth on her new toy, percy occasionally placing his hand behind scout’s back to keep her from falling.
“you’re so smart, honey,” you whispered to your husband. he nuzzled against you.
“gotta start her somehow,” he winked. you grinned— your percy was a sucker for his little daughter.
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lost-in-sokovia · 2 years
Ok bestie, I’ve got one for ya 🤭
So, we all know that Percy is a SUCKER for his baby and that he would do ANYTHING to make her happy. What is the funniest/most embarrassing thing Scout has charmed him into doing?
P.s. this Q & A was SUCH a cute idea! Ugh, you have such a big brain, MWAH 💋
we all know scout loves having her hair done. she loves getting her ginger hair put in braids because she not only likes how it looks, she likes how it feels when you do it. i’ve discussed before that percy can kind of braid her hair because you taught him, he’s just not as good as you. so as scout gets older you teach her how to braid her own hair. by the time she’s nine, she’s basically a pro. she’s figuring out fancy ways to braid it, and occasionally she’ll braid her horse’s mane.
you know who else has braidable hair? her lovely father, percival dolarhyde.
he’s not (entirely) stupid, he caught on that once scout-a-roo learned how to braid her hair, she was just itching to get her hands on his. on multiple occasions has scout come up behind him and started to mess with his hair. she’ll plead and plead for him to just let her do a simple braid.
and one day, he gets fed up with the constant begging and lets her.
she makes sure her daddy looks beautiful. he’s got two loose french braids in his hair, and scout even put flowers in it. she told percy it was just going to be a simple braid, but she quite obviously lied. percy just has to sit there while his daughter works her magic. he does look quite pretty, and you tell him that. he looks at his reflection and kinda grimaces, muttering an unenthusiastic “thanks” to little scout. when he goes to put his hat on, scout screams and nearly has a meltdown because “DADDY YOU’RE GOING TO CRUSH THE FLOWERS!!🥺”
so cut to percy walking through absolution with a less than enthusiastic expression on his face and a very triumphant scout on his back. when woodrow sees his son looking how he does and is about to make a remark about how “girly” he looks, scout proudly announces to her grandfather that she did that for her daddy, and woodrow immediately changes his tune and tells her how talented she is.
scout-a-roo can be very convincing😌
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lost-in-sokovia · 2 years
What’re you working on at the moment?
hi anon! thanks for asking! i’ll give you a list of what you can expect :)
i’ve got lots of blurb requests i am still filling out from the affection prompts so those will progressively coming out!!
still here - eddie nashton x reader (plus auggie) angst, it was a concept someone said to me after i published “auggie mine” but it’s not auggie that’s dying this time
crosswalk cutie - eddie nashton x reader fluff where they meet for the first time!!
pregnancy headcanons for percy/scout
pregnancy headcanons for the bezukhov babies
anywhere with you - an affection prompt for edward nashton x reader
markings - another affection prompt for a klitz x reader, i love this one
you taste like oreos - klitz x reader fluff hehe i got this idea while eating oreos last night
so yeah! this is what you can look forward to! :)
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lost-in-sokovia · 2 years
WHICH OF THE DANO BABIES (non siblings ofc) DO YOU THINK WOULD GET ALONG?!? And who would just totally not mesh?? i feel like they’re all so different seeing them all interact would be so funny
HI CAS!!!! i’ve considered this stuff before hehehe so strap in😈
annie and scout would be best friends. like they would run the dano-babyverse. they both know what they want and know when they want it, and aren’t afraid to say it. their vibes just match so well and i think they’d… i think they’d be like a nicer version of the plastics tbh😂
august, peony, and novel. auggie and p are both very soft babies, and novel are both sort of quiet. i think the three of them would get along quite well, all very in to sharing and sitting quietly and being nice angel babies. like that’s simply it. i look at the three of them and they’ve got halos over their heads
daisy and tatiyana would not get along. i’m not going to get super into daisy’s future after eli dies, but like even though she’s raised by you sort of progressively, she’s not as… well… bratty as tatiyana is. tatiyana is a little princess and she makes sure everyone knows it. i don’t think daisy would like her attitude. i think tatiyana is my sassiest baby, even more so than annie and scout. daisy is not as egotistical as her, so i think tatiyana would crush daisy girl’s last nerve
alex scares the crap out of august. alex is full of energy and likes to be a little trickster, and august just really isn’t for that. auggie is a bubbly baby, but like alex is just full of chaotic energy always. alex is one to take auggie’s stuffies and try to make him catch it until he accidentally makes august cry and he gives it back. alex isn’t mean by any stretch, he’s just got so much energy and need to be a little snot
ben and tommy would get along well. they’re both daddies boys, and both sort of quiet. they feel the need to look after their little siblings and do it with such love. i think their friendship would start off with tommy complimenting ben’s dinosaur shirt and the rest is history. they’ll talk about the books they read together (even though tommy mostly reads the bible because hello eli, but ben politely suggests other books he can read) and i think they’re just the cutest boys
ariel and juni. these babies are spunky. they are both always excited over everything. they emit chaotic good energy. they both enjoy stuff like glitter and bright colors. it took some coaxing from ariel to get juni out of her shell because juni is a bit more shy than ariel, but once juni realized how fun ariel was, they immediately clicked. they’re the type to hold hands and skip around together and laugh at the simplest things. like they’re actually so cute together omg
and i feel the need to put this out there; yelena gets along with everyone. she’s such a mother hen. she loves taking care of her little siblings, so like she’ll take care of everybody else too. i love her. she’s kind of a tomboy but she’s got huge motherly instincts. she’s my big girl🥰
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lost-in-sokovia · 2 years
scout marigold dolarhyde bites people (specifically her father)
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lost-in-sokovia · 2 years
HAHAHAHA she could be plucking the strings off of a violin or using a flute as a baseball bat, but you know what??? Percy will be in the front row cheering her on SO LOUDLY that he just straight up loses his voice 🤭 “Percy, why are you crying?” “I’m just so proud of her, she destroys things just like I did when I was her age 🥹💖”
- Emma 🌻
it’s giving north west’s performance at kanye’s fashion show and percy is kim😭😭
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the chaos💘💘💘
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lost-in-sokovia · 2 years
𝓅𝑒𝓇𝒸𝓎 𝒹𝑜𝓁𝒶𝓇𝒽𝓎𝒹𝑒 𝓂𝒶𝓈𝓉𝑒𝓇𝓁𝒾𝓈𝓉
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꙳= indicates a drabble
> Daddy Would Know꙳
> pregnancy headcanons
> Scout Says꙳
> Rocking Horse꙳
> Ghosty Stories꙳🎃
> Bathtub Baby꙳
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lost-in-sokovia · 2 years
percy dolarhyde holding two year old scout in his arms and kissing her chubby little cheeks and calling her “little darlin’” hnnghngh🥺
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lost-in-sokovia · 2 years
Meanwhile, Tommy is standing there mouthing “help me” to Eli and Eli’s mouthing “it’s ok! Be nice!”
I can also see Percy turning around to all of the parents and being like “Y’all ALL better be clapping or I’m gonna LOSE IT 😡😡😡”
- Emma 🌻
tommy would probably be having sensory overload, my poor sweet boy😭 he just wants eli to come pick him up and rescue him🥺 and yeah percy is just, percy cracks me up
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lost-in-sokovia · 2 years
AHHHHHHH WHY IS THAT SO ACCURATE THOUGHHHHH 😭😭😭 Everyone is just sitting around terrified and Percy keeps turning to other parents like “isn’t she so talented! Look at the way she swings that flute! So graceful!!!” Everyone is just staring at him like 🤨🤨🤨
- Emma 🌻
scout screaming “HI DADDY!” from the stage and waving. she’s definitely one of those kids. but i love her for it.😭
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