#scp 073 cain
M e m e s pt. I don’t remember lol
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Not Again! (The "Drunken Sailor" Incident)
Triggers: annoyed coworkers, insanely catchy earworm, bad singing, Dr. Gears is annoyed, liberal use of duct tape for unintended purposes, 073 saves the day, Dr. Bright!
It was a quiet Tuesday in Dr. Gears' office. I had just sat down after handing him a coffee, ready to start the day's tasks. We had just gotten to reviewing the new proposals when it started. The unmistakable sound of Jack Bright, attempting to sing. Dr. Gears closed the door, muffling the sound a little. This did not deter Dr. Bright in the least, if anything he just got louder. Dr. Gears looks at me.
"It's clear we're not going to get anywhere with him caterwauling like that. Rabbit, you have earplugs?"
"Did not expect to need them, Boss." I shrug. He hands me a set still in the Foundation packaging.
"Pop those in and go find help. No need for both of us to suffer." I nod. That's Dr. Gears for you, noble and devoted no matter the threat. I insert earplugs, exit office.
Strangely, but not unexpectedly... no one is in the hall. Can't say I blame them. It's well known Jack Bright cannot sing. And whomever taught him that old sea shanty should be used for target practice. With throwing knives and maybe a sledgehammer. I can sort of hear him.
"Weigh hay up she rises, weigh hay up she rises, weigh hay up she rises early in the morning..." I book it before he hits the verse and I get tempted to keelhaul him in 682's unit. And, as luck would have it, manage to knock a box of duct tape out of 073's hands when I run straight into him. He's trying to talk to me, but I can't hear him. I pull out the plugs. Good. No more singing. I pick up the scattered tape rolls.
"Hey, want to help us out? Dr. Bright is stuck in 'Drunken Sailor' mode again."
"Third time in a week. Let's go." I pop in my ear armor, and we approach our target. Sure enough, he's in the third chorus. Cain starts unwrapping the silvery silencer, and I try to distract Dr. Bright.
I start dancing with Bright, holding onto his sleeves. Cain neatly steps up, and slaps a patch of tape directly over Bright's mouth. After half a roll, no more sea shanty. The full roll had him strapped to his own chair. Just in time for Dr. Gears to come in, with three very annoyed MTF members.
"Huh. That deescalated quickly. Who came up with the duct tape idea?"
"It was a joint effort between Agent Rabbit and myself, Doctor. I'm relieved it seems to have been successful." 073, modest as ever. He did the hard part, all I did was wiggle around and hold Dr. Bright's sleeves.
"Nicely done, you two. Have a free coffee from 294 on me." He hands us each 50 cents. We accept, sheepishly. Dr. Gears turns to the guards. "Wheel Dr. Bright down to the antimemetics department, let them figure out how to erase that earworm from his mind. I swear, one more time, and I'm going to beg 05 to send him to Antarctica. With no winter gear." Bright is wheeled out, looking horrified. Serves him right, he cannot sing. Sounds like a wounded casowary with a leg caught in an industrial sausage grinder.
"Hurray for industrial strength duct tape and quick thinking."
"You know why duct tape is silver, Cain?"
"Why, Rabbit?"
"Silence is golden." That gets a chuckle out of him.
"And in Dr. Bright's case, far more rare." This had Dr. Gears smirking.
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siblings! ill be selling these dudes as prints
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scp-5385 · 8 days
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that meme
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queen-hastur · 3 months
i love scp 073 but for the love of god, someone needs to get him brown contacts.
imagine discussing really important foundation information and this is how he looks at you
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simply-sammm · 1 year
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creditos al creador del meme 
+ shitpost
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witchexia · 29 days
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Cain and Abel
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cassketti · 7 months
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Family reunion :3 (everytbing is happy a good..)
Sketch vrsion + old doodle
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This was actually a redraw of a goofy doodle I made back in like May 2022, which is crazy cuz I was like in eigth grade baxk then and its like two years. Anywyas ya
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romanomen · 5 days
First mini comic, woo!
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I like to think Cain is generally really polite and respectful, however he's sort've running off the whole "I'm only being cooperative because your foundation employees are being vaguely pleasant with me" mentality and the moment those conditions get threatened, he can get pretty stubborn
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lumiidragon · 1 month
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I have spent days on this due to work getting in the way a bit, but I finally finished my 6 SCP fanart pic~
Now I can go cry.
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theyanderespecialist · 10 months
SHE'S NOT FAT, SHE'S PREGNANT 1 (Scenarios) 049, 073, 076, Clef X Pregnant S/O (Yandere) (SCP Foundation) (SCP 049, SCP 073/Cain, SCP 076-2/Abel, Dr. Alto Clef)
[Hello, My Sexy Muffins! In this chapter, it is one from Tumblr, which is 049, 073, 076, and Alto Clef being yandere with a pregnant Significant Other. Then some D Class calling them fat and this is how they would react to it in their scenario! I hope that you all enjoy this!]
(Disclaimer: SCPS 049, 073/Cain, 076/Abel, and Dr. Alto Clef are Not yandere in canon, this is just for fun and not to be taken seriously at all. Simping for fictional characters and yanderes is fine. Just do not be gross or illegal about it. Also, remember to separate fiction from reality and headcanon from canon. Yanderes are not ideal partners to have in real life!)
(A Doctor's Touch) (SCP 049)
(SCP 049's POV)
I am sitting with my partner giving her an exam. She is pregnant, about three months. I was able to get her pregnant in a breach. The Foundation had been less than pleased with me. I almost lost my mind when they would not let me see her. I finally agreed to work with them if they let her stay with me. I hear the door open and a guard and D Class come in.
"Who is the fat bitch?" The D Class says and I set down the cloth. "I will be right back my dear."
I kiss her belly and then kiss her and walk over to the man. The guard thinks I am doing nothing. Oh, what a fool he is.
"Excuse me, kind sir I did not hear what you said about my partner," I say.
"I said she is fa-" I did not let him finish as I touched him and he dropped. The Guard instantly put his gun up. "Do not worry, I have no issue with you. Go call another D Class to clean this up, preferably one who is less rude."
The Guard walks out quickly and I walk back to my partner she is staring at the body. I stand in front of her view.
"It is okay, my dear (Name). I took care of it." I tell her and kiss her.
No one insulted the mother of my children.
(Deadly Politeness) (SCP 073/Cain)
(SCP 073/Cain's POV)
I am holding my girlfriend on my lap. She is so soft and full of our love. About five months into her pregnancy. I could not help but hold her close as much as I can. The O5 cancel had not been happy when I got her pregnant. I had more or less tricked her into it. But that does not matter anymore. She is now my girlfriend and we are going to start our family soon. I could not wait.
We are in the canteen and I hear someone call her fat. She looks down I know she has been worried about her figure. I pull away from her. Telling her I will be right back. I find the D Class that said those vile words.
I tap his shoulder with a polite smile. "I heard what you said about my girlfriend."
"The fat on-" I did not waste a second and punched him right in the face with my metal arm.
His skull cracks and he is dead before he hits the ground. "Have a nice day!" I say and before the guards can react I am back with my girlfriend, snuggling her once more.
(Rage Trance Activated) (SCP 076-2/Abel)
(SCP 076-2/Abel's POV)
I am training with the mother of my child watching me. I agreed to work for the foundation once more. As long as (Name) stayed with me. We ended up having a child. I could not wait to train our children to be warriors. I see the Daily D Class come in. I see him say something to (Name). Her face falters and I am by her in a second. Turning to the D Class.
I grab him by the throat. "(Name) What did he say to you?!" I demand.
She hesitates and I look at her telling her to tell me.
"He just called me fat, it is no big deal."
My eyes narrow on him. "No big deal? Tell you, pathetic human, this woman is carrying my child, a future warrior. She is going through a glorious transformation! AND YOU DARE CALL HER FAT!" I snarl and rip his head off.
The Guards storm over and I grab a blade. THEY WILL ALL PAY! NO ONE INSULTS THE ONLY WORTHY WOMAN!
(Bang Bang) (Dr. Alto Clef)
(Dr. Alto Clef's POV)
I smirked at my wife, she blushes as I kiss down her neck. Whispering in her ear how sexy she is. She blushes and grips my shirt. We are in the cafeteria. I pull away to play my ukelele, walking around the room. Drawing the song out. My wife begins to eat. She needed to put on more weight as she is not at a healthy weight for twins. I watch her carefully and hear a D class speak as I pass by.
"God, look at her eat, what a fat bitch. Shame to cause she is pr-" I grabbed my ukelele and smash it into his skull. He screams and falls to the ground. I stomp my boot into his skull.
"The Fuck you say about MY WIFE!" I snap pulling out my gun.
She is the first woman I was able to fully love and is giving me a second chance at a family. I WILL NOT LET ANYONE TALK ABOUT HER LIKE THAT. I shoot my gun into his stomach twice. Suddenly painfully tumors start to sprout on his body and burst. He screams in agony while he dies. I then go over to my wife, pick up her and throw her over my shoulder. Then grab her food, and we will eat in my office.
[YASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS another chapter is done! I really am happy with this one! I hope that you all enjoyed this, and stay sexy, all of my sexy muffins!]
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Random Things 073 Has Said While Sleeping
Compiled by Rabbit, reported by several staff.
"Where is my brother?" A pause. "Really? I was not aware he could even swim."
"No, I do not think I want your fish."
"Brother, why are you hitting that MTF agent with a sturgeon?" A pause. "I am fairly certain that is not how caviar is produced."
"Cargo space? I thought cars needed roads."
"Full of... beans? I cannot eat beans."
"Why is it banana?"
"No, Doctor Bright... I do not want to go to Boner Palace. Certainly not with you and my brother."
"How did my undergarment turn pink?"
"Scalpel." A minute passes. "Sutures. Get 049 in here, this one is quite ill."
"Camel toe? That is not what we called it."
"Put your trousers on. You have a date." A pause. "And what is wrong with Mascha?"
"Who let the cat in?" Another pause. "When did we get a cat in the first place, Iris?"
"It is tuna surprise. I do not eat it. The surprise? Well, I imagine winding up in that horrible excuse for a dish would be a very nasty surprise for the tuna."
"This chili is terrible. Another bowl, please."
"A whale and a bowl of petunias? What color were the petunias?"
"Go stick your head up a duck's backside."
"That is not how that works. That is the opposite of how that works."
"In there? But... it stinks, Agent Strelnikof."
"How are you still alive? You're just a head."
"Bomb scare? No... the bomb seems relaxed to me."
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nekofaust · 7 months
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Happy Halloween! Just getting back in the hang of drawing so nothing fun this year but I just read alot of scp stuff i had on my to read list the other day
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allsmilesradio · 9 months
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sibling trio
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zal-cryptid · 9 months
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SCP-7354 and SCP-7376
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