#scramble bomaye!
aryshacore · 2 years
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mayhemproduces · 3 months
Prince Devitt vs Kota Ibushi
Devitt’s bouncing from side to side as Ibushi looks over at him from the other side, it takes a moment but as the bell rings they both step forward and shake hands quickly. Sure, it’s not the Mayhem standard operating procedure, but these two are Dojo trained and nothing would take those habits out of them.
The last time these two faced off was in 2014, and more than a decade later they’re now back in the ring together- Mayhem is a long way from the New Japan ring they were once in together.
They both quickly flow into a classic collar and elbow tie-up, the both of them pretty equally matched so it so it quickly gets to a stalemate. There’s a smile on Devitt’s face, happy to be against a classic opponent in this time in MPW, but its wiped off by a severe elbow smash. Devitt stumbles backwards, but quickly returns with a forearm strike of his own. It quickly morphs into exchanging blows and Ibushi takes Devitt down with a classic leg sweep!
Prince Devitt kips up almost immediately, dodging a middle kick before bouncing off the ropes and taking Kota down with a clothesline, sending him crashing to the mat. With Ibushi down, Devitt goes straight for the arm with a seated armbar. It takes a few moments of heavy wrenching backwards before Ibushi gets a free hand on Devitt’s knee and wrenches backwards, pulling his legs out from under him to get free.
As they both scramble up, Devitt tries to get the upper-hand with a chop, but Ibushi counters with a clothesline of his own! Ibushi’s up first, and as he throws himself from the corner Kota immediately goes for a Bomaye!
At the last second, Devitt drops to his back and avoids the attack, letting Ibushi slam into the ropes! Devitt gets up and slams Ibushi with a one-two combination of a Slingblade and Jon Woo!!
Ibushi’s crumbled in the corner, and as Devitt goes to rain down stomps in the corner, there’s a loud booing from the front row, popcorn being thrown into the air from-
Jesus Christ, Syn’s sitting in the front row eating popcorn! It’s clear that despite Malakai and Devitt being okay with working together, the Fallen really aren’t, and Syn’s here to cause a distraction and potentially cost Prince Devitt the win.
Devitt flips Syn off, earning another heavy boo from the poisoned prince himself, but the distraction is long enough that Ibushi manages to grab the sides of his trunks and slam him to the mat, getting the upper-hand. as Devitt’s on the floor, Syn’s loudly cheering, Ibushi keeps him on the floor with a heavy stomp to the midsection before a Standing Moonsault Double Knee Drop!!
Devitt doesn’t give Kota much of a pin, kicking out near immediately before shoving him away with boots to the midsection that stumbles Ibushi backwards. As Ibushi goes forward again, Devitt hits him with a back kick before spinning around into a pele kick that sends Ibushi to the mat. Bouncing off the ropes, Devitt nails him with a front dropkick before going for a cover!
It’s not as fast as Devitt’s kickout, but Ibushi kicks out at one and they quickly both get to their feet, a stare off as Devitt laughs, sarcastically clapping Ibushi as the whole crowd cheers for the two of them. There’s a rivaling ’Devitt-’ ‘I-bu-shi’ chant going throughout the building,but it’s broken up but a familiar voice yelling from the front row.
“Come on, kick his fucking head in already!! this is boring!! *BOO!!*” Syn’s clearly out to annoy Devitt, and it’s working as Devitt turns towards Syn- his back open for an attack which Ibushi almost instantly takes advantage of! Ibushi’s in the corner, jumping off the top turnbuckle and taking Devitt down with a Swan Dive Missile Kick to the Back of the Head!!!
Kota Ibushi just fucking smashed Devitt’s head into the mat with that move, Syn laughing and cheering at the sight.
Ibushi doesn’t go for the pin, instead pulling him up and grabbing him from behind, slamming Prince devitt with a Snap Dragon Suplex into a Hold-
1… 2-
Devitt kicks out, but it looks a hell of a lot less energetic than the last kick, and he fruitlessly tries to kick Kota away. Ibushi keeps his hands on Prince Devitt, holding onto Devitt’s wrists as he pulls the Irishman up to his knees. Almost everyone knows what comes next, and Devitt doesn’t have the energy to get away from the oncoming assault.
Kota Ibushi slams Devitt to the floor with a Kamigoye to the back of the head before going for the cover
1… 2… 3!!
“Your winner, Kota Ibushi!” I mean, we have to give Syn plenty of credit for the distraction tonight, who-
God, adding insult to injury, he’s throwing even more popcorn into the ring and straight at Devitt as Ibushi starts to celebrate with fans on the outside of the ring.
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sleepyhaed · 1 year
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oneworldproductions · 5 years
Sister Abigail vs Kazuchika Okada
Abigail allows Okada the chance to get back to his feet. Clearly still rocked by the attack, Okada’s at a disadvantage as Abigail charges forward, looking for a big boot, but even still Okada’s able to dodge. The momentum she’d use to perform the move allows Abigail to get to the middle rope, coming off with a tornado DDT! She rolls through, keeping in the headlock to synch in a Guillotine! Two strikes to the head, blood flow being cut off, and Okada’s feeling dizzy. The Rainmaker frees himself of the submission by reaching over and grabbing the ropes, and Abigail gives him a clean break. She draws him up instead, and hits a series of forearms to stagger Okada, but he yells for more! ABIGAIL WITH A SPINNING BACK KICK TO ANSWER THE CALL! Okada crumbles, and Abigail plants him with a German Suplex! Okada’s down and out on the mat, but Abigail doesn’t go for the pin. Not yet. She stands above Okada one more time, and lands a jumping knee directly on his chest, posing for the camera as the referee counts the arrogant pin.
Two- Kickout!
Abigail huffs, but she isn’t surprised. Okada’s once again pulled to his feet, and this time his spine meets the point of Abigail’s knee as she delivers a backbreaker, and locks in a standing Shiryo! Okada’s spine curves to a near circle as he once again finds himself trapped in a submission, this time with nowhere else to go. Just when it looks like he has no choice but to tap, Okada throws back elbows to loosen the death grip around his head and neck! He pries the hands apart, and delivers an uppercut! Abigail stumbles back, but gets sent to the corner. Okada charges and hits a jumping back elbow. They fall back, and Okada hits a DDT, followed by a kip up! The fans are clearly behind the Rainmaker as he ascends to the top. He’s looking for his signature elbow drop, the beginning of the end - but Abigail follows him up! SPANISH FLY FROM THE MATRIARCH! They both roll to their feet, and Okada sends Abigail hurtling back with a shotgun dropkick. Okada lifts her to the rope and hits another dropkick to send her to the outside. Abigail grabs the back of her head after landing, seething, and clawing her way back up. Okada meets her there as Abigail gets to the apron, but a forearm to the jaw spins him around, and Abigail locks in a Tarantula over the ropes! Okada’s screaming in sheer agony as his limbs are wrenched over the tight cables in an even tighter hold, and the referee’s screaming for a break! Abigail gives it to him, and kicks Okada away from the ropes. She sizes him up, and propels into the ring with a springboard forearm! Abigail with the pin.
Abigail slithers back to the corner and calls Okada up, looking for a Bomaye, but he jumps up suddenly and lands a dropkick! Abigail’s only stunned, and doesn’t fall until Okada hits a low dropkick to her knee, followed by a kneebreaker! Okada keeps ahold of the leg, the leg that’s given Abigail trouble her entire career, and locks in a figure four! This time Abigail’s the one in agony as Okada applies the most damage to her worst leg, fully intending on riding that wave to victory. A tactic the winner of tonight’s battle royal will have to worry about. After a long struggle, Abigail is able to reverse the hold, and roll once again in order to break the hold. Okada relents, and Abigail pulls to the apron. Okada’s quick to follow, and they have a fight for dominance that Okada eventually wins, turns her for a high impact move - TOMBSTONE PILEDRIVER ON THE APRON! ABIGAIL’S FINISHED! Okada rolls them back inside and covers!
Kickout! Okada can’t believe it, arguing with the referee. He shrugs it off, looking out at the crowd before standing above Abigail and doing the Rainmaker pose! Less people are behind him as he does this, but Okada doesn’t seem bothered by it as he gains wrist control on a wobbly Abigail, and spins her out, Rainmaker connects - BUT SHE DOESN’T GO DOWN! ABIGAIL STANDS TALL AND STARES INTO THE EYES OF THE RAINMAKER AND SPITS IN HIS FACE! Okada still has wrist control and thus, goes for another lariat - BUT ABIGAIL DUCKS! She runs the ropes and annihilates Okada with a massive SPEAR! A guttural roar comes from Abigail as Okada’s left gasping for breath. Abigail slides to the apron and climbs up with ease, standing backwards on her feet as she goes for a moonsault - but Okada gets the knees up! Okada’s on his feet and lands a low dropkick to Abigail’s chest! Now it’s Okada’s turn as he hits the ropes, aiming for a senton, but his lower back meets the mat as Abigail saves herself. Abigail lands a Bomaye to the back of Okada’s head, but her ribs and knee are hurting too much to capitalize on it. Instead, she sits back on her heels for a moment, composing herself. She gains wrist control, looking for her version of the Rainmaker, the Famemaker, but Okada slips free of her hold and hits a rolling forearm! Abigail stumbles back, holding her jaw, and gets dropped with a flapjack when she goes back on the attack!
Okada draws her up in search of a Tombstone, but Abigail doesn’t go easily and elbows her way out of it. Abigail lands a bicycle knee that rocks Okada, the sickening sound reverberating through the arena, and tries to lift him for the Last Hour - but Okada refuses! Okada fights off the powerbomb, and gets Abigail with a back body drop! Abigail’s holding her back, wincing in pain, but gets to her feet anyways. Okada with a forearm, Abigail with an uppercut, and the two trade shots, Okada getting the better of the exchange! Okada’s fired up and runs the ropes - BIG BOOT FROM ABIGAIL TO SEND HIM CRASHING DOWN! Okada rolls to the outside, rocked and reeling. Abigail watches him go before running at him, twisting in the air and springboarding off the top rope with a corkscrew moonsault, taking out Okada! Abigail screams as she sits back on her knees, seething and huffing with hair strewn all over the place. She’s once again standing tall over her opponent, and rolls him back into the ring. Abigail herself goes to the top, this time with a shooting star press - but once again nobody’s home! Okada’s rolled out of the way, and delivers a sliding uppercut! Okada covers!
Emphatic kickout from the new King of Strong Style, and Okada’s infuriated by it. They’re both looking to send a message to the locker room, but neither have been successful. Okada wants to end this, and he’s looking to as he gains wrist control, spins her out - but Abigail drops him with a sling blade! They scramble to their feet, and Abigail hits a second to keep him down! She quickly climbs up to the top, and finally connects with the moonsault! Too much damage to the ribs leaves her unable to cover, but Abigail seems pleased with herself. That feat accomplished, she’s slinking back to the corner, calling for a Bomaye - BUT WALKS INTO THE BILLION DOLLAR DROPKICK FROM OKADA! Okada gains wrist control, and finally connects with the Rainmaker! But he’s not done there! He’s going for a second - but Abigail turns it into a dragon suplex! Okada rolls through and charges - WRATH OF THE GODS FROM ABIGAIL! She moes back to the corner, leg shaking, back arching as Okada moves to his knees…
THAT’S SHINSUKE NAKAMURA! He’s on the titantron, grinning wide. Abigail stops all movement and turns to look at his pixelated face. She’s livid, snarling at him, red hues as wide as his grin.
“Here is your winner, KAZUCHIKA OKADA!”
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oneworldwc · 6 years
Warrior's Crown: B Block, Day 18- Sister Abigail vs Syn
The last match on the last day of this incredible tournament is officially underway. Abigail and Syn are tied at the top of the leaderboard, Tommaso Ciampa hot on their heels. The only way for Ciampa to advance would be a tie. Otherwise, one of these longtime rivals will go on to face the winner of the A Block, Talia Rogue, in Sunday’s Finals. They circle the ring before engaging in a lock up. Abigail backs them up into the corner, but she breaks it at the referee’s insistence. Collar and elbow tie up again, this time we see Syn move them back, but gets pulled aside and into a front chancery. Abigail picks the leg to break it, but can’t get a proper hold, and gets kicked off in the corner. Another tie up, Abigail shoves them back into the corner, and Abigail breaks it with a shot to the breadbasket. An arm wraps around his head, and Abigail begins grinding Syn’s flesh along the top cable. She releases him, and looks to take him to the mat with a frankensteiner, but Syn blocks and lifts her back up. Abigail punches her way out of a possible powerbomb attempt, and slips around to the back, and locks in a standing Shiryo! Before she’s able to bring it to the mat, Syn scrambles out of it. Syn with a HUGE palm strike, and a forearm that knocks her back into the ropes. Syn with an Irish Whip, and connects with a dropkick to rival his future chosen opponent on the rebound! Abigail tumbles out of the ring, and Syn watches her go for a moment before running the ropes, and soaring over the top with a beautiful tope con hilo! The early parts of this match is all Syn!
  The world champion rolls them back into the ring after taking a moment to celebrate. Abigail begins to fight to her feet. A fight hand, but gets caught on the second - URANAGE FROM THE MATRIARCH! Abigail glares down at him before repeatedly driving her boot into his chest with disdainful stomps. She begins moving her way around, viciously dissecting each limb in her signature Garvin Stomp. Drawing him back to his feet, Abigail hooks the waist, looking for a tombstone piledriver, but Syn tightens his legs to block it. Abigail struggles, even clubbing the back to weaken him, but it’s no good. She breaks the attempt, but Syn catches her for a DDT - or, at least he tries to. Abigail blocks the attempt. She pushes off, spins, and CRACKS a discus elbow over his jaw! Syn’s down on his knees, and Abigail gets him in position for Crucifixion! She connects! Far leg hooked for the pin.
The former finisher of the Devil Herself sees an easy kickout for the champion, but it’s been some time since that move had been effective, and she isn’t surprised as more annoyed they’re in this situation. This was going to be another edition of their ongoing war, and Abigail was fine with that, but putting everything at stake was the LAST thing she’d wanted to do. Devastating losses to Riley and Naito, defeats Syn mirrored, landed them here. Abigail draws him up. She springboards off the ropes, catches him in a reverse facelock, and connects with the Black Arrow. But wait! Syn rolls through! Abigail’s eyes are wide as she sees Syn charging at her, and they roll to the back of her head as Syn connects with a Thunderbastard knee! Still she manages to stay up, and Syn lands another! A third connects, and Abigail’s slumped against the turnbuckle padding. Syn’s right behind her and lifts her up to the top. He climbs up, hooking Abigail by the waist, and throws them off the TOP WITH A GERMAN SUPLEX! BUT ABIGAIL LANDS ON HER FEET! Having taken the worst of the fall, Syn’s slow to turn around and see that Abigail’s standing up behind him, a dangerous and violent look in her eyes. Syn’s able to get back to his feet and runs at her - but Abigail spins, and her foot connects with his face in a discus big boot! Syn’s turned around, and Abigail reaches through and gets wrist control. Spun out, Abigail tries the Famemaker, but Syn ducks under it. The arm’s trapped as Syn plants her with a German suplex, but Abigail lands on her feet again! Abigail lands a reverse hurricanrana, spiking him on his head! Syn rolls to the outside. A move made to catch his breath, but may prove fatal as Abigail jumps and turns to the top rope, and connects with a beautiful springboard moonsault!
  Abigail sits back on her knees, arms stretched out at the sides, kneeling over her opponent. She lifts him up and rolls him into the ring, but keeps him close to the ropes. Syn’s placed on top of the bottom rope and bent back and over the middle as Abigail locks in Shiryo! Syn screams out in agony as his neck is wrenched back in the painful submission, but it’s only kept in for a maximum of four seconds, Abigail relinquishing to avoid disqualification. She pulls him back in, lining him up, and crushes his skull with a curb stomp! Abigail sits back on her heels, a crazed grin standing out as she pulls Syn up by his feet strands of hair. If Abigail continues to have her way, she’ll be ending this soon. Irish whip from the Matriarch - but Syn reverses! Abigail goes running, and gets caught in a Spanish fly from the champion! His grip slips, and he’s unable to get the pin with it. However, Syn draws her up and gets Abigail in an electric chair, switches her over to a powerbomb, and connects! She’s stacked up for the pin!
  Syn looks to continue to action, but Abigail gets the upper hand with a fee stiff kicks to the midsection, and a spinning back kick that stumbles the Demon Slayer and drops him to a knee. Abigail runs the ropes, and connects with a sliding flatliner. Syn flops to his back, looking up at the lights with a dazed look in his eyes. Abigail takes a few steps back, looking to flatten him with a senton - but Syn moves! Abigail crashes down to her back. She’s scooped up, thrown into the air, and lands back down on the back! Syn takes a moment to stretch out his limbs before falling in to the cover - but gets caught in a victory roll!
  Abigail drives a knee into his chest to ground him, and drops both of her feet into his midsection to keep him there. She ascends to the top, back the her opponent, and soars off with another picture perfect moonsault - but nobody’s home! Abigail collides with the canvas once again, and her woes worsen as Syn connects with a Thunderbastard knee! He goes for another, but Abigail dodges, and drops him with an inverted powerslam. Shades of Shinsuke Nakamura continue as she crushes him with a Bomaye! Syn’s knocked out to the apron after that hellacious attack, and Abigail’s right there with him. She stands over him, scooping him by the waist, and using all of her strength to get him up for a German suplex! But, luckily for him, Syn fights out it with back elbows. After saving his own skin, Syn looks to get the advantage back, looking for a suplex of his own, an exploder on the hardest part of the ring. But Abigail’s free hand reaches out to grab the rope, preventing Syn from throwing her overhead! She gets out of it by raining down sharp elbows until she’s released. As these two continue jockeying for position, a voice from the PA system informs us there’s only 10 minutes remaining as we’ve already surpassed the 20 minute mark, and it doesn’t look like either will be going down any time soon. Abigail lifts her leg and lands a stiff knee that knocks Syn flat on his back, and she CRUSHES him with a boot stomp! All the air is driven out of his chest, and Syn’s gasping for breath as he’s rolled back into the ring. Abigail has a disgusting smirk, black and yellow teeth on full display, as she slithers into the ring, and grabs Syn by the waist of his tights. Abigail drags Syn up to his feet, grabbing his wrist, and placing her other hand on his back. Abigail held him up for a moment, displaying the vulnerable champion for the crowd.
  “Bye-Bye!” Abigail yells out, before spinning Syn out, and taking his head off with a brutal Famemaker! Syn was turned inside out, and victory was most certainly Abigail’s. Abigail would be moving on to the finals, meeting Talia Rouge on Sunday! Abigail made the cover!
The three never came, instead, the ref was pulled out of the ring, stopping the count. Who was it that saved Syn, preventing the three count? None other than the man currently in third place in the B-Block, Tommaso Ciampa. Ciampa would win the block if Syn and Abigail tied, finishing with 14 points, while both Syn and Abigail would have 13. Both Syn and Abigail have the victories over Ciampa, so if either of these competitors win this match, they would tie Ciampa in points, and win the block by virtue of the head-to-head victory over Ciampa. Ciampa knew this, and prevented the match from happening- and while Ciampa was out here, he’d be preventing any other stoppages to this match as well. Ciampa smirked from outside of the ring, and gave Abigail a wave. Abigail began shaking with anger, as she stared at Ciampa outside of the ring. Ciampa seemed to get the message, and took off running, but Abigail slid out of the ring to give chase. Ciampa ran around the ring and hopped a barricade to escape, and when Abigail rounded the corner, she was cut off by Syn launching himself like a missile through the middle ropes with an amazing suicide dive! Both of them crashed down to the floor, and Syn was quick to get back to his feet, setting Abigail on the announce table, before quickly rolling into the ring and climbing onto the top turnbuckle. Syn was moving with increased urgency due to the limited amount of time left, and was looking to put this match to bed right here! Syn leaped off the top rope and crashed into the table and Abigail with a beautiful and devastating swanton bomb! Both Syn and Abigail laid in the wreckage, as the time continued to tick down!
Eventually, Syn managed to get back to his feet, with 25 minutes having elapsed in the contest at this point. There wasn’t much time left, and he knew it, and he knew he had to put this one to bed right here and now. Syn grabbed Abigail and tossed her back into the ring. Syn was quick to lift Abigail up and plant her with a powerbomb! High stack cover!
  1…2… kickout!
  Abigail managed to kick out, but with the kickout, Abigail was flipped over into a kneeling position, leaving her wide open for when Syn ran off the ropes and drilled her with a Thunderbastard! Cover!
  1…2… kickout!
  Abigail stays alive again! Syn didn’t seem phased though, rolling up to his feet, watching as Abigail stumbled to hers. When she got up, Syn charged her but ducked a wildly swung clothesline, rebounding off the other set of ropes, and nailing Abigail in the face with a Claymore Kick! Another cover!
  1…2… kickout!
  Abigail had kicked out of three massive moves right in a row! Syn was a bit frustrated, hoping something in that combination of moves would be able to put her down for good, but no dice. There wasn’t much time left, and he needed to end it. Syn lifted Abigail up, looking for Ragnarok, the move he’d used to put down Abigail to win the World Title. Syn tossed her up for the Razor’s Edge Piledriver, but Abigail, quick to counter, turned the move into a Frankensteiner, and trapped Syn in a sudden, quick cover!
  1…2… Kickout!
Syn managed to escape the sudden pin attempt, but Abigail was quick to her feet, rolling into the corner, and quickly getting up, jumping up onto the top rope, and going for a BME, Best Moonsault Ever, shades of Christoper Daniels… But Syn caught Abigail in mid-air with a thunderbastard! Abigail was out cold! Syn covered!
1…2… Kickout!
Another Kickout! Syn was in disbelief again, but he wouldn’t let this derail him again. Syn knew he didn’t have much time to work. Syn lifted Abigail back up and was looking for another Release X-Plex, but when Syn threw Abigail up, Abigail wrapped her legs around his head and countered with a huricanrana! Syn was flipped across the ring, and when he pulled himself up to his knees, Abigail delivered a Bomaye right to the back of his head! Syn looked to be out! Now it was Abigail making the frantic cover!
1…2… Kickout!
Now Abigail was the frustrated one, as she heard Justin Roberts come over the mic. “Two minutes remaining.” She had to put Syn down in two minutes to win the block, else it would go to Ciampa. Abigail stood up and grabbed Syn by the arms, looking to trap him and put him down for good with the Baptism By Fire. Abigail lifted Syn up and twisted him around, but before she could lift him up, Syn countered with a Backslide pin attempt!
  1…2… Kickout!
Abigail kicked out and quickly rolled through, grabbing Syn’s wrist, and nailing him with the Famemaker! Famemaker out of nowhere! Syn was turned inside out! Abigail lifted him up and hooked his arms, planting Syn with Baptism by Fire! Abigail sat on Syn’s chest, using her full weight to pin him down, hooking both legs for the cover!
1….2…… Kickout!
Somehow, someway, Syn kicked out of that insanely deadly combination. Abigail was in utter shock, and now there was only about a minute left until time expired. Abigail got up and shouted for Syn to do the same, measuring him as she watched the man slowly make it to his feet. Syn got up and Abigail charged him for a spear, but Syn leaped over Abigail, and Abigail’s face met turnbuckle! Syn quickly ran across the ring and rebounded off the opposite corner, before driving his knee into the back of Abigail’s head with a massive thunderbastard! Syn grabbed Abigail by the back of her tights, and lifted her up into a fireman’s carry, before walking her to the middle of the ring, and driving her down with the Corpsegrinder, the Fireman’s Carry Stunner! Abigail popped back to her feet, stunned, and Syn ran towards the ropes, sprung off of them, and blasted Abigail with a Black Mirror! The move knocked Abigail all the way across the ring, and left Syn laying without enough energy to get back to his feet. Syn slowly crawled over to Abigail, and used the very last of his strength to turn her over. He finally did, after a few seconds, and laid across Abigail for the cover…
Syn looked up. The bell had rang, but the ref hadn’t counted more than a one count. Justin Robert’s voice came over the speakers.
  “Ladies and Gentlemen… the 30 minute time limit for this match has expired, and this match has been declared a draw.”
  Syn’s head hung, knowing he’d failed to end the match in 30 minutes, meaning….
  “The winner, of the B Block… Tommaso Ciampa!”
  As Ciampa’s music began to play throughout the arena, Syn could only look to the top of the ramp, where Ciampa had been sitting since running away from Abigail. The grin of Ciampa’s face was as wide as it was the day he won the Atlas title, and Ciampa offered little more than a wave goodbye to the World Champion and his greatest rival, Abigail, as Ciampa turned and walked to the back.
  The finals are set, ladies and gentlemen. Talia Rouge vs Tommaso Ciampa. Chapter 10. The Warrior’s Crown finals. We’ll see you there! Goodnight, everybody!
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meikosatomura · 7 years
top 5 merch designs?
(i hope i’m answering this adequately)1: so like the first shirt i spent money on was bryan’s everyone taps shirt and it still holds up as one of my favs (i always thought he had consistently good merch baring some)
2: the lion mark shirts 
3: sakuraba’s scramble shirt
4: i love sami’s shirts, especially the green one and his most recent one with him waving the red flag
5: shinsuke’s grey bomaye shirtthis is just from the top of my head, thank you for the question!
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aryshacore · 2 years
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aryshacore · 2 years
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aryshacore · 2 years
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aryshacore · 2 years
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aryshacore · 2 years
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oneworldproductions · 5 years
Kenny Omega vs Shinsuke Nakamura
One of the more underrated matches on the card, but it’s years in the making. Many moons ago Kenny Omega emerged as the leader of Bullet Club by betraying AJ Styles, and issued a challenge to Nakamura’s IWGP Intercontinental Championship in the same breath. The match never came to fruition, Tanahashi taking Shinsuke’s place as the King of Strong Style move to greener pastures. Now, the tables had turned. Kenny’s sitting on top of the wrestling world as Nakamura challenged him; no title on the line, but simply for bragging rights on a night designed for it. It’s why Kenny’s smirk stretches wide, circling the ring, as Nakamura does the same across from him. Kenny closes the space between them, and offers a handshake. A pleased look fills Shinsuke’s eyes, smile tugging at his lips, as he gets closer, going to accept the kind gesture - but he pulls his hand up at the last second and slides it through his hair! Pleased smile turns into a smug smirk as he fakes out Kenny Omega. Omega himself is frozen in place, lips twitching as he fights off the embarrassed smile. He turns around suddenly and goes for a V Trigger, but Shinsuke has him scouted! Nakamura slips out of the way and behind his opponent, grabbing him by the waist for a German Suplex, but Omega lands on his feet! Omega charges forward and lands a V Trigger to the spine of Nakamura. Shinsuke cringes in pain, turning around before falling to a knee. Omega runs the ropes, perhaps looking for another knee strike to put away the best friend of his greatest foe early. But before he can do any high impact moves, Shinsuke stops him with a knee to the gut, driving his shin into Omega’s midsection, doubling him over and allowing Shinsuke to land a straight kick to the back of his neck.
Omega holds the attacked limb as he crawls to the corner, wanting to use the ropes to pull himself up, but Shinsuke has other intentions. A foot is placed on the Canadian’s windpipe. Shinsuke holds it there before beginning to shake, choking Kenny with the Good Vibrations! Shinsuke struts away once he’s satisfied with his work. And he’s so pleased with himself, he doesn’t realize Kenny’s coming behind him until his face meets the canvas via a one handed bulldog! Shinsuke’s holding his nose as he rolls to the outside. In the center of the ring, Omega drops to his knees. A chant breaks out amongst the fans as they all clap their hands together, helping the terminator rise. Omega runs the ropes and soars over the top with a beautiful tope con hilo! Omega slaps hands with the fans at ringside before throwing Nakamura back into the ring. The slight distraction allowed Shinsuke enough time to collect himself, and kicks the rope as Kenny climbs in. Kenny drops to the mat, more stunned than injured by it, and Nakamura’s on him in a second. Brutal knees connect on the side of Omega’s neck as Nakamura forcefully drives them in, nearly humping him with the accuracy of each strike. Nakamura finally relents, drawing him up and planting Omega with the Landslide, leg thrown over him for the pin.
Nakamura grabs the arm as it comes up for the kickout, propping Omega up with a knee to the spine, the trapped arm around his throat. Nakamura slaps his side so Omega gives up the other arm, effectively locking in a straight jacket chin lock. Between the knee in his back and his own arms wrapped around his throat, Omega’s in trouble, but refuses to tap. His long legs aren’t nearly close enough to the ropes, so his only way out is to fight. Nakamura wrenches back on the hold, yelling at him in Japanese, trying to force the fight out of him. Omega won’t stay down that easily, though. He’s fighting his way to his feet, and throws Nakamura off with a double arm wringer of sorts. Omega slinks up behind him before Nakamura’s able to roll back to his feet, looking for a dragon suplex, but it’s blocked by Nakamura. Shinsuke refuses to let Omega get it in all the way, and wiggles free of the hold. Roundhouse kick thrown by Shinsuke, Kenny ducks but can’t avoid the second. The Best Bout Machine stumbles back, and Omega looks to take him to the mat with a cross armbar - but Omega doesn’t let him lock it in! Omega clasps his hands together and pulls the 6'3” Japanese man up into a sitout powerbomb!
Omega looks to stay on that mindset as he goes for the Dr. Willy Bomb, a deadlift gutwrench powerbomb, but Shinsuke punches out of it and gets back to his feet. Kick thrown by Nakamura gets caught by Omega, but Nakamura swings his other leg up and connects with an enzuigiri. Arm hooked over his head, and Nakamura plants him with a front suplex. Omega bangs his fist against the canvas as he holds his nose, frustration building for the hot tempered Canadian. Mid temper tantrum, Shinsuke’s backed himself up into the corner, calling for the Bomaye, the move to end it all. He charges - but gets tripped up by Omega! OMEGA GOES FOR THE LOW BLOW - BUT NAKAMURA CATCHES IT BETWEEN HIS LEGS! Kenny’s eyes are wide as he hops on one leg, Shinsuke’s face contorted with rage. Kenny begs him not to do it, it was only a joke! Shinsuke’s seething, teeth grinding into his mouth guard - until Omega pops him with an enzuigiri! Shinsuke falls to the mat, clearly not having expected that, and Omega looks to take advantage as he pulls Shinsuke up to a fireman’s carry. Omega stomps around the ring before his voice rings out, clear as day, “You can’t escape!” Somersault forward, and Omega springs to the middle rope, going for a moonsault off the second - bur Nakamura gets the knees up! Omega’s ribs meet boney knees, leaving him gasping for air as he’s kicking around on the canvas, rolling in agony. Both wrestlers get to their feet, determined to keep fighting, and Nakamura sends his opponent to the corner with a jumping single leg kick. Nakamura places him across the top rope, steps back, and drives a vicious knee into his midsection! Nakamura lays a knee across his chest for the confident pin!
Shinsuke huffs as Omega gets the shoulder up, shaking his head. Disgusted, but undeterred, Nakamura climbs to the second. He’s lining Omega up, calling him to his feet. Once he has his foe right where he wants him, Nakamura aims for a Bomaye - but Kenny moves in the nick of time! He gets right on Nakamura with Chainsaw Arms, driving the boney part of his arm against Nakamura’s face. Omega releases him, calling on the crowd for motivation, before an idea pops into his head. He draws Nakamura up, bent over with his head between Omega’s legs, and Omega spreads his arms at both sides. He’s going for the Styles Clash! Or, so he was trying to, before Nakamura turns it into a back body drop. Omega’s wincing in pain, holding his lower back. Nakamura’s backing up again, looking for the Bomaye - BUT OMEGA TURNS IT INTO THE STYLES CLASH! NAKAMURA’S DOWN AND OUT! Omega’s looking for the final nail in the coffin, getting Nakamura in position for the One Winged Angel - but Nakamura saves himself! Nakamura slips off and to his feet, driving a Bomaye into Omega’s spine! Omega drops to his knees, and eats another Bomaye across his jaw! Nakamura hooks both legs for the deep pin! This is it!
KENNY KICKS OUT OF THE BOMAYE! KENNY’S STILL FIGHTING! Nakamura can’t believe it! Both hands rub over his face as the international legend thinks of what to do next to put the younger star away. Nakamura decides to go the route of a fireman’s carry - bur Omega flips out onto his feet! Omega lands an enzuigiri! Nakamura drops to his knees, hair in his face, clearly dazed, and Omega looks to make it worse as he underhooks both arms, lifting him straight up, and connecting with a butterfly piledriver! With authority and impeccable speed, Nakamura lands on the crown of his head, unsure of where he is, he tries to stand. But he gets knocked down by a V Trigger! And another! Weakened enough, Kenny lifts him up for another One Winged Angel attempt. But Nakamura finds a way out of it, and drives his knees into Omega’s back with a double knee backbreaker! Omega’s holding his back as he rolls to the outside, waving it off. Nakamura gets to the apron, sizing Omega up, and connecting with El Nino! A rare springboard moonsault from Nakamura connects, and it looks like Nakamura’s on his path to victory as he rolls them back into the ring. This time, Omega’s the one going up in the electric chair. But it looks like Nakamura’s stealing his finisher as he moves Omega’s leg back behind his shoulder - but OMEGA TURNS IT INTO A REVERSE FRANKENSTEINER! NAKAMURA’S SPIKED ON HIS HEAD! The momentum rolls Nakamura to his haunches, and Omega scoops him up, and mercilessly plants him with a snap dragon suplex! He keeps ahold of Nakamura’s arms, however, looking out at the crowd for approval. Omega draws his closer and rips a knee up the side of his head, Omega hits the Kamigoye, a move his partner made famous! Omega gets the cover!
Kenny sits on his heels, hands on his hips as he stares at the ref. He thought that’d be it, but Nakamura has more life left in him. Omega draws him up, looking for another big move, but Nakamura pops up! Body shot and a forearm nearly knock Omega down. Nakamura’s setting up for the Bomaye, he charges - BOMAYE AND THE V TRIGGER CONNECT AT THE SAME TIME! BOTH ARE KNOCKED OUT! The referee scrambles to check on both competitors as they lay flat on the mat, eyes rolled to the backs of their heads. Dueling chants fill the arena as they start to regain consciousness, slowly making their way back to their knees. They’re sluggish and still clearly out of it, but Nakamura throws a forearm that barely bounces off Omega’s jaw. Omega’s still rattled by it, and throws one back with the same amount of force. Nakamura throws another, and Omega responds right back. Slowly, they regain their strength, slowly getting to their feet as they slug it out. Nakamura lands one that nearly knocks Omega back down - EX-HADOUKEN FROM OMEGA! He falls into the pin!
Nakamura kicks out, and the frustration continues to build for Omega as he can’t find a way to put his opponent away despite being so many nearfalls. Omega places a foot under Nakamura’s jaw and lifts him up to his knees, Nakamura unable to even sit up on his own, and rips a V Trigger up the side of his skull. Omega looks to repeat the move, but Nakamura jumps his feet! BOMAYE CONNECTS BUT SHINSUKE CAN’T CAPITALIZE! Both men are down and out again. Kenny’s flat on his back with his eyes to the sky, and Nakamura’s too dazed to stand. The referee starts to count them out, but they find a way to their feet. Another Ex-Hadouken from Omega - BUT NAKAMURA TURNS IT INTO A CROSS ARMBAR! IT’S ALL THE WAY IN, BUT OMEGA SCRAMBLES TO THE ROPES! With a foot on the cable, the submission is broken before it can do too much damage. Nakamura holds it for a few extra seconds, though, and stays close even after he relents. He stands behind Omega and turns him over for an inverted powerslam, kicking and taunting before standing. But wait… omega got right back up! He’s standing behind an unsuspecting Nakamura! He gets wrist control and spins him out, Nakamura’s eyes blown wide as he realizes his mistake, and eats a RainTrigger!
But Omega isn’t done there. He lifts Nakamura on his shoulders and connects with the Aoi Shoudou cross his knee! Nakamura clutches the back of his neck, but it’s not enough of a defense against a V Trigger to the back of his head. Omega runs the ropes and connects with a second V Trigger on the side of his head. To complete the trifecta, Omega walks right up to the dazed Nakamura, and lands a V Trigger right up his jaw. Nakamura’s unmoving as he’s lifted into the electric chair, leg moved over Omega’s shoulder - and the One Winged Angel finally connects!
“Here is your winner, KENNY OMEGA!”
0 notes
oneworldproductions · 6 years
Shinsuke Nakamura and Kazuchika Okada vs Tetsuya Naito and Hiromu Takahashi
With the WC in the rear view mirror, the One World fans have a new opportunity to see their favorites that were left out of the tournament for one reason or another. Right now we get to see Kazuchika Okada and Shinsuke Nakamura for the first time in over a month as the two long time members of CHAOS team up to take on Los Ingobernables, a group Okada’s all too familiar with. Especially Naito, who walks right up to Okada, the two meeting eye to eye, the bad blood only growing as they once again find themselves locked in battle. Shinsuke stands beside his bleach blonde partner, looking Hiromu over curiously. The Time Bomb slinks up to him, standing tall to try and match size with the 6’3” Nakamura, an act that makes Shinsuke smile and crouch down to push their foreheads together; entertained violence and interest sparkle in their eyes. Naito pats Hiromu’s shoulder and pulls him to their corner, telling his protege to tranquilo. Hiromu just puts his hands up, and the dance for who’s to start the match ensues. On the other side, Shinsuke takes the initiative, and Naito’s the one to go for his side. These two former foes, who haven’t shared a ring in years, face off as this first time ever match begins!
They circle the ring, sizing each other up. Probing kicks are thrown by Nakamura, but easily sidestepped by the former Stardust Genius. They finally lock up in a collar and elbow, but neither can get the advantage until Shinsuke pushes them back into the ropes. The referee calls for a break, and they hesitantly give him one. But Shinsuke doesn’t back up. His head slides down Naito’s chest, before settling on the pit of his stomach, Nakamura’s arms swinging from side to side. Naito rolls his eyes and rests against the ropes, the referee watching on in confusion. Shinsuke slinks back, momentarily down with that mindgame. He lowers his body, smirking wildly at Naito, before gesturing him to come forward. “COME OOOON!” and Naito SPITS on him! Nakamura freezes before wiping the loogie off his face, features contorting in rage. He throws a clothesline, but Naito ducks and rolls to the mat, laying down and taping his fist against his chest and throwing it into the air! He wiggles his fist at Nakamura, almost like an invitation, or more likely just a taunt. Naito moves to his knees just as Nakamura looks to finish him with a Bomaye! But Naito scrambles out of the way! Naito lands a low dropkick, and Nakamura rolls out of the ring. Naito looks at him, smirking, before running the ropes. Hiromu makes a tag as this happens, but it’s unseen by the opponents. Nakamura puts his hands up, blocking the impending attack from the Intercontinental Champion - but it never comes! Naito just bounces off the ropes, and slides back down into his signature pose. Nakamura’s rage only grows as he’s once again embarrassed by the founder of Los Ingo’s Japanese branch and steps up to the apron. As this happens, Hiromu, the legal man, runs straight at him! Shinsuke ducks, and gets taken to the mat with a MASSIVE sunset flip powerbomb!
Okada comes off the apron and goes after Hiromu, throwing a big kick to the face and tossing him into the steel railing. Naito joins them on the outside and makes a beeline for the Rainmaker, a hammer to the shoulders stopping any further damage being done to his tag partner. Naito grabs ahold of blonde hair and looks to bounce his face off the barricade, but Okada blocks it and turns the tables, dumping Naito into the fans, and keeping him grounded with a big boot. Okada backs up, clapping as he goes, getting the fans excited. Far enough away, Okada runs, picking up momentum to launch himself over the barricade, taking out Naito with a HUGE crossbody! Back in the ring, the two legal men Hiromu and Nakamura have gotten back in, and Nakamura has the advantage as he lays Hiromu across the top rope. He somersaults back, running forward and looking to drive his knee into the midsection of his opponent. But before he can, Hiromu shifts to the outside and catches him with the legs! Hiromu has a headscissors in over the top rope! He’s forced to break before the count of five, but slips back into the ring and to the middle rope when he does, spiking Nakamura with a Canadian Destroyer! The shoulders are down for the pin!
Two- Kickout!
Hiromu draws Nakamura back up, but Nakamura comes back with a vicious forearm! Nakamura throws a roundhouse kick. Hiromu ducks the first, but can’t escape the rebound. Nakamura’s looking for an inverted powerslam, wanting to set up for the Bomaye, but Hiromu tightens his legs, and blocks it with stiff elbows to the back of the head. Free from his opponent’s grasp, Hiromu runs the ropes, but gets stopped with a powerful knee to the gut. Shinsuke runs the ropes, but gets tripped up by Naito! Okada and Naito have returned to ringside, and Naito was trying to sneak his way in! Nakamura yells at him to back off, and Naito throws his hands up, backpedaling. Hiromu tries rolling Shinsuke up, but he rolls through. Naito slides into the ring and drops him with a jumping forearm! Hiromu follows that up with a running meteora, and gets another pin!
LIJ is in firm control as Okada remains a non-factor, the Rainmaker reaching out for a tag but unable to do much more, for now. Hiromu tags in Naito. He holds both of Shinsuke’s arms back as Naito lines him up, and lands a sickening chop across his chest! Hiromu’s back out to the apron as Naito twists Shinsuke’s arm, foot against the back of the knee to lower him. Naito loosens up and whips Nakamura into the corner. He goes for his patented slingshot corner dropkick, but Nakamura elbows him off the apron before he can float back over. He scrambles over, and tags in Okada! Okada climbs to the top rope just as Naito gets back into the ring, and wipes him out with a missile dropkick! Naito scrambles back to his feet, and gets dropped with a DDT. Beautiful athleticism from Okada as he kips back up! Hiromu comes into the ring to protect his partner, but gets stopped and dumped with a flapjack! Hiromu rolls out of the ring as the tides have fully turned! Okada focuses back on Naito, lifting him up into a tombstone, and spins to connect! Okada paces the length of the ring, the fans cheering for the Rainmaker, before he stops just above Naito. Arms spread out at the sides, and the camera pans back to reveal the entire arena on their feet for Okada! Focused back in on the ring, Okada drew Naito up, and put him in position for the Rainmaker, his devastating wristlock lariat. But they’ve done this too many times, and Naito has it scouted, and ducks under just in time. Okada charges forward, but gets popped up into the air, and dropped with a spinebuster! Naito with the pin!
Nakamura breaks it up! Hiromu charges into the ring and sends him back out with a front dropkick. He climbs out to the apron, runs across it, and delivers another dropkick, sending Nakamura hurtling back into the steel guardrail! That might be the last of Nakamura we see tonight! Meanwhile, Naito has Okada in position for Gloria, but Okada tightens his legs and refuses to go down before fighting out of it. He turns it into the Rainmaker! But wait, Naito ducks under before it can connect, and gets a hip toss! Naito backs up to the ropes, and bounces off them to connect with the low dropkick. Naito calls for Destino again, but Okada catches him and deposits Naito on his feet. THE RAINMAKER CONNECTS! NAITO’S TURNED INSIDE OUT, NAITO’S OUT! The move that’s put away the world’s best, including Naito himself, has connected, and Okada gets the pin!
Okada’s pissed as he sees Hiromu standing over him. Hiromu puts his hands up before dropping the innocent act and laying in to Omada with wild chops! Each one turns Okada’s chest a new shade of red, but doesn’t do much to move him, or inflict any real damage, as Okada stands still as a wall! Hiromu screams in his face and gets dropped with a massive chop from the former IWGP Heavyweight Champion! Hiromu rolls of the ring, but the distraction gave Naito enough time to come back to life. Naito looks for his signature rolling wheel kick, but Okada dodges. Okada tries a senton, but nobody’s home and all of his weight crashes to the canvas. They both scramble to their feet, Okada moving just a bit faster, being a bit fresher in the match, and lands a picture perfect dropkick! From out of nowhere comes Hiromu, soaring through the air and taking Okada out with a diving senton! He starts to lift Okada up, possibly looking for the Time Bomb, but doesn’t get to finish it as Shinsuke charges into the ring and drives a knee into his midsection. Both Okada and Nakamura grab him, and try to shatter his spine with a double backbreaker! Nakamura halts Naito’s oncoming attack with a strong kick to the midsection, and lands another on the back of his head. Okada’s setting him up for a double team, but Hiromu finds life and dropkicks Nakamura out of the ring. Hiromu shoves the ref, so he misses Naito kicking Okada between the legs! Hiromu runs out of the ring and keeps Nakamura away as Naito grabs Okada and plants him with DESTINO! Naito with the deep pin!
0 notes
oneworldproductions · 6 years
Sister Abigail © vs Cody - 1WPW World Championship
For the first time ever, the World Championship of One World will be on the line after Cody attacked Abigail backstage, and Heyman made the match up. These two have layers to their story, however, as Cody made his debut by interrupting Abigail, a disrespect she didn’t take lightly. It’s also worth noting that Cody has yet to suffer a loss since coming to 1WPW, and that his victory here tonight would change Chapter 7’s main event to a rematch between him and Abigail, thus canceling out Syn’s chance. Whether that’ll play a factor here tonight will remain to be seen, but our first time ever match has officially begun! The two meet in the center with a collar and elbow tie up that Abigail easily transitions to a waistlock and takes Cody down to the mat. From there it’s moved to a headlock. Cody lays in it for a few moments before positioning his weight onto his hands and standing himself up, attempting to use this handstand to break out of it, but to no avail. He is able to get them both back up to their feet after dropping back down, however, and a few well placed body shots loosens Abigail’s death grip on his head just enough that he can push her off and into the ropes. A back body drop connects on the rebound, all 209 pounds of Abigail hitting the canvas with a thud — and she gets right back up like it’s nothing! An elbow to the spine sends Cody to his knees, back arching as eyes squeeze shut. Behind him, the crowd boos as Abigail leans against the turnbuckles, convulsing, leg shaking, before pointing a bow and arrow at him and charging, connecting with a Bomaye to the back of Cody’s head! The champion leans against the ropes for a short moment, lips spread in a wicked grin and eyes glittering with evil intentions. Steel tipped fingers grab onto Cody’s tights to pull him up, allowing Abigail to grab him by the waist and deadlift all of his heavyweight frame, holding him in the air for a few seconds before planting him on his shoulders with a German Suplex, bridge included!
The Matriarch’s head shakes as gloved digits grip onto Cody’s dyed locks, using the little hair he has to pull him onto his feet, and onto his shoulder. Cody’s as limp as a doll and could be tossed around like he was one, if that were Abigail’s intentions. However, she seems to be having much more dangerous motive, as black and blue eyes scan over the turnbuckles. She charges, intending to lawn dart him right into the padding, a move that would effectively scramble his brains — but Cody pushes off! He lands on his feet! Abigail braces herself just before she collides with the turnbuckles, features turning angrier as she whips around, and is face to face with Cody’s boots! The American Nightmare connects with a beautiful dropkick! Abigail’s temporarily down, but doesn’t stay that way for long. Cody has the answer as soon as she’s back on her feet; the Beautiful Disaster! The kick lands square on Abigail’s temple and rocks the champion, sending her all the way out of the ring and falling to the floor below. Cody sizes her up as, with help from the ring apron, Abigail begins to stand. He sprints, stepping up on the middle rope, then the top, sending himself off the turnbuckle with a big dive — that Abigail catches! All 216 pounds of Cody is caught right out of MID-AIR! These two are as evenly matched as it gets, as far as size goes, but Abigail’s showing an incredible display of power early on in this match up as she tosses Cody with an overhead belly to belly right into the steel steps! Abigail sits back on her knees, looking over the damage she’s caused, a small smirk forming, as arms begin to stretch out. She spins up to her feet and tosses Cody into the ring with little fanfare, wasting only a moment before stepping up and into the ring herself — AND CODY CATCHES HER WITH A SMALL PACKAGE!
We were only half a second away from a new champion! Cody almost did the unlikely and knocked her off! The arena is buzzing with electricity after that near fall, and Cody feeds off it as he connects with an uppercut that staggers the already dazed Abigail, who’s as shocked as the roll up as everyone else. He runs the ropes and slams her face first onto the mat with a bulldog, Abigail instantly grabbing her nose and checking for blood or any breaks. Cody cuts the search off short by dragging Abigail back up and going for Cross Rhodes — but she fights it off and effectively blocks it. A kick from the champion is caught by the challenger, and elbows rain down across her knee, between the pieces of the padding and right on the bone. Abigail pushes him off and instantly grabs for the knee, eyebrows drawn together in pain as she tests putting pressure on it. Cody grabs her by the waist, arm hooked over his head, and brings her down with a saito suplex. Abigail makes a grab for her shoulders after the impact, still noticeably favoring the left knee, and Cody’s quick to take advantage of it as he locks in the American Nightmare! His modified inverted figure four has put away many of opponents before, and is locked in to cause further damage to the targeted knee. Red and black hair is torn at as Abigail fights the will to tap, a feat no one has done in her short career, as the submission is tightened, Cody ensuring he has it locked in all the way. The only way out for Abigail would be to get to the rope or submit, giving up her championship and having that memory stamped on her brain for the rest of her life. Fingers are drawn out of her hair as forearms pound against the canvas, picking herself up and crawling over to the ropes. Cody thrashes around to at least wreck the ligaments more than they already have been as Abigail inches closer to freedom. Then, with one more burst of energy, grasp the bottom rope and frees herself, guaranteeing this matchup will continue!
Cody releases at the referee’s command, swiveling up to his feet as Abigail rolls to the apron, adjusting her knee pad and collecting inventory. Stretching the leg out and back, seeing how much pressure it can take. It’s unlikely it could handle her whole weight at this point, which could prove fatal to her championship reign. And maybe even beyond tonight depending on just how much damage was done. Cody steps out onto the apron and lands a forearm. Or, tries to, but Abigail blocks it and delivers a high kick that lands right on the side of Cody’s head! The American Nightmare is rocked, and Abigail isn’t much better off on her one good leg. Even still, she’s able to turn Cody around and get him in position for a rolling cutter, a move she calls Black Arrow, not even hesitating before rolling them OFF THE APRON AND TO THE FLOOR! What a nasty fall!
Abigail is back up to her feet rather quickly after such an impact, Cody getting the worst of it for sure. She extended her arms out to her side, soaking in the boos from the crowd, but her attention quickly turned to the ramp, as she noticed that Syn, her opponent for Chapter 7 if she retains here tonight, was stalking his way down to the ring. Abigail’s expression turned to that of a glare, as she walked to meet Syn, the two coming face to face. There was silence between them, Abigail tilting her head to the side as if to taunt him. Syn’s face was stoic, unclear what he was thinking about. Suddenly, from behind, however, Cody was up, and jumped up onto the apron, using it as a launchpad for his Disaster Kick, catching Abigail right on the jaw as she turned around! Cody grabbed Abigail and tossed her back into the ring, before jumping up onto the apron and up to the top rope himself. Cody measured Abigail as she got up, and leaped off, performing a beautiful moonsault as he crashed down onto Abigail! Cody made the cover!
  1…2… Kickout!
Abigail managed to kick out and retain her title for the time being. Cody made eyes with Syn, and nodded to the tall man standing guard on the outside. “We end this tonight!” Cody called out to him, before turning to go back on offense against Abigail. Unfortunately, his little moment with Syn took too much time, and he turned right around into Abigail’s signature big boot! Cody was turned inside out! Abigail grabbed Cody by the arms and dragged him up to his feet, trying to turn him for Baptism By Fire, but Cody managed to break free, and landed a chop block on Abigail’s knee! Abigail screamed out in guttural pain as she fell down to the mat, clutching her knee. Cody grabbed the vulnerable leg, and began to pry away at the knee brace on the leg, removing the straps and tossing it away, leaving Abigail’s injured knee without any protection! Cody then gave the knee a few agonizing stomps, before wrapping her legs up, and once again locking in the American Nightmare! The modified figure four! Cody was gonna rip Abigail’s knee out of socket! Cody was wrenching back with everything he had, and Abigail was nowhere near the ropes!
The screams of Abigail in pain sounded like a demon being excorcised, but the Matriach of Destruction seemed to have another plan up her sleeve. Abigail grabbed the ref, asking her if she wanted to quit, and tossed him through the ropes with a single hand! Now the match couldn’t end! Abigail saved herself by preventing the match from ending and taking out the ref! Cody tried to keep the hold on, but now, with no rules in place, Abigail sat up and dug her long, sharp fingernails into the eyes of Cody, practically gouging out his eyes! Cody clutched his face and released the hold. Abigail may have just scratched Cody’s cornias! Cody staggered to his feet, and Abigail managed to get to hers, allowing herself to fall into the ropes, which slingshotted her back at Cody, crashing into him with a deadly spear! Cody was out! Abigail’s eyes practically turned black, a mix of the pain and the rage building inside of her was pushing her to her breaking point. Abigail rolled out of the ring, and walked over to the steel steps she’d set her lantern down on during her entrance. Abigail went to get back into the ring, intending to use the lantern as a weapon to bash Cody’s skull in. She was grabbed by the arm by Syn, though, stopping her from progressing. Abigail went to turn and swing the lantern at Syn instead, but he saw it coming, and ducked the swing, before catching Abigail with a nasty headbutt! The sound of Syn’s skull making impact rang out throughout the arena, and Abigail stumbled back towards the ring. Cody reached through the ropes, and pulled Abigail up into the ring, dropping her with a Silver Spoon DDT! Abigail was dropped right on her dome!
  Cody got back up to his feet, and took a moment to pose for the crowd, indicating that he was about to become their new World Champion. Cody went to grab Abigail again, this time for the Cross Rhodes, but Abigail had grabbed the discarded kneebrace, and clocked Cody over the head with it! Cody’s eyes rolled into the back of his head, as he fell back to the mat! Abigail knocked Cody out!
Abigail dropped the brace and covered Cody, hooking both legs, watching as the ref slowly got to his feet on the outside. She yelled for the ref to hurry up, and count the pin. The ref slid back into the ring, and made the count!
1….2… Kickout!
  Somehow, someway, Cody managed to kick out of that! Abigail, in a fit of frustration, banged her hands on the mat. She should’ve had this one won, this match should’ve been over. Her eyes set on Syn, who was still standing at ringside. Abigail stood up and looked down at him from the ring. “Now I’ll show you exactly what I’m going to do to you at Chapter 7! I’ll show you exactly the fate that will befall you for your betrayal!” Abigail yelled, before turning back towards Cody, and grabbing him, lifting him up for Crucifixion, her version of the Gory Neckbreaker. Before she could drop Cody with the move, however, Cody began to wiggle, and managed to wiggle free, before she lost her grip on him, and Cody landed behind Abigail. Before Abigail could even register, Cody grabbed Abigail and drove her into the mat with Cross Rhodes! Cody hit his finish! That was it! Cody made the cover!
Syn pulled the ref out of the ring! The ref’s hand had practically hit for the three, but Syn pulled the ref out of the ring before anything definitive! Syn just saved Abigail!
  Cody sat up, with his hands in his hair, wide eyed and mouth agape. Cody had the match won, he was practically the new champion, and Syn had just stopped the count. Cody looked more confused that anything, standing up and leaning against the ropes, staring right at Syn’s still stoic face. “Why?!” He shouted, looking down at the man who just prevented him from winning the belt. “Why?!” It was the same question everyone else in the arena was asking. Why the hell did Syn just do that?!
Cody, unable to wrap his brain around what had just happened, never saw Abigail get back to her feet behind him, and never saw her grab the knee brace again. Abigail drilled Cody in the back of the head with the kneebrace, knocking out the son of Dusty Rhodes. Abigail tossed the brace out of the ring to hide the evidence, and Syn grabbed the ref, tossing him back into the ring. It took the ref a moment to realize what was going on, but the first thing he saw was Abigail covering Cody. The ref managed a slow count…
  “Here is your winner, and STILL One World Pro Wrestling World Champion, Sister Abigail!”
The camera focused in on Syn, still standing at ringside, watching what he had just done. One World was saved, the belt was going to be free from Abigail’s clutches, and Syn, the man who vowed to make sure that scenario happened, had just prevented it. Cody had the belt won, and Syn had saved his former owner, his biggest enemy. The crowd booed as Abigail clutched her belt to her chest, and Syn stood outside of the ring, his eyes never leaving the comatose body of Cody.
What the hell had we just seen? What the hell just happened? I guess this is goodnight, everybody… Maybe we’ll have some answers for you next week…
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oneworldproductions · 6 years
Sister Abigail vs Riley Ishimori
It the commentary booth, Jinny is welcomed and introduces herself as the real queen of One World, and she claims she’ll officially take the crown when she defeats Abigail in four days time at Chapter Six. But for tonight, Abigail looks to have an easy win here as Riley hasn’t win a match since her first ever tag match with Los Ingobernables. A match that saw her win by proxy as she didn’t even score the final pin. With no singles victories under her belt and facing off against not only one of the top stars of the promotion, but a woman who’s coming off victories against Jimmy Havoc and Aleister Black, two men who have built their legacy all over the globe. Aside from just the experience, Abigail towers over her opponent by nine inches and outweighs her by a near fifty pounds. To say Riley was an underdog here would be an understatement, but that doesn’t stop her from getting to the center of the ring as soon as the bell tolls — and offering a handshake? Abigail glances between the outstretched palm and the pink haired whirlwind from England, touched up eyebrows raised, and hesitates in her acceptance of it. There’s a clean break, and now the match truly begins as they look to lock up. Abigail switches it to a waistlock, but it doesn’t stay in tact for long before it’s changed up to a dragon suplex attempt. Riley’s able to wiggle out of it. Abigail goes for a big kick but only received air, and Riley hits a pele kick! Abigail’s stumbled back, stunned for just a few seconds. Riley’s going to have to hit harder than that, do something bigger, if she wants to take down the champion. Abigail hits the ropes and comes back with a shoulder block that easily knocks down her opponent — but Riley springs right back up! Abigail scowls and repeats the motion, and Riley kips up again. Frustration grows as Abigail runs the ropes for a third time, but this occasion sees Riley duck under Abigail’s feet, and connect with Bakuhatsu, her signature rocket kick, on the rebound. Abigail checks for anything lost teeth as she tries to get back up — and eats a corkscrew roundhouse! Riley falls into a pinning predicament!
One… Kickout!
The British superstar tries to lift her adversary but eats a headbutt for her troubles. An irish whip attempt from Abigail is countered into one from Riley herself. She charges, but Abigail meets her out and catches her mid-air! Abigail stumbles back, finding the ropes and DUMPING RILEY OVER THE TOP. What a nasty fall! A moment is spared as Abigail looks over at Jinny before getting on the apron. Whatever she was planning we’ll never know, because that second she spent to look at her Chapter Six opponent was enough to allow Riley to regain her bearings. Riley does a somersault and leaps up, grabbing Abigail in a face lock and bringing them STRAIGHT TO THE THIN PADDING BELOW WITH A DDT! Abigail’s head collides with the mat, long legs and arms strewn about, and Riley isn’t much better off after the impact her back had taken. The adrenaline helps her to forget the pain, however, and she’s able to recover quicker, get up even faster, and lift Abigail up by tufts of hair. Riley smiles down at her before bringing a hand up and SLAPPING Abigail across the face! Using what may be all of her strength, Riley gets Abigail to her feet and attempts to roll the much heavier, much bigger, superstar in the ring — and Abigail reverses it into a SPINEBUSTER ON THE APRON! Just as she had done a week prior to Jimmy Havoc, a move he was never truly able to recover from, Abigail has wrecked Riley’s SPINE, the younger’s eyes blown wide and starting to gloss over. She’s rolled in the ring now, but Abigail doesn’t follow just yet, instead taking a moment to size her up on the apron, waiting until Riley’s able to find her way back to a vertical base. Stumbling, shaken, and reeling, but she gets there. And Abigail makes it worse by slingshotting through the ropes and connecting with a tornado DDT! Eye for an eye, or DDT for a DDT, it seems. Another look is throwing in Jinny’s direction as a glove covered hair yanks Riley up to her feet and onto Abigail’s shoulders in an electric chair position. Next Riley’s dropped, Abigail catching her by the waist and planting her with a German Suplex. There’s a bridge attempt, but Abigail’s foot slips and she loses it. Ever the innovator these past few months, she positions Riley where she needs, and crashes down onto her midsection with a double foot stomp, somersaults to the middle rope, and leaps off with a double knee drop. If Riley had managed to suck in any extra air, it would’ve been knocked out of her with that. She’s pulled away from the corner, and both legs hooked for the pin!
Two — Kickout!
No surprise there as Riley’s come into this match determined, hungrier than ever before, and refuses to go down just yet. And now she fires back with lightning quick strikes that knock Abigail down, and Riley finishes up the series with a sliding uppercut. Riley backtracks to the adjacent corner, both fingers drawn together and pointed at Abigail, who’s stirring. As soon as she’s sat up, Riley plants her with a superkick! The sound of boot slapping the skin, the bone, of Abigail’s jaw is heard throughout the stadium. But Riley doesn’t give her a moment to breathe before trying for Disasterpiece, her standing shiranui, but Abigail pushes her off with authority, sending her all the way to the other corner. Riley slides to a stop and charges back — AND GETS SPEARED! A vicious spear that all but cuts Riley in HALF. Abigail isn’t able to capitalize on it, still feeling the effects of the superkick. Both are down for a moment, the referee checking on them, and Jinny ordering Riley to get up from the commentary table. Abigail’s the first to a vertical base, with Riley managing to sit up, even if she’s still clearly not all there. Measured kicks are placed to Riley’s chest, each one driving her back with the force. She beckons them on however, asking Abigail if that’s all she’s got. A particularly hard one lands, and Riley gives her the middle finger! All it does is anger Abigail even more, increasing the velocity and intensity with each landing shot. In a turn of events, Riley’s the one whose blood begins to boil as her eyes light her and she begins to stand, even through the hard hitting shots to her chest, until she’s all the way up — AND SHE SLAPS ABIGAIL! Split flies and head turns from the force of it. Not one to be outdone, Abigail fires back with a slap of her own. Riley retaliates with another slap, Abigail with yet another, and they take turns slapping the HELL out of each other! Cheeks are red and turning numb until, out of nowhere, Abigail lands a VICIOUS ROUNDHOUSE that all but knocks Riley UNCONSCIOUS. Abigail gets Riley in another electric chair position, but before she’s able to do anything else with it, Riley REVERSES IT INTO AN INVERTED FRANKENSTEINER! ABIGAIL’S DUMPED ON HER HEAD, SHE’S OUT OF IT! With a sense of urgency, Riley scrambles for the pin!
Knowing that if she wants to win, she’ll have to do more to put the Matriarch of Destruction away. So Riley sends her to the corner, following and sweeping the leg. Riley runs back to the opposite corner, using the distance to gain momentum as she charges — but Abigail catches her with a FLATLINER into the padding! If Riley wasn’t already out, Abigail’s going to make sure she is as the champion backs up, lining up her opponent and charging, landing a Bomaye, a strong style knee strike adopted from her mentor, on the BACK OF RILEY’S HEAD. Riley falls back, eyes half lidded and mouth slack. But Abigail doesn’t go for a pin, no, instead smirking at Jinny over from the table before pulling Riley back to the center of the ring, and placing her so she’s sitting upright. Another Bomaye lands — another, and another, and another. The knee ripping up against Riley’s temple every time without missing, without fault. Too many to keep count until Riley falls straight down, undoubtedly unconscious. Abigail glares at the referee as he tries to check on Riley, see if she’s able to properly defend herself or not. The Ingobernable’s eyes open now, at least aware of her surroundings, and that she has to get up. Just as Riley had done at the start of the match, Abigail offers her a hand. Maybe because she’s too out of it to know better, Riley accepts it, letting herself be pulled up — and EATS A LOOPING PALM STRIKE. What a nasty move! Abigail’s arm outstretched in a taunt as she looks over at Jinny again, mouthing “you’re next”. Abigail reaches down to pull a limp Riley up to her feet. She teeters, legs like noodles, swiveling where she’s placed. Abigail runs the ropes, undoubtedly looking for one final big move to put her opponent away — but Riley’s fist COLLIDES with Abigail’s jaw on the rebound! Abigail’s mouth is bloodied from the impact, and she’s lucky she’s still standing.
Up next is a front flip DDT from Riley, dumping Abigail on the crown of her noggin, and using that momentum to flip up to the middle rope. She tries a phoenix splash, but meets the canvas as Abigail moves just in time. What may just be the smartest move she’s made all day, Riley rolls out of the ring and away from the brutalizing champion. Or, so it seemed, as Abigail looks between the ropes and Riley on the outside. She grabs the top cable, twists mid-air so her back is to Riley, and connects with a springboard moonsault to the outside! Incredible height, incredible athleticism, and she falls down from the exhaustion of wrestling this twenty minute match up, leaving both down on the mat. The referee checks on them, and starts his count.
The first to their feet is Abigail, and she gets them back into the ring with little fanfare. And for her efforts, she gets scooped up onto Riley’s shoulders, and dropped down to an overhead kick! Riley gets up and back down with another reverse frankensteiner — but Abigail bounces right back up to her feet and nearly DECAPITATES Riley with a lariat straight from hell! Once again both are slow to their feet. Both are hurting, both are running on fumes, and both are frustrated that they haven’t found the right move to put the other away. Abigail thinks she might have it here, however, as she lifts Riley straight up from the ground and into a powerbomb — but Riley reverses it to a DDT! She scrambles for the pin!
An attempt to continue the match is halted as Abigail lands a kick to the midsection, and follows up with a final Bomaye. Boos trickle in through the crowd as Abigail hooks both of Riley’s arms, and connects with Baptism by Fire. And will that, all of. Riley’s dreams of doing the impossible have been vanquished. Both legs are hooked for the pin, and the win.
Thr— JINNY PULLS THE REFEREE OUT OF THE RING! Jinny’s gotten up from commentary and pulled him out by his foot, stopping the pin, and stopping Abigail from winning. The self named Devil looks at her rival with wide, hate filled eyes, teeth barred in a scowl. She rises, approaching the ropes, and subsequently Jinny, practically shaking with rage. She had the match won, finally, and Jinny’s stolen that from her for the time being. “The blood is now on your hands!” yells Abigail as she returns to her opponent. Riley’s scooped up for a German Suplex, planting her right on her neck, and Abigail keeps the control, switching to get the wrist in as well, and swinging Riley out as they’re both up. She’s looking for Acid Rainmaker, Jinny’s own move as she watches on — AND RILEY SPRAYS HER WITH THE DARK GREEN MIST RIGHT IN THE EYES! ABIGAIL IS BLINDED! ABIGAIL IS DEFENSELESS! Jinny get the official back into the squared circle as Riley spins around, grabbing the back or Abigail’s head and connecting with DISASTERPIECE! BOTH LEGS ARE PULLED CLOSE FOR THE COVER!
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