#screams into the void: MY OCS!!!!!! MY BABYGIRLS!!!!
squishosaur · 1 year
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the scribblies
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gffa · 1 year
So, I was probably always going to be fond of TRIGUN STAMPEDE just for new content for a story that I’ve loved for so long, but I wasn’t expecting to be blown away by how gorgeous it was, how well paced it was, or how well written it was. From just fully breaking the dial off when it comes to turning up Vash’s babygirlness to the conflict between love/pacifism and rage/retribution, that two people can fundamentally disagree and yet they love each other because the other one is who they are, and added in some wildly fun side characters, it wasn’t just a ride of a show, it has utterly consumed me. NOW I’M GOING TO MAKE MY PERSONAL FEELINGS HELL EVERYONE ELSE’S PROBLEM by shoving a bunch of fic at you all and crying very loudly about how much I love all of these characters and that, if canon won’t give me a perfect happy soft ending, then by god I will make fandom do it! Thankfully, fandom has been providing, there are fics that have already healed something in me, so I hope they can make things better for you, while we all cry about how long a wait for the continuation is going to be. Join me in crying about the plants, you’ll only cry a little, I promise. (Please read the tags on any given fic, as there is a lot of plant genatalia, transmasc!Vash, omegaverse, pregnant male characters, and just general manipulation fuckery going on, and everyone’s lines in the sands are their own.) TRIGUN FIC RECS: ✦ but your grave was shallow so i carried you home by BeesKnees, knives & vash & cast, de-aging, 7.8k      Finally, he pulls the last bit of debris away. And there’s the body he’s been searching for – but not. He stares. It’s Vash, undoubtedly, but not Vash as he’s known him for so long. It’s Vash as he was, Vash as when they first arrived on this planet, young and even softer. ✦ are things still burning? (or can i come home?) by BeesKnees, knives/vash & cast/ocs, NSFW, 20.1k      Vash is so deeply asleep that he doesn’t so much as stir when Knives steps inside the room. His brother has been missing for months now, and it’s taken Knives longer than usual to track him down. Knives only understands why his brother’s been hiding from him when he sees the baby. Wrapped in Vash’s red coat, she coos up at Knives. ✦ i’m waiting for this house to burn down by BeesKnees, wolfwood & cast & background knives/vash, 6.2k      are things still burning (or can i come home?) told from Wolfwood’s perspective. (Otherwise known as the trials and tribulations of Uncle Wolfwood.) ✦ we’ve got to get back to that stinking garden by thecrazychatlady, knives/vash, NSFW, 9.1k      When Vash wakes up, Knives is dead. He knows he’s dead, knows because a piece of his heart has dissolved into ashes in his chest, and he feels the disintegrated pieces slosh around every time he moves. He also knows that Knives won’t stay dead, and that’s what motivates him into getting up every morning. He can’t be asleep when Knives wakes up. It would be disastrous. ✦ come down now by Anonymous, knives/vash, NSFW, 6.6k      Knives peers down at Vash, chin in hand. “He’s mine,” he says simply. “His first breaths were mine. Our hearts beat in time. And when you and all your kin are dust in the sand of this place, he will be mine still. Does that comfort you?” “No,” Roberto says. “No, it doesn’t. You think he’ll survive that?” “I will make him survive it.” ✦ Overdue spring (Four hundred and sixty nine days) by rizna, knives/vash, NSFW, 4.7k      “I shouldn’t have come.” “And yet here you are.” “Because—” “Because it’s been over a year since the last time we met like this, and you’re a ticking bomb, brother.” Vash winces at such undeniable truth. He can’t sleep, can’t eat, can’t live without his body screaming for Nai. Nights are cold and he’s feverish, and even under the unforgiving sun, the freezing void in his chest leaves him shaking. He’s sick and his medicine is a face he shares and the first name he ever uttered. ✦ Fallen Communion by ibex_ascendant, knives/vash, NSFW, 6.7k wip      Fifty years after the Big Fall, Knives seeks out Vash for the first time. They try to make it work. ✦ affliction shall advance the flight in me by p1nk_x3, knives/vash, NSFW, 3.8k      Every year, Knives & Vash meet on the anniversary of the July Incident. ✦ but you can’t be free (‘cause i’m selfish, i’m obscene) by bukkunkun, knives/vash, NSFW, 14.9k      As the dust settles from saving Hopeland from certain death, Wolfwood finds himself taking care of a barely-cognisant Vash, who experiences a Plant bloom for the first time in ages. Unfortunately, independent Plants have neural links, and Knives, overprotective, madly jealous, and also in bloom, is never far behind. ✦ all that could have been by BeesKnees, knives & vash & cast, 9.6k      After discovering Nai and Vash, the first Independent Plants, Rem is only allowed to raise Nai. Vash is given to the research team for experimentation. There’ll be hell to pay when the twins reunite. ✦ how like a winter hath my absence been by MuseofWriting, knives/vash, NSFW, 4.1k      They bloom once a decade. It’s their time of truce. No matter how bitterly they fight, they find each other for their bloom. The alternatives, after all, are much worse. ✦ three day resurrection by Anonymous, knives & vash, 3.9k      (vash is kidnapped by bounty hunters and forces knives to retrieve him, but as he recovers, it becomes increasingly clear that something is wrong with him, and knives has to find out what it is, exactly). ✦ Contretemps by SerenePhenix, knives & vash & rem & tesla & cast, 2.6k      A look into the things that make Plants and humans so different, and that which unites them. All through the eyes of a reminiscing Vash. ✦ regret by Anonymous, knives & vash, 3.8k      Why didn’t you stop him why did you fail why did you let us die why did this happen why why why why. Vash has to look away, drowning in guilt. Knives only curls his lip at the sight, as if looking at a particularly unappetizing meal. They continue on. Vash doesn’t know where they’re going. It doesn’t matter anyways. ✦ hummingbirds by cloudycats, knives & vash, 3.9k wip      “Have you heard of Millions Knives?” doesn’t usually get a response, but “Have you heard of God?” sure does. Vash runs. It’s never far enough. ✦ Letters in the Bottom Drawer by jaybirddraws (simplestorange), knives & vash, 2.2k      Vash and Nai, throughout the years, between the lines. ✦ Guardian Angel by elisabomb (kurama3173), knives/vash, 5.2k      The death of Vash the Stampede shatters Millions Knives’ world into pieces. Never one to accept a cruel reality, he sets out to rewrite history, until he can have his brother back at his side. As many times as it takes. ✦ bloom by fizzyren, knives/vash, NSFW, 5.6k      Vash goes into heat, finds himself alone and in trouble with a group of humans. The humans don’t know that they have found themselves in trouble instead. They will learn soon enough when Knives appears behind them, razor sharp metal and rage. ✦ You Were Meant To Be Mine by Snakespell, knives/vash, NSFW, 5.7k      “So you really think the mass destruction will stop if Millions Knives gets laid,” Wolfwood laughed as he spoke. “Don’t be ridiculous.” ✦ knives rut twt drabble by fizzyren, knives/vash, NSFW, ~1k      Knives goes into rut, Vash just knows and goes to him to help. ✦ The Stars Would be Ours if Only You’d Let Them by MaladyMoon, knives/vash, nsfw, 3.1k      Or Knives brings Vash into a world of dreams in a desperate attempt to keep him. For a time, Vash is allowed to forget. ✦ Caressing Obsidian Keys Like Your Skin by alisayamin (sh_04e), knives/vash, NSFW, 1.1k      Once every few years or so, Knives reminds Vash who he belongs to. ✦ Carrying an Emptiness so Heavy by tirednbi, knives/vash, NSFW, 12.4k      (OR: Vash goes into heat and drops, but Nai comes along and reminds Vash that he has always been Nai’s mate–it’s just time for them to make it official. A long angsty buildup for a little bit of smut.)
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kyeterna · 11 months
OC-tober day 27 prompt: monster
Featuring the Executioner, Destroyer of Worlds, [------] from Gondeil Aspirations.
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A huge energy flowed out of the stone in an instant, and the girl started deforming, almost as if her skin broke open and that thing took form. A tall figure barely resembling a woman devoid of colours. Her skin melting, her entire body barely maintaining its shape, deformed and reformed into wrong shapes. Eyes and mouths appearing and disappearing on the surface of that deathly white skin. Black ink dripping from her broken halo and the large hole in her abdomen, as well the mass forming her hair, if you could call it that. Faces and hands would occasionally form from the sea of void ink, screaming and begging for help, only to be drowned back into the ink. Eyes would form, looking around and disappearing once more. That was a god, Rei was sure of that. It overwhelmed the atmosphere with malevolence, hatred, malice. It wasn't Death, but rather complete Destruction. Daskal's divine ecstasy was cut short as the God of Destruction killed him in an instant. Rei didn't realise how close they had gotten to the god. Or did she get close to them. Was that really the woman they'd come to fall for? Did she recognise them? Leo gently pushed Rei, knocking the stone out of the god's hands. Pain at their very concept of existance permiated through their body. The ground broke apart like glass. They felt like they were being torn apart and crushed into a single point in an instant. They felt like they were being devoured. They fell into the infinite nothingness- the last thing they saw, the god of destruction glaring and Leo looking at them apologetcally
My babygirl, the true face of a god loved by everyone in Fanet. Few know of her actual nature. And even they, after coming so close to the helplesness when faced with divine malevolence, have lost their minds. And somehow she is still the second most powerful being ahah-
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From bweirdart's OC-tober prompt:
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While I am doing this challenge mostly to keep an archive of my characters on tumblr (and to incentivise myself to draw them), if you, person stumbling upon this post, are curious and wanna learn more, my askbox is open >:3c
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