#screw dds people ew
simfulwoohoo · 5 years
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Siblings Interview Tag: Karlie and David
thank you so much @justkeeponsimming for the tag!! I thought this was perfectly fitted for these two for everyone to get to know better :3 a quick reminder that it’s exactly 1 more week to get your contestants entered in!!
i tag @firora @smallcowplant @klauseconfessions @cheesehair @pixeldemographics @sim-thology @eslanes @edenplaysgames if you would like to!
1. Which one of you is the older sibling?
Karlie: “That old fart over there!” David: “Well that's obvious you act just like a baby!”
2. What do you like about your sibling?
David: “She’s actually pretty cool and is pretty chill to hang out with,” Karlie: “Oh wow! You can be nice sometimes. Shocking. Something I like about him is also something that annoys me; he’s very protective. It’s come in handy a few times but other times he should mind his own business.” David: “People need to watch where their hands go, that’s all I’m gonna say.”
3. What annoys you about your sibling?
Karlie: “I answered this, David why don’t you take a few minutes I know I’m pretty perfect,” David: “Actually!! Funnily enough, I carry this list in my pock--” Karlie: “You son of a bitch!”
4. Describe your sibling(s) with three adjectives.
David: “Chill, tenacious and air-head.” Karlie: “Head-strong, flighty, funny.”
5. What is your sibling’s/siblings’ biggest talent(s)?
David: “She doesn’t spill a drop when she does a keg stand! Mad impressive party trick.” Karlie: “Hmm, probably the ability to fuck up anything good that comes his way.” David: “Um wow I didn’t realize we were throwing such low blows today, sis.” Karlie: “I guess your ability to bench press me is pretty cool too.”
6. What is your sibling(s) really bad at?
Karlie: “Haha his job,” David: “Excuse me I’m a sergeant I didn’t just get here by my looks! Jesus I’m trying to find love here and you’re blowing all my chances. Karlie is terrible at waking up on time for anything. See look how nice I’m being?”
7. Do you have nicknames for each other?
Karlie: “Dickhead,” David: “Crazy,”
8. What’s one thing you can do that your sibling(s) can’t?
David: “Well I’m smarter, more physically fit, funnier...” Karlie: “Spff! I know for a fact I’m better in the kitchen.” David: “Ew! I don’t want to hear about what you do in there, gross Karlie!” Karlie: “Oh my fukkin gawd David, I meant baking, you idiot!”
9. Did you get along when you were younger?
David: “For the first year she was alright...took the parents eyes off me so I got to do my own thing. But then she started walking and following me everywhere. Everything went downhill after that.” Karlie: “Weirdly enough I liked him. He was funny and was always doing somethin so I liked to tag along.”
10. What is your funniest childhood memory of your sibling?
Karlie: “For me, it was one summer day we were out front wrestling and I’m about 7 years old and I’m giving it my all but he’s got the height and weight advantage on me when an idea just springs into mind. I held his nose and swiped my leg under his ankles and he fell back and I won the match.” David: “That was the most unfair fight I’ve ever been. I refused to wrestle with her ever again. Mine was when I was supposed to take her home after school, I waited out front and as soon as she was about to reach for the door handle I drove off.” Karlie: “That was MORTIFYING!!! You did that in front of all of my friends. I was mad for weeks.”
11. Are you closer now or when you were younger?
Karlie: “He’s always the person I call if I’m in trouble or need help with something. It’s always been like that.” David: “Yeah even though we take the mick out of each other its all out of love.”
12. Did you compete with each other?
David: “A little here and there.” Karlie: “Who could shotgun a beer faster, how many drinks we could get other people to buy us in one night...sibling stuff you know?”
13. Which one of you is more likely to turn out like your mum or dad?
*Karlie looks down at her feet* David: “I think we’re not going to answer that one, sorry folks.”
14. Which one is most likely to have a big family?
David: "Well Karlie’s already got one on me, she’s a good mom, me on the other hand although I want a family being a dad scares me...I just don't wanna fuck it up. So many I’ll only have one just so I don’t have to focus on too many at once.” Karlie: “I agree, I think it’ll be me. I love kids, Danny is my whole world and I’d love to have more of him running around. He keeps me out of trouble and focused on the future.”
15. What is one thing about your sibling(s) that has changed as you’ve gotten older?
Karlie: “Hmm..I think he definitely decided to try and stay on the straight and narrow path which was for sure not where he was headed when he was 16. So I guess his head screwed on a little more.” David: “I'm gonna take that as a compliment... Since Karlie had Danny she’s a whole new person. I used to pick her drunk as a skunk ass up all the time at different house parties or find her crying in a McSimonalds. She was a mess and now she's got her life on track.”
16. Who’s better at maths?
David: “I know how to solve this one. Whats pi, Karlie?” Karlie: “What? What in the world does that have to do with math? Pie can be anything you want it to be as long as its got a pastry dough covering the top.” David: “I rest my case,” Karlie: “What does that even mean?!”
17. Who is more pessimistic and who is more optimistic?
Karlie: “What...do they mean first of all?” David: “I think it means do you look at the glass of like half full or empty?” Karlie: “Glass of what? Where is it lemme have a look first.” David: “Can we skip this one too?”
18. Is there anything you don’t like doing together?
David: “Y’know I used to hate when she’d tag along to me going out and hanging with my friends but now...honestly I’d always vote to have her around. She makes things fun, she’s always down to cook or bake somethin up for everyone, she’s usually sober these days so I’ve always got a DD. She’s sorta priceless to have around.” Karlie: “Aww...David you’re such a dickhead! I was gonna say something but I don’t really think I can after he said such nice things.”
19. Which one of you do you think will get married first?
Karlie: “Well the goal is for us to both get married at the end of this so fingers crossed that happens!” David: “Well technically I’m married right now...so I think I’ve won that already..”
20. Lastly, how often do you argue?
David: “Oh she’s always picking on me about something!” Karlie: “Someone needs to put you in your place and make sure that big head doesn’t inflate no more.”
21 notes · View notes
builder051 · 2 years
1, 39, 93, and 50 for the asks game if you please.
1. What do you crave in a psychological sense? Intimacy, passion, purpose, belonging, social interaction, etc.?
Structure, I would say. Even though it's really hard for people with challenges like autism (me), ADHD (DD), and the same/similar diagnoses (big kid, one of the roomies, etc)--don't want to tell a lot of personal info--predictability is important. It can be small stuff, like choosing clothes to wear tomorrow as part of tonight's bedtime routine. Doing proctored art class one day a week. That kind of stuff. Without there being some semblance of order, there's this 'OMG, there are things th DO! What do I want? Is that allowed? Is that getting is someone else's way? How to politely tell the kid to please stop roughhousing with the dog under the dining room table? And all that produces is anxiety.
39. What taboo do you think should be discussed more, if any? Alternatively, do you think a topic that isn't taboo should be?
Well, I'm not sure if this is really a taboo, but because we are a highly-medical aware and medically needy group of people, but amongst our crowd (family, friends, acquaintances, random FaceBook people), as long as you are using medical-textbook terminology, pretty much nothing is off the table regarding human body/surgical/surgical instrument/disease/symptom/and person with said symptom (referenced respectfully, may they be alive or deceased). Like, for example, I had XXX procedure done, and though the surgery was smooth, the aftermath, or the way the tube was meant to be placed in the stoma, was exceedingly painful. My youngest, who is nearing preschool age/size, had a doctor who recommended XXX among a few other options for surgeries he could have in the future to help manage his care. Because we have all openly discussed my time regarding XXX, we know for sure that little guy will not be having that done to him.
And what should be taboo? This is like, insanely specific, but I used to work in an environment where there were a ton of "boomers" who did a certain job on the campus, and then there was a another section of the campus where pretty much everyone was a young Gen X or Millennial. We would pretty much only cross paths in the breakroom or at company-wide assemblies. This was during the time I was bodybuilding, and my best friend/coworker JW, who is Muslim, was observing Ramadan and subsequently taste-testing his wife's new vegan cookbook. The pair of us got so much flack for putting things in and out of the refrigerator in the breakroom, like a salad in a tupperware, while all these guys in their 50s were sitting around with, like, KFC takeout... It was atrocious. Except for some situations, like doctor-patient conversations and people needing a tube-feeding diet, don't get in people's business about what they eat. Maybe say "I made yummy banana muffins, would you like to try one?" but never make fun of someone's food. Don't compare it to animal food, or call it trash, or say it's ew disgusting. It's between a person, their own body, and those they trust to help them take care of themselves. No peanut gallery involved.
93. What are two facts about yourself that are true, but seem contradictory? Or two beliefs you have that seem unlikely to exist together?
This is so entirely nitty gritty that I think many people don't see this difference, unless the consequences of a screw-up make big waves.
So, one of the best things I have ever learned (I think it was in grad school), is that when you speak, you're communicating your viewpoint. If you ensure that's known, you're correct 100% of the time.
If you don't qualify your observation/inference/memory/idea/experience as originally yours, you will be wrong 50% of the time. Anyone can provide an equally weighted, original counter thought. If you're not prepared to accept that, then get ready to read some Wikipedia footnotes, because the only way you can get out of social I'm-better-than-you quicksand is to find original material to back up your point.
Now, that's not to say that there aren't facts. Like, the human knee is not meant to bend with the kneecap rotating backward. Demi plie in first position involves both heels remaining on the ground. Basic anatomy or basic ballet will show students these things, usually to keep them from getting hurt.
But the world is full of false facts too, and a lot of them are actually perpetuated by elementary teachers. Columbus did not sail the ocean blue in 1492. The pilgrims and "indians" didn't share Thanksgiving feast. There is no colon after the word "by" when you're stating the name of the author of a book. The best way to get out of a comma splice is, in fact, to insert a semicolon. The "Elbow Room" Schoolhouse Rock video is incorrect and highly offensive. And you can, by the way, look all of these up.
Reference books are constantly being updated. Canons in games and books and movies can change completely with the next release. It's ok if you get stuck somewhere, or if you have a hard time accepting change. It's ok if you have a hard time accepting someone else's opinion.
What I think is important, though, is to know why you feel how you feel, and know that it's shaped by your unique life experience. It's really cool to dig down to how you learned it and why it sticks in your memory, but the bottom line is, tread carefully and kindly. For everyone.
50. What qualities do you find charming?
I have no clue how they do it, but there must be something on the application for a job at Starbucks that says you must be a tall young adult male-ish presenting human with lots of rainbows and awesome hair and the friendly voice who still knows what I'm talking about when I can't remember the name of the 27-syllable latte I want to try.
Man, I miss Starbucks Sundays at actual Starbucks.
0 notes
blossom-hwa · 7 years
Look Away - MARK
I totally wasn’t inspired by @hellohaechan‘s Jeno basketball au
Not at all
Anyway just a little oneshot I cooked up in my spare time; RIHY 2 will be out probably sometime this week? Maybe the next week if I’m really busy or really lazy
Also this keeps happening to me with my irl sort of crush so this is kinda based off personal experience lmao
Pairing: Mark x fem!reader
Genre: fluff (bc do i really know how to write anything else)
Word count: 4.4k
You’re pretty sure the star basketball player and campus heartthrob, Mark Lee, thinks you hate him for some unknown reason. 
Every single fucking time you catch his eye, you look away on reflex.
Little does he know that you’re actually head over heels for him.
NCT Masterlist
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“Lee Minhyung? Mark Lee? As in THE Mark Lee?? Basketball extraordinaire, campus crush, heartthrob, cutie, the one everyone loves??” Chenle yells in a stage whisper as you cross the cafeteria with your food.
“Will you shut the fuck up, Chenle?” you hiss, looking around anxiously. You slide your tray onto the table and begin shoveling rice into your mouth.
“Fine. But seriously, you couldn’t have picked anyone else to like? You just HAD to go for the most unattainable guy in the school?”
Jisung plops down next to you, looking interested. “Who?” he asks, raising an eyebrow at Chenle, who wastes no time in answering. “Mark Lee!”
You scowl and toss a grain of rice at the Chinese boy. It lands on his forehead.
“Serves you right. Now shut up. It’s probably just a stupid puppy crush. Like the one you had of Jina. Do you want me to bring that up?” You smile sweetly at Chenle, who blushes darkly and scowls. “Screw off,” he complains.
“Well, Y/N wants you to screw off too but you won’t,” Jisung says logically, swallowing his vegetables.
“Thank you, Jisung.” You grin.
To: Idiots + Y/N
From: the only sane one
this is not a puppy crush
- ChenLE has logged on! -
To: Idiots + Y/N
From: ChenLE
To: Idiots + Y/N
From: the only sane one
- Nana bear has logged on! -
- jISunG STRESS has logged on! -
To: Idiots + Y/N
how do i help idk what to do
talk to him
To: Idiots + Y/N
From: Nana bear
Are you an idiot Jisung
Things don’t happen that way
And Y/N it’ll be okay! Just be yourself around him~
To: Idiots + Y/N
From: the only sane one
Jaemin I love you but dude how do I be myself around him if I can’t even look him in the eye
To: Idiots + Y/N
From: ChenLE
To: Idiots + Y/N
From: the only sane one
get out Chenle
To: Idiots + Y/N
I can talk to Jeno or Renjun
Or Haechan
They’re close with Mark
To: Idiots + Y/N
From: Nana bear
Yeah that’s a good idea
To: Idiots + Y/N
From: the only sane one
wHaT is WRoNg WitH yOu ALL
Mark probably doesn’t even like know who Ia m??
I’m just that nerdy child that sits in front of the class and knows the answers to calculus and chemistry questions
That happens to play piano and violin and tennis
Das it
Can I go live in denial now
To: Idiots + Y/N
From: ChenLE
To: Idiots + Y/N
From: Nana bear
Well if you feel that way then… we’ll help you in other ways!! :DD
To: Idiots + Y/N
I still don’t get what’s going on
But whatever
To: Idiots + Y/N
From: the only sane one
Jaemin you’re such a sweetheart Ily
Chenle go die in a hole
Jisung go take a course on emotions and how they work
I’m out
- the only sane one has logged off! -
Jisung greets you in front of the school with his signature blank face.
“Mark’s behind you,” is the first thing he says.
You stop short, gazing at Jisung with wide eyes. “Fuck we’re going inside RIGHT NOW Park Jisung.” You grab his arm and drag him inside where you find Chenle and Jaemin waiting for you.
“Haechan knows,” Chenle spits out as soon as you reach him.
“Knows what?” you ask, completely confused.
Jaemin coughs. “That you like Mark.”
In that moment, you think you’re about to quite literally die of embarrassment. “Are you kidding me?” you half-screech, drawing the attention of several students around you.
“Sorry! He just walked up and started a conversation with me and Jaemin and then suddenly said ‘You know Y/N, right?’ And of course we said yeah, and then he said, ‘Does she like Mark?’ and then both of us froze and then Jaemin kind of stuttered out a ‘no’ and I shook my head and Haechan was like ‘Thanks’ and he walked away! I’m sorry!” The Chinese boy cowers behind Jaemin, fearing your wrath.
You hit the side of your head. “Ah, fuck. Oh well. Hopefully he doesn’t say anything,” you say more to yourself then Chenle. “Let’s just go to class.” You take off down the hall, only stopping when Jisung pulls you back. “Your chemistry class is that way,” he says, pointing in the opposite direction.
You facepalm.
“Having a crush is killing off my brain cells,” you mutter.
Three weeks pass with no new mention of Mark and your growing crush on him.
It’s not your fault! He’s cute, he’s nice, he’s pretty smart, he’s cute, he’s athletic, he’s cute, did you mention he’s cute-
You groan quietly and slam your head on your desk. No one else is in the room except your chemistry teacher who is in the back getting something.
As people file into the room, you lift your head up and take out your notebook. You fill in the date and topic listed on the board and look around the room out of boredom.
By sheer fucking coincidence, you meet eyes with the one and only Mark Lee, and in that second, he flashes you the cutest fucking smile you have ever seen.
Out of reflex, you flick your eyes away, then look back and give him a smile in return, only he’s no longer there.
Why is it that every fucking time he looks at you you turn your head away what the fuck Y/N what is your problem-
Your shoulders sag. Maybe you’re doomed to never be able to have a romantic relationship. Or maybe you’re just being melodramatic. Probably the latter.
As you walk out of your chemistry class to go to history, a shout of your name stops you. You look around, frowning.
Tan skin appears in front of you and a bright smile fills your vision. “Hey, Y/N!” Haechan says, waving.
Haechan is another campus heartthrob, along with Renjun, Jeno, and Mark. They make up the unattainable clique of the school- hot, smart, cute, sweet, funny, etc. Jaemin went to school with Jeno, which is probably how Haechan knows your name.
He’s also the one that figured out you like Mark.
“Hi, Haechan.” You bounce on your toes, hoping he’s not here to ask about Mark and that he’ll hurry up because the history room is far away and you need to get going.
He scrutinizes your face. “You’re cute,” he says finally. “I can see why he likes you. Anyway, there’s a basketball game on Saturday. I hope you can come.” He then turns on his heel and walks away.
You stare at his disappearing backside.
What the fuck?
Last class of the day.
“You’re getting a worksheet today that’s to be completed in pairs.” The teacher waves a sheaf of papers in his hands, and the kids in the class immediately start shouting, claiming partners left and right.
You have no friends in this class and most of the students here are the popular crowd that already have half a million friends, so you place your head on the desk and sigh.
“And I will be choosing those pairs randomly!” your teacher yells over the din, causing a chorus of groans and sighs as people finally quiet down.
He produces the set of twenty-four cards he uses for this class. There are twelve pairs of cards, one for each student. Those who get the same card are in a group.
He approaches each student and each picks a card. When it comes your turn, you pick a ten.
Once everyone has a card, he goes back up to the board. “Alright, who has the aces?” Two popular, bored-looking girls raise their hands. “Get working, then.” They take their worksheets and move to sit next to each other.
“Twos?” It keeps going on until finally he reaches the tens.
You raise your hand, and to your surprise and horror, Mark raises his hand as well.
As slowly as you can, you pick up your pencil and worksheet and drag yourself over to his seat, trying to ignore the stares of the whole class.
The nerd who’s already in calculus as a sophomore and the hot, basketball star junior? Not an ideal match.
“So… um…” you say quietly, not quite looking at him. “Should we divide the problems and then share the answers at the end?” You see Mark nod out of the corner of your eye. “You can do the evens, I’ll do the odds.”
Twenty minutes later, you’re finished. You sneak a glance at Mark’s paper and see that only about half of his problems are done. You steel yourself, then ask, “D’you need help?”
Mark’s shoulders sag and he looks up. “Yeah.”
You nod, pulling his paper closer to you. “So for this one…” You explain the problem and how to complete it in detail, looking up every so often to make sure Mark is following you. At the end, he looks much less perplexed and is nodding in comprehension.
“Thanks, Y/N.”
“No problem. Try the next one on your own, now.”
He completes the next problem with difficulty but gets the right answer. “Nice, Mark,” you say, giving him a thumbs up. Then you cringe.
What the fuck was that thumbs up supposed to do you idiot-
He half smiles and completes the rest of the problems in silence.
The end of class comes, and after handing your paper in, you rush out the door.
“Wait, Y/N!” someone yells again. It isn’t Haechan this time, though.
Mark stands in front of you, backpack slung over one shoulder. “Um, I know I’m not the best at calculus but you’re really good so, uh, could you tutor me sometime?”
You’re stunned.
THE Mark Lee wants you to tutor him.
THE Mark Lee.
“It’s okay if you don’t have time or something,” he says quickly, beginning to turn away. Somehow, you find your voice.
“Oh, uh, no, it’s totally fine! When and where?” The relieved smile that crosses Mark’s face is seriously entrancing.
“Maybe tomorrow at four in the public library?” he suggests. You purse your lips. “I have work tomorrow… and my brother’s coming back from uni and I promised we could have the rest of tomorrow together so… is Friday okay? You can come over to my house.” He nods. “Friday at four, then?” You nod. “I’ll get you my address tomorrow.” He smiles and you’re again struck by how ethereal it is. “I’ll see you then.”
“See you,” you say, managing a small smile back before darting out of the school.
To: Idiots + Y/N
From: the only sane one
- ChenLE has logged on! -
To: Idiots + Y/N
From: ChenLE
To: Idiots + Y/N
From: the only sane one
- Nana bear has logged on! -
- jISunG STRESS has logged on! -
To: Idiots + Y/N
From: Nana bear
That’s awesome! By the way, did Haechan corner you today? He asked me some stuff about you.
To: Idiots + Y/N
Yeah he asked me too about what you like and stuff
Idk why
To: Idiots + Y/N
From: the only sane one
Oh right he did talk to me
He said something like ‘you’re cute. i see why he likes you’ and then said there was a basketball game on Saturday and that i should come
What do you think that means
To: Idiots + Y/N
From: ChenLE
D’you think he wants to set you up with Mark or smth
Seriously tho
I’m not joking
To: Idiots + Y/N
I hate to say it but
Chenle is actually kinda making sense rn
To: Idiots + Y/N
From: ChenLE
Wow thanks jisung
To: Idiots + Y/N
From: Nana bear
I talked to Renjun today and he mentioned you too
I don’t get why
He just said smth like ‘Doesn’t Y/N hang out with you guys a lot?’ and I just kinda nodded
That was it
To: Idiots + Y/N
I wanna sleep now
To: Idiots + Y/N
From: the only sane one
Wow das creepy Jaemin
And Jisung wtf it’s literally eight o’clock
Don’t you have a lab to finish anyway
To: Idiots + Y/N
“Hey, Yuta, one of my classmates is coming over at four so I can tutor him. Unless you’re going to be a civilized human being, you’re not allowed in the house,” you say flippantly, grabbing a peach from the refrigerator.
“What do you mean, ‘civilized human being?’ I am civilized, thank you very much.” Your brother walks into the kitchen and flicks your head as you wash the peach.
“Ow. And I mean not prowling around, making dick jokes, interrupting my teaching, et cetera, et cetera.” You throw a banana at him, which he catches and starts to peel.
“No interrupting?? Come on, you know I live to interrupt you,” he says, pouting. “Fuck off, Yuta. No. Interrupting.”
“Fine. No dick jokes, prowling around, or interrupting. Taeyong’s coming over anyway, so we’ll be busy. And why d’you care so much? Also, why are you tutoring him here? You never tutor people at home.” Yuta raises an eyebrow.
“Library’s closed on Fridays, he has a basketball game or something on Saturday. Simple as that.” You bite the peach.
“Then why tutor him on Friday or Saturday? Why not next week?” he counters.
You roll your eyes. “I don’t know, okay? Quit asking questions.”
It’s totally not like you’re trying to get this over with as soon as possible so you don’t have to anticipate Mark’s arrival for another week.
“You probably like him.” Yuta’s nonchalant remark stuns you.
“Oh shit, you actually like him?” Yuta asks, surprised. “N-No! Stop!” Your flaming cheeks say otherwise though and Yuta stares at you, incredulous.
“You better not say a fucking word about this when he comes over,” you say, pointing a finger at him. “Fine, sis, fine.”
There’s a knock on the door. “Probably Taeyong. We’ll just be in my room.” You shrug and go back to your own room, still munching on the peach.
An hour later, another knock sounds. Focused on the sound of your violin, you don’t hear it at first until Yuta yells, “D’you want me to get the door, Y/N?”
Startled, you nearly drop your violin. “Yeah, please,” you yell back, hastily grabbing your calculus textbook and notebook and running to the living room where the pink-haired Taeyong greets you.
“Hi, I’m Y/N’s brother. Who’re you?” you hear Yuta say. You rush over to the door, still holding your violin and calculus things. “Oh, hey, Mark. This is my idiot brother Yuta and the pink-haired one is Taeyong, his friend. They’re not going to bother us. We’ll stay in the living room.” You push Yuta away and let Mark in, closing the door behind him.
“Yeah… we won’t… bother you…” Yuta snickers and looks at Taeyong, who smirks back. “No inappropriate jokes, you idiot!” You put down the violin and heft the heavy textbook, threatening the elders with it. They disappear into Yuta’s room, still snickering.
“Sorry about that, they’re dumb as hell,” you say, your face feeling a bit hot. Why does your brother have to be so idiotic?
“It’s okay. I’ve got an older brother too,” Mark says, sitting on the couch and pulling out his notebook.
You plop down next to him, acutely aware of your proximity. “Um, let’s get started then.”
At some point, Taeyong leaves, bidding you and Mark goodbye. Then Yuta comes out and turns on the TV. It’s seven by then.
“It’s seven… I guess you should be going,” you say finally. Mark looks at his phone, then nods. “Yeah. Can I talk to you outside though? Like, alone?”
Your heart rate quickens, and you look at Yuta, who’s grinning at you evilly. “Uh… sure.” You follow him outside after he packs up his stuff.
“This is straightforward… but Y/N, do you not like me? Did I do something wrong to you? You never seem to look me in the eye, or if you do, you immediately look away, and it’s like you try to avoid me.”
You know Mark is looking at you, but you can’t really bring yourself to meet his eyes.
Oh, God, what do I say? What can I say? That I really like him and that’s the reason I can never look him in the eye and that’s why I always avoid him?
Before you can think, you blurt out everything you just thought.
And then you realize what you just did.
And you bolt inside after a really quick ‘sorry.’
To: Idiots + Y/N
From: the only sane one
I accidentally told Mark I liked him
I’m fucking dead
Someone bury me now
- jISunG STRESS has logged on! -
- ChenLE has logged on! -
- Nana bear has logged on! -
To: Idiots + Y/N
What the fuck how did that happen
To: Idiots + Y/N
From: ChenLE
To: Idiots + Y/N
From: Nana bear
I can hear Chenle screaming next door
please shut up
To: Idiots + Y/N
From: the only sane one
To: Idiots + Y/N
From: Nana bear
Well on the bright side he knows now
Just give him time to answer
To: Idiots + Y/N
Do you even have his number Y/N
To: Idiots + Y/N
From: the only sane one
To: Idiots + Y/N
- jISunG STRESS has changed the group name to ‘Idiots’! -
To: Idiots
From: ChenLE
Hold up
Didn’t you say Haechan said there was a basketball game on Saturday
To: Idiots
From: the only sane one
I don’t like where this is going
To: Idiots
From: Nana bear
I like where this is going
Yes Y/N we’re all going to go to the basketball game so you can get your answer
To: Idiots
From: the only sane one
To: Idiots
Jaemin’s joined the dark side
anyway i just texted Doyoung
he said he can drive us
we’ll pick you up at five Y/N
To: Idiots
From: the only sane one
why are you all so invested in my crush
i hate you all
fuck you
The others quite literally force you into a relatively nice outfit and into Doyoung’s car, where you stare out the window for the entire ride, ignoring the others’ attempts to bring you into the conversation.
“Oh come on, Y/N, it won’t be that bad,” Doyoung finally says. “It’s just a boy. You can deal with that.”
“Easy for you to say,” you mumble. “You attract all the girls to begin with. I’m just a potato.”
“LIES!” Chenle yells next to you. “You’re a pretty potato!”
Jisung looks at Chenle with disdain. “What the fuck, Chenle.”
Jaemin laughs from the front.
The three boys herd you into the gym, forcing you to sit down. Bored, with nothing better to do, you watch the bleachers fill with people from your school and your rival school.
After about a half hour, the bleachers are filled and the players come onto the court.
Your breath catches when you see Mark smile at the crowd and you clutch Jaemin’s arm hard. “He’s there,” you whisper. Jaemin nods.
Jeno is on the team as well, so you expect to see Haechan and Renjun somewhere. What you don’t expect is for them to plop down next to Jaemin.
“Hey, guys!” Renjun says happily, waving. Haechan smiles brightly.
“Hi,” you mumble.
“I heard Mark said he was going to score the winning point for a certain someone,” Haechan remarks offhandedly as the game starts.
I wonder who that certain someone is.
You don’t expect it to be you, of course, but you can’t help feeling a small stab of hope that maybe he likes you back.
“Who’s that?” Chenle asks, looking at the tanned boy in curiosity. Haechan gives him a secretive smile. “You’ll see.”
Fucking ambiguous piece of shit-
The game seems to pass in a blur, full of shouts and passes and shots and screaming, and suddenly there’s only twenty seconds left on the clock.
Mark steals the ball from the opposing team and begins to dribble his way down the court, his fellow teammates covering him.
Ten seconds.
You clench your fists together, willing him to make it.
Five seconds.
Mark looks up for a split second, and in that second, he meets your eyes.
For once, you don’t look away. Instead, you raise your fist in a ‘you can do this!’ gesture and smile.
He evades the last opposing member and shoots the ball.
You and the rest of the crowd hold their breath.
The ball circles the rim once, twice, and then drops in. The gym explodes in screams.
You grin so wide you think your face is going to split open as Mark is hoisted onto his teammates’ shoulders and carried back to the locker rooms.
You didn’t see Mark after the game, but Haechan and Renjun made you promise to go to the music room on Monday before school.
Which is why you’re currently standing in front of the door, having dragged your friends over so you wouldn’t be alone.
“Knock already,” Jisung says impatiently. You scowl at him but do it anyway.
Haechan opens the door, grinning like a maniac, and pulls you in.
The first thing you register is Mark in the middle of the room, awkwardly holding a red tulip. Then you see Jeno and Renjun standing the corner, both sporting identical Cheshire grins. When you come in, they all run out, giggling.
“This is awkward,” you finally say after an extended silence. Then you internally slap yourself in the face.
Why the fuck would you say that-
“Yeah, I guess.” Mark finally looks at you, extending the hand with the tulip. You take it hesitantly, trying (futilely) to hide behind the flower.
“I would’ve told you before if you hadn’t run back inside but… I like you too, Y/N. It kind of upset me that nearly each time I looked at you or tried to talk to you, you would acknowledge me only the slightest bit, so I thought you hated me for some weird reason.” Mark looks down, his normally confident aura gone. Now he just looks like a shy teenager.
You give a small smile. “Sorry about that. I’m just a naturally shy person and I don’t open up easily. Once I figured out that I liked you, it was even harder to acknowledge you properly. I thought you wouldn’t want to talk to me anyway, I’m just a nerdy sophomore. That’s all.”
He smiles, looking up. “I noticed you first because you were smart and answered a lot of questions in class. I thought you were cute. Then when I saw you interacting so happily with your friends, I think that’s when I started to like you.” He steps a little closer.
You can feel your face flaming. “I originally thought you were just another hot, preppy jock, but when I saw you in class, you seemed so earnest when you tried to learn something new, and you were always nice to everyone. So I ended up liking you, like half the other girls in the school.”
Mark takes your hand. “Well, now that we’ve successfully confessed to each other without further complications, are you free later today? We can go on a date.”
You grin widely. “Sure, I don’t see why not.”
“You were the one I said I was going to score the winning point for, you know?” Your hand in Mark’s is one of the best things you’ve felt.
“I do now,” you say, choosing to hide behind the tulip.
To: Idiots
From: ChenLE
To: Idiots
To: Idiots
From: the only sane one
calm tf down guys
it was nice
we got coffee and walked around the park and talked
To: Idiots
From: Nana bear
To: Idiots
From: the only sane one
are you kidding me
To: Idiots
To: Idiots
From: ChenLE
To: Idiots
From: the only sane one
yes, we did
As your phone buzzes with the influx of messages from your friends, you lay on your bed with a stupid smile.
Mark had walked you home, and in front of the door, he’d asked shyly if he could kiss you.
You’d said yes.
It was perfect.
To: Idiots
From: ChenLE
To: Idiots
yea lmao chenle you still haven’t had your first kiss yet
To: Idiots
From: the only sane one
lmao burn
To: Idiots
From: Nana bear
To: Idiots
From: ChenLE
y’all are rude i hate you
- ChenLE has changed the group name to ‘Idiots + Lover’! -
To: Idiots + Lover
From: the only sane one
wtf chenle
i hate you
To: Idiots + Lover
From: ChenLE
no you don’t
you love me
To: Idiots + Lover
From: the only sane one
no i don’t
To: Idiots + Lover
she loves mark
To: Idiots + Lover
From: the only sane one
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