elusivetranscendent · 11 months
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video game bug enjoyers rise up
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cheekymonados · 1 month
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Friend's chat wanted a new chat icon, so they told me to draw scuttlebug
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ninebaalart · 11 months
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Nintendo 64 Era
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linkandorf · 1 year
Hello!! As you may or may not know, I've recently been designing a lot of fun characters based on real life spider species, and other arachnids as well! It's been a minute since I've shared any of these designs, so I figured I'd show off some more of them today! I also had my wonderful biologist friend @aphid-kirby help me identify some of these real life spider species, since I usually just search "cool spider photos" on google images for inspiration without caring what I'm actually looking at. So let's check out some more characters based on these real life spider species!
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Here's Jambo and J.J., based on the Chirotheca telaincola and Ambulorbis psychedelia, respectively. In real life, these two species, despite not being very closely related, are both commonly referred to as "Scuttlebugs", causing some confusion for which one is actually being referred to. For that reason, I thought it would be fun to make them siblings! Jambo is the rowdy but protective big brother, and J.J. is the cute but also strange little sister.
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This is Giacomo, based on the Triplumoculus spissumembrum. The real life species is known for it's three equally sized eyeballs, as well as it's floating limbs. Nature is crazy! Giacomo seems laidback on the surface, but he actually thinks quite highly of himself. If you were to have the right "Ability", so to say, you might be able to "cut" him down to your level. Or something.
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Craftwell here is based on the Araneacaudex luxtranquilium, a tarantula known for it's strange blocky-like appearance. Similar to the real species, Craftwell is quite polite during the day, as he's quite the social butterfly, despite his bookish appearance. During the night, however, he gets VERY sucked into his hobbies of reading and writing, and it would be a grave error to disrupt him at this time of day. He drops String and Spider Eyes.
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Dash is based on the Celericaecilia rubrumacula, a very tiny red spider capable of running quite quickly, and is known for being much more aggressive their blue-colored relatives. Dash is just a little guy :) In his design, I made sure to reference the many defining features of his real life counterpart, such as
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This is Goldie, based on the Cephalospica retropoda, a spider with very distinct coloration that is also known for it's horn-like protrusion and strange placement of it's back pair of legs. Scientists still don't know why this species Evolved like this, but according to the Pokede- I mean, uh, scientific reports, they can't even tell it's front from it's back, so whose to say. Oh, and, uh, Goldie is, uh... cool... and red :)
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My good friend Mr. Glove is based on the Myriachirotheca manususpendium, a spider with very strange behavior, in which it weaves it's web into glove-like accessories, despite spiders not having fingers! How weird! But it makes for a good anthro design, so that worked out huh! Mr. Glove is sort of an eccentric salesman, who would be happy to weave you your own pair of gloves. For a Price.
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Stabitha is based on the Confodiopoda homophagus, a terrifying spider known for hiding in the shadows due to it's almost entirely silhouetted coloration, waiting to strike at it's prey. This spider doesn't just bite it's prey however, but it'll actually stab it with it's sharp legs! Yowch! A spider that sits and waits... hunting it's prey... such a violent and aggressive method of attack... so of course I turned it into a Hot Woman.
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This is Muffet, based on the Araneavenditor panifica. SHe's from under tale .
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weirdmarioenemies · 1 year
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Name: Argiope amoena
Debut: Real Life
A post about a real animal, outside of April Fool’s Day? Have we gone SILLY? Yes, we have long ago, and I would hope you noticed by now! However, this isn’t a post to discuss in-depth the species itself (sorry amoena), but rather to reveal its legacy! What do I mean by that? You will see.
So! Argiope amoena. A real photo can be seen here! It is an orb-weaving spider, with adult females creating a large, vertical web, which they sit in the middle of as they wait for prey to get entangled. It can be easily distinguished by its striking yellow and black striped abdomen! It is native to southern Asia, including Japan, and as a result, tends to be commonly represented or referenced in Japanese media. This is its legacy!
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The most relevant amoena reference to our blog is, of course, Scuttlebug! In Super Mario 64 DS, they were redesigned from fanged gumballs to the stripey spiders they are today, though whether they have suction cups or boxing gloves for feet tends to vary. I actually learned this species’ name BECAUSE of Scuttlebug! I was on Scuttlebug’s wiki page to see if they mentioned its species anywhere, confident it was SOME kind of Argiope, and it turns out its Korean name is literally Argiope amoena. Super Mario is educational! He and his funny friends are full of funny facts! I like this Sticker Star sprite in particular, since it is the exact position the real spiders take in the center of the web!
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Scuttlebug is far, FAR from the only one in the Mario universe, too! Here, from left to right, we have Suu from Super Mario Land; Paidan from Wario Land; Arachne from Super Mario RPG; and Webber and Anonster from Wario Land 3! I can’t say for sure that they are all amoena for sure- really, Scuttlebug is the only one that seems confirmed- but I can assure you every creature in this post is almost certainly based on a member of the Argiope genus!
More fictional spiders will be under the cut, be aware that while there will not be any photos, some of these may be more realistic-looking than the Mario examples!
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Moving away from Mario, another iconic Argiope is the Skulltula from the Zelda series! Yes, I know I have been going on and on about the striped abdomen, and this one’s abdomen is covered by a skull, but I am still confident here! Not only are the proportions and posture accurate to an Argiope, but it exhibits another important trait of many Argiopes- their extremely fashionable leg stripes! Like Luigi’s extremely fashionable striped socks that Nintendo has erased from history. They can’t edit the striped socks out of nature, though!
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In Pac-Man 2: The New Adventures (the best Pac-Man game), Pac-Man can encounter an amoena dangling from a tree in town, and he is delighted to see it! After looking at it, he will become oh so jolly and saunter away while whistling. If he is feeling smug, he will get it out of the way, but with a harmless hand wave that encourages it to ascend back up. I am really impressed by how respected this spider is!
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The Argiope genus is present in Animal Crossing, with Argiope bruennichi starring as THE spider! The bug called Spider! The only spider in the game besides the tarantula! If a tree is shaken, Spider may descend! What happens to Spider next is up to you...
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What’s with all of these orb-weavers focusing on dangling from a thread rather than actually being stationed on a web? I don’t know. But it’s fun either way! Here is Grabber from Sonic 2, one of those lucky Badniks given the blessing to reappear in future games! Grabbers are here to grab, and if they grab you, they will explode shortly after. Fun spider fact! They do not do that in real life.
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I always feel like Yo-Kai Watch doesn’t have enough spiders in it, but I think that’s probably because Arachnus, the most notable spidery character, is more of a spider-themed guy than a spider. But then he got a Shadowside form, and this is pretty awesome! He is actually a spider now! The stripes are here! I can always count on the stripes, and I like when the black is more of a purple, too.
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If I ever bothered to actually use Arachnus in game, I would have realized that there was a cool actual spider there all along, as his Soultimate move shows what I assume is his True Form in the background, looking more Argiope than ever! Arachnus is a direct adaptation of the yokai Tsuchigumo, which are actually more depicted as resembling ground spiders... but also sometimes depicted as tiger-like! It always comes back to stripes! It is fun to see this one interpreted more like an Argiope, and it would be especially fun if it was intentionally a reference to the tiger stripes!
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In one of my favorite Argiope appearances, we have Como from the Kirby series! While it first appeared in Dream Land 3, it was Return to Dream Land that redesigned it with that distinctive striped abdomen. And then Star Allies went and gave it its own ability and made it a full playable character! Como is easily, to me, the most special spider on this list, and my favorite.
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Also look at this! An unused concept for a Spider character, superficially similar to Como, but with eyes and a smile on the abdomen, with the head becoming a sort of torso! This design is so fascinating and I really quite love it. The spinnerets become “hair”, the chelicerae become “legs”, and it gains a pair of magic-style floating mitten hands! Also the original eyes are kind of like boobs now. Is this a good thing? You decide!
There is also a striped spider in Seaman, which you will have to trust me about because I was unable to get a good image. It has a creepy face, poisons Seaman when he eats it, and you then have to speak encouraging words to him, or he will die. Please trust me.
Those are all the examples I can think of, really! But I would love to hear about any more! And now you all know to thank Argiope amoena for its service to the arts!
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meltedhorror · 10 months
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Emotional support creature
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saltednick · 9 months
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proto scuttlebug
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somepsycho · 10 months
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Spider Magician ready to Bedazzle you with 0% real magic. All Sleight of Hand(s) and Invisible String
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incandacence · 1 year
the scuttlebugs make another appearance 💖
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bby-deerling · 6 months
the three genders:
● women
● bad era michael jackson
● josh hutcherson five nights at freddys
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hgduo · 1 year
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Poll links: X X
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bloggirl8842 · 1 year
Back when supernatural Tumblr was happening like ten of the high traffic blogs had a Discord where they’d regularly make fun of any odd thing I’d post (my friend was in it and she’d send me live updates) (it wasn’t specifically FOR making fun of me, that just happened to be their favorite hobby) and I was not allowed to say ANYTHING so I was just constantly trying to manifest blood clots in their brains. I remember once someone in there went “hey guys aren’t we indulging in this a little too much” and Sasha googledocsdyke replied “well it’s not like we think Niku’s a bad person, we really like Niku, but [et cetera et cetera]” which was DUMBFOUNDING because I had no idea my morality was up for debate
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protocrybaby-dead-not · 7 months
META'S NEW FORM! he's a faerie now 🥹
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It all started here:
At night Marx, Magolor, Taranza, Mahoroa, Marstella, and HyperGlitch are chilling at a park in the middle of the fucking night.
“Okay, I have this epic idea. Stella, wake the fuck up.” Marx says.
“Sorry,” Marstella replies.
“So, what if we pushed those kids into the river and ran away?”
“No???” Taranza replies.
“Ugh. Fine, let’s do something else.”
The mfs go somewhere else.
“Hi, Galacta!!” Mahoroa says.
“Wassup?” Cupid replies.
Plutø waves at the mfs.
“Y’all, it’s time to do what we do best,” Marx says.
“What do you mean?” Taranza asks.
Marx splits into Yin and Yang too, Taranza transforms into Moon, Mahoroa turns into Star, Marstella transforms into Dream, Magolor turns into Crystalline, and HyperGlitch transforms into Heart.
“Hey! The losers aren’t supposed to know that we aren’t who we say we are!” T̶a̶r̶a̶n̶z̶a̶ Moon says.
“Oh well. Just don’t let the plebians know.” Yang says.
“Also, technically Mahoroa is trans.” Crystalline points out.
“That’s Star to you! And also, yeah.” Star replies.
“Guys, don’t do that shit. Let’s go tell Plutø.” Galacta says.
Cupid opens a portal to Faerie Land and the mfs go through.
“Plutø! We did a bad thing!” Moon yells.
“What did you do, youngest? I think…” Plutø replies.
“We accidentally transformed out of our disguises!” Moon says.
“Well, as long as the Popstar people didn’t see you it’s okay.”
Morpho shows up out of nowhere.
“Hey, bitches.” Morpho says.
“Don’t question it.”
Galacta Knight goes back to Popstar.
Cupid sits next to a tree.
Galacta Knight pulls out a lighter, sets the tree on fire, and flies away.
*Next day*
Plutø is sitting on a log, playing her guitar and singing a song to the e̶v̶i̶l̶ ̶a̶s̶s̶ faeries.
“Plutø!! I need to speak to you for a second.” Moon says.
Plutø stops singing and turns to Moon.
“Yes, my dwarf?” Plutø replies.
“I miss the love of my life…”
“Oh, you mean Sectonia?”
Moon nods.
“She’s alive!”
Moon looks surprised and confuzzled.
Plutø summons Rosie.
“That’s Rosie! How does that work?” Moon says.
“A little thing called reincarnation,” Plutø replies.
Plutø nods and hands Rosie to Moon.
Moon runs away.
“Hey, Ourple!” Star responds.
“Faerie, Plutø told me that Sectonia reincarnated into Rosie!”
Moon transforms into Taranza.
“Mahoroa, let’s go to Popstar!” Taranza says.
Star snaps her fingers and turns into Mahoroa.
“Wait, why?” Mahoroa asks.
“I want to see Spinndle.”
Mahoroa opens a portal and the mfs go to Popstar.
“Hey, hey, hey!! What are you doing here?” Marx says.
“I wanted to go check on Spinndle!” Taranza replies.
Spinndle approaches them.
“I heard my name?” Spinndle says.
Taranza runs to Spinndle and hugs her.
“Also, where the hell is Galacta?” Magalie asks.
“For real. I haven’t seen blud at all.” Marx replies.
“Should we look for him?” Mahoroa asks.
“Probably,” Marx replies.
“Detective Gonzales activate!” Magalie yells.
The mfs run around for a while then they find Galacta.
“What are you doing here?” Galacta says.
“Where were you last night??” Magalie asks.
Galacta Knight turns away dramatically.
“Wait, what do we do now?” Marx asks.
“Dunno. But at least we found Cupid!” Magalie replies.
Galacta Knight climbs into a tree and looks down on the plebs.
The mfs look confuzzled.
Meta Knight and his kids show up out of nowhere.
“WHAT THE FUCK” Marx yells.
“Hi, Marx!!” Kirby says.
“Hey, Kirby.”
Galacta Knight flies away.
“What happeneded??” Kirby asks.
“I don’t know,” Marx replies.
Galacta Knight comes back driving a giant ass machine thing.
Marx’s tail perks up and he flies into the air.
“What’s wrong, Froggie?” Magalie asks.
Kirby sees a fire and runs towards it.
“Kirby, no!!” Meta Knight yells.
Meta Knight chases after Kirby and picks him up before he gets burnt to a crisp.
The seven dwarfs are watching the fire.
“The world is burning,” Crystalline says.
Yin and Yang jump on Crystal’s back.
“Wait, really!?” Yang says.
“Yeah,” Moon replies.
Yang laughs evilly.
Crystal launches Yang off of him and turns around.
“YOU’RE EVIL!!!” Crystalline yells and points a toy gun at Yang. “NOW I’LL KILL YOU!”
“Oh well, it’s too late.”
Yin and Yang combine and turn into Vesperrolii.
“Haha! Come at me, bro!” Vesper says.
Vesperrolii chugs a gallon of orange juice and eats toothpaste.
“Blud’s mental.” Prince Fluff says.
Vesper rolls around in blue paint.
“Girl, what’s wrong with you?” Gryll asks.
“Everything!” Vesperrolii replies.
Nova runs past Vesper and hugs Artzy.
Artzy’s beret falls off and she transforms into Princess Sugaree Sweet.
“A-Artzy!?” Nova says, shocked.
“My apologies, Nova. We can still be friends, right?” Sugaree says.
Galacta Knight (and the rest of the mfs) approaches the crew on top of his machine thing (Callista is driving it btw don't ask how she knows how to) and gestures for them to get on.
Galacta Knight pulls them onto the machine thing.
“I’m scared…” Mahoroa says and clings onto Meta Knight.
“It’s okay, bebé.” Meta Knight replies.
The crew drive around for a while.
“I’m going to change my entire identity after this shit,” Gryll says.
“Meta Knight, how do you feel about this entire predicament?” Vesperrolii asks.
“No me importa. Estoy conduciendo entre llamas.” Meta Knight replies.
Galacta Knight pushes Meta Knight off of the car thing.
“What the fuck!?” Mahoroa yells.
Morpho Knight flies over to them.
“Speedy quick!” Morpho yells.
Callista stops the car thing and Mahoroa jumps off.
“Meta Knight?” Mahoroa says.
Meta Knight takes his mask off and Mahoroa looks scared and confused.
“Nothing matters. And I’ll be fine. And you’ll always be on my mind.” Meta Knight whispers, weakly.
Galacta Knight pulls Mahoroa back onto the machine thing.
“No! Let me go!” Mahoroa yells.
Galacta Knight runs Meta Knight over and his blood splatters into the sky.
Mahoroa freezes in shock and Kirby covers his siblings’ eyes.
Galacta Knight laughs menacingly and they drive away.
Mahoroa starts crying and jumps off of the machine thing.
“Star, come back!” Moon yells.
Mahoroa finds Meta Knight and the seven dwarfs follow behind him.
“H-he’s dead…” Mahoroa says.
“Are you okay, Star?” Moon asks.
Mahoroa hugs Meta Knight.
“Thank you for everything, mi amor…”
*A few days later*
Mahoroa is crying in his bed, eating an entire watermelon.
Plutø emerges from the sky.
“Hello, My Dwarf…” Plutø whispers.
Mahoroa doesn’t respond and looks away.
Plutø uses her telekinesis to get Mahoroa up and they teleport to Faerie Land.
“Where am I!?” Mahoroa yells.
Plutø turns Mahoroa into Star.
“Hey, Faerie!” Moon says.
Star looks down and sees Meta Knight’s dead body on the ground.
“N-no! Not again!!”
Star tries to run, but Plutø stops them with her telekinesis.
“Let me go!”
Plutø mind controls Star to sit down in a circle with the others.
“How did I get here?”
“Starling! We will bring your knight back!” Plutø says, fluttering her wings.
“It’s not going to work…”
“Don’t doubt me, my dwarf! You have to help us.”
Star sighs and gives in.
Plutø, Aeon Hero, the seven dwarfs, and Morpho circle around Meta Knight.
“¡Mintiendo Alta!” Plutø sings.
“¡A través de todo!” Moon responds.
“¡Cortate la cara!” Plutø sings.
“¡De la caída!” Crystalline responds.
“¿Cuando estás herido?” Plutø sings.
“¿A quién llamarías? No puedo responder ahora.” Star responds.
“¡Gasté el alquiler!” Plutø sings.
“¡Desde lo alto!” Heart responds.
“¡Calle de un solo sentido!” Plutø sings.
“¡A las estrellas!” Vesperroli, Yin and Yang respond.
“¡Limpialo!” Plutø sings.
“¡Verte morir! Es tuyo decidir.” Aeon Hero responds.
Morpho rips Meta Knight’s heart out and pushes the rest of his dead body away.
“AAHHH!! DON’T DO THAT!!!” Star screams.
“It’s supposed to be doing that,” Moon replies.
Plutø mind controls Star again.
“Polvo, pol-pol polvo…” Morpho whispers in a sing-song voice.
The heart grows wings similar to Meta Knight’s.
“Polvo, pol-pol polvo…” Morpho whispers in a sing-song voice once again.
The heart flutters its tiny bat wings.
“Polvo, pol-pol polvo…” Morpho whispers in a sing-song voice once again.
The heart forms a shell around it and turns into a faerie egg.
Morpho says something to the dwarfs in Faerie language.
“Aww, boring!” Yang complains. “I hate waiting!”
“Be patient,” Yin replies.
*A week later…*
Moon and Star are communicating through telepathy.
“Hey, you two! Plutø said we have to follow her! Come on!” Yang yells.
Moon and Star follow the crew into a portal that leads to a field with a pink river that the faeries are swimming in.
“Starling, come join us!” Plutø says.
Star sits next to Moon in the circle where they are surrounding Morpho Knight and Meta Knight’s faerie egg.
“Today’s the day. Ready, everyone?” Morpho says.
Star starts crying.
“Faerie, don’t cry…” Moon whispers to their best friend.
“¡Mintiendo Alta!” Plutø sings.
“¡A través de todo!” Moon responds.
“¡Cortate la cara!” Plutø sings.
“¡De la caída!” Crystalline responds.
“¿Cuando estás herido?” Plutø sings.
“¿A quién llamarías? No puedo responder ahora.” Star responds.
“¡Gasté el alquiler!” Plutø sings.
“¡Desde lo alto!” Heart responds.
“¡Calle de un solo sentido!” Plutø sings.
“¡A las estrellas!” Vesperroli, Yin and Yang respond.
“¡Limpialo!” Plutø sings.
“¡Verte morir! Es tuyo decidir.” Aeon Hero responds.
“Polvo, pol-pol polvo…” Morpho whispers in a sing-song voice once again.
Morpho’s eyes glow for a moment and it sits down next to the egg.
“Polvo, pol-pol polvo…” Morpho whispers in a sing-song voice once again.
Morpho Knight and all of the faeries surround the egg and say a chant in Faerie language.
“Polvo, pol-pol polvo…” Morpho whispers in a sing-song voice once again.
The egg slowly starts hatching.
The Faeries start doing a dance while Plutø plays her guitar so Morpho doesn’t stress.
“As whispers of love carry us high,
Together in magic, forever we’ll fly.
Whispering wings, our hearts intertwined,
In love’s eternal embrace, we’ll forever find.” The faeries whisper.
“𝕬 𝖘𝖔𝖓𝖌 𝖇𝖔𝖗𝖓 𝖋𝖗𝖔𝖒 𝖆 𝖋𝖆𝖊𝖗𝖎𝖊 𝖍𝖆𝖙𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖌'𝖘 𝖘𝖔𝖚𝖑,
𝕷𝖊𝖙 𝖑𝖔𝖛𝖊'𝖘 𝖊𝖓𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖓𝖙𝖒𝖊𝖓𝖙 𝖘𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖊 𝖚𝖘 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝖒𝖆𝖐𝖊 𝖚𝖘 𝖜𝖍𝖔𝖑𝖊.” Plutø says.
The puffball's hand pushes a piece of the shell.
The puffball looks extremely similar to Meta Knight but with two curly-ish horns, and a star on its forehead.
It climbs out of the egg covered in pink egg white. (It’s still transparent tho)
"Paapaoraaa~??" Meta Knight says in Faerie.
Plutø approaches the egg and pulls Meta Knight out.
“La muerte es vida es la muerte es vida es la muerte es vida es…” Plutø whispers.
Meta Knight’s eyes glow after Plutø finishes speaking.
The Goddess puts Meta Knight in front of Star.
"Mi Amor?" Star whispers.
"¿Quién Eres?" Meta Knight asks.
"I am Star, the second seven. Mahoroa is my disguise for Popstar."
Meta Knight hugs Star.
"Te amo, Estrella…" Meta Knight whispers.
Plutø and Aeon Hero pick Meta Knight up and they start flying.
"Follow me, my dwarfs!" Plutø says.
The dwarfs follow Plutø in the sky.
"Where are we going?" Star asks.
“Be patient!” Plutø replies.
The dwarfs land in Plutø’s throne room.
Dream sits on her cloud bed thing and starts chewing on Heart’s hand.
“Stop it, Sky!” Heart says and hits her on the head.
“Marcī told me to.” Dream replies.
“Girl, Marcī ain’t here,” Crystalline says.
Dream flies away on her cloud bed thing.
“Where did Dreamda go?” Yin asks.
“I don’t know,” Yang replies.
Dream flies down to a shadowy place with a giant statue of Marcī.
“Marcī, they won’t let me sleep.�� Dream says.
“What the fuck do you mean, dollface?” Marcī replies.
“I don’t know. But I promise to bring you back someday.”
*Back with the rest of the dwarfs*
“Hey, Plutø, have you ever been to Popstar?” Moon asks.
“Of course!” Plutø replies.
“Ooh, really!? Do you have a disguise?”
“OH MY PIGLETS!11!! CAN YOU SHOW US!?” Vesperrolii asks.
In DreamLand.
Kirby and his friends are standing outside with Aeon Hero.
“This place is in ruins… Why did you kill my dad, Uncle Galact?” Kirby asks.
Plutø emerges from the sky with her dwarfs (and Meta Knight).
“Long story,” Meta Knight replies.
Plutø summons Sailor Waddle Dee.
“Sailor Moon!?” Bandee says.
“Hey, Bandee!” Sailor Dee replies.
Meta Knight hugs Sailor Waddle Dee.
“Sir Meta Knight!?”
“Where the hell is Dreamda!?” Star yells.
“I’ll go get her,” Plutø says.
Plutø teleports away.
“Where did Plutø go?” Moon asks.
“She went to go find Dreamda,” Star replies.
A red rose petal lands on Moon’s head.
“Nosotras pintamos rosas blancas rojas”
“WHO SAID THAT” Yang yells.
*With Dream*
Plutø enters the shadowy field.
Dream is sitting in a fae ring made of roses and mushrooms.
Dream puts her tail on the statue and it starts cracking.
Plutø uses her telekinesis to make Dream float into the air.
“Come join us, my dwarf!” Plutø says.
Marcī climbs out of the statue.
“No te sientas mal cuando todos estos hijos de puta se ahoguen.” Dream says.
Plutø teleports Marcī and Dream to where the others are.
*With the others in question*
Marcī is walking towards them with Callista following behind her.
Yin and Yang turn into Marx and run towards Marcī.
“Marcī…?” Marx says, with tears in his eyes.
“Marxy!” Marcī responds, excited.
Marcī kisses Marx.
Callista waves at them with all six of her hands.
“Wanna see my true form?” Callista says.
They all look confuzzled while Marcī smirks.
Callista transforms into Plutø.
“Que se ahoguen.” Plutø AKA Callista says.
“Callie, you’re Plutø!?” Vesperrolii yells.
“Yeah. But, it’s time for our suffering to end.”
“ARE YOU GOING TO KILL US!? PLEASE, I’M SO YOUNG AND HAVE SO MUCH LIFE TO LIVE!!” Kirby begs on his hands and knees.
Plutø turns Dreamland back to normal.
Kirby looks shocked and looks up at Plutø.
“Goodbye, little mortal being…” Plutø says while she and her dwarfs go into the portal.
“Wait! But what about me and my siblings?” Kirby says.
"You can fend for yourself, little puffball. Good luck!" Plutø replies.
Plutø, Aeon Hero, and the dwarfs go into a portal.
"Bye, bestie!" Crystalline yells to Kirby.
Crystal goes through the portal and Kirby looks confused.
“He does look a bit like Magolor, though…” Kirby says to himself.
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bugtransport · 7 months
i didn't even realise your url was the a press thing i read bug and assumed it was kr related
IT WAS SUCH A HAPPY ACCIDENT i came up with bugtransport as a username for a public art account on twitter oh..... back in feb 2020 if my recollection is right and then in 2022 i ended up getting into the series about bugmen and their transportation. i had two years there where i was completely oblivious and now i know battle hopper <3
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badgraph1csghost · 1 year
This is the best video in the history of the world.
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I’m certain this exists, but I’m not a gamer so I haven’t personally come across it.
Watch For Falling Rocks, where you’re running up to a goal, but boulders rolling down the hill will drag you a little way down and slow you down as you go. You can dodge the boulders, but other people are getting smacked by them too, and if they're the only one who is hit, they'll have to bear the full brunt.
There still end up being speedrunners who ignore the authorial intent of the level to get the shortest time, but a lot of people decide to share the rocks.
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