sdhqsecrets · 10 months
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Time for us birds to sing !! We only had a few dares this time around but they were all pretty exciting. Let's start with the boring ones. Who did the dare ?? Finn seemed pretty desperate to keep his secret. Good thing your cousin likes to have a little fun and was so willing to switch costumes, no questions asked. You looked pretty good in that pink tank, we must say. Could have been more interesting but you did as we asked so our lips are sealed... We weren't sure you had it in you, Auden. Stealing candy from a kid. We figured as a future professor, you might be a bit more kind to children. Your secret must be a doozy. What is it you don't want people finding out ?? We suppose we can keep it a secret, for now... Now for the secrets to spill. Mr MacDougal, we dared you before so we figured we'd give it another shot. You weren't so lucky this time we guess. Apparently keeping your clothes on was more important than people finding out about your epilepsy. We wonder... who looks after you when you a seizure now that you're living at home again ?? We can't imagine mother dearest is very comforting. Silas, Silas, Silas... You say we don't have the power. How brave... You forgot that we hold all the cards. We wonder how the family would feel to know that you didn't just have your heart broken but by a muggleborn. So broken that you vowed to never love again. Not very Zabini of you. Must have been serious... That's all from us. Until next time pretties...
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crlandclcckhart · 2 years
we did really enjoy watching your dirty movie, orlando. we wonder how long it would take people to find it should they find out you starred in one... or what else you got up to. you can let us tell everyone or you can choose to reveal cassius cresswell’s secret. let’s just say his month-long disappearance was lot more... fang-tastic than people know about. lots of love, the gossip witches xoxo
Even though he'd been somewhat prepared for something like this to happen, having told Bentley his secret a while ago when a similar incident had occurred, it didn't mean he felt any more at ease when it inevitably became his turn to be the focus of the Gossip witches twisted games. It had been such an enjoyable event and now it was marred by the petty actions of some pathetic people who couldn't seem to find their happiness without ruining other peoples. Looking back on it, he wondered if he shouldn't have told some of the other people who he was closest to in his life because despite the trouble this could stir up for him in his professional career, there wasn't a moments hesitation as he read the message about what he was going to do. He couldn't allow his own mistakes to be the reason someone else was punished. Let them reveal his secret. He would deal with the consequences but at least his choices would be his own.
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fredsweasleyii · 2 years
dearest fred, how well do you know your coworkers? we ask because we'd like to know if you'd rather the world know about theo oliver's bad stress relieving habits or would you be willing to sacrifice yourself instead? we know your quidditch past is a sore topic for you. lots of love, the gossip witches xoxo
Fred looked at the message, unsure of what to think about it. He wouldn't do that to Theo, he wouldn't do that to anyone, but what did they mean by Quidditch past? His quidditch past was out in the open, it was no secret that he lost quidditch to a fall that nearly killed him, Fred didn't even know— then it hit him, the damage to his inner ear that caused him episodes of severe vertigo, some of which affected his job... has affected his job before. He didn't think anyone knew about that, even after he had passed out during a fight with death eaters.
He had kept it a secret for so long, even to Alice who he did his best to convince it wasn't a big deal. He hid it from everyone, especially the worst of it. How could they have found out? His mind went to some what blaming Alice, wondering if she had told anyone what she had seen.
There was a second, only a second that made Fred want to beg them not to tell, give up Theo's secret. His fear of losing his job when they inevitably evaluate him, the fear of feeling so lost again like he had when he lost quidditch. He couldn't go through that, not again. But he also couldn't protect himself at the sacrifice of another, especially one of a co-worker.
Fred texted back, 'Do what you want with me, just leave Theo out of it.'
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silcszcbini · 11 months
good evening, silas. nothing more tragic than a broken heart. i wonder how everyone will feel about the little vow you made to youself? because of a muggleborn no less. we'll keep your secret... IF, you cast a hex on someone. we'll let you choose which hex and on who but do it and our lips are sealed. lots of love, the gossip witches xoxo
The message had caught him off guard but from the very first sentence, Silas could feel his temperature rising, the mockery palpable in every word. Whilst he may have pretended not to care what people thought about him, opinions held weight, especially in the world he seemed to live in. It wasn't something he could shake even when he put some distance between himself and his family. It mattered in his line of work too, even if it was in a different way. More than anything though, Silas hated his personal information being made public. Privacy was something he valued and yet it seemed like around here, there was no such thing. Casting a hex on someone... tempting, but the two busy body witches who he wanted to do that to seemed too chicken to come out of their own hiding, preferring to hide behind the written word. The truth was though, that secret he swore he was going to take to his grave seemed to have been growing more insignificant these days. He tried not to think about why that was, though he already knew of course. It was something he hadn't quite been willing to own up to. Still, he wasn't so much of a coward that he'd allow someone else to take the fall for him. So he gave a shake of his head, pressing the tip of his wand to the paper and muttering a word before the edges set alight, curling and burning between his fingertips. "You really don't hold the power you think you do, and you're not untouchable. I look forward to the day that you learn that the hard way." He muttered into the air, trying to put what was to come from his mind in favour of enjoying the night. Perhaps a drink was called for.
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finnleywood · 11 months
the things you did to keep out of the family legacy. tut, tut, what would daddy think? unless you want him to find out, you need to find someone willing to swap costumes with you. do that before the end of the night and we'll keep your secret. for now... lots of love, the gossip witches xoxo
Finn couldn't stop the curse that left his mouth upon reading the note, he would love to say he was one of those people who could brush it off. Say they didn't care. And even taunt the witches into doing their worst. But the difference was that he did care and this wasn't exactly a small secret and it didn't just stop with him. If people found out then it wouldn't be his own career and credibility that would go to shit, it could also be that of his dad and even Alison. He knew a lot of questions would crop up when it came to medical notes and then speculation on just who it was that he paid to injure him. It was a messy web of his own lies and he would quite like to keep it just that, his own. Scrunching up the note and shoving it deep into his pocket he sighed, scanning around the party for someone who he could sweet talk into swapping costumes with him.
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cynthiaclearwater · 2 years
darling cynthia, we've come to your with a tricky decision to make. will you choose to let everyone know the reason behind why you had to repeat your seventh year or will you throw your partner alison under the bus and let everyone now about her diagnoses? lots of love, the gossip witches xoxo
Cynthia took a deep breath.
No one knew how the Gossip Witches discovered their secrets but Cynthia tat this one would be hers. She looked over at her partner. They had come come so far and even if they said it was okay for her to choose their secret, she couldn’t bring herself to do it. She did not want that tainting their relationship.
People thought she’d been ill. She had been just not in the way everyone had thought. Cynthia tried to convince herself that nothing would change but she knew it wasn’t true. It’s not like her coach didn’t know... but the publicity?
Shaking her head, Cynthia inhaled again and then replied.
Spill mine you psychos. Do your worst.
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josephineflamel · 2 years
little josephine, who knew the prank gone wrong would lead to ths decision? would you still be considered a good friend when people find out? if you don’t want to answer that question, you can reveal penelope’s secret instead. shall we tell everyone about your involvement or will the world know about how pen got a professor fired? let us know... lots of love, the gossip witches xoxo
Joséphine's good mood disappeared as soon as she read the note. Someone knew what had happened all those years ago other than her group of friends and that did not bode well. She needed to figure out who exactly was that and how much they actually knew. And then she would need to take care of them. For now though she was just going to throw the other under the bus.
"Penelope?" She asked out loud. "Don't know her," she then shrugged. "Do your worst to her."
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maevexfinch · 2 years
you finches are really good at the guilt over a loved ones death, have you noticed? if you want everyone to know about your guilt, we can do that for you. or tell us to reveal halley’s secret instead. the people are dying to know where her ex-fiancé went. which will it be, maeve? lots of love, the gossip witches xoxo
Maeve had spent a lot of time sat aside from the party reading the note over and over again. She knew what the right thing to do was, but that didn't mean there wasn't something in her gut that made her want to throw Halley under the bus.
She almost wished that she didn't know the other or her family, because her connection with Orion and how that would be broken if she was selfish affected her more then she wished to admit.
In the end, whether people knew or not her guilt would still be there. It was never going to go away, it was too deeply rooted in her. With a deep breath she sent a reply back, a sick feeling churning in her stomach.
'Do as you must, but leave Halley out of it.'
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theacresswell · 2 years
dear me, little miss cresswell, we can’t believe what you’ve been doing. what would your friends and family, even your colleagues, think of your new talent? if you want to keep this secret, you’ve got to expose the secret of baby picquery. so what will it be? will the world know your a legilimens or auggie’s family scandal? lots of love, the gossip witches xoxo
Thea stopped in her tracks as she received the message. She’d not been careful enough, clearly. She’d been in the minds of people she shouldn’t have been, people who knew what she was. And she’d revealed herself somehow. There wasn’t any other way they could know. She’d been so fucking careful not to tell a soul. And she still wouldn’t. Even if it was at the expense of someone else. 
Thea read on until her eyes halted once again at the name of the person’s life she was about to ruin. Auggie. Augusta Picquery. But not only was it her secret, it was a family scandal. It affected Willow and Maggie too. Willow, one of her best friends and her costume partner. Someone she hoped would forgive her once she told her why she did it.
Her secret can’t get out.
She texted back, ‘ruin the life of little picquery and the others you cowardly bitches.’ and put her phone back in her pocket, heading to find Willow before everything kicked off so she could be there to explain herself. There was no way she would be losing her Valkyrie tonight.
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madeline-brcwn · 2 years
lovely maddie, maybe it's about time you come clean about the real reason you fool around with all those guys? if you'd rather we keep our lips sealed, that's fine– but then everyone gets to know about stella's secret pregnancy. can't imagine she'd be too happy about that getting out. lots of love, the gossip witches xoxo
Maddie read through the message again. She didn’t really know Stella, not well, but Maddie wouldn’t- couldn’t do that to her. Not knowing Hazel had gone through the same thing. How could Maddie face her if she did?
But that didn’t make the alternative any less fucking terrifying.
In all of the times Maddie imagined telling Hazel, it had been her choice, but she didn’t have a choice anymore did she?
Shit. Maddie needed a firewhiskey. And then she needed track down Hazel.
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audenwilkes · 11 months
sweet auden, we are so happy for you and your new relationship. wouldn't it be a terrible shame if your secret got out? might blow up that relationship of yours. hmm... you know that expression like stealing candy from a baby? well we want you to do something like that. steal a trick or treater's sweets and we'll keep your guilt a secret. lots of love, the gossip witches xoxo
Auden panicked as he received the text from a blocked number. He wasn't going to let these anonymous witches tell Pepper the truth about how his parents ended up in Azkaban before he could. So he had two choices. Steal some sweets from a child... or tell her before they told the entire web of people at the end of the night. The choice was obvious. He adjusted his wig a little, stood up and tried to shake the anxiety out of his body (to no avail unfortunately) and went on the lookout for a pumpkin cauldron to steal. Soon he found a small child whose parent was looking at the stalls and not paying attention, and Auden hid behind the next stall. "Wingardium Leviosa," he whispered, and the sweets lifted out of her bucket and landed into his open pocket just as planned. He soon made a run for it before they suspected anything but no noise, no kerfuffle, no... nothing. He was safe. "Are you satisfied?" he said aloud in a whispered tone as if the witches were watching his every move.
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sdhqsecrets · 11 months
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Boo !! We've let the Death Eaters have their fun but Halloween is our time of year. Did you miss us ?? It's back to basics tonight with a game of truth or dare. That is, do the dare or we spill your truth. We think some of you have been keeping your secrets for too long now and it's time to change that so we won't be holding back. But if you decide to do the dare, at least we'll be entertained. Happy Halloween Bitches !!
As usual, you will need to like this post to take part in the dares. This only applies to characters who are attending the Halloween party in Hogwarts. If you have a preference to which character you want to be dared or ones you definitely don't want to be dared, please message us via the main. You have until October 31st to like this post before we send out dares. You will receive an anonymous message that your character must respond to with an indication of whether or not they will complete the dare. Please tag the secrets blog when you respond. Happy roleplaying !!
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galemacdougal · 11 months
hey there gale! look at all the supposed self-healing you're doing. we wish we could say we were proud but we think it's rather boring. cute costume by the way. it would be shame if it were to... come off. you want us to keep your secret? streak in the great hall and we'll keep our lips sealed. the choice is yours. lots of love, the gossip witches xoxo
Gale stared at the little scroll that had appeared in his pocket suddenly. He had accepted people knowing about his condition but what did the first part mean? Would they tell people about where he was really living? That wasn't the secret they were talking about, right? He couldn't do what they were asking anyway. He scrunched up the scroll and shoved it back into his pocket, shaking his head.
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theseus-m · 3 years
dearest theseus, the choice is yours: reveal tommy's secret or sacrifice your own? choose wisely, as they will know you had their fate in your hands. lots of love, the gossip witches xoxo
At first, Theseus snorted when he read the message, then narrowed his eyes. He was obviously not pleased there was someone out there who might know something about him that no one should. He would need to take care of the problem sooner or later, preferably sooner. For now, the choice was easy. Without hesitation, he replied 'reveal Tommy's lol'. He was not going to feel bad about it, after all he always looked out for himself and the people he cared about.
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ariadnemclaggen · 3 years
dearest ariadne, the choice is yours: reveal jonah's secret or sacrifice your own? choose wisely, as they will know you had their fate in your hands. lots of love, the gossip witches xoxo
Even though Ariadne had been thinking about sharing her secret with Sebastian, other people finding out was not something she wanted to deal with at present. Therefore when she received the message, it didn't take her long to decide. She knew she needed some more time to talk to her boyfriend and once he knew and understood, then she could face others.
Jonah's, she simply replied. She could deal with the other being furious with her, but since they weren't really in the same circles, she didn't think that would affect her much.
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beacalderonboot · 3 years
dearest beatriz, the choice is yours: reveal lucy's secret or sacrifice your own? choose wisely, as they will know you had their fate in your hands. lots of love, the gossip witches xoxo
Bea's hands shook when she stared at the message. She could feel the tears gathering so she quickly walked towards a more private setting. She didn't know what to do and she sniffled loudly. She didn't want to hurt Lucy, she thought the two of them were friends and the thought of being the person responsible for getting her secret revealed... That was not an easy decision to make. However, Bea's job was important to her and she knew she could get in big trouble if people found out what she did. Her career could end before it even began and that was not something she could ever accept.
I'm so sorry, I have to pick Lucy, Bea replied. She hoped the other would not hate her for this, but she would understand if it happened.
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