#seal team 6x01
random-fandom-whump · 2 years
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SEAL Team S06E01 (✚)
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firebucks · 2 years
buck + adhd, portrayal notes.
okay so, as some people know, my portrayal of buck is written as having adhd (attention deficit hyperactive disorder.) initially, this is something undiagnosed that goes under the radar when he is younger, but he does get diagnosed at the beginning of season four when he starts seeing a therapist more regularly. as a person who does have adhd, i am writing this from a solid understanding of the diagnosis and living with the condition but adhd is a disorder that presents differently in all individuals and this is by no means a full list of areas this affects, just the ones i see presented in the show (and some headcanons.) bucks adhd falls under hyperactive/impulsive presentation. following his diagnosis, buck takes atomoxetine, twice a day, and has alarms on his phone to ensure that these are at the right times around shift patterns.  see below for symptoms and reasoning. 
some of symptoms buck presents:
1. RSD (rejection sensitivity dysphoria) - extreme emotional sensitivity and pain triggered by the perception that a person has been rejected or criticized by important people in their life. this is one of the really big themes that runs through buck in the show (clinging when he perceives himself as rejected, suing the department when he thinks he’s losing his job, the entirety of the 6x01 captain plot.) buck’s childhood experience does exasperate this, but ultimately he does hold a sensitivity towards perceived rejection on top of that. buck will constantly jump to conclusions when it comes to rejection and he will act out at any sign that this might happen. 2. IMPULSIVITY. for anyone who has seen the show, this really comes as no surprise. buck falls into a very ‘act first, think later’ mindset, however where this falls into line with adhd is that he does this no matter how many times he tries to correct this behaviour, even when he has shown remorse for doing something a short while before. buck cannot control this and we see characters express that they shouldn’t bother trying to tell him to do something because they know what will happen each time. 3. EMOTIONAL CONTROL ISSUES: buck often has a severe emotional response to situations and then needs talking down from them or helping to rationalise. we see him initially respond with anger before having to be helped out and then it’s rationalised. we also know that he wasn’t able to shut off his emotions which was the cause of his rejection from the navy seals. 4. HYPERACTIVITY. it’s very rare and only in moments of trauma that we see buck sitting still. buck info dumps and talks more than he should, and almost seems in perpetual motion without being able to still himself. he’s often not aware of his fidgeting or his movement but he can become over-sensitive when it’s pointed out. 5. DISORGANISATION. so here’s the thing, we see buck in the midst of routines so much. he loves that his firehouse does mealtimes, he loves that he has a steady job where he knows the expectations. however, we see clipboard buck come out... we see him having breakdowns when this is gone. bucks organisation is an enforced state to deal with stressors and triggers. often people with adhd can over-correct issues like this so that’s a prime thing here for mr buckley. 6. EMOTIONAL DYSREGULATION. another big one that we see come out in buck quite a lot. buck doesn’t have normal responses to issues that he perceives as happening around him, constantly showing an impaired ability to control his emotional response, leading to extreme or overblown reactions that don't really fit the situation. this has caused issues with his team and with the people around him (i.e. the lawsuit)  7. RISK TAKER. also comes into impulsivity, however i think there’s also the point that people with adhd often can be more prone to addiction. buck shows this in his need to take risks... he is addicted to adrenaline and risks. 8. HYPERFOCUS. again this is huge in buck, and really like five minutes of watching the show will prove this. however, it’s important to see where this is also a response to circumstances he can’t deal with ( natural disasters after the tsunami ). he goes through phases of what he is learning, concentrating for long periods of time on specific subjects, unable to move on from the fixation.
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mashmaiden · 4 years
What's your favorite densi episode from before they were together? I have some free time rn and I'm looking for suggestions for what to watch, if u could give me some ideas. Thx!
Hmmm, some quick favorites (which reminds me, I haven’t forgotten the big Densi Masterlist I was working on, it’s in progress still!). Stars indicate some of my absolute favorite go-to eps! 
Hand to Hand (1x19) Fame (1x20)* Anonymous (and again with the commentary if you have the DVDs) (2x07)* Personal (2x17)* The Job (2x20)* Plan B (2x22) Imposters (2x23) - Really strong team ep but really good Densi stuff too* Honor (3x07) - another good team ep, with good Densi The Debt (3x10) Blye, K (3x16/17) Dragon and the Fairy (3x18) * Touch of Death (3x21) * Neighborhood Watch (3x22) * Recruit (4x02) * The Fifth Man (4x03) Skin Deep (4x07) * Free Ride (4x10) * Wanted (4x17) * Raven & the Swans (4x22) Livelong Day (5x07) Recovery (5x09) Deep Trouble 1 & 2 (5x24 & 6x01) * - I know some people don’t like the Talia/Kensi dynamic in the ep (and it is a cheap plot), I like the resulting Densi that comes out of it.  Praesidium (6x03) * SEAL Hunter (6x06) The Grey Man (6x08) Traitor (6x09) *
And that’s all of them up till they’re together. This isn’t a full Densi-essential list, as you’ll notice it’s missing some key relationship-changing moments in season 5, but this is more the list of episodes I watch, when I want something lighter, easier, and less likely to make me want to throw a shoe at my tv! 
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noramachwitz · 6 years
Hey just curious did you stop watching Shameless after mickey left? Would you still want Gallavich end game if that was a possibility? Is asking you this a bad idea and worst distraction to the current ED shiz (sorry if so)? Lol!
yes let’s go from talking to one shitshow to another shitshow!! lmao i’m joking thank you for this ask
i was pretty much done with shameless after that s5 finale which i just found incredibly disrespectful towards mickey and basically retconned like 3 seasons of character development for both ian and mickey and i was just so bitter about it (my #shameless rel tag can confirm lmao) and then i distinctly remember the night people from the cast posted pictures from the 6x01 table read and freaking NOEL was there and i honest to god had a meltdown over it because i could not believe they would do this since noel himself told fans that he wasn’t coming back for the next season and i just ...... i hate the shameless tbtp i can’t even tell you
and then on new year’s day 2016 showtime made 6x01 available for pretv and i watched that one mickey scene in prison and that just sealed it for me there was no going back that was just a giant middle finger towards everything mickey, ian and g*llavich used to be (i don’t even use that ship name anymore bc the social media team used to to bait the hell out of fans man it was so bad)
and hell no i want mickey to stay as far away from that show as possible like ..... the guy who looks like ian isn’t the ian i loved and that he used to be so as it is now i don’t want them to be “endgame”
i guess i still ship them in a pre-s6 kinda sense i guess but definitely not the canon versions anymore mickey milkovich deserves better than ian and better than shameless
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jbuffyangel · 7 years
Reunion: An Olicity Ficlet
I haven’t written any fanfiction for awhile, but I thought I’d give the Olicity reunion post explosion a try! It was highly enjoyable to write a fic that didn’t take six months to write. Short does have its upside. Thanks to the wonderful @hotcookinmama for editing.
This story takes place immediately after the flashback scenes shown in 6x01.
***Music I listened to while writing the scene.
***Wide Eyed" by Billy Lockett
Stunned, Oliver remained kneeled next to Samantha as the ash and smoke swirled around him. The crackling of the still burning trees was the only sound between Slade and him. A rustling in the brush raised both men's defense's and they rose. Slade handed Oliver his bow before pulling his sword from his sheath.
Wild Dog stepped through the trees into the clearing where Thea and Samantha's bodies lay holding a medical kit. He froze when he was met with Slade’s sword.
"Easy Samurai. It's the cavalry," Rene warily said as he motioned to the bag. Slade sheathed his sword again, pointed at Thea, and stepped aside as Rene rushed to her side.
Felicity stepped into the clearing behind Rene.
"Oliver?" Felicity whispered as she took in the horror of the scene before her.
The relief hit Oliver like a hard ocean wave knocking the wind out of him. He took a sharp breath in, searching for air, as the tears blurred his gaze on Felicity. She rushed to him as he began to wobble. The two met on their knees.
"Are you hurt?" Oliver whispered.
Felicity shook her head and answered, "No. I'm okay. We made it to the ARGUS supply plane."
"Is anyone --"
"No. John was caught in the blast. He took some shrapnel in his shoulder, but we think he's going to be okay. Curtis stayed with him to control the bleeding. We radioed ARGUS. Lyla is on her way. Captain Lance and Dinah are searching the monastery for survivors. We found the medical kit on the plane and came to look for Thea and Samantha..."
Felicity trailed off as she watched Rene checking Thea's vitals.  She looked down at Samantha's body.
"She's gone," Oliver grimly confirmed.
"William?" Felicity asked.
"He's okay. I left him on the other side of the island. He's waiting for me to bring his mother to him," Oliver haltingly said as he stared at Samantha.  
"I could use some help over here," Rene shouted breaking Oliver from his trance. Both Oliver and Felicity rushed to his side.
"Do you know what you're doing?" Slade asked suspiciously as Rene pulled out the medical kit.
"I'm a Navy SEAL, hoss. Just stay out of my way," Rene snapped back.
“Or run away. You’re good at that,” Felicity added testily.
"Okay, but what are you doing?" Oliver asked nervously as Rene pulled out a needle.
"Starting an IV. Her vitals are weak. We need to stabilize her before she can be moved. Hold this."
Rene handed Oliver a small bag of fluid as he inserted the needle into Thea's arm and connected the tubing. The fluid began to drip slowly.
"We need to keep her warm to prevent shock from setting in," Rene said. Felicity immediately removed her jacket and covered Thea gently.
Curtis' voice crackled over the radio in Felicity's hand, "ARGUS is seven minutes out."
"We need to move her," Slade commanded.
Rene hesitated, "There could be damage to her spinal cord. I don't have a backboard. We could paralyze her if we move her."
"Then we wait for ARGUS to find us," Oliver said.
"It took us 15 minutes to find you guys. Does she have that long Rene?" Felicity asked.
Rene shook his head grimly and answered, "No."
Slade looked at Oliver and said, “You could run. Bring them here.”
Oliver quickly calculated how long it would take to reach the beach and bring someone back, “I can get there in under five, but bringing them back may take longer.”
“Then we’ll need to load her and carry her to the helicopter,” Rene added. He paused and checked Thea’s pulse before shaking his head no. “We’re wasting time even talking about this.”
Oliver scooped Thea up effortlessly into his arms without another word, but he hesitated before moving.
"I have her. Get moving, kid," Slade firmly answered. He gently lifted Samantha's body into his arms.
Felicity grabbed the IV from Rene and stayed close to Oliver's side as he pushed his way through the forest debris towards the beach. Oliver knew Lian Yu even as a burning mangled mess and made short work of the journey.  Two ARGUS helicopters began to land as Oliver, Felicity, Rene and Slade cleared the forest.
An ARGUS agent pulled a backboard from the helicopter and ran up the beach to meet Oliver and Felicity. Oliver knelt down and gently laid Thea down on the backboard. Together they rushed Thea back to the helicopter and began to load her inside.
Diggle sat on the beach with a piece of shrapnel protruding sharply from his left shoulder. A pile of blood-soaked bandages lay at his feet. Lyla handed Curtis a fresh bandage to press against the wound. Oliver knelt beside him, his face etched in concern.  
Diggle grimaced in pain, but managed a smile, "Don't worry. It's just a scratch."
"We need to get him to a hospital now," Lyla ordered.
Oliver nodded and slipped John's good arm over his shoulder.
"This is going to hurt," Oliver warned honestly. Diggle took a deep breath, and Oliver counted off to Curtis, "One, two, three --"
Oliver propelled Diggle to his feet, and Curtis followed in unison keeping the bandage tight against his shoulder. John gritted his teeth and clamped down on the escaping scream. Oliver and Curtis eased John gently into the helicopter with Lyla hopping in after.
Lyla said, "Two more helicopters are in route, Oliver. They'll take the rest of you back to the ARGUS base in Hong Kong. Our medical team can stabilize Thea and John before flying everyone back to Star City."
Oliver watched as the ARGUS agents in the other helicopter continued to work on Thea. "I don't want leave Thea, but William... I have to go back..."
Felicity grabbed Oliver's hand and said, "I'll stay with Thea."
Oliver said relieved, "Yeah?"
Felicity nodded, "Of course."
***Find Me (feat. Birdy) by Sigma
Oliver glanced back at the agents loading Samantha's body into a body bag. He looked helplessly at Felicity, his voice cracking with emotion as he said, "I have to tell him..."
Felicity gripped his hands tightly and firmly said, "You can do this."
Oliver shook his head and whispered, "I don't know how."
A memory sparked as Felicity considered her words. She smiled sadly at Oliver and choked back tears as she said, "Neither do I, but I do know two things..."
Oliver took a deep breath at the sound of those familiar words and closed his eyes. He opened them when he felt Felicity's hand on his face.
"You are not alone... and I believe in you."
Oliver, bolstered by her words, nodded resolutely. Felicity gave him a quick hug before turning to walk to Thea's helicopter. As he watched her walk away, he felt a need jolt inside.
Oliver called after her, "Wait! Felicity..."
She paused and turned to look at him expectantly. Oliver crossed the distance between them with a few confident strides. Without pausing, he cupped Felicity's face in his hands and kissed her. Their breath became one as she molded her mouth against his. Oliver kissed her slow and deep, savoring the warmth of her lips and her familiar sweet taste. Felicity wrapped her arms around his neck and threaded her fingers through his hair. He shifted his hands from her face and encircled his arms around her waist. He crushed her body tightly against his.
He came so close to losing everything he never dreamed possible. He came so close to that fleeting kiss being their last. He came so close to losing her. Oliver needed one moment to feel the softness of her skin, the strength of her bones, the beat of her heart and the rise and fall of her breath. Mercifully, she was alive. He needed to touch that life and hold it in his hands. He needed to know it was real; he needed to know he was still living too.
They parted breathlessly and Oliver pressed his forehead against Felicity's. The helicopter headlights lit up behind them like the sun and obliterated the darkness of the night.
"I love you," Oliver said softly.
"I love you too," Felicity answered without hesitation.
"I just needed to say it. I know I said we'd talk after we're off the island --"
"No, that pretty much covers it," Felicity said.
"I mean, that's where I would have ended. I would have taken four hours to get there, but your way works too. Good talk," Felicity babbled nervously, and Oliver smiled at her softly.
The ARGUS pilot in the other helicopter signaled to Lyla that Thea was stable and ready to leave. The propellers began to turn and the wind began to swirl around them.
Lyla called out to Felicity, "Time to go!"
Felicity grew solemn again and gently kissed Oliver one more time.
"Bring your son home, Oliver. I'll be waiting for you both."
Oliver nodded and hugged her close. She broke from him, ran to the helicopter and grabbed hold of the ARGUS agent’s hand as he lifted her inside. Oliver stepped back as the helicopter began to gain altitude, watching as it carried his loved ones away. He could see the additional helicopters Lyla promised in the distance. Leaving Curtis and Slade behind on the beach, Oliver began to run through the forest of Lian Yu one last time. He had no idea what he was going to say to William or what the future held, but with Felicity by his side, Oliver knew he was ready for it.
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pongchows · 2 years
https://techplanet.today/post/the-walking-dead-11x17-streaming-serie-tv-sub-ita-altadefinizione-cb01 https://techplanet.today/post/i-simpson-34x02-streaming-serie-tv-sub-ita-altadefinizione-cb01 https://techplanet.today/post/rick-and-morty-6x05-streaming-serie-tv-sub-ita-altadefinizione-cb01 https://techplanet.today/post/seal-team-6x03-streaming-serie-tv-sub-ita-altadefinizione-cb01 https://techplanet.today/post/9-1-1-6x03-streaming-serie-tv-sub-ita-altadefinizione-cb01 https://techplanet.today/post/the-resident-6x03-streaming-serie-tv-sub-ita-altadefinizione-cb01 https://techplanet.today/post/fbi-5x03-streaming-serie-tv-sub-ita-altadefinizione-cb01 https://techplanet.today/post/fbi-most-wanted-4x03-streaming-serie-tv-sub-ita-altadefinizione-cb01 https://techplanet.today/post/fbi-international-2x03-streaming-serie-tv-sub-ita-altadefinizione-cb01 https://techplanet.today/post/the-cleaning-lady-2x03-streaming-serie-tv-sub-ita-altadefinizione-cb01 https://techplanet.today/post/quantum-leap-1x03-streaming-serie-tv-sub-ita-altadefinizione-cb01 https://techplanet.today/post/house-of-the-dragon-1x07-streaming-serie-tv-sub-ita-altadefinizione-cb01 https://techplanet.today/post/andor-1x05-streaming-serie-tv-sub-ita-altadefinizione-cb01 https://techplanet.today/post/la-brea-2x02-streaming-serie-tv-sub-ita-altadefinizione-cb01 https://techplanet.today/post/the-good-doctor-6x01-streaming-stagione-6-sub-ita-altadefinizione-cb01 https://techplanet.today/post/the-walking-dead-11x17-ver-online-sub-espanol-serie-tv https://techplanet.today/post/los-simpson-34x02-ver-online-sub-espanol-serie-tv https://techplanet.today/post/rick-y-morty-6x05-ver-online-sub-espanol-serie-tv https://techplanet.today/post/seal-team-6x03-ver-online-sub-espanol-serie-tv https://techplanet.today/post/9-1-1-6x03-ver-online-sub-espanol-serie-tv https://techplanet.today/post/the-resident-6x03-ver-online-sub-espanol-serie-tv https://techplanet.today/post/fbi-5x03-ver-online-sub-espanol-serie-tv https://techplanet.today/post/fbi-most-wanted-4x03-ver-online-sub-espanol-serie-tv https://techplanet.today/post/fbi-international-2x03-ver-online-sub-espanol-serie-tv https://techplanet.today/post/la-chica-de-la-limpieza-2x03-ver-online-sub-espanol-serie-tv https://techplanet.today/post/quantum-leap-1x03-ver-online-sub-espanol-serie-tv https://techplanet.today/post/la-casa-del-dragon-1x07-ver-online-sub-espanol-serie-tv https://techplanet.today/post/andor-1x05-ver-online-sub-espanol-serie-tv https://techplanet.today/post/la-brea-2x02-ver-online-sub-espanol-serie-tv https://techplanet.today/post/the-good-doctor-6x01-temporada-6-ver-online-sub-espanol-serie-tv https://www.podchaser.com/lists/»-the-walking-dead-11x17-saison-11-épisode-17-en-streaming-108CiAXiUg https://www.podchaser.com/lists/»-les-simpson-34x02-saison-34-épisode-2-en-streaming-vf---108CiAXiYi https://www.podchaser.com/lists/»-rick-et-morty-6x05-saison-6-épisode-5-en-streaming-vf---108CiAXiYo https://www.podchaser.com/lists/»-seal-team-6x03-saison-6-épisode-3-en-streaming-vf---vost-108CiAXicq https://www.podchaser.com/lists/»-9-1-1-6x03-saison-6-épisode-3-en-streaming-vf---vostfr-108CiAXicv https://www.podchaser.com/lists/»-the-resident-6x03-saison-6-épisode-3-en-streaming-vf---v-108CiAXicz https://www.podchaser.com/lists/»-fbi-5x03-saison-5-épisode-3-en-streaming-vf---vostfr-108CiAXih2 https://www.podchaser.com/lists/»-most-wanted-criminals-4x03-saison-4-épisode-3-en-streami-108CiAXih5 https://www.podchaser.com/lists/»-fbi-international-2x03-saison-2-épisode-3-en-streaming-108CiAXih7 https://www.podchaser.com/lists/»-the-cleaning-lady-2x03-saison-2-épisode-3-en-streaming-v-108CiAXz8q https://www.podchaser.com/lists/»-quantum-leap-1x03-saison-1-épisode-3-en-streaming-vf---v-108CiAXz8t https://www.podchaser.com/lists/»-house-of-the-dragon-1x07-saison-1-épisode-7-en-streaming-108CiAXz8w https://www.podchaser.com/lists/»-andor-1x05-saison-1-épisode-5-en-streaming-vf---vostfr-108CiAXz8y https://www.podchaser.com/lists/»-la-brea-2x02-saison-2-épisode-2-en-streaming-vf---vostfr-108CiAXzD6 https://www.podchaser.com/lists/»-good-doctor-6x01-saison-6-épisode-1-en-streaming-vf---vo-108CiAXzH6
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random-fandom-whump · 2 years
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SEAL Team S06E01 (✚)
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random-fandom-whump · 2 years
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SEAL Team S06E01 (✚)
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pongchows · 2 years
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