seamsrp · 4 years
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Join the staff!
hey y’all, right now, i’m a lone wolf on this mission! but i have a lot of ideas and could use 3-4 friends to help me flesh them out more and get the site up and running. i haven’t yet decided on everything, and i’d like to vote on everything outside of the main plot i’ve already posted. team effort, right?
must be at least 18+ (the site will allow mature content with tw)
should have experience with roleplay
should have a discord account
pluses: graphics and or coding experience 
should be excited to help cultivate a writing community of this new story!
discord username: 
preferred pronouns: 
about you: where are you from, timezone, etc! what makes you laugh?
what do you wish to bring to this site/see from it:
graphics/coding experience: do you have either of these?
feel free to send these to my discord (alexanderschuyler#6809) or the submit box!
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seamsrp · 4 years
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welcome to the s e a m s
put your s t i t c h into our fabric
write a story with your n e e d l e 
we are ready for you.
seams is an au hunger games roleplay with no word count, shipper app, and welcoming 18+ storytelling community.
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seamsrp · 4 years
name: alex
pronouns: he+him
age: 20
about you: hey all! i’m currently a student studying theatre (of all things during this crazy time). i fell in love with rp years ago and have done it ever since. i miss hunger games roleplay and love writing and creating stories. i’m excited for this to kick off!!
your favorite hunger games character: finnick odair
what you want to see on seamsrp: fun, community!
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