#sean archer x reader
bullet-prooflove · 1 month
4500 Follower Celebration Bingo - Three Minutes: Sean Archer x Reader
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Tagging: @soultrysworld @mysticcandymiracle @kmc1989 @emilyjr @toasted-stiletto 
Welcome to Nightvale - You and Sean bond over a book.
The First Time (NSFW) - Sean and you sleep together for the first time.
The Only One (NSFW) - You're the only woman Sean has been with sober.
Dirty Weekend - You and Sean spent the entire weekend in bed together.
Familes - Sean meets your family for the first time.
Emergency Contact - You realise you don't have anyone to put down as an emergency contact.
Dirty (NSFW) - Sean comes home after a day in the community garden and things get a little heated.
Make A Wish - Sean is triggered on his birthday when he sees a familiar face in the paper.
Sunday Morning (NSFW) - You give Sean a very memorable Sunday morning.
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It’s Sean that ends up buying the pregnancy test from the bodega down the street. Sean that ends up searching on his phone which ones are the most reliable because there’s seven different types and he has no clue where to start. Sean that opens the box and reads the instructions because you’re too occupied with throwing up, to navigate the complexities of the leaflet.
“You’ve been sick for more than a week.” He tells you as he pushes the test across the kitchen table towards you. “I think it’s time to find out for sure.”
He waits on the opposite side of the bathroom door while you take care of business. Part of him is nervous, the other excited, the two of you haven’t talked about having kids. The truth is it’s never come up because the both of you tend to live in the moment, you fighting fires, him with his sobriety. You’ve never talked about what the future looks like beyond a marriage.
When you step out the bathroom he looks at you expectantly before you set the test down on the counter.
“Three minutes.” You say.
It’s the longest three minutes of his life.
His heart sinks when you pick up the test and read it out loud, he can tell your disappointed too from the way your body seems to sag with the news.
“I guess it is just stomach flu.” You say sadly before tossing the test in the trash and tucking yourself against him on the couch for the rest of the night.
“We should discuss it properly when you’re feeling better.” He says, his lips brushing over your temple but you’re already fast asleep, your head resting gently on his shoulder.
It’s a week later that he’s summoned to the hospital by his father. You’ve passed out during a training exercise on the rig, toppled off the damn thing and hit your head.
“She’s alright.” Dean reassures him when he meets his son in the E.D. “She has a mild concussion so you’ll have to keep an eye on her and the baby for the next few days.”
“The baby?” Sean repeats, unsure he’s heard correctly.
“He’s doing fine.” Dean assures him, his hand coming to rest on Sean’s shoulder and squeezing lightly. “They both are.”
“He?” Sean says, his eyes stinging.
It’s then that it dawns on Dean that his son had no idea you were carrying his child.
“We took a pregnancy test last week.” Sean tells him, using the back of his hand to wipe at his eyes. “It was negative…”
“Well they can give false negatives for a number of reasons.” Dean says, crossing his arms over his chest. “Faulty test, antihistamines, urine’s too diluted…”
“Water,” Sean realises as he goes over that time period in his head. “It was the only thing she could keep down when she was sick.”
“That’ll do it.” Dean tells him before he steers his son towards the bay you’re residing in. “Can you at least pretend to be surprised when she tells you? I can’t believe I messed up like that.”
Sean doesn’t get a chance to answer because his dad is already drawing back the curtain and there you are sitting in a hospital bed, clutching a sonogram of his son between your hands.
“Sean.” You say as you hold it up. “We’re having a baby.”
Love Sean? Don’t miss any of his stories by joining the taglist here.
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Coming Home, Part 1
Daryl Dixon x Reader
Full Chapter One
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Summary: Eight years after the end of A New World, one of the leaders goes missing, which prompts all three communities to work together to locate them. When some of the other members of the search party don’t come back, it’s up to the women of Alexandria to take charge and do whatever is necessary to bring everyone home.
A/N: A long time ago I wrote two fics called The Bet & A New World. This new series is a continuation of TWD set in that world. There is major canon divergence since Glenn is still alive. This story uses a good number of characters and a mixture of show and comic book spoilers. Some good guys are bad guys, and vice versa. Anyway... this is the first time I’ve written TWD or Daryl in a while, so, yikes, just bear with me. 
Series Warnings: Slow Burn-Multi-Chapter Fic, Angst, Language, Violence, Canon Divergence, Character Death(s), Smut, 18+ Only NSFW
Words: 3.5K
Tags: @kazosa // @soythedemonqueen // @jodiereedus22 // @his-paradox // @rhyatt-deauxtreve // @zombeeemomeee // @tiquismiquis  // @sorenmarie87 // @redm81 // @reedusteinrambles //  @buckyscrystalqueen // @hyphymanatee // @rawr-bitchess // @kgbrenner // @fictionaldemon // @thewalkingbucky // @lefthologramdeer  // @spnhollis // @hanaissupergirl // @negans-wife  // @sourwolf-sterek32 // @alyisdead
It had been three days. Three days since the search party came back with the remnants of his clothes and gun; three days since Daryl took off in search of his best friend. Every moment you weren’t busy trying to keep the kids under control, you watched from the bedroom window and prayed to whoever was listening that he would come back in one piece… Both of them.
It was the morning of the fourth day. You’d already been up for hours, but Abe and Shelby had finally made their way to the kitchen. Both were quiet and withdrawn, neither saying much over their bowl of oatmeal. Silent looks from the corners of their eyes at each other spoke volumes about what they talked about when you were out of earshot, including the latest tragedy to have befallen Alexandria again.
“Mom?” Shelby asked without looking up from the uneaten breakfast, “will daddy be home soon?”
Abe glanced up at you, his blue eyes narrowing in just like Daryl’s did. Even though he was older now, he was still very quiet. Daryl was the only one who really was ever able to get him to speak, and with his absence, Abraham had been nearly silent.
“I don’t know, but I sure hope so?”
“And Uncle Rick?”
A piercing blow went through your heart. Overcoming that to answer was taking longer than you wanted, and before you could muster up a response, Abe handled it for you.
“No. Uncle Rick is dead, Shel. Dad’s out looking for him to put down,” he mumbled before shoveling oatmeal into his mouth.
“Abraham, you don’t know that,” you warned sternly as your fingers dug into the countertop so hard your knuckles went pale.
The chance that Rick was still alive was very slim despite his track record up to that point. Still, hope was a precious commodity in the new world, and you were desperate for your children to hold on to as much of it as they could.
Abraham snorted frustration through his nose, a mannerism clearly inherited from his father. His intense eyes blazed with anger at you as he let his spoon fall into the bowl with force.
“Then you’re an idiot,” he growled. He stood up quickly from his chair, causing it to nearly fall back as he stormed away from the table. Shelby caught it before it could and righted it back on all four feet.
“He’s just pissed daddy wouldn’t take him,” she said softly. “Don’t get mad at him.”
“I’m not mad, Shel. I’m worried. Worried about your dad and Uncle Rick, too. I know they think he’s gone, but I’ve seen a lot of bad situations since the world changed, and you want to know how many Rick has overcome? All of them. Just because they found his shirt and gun—”
“Jesus found his bloody shirt mom,” she corrected, wrinkling her nose as she pushed the bowl away from her.
“Still. I have to believe he’s alright.”
Shelby hesitantly slid off the stool, biting at her lip and folding her arms over her chest. “Do you think… do you think Dad will come home if he doesn’t find Uncle Rick? I mean… he can’t stay gone forever, can he?”
“No, of course not. Daddy will be home, soon. So, will Uncle Glenn. In fact, why don’t you and Abe go grab Hershel, and then go check in on Carl and Judith? See if there’s something you can do to help them around here. Better than just sitting around waiting.”
She shrugged and relented to your request, though you could tell there was a lot more she wanted to ask. Knowing it wasn’t the right time, she just turned and made her way up the stairs to go find Abraham and try to pull the boy out of his funk.
After clearing up their barely eaten breakfast, you went out onto the porch and tried to let go of the anxiety that was building. It was getting worse in the years since everything ended with Negan. The secret of what you and Rick did weighed on you, though you would never admit to the regret you felt around it. With each calm and quiet year that passed, you had hoped it would go away and finally be free. But it was always there; and when something bad did happen, somehow, you felt it was your fault. Coupled with that, was the looming feeling that something was on the horizon as another punishment for what you had done… not just to Negan, but Rosita, too.
Yet, year after year, the kids got older, you and Daryl continued teaching them how to live and survive, and the trio of communities kept growing. In fact, the only issue that had been pressing was Abraham’s desire to leave Alexandria to spend more time at the Kingdom in order to train with the archers there. The school was more extensive, and the rigorous exercise with the team of bowhunters was something he really wanted to start.
Daryl was all for it, but with Abe being only eleven, you felt as though he wasn’t ready to leave home… YOU weren’t ready for him to leave home. It was right after the latest heated discussion over that, that Jesus arrived with the news that Rick never made it to The Hilltop from the Kingdom, and in his search, he’d recovered the tattered shirt and gun.
Glenn and Daryl jumped into action immediately. You and Maggie watched in silent terror as they packed a week’s worth of rations and gear and ran out of the gates in search of Alexandria’s leader. Maggie considered running after them, but with the new baby attached to her hip, she thought it best to hang back.
“Maggie, I’ll watch him if you want to go. You know Hershel and the baby can stay here with me. Shelby can help me with the ‘lil potato here,” you said and tickled his chubby baby thigh, eliciting a giggle out of the almost one-year-old boy, “and you can go with the guys. Jesus has gathered other able-bodied people from Hilltop and Kingdom, I’m sure Ezekiel—”
“No,” she said simply, still staring off towards the gate. “Glenn and Daryl—Jesus and the others… they’ll find’im.” That was all she said before going back into her house and putting Sean back into his crib.
Now, four days later when you ventured out onto the porch, Maggie was waiting for you, along with Michonne and three packed bags on the stoop. Maggie’s gun was drawn as she checked it over it, determination set into her expression.
“We are going to get our husbands back,” Maggie said and holstered her gun. “You in?”
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Her abruptness stunned you for a moment. “What? Why? Where?” All stumbled out in what felt like one long, incoherent word. Maggie and Michonne exchanged a knowing look and when they came to a silent agreement, Michonne was the one who answered.
“The kids… Judith, Hershel, Abraham, and Shelby… they were going to sneak out later. I overheard them talking yesterday. They were leaving tonight to try and find the guys.”
“They what?!” You felt like your knees were giving out and your stomach was revolting simultaneously. “When?”
Michonne shrugged. “I don’t know. I wasn’t even sure until I cornered and confronted Judith about it later. The girl tried to hold on, but she’s really a bad liar.”
You felt a rise of anger thinking about how stupid a choice they almost made by leaving. “I’m going to kill them,” you mumbled and looked to Maggie. “How are you so calm about this?
“I’m not. I’m pissed. Hershel knows better, especially after losing…” Maggie choked on the name ghosted on her lips. She composed herself and tried to continue without giving in to the emotion. “I’m gonna go find Glenn. I got a relay to The Kingdom and Carol said to bring all the kids to her. Hershel is packing now, got all the baby’s stuff loaded into the wagon. From there, we’ll backtrack Rick’s trail to The Hilltop. The guys were going from here to Hilltop first, so we’re hoping to cross paths with them in the middle.”
As Maggie laid out her plan, you half listened as you were more interested in how developed it was and how she was only now telling you about it all.
“So, just give me a minute to catch up, ok? Because not ten minutes ago I was cleaning up oatmeal and thinking how the tomato plants needed tending. You’ve had this in mind long enough to send word to the Kingdom, and hear back from Carol, plan a route, pack supplies, but not once did you think to come and tell me that my kids were planning on going AWOL?!”
“Y/N, I’m sorry,” was all Maggie could offer with a regretful shrug. “I’ve been distracted, ok? I knew you were worried enough about Daryl, so I didn’t want to add to things until I knew what to do.”
“So?” Michonne asked softly, taking a step closer and catching your gaze. She held it so intensely, you could feel her desperation bleeding onto you. “Are you in?”
Looking between them, you could see the steel set in their eyes. Knowing them each for as long as you did, especially Maggie, you knew when she was bound and determined, her mind was set and there would be no changing it. She was in fear for Glenn’s life, and the idea that her son would charge off after him frightened her even more. Because, just like his parents, Hershel was strong, determined and twice as stubborn.
“Why send the kids to the Kingdom? So, Carol can keep them under lock and key?”
“Pretty much. Would you cross Carol if she told you to stay put?” Maggie asked with the rise of one brow. “It's been how long now, and that woman still scares the crap outta me. The kids… they’ll have more to do there, too. It’ll keep 'em busy.”
“Hasn’t Abraham been on you about letting him go there anyway?” Michonne asked, trying to add to the reasons for you to say yes.
“Yes, he has. But they already have one parent out in parts unknown, now you want them to have two? Who’s to say they won’t try and sneak away from the Kingdom? I know Alexandria has its blind spots, but so does the Kingdom.”
“Not anymore,” Maggie said, picking up one of the packs and slinging it over her shoulder. “I told you, Carol has it handled. So, in or out? I want to get a move on.”
Maggie’s steely cold demeanor was understandable, but slightly troubling nonetheless. Things may have been peaceful, but she and Glenn had experienced the worst kind of loss in the years since, and she carried that anger, allowing it to ignite whenever there was a possible threat. Three of the communities’ strongest members were missing, and their children were set on going off on their own—THAT was enough to put her in Go-Mode.
“What would the guys say? They’d want us to stay put,” you said, more to yourself than them. Maggie just rolled her eyes, and Michonne’s features softened, along with her voice.
“Rick, Daryl and Glenn, they are alive today because they are strong and capable. They know how to survive, protect themselves. Do you think for one minute, they would have chosen to be with weak or weak-minded women? Just because we’re all mothers here, doesn’t mean we sit back and wait. We fight for them… to find them. To bring them home for all our children. This way our daughters—” Michonne’s words pausing slightly, remembering what her friend had lost as she felt Maggie stiffen beside her, “and our sons, can learn by example. So, they know to do the right thing, is not always the safe thing.”
You knew she was right, and Maggie knew that you realized it. She gave you the same look she gave you freshman year in high school when she dared you and her brother Sean to jump off the quarry’s edge into the water. Beth had been screaming in the background not to jump, Sean was nervous, but Maggie had insisted. You wanted to prove to her and Sean that you weren’t scared of anything, that you could be tough just like her. Somewhere deep down, you felt a bit of excitement at the rush the old memory brought up.
That lead to you remembering every time since then you needed to dig down and find the untapped power that resided in you. The same grit and determination that ultimately made Daryl fall in love with you.
Maggie realized that, too. Her stone-clad features softened, and the old daring smirk played on her lips. “Well?” she asked, and you half expected her to ask if you were ready to jump.
“Alright, Greene. You win. I’ll get the kids packed and be ready within the hour.”
  You found Abe and Shelby sitting on his bed, talking in hushed tones. Once they were aware of your presence, they stopped talking altogether. Neither of them spoke as you came in and sat on the edge of Abraham’s bed. Despite him being angry with you, and well past the aging of snuggling, he curled up into your side and wrapped your arm around his shoulders, hugging it closed to him.
“So, here’s the thing…” you started, pausing to look both in the eye, “I know what you were planning to do. Aunt Maggie and Mish stopped by to rat you all out. Not a good idea, guys. Its so beyond dangerous, and honestly, I can’t imagine what you were thinking.”
Both Shelby and Abe wanted to voice a protest, but they knew by your expression they’d be best to just stay quiet.
“However, we get why you wanted to go. It's hard having them all out there and not knowing what is happening. The idea that we didn’t try to help is sort of hard to live with because we would do anything for those we love. But what you aren’t considering, is that if you guys got lost out there too… if we didn’t know where you were, it would make it that much harder to concentrate on finding Daddy and the others. Alright?”
“So, we aren’t supposed to do anything?!” Shelby replied, her face quickly contorted into frustration.
“I didn’t say that. That’s why I came up. I want you two to pack up some stuff and get ready to leave. Me, Aunt Maggie and Mish are taking you to The Kingdom to stay with Carol and we are going to backtrack Uncle Rick’s course and hopefully run into Daddy and Uncle Glenn in our travels.”
“Wait… does that mean…” Abe sat up, his young, fiercely intense eyes were scanning you with hope, “…I get to join the archers?”
“Yeah, bud, it does. And Shel, they have a great school there. You can choose whatever you want to study. Pick something and put your all into it. That’s what Daddy would want you to do.”
She was silent, and you knew that could mean trouble. “Shelby?”
Shelby just shrugged and nodded in agreement. “Ok, whatever you say, mom.”
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  The leaves crunched under Daryl’s boots as he followed the trail of blood deeper into the recesses of the forest. Daylight was fading quickly, and he knew that he was running out of time to find their next meal. The deer had been fast, but Daryl’s bolt had been faster as he aimed and released the trigger. He saw it impale the animal’s rear as it took off into the brush and followed as closely as he could.
Now, as he closed in on the dying animal, he felt the presence of someone watching him. Glenn and Jesus were back at the camp, so he knew it wasn’t one of them. The other search party looking for Rick was five miles due west, no way for them to catch up that quickly.
Daryl’s instincts heightened when he thought he heard someone trying to mirror his footsteps. Slow and methodical, he would step, trying to leave no sound or trace behind. That’s when he spotted the deer and heard the quickening of steps approaching from behind. They happened at the same time, and he reacted the only way he knew how… violently.
With his finger already set on the trigger, he released the bolt towards the deer and didn’t wait to see if it hit. In a second, he had his bow dropped, his left-hand unsheathing and swiping his knife around, backhanded and pointing the tip of the blade at someone’s throat. Before he could see who had nearly been cut, he was hit in the back of the head with something hard and heavy by a second attacker. His vision went dark and his body slumped to the ground with a thud.
Off in the distance, the deer’s corpse had fallen to the ground, with Daryl’s bolt protruding from its neck. Its last desperate whine had attracted some of the dead still roaming to feast in its remains. Daryl’s captors each grabbed one of his arms and carried him off before more walkers shambled into the small clearing and made escape impossible.
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  He knew what he was seeing wasn’t real, but he didn’t care. He was home, in his own bed next to his wife, in his own house. A house that he once felt very trapped by; now he missed desperately and wanted to be back in it.
Just for this moment, he was, or part of him was; a memory most likely. One of the many he kept for times like this. When he couldn’t be with her, he would let himself fade into a private collection of moments where he remembers feeling the kind of happy, he never thought was meant for him.
It was an anniversary, they woke up in their bed, and went out to celebrate. Not with candles and champagne but with a walk in the woods on a clear autumn day. The sunlight filtered down through the stained-glass leaves and cast pockets of warmth on the moss. Y/N had laid down a blanket while he set up a safe perimeter. When he turned back to meet her, she had already laid down on it, her hair spilled out around the arms tucked beneath her head.
Daryl had been taken with her since she showed up at the prison, but never in a million years did he think their lives together would take the path they did. With each passing year, she would surprise with him a new layer, making him realize what life could be and how much he loved living it with her and their kids.
As he watched her lay in that bit of sunlight, he fell in love all over again. When she beckoned him over to lay next to her, he did so without a moment’s hesitation. This was the best part of the memory—just laying next to her. He could feel the weight of her body beside him, her head now resting on the arm he had wrapped around her. Her hand slowly moving around his body, getting caught up in his clothing, then subtly finding its way beneath the surface as her lips teased the flesh on his neck.
He wanted to tell her to stop, to just lay with him. But her touch wasn’t something he could ignore. He remembered how she propped herself up on one elbow and gazed down at him, a playful smirk stretching across her lips while her other hand slowly stroked his erection. He wanted to be back there now; go back in time to that moment so he could tell her how perfect it all was… how perfect she was.
A jarring pain to his left side yanked his daydream away. Daryl’s eyes flew open as he tried to scramble up, but his hands were tied behind his back and secured by another set of chains to a tree. His mouth was gagged and there was an explosion of pain at the base of his head.
Daryl tried to look up, but the pain and sunlight streaming through the trees made focusing difficult. He growled lowly and tried to concentrate solely on his captor’s feet. Black, military-issued boots, but smaller than normal. He followed their legs up and realized that at least one of his kidnappers was a woman, but this wasn’t who he had drawn his knife too. Her face was still obscured, but her body shape was something he noticed, even in his disorientated state.
“Well, well, someone’s finally awake,” she said and took another step closer, crouching down to meet his eye level. When Daryl realized who he was talking to, a smile unfurled across her face and a distinct satisfaction set into her expression. “Long time no see, old friend.”
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bullet-prooflove · 2 months
From Slowdancing in the park lot prompt list
22. I gave your name as my emergency phone call
I get this would be a huge step for Sean Archer & Roxie
I you're feeling it
Sending hugs
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Tagging: @soultrysworld @Mysticcandymiracle @kmc1989 @emilyjr @toasted-stiletto 
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You don’t you realise you have a problem, not until you have to resubmit your paperwork to renew your contract. Your pen lingers over the emergency contact box and that’s when you realise…
You don’t have one.
In the past you’ve put your parents details but the last time you’d ended up in hospital they hadn’t bothered to show up. You’d been able to hear Boden’s voice echoing down the corridor as he lost his temper with your mother’s excuse about the gala.
“Your daughter almost died today and you can’t be bothered to show up.” He had bellowed into the phone before she’d hung up on him. You could tell he was still enraged about the whole thing when he’d stepped into your room a few moments later to tell you weren’t coming as you breathed in the oxygen through the mask attached to your features.
“You are not alone.” He had told you fiercely as he held your hand in his. “You have 51 and we will not abandon you.”
You hadn’t been able to speak so you’d squeezed his hand in understanding. After that there had always been a member of 51 attending your appointments with you, supporting you through rehab. The one you do end up attending alone because of a call out is the time you run into Sean in the café at Med. You probably wouldn’t have met if it weren’t for that incident.
A few months later you receive a medal for your bravery in the field and it’s another event your parents don’t turn up to. Sean does though, he’s on his feet applauding with the rest of 51 because he’s proud of his girl, of the challenges she overcame to make it back to them all.
Your pen hovers again over the vacant box, It’s only been six months but you have never loved a man the way you love Sean, you’ve never met someone so genuine, so caring.
“Roxie, I’m gonna need that form.” Connie says, lingering at the other side of the table and you hastily scribble Sean’s details into the box before you hand it to her.
It’s later that night that you finally broach the topic with him. He’s sitting in his arm chair with your curled up in his lap, your head resting in the crook of his neck as he flicks through the tv to find that show you like, the one about lunatics who marry each other at first sight. He still can’t believe that’s a real thing, it’s highly entertaining and completely maddening at the same time.
“What’s up baby?” He whispers into your hairline, his fingers combing lightly through your hair. “You’ve been quiet all night.”
“I did something today. I should have asked but I didn’t…” You say trail off as he tilts his head towards you, his eyebrows etching into a frown. “I just realised I didn’t have anyone else and you show up when I need you, you always show up.”
“Roxie.” He says soothingly as his thumb traces over your cheekbone. “I’m sure whatever you did is fine.”
“I put you down as my emergency contact.” You say finally, meeting his gaze. “It means if something happens to me on the job, you’re the first person they’ll call.”
You register the surprise on his features and your eyes sting just a little because you realise you’ve fucked up.
“Roxie.” He says softly as he draws you even closer into the shelter of his body, cradling you close. “You know I’ll always show up for you. I’m happy to be your emergency contact.”
You can’t vocalise the sense of relief you feel when you hear those words, you know he sees it too as he tips your chin up, his lips ghosting over yours.
“You’re not alone anymore baby.” He promises you. “You’ve got me to take care of you now.”
Love Sean? Don’t miss any of his stories by joining the taglist here.
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bullet-prooflove · 3 months
Families: Sean Archer x Reader
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Tagging: @kmc1989 @emilyjr @toasted-stiletto @icefrye19 @to-grow-in-and-to-love
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You’ve never believed in love before Sean.
You’d grown up with parents who married each other due to status, who adopted you for similar reasons. You hadn’t understood what a real family was until you started working at Firehouse 51 and then everything just clicked into place.
The difference between your two families is startling. Everyone at the firehouse is warm, welcoming. They’d accepted Sean from the moment they met him, regaling him with tales of your antics, inviting him to events, they went out of their way to make him feeling included.
You’ve just had dinner with your parents for the first time as a couple and they’d taken one look at the man you loved and decided he was your latest rebellion.
“I’ll walk you home and then spend the night at my place.” Sean says finally, his mouth fixed into a grim line as he tucks his hands into his pockets. “I have an early session in the morning.”
You stop then and it takes Sean a second to realise you’ve fallen out of step. He tilts his head to face you, his eyebrows furrowing into a frown.
“Roxie?” He questions.
You know where this is coming from, his sudden distance. Your parents had been relentless tonight, questioning Sean when he politely refused the wine. He’d been up front with them about his past, his sobriety, the steps he’s taken to get to where he is today.
Your mother she had simply sighed before telling you that her friend’s son, Derek, the banker had been asking after you again. You’d seen the expression on Sean’s face when she’d said those words. He’d known immediately that she was telling him he wasn’t good enough for their daughter, that you had more lucrative options.
“Sean.” You say softly as you clasp both of his hands in yours. “My parents, they’re assholes.”
 “I don’t want to be the reason you fall out with them.” Sean says softly as he meets your gaze.
The thing about your mother is that when she sees a weakness, she exploits it. It’s obvious to you that she sensed a dent in Sean’s armour, that sometimes he questions his self-worth and that’s where she decided to slid the dagger. It’s been a slow bleed since then, each doubt a bloody droplet he leaves on the path behind him.
“Sean.” You say firmly, squeezing his fingers. “My mother didn’t speak to me for a year when I became a firefighter because she thought that working a ‘blue collar’ job was my way of punishing her and my father thought it was a rather novel choice for a woman. They assumed I would get it out of my system.”
It’s been over a decade now and you’re still fighting fires in 51. You received a medal last year for your bravery in the field and neither parent had bothered to turn up to the ceremony. Sean had. You’d barely been together a couple of months but he’d shown up for you, he’d brought flowers and taken you out to dinner afterwards. He’d told anyone who would listen how proud he was of his girl.
“You are everything I deserve.” You promise him raising up on tiptoes and pressing your lips to his. “You’ve shown me that love is unconditional, that it’s something that can be given freely, that it doesn’t come with caveats. You don’t realise how important that is to me. All my life I’ve been told how act, how to feel, how to live and then I met you and you just accept me for me, you don’t want anything more than that.”
You think it’s then, that he sees the reality of what your family has done to you. You are one of the strongest people he knows but you’ve always been starved of affection. It’s why he’s so liberal with it. It’s something you can never ask for but something he will always give.
“I just want you.” He tells you as he wraps his arms around you, drawing you into the warm, comforting shelter of his body. “I will only ever want you.”
Love Sean? Don’t miss any of his stories by joining the taglist here.
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bullet-prooflove · 3 months
Sunday Morning: Sean Archer x Reader (NSFW)
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Tagging: @soultrysworld @Mysticcandymiracle @kmc1989 @emilyjr @toasted-stiletto 
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Sean has a scar on his throat, it’s a pink slash about an inch long that transects the space just over his right jugular. It happened before you met him, when he was locked up in Cook County on drugs charges. Sometimes when you’re lying next to him at night, listening to the sound of his breathing you think how close you came to losing him, how the two of you almost never met.
This morning your lips brush over it and Sean’s head tips back into the pillow at the sensation, his hips arching as your fingertips tease along the waist band of his boxershorts. He’s already leaking when your hand delves inside, your thumb ghosting over the tip of his cock, smearing the pre-cum.
This is one of the things you love about Sean, how responsive he is to your touch. His mouth seeks out yours and he kisses you, thrusting into your hand as you move in long, slow strokes. His skin starts to flush, his movements uncoordinated and messy, he’s right there on the edge when he stops you, his forehead coming to rest on yours.
“Roxie…” He mumbles, his hands chasing over your body, tugging at your camisole. “Need you baby, need to be inside you when I come.”
You smile against his lips because Sean, he always needs you like this. He needs the intimacy of the moment, the proximity. He helps you out of your pyjamas shorts, his firm hands coming to rest upon your hips as he guides you into his lap. He moans when you sink down onto his cock, you take him inch by tantalising inch and it wrecks him.
It doesn’t take long, being like this with you, looking into your eyes at the height of it all. There’s always a sense of safety when he’s with you and that’s what Sean gets off on, knowing that you love him, that you’ll always love him.
The climax hits him hard, the ecstasy erupting through his synapses like a thousand tiny fireworks exploding deep withing him. Your mouth covers his, drinking down his pleasure and it heightens everything.
He holds you close in the aftermath because Sean he’s not ready to be away from you just yet. He laughs as you pepper his face with kisses, each one feeling like a ray of sunshine blossoming across his skin.
Being with you like this, Sean thinks, it’s the perfect way to spend a Sunday morning.
Love Sean? Don’t miss any of his stories by joining the taglist here.
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bullet-prooflove · 12 days
³³⁾ farmers’ market peaches, burnt coffee and houseplants
Sean Archer ❤️
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Tagging: @kmc1989 @mandy426 @mysticcandymiracle @mckinleysbones @cosmic-psychickitty
Companion piece to: Three Minutes - Sean thinks its time to take a pregnancy test.
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You’re obsessed with peaches, more specifically the ones that come from the farmer’s market just around the corner. It’s where Sean ends up every Sunday morning before you wake up because he loves to see the expression on your face when you find them residing in the fruit bowl.
When Sean steps through the door of the apartment, he smiles despite the scent of burnt coffee that floods his nostrils. The pregnancy makes you forgetful sometimes, he isn’t surprised to find you in the shower when he removes the pot from the machine. Your propensity to burn the house down is something the two of you are going to talk about once you get out of the shower.
Another thing you’ve started doing since you found out you were pregnant is buying house plants, fucked up ones, the type that get left behind because they’re dying on the shelf.
It started when the two of you had stopped in at the bodega for mouthwash. You’d seen one abandoned alongside the trash and burst into to a flood of tears. Sean had thought something terrible was happening and it was, you had told him as you picked up the browning fern, this poor thing was being tossed away as if it was garbage.
You now have six of them residing in the living room, all in different stages of rejuvenation because you’ve been taking care of them so well. Sean already knows you’re going to make one hell of a mother.
When you step out of the bathroom, you’re clad in that peach robe he bought you for your birthday, his breath catches. The silk clings to your skin, draping over the baby bump that’s beginning to show and Sean doesn’t think he’s ever seen anything so beautiful.
“How’s he doing today?” Sean asks you, his palms coming to cradle your stomach.
“Your son was awake most the night, busting out moves like he was on the dance floor.” You say as he caresses the bump lovingly.
“Takes after his mom.” Sean replies with a smile because he remembers the night this baby was conceived. It had been at the party Isobel had thrown to celebrate his father’s new lease on life. The two of you had gotten a little hot and heavy in the bathroom because you’d felt so damn good pressed up against him on the dance floor he couldn’t stop his hands from wandering.
“Have I ever told you how incredibly sexy you are?” He murmurs as he wraps his arm around your waist, drawing you close.
“All the time.” You reply, your palms coming to rest upon his chest. “But maybe you should show me.”
Love Sean? Don’t miss any of his stories by joining the taglist here.
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bullet-prooflove · 4 months
Welcome to Nightvale: Sean Archer X Reader
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Tagging: @kmc1989 @to-grow-in-and-to-love @mandy426 @icefrye19 @toasted-stiletto 
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Sean’s relationship with you starts because of a book.
You’re in front of him in the queue at the café in Med when it slips out of your bag and hits the tiled floor, the pages fluttering open, revealing an array of multi-coloured post its. You’re too busy ordering too notice. It’s when he raises to his feet after picking it up that he comes face to face with you.
You’re pretty, so pretty that Sean doesn’t expect it. His mouth goes dry for a second before he holds up your book.
“You dropped this.” He says shyly as he hands it back to you.
“Thank you.” You say as you take it from him and place it back into your bag. “I’m reading it for my book club.”
“Welcome to Nightvale huh?” He says as he tucks his hands into the back pockets of his jeans. “I’ve heard the podcast but I’ve never read the book.”
“The podcast is much better than the book.” You tell him as you wrap your hand around your takeout coffee cup and raise it to your mouth. “I can lend it to you if you want? Maybe we can talk about it afterwards.”
His cheeks colour as a smile breaks across his features.
“I’d like that.” He tells you as he gives his own order to the server behind the counter. “They have a live show coming up in June. I’m on the fence about going, I’m not sure how it’ll translate in the real world.”
“I’ve been thinking about it too.” You say as he waits for his coffee. “A lot of podcasts are doing it now, I kind of feel it’ll be like online dating, great in theory, disappointing in real life.”
He laughs then because yea, that’s kind of true. He doesn’t do apps but he’s heard the horror stories from the guys he lives with.
“Online datings not really my thing.” He confesses as he picks up his coffee and gestures towards a table. He expects you to make an excuse, a reason to leave but instead you slip into the offered seat and he finds himself sitting down across from you. “I’m not sure what you can learn about someone from an online profile. They don’t really give you the whole picture.”
“Or they send you the ‘whole picture’ once you’ve connected.” You joke and he blushes when he catches your meaning.
“Unsolicited dick pics are not my thing.” He tells you, shaking his head. “I wouldn’t even know how to get the right angle. There has to be an art to it right?”
You laugh then and it really is the loveliest sound.
“What is your thing?” You ask him and Sean shrugs his shoulders.
“Honestly I’m trying to figure that out.” He tells you, his gaze lowering to his drink as his thumb chases over the ridged cardboard. “I’m taking some time, trying to learn who I am.”
“Can I tell you a secret?” You ask him, your elbows coming to rest upon the surface of the table.
“Sure.” Sean says as he leans in close and the scent of your perfume floods his senses. It’s airy and light, like the first breath of spring on his skin.
“I know this looks all put together but I’m still trying to figure my shit out.” You says gesturing at yourself. “Truthfully I feel like we’re just all a work in progress.”
It’s the kindest, most insightful thing that anyone has ever said to him.
“Come out with me.” He says softly, his eyes meeting yours. “We can go see that show, bitch about it afterwards.”
You pause for a moment and he realises he’s been too bold, too forward. He draws away, but your hand captures his, thumb skating over the hollow of his wrist.
“I’d like that.” You tell him, the edges of your mouth tipping up into a smile. “Really I would.”
Love Sean? Don’t miss any of his stories by joining the taglist here.
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bullet-prooflove · 3 months
What I've Been Working On This Week: 18/6/24
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Families - You and Sean discuss the fact your family has never approved of your choices.
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Listen - You give Dean some advice when he sees his son for the first time in fifteen years.
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All The Federales Say... - Alden tells you the truth about what happened to his daughter.
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Bittersweet Symphony - Nick steps up when you notice a deficit in your hearing.
And The Music Plays On... - You relearn how to play with your new condition.
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Making Memories - After a family tragedy the Reyes Family get together to create something special.
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Good Company - You and Duke find out the truth about your ability.
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What Happens Undercover - Will and you have always had an agreement.
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A Future With You - Hetty helps Nik begin to plan a future with you.
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Grief - Jean mourns your loss after he recieves news of your death.
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bullet-prooflove · 3 months
Birthday Bingo Celebration: Make A Wish - Sean Archer x Reader
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Tagging: @kmc1989 @emilyjr @toasted-stiletto @icefrye19 @to-grow-in-and-to-love
Trigger Warnings for past abuse - No in depth details - just references
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Sean’s birthday has always been a trigger for him. The day he turned fourteen was the day his life was shattered into a thousand pieces. He’s never been able to put them  back together again.
“Make a wish.” His patrol leader had said when he’d climbed into the Sean’s tent that night with a cupcake and a candle. Sean remembers the flicker of the flame highlighting the shadows under his eyes before he blew it out.
“You’re not a boy anymore Sean, you’re a man.” He’d said as his thumb had chased away the smudge of icing from the corner of Sean’s mouth. “Let me show you what men do together in the dark.”
He thinks about that as he studies the newspaper in front of him, staring at the picture of the man who stole his innocence all those years ago. He’s being awarded by the Mayor for his work with at risk youth and it makes Sean want to slit his own throat.
You don’t expect the call from Mitch saying that Sean missed their birthday lunch. They were meant to meet at Sean’s favourite place Café Zidan before hitting the climbing wall for a couple of hours. He hadn’t shown, he hadn’t text, hadn’t called. It’s unusual because the man you love is usually so conscientious.
“I’m worried.” Mitch had told you as you set your keys down on the kitchen table in Sean’s apartment and surveyed the newspaper spread out across the surface. You don’t recognise the face of the man he’s scribbled out with a black pen, you can barely make out his features under the ink. “I’ve checked all us his usual haunts but nobody’s seen him.”
You think back to this morning, the enthusiastic wake up you’d given him before he’d unwrapped your gifts. He’d been happy when you’d left him, playing with the polaroid camera you’d given him, trying to figure out how to load the film. It lies discarded alongside his half empty coffee cup, another sign that something is wrong in his world because Sean is neat, compulsively so. It’s a product of his time at the rehab clinic.
When you do locate him it’s  in the dive bar he used to score in. There’s a shot of tequila sitting in front of him and a haunted look in his eyes. His fingers toy with the glass before he brings it to his lips and throws it down his throat. He sets it down alongside three other empties before he signals the bartender for another.
He doesn’t even look at you when you slip onto the stool alongside of him, he keeps his gaze fixed firmly on the drink that’s being poured out. The bartender raises an eyebrow and you shake your head.
“You ain’t gonna drink, you need to leave.” He tells you, in a voice that sounds like it comes with a 100 a day habit.
“Fine.” You say before gesturing towards the cans of soda tucked away in the fridge behind him. “A lemonade.”
He sets a dirty glass filled with ice down in front of you alongside the can and a bent paper straw. Sean watches as you open the soda before depositing the straw through the ringpull to hold it in place.
“It was the guy in the paper wasn’t it?” You say after a few minutes of silence and Sean’s fingers trace over the ridges of the shot glass in front of him.
“It’s like it just happened.” He tells you, his gaze fixed on the liquid as he swills it around. “I can feel his hands on me, taste him in my mouth…”
He trails off then because he can’t say the rest, he doesn’t need to. You’ve heard the story, you and Mitch are the only ones who have outside of his therapy sessions.
Your hand coming to rest upon his arm, thumb chasing over the scar on the underside, the one that winds up from his wrist all the way  to his elbow. It’s from the first time he tried to kill himself, he tried two more times after that, both O.Ds. Your fingertips stroke a circle over his palm and he closes his eyes, savouring the sensation as it brings him back to the present.
“Let me take you home.” You say gently. “We can curl up together under the blanket in the living room, you can put your head in my lap and I can stroke your hair while we watch Psych.”
He understands what you’re doing, offering him a safe pace, a way back into the life you’ve built together. Start small, baby steps. It’s one of the things they teach you when you’re in recovery.
“I fucked up.” He tells you, gesturing at the row of shot glasses.
“It’s nothing you can’t come back from.” You say, your fingers tracing over the heartline on his palm. “But Sean, what I do need you to do is give me the drugs in your pocket because that’s something you really will regret.”
He looks away from you then, shame flushing across his features as he reaches into the front pocket of his jeans and removes the dime bag. You study it for a second before opening the baggie and depositing the pills into your untouched drink. You hear each one of them fizz as they hit the liquid before you stir them with your straw.
“I didn’t take any.” He tells you, his hand clasping yours once more. “It’s important to me you know that. I wanted to but…”
“I know baby, I do.” You say squeezing his hand, before tilting your head towards the door. “Come on, let’s get you home.”
Love Sean? Don’t miss any of his stories by joining the taglist here.
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bullet-prooflove · 3 months
3 items, one character:
Bathtub, towel & body lotion
Sean Archer
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This one got wayyyyyyy out of control! I honestly feel that Sean had a complete sexual awakening after their first time together.
Tagging: @kmc1989 @emilyjr @toasted-stiletto @icefrye19 @to-grow-in-and-to-love
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You can see that Sean’s aching from the very moment he steps through the door. He’s spent the last few days digging out the new garden at the community centre, it’s tough, manual work but he enjoys the physicality of it. There’s always a sense of peace in the aftermath, a gratification that comes with working with your hands.
“I’ll run you a bath.” You say as he wraps his arm around your waist and draws you close. He smells like the outdoors, the masculine scent of soil and earth clinging to his skin.
“In a minute.” He says, his lips brushing over yours.
It devolves from there, tender kisses and teasing touches. Your clothes end up scattered throughout the apartment, a trail leading towards the bedroom. He’s ferocious with his love tonight, insatiable. His lips ghost all over your skin as your hands thread through his hair, hips arching. He make you come twice with his mouth, his tongue thrust deep as your head tips back into the pillow, his name rolling off your lips.
You’re wanton by the time he enters you, flush and wild. He loves you like this, beautiful, untamed. His forehead comes to rest upon yours as he fucks you with long languid strokes, each one brushing over that sacred little spot deep inside you.
Your breathing becomes rapid, your whimpers turning to moans, his hand slips down to your throat, resting, not squeezing and that sensation, the intimacy of it, it tips you right over the edge. You take him with you when you climax, his release spilling deep as you hold him close, your palms roving up his back.
“I thought you’d be too tired.” You murmur as his nose trails along yours.
“Not for you.” He smiles as he looks into your eyes. “Never for you.”
He falls asleep tangled up in you, dirt still streaked across his skin. When he wakes up, the bed is empty and he can hear the water running in the background.
“Sean.” You say softly, your lips brushing over his temple. “Come get in the bath. You’ll be in bits tomorrow otherwise.”
You’re right, he can already feel the stiffness in his body setting in as he raises from the bed and heads into the bathroom. He hisses as he sinks into the water, the heat soothing over his exhausted muscles. He closes his eyes as he inhales the restful scent of lavender and geraniums, you’ve used your expensive bath oil tonight, the one you usually keep for the really tough shifts. It’s the only thing that cleanses the stench of smoke from your skin.
The water’s turned cold by the time he gets out of the tub. You grasp the softest towel you own and begin to pat him dry before you reach for the body lotion you keep on the shelf above the sink.
He moans when you put your hands on him, your skilled palms massaging the cream into his skin. He captures your mouth with his own again, his fingertips tugging at the belt on your silk robe as he pins you against the vanity.
“Fuck Sean.” You murmur as he guides himself inside you once more. “You’re going to make me come again.”
“Oh Roxie.” He drawls, his thumb trailing along the curve of your jaw. “That’s exactly the point.”
Love Sean? Don’t miss any of his stories by joining the taglist here.
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bullet-prooflove · 4 months
Sean ask!
“I'm addicted, wanna drown inside your love”
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Tagging: @kmc1989 @emilyjr @toasted-stiletto @icefrye19 @to-grow-in-and-to-love
Companion piece to The First Time
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After the first time, it’s like a dam breaks. Sean can’t get enough of you. He spends hours tangled up in you, his lips trailing over your skin as he explores your entire body. He learns what makes you moan, what makes your hips arch and your head tip back into your pillow, more importantly he learns how to love you, how to bring you to climax with his mouth over and over again until your aching and desperate for his cock.
You become his newest addiction and Sean, he can’t think of anything sweeter.
“I just can’t get enough of you.” He whispers against your skin when he’s inside you. “Everytime you make me come I just want you all over again.”
You end up staying at his place for over the weekend because the feelings mutual. You’ve never had a lover as intuitive as Sean, who reads your needs, who fulfils them.
“I hate that we have to return to the real world tomorrow.” You mumble into the hollow of his throat as you lie draped across his chest.
“This doesn’t stop because the weekends over.” He reminds you as he uses his fingertips to tip your chin up to meet his gaze. “I’m still going to be as hopelessly in love with you when you walk out that door.”
It’s the first time he’s said the words, not just to you but to anybody. His cheeks colour because he understands the weight of that sentence, the power it has. You don’t understand what you’ve given him not really, he never thought he’d have the capacity to love another person, he’d assumed he was too broken, too damaged.
Then you’d dropped that book in front of him and everything had changed.
“That’s good news.” You tell him as you lean in close, your lips brushing tenderly over his. “Because I am hopelessly in love with you too.”
Love Sean? Don’t miss any of his stories by joining the taglist here.
Like My Work? - Why Not Buy Me A Coffee
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bullet-prooflove · 4 months
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Tagging: @kmc1989@emilyjr@toasted-stiletto@icefrye19@to-grow-in-and-to-love
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It was never meant to be a seduction, not on Sean’s part.
When he asks you to his apartment so that he can cook for you it’s more of a practical thing. He’s on a limited wage as a counsellor in training at the rehab clinic, he can’t afford to take you out so he invites you to his place instead. He’d been embarrassed when he’d first told you that, he thought you’d give up on him, decide he wasn’t worth the effort but you’d surprised him with your enthusiasm.
“I can’t remember the last time someone cooked for me.” You’d told him as he’d walked you home through the park.
When you turn up at his apartment he’s blown away. You’re wearing a midnight blue t-shirt dress that clings to your form, your hair is loose, falling around your features. He still can’t believe that you’re attracted to him.
He greets you with a kiss, it’s meant to be chaste, a tender brush of the lips but it sparks something, something raw, wild and passionate. You don’t make it to dinner, the food is left half prepared in the kitchen because after that first kiss Sean just can’t stop.
He doesn’t remember how the two of you end up in the bedroom, all he can focus on is the sensation of your body pressed against his, your fingertips tracing all over his skin as you straddle his lap. He could spend forever like this with you, his mouth on yours, his hands on you as he grinds up against your core.
God, you feel so much better than anyone else he’s ever been with.
“It’s my first time.” He tells you, when you reach for his zipper.
He knows you understand the significance of that.
His first time willing, his first time sober.
“We don’t have to do this.” You whisper against his lips as your forehead comes to rest against his. “We can take it slow, go at your pace, I’m willing to wait.”
“No I want to.” He murmurs, his cheeks colouring. “I just… I don’t know if I’m any good.”
It hurts that he thinks like that, that he doubts himself. You know that sex is an issue for Sean, that his first time was stolen instead of given. Everything after that was tainted by the drugs that man got him hooked on, he hasn’t had a positive experience, not yet.
“Sean.” You say softly as your lips brush over his. “Don’t focus on that, just focus on us.”
You pull the dress up and off your body, the material fluttering to the floor and Sean’s attention, it’s entirely on you. He can’t take his eyes off you after that.
He takes his time exploring you, hands chasing over your bare skin, mouth on yours. The sounds you make embolden him as you guide him to just the right place. He moans at the sensation of your wetness against his dick, his thumb ghosting along the line of your jaw as he enters you slowly.
It’s perfect, the feel of you around him. He begins to move, long drawn out thrusts that rake over that deviant little spot deep down inside you. He chases your bliss, your hitched breathing and desperate whimpers until he has you right on precipice of rapture, clenching around his cock and that feeling, that sense of connection, Sean has never felt anything like it.
He comes with you. His mouth covering yours, stifling the sound of your pleasure as he spills his release deep. It isn’t until you kiss the salt from his cheeks that he realises that he’s crying.
“It’s never been like that before.” He whispers as his thumb sooths over the apple of your cheek. “It’s never felt so damn good.”
Love Sean? Don’t miss any of his stories by joining the taglist here.
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bullet-prooflove · 5 months
Proposing: Sean Archer x Reader
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Tagging: @kmc1989 @emilyjr @toasted-stiletto @icefrye19 @to-grow-in-and-to-love 
Based on an ask about how Sean, Dean, Alden & Dwayne would recieved from my babe @mandy426. Each one of these got really long so I decided to publish them as individual posts.
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Sean is a traditionalist, he will speak to your mother/father beforehand to ask their permission. Due to his past addiction issues they’ll say no, he’s not good enough for you. They assume he’s going to relapse at some point in the future and they don’t want their daughter caught up in all of that which devastates him.
In the past a setback like this may have proved to be a self-fulfilling prophecy but instead he goes to Dean’s house and pours his heart out to his father.  Dean is pissed off and appalled and reminds Sean of how far he’s come, how much he’s accomplished.
The next day when you meet up for breakfast, he holds your hand and he tells you what happened, how much he loves you, how much he wants to build a future with you but he doesn’t want to cause a rift in your family.
You remind him that your parents have always been extremely judgemental and controlling, it’s the reason you were so eager to leave when you hit eighteen, the reason it took so long to introduce them. You tell Sean you’re in love with him and you believe in him, that won’t change because your parents don’t think you should be together. The more official term you use is ‘fuck them’.
Meanwhile Dean who can not keep his nose out of this shit goes to see your parents and reads them the riot act. He fully intends to be calm and rational, explaining how much Sean loves you but your parents won’t listen and it devolves. It ends up with them calling him a terrible parent and telling him there isn’t a chance in hell Sean will ever be a part of their family. They call you the next day and tell you if you don’t break up with Sean then you can’t be in their lives. You tell them that’s not going to happen. Sean feels absolutely terrible about this whole thing. Proposing is now the furthest thing from his mind because he thinks he’s going to mess it up, because the whole thing has been a disaster.  
It's a couple of weeks later the two of you take a walk through the park on your way home. It’s early evening and the trees are lit up with fairy lights as you walk hand in hand. It’s one of Sean’s favourite places, he loves being around nature and the lighting makes it feel romantic and magical. You pause in front of the tree that you picnicked under in the summer, the place where Sean first told you that he loves you. You take both his hands in yours and you tell him you adore him, that he’s the only person whose ever made you this happy, that you can’t imagine your life without him. Then you get down on one knee.
You don’t have a ring but that doesn’t matter to Sean, all that does is that the woman he loves wants to marry him. He says yes.
Love Sean? Don’t miss any of his stories by joining the taglist here.
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bullet-prooflove · 5 months
How do you feel about this one for Sean Archer?
“But something has changed I feel so alive”
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Being with you is better than any narcotic that Sean has ever taken, The benzos, the booze, the coke, none of it compares to the high he gets when he’s in bed with you, loving you.
Your mouth on his, your fingers running though his curls, your thighs cinched around his waist drawing him deeper, it’s bliss.
He’s spent the majority of his life under the influence, every encounter he’s had, every woman he’s fucked, it’s been about burying the anguish he was feeling at the time.
“Baby,” He whispers, his lips ghosting along the line of your jaw as you rock together because he’s getting close, the ecstasy it’s rushing through his system, erupting through his synapses like a thousand stars. It’s both exhilarating and terrifying because you’re the first person he’s been with sober, the only person he’s been with sober.
You kiss him when he climaxes, the sensation of you drowning out all the noise in his head as you tighten around his cock, gripping him. You come together, Sean’s release spilling deep inside of you.
It’s never felt like this before, not for him. It’s emotional, overwhelming. He’s ashamed when the tears run down his cheeks but your lips they chase away that feeling.
“I know it’s a lot isn’t?” You murmur against his skin. “Being with someone who loves you.”
“Yea.” He whispers as he holds you close. “But it feels right too.”
Tagging: @kmc1989
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bullet-prooflove · 1 month
What I've Booked Onto The Schedule This Week:
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One Rule - Dean Archer - You and Dean try to rekindle your relationship.
Live - Dean Archer - You and Dean get real with each other during couples counselling.
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4500 Follower Celebration Bingo: Exposure - Brendon Acres - Your relationship comes to light after you're papped during a proposal.
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4500 Follower Celebration Bingo: Key To Her Heart - JD Dempsey - You and JD fall into old patterns during a UC op.
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4500 Follower Celebration Bingo: Three Minutes - Sean Archer - Sean realises you might be pregnant after you experiance some sickness.
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4500 Follower Celebration Bingo: Adrenaline - Ryan - You run into a man you arrested during date night.
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bullet-prooflove · 10 days
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A quick round up of updates on the blog including new characters added to the ASK LIST and a list of fics that went out last week.
New Fics:
The Bear:
Tomorrow - A chance run in at the grocery store leads Mikey to break a bad habit.
Wild - You and Mikey have discuss three things you love about him.
Good People - Richie and Carmy discuss a potential relationship with you.
Dreaming - Luca reasurres you after a bad dream.
86 - Richie 86es a patron at The Bear.
Chicago Med:
Tell Me - Jack tells you how he feels.
Peaches - Sean reflects on how things have changed since your pregnancy.
Criminal Minds:
Everything (NSFW) - You and Luke spend the night together for the first time.
The Call - OA always picks up your call.
Fire Country:
Mirror (NSFW) - Manny and you spend your first night together as husband and wife.
Law & Order SVU:
Pretty Girl (NSFW) - You and Terry ruin Mike.
NCIS - Hawaii:
Scar Tissue - Jesse suspects somethings going on when Marty Deeks comes to town.
Photo Finish - You confront Douglas when some personal pictures are used by the press.
Tulsa King:
The One That Got Away - Mitch has been thinking about you.
Home - Mitch gets an answer to his question.
Fucked Up - You turn up on John's doorstep to discuss his current predicament.
Maui - Travis adds some extra security measures to your new place.
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