#seattle polycule but in space
willowcrowned · 2 years
han and leia are three times divorced and four times married. han and lando are twice divorced and once married, but both of the divorces happened before the marriage. han and chewie had a beautiful religious wookiee ceremony but never did the paperwork. han and luke have been fiancés since the party right after the destruction of the first death star.
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paterday · 1 year
The greater Infinity polycule
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canthaveshitingotham · 6 months
the secret seattle polycule under the space needle
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wooshofficial · 2 years
hi woosh i have a lot of ships.
- alaynabella hollywood/magi ruiz. i call it moviemagic bc i am a loser who likes puns too much. idk they’re so. they are so girls who necromance together (struggle to) stay together. trips and spills my pile of wips where magi ruiz does something really unethical or dangerous to make people proud of her. i have a whole moviemagic tag for them
- alaynabella hollywood/goodwin morin. what if we were the best batter and the worst pitcher and we didn’t understand each other for most of a season, until suddenly we did. what if we got together right before the game pulled us apart and we tried for so long to make it work. and it did, until it didn’t.
- york silk/oliver loofah/magi ruiz. absolute fucking disaster polycule. york shells olive and takes away one of the only people magi has really connected to. she gets pecked out and they reconnect even though liv has to travel up from charleston. york comes to seattle and olive skips town for a few weeks to get away from him (she can’t stop remembering that MaX is still in the shell xe echoed.) magi is mad that york has fucked up her friendcrush AGAIN. magi “world’s most hypocritical necromancer” ruiz says why didn’t you stay dead. york “necromanced former child star” silk says is what what you said to chorby (chorby who just died for a third time). they fight fight kiss kiss. simultaneously york and olive have very similar weird complexes about growing up. also york is aware his time is running out and he wants to make some sort of amends. they also fight fight kiss kiss. the three of them together are like. york needs people who don’t just constantly praise him like he’s still that can-do-no-wrong kid in hawai’i. magi needs people who can be her shoulder angel and devil (they trade who’s who often). olive needs people who understand the pressure of being new to adulthood and trying to shake off people’s expectations. wow this one got long ANYWAY they’re so fucked up
- york silk/ruffian applesauce. this is a dumbass teenage romance sparking from a game where they both hit a bunch of home runs. it ends abruptly when ruffian fucking dies. it awkwardly continues when york also dies. it ends abruptly AGAIN when york un-dies and ruffian just sits in the hall forever. if romeo and juliet were also orpheus and eurydice. you know?
- SO many short circuits garages ships.
ajax black/nevaeh flapper is “romantic tension over a blackjack game while the universe explodes”
didi müller/oliver mueller is “quit your job. join my punk band. explore space with me”
cravel larue/alice day is “loser boyfriend x loser girlfriend”
francois fisher/ygritte valdrada is “weird bisexual goth power couple”
i have more. i have so many more. i don’t have time to write blurbs for them all but there’s magi ruiz/clare ballard ii, sparks beans/carmelo plums, penelope mathews/liquid friend vi (aka “vienna”), probably more i’m forgetting lmao
Hooooooooooooooooooly shit okay let’s get into it
Layna and Magi - well known and loved. Absolute fucking disasters. Absolutely end game. It’s movie magic, baby! It all works out in the end! (aka, it Never fucking works out because there is no end)
Goodwin and Layna - OHOHOHOHOHO. I like the interp where ego affects everyone with it differently but by stage 4 you’re pretty much a walking stereotype, with Goodwin becoming more and more of a shell of herself (“isn’t this what everyone wanted? Isn’t this the dream? Don’t you love me? I’m a star player!!!!!!!!” vibes) and losing her personality to the ego. Layna “I love you and I forgive you but I will never forget” Hollywood, who values family and trust over literally everything (see: movie magic) would not take kindly to this, but also she knows that this is not Goodwin, but also can’t she fight back, but also she’s doing the best she can, but also Layna Hollywood Never Forgets. And it’s too late by the time Layna decides to forgive and Goodwin is gone, because fuck you Layna you get nothing
York and Olive and Magi - Brendan Urie sucks but when he said “make up sex! break up sex!” he was talking about these three. It’s all revenge! It’s all passion! It’s all dangerous! It’s all wrong! York just wants to be human again and regain the life he built from the ground up in Halifax, Liv just wants her family to be okay, and Magi just wants her crushes to stop being given the finger. None of their intentions are pure but god are all of them cute as hell and in this world where you don’t know when the end is might as well kiss the pretty ones.
At this point I think Magi Ruiz has had a crush on every girl on the active roster (and some of the shadows) (and York Silk when he was experimenting with gender presentation). Also The Fall by Lovejoy is a Magi song, specifically a MovieMagic song.
Ruffian and York - what if in a very long and intense game you got obsessed over someone you used to know in a kind of fucked up way and he just wants a nap, oh my god but you saw the passion in his eyes as he threw that last pitch you absolutely slammed with your own passion and your teammates are looking at you funny again arent they. You are So Normal about this dude. So Normal, in fact, that you fucking explode! Also he never loved you sorry
God the SCs got gay didn’t they
Ajax and Naveah - you are the very thing I hate but that makes you hot, and it’s the end of the world so fuck it (literally)
Didi Ollie and Mike polycule when
Cravel and Alice - the world is going to end. I know exactly when it will. I cannot stop it. I cannot tell anyone. You are the only other person who knows. Kiss me.
Love me some goths
I mean my asks are open for a reason, but also you have my discord so feel free to infodump there! I enjoy your brain thoughts very much.
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radicalesbians · 9 months
We went out of town for Christmas and our house sitter forgot to put the trash cans out for us. A bummer, but not a huge problem; it's happened before and we survived.
I notice the day we get back that the 5 gallon bucket we use to collect our dog's poop was at terminal capacity. Alright, so that giant bag would have to wait another week.
That night, I empty the liter genie and take up the last of the room in the garbage can out front. There is a tiny open space that I convince myself another bag could fit into.
Two days before the week is up, I'm able to squeeze another kitchen trash bag into the small empty space, with the lid hovering open. Score.
The night before trash day, I'm showering, and something is definitely wrong. The tub isn't draining. I check the plug, and it's open as the Seattle polycule. I hear the toilet gently gurgling.
I get out of the shower and the tub is obstainantly full. I lift the toilet seat lid and see that there is almost no water in the bowl. I flush, and no water drains; clean water simply rises up to the top. I notice a small ring of water gathering where the floor and toilet bowl meet.
Shit. It's the evening of new years day. One company says they can come out tomorrow, everywhere else is closed.
Well. We don't have a working toilet, but we do have an extra 5 gallon bucket, trash bags, kitty liter, and a space heater. I laugh at my fiance as she tapes a blue "women" bathroom sign to the door leading from the house to the garage.
The liter genie is full again.
Thank god it's trash day (TGIT).
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festivecuriosity · 4 years
[October 13, 2020]
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♡ Mercury retrograde in Scorpio is happening tonight. I can already feel/see it's influence. It also doesn't help matters that my current household is primarily made up of Scorpios or Plutonian individuals (most of my roommates are "essential workers" like EMTs or caretakers). Brad (the most Scorpio of the house) has called for a rare consideration; that there be silence in the living room (communal space) when he comes home. He's never asked for that before. This feels very symbolic of Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio. A moment of silence in our otherwise very talkative household. Besides that, he's coming home right around the time MRX/Scorpio would be officially beginning.
♤ Identifying omens is part of my practice. It's one of my oldest, foundational, cornerstones of how I communicate with the Universe and my guides. When you notice something (really notice it) to the point that it stands out in your mind and you end up thinking on it all day, it is an "omen". A symbolic representation of the message the Universe is sending you. I was given an omen by the Universe yesterday as to the immediate future/Mercury RX in Scorpio. I was outside (smoking) when I saw a hawk soaring in the air, being pursued by two black crows, and navigating around their assaults. The hawk (personally) represents my spiritual vision/focus/accuracy. The two crows, I believe, represented thoughts that attack my focus. I.e. Huginn and Muninn, thought and memory. Although, Huginn and Muninn are technically ravens. Not crows. I still think the message from the Universe is to tame my PTSD/where my mind goes/stay focused on my goals instead of letting my negative thoughts pick at me.
Also kind of reminds me of the qliphothic sphere/inverted sphere of Netzach. Where the "crows" pick at the beauty of Source. Another reminder to keep my inner criticism from attacking my spiritual focus/my ability to see the beauty in my life and self.
Two other people in the household got omens on the same day as me. One person got a vulture eating roadkill on the side of the road, the other got a brown cricket. Since the vulture means rebirth and ressurection through shadow work, I think the household is going through a transitional phase (what affects one person in the house typically touches all of us). I am not certain on the brown cricket, however. Good luck? What struck me the most about it was that my roommate was trying to catch it...and it always knew when to hop away just in the nick of time.
♧ I've been rearranging/unpacking my boxes from Seattle finally. For a long time now, I've just been living out of boxes, and refusing to do much magic. I didn't even set up my altar when I got all my stuff back from [Redacted abuser]. It's taken awhile to even get myself back to directly communicating with my guides...much less the Universe/Source. Anyways, I'm finally going through my boxes, and setting up an official altar area. When I was getting into my old rock and crystal collection (I was into that stuff way back before I realized how harmful the crystal/gemstone trend is for Earth's environment), I found an old piece of Mookaite that I friend gave me. And I shit you not, the thing physically vibrated in my hand when I touched it.
I've been holding it ever since. Have totally and honestly forgotten all the exact properties of the stones I own. It's been such a long time. I was also practicing "crystal/crystal energy psychicism" when I was homeless as a means to survive the streets so...I'm pretty sure my PTSD is blocking a lot of that information out.
I guess it's time to rediscover crystals again? Not buying any new ones. Just utilizing the ones I already have to the best of my ability. I feel like it was wrong that so many of them were taken from the ground to be pretty baubles for people. I might as well make it worth something by using them to help myself/others/incorporate them into my active life so they hold meaning.
Mookaite feels very grounding and soothing already. It feels like a very receptive stone, inviting energy into it much like organic pearls do. I also notice that it has almost a dream/trance-like affect to it's grounding energy. I think maybe I'll take time to meditate with it tomorrow.
◇ Brad pretty much runs the household that I live in. Further details; I live in a BDSM polycule, Brad is one of the doms. One of Brad's relationships was very close to being homeless recently. While normally, being homeless is... [redacted PTSD disassociating moment] being non-binary and homeless during COVID-19 is even worse. So we took them in. Inevitably, we had to make some major adjustments (about space, because technically we're fitting 9 people in a 2 bedroom house). It's been a test of adaptability through chaos for everyone. One of the major areas of contention is that everything inside the house is getting moved, rearranged, or tossed. And some people (mainly [redacted name]) is absolutely 100% terrible at adapting to change, unless someone is literally dying. Also, while I get that none of this can really be helped, I'm also a bit annoyed by the sudden introduction of someone new.
But even if I'm annoyed by it, I wasn't about to say "no" when Brad told us what was going on. I'm not a monster. I was homeless too and Brad helped me get off the streets. This person, while I don't know them well enough to make a judgement, deserves the same chance that I did to get stable in an era where stability is a pipe dream.
I'm actually not the one having the hardest problem. Surprising, it's the spirit of the house that's having the hardest problem. Our house is an old 1950's model built at the corner of a crossroads. Technically the house kinda exists as a liminal space. And there's so much stuffed inside of it that theoretically anything *could exist* in the house. Sometimes weird shit pops up and then disappears. It's very similar to the Seattle house I lived in when I was with [KILL BILL SIRENS] but has less of a metaphorical underworld cave vibe and more of a Howl's Moving Castle vibe. Anyways, the house itself is having a bad time adjusting to all the change/cleaning that the new roommate is doing...because it keeps hiding and moving (specifically) all the stuff that the new roommate has. They're not a stoner. They have a decently good memory. And I know that nobody in the house would do something like that. Plus, they apparently heard disembodied laughter right after discovering something was missing. The genuis locci (house spirit) is fucking with 'em hard.
I've never seen the genius locci do this before. The worst it ever did to me was hide a really expensive Egyptian cotton pillow case once. It eventually spat it back out after cuddling with it, I imagine. Seriously; Egyptian cotton sheets. Get you some.
So after the 100× time today that the new roommate was swearing about their missing things, I suggested that maybe they need to butter up the genius locci with gifts. Kinda romance the house a bit. Give it something so that it builds a relationship with the spirits that live here. They're a (self-professed) baby witch whose background is Jewish. They mostly excel at kitchen witchery (for now) and incorporating the works and wisdom of the Torah into their life. So they weren't too certain on ritualistic offerings to a house spirit. But with some suggestions from me and listening to their own intuition, they were able to put something quick together. It's nice to see people using magic around the house and learning new skills. And to their benefit, I felt the house chill out a bit after the ritual/gift giving was done.
I have been giving the house/my guides a portion of my nightly tea every now and then. It's honestly nothing fancy but I figure small gifts count for something right?
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