bapydemonprincess · 5 months
Bard fuck that butler challenge 😭
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bapydemonprincess · 1 year
Sebastian enjoying his tallness in the vein of either spooking people from behind or leaning in to smooch a lover and scoop them from behind 🖤
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bapydemonprincess · 4 months
We really do need to cram every good sebastian ship into one giant poly ship happening all at the same time, huh? And like, since its SEBASTIAN, he is 100% on board instead of uncomfortable like humans get in some cases. Some of the opposite characters though might have to adapt like Grelle and Bard and Ash and Wolf.. (Meanwhile Agni Mey, Othello and like, freakin Arthur Conan Doyle think this is just perfect and makes sense and everyone can love everyone! They're one big family! 💕)
Anyway it'll be like Sebagrellethelloagnimeyashbardwolfarthur. Yes.
...Or the Butler Harem, maybe, Idk 🤔
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bapydemonprincess · 1 year
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The manga version of this scene is just as cute as the animated one tbh~ 🌈💖💜💙
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bapydemonprincess · 1 year
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bapydemonprincess · 11 months
Arthur and Sebastian from Book of Murder but it's a parody of that show Only Murders in the Building
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bapydemonprincess · 1 year
One day in a million when Sebastian is yelling at Bardroy to stop canoodling with the damn Chinese Crime Lord, BARDROY immediately unleashes the long list of times Sebastian almost got it on with the young master’s various guests, “includin’ that bloody famous Sherlock Holmes author jus’ before ya got STABBED, SO PISS OFF!”
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bapydemonprincess · 1 year
Arthur Conan Doyle in Book of Murder be like, “I’m fighting my demons,” but the demon is his own bisexual awakening after meeting the pretty Phantomhive butler.
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Fuck yeah.
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bapydemonprincess · 10 months
Sebastian: Arthur there is someone very special I'd like to introduce you to..
Arthur: Oh?? A friend of yours??
Sebastian, actually blushing: Well, I suppose you could put like that..
Arthur, trying not to assume: Oho, more than a friend..?
Sebastian going very uwu: We're very close.. She and I...
Arthur, alarm bells briefly going off: S... She....?
Sebastian: Yes. Arthur allow me to introduce you to... the finest Lady in all of Great Britain~
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Arthur, days later...
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bapydemonprincess · 9 months
Aww too bad no mustache I bet Sebastian would love that version of him for kissing and um.. other things..
Other things you say...
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bapydemonprincess · 1 year
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Picrew used: https://picrew.me/ja/image_maker/1822696
“ -and however many times I attempted to escape that 'aforementioned story' by trying my hand at writing other works, 'that protagonist' kept haunting me like a curse.”
aka, Arthur Conan Doyle really went:
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bapydemonprincess · 1 year
An idea:
Arthur in kuro verse: *is hyperfixated on Sebastian so much he writes Watson going on about how smart and baffling and peculiar Sherlock is*
Arthur in kuro verse after living WITH Sebastian a month or two: *Makes Sherlock an absolute disaster of a human being with the weirdest quirks and hyperfixations and Watson is so done with him-*
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bapydemonprincess · 1 year
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I cannot get over this MOMENT between Sebastian and Arthur, sharing their concern over the kid, then Sebastian Michaelis going ahead and giving Arthur Conan Doyle the most .. limpid, warm, bedroom eyes he's ever fucking given anyone!!!!
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bapydemonprincess · 1 year
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Picrew used: https://picrew.me/ja/image_maker/64122
What is seen as a typical night at the Phantomhive estate, turns rather hellish as the usual gaggle of visitors choose this time to target the recent and most frequent guest staying within, Mr. Doyle...
A much more brutal battle than usual follows...
And when all the intruders are finally dealt with, before the shaken Author can try to get out of his make-shift bonds himself, he’s rapidly untied by the butler, and shoved firmly into a tight embrace.
“My apologies, Doctor.. I should’ve have foreseen this,” the taller man hisses out.. rather shakily..
Ignoring his own arms surrounding the man covered in the blood of those brutes, ignoring the rest too that was splashed upon his tailcoat while he tore them apart.
Soaking wet gloved fingers run through unstained, soft brunette hair. Shaking. Trembling.
“It will not happen ever again, I swear it.” The demon utters, firmly.
And still he cannot pull himself away.. just yet.
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bapydemonprincess · 1 year
Arthur out here giving new meaning to 'the butler did it'
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bapydemonprincess · 1 year
Maybe “It would be better if you stayed away from me” for Sebarthur (or any Seb ship of your choosing)?
Okay, though you yourself helped me with putting this all together.. I hope you enjoy the finished result!! 🙈🖤🖤🖤
Warnings for: tentacles and other eldritch demony anatomy~😈 but thats all really!
The good doctor and author has returned to the manor, very suddenly and out-of-the-blue.
He no longer has the drained look of terror that once seemed permanent. His eyes are big and open to everything and all, taking in any ideas; even the tiniest hint of a strange and peculiar little quirk from both Contracted Young Master and Demon Butler.
Sebastian is not sure any more what to make of Arthur.
The final day of his stay last time, it had been fun and entertaining to finally reveal the truth, to push the envelope, to.. ruin the naivete of the sweet good hearted man who'd only wanted logical answers to all his bustling questions.
Just as the entire time of knowing the man had been fun. The mystique he got to pull off while he was still around as the butler, serving and showing off for all the guests including Arthur, as well as getting to act as a new character, even if deemed a Vicar by the young master, to really stretch out his natural skills of figuring things out, of showing all these humans things that their kind knew but certainly couldn't do so well any longer. Not with todays "advances".
But now, this.. sequel.. this return trip of Arthur Wordsmith.. Or, more less Arthur Conan Doyle...
Was not so fun for some reason.
It certainly wasn't because it felt like a repeat performance, oh no.
Though it didn't help that it did feel like it was supposed to be a performance of some kind, Sebastian supposed.
And to think he'd been delighted to show his true self to the man..
Now he yearned for the ability to erase memories, to take back such knowledge, to relive the time he was merely an elegant mystery wrapped up in the form of a butler to Arthur.
But the only possible way to get rid of such damning evidence was...
Eliminate the hapless human who'd seen too much.
That prospect made the demon uneasy too, and when his mind constantly brought it to the front he was forced to ignore the target of such thoughts, to avoid the unknowing author at every corner.
It.. wasn't as if he hadn't killed innocent bystanders before.
There had been many, many cases during a contract in which a second or third party unwittingly discovered the truth, or suspected and then hunted it down.
And in many of those cases the demon felt absolutely no guilt, no pity, merely snuffing them out quickly to silence their cries.
In many cases also, this would lead to the contract... "finishing" in a sense..
For the contracted human would be so overwhelmed with guilt or fear or even anger at what had just transpired, that well..
However, in the case of Mr. Wordsmith and also the Young Master "Ciel" Phantomhive...
It had been Sebastian's choice to reveal himself.
And even after, the Young Master had questioned him on it.
He was mildly surprised, but not too much so..
And not even angry the demon had gone against him in some way.
He'd only cared to scowl in that cute little youthful way of his when Sebastian pointed out his deed would inspire Arthur to write more, and the Young Master might find that to his liking seeing as he'd enjoyed Arthur's work so far.
But now....
Now Arthur was back.
Young Master was allowing it.
And Sebastian was feeling suddenly as if he'd.. ruined something.
Again, avoiding Arthur more and more, only interacting when needed.
Like when he and young master were dining in the afternoon or night, or just as everyone was getting up for the day.
Sometimes, unfortunately, they'd even run into each other at random due to Arthur perusing every corner of the manor he was allowed to.
And Sebastian knew, the more this went on like this.. the more Arthur noticed how much colder and unsociable the charismatic butler now was.
However before Arthur could confront the butler, or the butler could swiftly explain his reasons, an unfortunate nightly guest party arrived at a point, and all Sebastian could do was try rushing to Arthur's quarters to warn him beforehand not to go out, stay in that very room, and do not even think of peeking out once!
But Arthur was confused by such demands...
After all, he knew he was a demon, he'd seen what he could do! The very reason he was HERE was to SEE THE DEMON!
Flushing with frustration and anxiousness, Arthur attempted at least to sneak out, after about half an hour of obeying.
He was a trite small for an adult man, after all, and he knew how to keep silent! To mind his business and just observe!
That was exactly what he wanted to do anyway!!
He was nearing the stairs and growing confused, considering he hadn't seen a single intruder, nor heard anyone. Perhaps the action was all taking place outside??
Then suddenly loud tromping boots were heard, and someone grabbed Arthur from behind, and knife was to his throat.
"Eheheh, you a regular 'round 'ere?"
The man growled out near Arthur's head, and before Arthur could try and think if he should shake his head no or yes, the man suddenly started to choke and sputter and when Arthur's arms were free he immediately turned to see..
Sebastian Michaelis stepping slowly from the darkness, glowering at the fiend who'd seconds ago been about to slice Arthur's windpipe, now struggling and squirming in the deadly grip of those pitch black tentacles of the demon.
"I will not have our honored guests treated so boorishly, thank you very much." The butle growled, eyes red with fury as he stared on and waited until his tentacles had finally crushed the human to death.
Just after the body dropped to the floor, Arthur let out a sigh, and started to open his mouth to tell the demon butler his thanks, when-
“It would be better if you stayed away from me, Mr. Doyle,”
Sebastian told him right away, still a distance away from the other, as he adjusted his gloves and looked about to see if there was anything out of order.
"You'd disobeyed my orders to stay in your quarters, but I will not have you thrust into the grisly business that this job requires."
"W-what're you talking about, Sebastian??"
Arthur took a step closer, and even that had the butler stiffen.
"I'm well aware of what you're.. likely capable of, you know!"
"Indeed you are," Sebastian agreed immediately, off-handedly, lifting a brow but not looking quite that amused, "considering you barely flinched at what I've just done to that human that is now lying before us."
"Er, yes, I expected no less, so... So WHY are you avoiding ME as if I'll end up like THEM??"
And the mystery writer emphasized his words by jabbing his palms in the direction of the once again thoroughly strangled human on the floor.
"I am not avoiding you like-" Sebastian started, almost instinctively and sounding rather put upon, but he stopped himself, and gritted his teeth, looking away.
Yes... such a foolish, weak, INNOCENT human.. Believing he has all the right to come back here and hang around among The Queen's Guard Dog; a wanted nobleman of evil, and a DEMON under contract with the Guard Dog that could, at any point, give the order and-
Arthur's concerned voice reached the demon's ears, breaking his mental rant of frustration and confusion, and bringing him back to the present.
Especially WITH how concerned the man's tone came out.
Face heating up for some reason but ignoring it entirely, the butler whirled back to face him and asked him his own gnawing question of the night.
"Why do you wish to study my kind in the first place, instead of going on continuing to write about the great detective and his companion? Or even back to writing of knights and their fanciful adventures?"
"Well-" Arthur tried to start, but for some reason the demon butler immediately cut him off with more questions.
"And why do you wish to be SO near an actual demon, even a collared one such as I, when as I said, you can very well see with your own eyes what I am capable of to a hapless human's unfortunately short life."
"Sh-short..?" Arthur immediately responded by repeating that particular phrasing as it had reached his ears, "but.. h-how can you tell... he.."
Arthur squinted in the gloom of the upstairs hall at the body of the man who'd haplessly attempted to assault him.
In fact, instinct drove the writer to get down closer on his knees, carefully tugging on the man's worn coat to get a better look at his face, when especially minutes ago he hadn't really gotten to with the man behind him.
There were barely any age lines, except dark bags under his eyes of likely long sleepless nights while attempted probably many break ins before this particular one. Though there were also lighter lines around the corners where his eyes met his cheek bones; from possibly better moments where he'd gotten a hardy laugh in here or there, despite everything.
He has slight unshaven jaws too, but even in this poor lighting, Arthur could make out the vibrant brown of his hair; not a gray one in sight!
The writer slash dentist was then naturally about to reach over and part his jaws to get a peek at the quality of his teeth, when a familiar substance- by now -smack his left wrist and then started twining around it much like natural green ivy did a fence.
"Please stop this inspection nonsense, Mr. Doyle, he may be most definitely young, but that does not mean this brute is clean,"
Arthur grunted as the lone tentacle tugged and pulled at his arm much exactly like how Sebastian himself could have done with his own hand, and pulled him perfectly- if a bit roughly -to his feet.
And then it let go and disappeared.. into Sebastian just like before.
"But this is exactly why I'm fascinated by you.. How- However you manage to figure out this man's age seems far beyond what a normal trained or untrained human could manage, studying a person or.. a.. a dead body, that is,"
Arthur rubbed absently at his wrist where the tentacle had been, eyebrows knitted frustratingly.
"No, I'm sure humans could manage this much if they tried," Sebastian argued, once again insisting like he had while as Jeremy what humans were capable of, despite what Arthur believed.
"Yes, m-maybe, but..." Arthur groaned and gritted his own teeth, both because he knew what he wanted to say, and also, in that moment, he also knew the subject had been TWISTED and his question hadn't been bloody answered!
"But what?" Sebastian asked instead of remaining quietly perturbed. It seemed he was growing impatient too...
"You... I just... From the looks of it..." Arthur's face flushed and he glared at the floor he could barely make out, already sensing his reasoning on what really happened would be mocked immediately.
"It seemed you used some extra ability, a-a sixth sense to easily come to know and say that the man was young! I-In fact I wouldn't be surprised if you... you know his exact age!"
And then another possibility hit the writer.
"Is it because of his... soul??" Arthur finally looked up at the butler straight away, eyes big and shimmering with that curiosity once more.
But then he actually focused on Sebastian's current appearance he'd turned to face hopefully and excitedly.
And... saw the usually pallid, smooth, unbothered look of the demon in this human mask was...
Very.. red...??
He was blushing???
Sebastian only gave him a second longer to take in his appearance like this, before suddenly-
A wave of pure blackness- like the black creeping tentacles that had strangled his assailant, and the encroaching black tentacles that had come at him as the demon had threatened him at the end of his first visit -swarmed him, as well as Sebastian Michaelis himself.
And then in another fluttering blink of his eyes, as the author was frozen on the spot in shock...
The tentacles retreated again, to reveal they were both now back in his assigned quarters.
"There, now," Sebastian spoke, his tone sounding a mixture of mild but bordering anger now, "I believe it would benefit you to actually listen to me this time, and stay in your room the rest of the evening. Are we clear, Mr. Doyle?"
"N- N... N-NO!!"
Arthur all but yelped, almost on instinct, and dove forward to grab Sebastian's perfectly untouched jacket front.
This only lead to the demonic butler's eyes turning as red as his face had been- and was becoming so again -as he too could not hold back his own blunt immediate response, fangs bared.
As soon as Sebastian finished, he found for once he needed to pant for breath, as it felt as if it had been eons since he'd been so truly vexed this much by anything.
And yet also, he found his full focus returning to Arthur's actual reaction to this outburst.
The mortal man was frozen, pale, mouth trapped gaping open like a fish who'd been killed mid gasp, eyes large and trapped staring at the demon openly...
And last but certainly not least..
His heart, within his ribcage, was pounding so rapidly the demon would've heard it even if he'd been on the entirely other side of the manor.
He was afraid...
The demon before Arthur had half of a common, decent mind to bow respectfully to the honored guest that he'd accidentally terrified and promptly leave to finish up dealing with the riffraff.
There was another half of this demon's mind insisting this was, in fact, the perfect opportunity to prove his point... and perhaps scare this foolish human away... FOR GOOD.
Sebastian's mouth twisted up far more than a normal human's should, and his already sharpened fangs in his mouth turned fully into all sharp incisors.
"What's this? Can a mere bout of yelling truly frighten you now? After everything you've already seen..?"
The room was gradually darkening in a peculiar way, as if all the furniture, all the objects entirely, were disappearing from existence, and only left.. darkness.
And then too even Sebastian's form started to warble and warp much like long shadows in the candle light did, as he turned entirely black, like an inkblot on paper. His usual two arms were gone, as well as possibly his legs. There were only tentacles again, that started to stretch and once again slowly curl around Arthur Conan Doyle.
"See, Mr. Doyle?"
The warped, barely recognizable voice of Sebastian came oddly.. purring out of this thing.
"Look here now... can you even say you're safe here inside your own quarters....? Or safe in any corner of this manor at all...? Do you really wish to stay here and attempt to study me and my kind... knowing full well... as YOU said earlier.... WHAT... EXACTLY... I CAN DO..."
Arthur was indeed starting to sweat in place at first, mouth still gaping, skin losing more color by the minute.
But something still kept him rooted in place, like a rather stubborn weed, and after a long agonizing minute further of the writer stuck like this...
His hand suddenly lunged out, and grabbed one of the only familiar things left of the butler that had been there before him seconds prior.
The butler's jacket front.
Knuckles pure white, he gripped it hard, and as he did, his mouth finally fully closed, he swallowed, and then his eyes snapped shut.
Arthur started to breathe in and out openly, but slowly.
The demon stared on with its many many eyes... baffled... confused... completely FLOORED.
Arthur's rapid heartbeat petered out to a slow, familiar rhythm again, in only a handful of seconds of him doing this quiet, still breathing.
And then, remarkably, he opened his eyes again.
And stared straight back at the creature still before him brazenly now.
No longer shaking and sweating, no longer gaping and looking ready to bolt.
He stared the demonic beast down, despite it's large stature almost crushing the ceiling, and Arthur Conan Doyle finally said this:
"You won't hurt me, Sebastian. I.. know you won't hurt me."
Barely a stutter in his simple statement.
The demon was now the one frozen on the spot, multiple eyes widening, tentacles and body trembling...
He seems even to growl a little, frustration rising, mouths widening open, tentacles tightening, the darkness growing even darker if that was possible...
But Arthur remains still, ever the same, solid and firm, as well as his strong grip on that one lone bit of the demon's butler form.
Another minute passes...
Nothing happens except the demon's hold around him slightly loosening...
And finally Arthur frowns more as he repeats his statement, just in case the message hasn't gotten across...
"I said I know you won't hurt me... Sebastian."
This time his tone is even calmer, almost bordering on sounding as if he wishes to soothe, especially as he says the demon's name for a second time.
Instead of understanding and retreating, though, the demon makes a low growl.
"What, is this merely a belief you have, in "good faith", or some of your "detective work" you've picked up on, from "clues" you've found in my.. "demeanor"..?"
The tone is straight up mocking and derisive, dripping with as much scorn as the demon can manage as a last resort effort.
However it's actually not as much as he'd of liked to have, for he is feeling almost drained from this foolish game.. on both their parts.
Much to his dismay though, Arthur goes from a serious and stern look, to a very familiar light hearted look, even going so far as to chuckle a little bit.
He shakes his head.
"No real work put into it, actually.. No," Arthur admits, beaming.
"Just thought, y'know.. guessed really.. That you like me to much to do anything like hurt me, I suppose,"
Then the man has a mirthful twinkle in his eyes.
"That's just my running theory at the moment, though,"
And just like that, suddenly the creature before him was the one trembling and breathing funny, making these strange noises that seemed almost.. pained..?
"S... Sebastian?"
Arthur once again calls his name, in pure honest to god concern, mirth receding.
And then suddenly..
The darkness seems to get... sucked out of the room, leaving it as it was: perfectly fine and untouched.
As well as Sebastian Michaelis gone too.
There's once again a silence the likes of any quiet evening. Crickets chirping outside, owls distantly calling...
Arthur blinks, and whirls around and around, confused about this whole ordeal ENTIRELY.
And yet...
His heart begins to race again..
And his hands shake....
Arthur cannot stand a moment longer.
He races to his writing desk and opens his long awaiting untouched journal.
His hands grasp his pen and rapidly start writing scrawling across the blank pages.
He feels half in a trance, yet half aware and entirely exhilarated.
And this continued long into the night.
The author known as Arthur Conan Doyle letting his mind unravel as he wrote of these fascinating creatures, and his experiences in their presence, as well as his ideas said experiences gave him.
It went on and on.. the rest of the night a blur to Arthur.
No longer concerned in what might've gone on outside his quarters that night.
No longer bothered by any few rounds of gunshots he might have imagined hearing.
Or distant screams carrying on outside.
And perhaps even too distracted by his work to even fathom what had truly come over the demon who'd been looming in on him threateningly not long ago.
Certainly Arthur Conan Doyle could never imagine that his last words and his words alone had happened to... frighten the devil...
Frighten him enough even to retreat to his own quarters...
And curl up practically in bewilderment as a little shadow of a beast, in his wardrobe, among his beloved felines.
And contemplating those words and their meaning.
And all the whys.. hows.... whens...
Did he like this human???
Was that why he didn't like him returning??
Why he was SO MAD with him trying to STUDY him foolishly???
Why he was so WORRIED for him being outside his quarters on such a dangerous night???
Why he wanted to PROTECT ARTHUR even from HIM???
This new mystery the author and doctor had brought with him was too much, even for him!
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