#secondhand appliances ftw
aprillikesthings · 8 months
if you have period underwear
and/or re-usable fabric pads, a lot of people will tell you rinse them the moment you take them off, or soak them before washing. I have never managed to do this consistently??
(Also the times I rinsed them out I was like...okay but now I have soaking wet, still not-clean period undies. Now what.)
But if you just toss them (dried blood and all) into your normal cold-water wash they don't always get clean enough plus, I dunno, it feels Icky to me. (YMMV, if you're using them only for backup to tampons/cups it's not a big deal; but when I've worn just period undies on a heavier day....oof.)
But what DOES work for me:
First, I just wash them in a normal (low-water) cold water wash by themselves.
Then, when that cycle is over, I add the rest of my cold water load and run it normally. So the pads/undies get washed twice: once by themselves, and once with a normal load of clothes.
(And I always air-dry them.)
Obviously this isn't a great option if you pay for every load you wash--I have laundry hook-ups and own my washer.
ALSO I have ADHD if I'm not sitting in the living room where I can hear the washing machine sing its little "I'm done!" song, I set a timer to remind me to flip the laundry otherwise I would NEVER REMEMBER
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