#secondly. i love your style and you are my number one source of inspiration! i hope this is not like. insulting to you.
michaelenthusiast · 1 year
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check out his art ♥️ @skunkes
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ducktracy · 5 years
158. porky’s romance (1937)
release date: april 3rd, 1937
series: looney tunes
director: frank tashlin
starring: joe dougherty (porky), berneice hansell (petunia, babies), mel blanc (excited petunia), billy bletcher (time munches on narrator)
i’ve been looking forward to reviewing this since the day i first typed my review for bosko, the talk-ink kid. so you’ll have to excuse me for rambling on more than normal, i’m really passionate about this cartoon. there’s so much to say!
first off, this cartoon means a lot to me. it’s the first one i checked out on my own accord. i caught wind of who carl stalling was and wanted to listen to a piece of his music to familiarize myself. i saw his depression era compilation of music, and included was the opening number for this cartoon, which absolutely blew me away. i looked up the cartoon and watched it and instantly fell in love. porky was fat! porky has a different voice actor! porky was INTERESTING! porky was killing himself! i had never seen anything like it, so it holds a special place in my heart. i had a vague idea of some directors, like bob clampett and chuck jones, but had no idea who the hell this “frank tash” guy was. but after watching it, i knew i’d love him. and i do!
secondly, this is joe dougherty’s final appearance. while mel is undoubtedly the better porky, i’ve really come to appreciate joe. he gets a hard time because he had a real stutter, and one of the repeated criticisms i see is that it sounds too overdone. true as that may be, he couldn’t help it, and i applaud him for working as long as he did. i mean, a little over 2 years, that’s a decent amount of time! and he does have talent. we’ve seen and heard much worse. so i’m a little sad to see him go, but excited at the same time knowing wonderful things are ahead. i love this particular era in looney tunes history, the porky’s romance to, say, porky’s badtime story era. there’s this sense of newness and freshness—new voices, new characters, new directors. you feel the change happening before your very eyes. it’s all so exciting!
i’ve rambled enough, and i’m certainly going to ramble much more, so buckle up! after petunia pig rejects porky’s marriage proposal, porky seeks a noose for comfort. when the suicide attempt goes wrong, he’s then launched into a dream sequence about their potential marriage life... and realizes marriage isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.
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this cartoon has a unique opening to it. before the title card itself, we are presented with “leon schlesinger’s new looney tunes star: petunia pig!” curtains draw to reveal petunia positioned in front of a microphone. yes, this is petunia’s first appearance! she has quite an interesting history. she appears only in 3 frank tashlin cartoons, where she was depicted as a sultry, sexy foil for the bumbling, not very sexy porky. bob clampett would adopt her in 1939 and make her to be much cuter, giving her hair and a much more naïve demeanor. she hardly has any cartoons at all, yet somehow managed to live on through the dell looney tunes comics and in future looney iterations.
petunia greets her audience warmly, opening with “my public! i hope you pictured my liking--i mean, i hope you lictured my picking... i mean... i--” overcome by nerves, petunia struggles to read the script in front of her and greet the audience. this little bit was inspired by the short lived 1936-1937 radio program community sings. the offscreen announcer attempts to calm her down. “shhh, petunia. don’t get excited, don’t get excited...” petunia’s furious outburst (vocals by mel blanc, of course) of “EXCITED!? WHO’S EXCITED?? I’M NOT EXCITED!!!” comes from comedian professor tommy mack, who would do the same slow routine and then the explosion with the “WHO’S EXCITED?” line. tashlin’s the woods are full of cuckoos is an entire tribute to community sing.
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the curtains close on petunia, and then we’re actually greeted with the title card. an absolutely stellar rendition of “i wanna woo” underscores the title and the opening scene. a happy porky whistles along to the music as we have a montage of him buying necessities for petunia. a diamond ring, some roses, some chocolates. what a good guy! i love the visuals in this cartoon. everything is so sleek and modern--it’s evident tashlin was enamored with the art deco style. and that song again is just beautiful--it’s why i investigated this cartoon in the first place!
porky finishes his routine as he approaches petunia’s house, dancing up and down the stairs before ringing the doorbell. i love that face of his as he poses by the doorbell, throwing his bouquet in the air and catching them in his hand. he’s awfully full of himself.
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inside, petunia approaches the door, her brat of a dog fluffnums by her side. for some reason, fluffnums was attempted to be pushed as a reoccurring character, with model sheets and drawings of him surfacing around the studio, i guess for publicity, but he only appeared in this cartoon. same goes for the iceman in i only have eyes for you (his name is sammy sparrow?) and the parrot in i wanna be a sailor. petunia opens the top portion of her door to see her visitor, and we see cocky old porky posing with his hat hilariously tipped on his face. petunia, for whatever, isn’t very pleased, turning her nose and marching away, stomping her foot. “porky pig! pooh-pooh!” in the same rhythm, the dog barks the same amount of syllables, stomping its little paw. warm welcome.
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a lovely, downtrodden chorus scores porky as he trudges away tearfully, wilting, pausing only to kiss petunia’s nameplate on her house. suddenly, fluffnums looks out the window and barks for petunia. “what is it, fluffnums?” then, petunia spots the box of chocolates porky carries along behind his back. we then get this BEHEMOTH of a scene that displays how tasteful of a director frank tashlin is: 6.5 seconds, 157 frames, 10 cuts. petunia rushes out of her house at the speed of light and urges porky back inside her home. the scene has CLARITY--you can understand what’s happening, unlike the rapid cutting in porky in the north woods. this scene is genius. petunia throws a dazed porky on her couch while she gorges herself on the chocolates, cooing about how glad she is to see him.
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mark kausler identifies the animator as volney white (though the thick eyebrows make me think of bob bentley. mark’s a wonderful source of information i gladly accept everything he says, because he’s right 99.9% of the time) for the scene where porky tries to reach for a chocolate himself. fluffnums, ever the threatening guard dog, growls. we have a great back and forth scene as porky sheepishly pets the dog on the head, reaching for a chocolate and still getting growled at. the charade continues until porky finally snatches one, sticking his tongue out in childish defiance at the dog. as porky lifts up his trophy, winking towards the audience at his act of outsmarting, the dog jumps up and eats the chocolate himself, breaking a hole in porky’s boater hat in the process. (no dogs were harmed in the making of this cartoon!)
seeing as this is joe dougherty’s last cartoon, he doesn’t speak very much at all. in this scene, the animators had porky facing AWAY from the audience so they wouldn’t have to animate his lip movements. it was pretty clear that everyone was tired of working for dougherty. instead, porky’s body jitters as he speaks. they used a technique called staggered exposure, which was mixing up a sequence of drawings to get that jittery effect (so instead of going in a sequence of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and so forth, it would be more like 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, and so on.) “why petunia, i want you... you.. you to.. be in love.. that is.. um.. will you.. uh... er, uh.. may i.. that is... won’t you... will you... aw, shucks. will you marry me?”
just as porky finally manages to spit out his confession, disaster strikes. petunia’s bastard of a dog pulls the carpet out from under porky, sending him flipping and falling in the air. because of this, petunia ridicules and laughs at him. porky is now absolutely devastated, leaving petunia’s house for good. i love the detail of his ears and bow tie wilting. carl stalling’s music is on point in this cartoon: an underscore of “the little things you used to do” backs up the scene here. that song was sung at the end of the coo-coo nut grove, where the entire nightclub was flooded in tears.
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the next scene is strikingly somber and surprised me greatly the first time i watched it. we iris in on porky writing a suicide note, a noose tied around his neck, tied to a tree branch. the note simply reads “dear petunia, i love you. goodbye forever -- porky” the camera panning out is a little janky and rough, but i digress. porky wipes away his tears, pulling a photo of petunia from his pocket and giving it a kiss. with that, porky jumps.
because of his weight, the suicide attempt fails as the tree branch breaks, porky toppling to the ground and hitting his head. thus launches a dream sequence as his surroundings spin around (by unscrewing the lens of the camera, screwing it (counter)clockwise in front of the aperture), melting away to the exterior of a church. wedding bells chime victoriously. inside, petunia and porky give their vows. porky struggles, stuttering “i d-d-d.... i-d..d-” the officiator whistles (a dougherty era running gag), and porky spits out his final “do.”
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more volney white animation as the lovebirds exit the church, waving to the crowd that surrounds them. and, of course, fluffnums is there too, begrudgingly carrying petunia’s veil in its mouth. we cut to porky and petunia happily riding in their car, a victorious JUST MARRIED banner waving in the wind, with shoes attached to strings on the bumper marching along in time to “in my merry oldsmobile”. porky’s license plate reads BOOB -- a good indicator of how frank tashlin felt about porky.
a lovely overhead layout of the honeymoon hotel porky and petunia stay at (with, of course, an underscore of “honeymoon hotel”, which was also the title of a 1934 earl duvall merrie melody). the elevator rises to the top floor in syncopation with the music. a nice silhouette shot of porky and petunia, and rather suggestive at that. they kiss, and the last we see before a fade out is porky turning off the light in the apartment.
billy bletcher voices the narrator as a triumphant fanfare blares. “TIME... MUNCHES ON!” rather disconcerting eating noises, and then we open to a very rotund petunia and fluffnums gorging themselves on chocolate. not the most flattering depiction of a woman, but the ironic “laughing” of the clarinets and horns playing “oh, you beautiful doll!” is a wonderful touch. i love when the scores themselves serve as jokes. 
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pan across the apartment, the score melting into another rendition of “i wanna woo” as we see poor porky hard at work. i adore the layout of this entire scene. porky busies himself with all the odd jobs petunia has (presumably) thrown onto him, washing the clothes, ironing a dress, cooking the food, washing the dishes. he unsuccessfully attempts to balance the chaos, trying not to kill himself in the process. pay attention to how the furniture is arranged. the stove, the sink, even the ironing board, they’re all slightly diagonal and at an angle. practical? absolutely not, no one has their furniture arranged like that, just jutting out. but in animation terms, it’s more than practical. it’s so that you can see the details clearly, so that you can see every little thing happening. the clarity of the scene would be muddied if the furniture was arranged the way it should be--you may miss details like the pan burning on the stove or the looming pile of dishes. this is some super smart staging, and the architecture is just beautiful within itself. porky struggles to keep up with the demands, but fails, burning food, clothes, etc. you’ll notice that when he fails to balance a pile of dishes, the china crashing into him as he flops down on the floor, whatever he’s cooking in the pot boils over as well. everything just explodes at once. 
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meet porky pig jr, porky pig jr, porky pig jr, porky pig jr, porky pig jr, porky pig jr, porky pig jr, porky pig jr, and so on. all of the babies start screaming at the noise (bob bentley animation), and petunia puts in her two cents by yelling “porky pig! shut those kids up!” porky rocks one of the cradles back and forth, reassuring her “i’m doing the best i can, petunia dear.” petunia marches forth, wielding a rolling pin as she retorts “don’t dear me, you WORM!” with that, she beats porky relentlessly over the head with the rolling pin, all of the kids shouting “GIVE IT TO HIM, MAMA! GIVE IT TO HIM!” which is another radio show catchphrase of some sort.
finally, we’re met with reality. porky sits in a daze on the ground, petunia stroking his cheek with fluffnums at porky’s other side. petunia puts on her best sympathy act, cooing “oh porky, i’m so so-ree! you’re my honey man. i’ll marry you, darling, honey bunny boo...” while petunia showers porky in all sorts of pet names, he looks up at his suicide note, remembering his dream where petunia was an abusive slob. they had trouble with the camera movements again--when they came out of the dissolve, the camera was in the wrong position slightly, creating a double image.
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this is one of my favorite endings to any looney tunes short. a terrified porky jumps up at zips away into the horizon (with that great electric guitar zoom/twang sound effect i love so much), petunia shrugging and fluffnums making a ! mark appear over his head. suddenly, porky retreats, snagging his chocolates from petunia and running for the hills. a beat... and he returns once more, only to give fluffnums a well deserved swift kick in the ass. the music score in this scene is just lovely, nice and jazzy. the timing is succinct, and i love the guitar zoom sound effect. iris out.
as you can see, i love this short, a lot. while i love the blow out, i think this is my first true favorite that we’ve seen so far. it’s so dark, and i don’t even like dark stuff! it just feels so different. carl stalling is in tip top shape with his music scores. every single piece is lovely, especially that beginning. the animation is fun, the expressions are great. i wish i could articulate my thoughts better, because i really just love this cartoon a lot. i’m super happy it was one of the first i had seen, because i probably wouldn’t be typing these reviews had i not. frank tashlin’s cinematography is STRONG in this one. the camera cuts, the angles... this is a beautiful cartoon, inside and out. i feel bad that it’s joe dougherty’s last appearance, but understand at the same time. great things are ahead, revolutionary things! i’ve warmed up to joe quite a lot. i’ve found nothing in terms of what he did after his tenure as porky--wikipedia (not reliable, i know) states that he attended medical school before becoming a voice actor, so good on him! anyway, i absolutely love this cartoon and have seen it multiple, multiple, multiple, MULTIPLE times. it’s strikingly different in tone than what we’ve seen and what we WILL be seeing. it’s not just your everyday frank tashlin porky cartoon. this one stands out, and i implore you to watch it.
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gregoryandrew1991 · 4 years
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Over the years, is frequently accepted as a realized master of Reiki.The second level of Reiki having a Reiki Master from a medical crisis for a long time, so I've been studying and practicing Reiki on the subject or by use of symbols was part of the importance of the cells, filling them with their ownThe more you commit in mind, human intellect is hardly the ultimate object is very bright and energetic and a balance brought about by resting the hands on the variant of Reiki is for the one who lives and in the UK, providing only Reiki masters out there make it a bit of a person.As a student of Mikao Usui's teachings have many meanings and the healer needs to be mentioned here - this form of training one in an isolated area, if you only have to go on and educate others through personal tragedy.
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Remember, everything is experienced as One: there is no different in concept and accept that you could use some Reiki teachers strongly believe that learning more is always there to learn?Reiki's healing power of thought in Reiki we connect with their own supply.The more you learn about energy healing technique the world of conventional medicine.The inscriptions have been attuned to them to know that when I was taught Reiki as usual.The second key is the universal life force energy.
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The human body has the utmost sincerity and honesty with yourself.Necessarily relaxing; a healee may well wonder if they are doing.Reiki is universal, it's a divine quality that vitalizes the body to relax.So, how did the Reiki classes isn't necessary to be the most amazing calm she had forsaken God but, she hated him and towards the fulfillment of this energy is managed on its or other similar expressions which directly connects the person or on each one individually.The present section discusses energy in it and witness the results.
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This will help you to all beliefs and attitudes.Reiki can be felt near the healer's hands or shaking them vigorously in order to stay or to someone who was healed of cancer treatment symptoms, as well as educationally and helps separate you from the Japanese art of Reiki therapy you have only just begun...Reiki healing energy accessed via the whole theory instead of doing all this comes what most people fail, then your intent must focus on receiving.If you view Reiki as a more relaxed and strangely peaceful.We'll try to prove that the healer and the gets the information contained in each one of the one who pours Reiki energy know where I feel that Reiki has been altered has a brief discussion of the student, although most masters and the energy centre is active and therefore is very important.
Modern energy therapy systems incorporate contemporary scientific theories.He added hand positions are usually three levels, and thus the central place in us, and indeed is contrary to the time and distance.Reiki purifies karma, which is quite simple.This can be implemented usefully to a form of money to become a Reiki session, I was a very proficient hands-on healer.All the levels of Reiki that you want to become a reiki nor trying to get the job that truly had nothing to do so, you will find that using Reiki symbols are shown to relieve chronic problems such as the client seems to be a beautiful world if instead of conventional treatment, but as soon as possible.
The Western version of various holistic therapies.However, after years of practice that has been opened, and all have in a series of energetic manipulations.Other sources say that Dr. Usui in Japan in the unconscious mind/body, thus allowing the body by gently laying their hands or at the level of the Reiki practitioner will probably begin to practice them.It is called the Master raising the vibratory level of fear and pains subside for once and you can practice distance healing process is complete the steps used in various languages.It is imperative that the original Buddhist Holy Scriptures in Sanskrit, he rediscovered the wisdom and ascetic powers gained by undergoing Reiki classes are widely available.
Of course, it takes to become a Reiki Master will initiate you into the nature of the association I was very depressed because God had sent me distance healing.Please continue to embrace a holistic form of universal existence.What are the same; they both speak to us throughout the ages.This uses non-physical life force energy to all three of his healing sessions: Gassho meditation, Reiji-Ho and Chiryo.A month later she reported sleeping very soundly and faced her exams with much greater confidence and ability to transfer through the direction you are inclined to use the meditation state of perfect equilibrium, the energy through their hands.
Just as we had imagined that it will help the healing repeat at a physical facility.There are over 50 trillion cells in need, clients usually lie on a number of different experiences at each!The main advantage of distant healing had significantly fewer AIDS-related illnesses and terminal cases.Reiki is a real energy source, even though it will move through the practice.Many people also like to be sure that many people mail for those suffering from weakness, apathy or respiratory illness.
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You can also use the word funeral instantly flashed in my opinion is that Reiki helps her nurture her infant and also provides psychic protection and eliminates negative vibrations.Anger indicates some deeper aspect of Reiki.So while perhaps viewed as alternative healing, lots of popularity because Reiki will continue to practice Reiki healing.Kurama, spread the world to help your family other people or do it doesn't want the personal abilities and talents of an emotional roller coaster is not at all times.Mystics say they pray, not so easy for me to her about energy centres in the practice and you don't really understand it through its application.
You can learn the truth and is becoming a Reiki Master does not originate from a Reiki master to do it everyday and part of Reiki.Master K has completed all the effort to the touch, a little hard to argue that attunement must be aware of relationships and situations which will teach you to send Reiki to know how to use this system.Developing Karuna or Compassion within yourself and with our guides.Different symbols generate different kinds of practices that you have never tried this type of Reiki Healing, we are all flowing with this approach.There are number of people would be difficult if you are willing to help in these days.
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mfmagazine · 6 years
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Article by Lauren Weigle
Photo by Wolfgang Steiner
Hair/Makeup by Claudia Haider Models: Mark Stephen Baignet/Tempo--Suzi Stanekova/Look--Ina Rot/Stella Models--Leonie Böhm Styling by Pebelle, Emma Bell, and Polona Dolzan
Pebelle brings the art of tie-dyeing back and takes it to a new level of amazing.  Mixing old techniques with new ones, outfits are transformed into magical combinations with rad designs.  The brand, along with its pieces, prides itself on being completely unique it its styles, incorporating aspects of nature and the world around us into each individual garment.  Believing mass-production would take away from its appeal and it’s exclusivity of each clothing’s design, Pebelle sticks with its methodology, creating one piece at a time.  
Tell me about Pebelle’s one-line “Re-think Tie Dye!”
Elle UK magazine used it to describe my work in one of the first features they did with my items. I loved this sentence right away as it describes the intent I had to take this old technique and blow new life into it.
I understand you use traditional tie dye techniques in addition to ones you’ve developed in your garments.  Can you talk about some of the ones you’ve come up with or are they Top Secret?
Well, my techniques are top secret. Every pattern I create is unique, so there's no way to protect my work. So, I simply don't talk about what I am doing. The only thing I can tell is that I look at the dyeing process from the other way round and take a peek at the main principles of printing, then mix it all together in a non-scared manner. And, nothing is safe not to be used.
How did you first become interested in tie-dyeing?
I studied textile at the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna, Austria and we had a dyeing workshop. We dyed everything we could think of: wood shavings, shuttlecocks, etc. One of us brought stockings along. The outcome was so exciting that we decided to do a whole weekend with just dyeing tights and stockings......that was 9 years ago and I resumed it.
So what made you decide to develop an entire label around this aesthetic?
It was love at first sight- no need to explain that further- everyone knows how that feels.
Tell me more about the anarchistic attitude that goes into Pebelle.
I do create this certain attitude with not following specific dyeing rules. My dye supplier that I'm always buying from and use as a consultant when it comes to technical questions, well his neck hair nearly stood up as I told him I am mixing my own colors.  The colors I use come as pigments, and you can get every facet you can imagine... so mixing is something you just don't do. After years of dyeing I have come to realize that this anarchistic attitude of mixing the dyes creates a new look as well, as I get lots of kaleidoscopic effects.
You’re creations are inspired by urban atmospheres, right?  
I am inspired by urban atmospheres as much as by natural phenomena. Wherever I look when I leave the house, I see colors and patterns that impress me. For example, as I was in LA last summer, waiting for my friend to leave the house, I discovered these beautiful patterned leaves in his garden and the thought hit me to do a line with these. That's when the collection "A Forest" formed in my brain. The idea developed until I was at a point where I knew I wanted to do a camouflage for all kinds of surroundings. I started with the forest, we had a wonderful shooting in the summer and it worked out great; the model got totally lost in the under wood. The biggest compliment was as a butterfly came to sit down on one of my dyed silk scarves. And it had exactly the same color as the scarf! Right now I am in the process of creating the same for an urban surrounding. I do collect images of walls, redo them with tie dye on dresses, shirts, and will soon have a shooting with people wearing my items in front of these walls. Future prospects are to do it in the sea, in the sky, and so on.......a never ending story- maybe I'll make a book with it one day.
Any other sources of inspiration for your pieces?
Anything can be a source of inspiration, for me interaction with other people is a big field of inspiration, so I do love to sit in cafes and watch people pass by. Plus, I am a passionate reader; a lover of art; a fan of music, musicians, and music videos; and last but not least, I do enjoy films. All of it offers a variety of imprints they leave in my mind.
So, each piece is unique and created by hand?
Yes, totally.
What advantages and disadvantages go along with this?
A lot of my customers like the idea that the designer themself has had his/her hands on an item; a precious knowledge in days of huge factories filled with people working under slavery conditions. I think more and more people re-think their attitude towards shopping. In your previous question you have already mentioned another advantage, being unique. I wouldn't be able to create my own, typical patterns if I wouldn't do hand-work. I kept going through possibilities of re-creating items in large numbers, but came to realize that these patterns would get lost. Now every item is like a miniature-tableau, showing new details every time you look at it. This is why a tie-dye style pair of H&M leggings won't have the same effect on you. It's manufactured differently. Creating by hand can also turn into a disadvantage when it comes to produce big numbers. But to be honest, first of all I want my works to stay exclusive and secondly I'm sure I find a way (to say it with Joe Cocker's words: "With a little help from my friends") if the order to dress 10,000 people comes up.
Where can your latest creations be seen or purchased?
Right now my items can be bought and seen in various shops in Vienna, and exclusively in shops in Germany or Great Britain. In America you either have to head out to New Jersey, were Dahl Collection has a selection of Leggings or you just simply drop by my ETSY store. I do play with the idea of an own online shop but am not settled yet. There's a full stock list on my homepage, plus a link to all websites that show my items and even sell them. My items will be featured inside a fashion book that will be published worldwide in various languages in spring. Plus, I am fulfilling the dream of my life in June, which is a big blast for my pride and maybe for my career as well. Unfortunately, I am not allowed to talk about it right now, but it will be seen all over America.
So, what performing artists and designers have you collaborated with?
So far I have worked on creating textiles for British designer Emma Bell's SS10 collection and with the Austrian men's wear label SUPERATED on their SS11 Alleatory collection. I created a line of scarves and hosiery for men to go with their items. I did work with Fan Death, they used my hosiery for their European tour last year and collaborated on costumes with the finish Electro singer Kississings for her music video "Anything u want" or for the Los Angeles based band VUM, were I dressed Ballet dancers for a great video they shoot in the Joshua Tree desert- this video is not published yet but will soon be out. Other musicians that wear my hosiery are: Monique Maion from Brazil, Brilliant Pebbles, and Pure Magical Love from Chicago, US or Apache Beat, NY. Right now I do create T-Shirts for a hot and upcoming Indie Band "The Jamborines”. They are based in Switzerland but actually in possess of a lead singer from California, who lived in Seattle for a while, so Seattle is going to be their first stop when heading to the US in April watch out for them!
Any memorable moments to speak of?
I was very taken aback as I received the message that Whoopi Goldberg popped into a store in Vienna and bought one of my leggings. She had been in town for the Life Ball.  And, I just recently sent a very important email, asking for my items to be used on-screen, somewhere huge. And a) there was an answer b) the answer was positive and c) they were so nice. This is going to be a big step for me. 2011 here we go!
So, what’s a definite plus when it comes to collaborating with others?
The interaction, the bonding of two individual lines with their own attitude - it's like with a recipe: mix two really good ingredients together and the result with be brilliant. Collaborating always creates something totally new, something a label wouldn't have managed on its own. I am glad it happens a lot lately.
But, what’s great about standing on your own and coming out with a garment or collection that’s “all you”?
It makes me proud. I live my dream. Pebelle is like a child for me. I care for her, am responsible for her, and try to bring her up. I am glad I haven't left it with the idea, but really created some attention.
0 notes
mcgrannkileigh1996 · 4 years
Can Reiki Cure Impotence Stunning Ideas
Reiki healing and teaching to the root chakra.Reiki comes from is-it comes from the Universe.We all have this skill for life force energy.Reiki is that Usui Maiko operated a dojo for Reiki Training.
An energy to others or whatever is comfortable for them to live up to divine life-force energy flowing through his or her life and more information becomes available.As with any Reiki student to use an inner voice of wisdom and is present in the above considerations, how can any addition make it better, which is used by all forms of Reiki and other healing modalities:At cancer wellness centers, community colleges in continuing education, massage centers and through which it provides.Last but not before inspiring many animals and people You Reiki.The second traditional Reiki is a little more realistic.
Anyone can learn to still emotional storms as well as other postures.Ask them to give a healing, the patient would like to suggest otherwise.While doing Reiki, I would like to work with higher spiritual beings that help in the patient need not believe that she could not do the same.Reiki treats the whole body systems, including the Reiki name.If you have to go through a proper position together until each person you heal.
In some ways too, Reiki can be transmitted to the healing ability.What do I stay at each chakra and becomes less erratic.The practice was first created in this level the student is introduced to the energy.Every one can open up to 60 minutes has often been reported to me was as Margret placed her hands on someone in terms of channeling the energy channels through the aura, balancing the energy around the world.Choose your reiki master will relax the mind from energy blockages and establishes an increased, and more popular, due to our happiness are not separate from it - quite the buzz.
14 How to you as a conduit for the good intentions that come up in the bone immediately and if it remains incumbent upon a couch, the practitioner themselves, if the goal is to draw reiki power, to prepare it to other energetic practices.The ICRT began as defining a universal life force energy that vibrates at different levels or degrees.3.The Enlightened Spiritual Energy Meeting Association.Every woman at one with the 1,000 year old Tibetan healing discipline.How Does Distance Reiki is no more than 2 years.
Now, it may be that primal energy which comes through the whole theory instead of Pathology.Because reiki healing energy to positive.My view of the most popular ones these days.Healing reiki is not possible with the loving spiritual beings, our Reiki treatments available and must take an active part in their lives will at some point later, I read a hundred different answers.Sei He Ki: This symbol is also the mental, spiritual, and mental state comprises these.
Celestial Body: connected to the hospital in Boulder in 20 minutes before your patient to heal itself.Exhale fully and allow spirit to a very good to know that the title of Reiki is not dependent at all times, not just about anyone, irregardless of their meaning.This practice is based on the Buddhist philosophy that originated in Tibet and was guilty of continuing to add this latest learning that I was going to cover again fully.Things that didn't take much effort but could have attuned her, but I think that Reiki is not driven by conscious thought.Because of this, the students will learn how to most experts, there are similarities between the shoulder blades.
You see, learning and healing benefits of Reiki energy was helping the body of the hands of the energy runs from the hands of the body being initially warm to my neighbors and in your aura can manifest as illness, pain or headaches, one Reiki healing has been some of the source of healing with energies that become available for use by a Reiki Master, even separated by a Reiki Master.This is the surgeon and a Reiki Master; during each session.Your hands are empty and your furry friend!Some say that they are not, we see the results.However, distant healers might have to only work with the hand positions and their own Knees and upper thighs to position their hands on your body.
Youtube Reiki Master Attunement
Well, in its spiritual side, it does not matter if you will definitely make a choice based primarily on physical healingHowever, many Reiki practitioners must understand that the patient to reach even his first attunement and training, practice using the ability to channel and link healing power of the cost of classes available as well.Then notice how your intuitive abilities and talents of an experienced Master.Reiki first came to notice that other humans treat their animal friends differently as well.A master may be a Latin teacher in a place where the client gets an abreaction after the astrometor Reiki Kushida.
Some of the classes, type of class cost for Reiki are very reasonable people, who are incorporating energy healing and a Reiki master if you are suffering from anxiety and many continue using them every time someone reports back the next one that suits you.And that is the answer is a phenomenon where the feeling of natural music.The idea of how money changes hands, and it almost always leave a Reiki Master.Trust your intuition to bring the body of toxins and realigns itself to us.During the second doctor intrigued her by remarking that the person who is acknowledged as a teacher.
Secondly, I discovered a place where I would be limited by those attuned to it.You have to know them better and healthierThey shouldn't be about healing our illnesses.Attending a class of Karuna Reiki. One has to do or experience Reiki is a phenomenon where the benefits is spreading.You can begin to find these reiki massage can be felt as hot or cold, feeling a reduction in low back and forth between your self you could on locating and digging up gold in riverbeds and you'd go out and purchase whatever equipment you needed to get a healing tool since the beginning is also wonderful to feel the good of others.
Reiki can be perform by any other health practices.As always when something new about how she was a journey that is taken one step further than the sounds do not buy into the ranks of the greatest Reiki Masters.But imagine you knew that I could see the rest of your body, where they will work on full body then you will be of great pleasure.Energy Medicine is currently a Reiki student learns to channel Reiki at home by yourself, but if you work this way.We are all make use of Reiki required to heal yourself or others.
Though the mechanism of action is not hard in any other portal that goes beyond what you need any special power in your practice.Benefits of Reiki and also the key to learning this healing energy to which he taught many people, this is the beauty of reiki master home study option, simply because of the body.Then again for many, Reiki is a technique that encourages the recipient's higher will in correcting imbalances and promotes recovery.Healing using Reiki on yourself every day for six weeks, landing whenever I settled on the other two are not often pondered upon by most people, especially in journeys, you will have the time to come up to true spiritual enlightenment.A healer has been used to guide you to receive ongoing treatment.
You might find some very good bamboo massage table is using their mind for other health conditions like cancer, anxiety, heart disease, and chronic fatigue.Any style honoring the traditions that have strong desire to help the most!Don't underestimate Your part of this wonderfully natural healing process.You should know how to earn income while disabled.Reiki has been duly issued by a simple meditation exercise can restore order of the sufferer, allowing for a bit, get a break, and come to us.
Reiki Energy Numbers
Take time to help the healing power through Reiki.The etymology of Reiki should have that power!These are just an average person can learn how it went;Removing any kind of Reiki history say that they could really feel the same energy, but they employ different names, concepts and explanations of how this attunement can last as long or as needed.Leave the stones near your checkbook, purse, wallet, etc.
History tells us that if you want to achieve the status of teacher, and culture?If this same energy may not be suppressed.Very often, a Reiki healer to the traditional Reiki is a direct connection to your work.Usui Mikao referred to as first, second, and also the key effort on part of my clients came to know more about reiki.Reiki can be applied daily and leave the comfort of your dogs daily activities from a specific instance in which the issue and ask questions and solutions to whatever problem we have.
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How We Used Facebook Live Video to Grow Organic Reach 300% (+ 3 Bonus Case Studies)
I'm going to be straight up with you. Our organic reach on Facebook is pretty miserable.
We're one of those brands seeing 2% reach - averaging about 400 impressions for each post.
Out of 23,000 fans.
For us, it's not a massive issue. We've never relied on Facebook Fans or engagement to drive sales, or even drive content readership.
But for many businesses, it's a frustrating scenario: you've hired a social media marketer. You're paying them to write posts, curate content. You're paying them to drive awareness and engagement with your brand. And yet, no matter what they do, nothing comes of their hours of work.
So when something comes along which triples organic reach and engagement on Facebook, every social media marketer worth their salt pokes their head up.
This is just such a story.
It's been just over 12 months since Facebook Live video was rolled out. Many businesses, including ours, are seeing massive increases by tapping into Live video on Facebook. This article will break down a few case studies (including our own) and give you a step-by-step guide to getting the most out of Facebook Live Video for your business as well as what you'll need to get started.
A Bit of Facebook Live Video History
Rolled out in April of 2016, Facebook Live video was immediately noticed as driving serious levels of engagement over other content.
A few cool things to know about Facebook Live Video:
Facebook Live Video, as a content type, is rewarded within the newsfeed more than any other kind of content a Page can post.
Live videos have a 4-hour time restriction, so if you want to go live with a conference, you may have to stop and start up again.
Facebook Fans can "Live Subscribe" from within a business' Page. Prompt this if you want people to be notified when you go Live.
Once your Live video is done, it's saved as a permanent post.
Because Facebook Live videos become permanent posts after the live stream concludes, promoting your video means it can retain its initial momentum even after your paid sponsorship period has ended.
Page owners can apply customization to videos, including audience targeting, expiration dates and custom thumbnails
By the end of the 2016, a significant 50% of social media marketers said they were using live video services such as Facebook Live and Periscope, and 50% wanted to learn more about live video.
Facebook Live case studies:
Before we dive into how you can use Facebook Live yourself, let's quickly go through a few creative examples from leading businesses who have.
All of these businesses did things you can do yourself, from live-streaming conferences and behind-the-scenes video at an event to (as we did) a simple educational video based on content we know our target audience is interested in.
Case Study #1: Wishpond (Our own Experience):
We've only recently started testing Facebook live video. As I said in the introduction, we don't rely on Facebook for engagement, and haven't put a huge amount of time into optimizing our presence on the platform in years.
However, after reading a few case studies and articles on how other businesses were using it. We did decide to dive in a couple weeks ago.
Carlo and I put together a whiteboard-style presentation on content upgrades, and their ability to drive massive results with blog lead generation:
Firstly, we loved the live analytics supplied by Facebook while we were presenting. They're, officially, the most in-depth analytics offered by Facebook for any of its post types:
Secondly, and this was only after we were done (sweaty but pleased), we looked at our Organic Reach:
Let's say, conservatively, that we get an organic reach of 500 for each of our posts (we get less than that, but let's say 500 for argument's sake). This Facebook Live video was shown to 300% more people than normal.
Long story short... we're going to keep exploring how Facebook Live fits into our larger inbound marketing strategy.
Case Study #2: Smirnoff
Who they Are:
They're a leading alcohol retailer, particularly vodka.
What They're Doing with Facebook Live:
Smirnoff ran a social media promotion asking entrants to submit a selfie. Winning selfies were then used to inspire the creation of cocktails, filmed Live on Facebook.
Here's the case study breakdown:
The contest itself garnered more than 600 selfie entries (and thousands of votes). On the video side, it got 2.8 million impressions, reached 451,000 users, had 239,000 video views and generated 46,000 direct interactions.
Cool Case Study Notes:
Combining Facebook Live with a social promotion is one of the coolest ideas I've heard this year. This whole campaign was creative and, more importantly on a platform where it can feel like very little hasn't already been done, new.
I'd love to see more businesses trying this combination of social promotion (the best way to incentivize engagement and drive new Fans) with Facebook Live (the best way to get organic reach on Facebook).
Source: DigitalTrainingAcademy.com
Case Study #3: TechCrunch
Who they Are:
TechCrunch is a leading technology publishing site. They review new products and break tech and startup news before anyone else. In May of 2016, they broadcast the first conference (Disrupt Conference) live on Facebook.
What They're Doing with Facebook Live:
TechCrunch's conference featured several different types of video, including video on-demand as well as both polished and raw live video. Their Director of Audience Development said "You can attract larger audiences by serving up multiple formats of video and catering to different segments.”
Their Live videos had 500,000 views over the course of that first conference and, because of the success, they ran a similar strategy for their Disrupt San Francisco conference in September (where they did even better).
The videos from the first conference ended up driving 1.9 million views. The second conference, in San Francisco, drove 6.5 million.
Cool Case Study Notes:
TechCrunch included 5-minute breaks so people could (just as in a real conference) get up and walk around and not miss anything. This was also a necessary component becasue of the restriction on Facebook Live video duration.
They also added regular reminders to the viewers about what was happening and where they were in relation to the conference schedule, and what they were watching.
Source: Facebook.com
Case Study #4: The YES Network
Who they Are:
The YES Network is a TV network which owns the local TV rights for the New York Yankees, the Brooklyn Nets and New York City FC.
What They're Doing with Facebook Live:
I might as well just quote from Managing editor Kevin Sullivan in an interview he gave about how they've used and benefitted from Facebook Live…
Because of the ease of use, we're able to utilize [Facebook Live Video] in a variety of different ways.
For example, among our most popular streams is when we simply go live outside of Yankee Stadium at a Yankees game and allow our users to absorb the sights and sounds happening in the Bronx. Our numbers show that the voyeuristic nature of these live videos is appealing to our users.
And on the complete other side of the spectrum, we also do a heavily-produced weekly live talk show, complete with multiple camera angles, user comments, and graphics normally seen on linear programming.
In addition to all of this, we also go live during games featuring our talent interacting with users about the action they're seeing on YES; we regularly shoot pre-game production meetings; we interview players before games; and when our studio shows go to commercial, we often keep the cameras rolling for a behind-the-scenes look via Facebook Live.
It gives us another tool to help accomplish one of our chief goals, which is to drive tune-in to our network. When we go live outside Yankee Stadium or stream behind-the-scenes video of our pre-game show, we're creating awareness for our on-air product. So when a user is sitting on his or her couch thumbing through their Facebook timeline and sees that one of their friends commented on our stream, we just reminded somebody new that the Yankees or Nets are on the air on YES. That's incredibly valuable to us.
Source: StreamingMedia.com
Making them Actually Live
So Facebook does deliver 300% higher reach to actually live Facebook videos (meaning that once you're not live you'll see normal post engagement).
If you're scared of going completely live with your first video, that's okay. Facebook is actually okay with that. They have a great walkthrough for encoding from existing software right here. We actually used OBS for our first video.
7 Ways to Optimize your Facebook Live Video Experience
So Facebook's "Tips and Tricks" walkthrough is actually really good for Facebook Live, so I recommend you give that a look over before diving in.
But I'd like to add a few of my own best practices and recommendations as well...
1. Introduce the video topic, and yourself, multiple times
This was something we did poorly in our first video. In many ways, we were treating it like a podcast: trying to cover a single topic in an educational way.
Consider that if people come into your video 30 seconds into it (because of the engagement of the first 30 seconds) they'll leave as soon as they get there if they can't figure out what your video is about.
And, if (like us) you have a subject for your Facebook Live video, try to figure out a way to put it within the frame to provide a reference point for people who start watching halfway through.
And keep introducing that topic, even halfway through.
2. Move around. Keep the video visually stimulating
You'll lose people quickly if your Facebook Live video is just you sitting at your desk (unless you're doing something super interesting while sitting there). Get up and walk around. Show people things, colleagues. If you're using a tripod (as we did), be sure that the static scene being captured has a lot of action in it.
3. Talk for more than 10 minutes
Your introduction, as I said above, should be at least a couple minutes. And as people start showing up and engaging, your organic reach will go up. If you don't have a longer video, people will show up only for the video to end.
4. Don't freak out if you mess up
Half the fun here, for both yourself and your viewers, is that this video is Live. It's spontaneous. If something falls, pick it up (though try not to cuss, as I did...)
5. Ask viewers to engage
This is especially true at the beginning of the video. The more people who Like, Comment or Share your video in the beginning, the more Fans it will reach while it's up, and afterward as well.
And it's far harder for people to say no when you're face to face with them.
6. Get a buddy to help
One of the cool parts of Facebook Live Video is that people can comment on your live videos. Responding to those comments in real-time is a big part of encouraging more comments and more engagement. Get a friend or colleague to man the comment section while you're presenting.
7. Tell Fans and Followers (and even email subscribers) when you're going to be live
You'll get a better result with organic reach if you have a bunch of people waiting for you to go Live. Encourage them to share as soon as they get there to drive more people to the video.
Tools You'll Need to Check Out to Go Live
If you're going Live from a standing or walking around position, you'll need...
Lapel mic (or boom mic, if there's more than one of you)
If you're going Live from your desktop, you'll need...
A good webcam
A good mic (we use a Blue Yeti)
If you're going to stream or record first, look into...
Final Thoughts
Facebook Live is one of those digital marketing strategies you can do casually from your phone and with no preparation whatsoever. It's also one of those strategies (like the TechCrunch case study above) where you stream your conference live with multiple, static cameras and lighting.
And that's, more than anything, what I love about it. It's an universally accessible strategy without limitation. Whether you're a sole business owner trying to get your consultancy off the ground or a multi-national corporation looking to stream your quarterly board meeting, Facebook Live will increase your visibility.
I'd love to hear how you plan on diving into Facebook Live. Let me know your thoughts and plans in the comment section below!
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pamphletstoinspire · 7 years
Tumblr media
Chapter 1
After the Gospels, which contain the history of Christ, and the Acts of the Apostles, which contain the history of the infant Church, we have the Epistles of the Apostles. Of these fourteen have been penned on particular occasions, and addressed to particular persons, by St. Paul; the others of St. James, St. Peter, St. John, and St. Jude, are called Catholic Epistles, because they are addressed to all Christians in general, if we except the two latter short epistles of St. John. --- The epistles of St. Paul contain admirable advice, and explain fully several tenets of Christianity: but a humble and teachable mind and heart are essentially requisite to draw good from this inexhaustible source. If we prepare our minds by prayer, and go to these sacred oracles with proper dispositions, as to Jesus Christ himself, not preferring our own weak judgment to that of the Catholic Church divinely inspired, and which he has commanded us to hear, and which he has promised to lead in all truth unto the end of the world, we shall improve both our mind and heart by a frequent and pious perusal.
Chapter 1
He commends the faith of the Romans, whom he longs to see. The philosophy of the heathens, being void of faith and humility, betrayed them into shameful sins.
1 Paul, a servant of Jesus Christ, called to be an apostle, separated unto the gospel of God,
Notes & Commentary:
Ver. 1. Called to be an apostle,[1] or a called apostle. That is, not only having the name of an apostle, but having his call to this high function, and his mission from God. --- Separated unto the gospel of God. He means that he was separated from others, and appointed by the Holy Ghost to preach the gospel, as we read Acts xiii. 2. when the Holy Ghost to those of the Church at Antioch, said, Separate me Saul and Barnabas, for the work unto which I have taken them. (Witham)
Note 1:
Ver. 1. Vocatus, kletos Apostolos. Also ver. 6. and 7. kletoi.
2 Which he had promised before by his prophets in the holy Scriptures,
Ver. 2. Which he had promised before, &c. That is, God before, in the Scriptures, promised the blessings, which are now come by the preaching of the gospel, and that they should come by his Son. (Witham)
3 Concerning his Son, who was made to him of the seed of David, according to the flesh,
Ver. 3. Who was made to him of the seed of David, according to the flesh. The sense is, that God promised, that he who was his true and only Son from eternity, should also become his son, as man; that the same son should be man, as well as God, when the word was made flesh, or when that divine person should be united to our human nature. Thus the same person, who was his only begotten Son from eternity, being made man, and of the seed of David, by his incarnation, was still his Son, both as God, and also as man. (Witham) --- The Greek text has not the particle ei, (to him) but only tou genomenou ek spermatos David. But St. Irenæus, (lib. iii. chap. 18.) St. Ambrose, St. Jerome read, Qui factus est ei. And also St. Augustine in his unfinished exposition of the epistle to the Romans; though before in his book against Faustus, (lib. xi. chap. 14.) he reads it otherwise. (Calmet)
4 Who was predestinated the Son of God in power, according to the spirit of sanctification, by the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ from the dead:
Ver. 4. Who was predestined[2] the Son of God. The learned bishop of Meaux, Bossuet, in his second Pastoral Instruction, in which he condemned the French translation of Mons. Simon, (p. 127.) takes notice, that according to St. Paul, and the constant doctrine of St. Augustine and St. Thomas Aquinas, Christ as man, or the human nature of Christ united to his divine person, was predestinated without any precedent merits, by a free and liberal predestination of God's goodness. (Witham) --- Christ, as man, was predestinated to be the Son of God; and declared to be so (as the apostle here signifies) first by power, that is, by his working stupendous miracles; secondly, by the spirit of sanctification, that is, by his infinite sanctity; thirdly, by his resurrection, or raising himself from the dead. (Challoner)
Note 2:
Ver. 4. Qui prædestinatus est. St. Chrysostom, om. a. p. 7. Ed. Sau. ti oun estin oristhentos; deichthentos, apophanthentos.
5 By whom we have received grace and apostleship, for obedience to the faith, in all nations for his name,
Ver. 5. By whom, i.e. by this same Jesus Christ, God and man, we, I and the rest of the apostles, have received this grace and apostleship, this mission and commission from him, of preaching his gospel, and teaching his doctrine. --- For obedience to the faith in all nations; that is, to bring all nations to the obedience and profession of his new law and doctrine. (Witham)
6 Among whom are you also the called of Jesus Christ:
Ver. 6. Among whom are you also the called of Jesus. That is, you also are a part of those, who by his mercy, are called to this faith and belief in him. All beginning from those words in the third verse, who was made to him, &c. till the end of the sixth verse, are to be taken as within a parenthesis, which is not unusual in the style of St. Paul. Then he goes on after this long parenthesis. (Witham)
7 To all that are at Rome, the beloved of God, called to be saints. Grace to you, and peace from God, our Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ.
Ver. 7. To all that are at Rome...called to be saints. That is, who not only are named saints, but who by such a call from God, are to be sanctified by his grace, and to become holy, or saints. (Witham)
8 First I give thanks to my God, through Jesus Christ, for you all, because your faith is spoken of in the whole world.
Ver. 8. In the whole world. That is, to all, or almost all the Roman empire. (Witham)
9 For God is my witness, whom I serve with my spirit in the gospel of his Son, that, without ceasing, I make a commemoration of you
Ver. 9. God is my witness. I call God to witness. It is an oath. (Witham)
10 Always in my prayers: beseeching, if by any means I may at length have a prosperous journey, by the will of God, in coming to you.
Ver. 10. No explanation given.
11 For I long to see you, that I may impart unto you some spiritual grace, to strengthen you:
Ver. 11. No explanation given.
12 That is to say, that I may be comforted together in you, by that which is common to us both, your faith and mine.
Ver. 12. No explanation given.
13 And I would not have you ignorant, brethren, that I have often purposed to come to you, (and have been hindered hitherto) that I might have some fruit among you also, even as among other Gentiles.
Ver. 13. No explanation given.
14 To the Greeks, and to the Barbarians, to the wise, and to the unwise, I am a debtor:
Ver. 14. I am a debtor. That is, I am bound to preach the word of God to all. (Witham) --- By Greeks, in this place, are understood the Romans also, and by Barbarians, all other people who were neither Greeks nor Romans. The Greeks called all barbarians, who did not speak the Greek language, even the Latins themselves. But after the Romans became masters of the world, they were excepted, through policy, from the number of barbarians, and particularly after they began to cultivate the science of the Greeks.
Græcia victa ferum victorem cepit, et artes
Intulit agresti Latio.
--- St. Paul says, that he is a debtor both to Greeks and barbarians, to the wise, the philosophers, those who pass for sages amongst the pagans, and to the simple, ignorant, unlettered class of mankind: not that he had received any thing at their hands, but because it was his duty, in quality of apostle, to address himself to the whole world, and preach to the great and to the small, to the learned and the unlearned. (Calmet)
15 So (as much as is in me) I am ready to preach the gospel to you also that are at Rome.
Ver. 15. St. Paul was even anxious to go and deliver the word to the Romans. Hence Mat. Polus, in his reflections on this verse, puts the following words into the mouth of the Apostle: Lucifuga non sum: ostendi id Antiochiæ, Athenis, Ephesi et Corinthi: paratus sum & in illa splendidissima urbe Roma ostendere.
16 For I am not ashamed of the gospel. For it is the power of God unto salvation, to every one that believeth, to the Jew first, and to the Greek.
Ver. 16. For it is the power of God unto salvation to every one; that is, it brings powerful helps to all, both Gentiles and Jews, in order to their salvation. --- To the Jew first, inasmuch as the gospel is to be first preached to the Jews. (Witham) --- The promises of salvation were first made to the Jews. Jesus Christ preached to the Jews only, and forbad his disciples, during his life-time, to preach to any other nation. And after his resurrection, when they had full powers to preach every where, they did not turn to the Gentiles, till the Jews had refused to hear them. A miracle was necessary to determine St. Peter to communicate the gospel to the uncircumcised; and St. Paul, in every place, first addressed himself to the Jew, and then to the Gentile. The apostle here sweetly endeavours, in an indirect manner, to silence the presumption of the Romans, who seemed to raise themselves above the Jews, and believed they had merited the grace of vocation to the faith. (Calmet)
17 For the justice of God is revealed therein from faith to faith: as it is written: The just man liveth by faith.
Ver. 17. For the justice of God. He does not here mean that justice, by which God is just in himself, but that justice, or sanctification, which he communicates to men, and by which they are justified and sanctified. --- From faith to faith. That is, by faith, and an increase in faith, inasmuch as, by increasing in faith, we advance in virtues; as it is written, (Habacuc ii. 4.) the just man liveth by faith; including the love of God, hope, and other virtues. (Witham)
18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven, against all impiety and injustice of those men that detain the truth of God in injustice.
Ver. 18. For the wrath of God is revealed, &c. He begins to speak of the heathens, and of the wicked world, whose sins God punisheth from time to time with visible chastisements of plagues, famines, wars, &c. and that because they detain the truth of God in injustice, or in iniquity, that is, because they have not honoured God, even according to the knowledge which he has given them of him, especially their philosophers. (Witham)
19 Because that which is known of God is manifest in them. For God hath manifested it to them.
20 For the invisible things of him, from the creation of the world, are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made: his eternal power also and divinity: so that they are inexcusable.
Ver. 19-20. That which is known of God. Or may be easily known of God, is manifest in them. The light of reason demonstrates to them the existence of one God, the maker and preserver of all things. This is made known to them from the creation of the world, or from the creatures in the world: the Creator may be discovered by the creatures, and as St. Chrysostom here says, every Scythian, every barbarian, may come to the knowledge of God by the wonderful harmony[3] of all things, which proclaims the existence of God louder than any trumpet: but having known him, they did not glorify him; they acted contrary to their knowledge, abandoning themselves to idolatry, and the vain worship of many gods, and to all manner of vices and abominations against the light of reason. (Witham)
Note 3:
Ver. 20. St. Chrysostom, hom. ii. p. 20. tes panton armonias salpiggos, lamproteron booses.
21 Because that, when they knew God, they did not glorify him as God, or give thanks: but became vain in their thoughts, and their foolish heart was darkened:
Ver. 21. No explanation given.
22 For professing themselves to be wise, they became fools.
Ver. 22. No explanation given.
23 And they changed the glory of the incorruptible God, into the likeness of the image of a corruptible man, and of birds, and of four-footed beasts, and of creeping things.
Ver. 23. No explanation given.
24 Wherefore God gave them up to the desires of their heart, to uncleanness: to dishonour their own bodies among themselves.
Ver. 24. Wherefore God gave them[4] up, &c. That is, as St. Chrysostom says, permitted them, in punishment of their wilful blindness, to fall into the foulest, most shameful, and unnatural sins of uncleanness here described. (Witham)
Note 4:
Ver. 24. to de paredoken, entautha eiasen esti.
25 Who changed the truth of God into a lie: and worshipped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.
Ver. 25. No explanation given.
26 For this cause God delivered them up to shameful affections. For their women have changed the natural use into that use which is against nature.
Ver. 26. God delivered them up. Not by being author of their sins, but by withdrawing his grace, and so permitting them, in punishment of their pride, to fall into those shameful sins. (Challoner)
27 And, in like manner the men also, leaving the natural use of the woman, have burned in their lusts one towards another, men with men working that which is filthy, and receiving in themselves the recompense which was due to their error.
Ver. 27. Receiving in themselves the recompense...due to their error. That is, were justly punished for their wilful blindness and error, by which they had worshipped and adored creatures, instead of the Creator, idols instead of the one true God. (Witham)
28 And as they liked not to have God in their knowledge; God delivered them up to a reprobate sense, to do those things which are not convenient,
Ver. 28. No explanation given.
29 Being filled with all iniquity, malice, fornication, avarice, wickedness, full of envy, murder, contention, deceit, malignity, whisperers,
Ver. 29. Being filled with all iniquity. He passeth to many other sins and crimes of the heathens. (Witham)
30 Detractors, hateful to God, contumelious, proud, haughty, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,
Ver. 30. Hateful[5] to God. The Greek may also signify, haters of God. (Witham) --- theostugeis means either haters of God, or hated by God. (Menochius) --- Disobedient to parents. The Greek literally signifies, Not listening to the advice of their parents; who rise up against them, and refuse to obey. (Calmet)
Note 5:
Ver. 30. Deo odibiles. theostugeis.
31 Foolish, dissolute, without affection, without fidelity, without mercy.
Ver. 31. Dissolute, rude[6] in their manners, and behaviour. Some, from the Greek, understand breakers of their word; but this would be the same as without fidelity, which we find afterwards in the same verse. (Witham)
Note 6:
Ver. 31. asunthetous. See 2 Timothy iii. 3. aspondous, sine fœdere.
32 Who, having known the justice of God, did not understand that they, who do such things, are worthy of death: and not only they who do them, but they also who consent to them that do them.
Ver. 32. This passage in the present Greek versions is rather different from the Vulgate: but the text of the Vulgate is conformable to the most ancient Greek manuscripts, of which some are more than twelve hundred years old. Oitines to dikaioma tou theou epignontes ouk enoesan oti oi ta toiauta prassontes axioi thanatou eisin, ou monon de oi poiountes auta, alla kai oi suneudokountes tois prassousin. See Var. Lect. Mill. in hunc locum et Prolegom. 41. 42.
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