#secrer santa exchange
blizzardfluffykpop · 6 years
Showed in Your Eyes
Summary: In the heat of the moment you find yourself forgetting your surroundings only knowing what is in front of you.
Minho X Jisung
This is for my Secret Santa job for Stray Kids Secret Santa Exchange @lee-knows-it I hope you enjoy this I tried to make it to your liking and all (I also wish you happier days, and warm hugs and smiles) @skzsecretsanta thanks for making this possible :)
Gang Au (Knocking out someone(s), kidnapping, selling drugs, hacking, I guess I did mention stabbing, but no deaths!)
You better believe this gang is strong, mostly because of their tight family bonds, these nine are inseparable and would go great lengths to protect each other their much more like a mafia because of their strong family bond
But they are more just nine kids that didn’t have support from their families, found each other and started relying on each other to make income
Chan is the leader of stray kids, no surprise there because he's quite smart, although he got into dealing drugs… he has a 4.0 GPA in college rn which is impressive, and actually tutors a few people he sells drugs to. He makes alliances with other gangs so if there is ever a time they go belly up he knows got7 will have their back and so will twice
Jeongin the youngest and helps makes the drugs alongside Seungmin, and packages it and sends it to Hyunjin who makes the deals
Seungmin he makes drugs alongside Jeongin and he likes to do chemistry so when he by accidentally found out how to make drugs, he was selling them and that lead to some trouble until he made friends with Woojin and he enlisted him into the gang
Hyunjin makes deals, but not only because he's handsome, its because the kid has a way with words, acts like he's giving them deals, by telling them a higher price than they are charging for, if they're not going for the price he starts off with, he'll tell them “You know you're cute, say what, I'll give you 50 percent off” they fall for it everytime
Woojin and Chan met by chance, Chan switched his course in bio, and Woojin needed a partner, and they were talking and found out they both could use each other
Woojin can make friends with ease and makes sure he can trust them before he draws them in to the gang
Changbin knew Jisung since high school and they both joined at the same time
They both do the same thing of dealing out drugs, although Changbin can be more aggressive if the person starts haggling Hyunjin for a lower price
Jisung may look soft and squishy but he puts up a fight like no other, they always think they can steal from Jisung because of his looks, they have another thing going
Hyunjin is so glad to have them behind him when he is making deals
Minho is a fighter, if the group ever gets into any trouble he is the one who is ready to beat up anyone who hurts his family, he also the interrogator of the group, much more of the bad cop
Also forgot to mention that Chan is the good cop interrogator if someone messes with them and comes into their borders without a reasonable reason
Felix was the last one to get into the gang he is a skilled hacker, he was on the run from Australia the govt caught him hacking in, Woojin found out and asked him if he wanted to join and they would never snitch on him, and Felix agreed and is the hacker for group and if anyone ever gets kidnapped or anything he is first to know and already laying out the blueprints to get them out
If we’re going in order how it works, Woojin recruit the members in the gang, Chan makes alliances with other gangs and sets up the meeting to sell the drugs, Jeongin and Seungmin are the drug makers, once the drug is made, it is handed over to Hyunjin, Hyunjin goes to the meeting place with Changbin and Jisung ready to jump in, if all fails and they get kidnapped, Felix is on it in a second, hacking into the cameras finding out where they were taken, once he finds out, Minho is on it in second, and without fail bails them out
Jisung and Hyunjin went together on a drug sale, Changbin was sick but trusted the two could take it in just like the rest of the gang thought they could
It turns out that the guy they were dealing with was aggressive, didn't like haggling, and started taking out on the two Jisung started fighting with him told Hyunjin to run and tell the others, thinking he had it
Before Hyunjin even made it off the side street, Jisung was snatched off the street and kidnapped
The minute Minho heard the news, his heart broke and he was blistering with anger
He started demanding Felix to work faster, he watched through the camera as Jisung was picked up and thrown into the back, he couldn't hear what was going on but he was kicking the man, but it was clear there were others
Minho turned away not being able to bare watching the scene unfold
He wouldn't lie if you asked him if he had feelings for Jisung he flat out tell you he did
He's just to shy to tell it to Jisung so he just babies him with cuddles and always worries about him, he would love to admit it but he worries about Jisung just liking him as a friend
And seeing that Jisung just got kidnapped his heart is completely crushed
“I found it just let me hack into the system and get your blueprints” A deep voice calls out, pulling Minho out of his thoughts
Not another minute goes before Felix prints it out, he gets up, “Go get your man” Minho's blush covers his face, he puts in his bluetooth and slams the car into drive down seven blocks parking across the street
Felix telling him to “go left and there should be an open window there” he hops up in
“Two guards coming up fast,... you're clear now, go down two doors on the right” Minho rushing being careful not to make a sound he sighs as he opens and shuts the door
“Secret bookshelf it should be the fifth green book on the 3rd shelf that opens it” he scans over the books, pulling at the grin book and nothing happens
“I don't think-” as the bookshelf starts spinning, “Late reaction I guess… anyway, you should be seeing three doors, pick the very first one and in there is Jisung but be warned he isn't alone!!”
Minho pulls up his black bandana, and opens the door, meeting a dark, wet, cement, he carefully steps in and slips into the corner
It must be a boiler room, and he looks and sees a shadow he quickly takes a stab at the person and they let out a grunt, “What's wrong, Lucas?” he hears a voice call out, he muffles his hand over Lucas mouth and quickly rids the man of any weapons while Lucas tries to fight back, to no avail, Minho knocks him out slamming his head enough against the cement to knock him out
“Lucas can't you see I'm in the middle of something!!!” a man screams out, stomping angrily towards them pulling a gun out at Minho, “What did you do to him?” “What did you do to Jisung?”
“Oh so this what this about… well I'm Taeyong, you're pretty good at sneaking past people aren't you?” Minho visibly gulps, “Well, let's make a trade you help Lucas up and bandage him. I'll see over it Jisung will stay here and I will give him back”
“You must care about your members a lot” “More than you would ever guess”
They take Lucas into another room and bandage him up and Lucas moans out in pain and rolls over but refuses to get up, “Now take me to Jisung and let me leave”
“Oh I'll take you to Jisung alright” and a gun is placed in the small of Minho's back taking Minho's arms and twisting them behind his back with one hand holding the gun in place and pushing him into the other room
Minho growls and loosens up, before he takes Taeyong on by surprise and throws him over him, in a quick burst he wrangles the gun out of Taeyong's hand, finally, seeing Jisung in front of him
He sighs in relief as he looks at Jisung, but before he could do anything to try to save Jisung he feels Taeyong move and start kicking at him, in one fail swoop he bashes his head on the ground to knock him out long enough to save Jisung and get out of there
He tips off the bandana on Jisung’s face seeing tears streaming down his face he looks up and sees Minho, his eyes widening as he softly gasps. Minho pulls his bandana down
He squats down to his level before cutting off the ropes surrounding Jisung's wrists
Jisung wraps his arms Minho, he laughs in relief, “I'm so glad it's you that came for me” Minho nods as he cuts the ropes from around his ankles
Before he can lift him over his shoulder and listen to what Felix is telling him, Jisung whispers, “I know it's a bad time to say this,... but you have the most beautiful eyes I've ever had chance to catch a glimpse of…” Minho feels his heart speed up, he seeing his chance, he takes his chin into his hand and kisses Jisung
He feels Jisung kiss back, he realizes where he is, “We can continue this later” he throws him over his shoulder, “Okay Felix tell me where it's clear"
Felix guides him through with ease, he rushes out the car and speeds off, his hand finding Jisung's as he makes it back to Woojin's house. He parks in the lot and Jisung thanks him over and over again, “So where were we” Jisung laughs, kissing Minho's cheek, “Take me on a date first” Minho rolls his eyes, “Anything for you my dear”
It turned out Jisung liked Minho more than just friends, and would make a strong relationship making the gang stronger and better than ever
Then one day they got caught the police held mercy on the nine, and cleared their records, told them to become big, and to never get into trouble or they would be in sling
They listened and sometimes life just works out that way, and if you're wondering they did make it big, becoming Stray Kids the kpop group no longer a gang, and they never got in trouble ever again
Minho and Jisung being the biggest gay kpop in the industry, support coming not just from each other but the fans as well
Nerves from stage fright will never beat gun fights, but they could easily get used to it
After all with the family altogether, nothing could come in their way, a strong bond they hold and will continue to hold for a very long time
They became sensations from speaking out about their struggles to being wise and knowledgeable about the world around them
Taking part in whatever they could to make the world a better place and possibly their smiles could make a difference in their fan’s days
They truly could and can like no one else, being so supportive or everyone they come across and it comes back to them just as equally or more so
(Sorry if it ended weird I was watching the new Cinderella and it made me go third point of view I'd fix it but I seems to me like the perfect end. I hope you enjoyed it and I wanted to get it out sooner but… I hope you had an amazing holiday, and a wonderful new year, for many more to come :)
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