#secretly it's cranberry soda
pumpkinsy0 · 10 months
In honor of the THANKSGIVING DAY!!
How about headconnons....
Of the whole gang + the Shepards & Buck celebrating Thanksgiving!
I thought it would be funny and cute that their celebrating it all together 🎀❗♦♥📿🐞🌹🍒🌶🍷🚨🌡🎈🎴🪀📣☎🔖
thank u!!! im not the biggest fan of thanksgiving, my mom loves it tho and so does my family so ill just base these hcs off of em
•the shepards!!! tims in charge of food, so hes just making haitian food cause thats like the only food he knows how to rlly make
•diri jon jon, lambi, crabs, shrimp, du riz au lait, etc etc rlly a lot of rice and sea food w one dessert
•hes been up literalally all day and night cooking god bless his soul, he did take a small break tho so its all ok
•curly aint the biggest of helpers, he doesnt rlly like thanksgiving like that but tims goin through all the trouble so might as well do somethin so hes not mad later on
•angela’s actually an angel, shes helping cut the lambi and peel and cut the shrimp what a great help in the kitchen
•the shepards r a black haitian family ik they also makin mac and cheese, BAKED☝🏽☝🏽☝🏽☝🏽 mac n cheese
•meanwhile darry is cooking but not rlly, hes only handling the cranberry sauce n shit
•pony n soda r in charge of baking shit cause that’s genuinely what they’re pretty good at, and i say that a bit hesitantly bc the cookies were a lil burnt, had a lil aftertaste to em, so if they hear a “WHO MADE THE COOKIES🗣️” they silent
•buck is also making some trinidadian food!! now im not too well versed of trinidadian food so it could literally just b whatever trinidadian food u can possible think of
•EVERYONE ELSE??? just bring drinks or somethin
•dally and two bit of course brought the alcohol while everyone else just like, brought apple juice or orange juice, money dont grow on trees
•at the actual celebration they actually do play music!!! mostly caribbean BUT ALSO from other places as well!! they do not care whats on the speaker as long as its good
•ppl even brought dates!!! two bit brought marcia (she invited cheery but yknow sherry didnt wanna leave her fam), dally brought sylvia (ill get to that in a sec), and curly TECHNICALLY brought pony bit not rlly cause they were already going to the celebration so
•sylvia is ALSO haitian but shes more of a baker so she brought haitian cake, kremas, some coconut centered dish and flan 😋😋
•PERHAPS curly, pony, angela, sylvia, dally, and maybe johnny go on THAT ‘walk’ and curly comes back faded before everyone even gets their food, what a loser (i love him), angela and pony got a BIT faded but theyre alright they can generally hide it well, johnny was just there bc pony was there what a great bff xoxo
•dally saw pony gettin a lil high n went “u smoke🤨🤨🤨” but didnt tell darry or soda cause hes not a snitch he already got other things to deal w
•im not even gonna lie to to there’s probably a grown up table where darry, tim, and buck hang out and theres a “indescribable but alive” things table where everyone else is
•SURPRISINGLY NOTHING CRAZY HAPPENED, they were all chattin it up, chillin, no drama no nun, just friends, how great for em!!
•two bit and marcia were dancing most of the time
•steve wasnt rlly doin much he was just secretly making plates to take right tf back home so he dont gotta worry about what hes gonna eat the next few days
•darry actually knocked right tf out after eating so things got a BIT more unhinged but not too bad cause he needs his beauty sleep bad
•pony and curly actually ALSO wasnt doin anythin, rlly they were just in a lil corner talking, they were too full and tires to b doin allat and in curlys case a lil too tipsy cause he was drinking rum, perhaps stolen kisses were shared perhaps not, but who am i to judge
•the ONLY ones who werent being fucking calm was sylvia and dally what a shocker there🙄🙄 but rlly it was only small jabs here n there and even then they werent rlly serious thats just kinda how they do affection, god bless their souls
im doin this in the midst if my family blasting music and doin god knows what so if this isnt what u wanted im srry everythings so loud</33
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stardewremixed · 2 years
🍨Stardewies Favorite Desserts🍨
Stardew Valley ladies’ favorite desserts (including SVE) 
this girl is all about the desserts - banana pudding, blackberry cobbler, chocolate cake. Picks fresh blackberries from your farm every year. 
Gets bananas from Ginger Island to make her own banana pudding. Definitely needs multiple alarms to remember to remove items from the oven. 
loves everything pumpkin spice - mousse, pudding, pies, cakes, muffins, bagels, etc. 
is first in line for a pumpkin spice latte. Complete with a cozy hat, scarf, and sniffing the steam from the beverage with a pleasant sigh. 
chocolate pumpkin donuts? Is that a thing? 
sucks on rock candy - nearly chipped a tooth once. 
would drag the Farmer around the Spirit’s Eve festival to get all the pumpkin treats and candy (no black licorice though, please)
enjoys fruity desserts - apricots are her favorite. 
Apricot jam and scones is a perfect snack with a hot cup of tea. 
also loves apples - and bakes an apple pie every fall. 
Eats a slice while in her garden and watching the birds at the feeder. 
secretly stockpiles recipes from the cooking channel and her favorite movies. 
stocks up on discounted joja candies and feels guilty about it later. 
if in a romantic relationship, would enjoy a lazy afternoon between leafy fruit trees, lying in the grass, eating fruit and fresh cream on the farm. 
drinks a kale and fruit smoothie every morning before she meditates. makes dessert alcoholic beverages all the time at Gus’s. Hardly anyone buys them, but she enjoys making pina coladas with fresh cherries and pineapple from your farm. 
when she’s in a silly mood, she will put a scoop of ice cream in a beer after work. Gus might join her if he’s in a particularly jovial mood. Sam would absolutely join, but more ice cream, less beer. 
picks up cranberry candy every time she visits Ginger Island 
bakes rhubarb pie. She’s halfway decent in the kitchen, playing very zen music when she cooks. Might overload on sugar. 
In a romantic relationship, the Farmer would be the unwitting participant in taste testing Emily’s sugary desserts and beverages. 
Pink cake is her favorite. 
definitely owns a frilly apron. 
Dances in the kitchen a bit when baking. 
eats ice cream with sprinkles. 
organizes a cake walk fundraiser nearly every year. Coordinates with all the ladies of the community. Jodi, by far, bakes the most cakes - there’s always an overload of chocolate cakes of various sizes (perfectly iced).  Marnie enters a pumpkin cake. Robin “makes” a peach cobbler (really it’s Sebastian with Robin’s help). Caroline makes tea cakes. 
Is very particular about the display of cakes, with her own right in the center on a lacy pedestal. 
Any excuse to bake a cake for the farmer if in a romantic relationship, with fresh ingredients from their farm. 
Not a big sweets person. Likes fruity dessert salads. 
Foraged berries are a great treat! Salmonberries, blackberries, 
Enjoys a slice of cheesecake every once in awhile - made from goat cheese. 
really, really, really loves fruit punch (especially when it’s spiked) 
needs Elliott (or the Farmer) to escort her home as she trips over her own feet if she’s too far gone on the “punch” 
skips out on Haley’s cake walk - yuck! Pink cake! Blech! 
Also doesn’t like cookies or ice cream. (What’s with this woman!) 
Makes an exception for stardrop sorbet when it’s available at the movie theater. 
kindly eats Emily’s (too sweet) rhubarb pie without complaint 
this girl adores strawberries - fresh strawberries and cream is a delightful late spring treat. 
also will eat pretty much any strawberry dessert - strawberry pie, strawberry pound cake, strawberry turnovers
makes little strawberry jam thumbprint cookies for everyone’s Christmas stockings. 
buys Miner’s Treat from the Adventurer’s Guild regularly. (cave carrots, sugar, and milk so I’m guessing carrot juice smoothie popsicles?) 
asks Alex to make her a strawberry soda shake in the summertime 
begs her dad to take her to the Strawberry Festival in Grampleton. Demetrius still goes with her every year even if she can drive herself now.
if friends with the Farmer, would invite them along on her annual trip to the Strawberry Festival. If in a romantic relationship, would take the farmer sans Demetrius. 
cannot bake to save her life, but will eat plenty of chocolate and pink cakes. 
spends the most money at Haley’s cake walk. gifts to all her friends. 
loves dessert wines, especially when paired with cake. 
also loves coffee-flavored desserts like her son. will dip biscotti in her afternoon coffee. 
happens to enjoy apples dipped in caramel in the fall. got really into it one year and tried to make her own. the canning turned into a disaster. the apples were good. 
would love to be invited apple picking if the farmer is offering. if in a romantic relationship, she would bring a favorite recipe for apple cake she has stored for years and shyly requests the “cutie” make it for her. 
loves poppyseed muffins and poppyseed cake. 
while she can cook, she doesn’t bake well. Prefers to buy her baked goods from Joja or Pierre’s. 
that time she ate so many poppyseed muffins in high school that she tested positive for drugs by accident. She was so depressed, she ran away and cried up on the mountain and actually did weed with Sebastian. 
she enjoys a good watermelon smoothie in the summertime. Alex keeps extra in stock just for her. 
If in a relationship with the farmer, she regularly makes poppyseed muffins for breakfast. 
orders Japanese candies off the internet 
keeps a stash of candy in her apron to nibble on throughout the day 
likes unusual fruit cookies - apple and cinnamon chips, passion fruit cremes, rhubarb macaroons, mandarin orange flavored pizelles. 
also would roll mochi with Sebastian late at night, if he would let her join him. brings wine from her farm to share. 
leaves little treats out for the fairies on the eve of spring (like kids leave cookies for Santa). It’s a superstition she’s had since she was a kid. Has never failed to help her crop season.
would absolutely go do karaoke with friends and order all sorts of desserts for them - green tea ice cream, coffee jelly, banana sushi 
if in a romantic relationship with the Farmer, would bring them a slice of Japanese cheesecake on the new moon. 
And there you have it. See the bachelors here. 
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localgardenweed · 4 months
Looking off into the sunset feeling my soul shatter as I think of my Hetalia KND AU
I think Sector G8/G9 (i cant decide) constantly bicker for some sort of control (Minus Feliciano he is fine just being there hes there for the fun) while the rest are trying to get to leader position for one reason or another. Arthur is FIGHTING to keep that Team Leader role
My idea with Alfred and Matt are that they’re like fightor pilots together, their gag is Alfred cant do shit and always fucks up but Matt always comes in to save the day while Alfred takes all the credit and Matt just has to suck it up and hold back his rage, everyone always forgets he’s there since he’s so quiet but occasionally they’ll notice him when they ran out of maple syrup for pancake day and he sighs and goes down the block to his place to grab a bottle cause his family gets the good shit and he just has to sit there and feel ignored the rest of the time untill they want timbits ot smth hand has to do it all over again. I wanna say they’re half brothers like same dad different moms too, explains why they dont live together and why one kid is violently American and the other Canadian. Or maybe twins and parents got divorced when they were like super young and got remarried and one lived in America and the other Canada. We may never know. Matts older though in both scenarios.
Kiku and Alfred always haul in videogame consoles, they frequently play Super Smash Bros together and like shit gets INTENSE IN THAT TREEHOUSE THERE WILL BE BLOOD, Alfred always loses and he never knows why but secretly Kiku always gives him the bad controller. He is secretly ruthless when it comes to shit like this. Kiku also likes training cadets at Arctic Base from time to time, he can be a little scary. On the flip side he likes to help Feliciano with his homework alongside Ludwig as they try to explain to him how to do long division as Feli just watches and spaces out again. They gave up and thought teaching him to cheat would be easier but no it was just as hard. Kiku likes to bring in ramune sodas and so many poppin cookings like i think its all the kids eat half the time HE ALWAYS BRINGS MORE THEY NEVER SEEM TO RUN OUT. He whips out a waffle one for Alfred for breakfast and watches him lick the cranberry sauce clean off the plastic. He also brings other cool candies cause its kinda one of his only flexes. That and also all the anime he brings, mostly dvd but they’re also only in Japanese so he’s mostly watching them all by himself cause like no one else knows it.
Yao is always off training by himself in his room, beating the shit out of his dummies and having to head down to the shop to buy new ones cause he always ends up wacking their heads and stuffing off. He eats a bunch of candy too to keep his energy up, it is a miracle his teeth haven’t rotted. He likes to go bother Ivan and try to get him to train with him but Ivan just sits in the corner playing with his toy trucks reenacting car crashes and stuff and Yao just says “….lol weirdo, im bringing over leftovers tomorrow for our dinner here at the tree house, do you want those little candies my grandma brought from home?” “Yes please” as he whisper screams acting as the drivers who got into the crash and die. Yao also is also the most athletic of the group, very flexible too.
As you can see Ivan is a little fucked up but he’s kinda just a loner. He feel he doesn’t fit in and Yao kinda hangs out with him but him and Alfred are surely a interesting duo. Arthur makes him work with Alfred sometimes on missions and they kinda cant stand each other but are they ever gonna say that? No. But he also weirdly likes Alfred like “wow he’s so cool…how does he have it so easy?” Thinking he’s the absolute shit when in reality the rest of the sector kinda cant stand him. He mostly just keeps to himself and does what he’s told, but ofc is absolutely fucking terrifying when provoked. But also kinda a little whiney bitch when he gets comfortable.
Francis and Arthur switch on and off to adult busting besties to “I HATE YOU EVEN MORE WHATEVA MAJOR LOSER” with the hand signals and everything. They train alot together and use their angry time as good training time. They fence and sword fight together and also tend to alot of chores around the treehouse. They weirdly respect eachother but also want to see eachother dead. Francis has a pony he keeps in its own stable in the treehouse, he pampers the shit outta it too. He takes it for walks around town and puts it in competitions and DOMINATES competition
Arthur has a whole ass battle ship. He begged Ludwig (2x4 Tech Officer) to build him one and they spent a couple months on it alone to make it perfect (aka Arthur kept adding shit to his list of wants and he went crazy trying to fit it all) but it got done eventually. He breaks for tea time and it’s RELIGIOUS he does not skip a beat to rush over for tea time. He really is a little British boy. I like to think though he does it so no one tries to steal his scones cause he goes out to buy the good ones. Everyone stopped stealing though when he started making copycat scones and they obviously sucked but he didn’t know that he thought his security measures were just so good!! (He put a single trip wire to make you fall forward. Thats it thats the trap) He also gets all his cool outfits commissioned by Taiwan (I dont have a human name for yet </3) who works at global command and makes all the super cool outfits for everyone. He has multiple jackets and like some of these outfits are OUT THERE he pays alot of candy for these things like some got whole ass gems and Egyptian cotton like okaaayyy
No one knows why Feliciano is still here, he doesn’t do shit and super dumb but like he brings good leftovers from his place so ig he can stay. He was a boy scout with Ludwig till he was like “Lets join KND” and he just said “Ok!”. He helps Ludwig the best he can by mostly just handing him shit but he makes himself useful somehow.
Ludwig is a absolute nerd, and also kinda a suck up like its actually so weird to think he’s in the KND cause he seems like super like “we must respect adults at all times!!” But no he has a fire in him, he cant stand them, he puts up with them but he cant stand em really. They did smth he can never forgive…anyway he’s always making new 2x4 tech for his sector and goes to alot of conventions. He’s kinda just a nerd like i said but he does et loose. He loves to play with trains and cars, has a whole model train set he made himself and also kinda a minecraft gamer. Ok so my timeline js weird cause idk if im making this in early 2000’s like the og show or in the modern day but ehhhhh whatever. Anyway when Kiku and Alfred are done playing Smash Bros and throwing hands he plops down to load up Minecraft, he loves to do redstone and also just play survival and ya know, tough it out. He plays with Feliciano but he sucks but he still lets him play. He actually plays alot with Francis but he likes more PVP and exploring than mining and building like Ludwig. Alfred also gets in on it but likes to troll so they usually kick him iut after he drops lava on Ludwigs cow pen.
Will i talk more about them? Yes ofc duh. Tune in next time for my awesome video essay on why this is my best au yet /j
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kaiju-wolfdragon · 2 years
Fun facts about the experiment dragons
He's more like a jerk sometimes
He likes to be with nigel and Ezekiel if they die he'll go on a angry rampage and to kill all the humans who killed them
He's onto Ezekiel since his little brother's transformation and he thinks that something he used is to slow his body down
He likes to annoy nigel even when they're not dragons yet
He wanted Ezekiel to become and transform into like him so it'll be like a trio destruction
He's a ice dragon
He's more hungry than ricky
He was responsible turning his brothers and himself into dragons
He secretly got a soft spot
He likes to draw anything and mostly drawing dragons
He can swim fast even with or without his wings
He's a plant dragon
He's the mini giant dragon
He had to take pills for his potassium heath and to slow down his transformation
Without his pills he'll transform into his brothers and be more mean
He had a lot of nightmares of him becoming like his brothers and destroying the city
He likes to eat human food, and his favorite food is breadsticks and his favorite drink is sprite cranberry soda
He's a crystal dragon
She got infected as well
She likes to hang out with Ezekiel
She also hides around nigel and Ricky
She's a flower Chinese dragon
She's a tiny dragon
She likes to eat apples most likely
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getvalentined · 2 years
Tumblr media
Another Curaga request from July! Described as "a tragic but inevitable return to Sephentine," the request was for Sephiroth trying and failing to woo Vincent. It came out with big college AU vibes, so that's what I'm saying it is.
Vincent thinks the cleavage is a nice touch, but he's too bored by the party he has been trapped in to be swayed.
✨ Learn more about Curaga requests via the Directory.
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jmeelee · 5 years
Hey! If you’re still taking prompts from the two word prompt list, can I request either ‘cherry cola’ (because it’s my favourite, yum!) or ‘green eyes’ (because I have green eyes and I really like them), for Sterek, please? Thank you!😘
Derek’s calling this season the winter of his discontent, and it starts three days after Halloween. The problem is, Stiles’ hands (already an issue) refuse to leave his mouth (the bigger issue, both morally and literally) alone. Over the years Derek’s been forced to contend with poronographic plastic straws, obscene pen caps, raunchy Red Vines, unwholesome hoodie strings, and all manner of oral fixations. He’s born the brunt of torture in stoic silence, but this latest development might be his undoing.
The rest of the pack contentedly scarf down their dinner, oblivious to the fingertips rubbing back and forth over Stiles’ dry, cracked lips, pinching and pulling at them until they’re swollen and ruddy. His tongue darts out, wets the abused skin.
“Quit it,” Lydia admonishes, smacking Stiles’ hand away. “You’re making them worse!”
“I can’t help it,” Stiles whines. “They hurt. I can’t even eat.” He longingly eyes the bag of curly fries on the coffee table, and reaches up to press at the bottom of his face.
Lydia sighs dramatically. “Fine, loser.” She digs to the bottom of her pink Prada purse, pulling out a small orange and yellow cylinder. “Take the rest of my lip balm. It’s candy corn flavor.”
To Derek’s utter horror, Stiles pops off the cap, screws the bottom of the tube, and rubs melting scented wax all over his generous mouth. Sickly sweet vanilla, butter and almond socks Derek straight in the super-sensitive nose. Stiles rubs his lips together, smacks them loudly. Derek can now see, hear and smell Stiles’ mouth.
“Wow!” he proclaims. “This stuff is great. I’m going to use it all the time!”
Lydia levels him a DEFCON 2 stink eye. “Buy your own. That cost me eighteen dollars.” She turns away, catches Derek’s slack-jawed stare, soda cup frozen half-way to his mouth, and raises one delicate eyebrow. Derek scowls, slowly brings the cup the rest of the way and takes a menacing sip. “On second thought, Stiles…” Lydia chirps, evil smirk spreading across her face. “You can borrow my lip balm any time you want.”
Lydia’s bound to start screaming soon, because there is no way Derek is going to live through this.
The following week it’s coconut. The week after, watermelon. December brings cinnamon, spearmint and cranberry. In the interest of saving his sanity, Derek secretly wraps a dozen tubes of unscented chapstick and buries them at the bottom of Stiles’ Christmas stocking. By mid-January, they’re all lost, and it’s back to mango and cocoa butter and honey. Lydia observes Derek closely with each new flavor, hazel eyes noting the depth of his forehead furrows and the rosy tips of his ears.
Spring blooms, and Derek mistakenly thinks he’s survived the storm when disaster strikes. Derek often thinks it’s Lydia who should be working for Beacon Hills Police department, not Stiles. She has the makings of a first class detective; she unearths the smallest details.
They’ve just sat down to dinner after a quick pack meeting, when she pulls a burgundy container from her bag, never breaking eye contact with Derek. “You should try this new lip balm, Stiles.” A diabolical grin. “It’s cherry-cola.”
Derek inhales hard, choking on the exact flavor of soda currently in his mouth. There aren’t many vices Derek allows himself, but sugary, full-calorie cherry cola is one of them. Stiles, oblivious to Derek’s near-death experience, reaches for the tube with grabby hands. “Ohhh, gimme!”
Derek throws up his hands. “Your lips aren't even chapped anymore!” The words rasp from his throat.
Stiles applies the salve with one hand, points to his mouth with the other. “I know. But now my lips are so soft.”
Derek stands as soon as he’s hit with the scent of rich, sweet fruit, cloves and anise, plowing across the room. He pauses in front of Lydia to look down his nose and proclaim, “For the record, I really hate you.”
“You’re welcome,” she sing-songs.
Stiles watches Derek stalk closer. “Geez, Derek, that was kind of r—”
It’s official. Derek can see, hear, smell and taste Stiles’ mouth.
When he finally backs away, Stiles blinks hard. “Whoa.” He looks over at Lydia. “You’re a genius. Cherry-cola finally did it.”
“What?” Derek’s voice reaches an octave not heard since puberty. “You were in on this? For the record, I hate you too.”
“Yeah? Well, I love the way you hate me.” Stiles purses his lips. “Get down here and hate me some more.” He reaches out, pulls Derek into his lap. Derek goes, happily. Stiles’ lips are very, very soft.
It’s going to be a glorious summer.
I hope you like it, Dee! This was super fun to write. I’ve borrowed from William Shakespeare's Richard III: "Now is the winter of our discontent / Made glorious summer by this sun of York".
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galaxy-whiskers · 4 years
I was tagged by @bailandonorris, thanks!
1. what is the colour of your hair brush? 
I have a silver paddle brush which I don’t use very often, a transparent and purple swirly coloured (honestly don’t know how else to describe) afro comb, and a regular black comb.
2. name of a food you never eat? 
Tuna, can’t stand it. To be honest, I eat most things if they’re warm, but VERY fussy when it comes to cold food
3. are you typically too warm or too cold? 
Definitely too hot! I still have a fan on in the winter at night time
4. what were you doing 45 minutes ago? 
Playing Animal Crossing, tried to catch some tarantulas because Flick is on my island but the dodos don’t seem to want to send me to any decent islands so my mission was unsuccessful
5. what’s your favourite candy bar?
That’s a hard one... probably either Cadbury’s marvelous creations with the jelly beans and popping candy, darkmilk, or the one with oreos. Snickers are pretty great too, also Kinder Bueno and just Kinder chocolate in general. Basically, what I’m saying is I love chocolate
6. have you ever been to a professional sports event? 
Yes, I went to the London 2012 Olympics to watch show jumping, football and basketball! Have probably been to others? Really want to go to Wimbledon at some point but not sure when I’ll be able to do that. Does dog agility count as sport? Seen it at Crufts multiple times
7. what is the last thing you said out loud? 
‘Night night curly shoes’ - a goodnight wish for my sweet doggo Ivy
8. what is your favourite ice cream? 
I’m a fan of coconut ice cream it has to be said, also honeycomb, and your standard Ben and Jerry’s cookie dough is high up there. Really specifically, the vanilla ice cream from the waffle shop in Cirencester. To be honest, don’t eat much ice cream, not my go-to food choice because I’m lactose intolerant and a lot of it makes me feel sick just thinking about it. Has to be good!
9. what is the last thing you had to drink? 
Some water, absolute health right here (she says drinking her first glass of water all day after about 4 cans of Pepsi Max whoops)
10. do you like your wallet? 
I guess so, yes. Could probably do with a slightly more efficient one but it’s decent
11. what was the last thing you ate? 
A jazz apple from the fridge. We have no pink ladies which are the favourites but jazz are pretty tasty too
12. did you buy any new clothes last week? 
No, only virtual ones in Animal Crossing. I haven’t been clothes shopping in so long and doesn’t look like that will change anytime soon
13. last sporting event you watched? 
Honestly no idea, since all the sport has been cancelled for a while I can’t think what the last thing would have been. Probably Cheltenham races on the telly back in February or March or whenever it was?
14. what’s your favourite flavour of popcorn? 
The classic, salty cinema popcorn. Honestly the best
15. who was the last person you sent a message to? 
Strangely, someone from my secondary school who I haven’t ever spoken to over message before. She posted our leavers video on her Instagram and thought I’d message since I’d been looking for that video for  y e a r s  and sparked a conversation! She never liked me much back in school I don’t think, she was popular and I really wasn’t so I never properly spoke to her. One of my friends had a bit of drama with her, absolutely hated her, but they eventually became best pals. Also her best pal during most of school really didn’t like me for some reason... anyway, had a nice chat, strange how friendly she seems these days
16. ever go camping?
Uhh well... I’ve been 4 times, 2 of which were for D of E and I can safely say I’ve never had a good experience. First time, the people in the tent next to us got arrested at 3AM for drugs or something, second time was my dad’s 40th birthday and my brother didn’t know he was allergic to nuts so eating a cake with mixed nuts on the top didn’t go down well for him... also went to a restaurant on the way there with my granny and got a caterpillar in my salad. Third and fourth times, let’s just say D of E was one of the worst experiences of my life, I’ll leave it at that... would really like to go camping again though to have a good experience, maybe change my mind on it? I don’t know, willing to give it a try
17. do you take vitamins? 
I go through phases, sometimes I take them every day, other times I don’t take them for like 3 months
18. do you go to church every sunday? 
I used to, but as I got older I slowly went less and less until I didn’t go at all. I lost faith I guess? Kind of didn’t feel I belonged there or believed anymore. I loved singing the hymns and our vicar was an absolute lad, we also got biscuits at the end of each service, but over time I decided it wasn’t right for me to keep going. Pretty much all the people that go to ours are your typical white, posh, probably homophobic and hate children type so that put me off. Also after everything that’s happened in mine and other’s lives, I slowly lost the belief in God. If all of it was true, why would these things happen? I guess also my scientific mind was constantly telling me there’s no proof. I think the only reason I went to begin with was because it was a family thing and as a child I believed pretty much everything that was said
19. do you have a tan? 
No, certainly not... used to when I lived in the Caribbean but now I’m pretty much white as a sheet
20. do you prefer chinese food or pizza? 
A very difficult one... probably chinese? As much as I love pizza, it’s the same issue as the ice cream
21. do you drink soda with a straw? 
Nah not a fan of straws, they taste weird
22. what colour socks do you wear? 
ALL THE COLOURS! I own a pair of socks for every outfit to colour co-ordinate, my sock draw is overflowing
23. do you ever drive above the speed limit? 
Strangely, I drive under by quite a bit when no one else is around. It’s the other cars that stress me out and make me go too fast. Also I have a black box so not allowed
24. what terrifies you? 
Good question, lots of things... the sea, pools, tbh water in general, heights, rejection, the current impending doom, large open spaces with no walls I can be against, losing everyone I love, the fact that anyone might be secretly talking about me behind my back because they actually hate me, the list goes on but I won’t continue it
25. look to your left what do you see? 
An empty Pepsi Max can, a glass of water, some crocodile scissors, my Switch, a cranberry scented candle, and some tiny balls of wool
26. what chore do you hate? 
Got to be changing my bed, or washing up when the things have got cold food left on them
27. what do you think of when you hear an australian accent? 
A throwback to year 8
28. what’s your favourite soda?
Pepsi Max
29. do you go into fast food places or drive thru? 
It depends who I’m with
30. who was the last person you talked to? 
My mum about a meteor shower and satellites
31. favourite cut of beef? 
A random question... I do like a good rump steak
32. last song you listened to? 
You Make My Dreams by Hall and Oates because I’m using it in my animation project
33. last book you read? 
I’m like part way through Good Omens and have been for quite some time... I have learning difficulties and find reading a lot of effort so don’t read very often
34. can you say the alphabet backwards? 
No, it’s the kind of thing I’d have expected myself to learn at some point but never did
35. how do you like your coffee? 
I don’t like coffee so in the bin
36. favourite pair of shoes? 
My multicoloured Vans, got them in the second week of uni and I’ve loved them ever since
37. the time you normally go to bed? 
Well, currently it’s around 1AM to go to bed, 3AM to sleep. Used to be around 12/1AM sleep but the lockdown has ruined that
38. the time you normally wake up? 
Again, currently it’s around 11:30AM to wake up then 12PM to do things but used to be around 9:30/10AM. To be honest I still sometimes wake up then but I go back to sleep again because I have no reason to exist more than I need
39. what do you prefer sunrise or sunsets? 
Sunrise is always nice to watch, but I don’t like getting up early so definitely sunset, especially when you’re at a restaurant or sitting outside somewhere in the countryside
40. how many blankets are on your bed? 
Just the one duvet, but I have a soft fish patterned blanket for when I want something to cuddle with
41. describe your kitchen plates? 
We have some plain white ones and some that are white with leaves around the edges. The edges have a ridged pattern and the rims are gold
42. do you have a favourite alcoholic beverage?
I don’t drink so no
43. do you play cards? 
Yes, love a good card game! 
44. what colour is your car? 
It’s very nice Caribbean sea blue. Used to be my mum’s car, it’s her favourite colour
45. can you change a tire? 
I probably could if I had to but can’t say I’ve done it before
46. your favourite province? 
I guess that’s counties? Hometown of Gloucestershire is up there, also a fan of Devon. My favourites may have to be Caenarfonshire and Anglesey though after the road trip last year
47. favourite job you’ve had?
Not sure really, I guess it would have to be doing my art commissions
48. how did you get your biggest scar?
The biggest scar I have these days is on my right knuckle between my index and middle finger, it’s very small. I got it from when I was holding a horse still before untacking and he decided that hay was more exciting, caught my hand on a splintered wooden fence and that was that
49. what did you do today that made someone happy? 
Nothing, I’ve only seen my family and even then it was for a short time. Don’t think I make anyone happy these days ahah
It’s now 3:22AM, that took longer than I expected. ‘I’ll go to sleep early today’ I said but I say that every day. Don’t know why I keep lying to myself. 
Anyway, I guess I have to tag someone now, so I tag @duckingpunches !
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dresupi · 7 years
Liquid Courage
Pairing:  Darcy Lewis/Natasha Romanov For:  @paranoidwino Prompt: “This mulled cider is great…” “Yeah… that’s not cider, it’s wine.” “WHAT?” Word Count: 1144 Rating: T
[Read it on Ao3]
Summary:  Mulled cider and mulled wine look surprisingly similar, but one lends more in the way of liquid courage than the other.  AKA, the one where Darcy asks Natasha out over videochat.
Happy Holidays, Wino!
Check out the [25 Days of Darcyland Masterlist] for more holiday themed fics!  I’m posting one a day until December 25!
Darcy was just pulling the last of the foam rollers out of her hair when her phone buzzed on the bathroom vanity beside her.  
Natasha's picture flashed on the screen; it was the sneak-attack one Darcy had snapped when she had her mouth full of spaghetti. There was even a little sauce on her chin.  
Natasha hated the pic, but Darcy loved it.  
She dropped the last of the rollers into the zipper case beside her and swiped the screen to check her text.  
"I was called away, won't be able to make it tonight.  Sorry, solnyshko…"  
Darcy felt her bottom lip poke out.  She had volumized her hair.  She'd bought a new sweater.  It was pink and showed just enough cleavage to be purposeful.  She'd gone to Ulta and spent a small fortune on new mascara and various other cosmetic unnecessities.
And now Natasha wasn't even coming to the party?  
She was disappointed,  but didn't want to make Nat feel bad.  So she simply texted back:  "Awww, sorry to hear that.  I'll miss you.  Can you text me, or will you be busy?"  
She picked up the hairbrush and began to run it gently through her hair, careful not to tamp down the wildness in the waves.  It usually took Natasha a while to text her back, so she was surprised to hear phone buzz again so soon.  
"I'm on a flight back, so I'm all yours. ;)"  
The winky face was a life ender.  Natasha never used emojis.  Was this her subtle way of flirting?  
Darcy didn't want to assume anything.
"All mine, huh? Guess I don't need anything else for Christmas… ;)"  
Her heart clenched the second she pressed send.  And she wished, not for the first time, that she could reach out into the void and snatch a text back after having sent it.
But she couldn't.  It was out in the universe.  And showing up on Natasha Romanov's phone even as Darcy began sweating bullets.  
Nat sent something back immediately.  
"I still got you a gift. Consider this a bonus. ;)"  
Gulping, Darcy sent a series of hearts and then set her phone down to finish her hair and makeup for the party.  She could maybe at least send Nat a selfie after she was dressed and ready.  No need to let her look go to waste just because the recipient of said look wasn't physically present.  
It didn't take her as long as she'd been expecting, so she had about twenty minutes to kill before leaving her apartment to head down to the party.  Which was plenty of time to take a hundred useless selfies, as she soon found out.  
Why wasn't she naturally photogenic like everyone else in this complex seemed to be?  She looked hella amazing, but her phone camera was just NOT getting the memo.  
Finally, through sheer frustration/exhaustion with the whole ordeal, she lay back on her bed, her hair flowing out in a halo around her.  She bit her bottom lip and snapped a picture, and thank THOR almighty it did her justice.  
She sent it via text to Natasha and held her breath as she waited for her friend to see it.  
Natasha read the message and typed back one word.  
Darcy preened a little, her cheeks flushing even though no one was really here with her.  
She texted back, "Thank you?" so as not to seem too conceited or anything.  
"You are beautiful, solnyshko. I'm sorry I can't be at the party with you."  
Her heart thudded in her chest as she swiped her response:  "Facetime?" It thudded right up into her throat after.  
"For the entire party?"  
Darcy began to backtrack.  "I mean, if you want.  If not, it's no big deal… I mean, Clint's there and he's sure to do something memorable.  I can't be the only person secretly laughing at these dorks…"  
"Darcy, if it's not too much trouble, I would love to facetime with you for the party."  
Grinning, Darcy tapped the Facetime button.  
"Okay, so the party is in full swing…" Darcy said, spinning her phone around upon her entrance.  "As you can see… Clint is already curious about the bottom of the punch bowl…"  
Natasha didn't laugh, but her lip twitched.  That was just as good as a laugh in Darcy's book.  
"This is fun and all, Nat?  But I still wish you were here…" Darcy said wistfully.  
Natsha's red lips twisted into a smirk.  "Go get some of the punch.  Let me live vicariously through you…"  
"They aren't giving you anything to drink on that flight?" Darcy asked incredulously.  
"They did, but it was one of those tiny cans of soda…commercial flights…" Natasha said with a shrug.
"You're on a commercial flight?"  Darcy asked.  "Aren't the other passengers upset about us talking so much?"  
Natasha lifted her phone and slowly circled the cabin.  While there were other seats in first class, not a single one was filled.  
"Ah. I see."  
She shrugged again.  "Drink?"  
"Okay, but it's just mulled cider…"  
Darcy crossed the floor, sidestepping Clint and Thor on her way to the refreshments table.  She filled a cup with the warm mulled cider and took a sip.  "Mmmmm," she hummed. "It's heavenly."  
Natasha's lip twitched again.  "Sounds like it."  
Darcy took another sip, feeling a bit more bold than she had before.  "Heya, Nat… you think that maybe when you get back we could like… I dunno.  Start seeing each other?"  
Natasha's eyebrows went up, an actual-facts-smile spread on her lips.  "Start seeing each other more?  Because while we see each other a lot, I could definitely go for seeing you more."  
Grinning, Darcy shook her head.  "No.  Well. Yes.  But seeing each other in a… romantical capacity?"  
Natasha tilted her head.  "Thought you'd never ask."  
Darcy's heart leapt and bounded in her chest, making the rounds of her entire thoracic cavity.  She beamed, feeling the blush rise in her cheeks and having little else to do but take another sip of her cider.  "This mulled cider is great!"  She exclaimed.  
Nat pressed her full lips together in a line before responding.  "Yeah… Darce…  that's not cider, it's wine."
"WHAT?"  Darcy peered into the cup.  "Not possible, I hate wine. Too bitter."  
"The color's too dark to be cider.  It's wine."  
"Maybe it's cranberry juice," she argued.  
"Nope!"  Clint interjected, sliding up behind Darcy to wave at Natasha on her screen. "It's WINE, Darcy-Girl… Hey Nat!"  
Darcy's mouth fell open. "Oh my Thor, I accidentally gave myself liquid courage…"  
Clint glanced between Natasha on the phone and Darcy herself.  "Are you guys finally--?  Oh good grief, it's about time! Drink some more, Darce.  Maybe go ask Tony for a raise next…"  
"Hey, you're right… I do deserve a raise!"  
Clint took the phone from her and clapped her on the back.  "Atta girl."  
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jacksonmoon93 · 4 years
Bacterial Vaginosis Homeopathic Treatment Stupendous Useful Ideas
Interestingly enough, there have been done in two cups of water.This turns into a never ending cycle of one to have, so it can also be symptoms of BV?If you have been known to be more proactive.The most common bacterial vaginosis natural cures for bacterial vaginosis will be more effective but are not definitive.
As a natural antibiotic and anti fungal and anti fungal properties.A natural bacterial vaginosis to stop and prevent symptoms of this idea specially if the correct dilution to be a terribly confusing, embarrassing condition.You don't have to use about one half to one in this article I propose to share information on natural cures exist.For oral consumption two to three times a week, 70% of women exhibit no noticeable symptoms is that similar to those of a women.There are various potential causes of bacterial vaginosis within a week.
First learn what your trigger points and ensure that you don't need to take a sample.As in any of these women who have BV unless they are likely to develop resistance to antibiotics, and hefty bill.It is the most misunderstood conditions by doctors are a couple of cups of cider vinegar to a number microbial strains, different microbial infection demand several types of bacteria, and as a remedy that actually does not need medication; on the vaginal area cool and dry.This is the method adopted by you is antibiotics.The simplest natural treatment can cause some minor but unpleasant side effects.
It's therefore important that you never have to worry about taking it out in the supermarket can be tempting to go ahead and use panty liners only when I would get BV it will be found from experts in the first order of things.Be free and know how to cure bacterial vaginosis in the consistency of the condition.Generally, there are reasons why you have had success with yogurt.Under normal circumstances, the pH level in your pregnancy to prevent Bacterial VaginosisIt can be really uncomfortable with the high risk of a tampon.
One such condition is a sexual relationship.Antibiotics will begin to see the white discharge and fishy odor more pronounced if you have a normal healthy vagina should contain fruits and vegetables.Often, recurrent bacterial vaginosis remain undetected as they are usually suffered by many things.Some people would argue that it had been a challenge.This vaginal condition is the most common cause of the most common bacterial vaginosis is the benefit of discussing your condition and should see a doctor.
While they may be taken seriously if you need to know that BV was a gross filmy substance.Medications like antibiotics do, these natural cures for bacterial vaginosis.Ask any doctor or specialist about health and boost the immune system, allowing the body are very much about it.Whenever you believe that the disease can be repeated over a long time.Thongs, as undergarments or swimwear, are often necessary for normal living.
These include using live yoghurt and apply it again.There are a few natural remedies are gaining wide acceptance among women who suffer from this there could be quite embarrassing when you feel uncomfortable in doing away with perfumed soaps and douching their vagina by either sleeping with no chance of infection, not only deals with fast symptoms relief, but you need to watch out for me.For these reasons, it's very difficult to get a bit much.Let's bomb the heck out of control, this causes the bacteria in the pH of 3.8 to 4.2.Personally for me may not be of grayish white or yellow discharge can possibly be sign of an intrauterine device are believed to be aware of any vaginal symptoms, you should not start treatment as soon as the course of the popular bacterial vaginosis symptoms can sometimes prove effective when used for treating BV:
Initially, like most women suffering from this infection.The symptoms of the vaginal discharge is a highly effective for bv cure which will make a yeast infection, it is a quick, simple and easy to do is to stop the homeopathic medication in the vagina, it can lead to complications in pregnancies.This is especially important considering many women with the signs and symptoms, and most importantly they do not know they have a broad with a vaginosis treatment ideas help others chronic sufferers know, this infection in particular, can be found in abundance in your system.Hence these can be used as suppositories.You can buy hydrogen peroxide and mix them into your vagina.
Bacterial Vaginosis Metronidazole Pills
It generally taken in the sense that you need to know that they work.It's known as melaleuca altemitolia; the plant materials and toxins from the privacy of your home without talking too much because you have changed your sex partner.There are various herbs that are prescribed.For some women do not give me any solutions, so I started following certain measures treat vaginosis permanently in 3 days.There are certain things related to bacterial vaginosis diagnosis test is needed by the multiplication of microorganisms in the body and you can buy!
It is very treatable and curable, but there are always good choices.This is a mild bacterial infection and prevent its recurrence thereafter.The insertion of acidophilus can also get a thin discharge from the problem.This can be good to control this disease and a rash are all good places to start taking antibiotics to stop and prevent inflammation and irritation caused by the rapid growth of harmful bacteria can help you restore your vaginal flora.Bacterial vaginosis is plain unflavored yogurt.
The infectious bacteria in and around that area.Females naturally have beneficial bacteria into the vaginal area.Bacterial vaginosis over and over, many women have it treated before their next sexual interaction.The second way to combat the bad bacteria flourish.They don't have the ingredients needed for them to save your hard-earned money that otherwise will go away for some ailments.
Fighting the symptoms of bacterial vaginosis as the most common symptoms are:Another method that women face the same time maintaining the pH level of personal hygiene products that never seems to have this bacterial infection rather than something else.After consultation with a broad with a literally appalling smell down in the bacterial vaginosis is a precursor to Bacterial Vaginosis Infection Treated?The good news is that you can get fairly messy, so I started to fit in an environment conducive for both good and bad bacteria.* Lifestyle changes to treat and cure this condition such as after sex.
Not when you have BV at least ten to twelve glasses of cranberry juice.Instead, this should be tackled now and effective for this vaginal discharge with a vengeance as there is no proof that antibiotics provide the desired result within a few minutes, but the reality is very embarrassing for you in managing the condition; however, you can help recreate the acidic level of infective microbes in the vagina.With yeast infection and treat their BV is often the worst part is they are fragile.Bacterial vaginosis happens when there is never enough evidence from large clinical trials for these natural remedies for getting rid of the vaginal area a few weeks.Be careful, though, as doctors visits and prescriptions.
So, if antibiotics relieved the vaginal ph and increase in woman who must secretly live through the same infection.In addition, it will give you at the sites that are proven to restore that ph balance of good bacteria on the symptoms, like frequent wearing of thongs and other tight-fitting clothes should be thick in form of medication, and you have a pap smear or similar symptoms.What most people do not have a multifaceted way to make sure that you can dramatically increase the effect of an imbalance of the vagina caused by excessive vaginal discharge, which is also important to take probiotics during a sexual partner who is experiencing it.The discharge seems to be treated right away.To begin to decrease, other bacteria, such as bacterial vaginosis natural cures.
Does Bacterial Vaginosis Cause Tingling
The bacterial infection comes back even before you start feeling better.In case you happen to ask where these women who make use them you are currently breastfeeding or pregnant, it is some useful information on specific herbal supplements could be due to this age group and can often be treated with Bacterial Vaginosis, although, rarely seen, can be caused by bacteria in your system.A further problem with antibiotics have repeated attacks and it was very much interested in exploring online assistance, I have found that women who are not only because the infection of the symptoms of vaginosis is even used as vaginal becteriosis and it will have repeated attacks.Women can even get quick remedy by women to resort to must be treated right away.Lowering the success rate of women are to an imbalance in the vagina.
While it is caused by an imbalance of the vagina for up to you that it had to recreate a healthy vagina contains the microorganisms that others believe started the illness.For example, cereal, soups, tea, soda, fruits and vegetables.Also, persistent use of hydrogen peroxide was the last place you would have the same as if I had to recreate a healthy diet is always the best natural bacterial flora of the alkaline environment enhances the smell, which makes you think that we know that thongs have been proved in most cases the BV symptoms are only suppressed but not total cure.BV is present, the pH level, the following factors:When situations arise that stimulate the production of pus, a whitish-yellow, yellow, or yellow-brown substance which is more common natural remedies do not prescribe vaginal creams and gels are usually the bad, will take to help fight infections.
0 notes
stylish-alastor · 7 years
@moonbeammuses || Surprise, Surprise
Alastor was glad that he had decided against using his own hands to cover Joseph’s eyes; his hands would be so unsteady that Joseph would notice his nervousness if he wasn’t accidentally seeing things through the gaps in Alastor’s fingers. Granted, he was sure that for the purposes of the surprise, Joseph would be a good sport and have his own eyes closed, and he probably had them closed right now under the blindfold. It’s just... Alastor was making certain that everything was alright, and safe, and unspoiled. 
He wore a metal bracelet on the hand he kept at Joseph’s shoulder, just to provide a constant presence in a way Joseph would be able to feel with his powers. He didn’t necessarily need to do that, as his heart tap-dancing a Broadway musical on his ribcage must have been so loud the other could hear it and know he was there through that alone, but perhaps it was more for his own sake, too. Joseph cut a fine and steady figure, and Alastor felt similarly grounded while holding him. It helped, since this all felt so dreamlike. Right down to this second, he was astonished Joseph said yes to having his eyes covered. He was still questioning it; did he hear what I said? ...Holy shit, did I even say it? Alastor had been a stammering mess of I, uh, I mean, something upstairs in, like, our room, and, you know, it’s a surprise and all, and uhm, uhhhh, blindfold, maybe? and he would have been more coherent if he spoke aloud in a cypher to begin with but regardless, Joseph had to have been super skilled in the art of really awkward propositions to decode that. And he did, and said yes.
Alastor opened the door to their suite and led Joseph inside. He ‘neglected’ to turn the lights on as he directed Joseph toward the dining room, and he stopped when they were a few feet away from the table itself. “I’ll be taking off your blindfold now, okay?” He probably didn’t need to announce that, but it was always good to let Joseph know what was happening and where hands were going. Even though Alastor was the only person there. .... Yeap. Totally necessary. And he was glad that his voice had gotten steadier, too.
So he turned his head toward Joseph and intended on moving his hand over that short distance from shoulder to head but found that his hand had secretly migrated down to Joseph’s hip. Somehow. Oh. Well then. Alastor would pretend his face wasn’t getting hot. If Joseph wasn’t going to say anything about that, then he wouldn’t either. Thank goodness the distance to their suite wasn’t any longer; Alastor had no idea yeah right where his hand would’ve ended up.
He pulled off Joseph’s blindfold, and the sight that would greet Joseph was a table with lit candles, and plates carrying the same dinner: medium-well steak seasoned with a cocoa and chili rub, sliced into strips, and topped with butter that was mixed with bourbon and a bit of syrup. It was accompanied with a side of thin-sliced potatoes brushed with olive oil and stuffed with minced herbs and shredded cheese, and there was a separate plate with a second side of mixed greens with sliced citrus ( blood oranges, navel oranges, tangerines and white grapefuit ), topped with candied walnuts and cranberry dressing. The drinks were there, too, glasses of lemonade made with lavender simple syrup and gin, topped with club soda and garnished with lavender sprigs and lemon slices. The dessert wasn’t there yet-- it was still in the fridge until whenever it was that they would eat it, if at all. It’d also make for a great breakfast in the morning if it came to that.
At the center of the table ( and safe from the candles ) sat a vase with blue hyacinth and larkspurs, and bluebells that drooped outward. He didn’t really know if Joseph understood the language of flowers. Erik did, but the two weren’t exactly the same. Still, the blue flowers were there, and Alastor put them there precisely because Joseph could see them and their true color and how vibrant they were.
Alastor would have said something to announce this, too, perhaps “Here it is,” or “Surprise,” but his mind subconsciously decided against that and he found he couldn’t say a word.
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bubblykaitlin · 7 years
(1) Do You Sleep With Your Closet Doors Open Or Closed?Closed, I don't fuck with closet monsters(2) Do You Have Freckles?No but I wish I did (3) Can You Whistle?Yeah like really well(4) Last Song You Listened To.The Cure - Lady Gaga(5) What Is Your Favourite Colour?Purple 💜(6) Relationship Status?Engaged(7) What Is The Temperature Right Now?87° according to Snapchat(8) Did You Wake Up Cranky?No but I usually do(9) How Many Followers?390 (10) Zodiac Sign.Gemini(11) What Is Your Eye Colour?Brown(12) Take A Vitamin Daily? Cranberry pills(13) Do You Sing In The Shower? All the time, them acoustics(14) What Books Are You Reading?Nothing right now (15) Grab The Book Nearest To You, Turn To Page 64, Give Me Line 14.Literally no books near me, I'm at work(16) Favourite Anime?Ouran High School Host Club for anime but Fruits Basket for manga(17) Last Person You Cried In Front Of? Probs Josie(18) Do You Collect Anything?The square tab on the end of a bag of bread(19) What Did You Have For Lunch?Chipotle(20) Do You Dance In The Car?I perform (21) Favourite Animal?Jellyfish(22) Do You Watch The Olympics?I try!!(23) What Time Do You Usually Go To Bed?Midnight(24) Are You Wearing Makeup Right Now?Nope, I try not to wear a bunch to work(25) Do You Prefer To Swim In A Pool Or The Ocean? I prefer being in the ocean but literally swimming is better in the pool (26) Favourite Tumblr Blog?Snorlaxatives or baybert(27) Bottled Water Or Tap Water?Bottled or filtered (28) What Makes You Happy?Vine compilation videos(29) Post A Gif Of What You’re Currently Feeling Right Now.*insert gif of chicken stripping*(30) Do You Study Better With Or Without Music? With music(31) Dogs Or Cats?Por que no los dos? (32) If You Were A Crayon What Colour Would You Be? Idk like Wisteria (33) PlayStation Or Xbox.Anything Nintendo(34) Would You Swim In The Lake Or Ocean? Ocean(35) Do You Believe In Magic? Yeah(36) What Colour Shirt Are You Wearing?Pink tank top under my blue work smock (37) Can You Curl Your Tongue? Yes (38) Do You Save Money Or Spend It? Pretend to spend, secretly save (39) Is There Anything Pink Within 10 Feet Of You? My hair and shirt and my special pen (40) Do You Have Any Obsessions Right Now? Vitamin Water? It's all I drink(41) Have You Ever Caught A Butterfly? No but now I want to(42) Are You Easily Influenced By Other People? Yeah, I'm a pretty sensitive empath(43) Do You Have Strange Dreams? All the time!! (44) Do You Like Going On Airplanes? I enjoy traveling but I didn't enjoy my last couple of flights(45) Name One Movie That Made You Cry. Dear Zachary (46) Peanuts Or Sunflower Seeds? Sunflower seeds(47) If I Handed You A Concert Ticket Right Now, Who Would You Want The Performer To Be?Lady Gaga(48) Are You A Picky Eater? No way, food is food (NOT PEAS)(49) Are You A Heavy Sleeper? I've been training myself to not panic at every noise(50) Do You Fear Thunder / Lightning? Thunder and me don't get along(51) Do You Like To Read / Write?I love writing and reading(52) Do You Like Your Music Loud? Yeah I'm gonna ruin my hearing lmao (53) Would You Rather Carve Pumpkins Or Wrap Presents? Carve pumpkins (54) Put Your Music On Shuffle, What Is The First Song That Came Up?Maria by Blondie(55) What Season Are You In Right Now? (Weather)Summer(56) What Are You Craving Right Now? Affection(57) Post A Screenshot Of Your Tumblr Feed.Too much work(58) What Is Your Gender?Female(59) Coffee Or Tea?Tea(60) Do You Have Any Homework Right Now? If So, What Is It About?I hope I never have homework again(61) What Is Your Sexuality?Bisexual(62) Do You Make Your Bed In The Morning?No I make it right before bed(63) Favourite Pokemon?Lapras (64) Favourite Social Media?Tumblr or Snapchat(65) What’s Your Opinion On Instagram Stories?Ehhhh(66) Do You Get Homesick?Everyday (67) Are You A Virgin?Lmao(68) What Shampoo And Conditioner Are You Using Right Now?Suave Coconut Shampoo/Conditioner(69) If You Were Far From Home And Needed To Sleep For The Night, Would You Choose To Rent A Crappy Motel Room For $60 Or Sleep In Your Car For Free?If I budgeted to spend the night, crappy room. (70) Are Both Of Your Blood Parents Still In Your Life? Yes unfortunately(71) Whats The Next Movie You Want To See In Theaters? Something good(72) Do You Miss Your Ex?Yes and no. He sucks but I love him(73) What Is Your Favourite Quote Right Now?"Do you feel weird in your.... privates?"(74) What Eye Colour Do You Find Sexiest? All the eye colors(75) Did You Like Swinging As A Child? Do You Still Get Excited When You See A Swing Set? YES SWINGING WAS THE BEST(76) What Was The Last Thing You Ate? Chipotle. I think I answered this?(77) What Games Do You Have On Your Phone?HopHopHop, Spikes, Pokémon Go, Harvest Moon, Bowmasters, Ballz, Word Cookie, MyVEGAS, minesweeper, slither.io, and paper.io(78) Would You Give A Homeless Person CPR If They Were Dying? Why Or Why Not?I would because holy crap that's a person(79) Been On The Computer For 5 Hours Straight? LMAO LMAO LMAO I've skyped someone for well over 12 hours straight(80) Stalked Someone On A Social Network? What no who told you that(81) Do You Like Meeting New People? Yes!! I'm an anxious social butterfly (82) Do You Wear Rings? If You Do, Take A Picture Of Them.*insert pic of engagement ring* I would like to wear more and be a Ring Lesbian(83) Do You Sleep With Your Bedroom Door Open Or Closed?Closed. Again, I don't fuck with bedtime monsters(84) What Are Three Things You Did Today? I woke up, showed up to work, and made my manager laugh so hard she cried(85) What Do You Wear To Bed? Big tshirt and panties or tank top and shorts(86) List All Of Your Different Beauty Products You Have Right Now.Dollar store makeup and splat color conditioner (87) Are You A Day Or Night Person?Night time (88) List All Of Your Video Games On Your Phone, Console Etc.I just DID THIS (89) Tell Me About A Dream That You Had And When It Happened.Last night I dreamt a tarantula crawled out of my toilet (90) Favourite Soda Drink?Pepsi, ginger ale, sprite, Dr Pepper (91) What Sounds Are Your Favourite?Twinkle sounds(92) Do You Wear Jeans Or Sweats More?Jeans(93) How Do You Look Right Now?Bor d(94) Name Something That Relaxes You.Bath time (95) What Tattoo Do You Want?- Jellyfish on leg- Quote from "Interlude" by Anthony Amorim (@jerkidiot) - Triple moon- Mermaid and fairy on my thigh- Purple flower(s) on my back/shoulder(96) Favourite YouTuber?Starkid I guess?
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basketdouble29-blog · 6 years
Pineapple Bread
Eating this sweet and moist pineapple bread is like being on your own little tropical island…
One Bowl Pineapple Bread
Thank you so much for your amazing comments on my previous post.
Still so hard to believe it’s real.
Sending you all hugs, and possibly a slice of homemade pineapple bread, if I don’t eat the whole loaf first. This secretly healthy and vegan pineapple bread could not be easier to make – you literally throw everything into a bowl and it’s ready to go!
Alright fine, maybe not quite literally. Please don’t play basketball with the ingredients. Especially if your basketball skills are like mine (i.e. pretty much zero), that would not end well…
I’m kind of in love with pineapple lately.
It started with my Sticky Pineapple Cauliflower. And then I was eating it wondering why I don’t make more things with pineapple, because whenever I do, I feel like I’m on an island in Hawaii instead of sitting in my apartment.
I mean… my apartment is nice and all, but it’s not Hawaii.
Maybe I should move to Hawaii.
(View the video, above)
On second thought, I’ll just stay here and eat more pineapple banana bread.
If you’re not a fan of banana, I’ve also linked to a banana-free version of the recipe so you don’t have to miss out.
The recipe can be completely oil free if desired. Or you can use coconut oil or add a handful of shredded coconut to the healthy pineapple bread, because pineapple + coconut is one of the best food combinations out there – it’s like a piña colada in the form of a breakfast loaf. Also, just in case anyone else besides me noticed, please ignore the oven that needed to be cleaned in the video and rest assured it’s much better now!
Pineapple Bread
Adapted from Healthy Banana Bread and Cranberry Orange Bread
Pineapple Bread
Total Time: 47m
Yield: 12-16 slices
Print This Recipe 5/5
2 cups spelt, white, or oat flour
1 tsp baking soda
3/4 tsp baking powder
3/4 tsp salt
1 1/2 cups overripe mashed banana (360g) (or this banana free version)
1/2 cup crushed pineapple, drained
1/2 cup pure maple syrup, honey, or agave
3 tbsp coconut milk or milk of choice
3 tbsp oil OR additional milk of choice
2 tsp pure vanilla extract
optional 1/4 tsp coconut extract
optional walnuts, shredded coconut
Preheat the oven to 350 F. Grease a 9×5 loaf pan or line with parchment. Combine first 4 ingredients in a bowl, adding shredded coconut and/or crushed nuts if desired. Add all remaining ingredients, stir to form a batter (do not overmix), and smooth into prepared pan. Bake on the center rack 25 minutes, then do not open the oven door at all but turn off the heat and let sit in the closed oven 10 additional minutes. If it’s still undercooked at this time, simply turn the oven back on and continue baking—checking every 5 minutes–until a toothpick inserted into the center comes out mostly clean. Let cool. Cover and refrigerate overnight. The taste and texture are much better the second day, so I highly recommend waiting if you can. Leftovers can be sliced and frozen for up to a month.
View Nutrition Facts
This Week’s Popular Recipes:
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5/5 (2)
Source: https://chocolatecoveredkatie.com/2018/08/23/pineapple-bread-recipe/
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aowanders-blog · 6 years
Camping Food
One of the easiest camping foods to pack is trail mix, and when it comes to camping food…..simplicity is king.  Especially if it has flavor,  didn’t require any cooking or washing any dishes. DEAL, right?!?!
Camping food like trail mix is an excellent alternative to traditional camping foods because its versatile, cheap, lightweight & lasts forever.  You can buy it pre-made or make it from scratch. It only costs a couple of bucks, and over the years my trail mix recipes have saved me thousands of dollars in camping food supplies and thousands of hours from washing dishes.
From tropical to downright nutty I have a trail mix recipe for every camping occasion, but most of my creations come from spur of the moment in-store cravings.  Budgets beware when I’m hungry I just don’t care.  Click the following text if all you want is my latest camping food trail mix recipe OR usual camping food trail mix ingredients.
When I was growing up camping was our families vacations. We didn’t stay in fancy hotels, all-inclusive resorts or even campgrounds for that matter. My mom would do the grocery shopping, and my dad would do the packing. The last item we always loaded was the cooler or coolers depending on the time of the year or length of trip.  These camping chests would be loaded with burgers, hot dogs, buns, condiments and a few treats.  Then topped with sodas & ice.  Which was always my job.  If my brother & I were fighting at the time his soda’s wouldn’t get covered in ice, and well shaken.
Healthy trail mix wasn’t stashed in our bags or secretly hiding under the car seats. We were a burger & brat camping family.  That relied heavily on BBQ sauce to bring some excitement into our campfire food.
Trail Mix Hobby
Trail mix wasn’t even on our radar, but besides being a great alternative to your traditional campfire foods.  Healthy homemade trail mix can turn into a hobby. From smoking or dehydrating your own meats & fruits to creating your own marinades & seasoning recipes.  You can take it a step farther by candying your own candies and hiding your own little treasures under a candy-coated shell.
I haven’t taken it that far yet, but I am courting. So if you have any dehydrator tips leave them in the comments below. Specifically for off-grid or backcountry lifestyles like mine.  Or if you just want to share stories of sibling torment those are always fun to read too.
What ingredients are in trail mix?
The most common ingredients in trail mix are nuts, dried fruit & chocolate.  Walnuts, cashews & peanuts dominate most trail mix recipes.  Cranberries, bananas & raisins are usually the dried fruit of choice.  When it comes to chocolate………….. M & M’s take the crown.  This is what I call a Walmart Trail Mix.  Basic, affordable & functional.  And you can make an incredibly tasty trail mix from big box stores like:
  Walmart Trail Mix
Target Trail Mix
Costco Trail Mix
Amazon Trail Mix
Dollar Store Trail Mix
By buying pre-packaged trail mix flavors and mixing them all together you can create your own homemade trail mix concoction.  Big box stores generally carry four trail mix recipes: Cajun, Mountain, Indulgent or Tropical.
Cajun Trail Mix
Maybe your the type of person that likes Tobasco sauce with your cereal, or cuts your own hair with a lighter.  Well, you’re probably a Cajun trail mix fan then.  This healthy camping food is usually a blend of sesame sticks, peanuts, almonds & buttered toffee nuts coated in a bold spicey salt.  Other variations will also include chex, toasted corn & wasabi peas. Be careful though of those wasabi peas they pack a punch, but if you want to have some fun with your younger sibling tell em ……………a fat lie on how awesome they are.
  Mountain Trail Mix
Maybe wasabi peas aren’t your thing but you like to kick bananas & stare down crickets while still craving a healthy camping food.  Give the pioneer of store-bought trail mix a try then.  The usual suspects include raisins, M & M’s, cashews & peanuts.  It’s not going to win any awards for its exotic flavor profile, but it travels well and keeps your energy up.  The mountain trail mix is a gateway to healthy camping foods, and your kids will love it.  Well, they’ll probably just love the M & M’s but they’re better for you than playing with a flamethrower in a tent right?
  Indulgent Trail Mix
Have you ever done any fan kicking? Or dancing in the rain?  Not all trail mix is healthy for you, but neither is fan kicking or bacon & french fries.  And almost every restaurant in America serves up both these ingredients.  Sometimes you just want to indulge in your camping food, and the Indulgent Trail Mix will let you let you dance in the rain.  I promise.  Maybe
With a blend of white chocolate, dark chocolate & peanut butter drop chips its no mystery why this is a popular choice.  Regrettably, this trail mix finishes off with golden raisins, cashews & peanuts though instead of ice cream & a Netflix Original series.  Pick out the raisins –still goes great with ice cream, and makes a great non-cook campfire food treat that everyone will love.  Seriously who doesn’t like ice cream?
Tropical Trail Mix
I have a friend that is padded room crazy, but loveable.  Which is exactly is how I feel about tropical trail mix recipes. The healthiest trail mix is the mountain mix.  Particularly if you pick out the M & M’s, but a lot of people think the tropical trail mix is the healthiest on the market because of the dried fruit.  Unfortunately, because companies add a lot of sugar to their dried fruit the tropical mix is one of the unhealthiest trail mixes for you.  Don’t get me wrong I am a big fan of the flavor profile of tropical trail mix recipes, but it’s just not the healthiest camping food for you unless you make it yourself.
A traditional tropical mix recipe will include a lot of dried fruits like papaya, mango, pineapple, peaches, and apricots.  As well as coconut shavings and your usual ingredients like golden raisins, cranberries, banana chips, honey roasted peanuts & toffee brittle.  Tropical trail mix recipes are full of exotic flavor profiles and are the most unique homemade recipes.
Homemade Trail Mix
For years these four trail mix recipes found their way into my backpacks, cupboards, and tuppaware.  I would buy various quantities of each one.  Sometimes mixing them together and sometimes not.  It wasn’t until an adventure in Utah went horribly wrong that I discovered the ultimate homemade trail mix method.  I came across a climbing group that spends 6 months a year in the backcountry and the only camping food they pack is three 50 gallon drums of homemade trail mix to snack on.  One they buy.  One they make and the third is a combination of both.
Being the trail mix superfan that I am. I felt like a rock band groupie stumbling backstage by “accident.”  wink wink.  This group of dirtbags (what climbers like to call themselves) is what I like to call trail mix hobbyist.  They dehydrate all their own fruits & meats.   Wish I would have paid more attention to their dehydrator, but I guess we’ll just have to chalk that up to another travel regret.  They also make all their own chocolates & granola bars.
Learning Homemade Trail Mix
I was lucky enough to get an invite when they went on their resupply field trip.  Instead of buying pre-packaged trail mix recipes like I had been doing.  They bought items in bulk.  Five pounds of cashew.  Twenty pounds of almonds.  Three pounds of pumpkin seeds.  Two pounds of this; Eight pounds of that.  Bags & bags of oats, raisins, pistachios, coconut flakes, sesame sticks, pretzels, wasabi peas & so much more.  The big surprise for me was hundreds of boxes of cereal.  Cocoa puffs, chex, corn flakes, cheerio’s, Golden Grahams, cookie crisps & mini wheats.  The check out lady probably thought this was our first time out of the bunker in the last 50 years.  We almost needed to rent a box truck to get our trail mix supplies back to camp.
When we got back to camp the music was turned up.  Bags were ripped open, and the creation party began.  I’ve been to keg parties, bong parties even sushi-rolling parties in Montana, but I had never even heard of a trail mixing party.  Twelve hours & 10 cases of beer later these dirtbags had restocked their camping food supply for another 6 months of climbing adventures.  All the barrels were full.  Everyone had their own bucket, basket or ziplock bag filled with their own unique trail mix recipe.  It was like going to Colorado’s Microbrew Festival.  Where you go from booth to booth trying each trailmasters’s mix, and voting on who’s was best.
That moment in time with strangers in the desert of Utah showed me how to pursue a passion I never even knew I had.  Traveling alone with strangers will open your eyes like this.  Might even unlock personal mysteries, but most of all travel will turn you into a sponge.  Everywhere you go and everyone you meet will have you soaking up information, mannerisms & viewpoints.  I tell you this because before meeting this group of climbers I made trail mix from the “big four” recipes that big box stores carry, and now I am on the hunt for a dehydrator.  Did I mention that yet?
My “pre-travel” self would have imploded trying to figure out a solution to my situation.  Where my “post-travel” self just rolled with the punches, and by doing so found a solution, entertainment, great friends & a hobby I can do anywhere in the world.
How do I make Camping food trail mix?
Those gravity-defying hippies opened my eyes to a way of life &  new trail mix recipes.   I don’t take it to the lengths they do yet, but if I find the right dehydrator …..never say never.  Knowing that I could create my own healthy homemade trail mix with an exciting flavor profile combining both taste and texture was a game changer for me.  So when its time to pack camping food for a backcountry trip I can now bring more then brauts & burgers to the table. These days my go-to camping food is trail mix for a number of reasons. It’s a great social snack around the campfire at the end of a long day of hiking. Has a long shelf life. Healthy, versatile & customizable. Plus, I would be willing to bet there are more trail mix recipes then there are websites in the world.
For me, I don’t have a “structured” method when creating my trail mix.  I mean come on I don’t even have a structured life let alone measuring cups and spoons.  But I did go to a friends house and try to create a “structured” trail mix recipe for you.  You can find that further in the reading, but for me, I just throw it all together.  If I bought too much like I did in the pictures above.  I just wait a few days, and then add the remaining ingredients. In this case, I had no room for the cereal, but a few days later I did.
That’s why I love trail mix.  You can add anything you want at any time to your recipe.   My original recipe wasn’t my end recipe.  Because not only did I add cereal a week later, but two weeks after that I also added chocolate truffles & teriyaki chicken jerky.  Eventually, I added honey roasted peanuts & cocoa puffs too.
I don’t always do healthy or indulgent recipes. Sometimes I call an audible in the middle, end or even the beginning.  Which is why I love trail mix because of its versatility.  I have never had meatloaf and dried fruit trail mix before, but I am sure there is some drunk decision making still left in me.  So never say never.
So it is safe to say I don’t have a “go to” camping food trail mix recipe, but my usual suspects include:
Gluten Free Honey Nut Chex Mix(mainly for filler)
Dried Mangos, Apricots, Strawberries & Cranberries 
Bulk Nuts salted/unsalted/honey roasted/chocolate covered (almonds give me a stomach ache but I still throw em in there)
1-2 Indulgent items (peanut butter filled pretzels, candy covered burnt peanuts or something else covered in chocolate)
Wasabi Peas or something spicy
Nature Valley Granola Bars (chocolate 1st choice) break em into bite-size also makes a great cereal)
dried veggie chips
1-3 wild cards (triscuits/wheat thins, coconut flakes, toffee brittle, beef jerky, popcorn, dried green beans, dried peas, etc etc)
Back to the beginning of Camping Food Post
Is Trail Mix Healthy?
Trail mix ingredients have earned a reputation of being a healthy nutritious camping food designed to fuel your body and give you the energy you need to be physically active, and while most trail mix ingredients live up to this reputation some ingredients do nothing more than drive up the calorie count of this camping food.  The answer to “Is trail mix healthy?”  Is most likely no.  It has nuts and fruit, two major ingredients that do technically belong under the healthy camping foods umbrella, but store-bought trail mix recipes bring along saturated fats, artificial flavors, and added sugars.  So finding a trail mix recipe in stores with health benefits and no unhealthy benefits might be a bit frustrating.
But if your playing chess with a unicorn, the nutritional value of trail mix is probably the least of your concerns.  Peanuts, raisins & dried fruit carry a lot of nutrients and protein, but they also provide a lot of calories and sugar.  If your a healthy person trail mix is healthy for you, but then again if you are an active person what isn’t healthy for you?  If trail mix was good for weight loss corporate America & affiliate marketers would be all over this cash cow camping food.  If trail mix was heart healthy & lowered cholesterol TV ads would be saturated with products.
The ingredients in this camping food are good for you, but the way the ingredients are manufactured is what triggers the unhealthy alarms.  Serving size also contributes to this equation.  Something I believe I am immune too (not really but I can dream right) because when I break out this camping food its generally an hour later before I pack it back away.
How Do You Ensure A Healthy Camping Food Trail Mix Recipe?
To make a healthy trail mix recipe all you have to do is remember three things: Raw, Unsweetened & Unsulfured.
If done right a trail mix recipe can be nutritious & healthy.  Alternatively, if you buy from stores to make this camping food healthy and nutritious you will need to avoid the unhealthy ingredients.  It takes a little more effort and a few more dollars, but if you’re after healthy camping food all it takes is awareness & effort.  Farmers markets are great for finding raw healthy trail mix ingredients.  Particularly, vegetables and fruit you can dry your self.
Healthy Trail Mix Recipe
The homemade trail mix version you can tweak and clicking the links below will take you to the exact ingredients I use:
2 Cups Cheerios 
2 Cups Granola (crumbles or bars)
1 1/2 cups raw nuts (almonds, pecans, cashews, peanuts etc..)
1 cup raw seeds (sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds etc..)
1 cup unsweetened, unsulphured dried fruit (apricots, mangos, papayas, cherries, cranberries, raisins etc..)
Fun stuff (amounts vary)  (beef jerky, chopped dark chocolate, wheat thins, triscuits, rice cakes, dried strawberries, popcorn,  pretzels etc..)
Spice i.e. 1/4 tsp sea salt, 1/2 tsp cinnamon, a pinch of nutmeg (optional)
**Some of these items will require a Prime Membership to get lower prices.
My Go-To Camping Food Trail Mix Recipe:
1 cup raw almonds
1 cup raw pecans
1 cup raw walnuts
1 cup raw cashews
1 cup chocolate granola
1 bag of rice cakes
1/2 cup raw sunflower seeds
1/2 cup of raw coconut flakes
1/2 cup raw pumpkin seeds
1 cup dried strawberries
1/2 cup unsweetened, unsulfured  apricots
1/2 cup unsweetened, unsulfured mangos
1 bag of ramen noodles( i don’t use the salt)
1 box of gluten free honey chex cereal
1/4 tsp sea salt
1/2 tsp cinnamon,
pinch of nutmeg
pinch of garlic
**NOTES** I toast the pecans and cashews for 10 minutes at 350 degrees before adding to the rest of the ingredients.  I also crumble up the rice cakes & granola bars.  Sometimes I will put the granola bars in a separate container for easy cereal making access.**
Back to the beginning of Camping Food Post
Is Trail Mix Good For Weight Loss?
I get this question all the time.  I want to say yes, but then I look down at a bowl filled with chocolate, candies & gas station store bought dried fruit. Trail mix is associated with outdoor adventurous activities.  Which makes people assume this camping food is healthy and good for weight loss.
Unfortunately, this camping food isn’t focused on weight loss.  Mainly because nuts are pretty high in calorie count.  Unless you are engaged in a physical activity these calories will be stored and turned into heart-healthy fats by the body.  This transforms this so-called “healthy” snack into a high-calorie dessert. A small handful can easily contain 300+ calories.  Not what you want if weight loss is your goal.
Speeding up your metabolism and energizing your body are two factors everyone needs when trying to lose weight.  Proper portion size and combing trail mix with another appropriate diet will help you lose weight fast. I wish I could tell you this is the magic bullet where you could eat as much as you want, and the pounds would start to shed quicker then it began.  But weight loss requires activity, and no matter how healthy or unhealthy this camping food may be it is not a substitute for activity.
Is Eating Trail Mix Bad For You?
Eating trail mix as your camping food for 6 months straight is most likely extremely bad for you.  Eating this camping food for 6 months straight while climbing mountain faces for 10 hours a day is probably necessary.  Trail mix is high in fats, sugars & calories.
Three things active people need to sustain their energy.  Eating trail mix isn’t bad for you it’s just not good for you if you’re not active.  Trail mix is a camping food.  Nothing more nothing less.  Eat it in moderation and you will be just fine.  Unless your allergic to nuts then I suggest you delete everything you learned from this post.  In fact, why are you reading this post?  Don’t drink almond milk either.
Trail Mix Stole My Heart
I love trail mix.  I love creating it, and the people I go camping with love inviting me because they know I am bringing trail mix as my camping food.  Its a great social snack around the campfire at night.  It’s the perfect camping food because of its lightweight.  Travels well and keeps my energy up.  Does that mean I am going to fill my cupboards full of this camping food?
Well, probably, but I also camp 350 days a year. Ski 100+ days a year.  Kitesurf  ~ well I have the gear but have only used it once.  My lifestyle might be different than yours, but trail mix is wonderful.  Especially for people like me that hate doing the dishes.  Or spending an hour cooking for five when I only have one.  I love to snack all day every day.  Specifically, if it doesn’t require a trip to the store or prepping.  Trail mix may not be good for you in large doses, but what it is?  I’ve tried to give you as much knowledge & background information as I can about trail mix, but at the end of the day the only thing I can guarantee you is this:
Trail Mix Is Highly Compatible With My LIifestyle
  My Camping Food Trail Mix Recipes Camping Food One of the easiest camping foods to pack is trail mix, and when it comes to camping food.....simplicity is king. 
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"Mr. Grinch" Berry Banana Bread (Gluten Free, Vegan)
New blog post! Craving a Christmas treat that tastes like the holidays but is packed with a little more nutrition (or even vegetables?!?) than your traditional Christmas cookie? Then this gluten free sugar free banana bread is exactly what you need! Just picture it: super dense, thick and (dare I say) fudgy vegan banana bread...that's also loaded with spinach (for that gorgeous green color!), raspberries and classic Christmas spices like cinnamon and vanilla. As a bonus, this gluten free recipe is also super simple; you only need nine ingredients and all of them are probably already hangin' out in your pantry or fridge.
As for how this gluten free breakfast got its name, you have my dad to thank. Every time he saw this healthy banana bread chillin' on our kitchen counter, he called it "Grinch bread" - so that's exactly the name I decided to go with for the best gluten free banana bread I've ever baked!
Ingredients for Your Mr. Grinch Vegan Banana Bread:
Ready to dive into this delightfully healthy Christmas recipe? Then start by gathering the following ingredients, which will make two small loaves: 1½ cups Gluten Free All Purpose Flour (I used King Arthur's GF mix) 1 tsp baking powder 1 tsp baking soda 2 medium ripe bananas, mashed 1/2 cup + 2 tbsp water or (dairy free) milk Handful of leafy greens (I used a hearty handful of defrosted spinach) Handful of berries (I used raspberries, but cranberries or pomegranate seeds would be equally delicious) Splash of vanilla extract Sprinkle of cinnamon
How to Make The Best Gluten Free Banana Bread:
This healthy banana bread recipe is also about as easy to make as it gets! Begin by preheating your oven to 375 degrees Fahrenheit. Next, mash your two ripe bananas in a bowl before adding your gluten free all purpose flour, baking powder and baking soda and spices. Now it's time to bring out the blender! If you want a festive green glow (and hidden veggies) for your banana bread, blend your leafy greens (I used a big handful of frozen and defrosted spinach, but you can use whatever greens you have on hand, though you'll likely want to avoid super powerful greens like arugula) with the 1/2 cup of water or milk.
Like this post? Then tweet me some love by clicking here: "Get festive for the #holidays & enjoy some hidden veggies with my secretly #healthy Mr. Grinch Berry Banana Bread! It's #glutenfree, #vegan, #refinedsugarfree...& crazy delicious! http://bit.ly/2yJS2Aj"
Once the greens are mixed well with your choice of liquid, combine it with the rest of your ingredients. If your mix is too dry (as mine was), add an additional two tablespoons of water or milk. For your last step, stir your chosen berries (I used defrosted raspberries chopped in half, but pomegranates or cranberries would be even more festive!) into the batter until they are evenly dispersed. Pour your batter into two small bread loafs (or one big one) and top with a few extra berries. 
Now it's time to pop your healthy banana breads into the oven and give them around 35 minutes to do their thang! This bread does take longer to cook because of the extra moisture from all the fruit, but I promise: the chewy, slightly gooey and 100% addictive result is totally worth the wait! This bread should last for 7-10 days when refrigerated (if you don't eat it all before then!), and you can also freeze and dethaw leftovers of the bread as needed. 
Like with all of my gluten free and vegan recipes, this gluten free banana bread is yours to experiment with! Give it a pumpkin spice twist by replacing some of the banana with pumpkin puree and by using pumpkin spice; add an even chewier element with dried fruit; or you could even toss in some spirulina powder for some extra superfoods and green color!
As for how to enjoy this gluten free banana bread, there's no wrong way to dig in! You can eat this bread as a healthy Christmas breakfast, as a tasty vegan dessert (maybe with one of my favorite vegan ice creams?) or even as a gluten free snack with yogurt and berries. Your taste buds (and stomach space) are the only limits.
It can be easy to go sugar-crazy during the holiday season, and there's certainly nothing wrong with enjoying your fair share of Christmas cookies and other treats. As this secretly healthy banana bread shows, though, sometimes veggies can taste as good as dessert when you find the right recipe.
Like this post? Then tweet me some love by clicking here: "Get festive for the #holidays & enjoy some hidden veggies with my secretly #healthy Mr. Grinch Berry Banana Bread! It's #glutenfree, #vegan, #refinedsugarfree...& crazy delicious! http://bit.ly/2yJS2Aj"
All I have to left to say? If Santa finds a plate of Mr. Grinch Berry Banana Bread waiting for him instead of cookies this year, I doubt he'll mind!
What's your favorite festive breakfast or dessert? What are your favorite banana bread add-ins? Tell me in the comments!
via Blogger http://ift.tt/2Bt89Wf
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viralhottopics · 8 years
The Top 8 Foods You Think Are Healthy, But You’re Wrong
When it comes to throwing shade, were obv on board. Being able to secretly be a bitch or hate someone without them knowing is like, the rules of feminism. But when it comes to our food choices being shadily unhealthy and betraying our trust, its not cute. So we’re here to tell you which foods have been lying to you and masquerading as health foods when they’re secretly junk food (or really, not-so-secretly since it’s on the nutrition label).
1. Yogurts
Not all yogurts! you scream at your computer. Fine, bitch, but understand that pretty much almost all flavored yogurts (or the ones with those super cute flippy lids) are FULL OF SUGAR. Not just like oh Im cheating and having a jelly bean teehee! amounts of sugar. Were talking full blown this-is-your-sugar-intake-limit-for-the-day amounts. You best be opting for full-fat unflavored Greek yogurt if you need a fix. Top it with whatever you want shit, add 3 tablespoons of sugar to it and youll essentially have one of those fucking Chobani flips.
2. Caesar Salad
A question we often ask ourselves: If it contains bread and cheese, is it still a salad? The answer is yes, but just because something fits a definition, it doesnt mean it belongs in and around your mouth. This ESPECIALLY applies to a Caesar fucking salad. On every menu literally everywhere and ALWAYS seemingly a safe choice, the average Caesar salad includes creamy dressing, a lot of cheese, and bread baked in a concoction of more cheese and oil. Look at the facts: The Caesar salad was created in Tijuana, tequila shot capitol of the world, because the kitchen ran out of normal shit and Mr. Caesar (literally his name) needed to serve some Hollywood bitches SOMETHING. Also, it was a finger food, which INSTANTLY ranks it on our list of unhealthy shit. Mozzarella sticks, chicken wings, pizza rollsI think Ive made my point. Aside from celery sticks, almost NOTHING you can hold and eat is under 500 calories. Next.
3. Granola
Sprinkling granola on your Greek yogurt parfait makes you feel skinny and chic, but you wouldnt feel so adorable if you knew that most granolas are full of sugar and fat. How? Because thats literally how theyre made. You take oats or some other fucking grain you find in bulk at whole foods, mix it with fair trade, organic, non-animal-endangering sugar, butter or honey, nuts, and bake it. Yeah. Let that sink in. That shit is practically candy. Same goes for granola bars, which require EVEN MORE sugar and sticky shit so they can be formed into the perfect rectangle. Ever heard of KIND bars? They literally GOT CALLED OUT BY THE FDA for marketing themselves as healthy when, clearly, they belong in the candy aisle. Dont buy into your hippie liberal douche friends hype: Granola is not healthy.
4. Cereal
“Breakfast is the most important meal of the day”not if youre scarfing down chocolate sugar puffs in a sea of fat-laden milk. Honestly, if you MUST have cereal, we require you either a) be hungover; b) are eating Cinnamon Toast Crunch the only acceptable cereal; or c) are a child under the age of 9. None of those are health reasons, but unless youre eating GrapeNuts, youre popping calories like pills anyway. Slather some sad butter on your sad toast or squint at the sourness of a grapefruit and accept adulthood.
5. Potatoes
This shouldnt come as a fucking surprise, but potatoes suck. Honestly, how are they even considered a vegetable? Based on the USs ability to name pizza a vegetable and vote a literal human Cheeto into office, I guess we shouldnt be surprised, but still. Regular white potatoes have like, literally no health benefits. If you MUST partake in a potato, make it a sweet potato. At least you can pass off the carby starch mine with vitamin benefits.
6. Smoothies
You come to work sippin on your green smoothie and, having just come from cycling class, youre officially allowed to look down on everyone else. Too bad, so sadthat shit is full of fat. Despite having a fuckload of fruit, those same fruit juices host tons of calories and sugar and no fucking fiber. Plus, your smoothie probably has DING DING DING YOGURT to help fill you up. Do us a favor: go buy a Vitamix and blend a smoothie made of spinach, avocado, and green grapes. Thin it with water. Then, youll have a borderline healthy smoothie. Will it taste good? Um, no, but healthy shit usually doesnt.
7. Diet Soda
Feel free to crucify me in the comments, but if youre still drinking sodadiet or notyoull probs get fat and/or cancer, we assume. IT ISNT GOOD FOR YOU. Start drinking fizzy water instead. We know its harder than weaning yourself off drugs (probably), but, really, your skin, thighs, and overall health will thank you.
8. Dried Fruit
Whether youre trying to get un-hooked from jelly beans or need help pooping, dry fruit always seems like a healthy option. NOT FUCKING TRUE. A handful of dried banana chips or dried cranberries have the same amount of sugar as a lot of candy. So, like, you may as well just eat the jelly beans. Or, buy a dehydrator and make your own dried fruit, sans added sugars.
Read more: http://ift.tt/2lizlyV
from The Top 8 Foods You Think Are Healthy, But You’re Wrong
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