#secrets from the stars
mnstcrbnll · 9 months
As always, the second round has been devastating for some of you... even if some others went absolutely amazing! While we prepare the third round, I'd like to say that only three of you will continue. Everyone else will still get a little prize for arriving so far, however: a special gift basket full of Ultra Balls, a Star Piece and a partecipation trophy!"
it's the pinkiest trophy ever.
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I'd like to list exactly who managed to survive this terrible, terrible Round! Our Etna and Sadie already revealed the right answers to the test... so wonder if you already did the math?
So, starting from the very low:
Hau ( @tapuhauko ) got MINUS FOUR AND A HALF STARS
Shay ( @murmursdraconic ) got MINUS THREE STARS
Rika ( @monterraverde ) got MINUS TWO AND A HALF STARS
John ( @soultoken ) and Akira ( @timeless-timepieces ) got MINUS ONE STAR
Red ( @redlegend ) got MINUS HALF A STAR
"My my, what a disaster! But we still loved to see you partecipated, and I hope you had fun nonethless! Now, let's go for a little higher, shall we?"
Clair ( @draconscious ), Gold ( @gildead ) and Grusha ( @beiowzero ) got ONE STAR
Colza ( @grassius ) got ONE AND A HALF STARS
Viola ( @variiavi ) got TWO STARS
Kane ( @haerith ) got THREE STARS
Wes ( @snagorre ) got THREE AND A HALF STARS
Yellow ( @yellowsforest ) got FOUR AND A HALF STARS
May ( @badbirchenergy ) got FIVE STARS
Absolutely stunning! Thank you for your effort, we hope to see you again for the next season as well! But now, here's our three finalists!!
with SIX STARS, barely gaining the third place, ALISTAIR ( @orreasshole )
With EIGHT AND A HALF STARS, rising above the rest and taking the second place, REE ( @skullkxd )
and with TWELVE STARS, GIOVANNI ( @earth-master ) gains the first place... but for how long?
"And now, a moment for our sponsor: RAID TERACRYSTAL LEGENDS!"
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gildead · 9 months
@earth-master || gold? having a non-adversarial conversation with giovanni? it's more likely than you think.
What would he wish for...? Right. That was the prize, wasn't it?
Gold's sockets avert themselves from Giovanni's gaze, instead lowering to focus on his sleeves instead. Despite his lack of hands, he still manages to wring them anxiously as he thinks over the question. He doesn't want money. He already has a maxxed-out bank account, it's not like he can really do anything with more money. Truth be told, he does know what he want, more than any material object. There's just one small problem with it.
"I... don't think I can get the thing I really wish for." He pauses and lets out the faintest of sniffles. Something viscous trickles out of his sockets. "It isn't something the hosts can... really do. Unless Sirio was secretly Ho-Oh, or- or something like that. I don't think it's even fair to ask them to..."
Bring me back. Break this cycle of torment. "Never mind."
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"...What about you?" He's genuinely curious - and while he doubts he'll get an answer, it's at least polite to ask in return.
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murmursdraconic · 9 months
The former Rocket Boss can't help but notice the general ill-feeling the other contestant had for how he'd managed to guess her secret. Not that he holds any blame- pokemon prematurely evolve typically under extraordinary circumstance.
Weighing the options for the competition, he decided to go ahead and play nicely. He had already had his fun messing with the uptight dragon-type Gym Leader, the younger one didn't deserve that kind of leg-pulling from him.
"That was quite a secret. Sorry that happened."
Hands in his pockets, Giovanni keeps a loose posture, purposefully open and non-threatening.
"It makes me wonder what's in it for you, sharing something like that at all. Do you mind if I ask what you're hoping to get from a 'wish'?"
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The Tyranitar, while laying belly down on the floor, was absolutely massive still. Shay leaning against her spiky side hat those spikes still jut above her head. Riuda could tell Shay was tense when the man himself approached. Eyes flashed open and a bellowing growl akin to a kaiju sized Krookodile rumbled from her.
Shay had the same feeling, but the two had to be on their best behaviour. "Riuda, shisen."
She stopped in an instant, only continuing to glare at the man who approached. "It's a past event that just tells a story. I don't know how big these events go. Plus I hate the bastard that did it to me. Nothing to lose from mentioning it."
Shay was surprised she was even asked to be here. She hadn't been that spotlit in years. Likely some old fame 'where are they now' type of trope they were leaning on.
As for the wish well... to be honest she wasn't entirely aware of that part to begin with. She didn't much care for that part to begin with.
"My secret being found out wasn't the issue here. You happening to get it and get it right immediately is where we have friction. An unhappy coincidence the universe gave." She clarified, monotone and very deadpan. She was holding back, that was for sure.
"As for the wish, well. No idea. If anything, might just go along with what Clair wants. She needs it more than I do."
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draconscious · 9 months
"Interesting. I didn't think that someone such as yourself would deign to be in a place such as this."
The former Rocket Leader is entirely too relaxed in his approach of the proud Blackhorn, the corners of his lips dimpled into an amused smile.
"So, what does bring the dragon out of her Den? If you don't mind my asking," he asks in the flippant manner of someone who didn't actually care whether or not Clair minded being asked at all.
"I could say the same about you."
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Giovanni's casual introduction is met with immediate bite, his easy tone crashing into her wall of defensive iciness. When Clair turns to stare down the former leader, her crystal-hued eyes are narrowed to slits, lip curled, fists trembling at her sides.
The glitziness of the contest seems worlds away now, sliding abruptly out of view. An overwhelming flurry of conflicting emotions roil inside Clair's mind like the waters of the Dragon's Den, the color draining from her pale cheeks as she reckons with...all of this. (An unfortunate misunderstanding.)
Be a good representative for Johto, for the Clan, an inner voice reminds sternly. Punch him in his stupid, grinning face, a younger, more impulsive voice cries out. Clair shakes her head and the cacophony of internal dialogues are mercifully silenced, but she remains all tension--muscles taut--like a coiled Dragonair ready to lash out.
"...And I do mind. Rockets have been relentlessly poaching Dratinis from the Blackthorn mountain range lately. Your people. Your fault," the Gym Leader growls through clenched teeth, folding her arms. "When I win this stupid competition, I'll ask for enough resources to crush them and their entire operation for good. An operation that you're probably very familiar with. You'll go down with them."
Clair is being nasty, unfair...but that's because she doesn't yet understand. When you spend most of your waking hours literally training under a rock, timelines become blurry. In the tamer's mind, the Giovanni who she glares at with such revulsion is still very much in charge of Rocket's rogue splinters...and still very much responsible for their twisted activities.
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orreanintrepidness · 9 months
[ @mnstcrbnll Sirio ]
“Greetings, Stardust! This is the secret the stars have sent to you! You have three days to come to me and tell me to who you think your secrets belongs to. Remember: if you guess it in your first try or you guess someone else’s secret, you’ll get up to two extra points! You’ll know your guesses are right only at the end of the first round, so don’t hesitate from trying again, if you want: just remember that we’ll always keep your very last answer.
Your secret is:
" reoccuring dreams of kid!them being lost at sea with another person. this person is never the same between two dreams "
Good luck! ♫”
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"I have no fuckin' clue who this is. What the fuck. This could be literally anyone. LITERALLY ANYONE"
He is most displeased with this-
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fleurladari-a · 9 months
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Watching the cute little game sure is entertaining on the side. The more secrets known, the better.
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lvsamine · 9 months
@mnstcrbnll Sirio… and the whole troupe behind him ]
"Greetings, Stardust! As a member of our marvellous audience, I hope you don't mind if I ask you a question! We're now 8 hours into the competition, and many secrets were shared! I wonder, do you know one of our contestandts? Do you have some suspicions when it comes to their secret?"
Oh, she wasn't exactly expecting to be approached like this. Thankfully, she's been in situations like this enough that she doesn't show how caught off-guard she is, instead greeting Sirio and the gang with a pleasant smile.
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"I'm familiar with a few names in the competition, though I'm only acquainted with two of the guests, I believe." Lusamine responds. She certainly couldn't say she was friends or anything with Ree and Hau...
"As for their secrets, I have only a slight suspicion of Ree's. The others I don't know well enough to ascribe a secret to, I'm sorry to say. I've seen quite a few interesting ones, so I'm excited to see who they all belong to. I wish everyone the best of luck in the competition."
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tapuhauko · 9 months
Sirio ]
“Greetings, Stardust! This is the secret the stars have sent to you! You have three days to come to me and tell me to who you think your secrets belongs to. Remember: if you guess it in your first try or you guess someone else’s secret, you’ll get up to two extra points! You’ll know your guesses are right only at the end of the first round, so don’t hesitate from trying again, if you want: just remember that we’ll always keep your very last answer.
Your secret is:
" I can cook just a few things, but those I can cook extremely well. I try new recipies everytime I can. "
Good luck! ♫”
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"Hmm... Kind of an innocent secret." Still, it didn't narrow things down a lot... He'd have to do some sleuthing.
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timeless-timepieces · 9 months
[  Sirio ]
“Greetings, Stardust! This is the secret the stars have sent to you! You have three days to come to me and tell me to who you think your secrets belongs to. Remember: if you guess it in your first try or you guess someone else’s secret, you’ll get up to two extra points! You’ll know your guesses are right only at the end of the first round, so don’t hesitate from trying again, if you want: just remember that we’ll always keep your very last answer.
Your secret is:
 " I have a tattoo of Piers’s band logo on my lower back "
Good luck! ♫”
"What fun! I'll give it my best shot!"
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mnstcrbnll · 9 months
Ree swallows hard, back straightening, as they approach sirio. They’re squeezing their cane as tight as they can.
“I — you said I can have whatever I want as long as it ain’t murder or necromancy, right?” They ask, throat going a little dry.
“I want you to make the rain stop in po town.”
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...cut the came-- Etna cut the cameras."
oh god. He's just... going to take a breather. Maybe a sip of rose water. And then be very, very frank.
"Look, Ree. How do I... say it nicely. Your wish is wonderful, it's very sweet, but...
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you're asking me for the moon when I offered you a sport car."
He's so sweet huh.
"This-- this is a TV show. I ask for wishes I can give out with money- The necromancy and murder thing is a quote. A quote! You can't ask us to do something that could defy a god!"
Maybe he should've let Giovanni win--
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gildead · 9 months
"No, they are not wrong... but I would like to think him simply meeting me is an understatement."
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murmursdraconic · 9 months
Clair 🤝 Shay
Socially reclusive dragon tamers join reality show about guessing deep social secrets, mad at respective results
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draconscious · 9 months
"Clair." Shay asks. "Why did we join this show?"
"I don't know why you joined, but I was signed up for the chance to get more funds for the anti-poaching patrols," Clair grumbles, dragging an exasperated hand down her face as she peers up at the Dracomet. "As you know, we've been stretched thin across the range lately. And--surprise surprise--the Elders don't exactly agree with you and your workers helping out the Clan's efforts, though I appreciate the extra assistance. Help is help, traditional standards be damned."
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"Lola is telling me that all this exposure would help draw new eyes to the problem, even though I didn't win, but I'm...skeptical of the help we'll receive. We'll see."
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orreanintrepidness · 9 months
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He'd wink for the folks watching at home, but that'd just be a normal blink from him. "Not shocked I got this far. Like I always say. I know people."
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badbirchenergy · 9 months
[ @mnstcrbnll Etna ]
"Greetings, Stardust. As you heard, we're sharing Rulebreakers Cards today: you were selected by our audience to get a little hint when it comes to the secret you recieved!
Feel free to ask me anything! As long as you don't request a name, I'll be more than happy to give any clue you desire. Think of your question wisely aaaand hit me up!"
"Fer the rulebreakin' boon—thanks y'all—does the secret I got belong to somebody with at least one kid?" #rulebreakerganggang #maynevent
[ ✦ @mnstcrbnll ✦ ]
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#selfie bee#good evening friends!! how are you doing! C:#I'm very very sleepy I got a new ikea office chair and I build it all myself#I think it went okay! I don't think I pulled the back screw tight enough and now the back is a bit loose#I can probably fix it but I can also ignore it for the next 18 years#thats how long the old chair held up!! in germany it could now drink vodka and drive a car!!#not at the same time that is illegal! not at the same time!! (❁´▽`❁)*✲゚*#but the day is not over yet my uncle asked me for a big art quest and I do not want to disappoint#he wants a muppet tattoo and asked me to draw it#my uncle has started to get tattoos a few months ago#as far as I know he has now gotten 3 note clefs 3 stars a flower and multiple birds#he also started getting piercings but so far I managed not to know exactly where#I think tattoos are super cool (´。・v・。`) I wish I had a good idea for a tattoo but the last time I was very sure about getting a tattoo#it was heath ledgers face as the joker#at that point I was 12 and would not see the actual movie for two more years#a muppet tattoo is a way better idea!! he asked for the count van count! that is also one of my top 3 muppets ₍՞◌′ᵕ‵ू◌₎♡#I always thought I knew a lot about muppet lore but since I started looking up muppet pictures I think there are still a lot of secrets#can the muppets from the Sesame Street actually leave the Sesame Street?#I think Kermit is both on the Muppet Show and on Sesame Street but he is also like the boss muppet#he might have special abilities#I hope you're having a good day friends!! C:#I think I'll post a Sherlock comic later this week#miss you!! ♥♥♥
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