#seduce me Matthew
kaitlynmeh · 11 months
Master List Of Game Guides :)
Just a heads up a lot of the games on this list are for people 18 years old or older. Please proceed with caution.
Seduce Me: The Otome
Seduce Me: The Demon War
The Price Of Flesh: Celia
The Price Of Flesh: Mason
The Price Of Flesh: Derek
The Price Of Flesh: Fox
Boyfriend To Death 1: Rire
Boyfriend To Death 1: Sano/Akira
Boyfriend To Death 1: Strade
Boyfriend To Death 2: Vincent
Boyfriend To Death 2: Cain
Boyfriend To Death 2: Lawrence
Boyfriend To Death 2: Ren
Till Death Do Us Part : Jack
Till Death Do Us Part : Marcus
Till Death Do Us Part : Chris
Till Death Do Us Part : Aria
Till Death Do Us Part : Ellen
Lover's Trophy: Wade
Lover's Trophy: Jak
L.A. Noire
Stardew Valley Upgrades/Buildings
Doki Doki Literature Club Word Guide
Little Inferno Combos
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new-tella-us · 3 months
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Sam. Babygirl. She can barely handle one of you without dying to a bad end.
Say a prayer for our MC.
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barely-coherent · 6 months
"I let them wear what they want because..."
"It's their choice."
He doesn't care what you wear, he thinks you look good all the time. He can get a little jealous if people are staring at you but that's just part of the deal. The ego boost he gets from having your eyes only on him is insane and that's part of why he let's you wear what you want.
"I trust them."
No matter what, whenever you go out, Erik asks what you're wearing. Not to control it, just so he can say "Give me a twirl~" and compliment you. He actually likes when people stare because he knows that you chose him, nobody else. Why else would you marry him?
"I can fight."
The first time he heard someone say "They were practically asking for it" He wasn't even on patrol. You had to tell him to not say "You have a very punchable face, you're practically asking for it." But real talk, if you wear something a little risky he's going with you. If someone looks a little too hard, his fists are already up.
"They can fight."
He knows he's not the most intimidating guy. Nonetheless, he's confident that you can handle yourself. The first time someone catcalled you, he was a little scared by the look on your face. He was pretty impressed too when he saw the look on the other person's face.
"I'm scared of them"
Not scared as in abu//se scared, scared as in "I know what they're capable of" and he's almost worried if someone tests you. Like if someone tries to flirt with him, the glare you give could kill and he knows it. If he even suggested you change, he's having a heart attack.
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1lovesickfangirl1 · 2 months
if you turned into a worm, how would each incubus take care of you?
James would read books and research online to make sure he cares for you properly. He doesn’t want to hurt you. He places you in his flower garden so you lay in the warm, wet soil.
Erik pats your head and might give you a little kiss. He’s not able to see your flustered expression, but he knows you love his affection. He’ll gently place you on his piano so you can feel the vibrations as he plays. He’ll try to make you little worm clothes too!
Sam is extremely confused on how you turned into a worm. He asks James to help turn you back, but time passes and he accepts your wormy fate. He doesn’t want to leave your side, a bit worried that you’ll get eaten or stepped on, so he puts you on his shoulder. He tells you about how annoying Matthew is being and lets you join in on his tai chi.
Matthew gushes over how you’re the cutest worm! You may not be able to play video games or cook with him anymore, but he’ll put you in his pocket so you can still be involved in your favorite hobbies.
Damien understands the isolation you feel being turned into a worm. He places you in a terrarium next to his bed, gives you veggies throughout the day, and reads you stories every night.
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wildestgirls · 10 months
This Barbie is: SMTO characters as Barbies
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Part 2?
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devil-fucking-101 · 8 months
I've made a horrible mistake
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jhilsara · 2 months
Tie Me to You/ Chapter 7
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Chapter Summary: Mika and James announcement party has finally arrived. Too bad her father knows how to ruin everything.
Word Count: 4.9k
<Last | Next>
Chapter Warnings: Mentions of past child abuse and neglect, emetophobia, small amounts of violence (breaking some bones), and alcohol consumption.
This fanfic will explore heavier emotions and will have eventual smut. Minors DNI
Can also be found on AO3 X
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The water filled my lungs
I screamed so loud, but no one heard a thing
Rain came pouring down when I was drowning
That's when I could finally breathe
And by morning, gone was any trace of you
I think I am finally clean
Clean- Taylor Swift
Chapter 7
She’s going to be ill. 
 Mika is a thousand percent going to vomit and ruin all the hard work she’s done to prepare for tonight. Her stomach won’t stop doing acrobatics and she’s only spent her day running back and forth doing tasks. Set up the decorations, clean the backyard, call the caterers back, and most importantly, that the supplies for the candlelight vigil for her grandfather are ready go. The list goes on. Everything she’s been doing was to keep her mind from drifting. She’s done all she can now, with three hours to go until the party, she has nothing to preoccupy her vicious thoughts. 
Mika’s mind mostly consists of seeing her father and fearing the repercussions of her actions.  
David makes her feel small, like she’s just a part of a checklist of his life. 
Graduate top of class? Check. 
Go to an Ivy League? Check. 
Get married young? Check. 
Get into the family business? Check. 
Have a baby? Check. 
Be a good father? Check. 
Her father always had an uncanny ability to make her feel insignificant and dim. She believes his words, even if she knows in her heart, they aren’t true. It doesn’t stop the pain of knowing her father’s love comes with conditions. One’s that she has no want to fulfill. There’s the tiniest part of her, the part that is still a little girl, who craves her father's affections.  
Mika wishes that part of her would shut up, would understand that there’s nothing she can do to make that man happy. She’s never been able to appease him without losing herself in the process.  
Mika’s in the middle of retying the decorations on the staircase banister, gripping the ribbon tightly in her hands, she barely registers Damien’s hand stopping her.  
She quickly snaps her head to look at him questioningly, her brows furrowed in confusion, before she sees all the brothers at the bottom of the stairs. Mika doesn’t like how they're looking at her. It’s a worried glance and it has her gritting her teeth in frustration. 
 Was she so lost in her own fears about her father she didn’t even hear all five of them enter?  
“Mika, just breathe. Everything looks fine, the food caterers are here, and the sound system and bartender are already set up.” James tells her. “It’s going to be fine.” He shoots her a far too confident smile.  
“That’s not,” She sighs looking at the five of them, “that’s not what my problem is. I mean, yes, I’m nervous but it’s not the party I’m worried about...” she states picking at the petals of the flower on the banister. Mika can’t meet their eyes. Not when they give her that look of pity.  
“Your father won’t get near you.” Damien reassures her quietly.  
While the thought was reassuring, it didn’t change the fact that her father’s cold looks and sharp tongue hurt more than any hit ever could. She shudders as the image of his anger floods her mind. Damien squeezes her hand reassuringly. 
“It’ll be fine,” Sam’s gruff voice cuts in. He’s looking up at her, his muscular arms crossed over his chest. “Stick with me, I’ll be like your guard dog.” he offers with a crooked smile.  
Matthew laughs boisterously and pats Sam’s back, “Sam can frighten anyone away!”  
Sam’s eye twitches before he grabs Matthew by his head and shoves his little brother away.  
Matthew’s hands fly up and he pouts, “I just styled my hair dude!” He walks away to find a mirror. 
Erik rolls his eyes before walking up the stairs and guiding Mika away. “Go get dressed while we finish up. We got this.”  
She doesn’t have a chance to argue before she’s being shoved into her room and the door closes behind her.  
Around fifteen minutes before the guests are supposed to start arriving, there's a knock on her door. She’s at her mirror, staring at herself, trying not to feel the dread creeping its way up her throat.  
“Come in.”  
The door cracks open and it’s Erik. He’s giving her a soft reassuring smile. He’s in his own tux, a wonderful deep burgundy suit with a black undershirt. His own ginger hair is styled and out of his eyes, he’s quite handsome.  
They were all handsome, she thinks, they were sex demons. Handsome and sexy is written into their DNA. 
She turns to look at herself once more in the mirror, feeling inadequate. It’s the voice of her father seeping into the back of her head. She still hesitates to think she’s anything but plain looking.  
Erik comes behind her and places his hands reassuringly on her shoulders, looking at her in the mirror. 
“You look like a dream. I should know, since I picked out that dress.” he says proudly with a glowing smile.  
Mika looked at her reflection, the dress was gorgeous. A wonderfully elegant plum, to compliment her bright green eyes. It didn’t wash her out and somehow made her darker hair look luxurious. Mika runs her hands down the fabric, trying to straighten out the silk. It clings to her body in a way that is flattering, but also makes her feel too seen. 
“I don’t feel like a dream.” She replies, still feeling nauseous.  
Erik shrugs nonchalantly, he grabs her wrist to drag her away from staring at herself. “Let’s go take a shot of courage together. Tonight will be fine, we’re all here for you. You don’t have to face anything you don't want to alone.” he encourages. 
Mika nods, letting him guide her.  
She plays Erik’s words on loop in her head. She doesn’t remember the last time she didn’t feel the burning sensation of isolation when it came to events like this. She was so used to playing her part at parties or events. Being a perfect daughter with her perfect family, even if it was only a ruse.  
She easily follows Erik down to the bar and has the bartender pour them two shots.  
She feels the liquor burn the back of her throat, but it’s better than the nervous somersaults in her stomach. She could do this. 
Before her shot glass even lands on the counter there’s a solid hand on her exposed shoulder, holding her firmly. She looks up to see Sam raising a brow but with a slight smirk on his lips.  
“Didn’t realize it was that part of the night yet.” he teases her. 
She flushes a bit in embarrassment and shoves him lightly, he doesn’t budge. His muscular frame is much larger and bulkier than hers. She couldn’t move him if she wanted to.  
“It’s just a shot of courage Sam relax.” Erik waves him off dismissively before walking away from the pair to go check on something else before the guests arrive.  
As Erik leaves them Mika’s eyes roam Sam’s figure. He also is in a tux, but much different from Erik’s extravagant one. Sam’s is simple, a black suit with an emerald green tie sitting loose around his neck.  
Mika reaches up to tie it. “Isn’t it too early to have a loose tie?” She shoots back at Sam looking up at him with a small teasing smile.  
Once done, she runs her hands down the tie to make sure it sits perfectly. She pats his shoulders with a job well done to herself. Sam’s face is burning red as he looks down at her with wide eyes. 
He coughs awkwardly, averting his eyes. “Thanks...” he mumbles.  
She nods and chuckles to herself before walking away shaking her head.  
As the evening progressed Mika’s emotions kept ping ponging around. Everything was moving in an increasingly fast blur. As members from her grandfather's company come pouring in, they immediately all make their way towards her. Each person offering their own condolences or some words of remembrance of her grandfather. She keeps her emotions in check, thanking every one of them properly. They lost him too after all. 
There’s a lull in arrivals that gives Mika some reprieve from conversation. She feels herself deflate as she walks over to the open bar. She needs another shot. Her college friend group is mingling at one of the tables near the open bar and she smiles at them. Hoping that talking with them will settle her nerves some.  
Mika feels someone watching her, not maliciously just watching. As she waits for her shot, she looks over her shoulder and sees Sam’s gaze meet hers while he stands at the door. Mika gives him a small smile and a halfhearted wave.  
Sam shoots her a nod of acknowledgement. He’s watching out. Her parents hadn’t shown up yet, and a part of her prays they wouldn’t. Mika knows that her father wouldn’t miss a chance to save face though. It’s good to know Sam’s sharp gaze is watching. She feels a bit more secure knowing someone is looking out for her.  
She wonders over to her friends after taking her shot, to try and relax a bit before she makes the announcement. It’s nerve racking that she’s giving up her title in the family company, but also freeing. James was right, her grandfather wouldn’t want her to be miserable. She just had to get through this party first.  
Mika feels her parent's presence before she sees them. It doesn’t help that her friends' conversation slows, almost quiets completely. She feels the mood immediately change and she doesn’t want to turn to see them. Mika feels herself clamming up and her heart racing, she wants to run away. She does not want to be here; she can’t face her father.  
Before Mika can even turn to look and spot her parents, there’s a large, warm, reassuring hand on her back. She looks up and sees Sam standing next to her. He’s not looking at her, but his glowering stare is enough to know who he’s directing that fire towards. Mika follows his gaze, and she sees her father, facing her, like he was about to come up. Sam’s aura is enough to send David running with his tail between his legs. Mika let out a breath she didn’t know she was holding.  
“Don’t worry about it, James is looking for you. It’s almost time.” Sam tells her, his eyes are hard as he still follows her father's movements.  
Mika nods, looks to the top of the staircase and sees James up there with the sound system and microphone. It was time. She takes a shaky breath. She waves goodbye to her friends and walks over to the staircase. Matthew was blocking one of the entrance ways and Damien the other.  
Matthew gives her a bright smile, “You’ll do great, and it’ll be over. Piece of cake!” he tells her reassuringly. She can only nod as she hesitantly walks up the staircase.  
James is finishing setting up with the sound guy and gives her a thumbs up. “It’s ready to go when you are.” Mika can only give a tight smile. She’s not ready. It’s now or never though as Mika looks down over the banister to see people starting to form a crowd and the media outlets set up their own cameras.  
Mika turns around to James, eyes wide in fear. James gently holds her shoulders, “You are okay. You are safe. You can do this; Harold wouldn’t want you to spend your life miserable.” His voice is firm and leaves no room for discussion.  
Mika takes a deep, grounding breath. She walks up to the microphone and turns it on. It’s now or never. As much as her palms are sweating, she can feel her legs shaking, she knows she must do this. Or she’ll be trapped with her father forever. Her father who is looking up at her with an unamused face ready to pass his divine judgement. She will forever fall from David Anderson’s good graces, but Mika finds that she is asking herself if she was ever in them. 
No, she settles on, she doesn’t think she ever was. Mika had to fight tooth and nail for her father’s love, and she doesn’t want it anymore.  
The microphone feedback sounds in her ear, and she looks out amongst the crowd. She tries to find faces she is comfortable looking at. Her friends are all close together, which makes it easy. She also easily spots Erik, Matthew, and Damien. Sam’s disappeared but that’s okay. He’s been acting as security all night, so he’s probably busy. She looks towards her friends, who are all smiling and giving her a variety of thumbs up in reassurance.  
Mika can do this. She smiles at the crowd and speaks into the microphone. “Welcome everyone from Anderson Toy Company! I’d like to say thank you for coming tonight. There will be a few announcements we will be making alongside hosting a celebration of life for my grandfather, Harold Anderson. The candlelight vigil will be held later this evening.”  
There are a few mummers of excitement, but they settle quickly. Mika grips the microphone tightly, bracing herself.  
“I know all of you are here to witness me step into the position of CEO since my grandfather selected me...” she pauses trying to find her voice. Hesitant to make her next statement. “I am here to tell you all I have hired a new CEO who will be taking my place in the company, starting tonight.”  
The room is filled with gasps. The once silent room burst into noise. The camera flashes aren’t helping the immediate fear strangling her. She’s almost done, she just has to announce James. 
Mika brings her shaky hand up with the microphone, trying to finish her statement.  
“I know you all were expecting me to step into this role. I was prepared to sacrifice everything to do this.” Mika’s voice is small, and the room is silent to hear her again.  
“After careful consideration, I cannot in good faith take the role of CEO.” She’s looking out at the crowd, finding her friends’ faces for comfort. “My grandfather left me the option to be CEO, but he would never have made me do it. Not if I wasn’t passionate. He would have wanted me to find something I cared about, like his toys!” Mika smiles to herself, knowing, in her heart, she’s right. She’s making the right choice. 
“I welcome you all to regard your new CEO with the warmth and joy my grandfather would have. Please welcome James Anderson.”  
Mika finishes and takes a step back, handing James the microphone.  
“You did great,” he whispers to her before taking the microphone and walking forward to address the crowd.  
Mika watches James for around two minutes before her nerves finally get to her and she needs to get away. James words mingle in the air, and she should be paying attention, but she’s truly going to be sick.  
Mika slinks to the back staircase, the one closer to the kitchen in the back. She knows everyone's at the front, preoccupied by James, so no one should be in the back. She rushes into the hall bathroom and locks it. She’s looking at herself in the mirror and it feels like an out of body experience. Her dress feels too tight, her eyes are glassy, and she can feel the sweat dripping down her back. Mika only has about another split second before she hovers over the toilet retching up her nerves and the two shots of liquor in her stomach. She hasn’t been able to eat all day and the way she’s dry heaving proves it.  
She feels better after the bile settles and her stomach stops acting like it wants to vacate her body. She stands back up, on shaky legs and wipes her mouth over the sink. Mika looks at herself again, this time she’s able to recognize herself. Her green eyes pierce through the mirror back at her. She’s in once piece, the world didn’t end, and she has some newfound freedom. 
Mika nods to herself and leaves the bathroom.  
“You ungrateful brat!” Mika’s vision goes blurry as she’s shoved against the closing bathroom door. There’s a tight, vice like, grip on her forearm. The voice hisses out to her, “You were left everything, and you take it all for granted!”  
Mika looks up and sees her father’s cold eyes glaring down at her. Of course, he’d notice her walking away and he knew she’d be in the back. He knows this house like the back of his hand.  
Mika tries to pry her arm away from her father, but his grip is iron. He pulls her closer, “You have let our family name tarnish within this company!” he whispers in his quiet rage.  
“Let. Me. Go.” Mika growls out at her father, trying to pry his hand off her.  
“No! Not until you understand that this is the biggest mistake you’ve ever made!”  
Mika’s eyes are filled with fear as she looks to where the crowd is. Too far away. Everyone’s too far away. She can still hear James on the microphone discussing future plans and answering questions. She’s on her own. She squeezes her eyes shut; she should have just stayed upstairs.  
“What are you going to do with that business degree, huh? Don’t you dare think I’ll be paying for those student loans!”  
Mika flinches as she hears his voice, the tone, the anger... it’s making her shrink back into herself. She’s looking at the ground, pressing herself as close to the wall as possible. Mika should have known that he would corner her. David Anderson never made a scene public, especially when it came to discipling her. He always knew how to make her feel insignificant, even in public.  
“I mean really Mika,” he scoffs at her, “did you really think you could just sleep your way out of your responsibilities? Whose son are you fucking to mess with me?! Who’s James?” David spits out. 
His glare is so fierce she shrinks back into herself. She feels the hot shame of tears pricking her eyes and she tries to turn away from him.  
“Look at me when I’m talking to you-” David’s voice cuts off. 
The tight, bruising grip on Mika’s arm is gone suddenly and she sees someone step between them. Forcing her father to back up considerably. 
“Didn’t you hear her? She said, let go.” Mika’s head whips up and sees Sam’s broad back. He’s using his large frame to block David; she can’t see her father past Sam’s muscular form.  
Sam’s voice is low and demanding, she almost didn’t recognize it. She can see that Sam has her father’s hand tight in his grip. Crushingly tight.  
“What are you deaf? Answer me.” Sam pushes, taking an intimidating step towards David.  
“How dare you!” David growls out. He’s frantically trying to wiggle out of Sam’s inhuman grip. Fear filled his eyes.  
Mika doesn’t think she’s ever seen her father afraid. He always seemed so untouchable. 
“How dare I?” Sam questions back with a dry laugh and a tone that’s dangerously dark. Sam’s still gripping David’s hand. His grip is so tight, her father’s hand is a ghastly white.  
“I’m not the one who’s attacking their own kid, am I?”  
David scoffs, “I’m not hurting her. This is family business and none of your concern!” her father's voice cracks, giving away his false bravado.  
“Oh? You sure about that?” Sam replies in irritation, he turns back towards Mika, who’s just been staring at his back. His face is hard as he narrows in on her forearm. She’s been clutching her arm to herself, trying to seem as tiny as possible. His green eyes look down, making eye contact with her, they soften as he takes her in. 
“Can I see?” He motions quietly for her arm; she just nods numbly and holds her arm out hesitantly for him.  
His touch is gentle, almost feather light, as he looks down and sees the hand shaped bruise forming. She sees his eyes flicker gold as his brow furrows. He clicks in tongue in irritation. He gently holds her arm out for David to see.  
“She fell.” Her father says without hesitation.  
She hears the bones crack with a sickening snap before she hears her father’s yelp of pain. Sam has broken or at the very least, severely fractured, her father’s hand.  
“It’s in the shape of your hand... I suggest you apologize and leave before I shatter all the bones in your hand and convince James to fire you. Wouldn’t that be a scandal?” Sam threatens, his voice low and clearly angry.  
His eyes are burning with rage, as he stares down at David. Sam almost towers over her father in this moment. As Mika stands next to Sam, she wonders how she was ever afraid of this small man, who is trying desperately to cling onto some power.  
“Mika, I am your father! He can’t do this to me!” he shouts, trying to leer around Sam and force Mika to look at him. Force her to listen.  
She almost would have, if it wasn’t for Sam. She’s gripping onto his suit jacket, clinging to his back. Sam turns to her briefly, “He needs to apologize to you.” Sam growls out.  
She hears more bones cracking; Sam isn’t letting up until David apologizes to her.  
The pain sends David over the edge, “I’m sorry! I’m sorry just let go of me!” her father cries out. 
Sam doesn’t stop glaring but releases his hold, “Piss poor excuse of a father.” Sam bites out glaring down at David.  
David clutches his fist to his chest, his fierce glare flighting between her and Sam. Mika hears the noise of the crowd dispersing, knowing that James is done with his announcements. Mika sees her mother walking towards them with a quirked brow.  
“David what happened?” She asks him casually, looking lazily between Mika and Sam. “Forget it Laura, we’re leaving.” David says clearly biting his tongue. 
Mika’s mother doesn’t say anything, just gives the briefest of waves as she rolls her eyes before walking behind her husband to exit.  
Sam stays in front of Mika until he knows that her parents have left his line of sight. He turns around to face her, but her grip is still tight on his suit. Her body trembles as she leans her forehead against his back.  
“Sorry, I...” Mika tries to talk but she just feels how dry her mouth is. She’s trying to breathe, but the whole event has her head swimming.  
Sam gently coaxes her hand off and pulls her into his chest. One arm wrapped tightly around her body, rubbing soothing circles into her back. “It’s okay, it’s over.” he whispers into her hair.  
She stays hidden in Sam’s embrace for a while. It isn’t until she hears more footsteps coming their way that she feels the need to pull back. She’s still in front of the only guest bathroom and she doesn’t need to be seen right now.  
Mika looks down at her arm and makes a face, “I can’t cover this up...” she mumbles looking at the disgusting handprint on her forearm. It’s a ghastly purple with yellows flowering underneath it.  
Her father’s left worse on her before.  
“Stay put, I’m going to grab Erik. I’m sure he can help.” Sam tells her reassuringly. He waits for her to agree before running off.  
Mika stands off to the side, holding her arm behind her back. She only noticed a handful of guests walking her way, all to use the restroom. She’s still safely tucked away from the major crowd. It doesn’t take more than a few minutes for Sam to come around the corner with Erik hot on his heels.  
Sam looks over to Erik, like his brother has all the answers he needs. Mika pulls her arm forward for him to look over it. She can’t look them in the eyes, embarrassment flushing her face as she looks down. Her eyes spot Sam’s fists curling and uncurling in unspent frustration.  
Erik hums in thought, before gently escorting her back upstairs. “I have something to fix this fashion wise. It’ll be fine.” he reassures. 
Mika keeps her head down as Erik takes her into his room. She just stares blankly at the large bruise on her arm. Wishing she wasn’t so afraid, or that she could be different. Sam was the complete opposite of her. He came right up to her father and had no issues telling him to fuck off. Mika had never seen her father in that light. One where he was fearful and tiny. Seeing David like that, the man who could make her feel like she was nothing more than a pawn in a chess game...he was just as easily broken as her. Had he always been so small and frail? 
“Foul man, I can’t believe he thought he could grab you like that! It’s a nasty bruise love.” Erik mumbles under his breath and he goes to dig around in his bin of costume pieces he was working on.  
Erik’s daytime job of working as a tailor and designer paid off in moments like this. He had so many side projects he was working on, he just kept things and usually it worked out. Like in this moment as he pulls a gorgeous pair of black opera gloves out.  
“If anyone asks you about the gloves, you’ve had them this whole time. Just gaslight them. Be confident.” he tells her with a wave. 
She lets out a soft laugh, “Thank you.” 
“Don’t mention it, just make sure you see Sam before you go out to mingle.” Erik says with his arms crossed. “He won’t say it, but he was worried. I haven’t seen him that furious in a minute.”  
She’s pulling the gloves on and nods her head in acknowledgement. She needed to thank Sam properly.  
Mika goes back down to the main entrance. She sees everyone has scattered about again. Off towards the side of the entryway, James is being interviewed by one of the many news outlets. She tries to avoid that, quickly walking in the opposite direction. The last thing she needs right now is a camera in her face. Mika’s eyes hunt to find Sam. She finally sees him leaning against the wall of the dining room. She smiles softly as she walks over to him.  
His eyes catch hers and Sam perks up in attention. “You okay?” He asks her once she’s closer.  
“As good as I can be.” Mika gives a shrug. She notices Sam’s eyes burning a hole in her arm, where they both know the bruise from David is.  
“Thank you by the way...I don’t know what he would have done if you hadn’t stepped in.” Mika admits softly, trying to cover her arm with her hand.  
The bruise may be hidden, but it still feels like a raw, open wound with the way Sam’s heavy gaze sits on it.  
“I should have been quicker... You weren’t supposed to be alone.” he murmurs as he looks up at her. His eyes are so intense when he locks his with Mika’s it sends a chill down her back.  
She’s moving before she can really register her actions. Mika grabs Sam’s hands, holding them tightly. “You were there, which is better than most...” her eyes fall to where their hands connect, “I’ve had worse.” she murmurs. 
Sam opens his mouth to respond, but what he sees over her shoulder has him relaxing a bit. He gives her a crocked smile and nudges her. “Your friends are looking for you. Go, we can talk later.”  
Mika gives him a puzzled look before turning to look. Her small group of friends are congregating at the closest standing table just watching her. One of them wiggles their brows suggestively at her. She flushes and rolls her eyes at them.
“I, uh, yeah. We’ll talk later.” Mika rushes out and turns on her heels to her friends. She hears Sam laughing behind her.  
“Sooooooo,” one of her closest friends, Suzu, teases with a vicious grin, “Who is big, bulky, and broody?”  
Mika groans and reaches over to swat at her friend. A blush still creeping up her neck. “He’s just a friend! Could you not?”  
Her friend just hums in amusement, “Sure, friends. Haven’t heard that one before.” 
Mika groans in annoyance.  
The night ends with the vigil for her grandfather. James and her usher everyone out to the backyard. Damien and Matthew hand out candles to each person as they go through the doors. Once outside Sam and Erik are lighting the candles. By the time Mika and James make it outside, there’s little space left. Almost everyone who came for the announcement stayed for the vigil to honor her grandfather.  
It warms her heart, knowing so many people did truly care. 
“Thank you all once again for coming, I’d like to take this time to talk about my grandfather, Harold Anderson. He gifted me so many things throughout the years, but nothing will ever compare to the love he left me.” She looks out at the crowd and her eyes stop as she looks at the incubi brothers who have steamrolled their way into her life.  
“I hope we all learn to love and give back like my grandfather.” Mika says sincerely with a smile. 
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cjsarchive · 2 months
I like the insecure mc with sam fic you wrote, can you do a matthew one? like incorperating the fact he cooks a lot of sweets maybe.
Yep, hope you enjoy!<3
The Most Beautiful Girl-Matthew x Female Reader
I stared at myself in the mirror. Stared at my stomach, hips and thighs. I sucked in my stomach and turned to look at myself from the side. I definitely like how this looks. But when I let my stomach rest, I felt like crap. I need to stop obsessing over how I look. I look at myself in the mirror too much. But I couldn’t help but keep coming back to examine myself, my body, what I need to work on and fix. I sighed.
“Hey, you okay?” I turned towards the voice and saw Matthew was standing in the doorway to my bedroom.
“Oh, yeah I'm okay.”
“You sure?”
“Yes. I’m okay,” I forced a smile on my face, hoping to convince him. He didn’t look fully convinced, but he didn’t push any further.
“Alright, if you say so. Anyways, dinner’s done!” He grinned.
“Okay, coming!” I looked at myself in the mirror one more time. I didn’t have an appetite right now, but I followed Matthew downstairs anyway. I sat down across from him.
“I made your favorite dessert tonight too!”
“Thanks,” I wanted to smile, but I only felt worse. He was so sweet, but he didn’t know the thought of eating anything sweet right now made me nauseous. I tilted my head down, hiding my face, and began to eat.
I managed to scarf my food down, but I still couldn’t touch the dessert. Matthew must have noticed me simply staring at it, “Is everything okay? Are you tired of that? Cause I can make something else for dessert if you want!” He offered.
“Um, no it’s okay. I’m just full right now. I’ll eat it tomorrow.” I couldn’t read the expression on his face, it made me anxious.
“Alright, I’ll handle dishes and stuff tonight, okay?” He walked over to me and left a kiss on my forehead before taking the dishes to the kitchen. Ugh, why am I being so difficult?
I went back up to my bedroom. I look towards the mirror. I tried to stop myself. I need to stop looking in the mirror. But as I thought that, my feet were already making their way towards the mirror. I stared for a long time. I can’t keep being like this. I can’t keep being myself. I grabbed my phone and looked up dieting routines online. I was so focused on it that I didn’t notice Matthew had come in until I felt his arms wrap around my waist.
“I know I keep asking but are you sure you’re alright? You seemed kinda off at dinner.” He said softly. Before I could turn my phone off, he saw my search results on my phone. “You wanna start dieting?” He asked, confused. I hesitated. There was no point in lying to him now.
I sighed, “Yes. I want to lose weight.”
The words slipped out before I could catch them, “Because I don’t like my body.” After I let that out, the words just kept coming, “I want to feel good about my body, I really do. I try to convince myself it’s not that big of a deal. But then I see so many girls with my body type going on diets, having intense workout routines, working to be slimmer, and trying to get the ‘ideal body.’” My eyes started to water, but I blinked the tears away, “It’s hard to feel good about my body when everywhere I look, I’m being shown that my body is not ideal and I should be working to change it. That’s why I don’t want to eat dessert. I’m just so tired of feeling shitty.”
Matthew was silent for a moment, taking in what I had said. He gently turned me around to look at him.
“I’m so sorry, I didn’t know you felt like that. If I had known I wouldn’t have made-“
“No, you have nothing to be sorry for. You’ve done nothing but be kind and sweet to me. You always try to make me happy. I don’t even know why you’re with me, Matthew. All I’ve done lately is whine and be difficult. I don’t deserve someone like you.” I looked down, I couldn’t even look him in the eye. I felt small. Matthew stood in thought for a while before he softly smiled.
“I have an idea.”
He led me over and we both sat on the bed. He reached into his pockets and pulled out various plushies. Two of which looked like me and Matthew. He placed the plushies at the end of the bed.
“What is this, Matthew?”
“Just watch.” I looked at the toys and they started moving, like they had come to life, “I’m gonna tell you a story.” I looked at him in slight surprise before taking my attention back to the toys. “Once there was a guy named Matthew,” The Matthew plush stood front and centre and waved at me. I giggled at the sight, “After he left the demon world, he got to explore the wonders of the human world, and all it had to bring.” His plush was shown wandering and experiencing different things such as books, stores, and food. “But there was something he had yet to experience: Love. Love wasn’t a thing in the world he grew up in, he never experienced it. Until he met..” A puppet that looked like me propped up. Matthew conjured a little spotlight as well and shined it on my plush. “This girl turned Matthew’s life upside down! In the best way of course. From the day they first met, she showed Matthew kindness, letting him and his brothers live with her when they had nowhere else to go. Matthew didn’t know it yet, but from that day forward, he would never be able to get this girl out of his mind. Again, in the best way.” I laughed as I continued to watch the puppet show.
“He was attracted to her so quickly. Her kindness, her gentleness, her beauty, her independence. She was amazing! He loved being able to be close to her, he loved the person he was when he was with her. She made him feel so empowered, like he could do anything! He’d never met anyone who made him feel like that. He was 100 percent in love with her!” The plushies began reenacting all the dates Matthew and I went on. I felt a great wave of nostalgia remembering them all. Before I knew it, tears started flowing, “Even though she doesn’t feel great about her body right now, Matthew still felt her body was beautiful and didn’t need to change. She was the most gorgeous woman he ever knew. A woman he never wanted to live without. A woman he loved more than anything. And he’ll never leave her. Ever.” The two plushies hugged and I felt my heart melt. All the toys then stood in a line and bowed to me. “To the most beautiful and wonderful girl.” The toys then went limp again.
Matthew rubbed the back of his neck and blushed, “Heh, I know it’s a kinda corny but-“ I didn’t let him finish as I threw myself into his arms. I sobbed in his shoulder. I was so overwhelmed with happiness.
“T-that was beautiful, Matthew,” I sputtered out. I squeezed him tighter. Matthew hugged me back just as tight.
“I’m really glad you liked it.” He gently pulled away, but still held me as he looked at me, “If you really want to start dieting, I’ll support you. But there’s nothing wrong with your body or your size, I promise! You are gorgeous.” He reassured me again. I smiled bright before I leaned in and gave him a gentle but passionate kiss on the lips. He very happily kissed back.
“I love you, Matthew. I love you so much.”
Matthew smiled and left multiple kisses all over my face, making me giggle, “I love you too, beautiful.”
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raes-writing-space · 2 months
Matthew Anderson x Reader *Respecting Boundaries Comfort*
Warnings: Mentions of Sexual Assault (coercion), sexual assault from a past significant other (unspecified gender), mentions of PTSD, cursing, and of sexual themes. Not beta read.
Summary: You and Matthew have been dating for awhile. However, you're finding a hard time telling him about your past experience with being sexually assaulted. When Matthew starts noticing that you're starting to distance yourself from him before things start to heat up, he asks if you're okay and comfortable with him. When you tell him the truth, he comforts you and tells you that he will always love you regardless if you want to have sex or not.
Word Count: 1,988
A/N: Reader isn't exactly Mika, and I spaced out the time from the first game between Malix and Diana it took a little over a month, because having the events happening within a week is wild to me. Also I kinda changed the way they need sexual energy to make it easier for the plot.
This is also kind of asexual coded if you squint. It's never explicitly said in the story, however, I am asexual, so I kinda wrote it in a way of what I'd like to hear? So it could be taken both ways. This is based off of a very real experience so be a bit gentle if for some reason you wanna judge this story.
It had already been about six months since you confessed your love for Matthew, and he confessed his love for you in turn. Between the month and a half of chaos with Malix and Diana, you were lucky to get to know the brothers while they were training. While the boys were still trying to adjust to the human world, they stayed with you, which helped you adjust to living in a mansion and finish up your schooling. They really had become like your own found family, and you gave them a sense of that too. Over time as you opened up to them, they opened up to you, about what their lives were like in the Abyssal Plains, how different things were, and what they hoped out of their new lives here in the human world. Matthew of course, opened up to you the most, the two of you knowing each other like the back of your hand. But there were still some things about your life that you found hard to open up to him about. When it came to the topic of past relationships, if there were any, you tried to keep things vague, only really saying that things ended badly. Matthew respected that, and never tried to pry any further if you weren't comfortable talking about it. For the first month or so into your relationship, you could almost forget about the fact that Matthew was an Incubus, other than creating little toys and trinkets for you from time to time. When the two of you kissed, it kept him satiated long enough until the two of you would kiss again, so the idea of him needing to feed on energy started to slowly escape your mind. But as time started passing, it became more prevalent that things started to get a bit more heated each time. He would never pressure you into anything you didn't want to do, and if you told him to stop, he was quick to do just that. But it was undeniable at this point that he had been thinking about wanting to take things further with you. You had meant to tell him at some point about your past history, but every time you wanted to bring it up, your words would get caught in your throat, and your whole body reacted as if it was just wanted to dispose of the idea all together and change the subject to something else. The more time went on, the more you kept wanting to bring it up, but just continued to struggle. It started triggering some of the memories you just couldn't seem to forget, and it was starting to affect how you acted affectionately around him. After a particular make out session, his hand had started to travel down your thigh, and while you were sure it was meant to be innocent, you suddenly gasped and grabbed his hand to stop him. He stopped immediately and apologized, not meaning to make you uncomfortable or take things too far. Matthew had started noticing the small changed before, but at this point it was obvious, and he knew that it needed to be talked about. He didn't want to keep doing things that made you uncomfortable without exactly know what it was that was making you uncomfortable. The two of you had been cuddling and watching a movie together when an unexpected sex scene had come on. While it was typically depended on the movie, and how the sex scene was being played out, this time it made you a bit uncomfortable to sit though. Matthew had noticed how fidgety you had gotten in a second, grabbing the remote and fast forwarding through the scene wordlessly as you thanked him, before he kept the movie paused for a moment.
"Hey… Are we okay?" Matthew asked, finding himself fidgety as well. He had never been in love before, it was hardly ever talked about or seen as plausible for Incubi and Succubi to even be capable of love. However, you changed that for him, and he didn't want that to end.
"Yeah, we're okay." You said at first, and you could tell your anxiety started to pick up a bit. "I've just… been meaning to tell you something, but… don't really know how to say it…" You told him honestly, trying to take deep breaths to calm yourself.
"Are you uncomfortable with how affectionate I am?" He asked, as it was the question that's been on his mind for some time now.
"No! That's… It's…" You didn't know how to exactly put it, in a way you were, but at the same time you weren't. You liked how affectionate he was, you were just scared about how things would go if you two took it a step further. You didn't know how you would react, and quite frankly, you weren't entirely sure if you were even ready.
You took a deep breath, sitting up straighter on the couch, as you attempted to look him in the eyes, but found it hard to. Instead you opted to look at your hands that were intertwined with his.
"Things have been really good lately, and… I can tell that things are starting to get more, heated between us…" "Do you remember when you asked me about any past relationships I was in?" You then asked, him, as he nodded.
"Yeah, you told me it ended pretty badly…" He trailed off, piecing together that this must be what has been bugging you lately.
"Well…" You found your voice caught in your throat.
You had talked about this with some friends and a therapist once. The first time you spoke about it, you hadn't even realized you were sexually assaulted. Not until someone mentioned that you were coerced. When they explained it to you, it made you feel both a bit relieved, and panicked at the same time. On one hand, you were glad that you weren't crazy for feeling awful about saying yes to something you didn't mean, for so long you thought that it was your fault, and then finally… Someone explained to you that it wasn't. Then, on the other hand, you almost didn't feel as if you had the right to say you were sexually assaulted, even though that's what it was. It was hard to even say the words at first, because that meant it became more real.
"They… They sexually assaulted me." You finally spat out, feeling a bit nauseous all of a sudden.
Your mind wanted to try and distract you from it, to zone out and think of something else, but you knew that you had to at least explain why you had become distant.
"I wasn't ready… I tried to stop things before things got farther, but… They told me that I was being a shitty partner if…" You couldn't even say the words, hoping it was enough of a cue to fill in the blanks, "Sometimes they would stop, but become frustrated with me and become passive aggressive with me, other times they would just keep going anyway… Sometimes I would laugh because I became so uncomfortable, that they thought that when I said no… I didn't mean it, because I was laughing…"
Matthew held onto your hand a little tighter, you couldn't tell what he was thinking, and you couldn't look him in the eye just yet to clue you in on it.
"I know you've stopped every time I've asked, and you've never seen upset about it at all, and… You really haven't made me uncomfortable… It's just that every time things between us get a bit heated, my mind brings up these thoughts about sex, and… I get scared… Scared that I'll freak out and have to stop you midway and disappoint you, or that my mind won't be able to get into it and I'll just hate it the entire time…" At this point, you felt like you were rambling, but it was the only way your body was going to let you get this information out to him.
"I don't want that for you, or for us… You've been… so healing to be with… And I know respecting my boundaries and my no should be just the bare minimum in a relationship, but to me… it's everything. You have been such a breath of relief in my life, and every day I realize more and more that it's so easy to love you… I know with you being an incubus, you could so easily use your powers on me, to manipulate me, but you don't, you've never used your powers on me without my consent… and for that, I trust and love you wholeheartedly. I just…" You finally manage to look up at Matthew.
His eyes are puffy, and he's clearly been crying alongside you. You can tell that some part of him is angry, but that he's trying to keep it together. It made you pause your ramblings for a second, your gaze turning into one of concern quickly, as you reach out to gently cup his cheek. His hand reaches up to place over yours, as he leaned more into your touch. Finally, whatever you thought you were going to say next, never came.
"I'm sorry." Was all that you could say, you didn't exactly know what you were apologizing for, for making him cry you supposed.
He shook his head, "You don't have to apologize."
"(Y/N), thank you for telling me… It kills me to know that you've been hurt in such a way, and it makes me so fucking angry. I never want to hurt you, and if I ever did-" Matthew let out a shaky breath, "No, no you haven't." You interrupted him, not wanting him to think that.
"You mean so much to me, you've changed my life. I can't thank you enough for everything that you do, and I'm so grateful for every day I get to be with you. You're right, I could use my powers, and it would be normal for Incubi to do just that…" "But I swear, I never want to imagine any time where I would do that to you. Demons in the Abyssal Plains will tell me that I'm not capable of love, just as Diana said months ago… But I will always love you, regardless. If you some day decide you want to have sex, I will love you then. And if you decide you never want to have sex, I will still love you." Matthew spoke from his heart, pressing a kiss to the palm of your hand that was still cupping his cheek.
You leaned forward, pressing a slow and teary eyed kiss to his lips. He reciprocated immediately, wanting to pull you into a hug, but unsure if that's something you'd want. You decided to initiate, wrapping your arms around him and pulling him in close, as he did the exact same to you. Just hearing those words from him made you feel better about yourself and your relationship. There have been people who disagreed with you, telling you you that it was your fault, or that sex was synonymous with love. Luckily, you found someone who agreed with you, and that was a lovely feeling. You held each other for a long moment, until the two of you were able to calm down. The two of you spoke about possible triggers, and if some adaptations needed to be made in the way you two showed affection for each other. After the most important things were discussed, the two of you decided to continue the movie that you had paused. Through it all, Matthew had continued to remind you of all the reasons why you fell in love with him in the first place, and only gave you more reasons to love him.
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ameera-bartholemew · 1 year
Like perhaps the dining table or in the study/library or something hdhdhdhdbs
im alive (resurrected TWICE)
sweet sweet sweetness today
James: When he walks in and sees you fast asleep in the library near an open book that he’s been reading, his heart melts. You look so peaceful, in your own world. He can’t help but admire your delicate state but then gently carries you up to your room, careful not to wake you. Once you’re tucked in he lays beside you, gazing at your lovely face and falling in love all over again.
Erik: He calls your name but promptly stops after seeing you snoring in the dining room. He can’t help but chuckle, you just look too cute! As quickly as he found you, Erik takes you up to your bedroom and covers you both in blankets. He massages your body, knowing just the right spots to ease. You unconsciously cuddle near him, and he smiles, knowing that he can’t wait to spend the rest of his life with you.
Sam: Sam’s loud stomps can be heard throughout the house, which he doesn’t really care until he finds you fast asleep in the bathtub, the water swaying against your body. His face goes red, embarrassed that he found you like this, but begins to feel calm just looking at you asleep. He stays there for awhile, gazing at your face and thinking about how much he’s in love with you, until you eventually wake up.
Matthew: Matthew stares in shock as he found you gently snoring on the stairs. How sleepy did you get that you couldn’t make it to the bedroom? He disregards this and smiles, seeing how deep you were sleeping. He decides that he’ll join you, putting his head near yours and slowly falling asleep, knowing that the love of his life will be right next to him when he awakes.
Damien: Gentle footsteps echo in the halls, searching for you. Damien goes through every room and feels relief when he finds you in the study, sleeping on top of an open book. He audibly ‘aws’ and finds another chair to accompany you. His hands find his way to your hair, softly caressing it before he too falls asleep, thinking about how adorable you look when you’re sleeping.
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i audibly screamed when i saw you wrote for seduce me, and i love sam and carrie but i love drama even more. could you write something for sam loving the reader but she just doesn’t realize, and to kind of ‘get over’ her he decides to try going out with carrie, and when they met the reader is very polite and sam is like kind of upset because he wanted reader to get jealous. Carrie and sam aren’t dating but aren’t just friends either so kind of like fuck buddies with one sided feelings if that makes sense !! A lot of Angst between carrie & Sam, but almost pure fluff between sam & the mc. i love your work so much!! if this is too much that’s fine!!
A/N: Honestly, living for the angst thank you so much for this 🙏🙏 I think Sam is p e r f e c t for this
Warnings: fanfic format, jealousy
Navigation!! // Masterlist!!
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It started at James’s business party. It was for Anderson’s toys and Sam had shown up with Carrie. This wasn't the first time she was meeting his brothers. But it was the first time she was meeting you.
Until you walked in. Carrie had heard about you, mainly from Twilla and Noryn, who had explained to you that she was close with the boys, an extended friend. A friend Sam used to have feelings for. You were gorgeous, the dress you wore was green, ironic. Carrie was in pink, her favorite color. So why did you have to come in his? You walked over with a smile, looks that could kill and a body one could dream of. Suddenly, Carrie felt herself feel self-conscious.
“Hey guys!” You smile, the way you usually do. His brothers smile back and the wives all hug you. They love you, especially Irene.
“There are drinks on the left side of the room and desert on the right.” Matthew said, clearly sensing the tension. Everyone could, except for you. “Oh thanks Matthew. You always know when I'm craving something sweet." You say, and Matthew chuckles, watching as Irene steps in to bring you with her.
"You and I have a lot to catch up on." Irene says, pulling you away to the desert table. You wave to everyone as you walk away from her, and Sam feels almost in the dark in your presence.
“Sam? You alright?” Carrie asked as they took their seats at the assigned table. He just nodded, looking around the room. Great. “You don’t look alright. What’s wrong?” Carrie asked, and he just rolled his eyes.
“Carrie I said I was fine. Just drop it.” Sam said again, and Carrie stood silent at this. She wanted to argue, wanted to tell him she didn't care about him. But she didn't. Instead she stood up, walking over to where you and Irene stood, trying her best to show her confidence, and joined your conversation, introducing herself.
"Hi! Y/n right? It's so nice to meet you, I'm Sam's girlfriend." She said, extending a hand out to you. The smile she gave was so fake it put Barbie to shame. But clearly you didn't care, because you shook her hand with enthusiasm. You must not have known about his feelings.
"Really? Oh that's amazing, I'm so happy for you both." You say, shaking her hand but pulling her into a hug. "I'm sure he loves you very much. He doesn't just date anyone." You say, and Carrie feels her stomach well up in knots. No, he doesn't just date anyone. That was why they really weren't together.
"Oh yes, he was definitely the challenge." Carrie says awkwardly. Irene gives Carrie a look. She doesn't like this. More importantly, Irene knows Carrie is lying. Irene taps Y/n on the shoulder, getting her attention.
"I'm going to the bathroom, I'll be back." Irene said. Y/n nodded, turning her attention back to Carrie.
"You know I never really knew what Sam was like personally. Is he just as snarky as he usually is with everyone else?" You ask, and Carrie's taken aback a bit.
"Well, he's a bit softer. He's more funny than anything." Carrie says, mindlessly putting food on a plate.
"Well that's good. I'm really glad he found someone. He deserves to be happy, you both do." You say, and Carrie's a bit taken aback by the smile you give her. It's warm, but she can see the sadness buried in it. You like him too...
。゚•┈୨♡୧┈• 。゚。゚•┈୨♡୧┈• 。゚。゚•┈୨♡୧┈• 。゚。゚•┈୨♡୧┈• 。゚
"Where are you going?" Carrie asks, watching as Sam gets dressed at the foot of her bed. He doesn't look at her when he goes to answer.
"Home. I have to work tomorrow." He says, and Carrie frowns.
"Why don't you," She says, crawling over to him at the foot of the bed. By now, his pants are buckled and he's fixing his belt, securing it around his waist. " Stay the night. You can go to work from here." Carrie says, wrapping her arms around his waist, her hands moving to try to undo the belt buckle he had just secured into place moments ago.
"I can't." He says, pushing her off. Ever since the business part he'd been cold towards her. Distant. He had only ever spent the night once and it was because he was completely wasted. Now, he wouldn't even look at her. It was just sex.
"Sam what is going on with you?" Carrie asked, standing to the side of the bed now, watching him put his shirt over his head. Sam sighed and smoothed it out, before looking at her.
"Nothing Carrie. You're just being too clingy." He said, frustrated clearly. She stood silent, watching him put his shoes on and gather the rest of his things.
" Sam?" Carrie calls. Sam is almost ready to run out of her apartment with how quick he gets dressed.
"Yeah?" He asks back.
"What are we?"
Silence. He doesn't answer. Instead, he just walks down the hall to her living room. He grabs his vest off of her coat rack and puts it on.
"Friends. I dunno." He says calmly.
"Friends don't fuck each other."
"Yeah well I don't exactly plan on being with you Carrie, and I know you don't really wanna be with me." Sam says annoyed, fixing his dog tag.
"How do you know that?" Carrie asks, He ignores her, so she repeats herself. This time, he answers.
"You're a bitch all the time, you constantly tell me about how other guys text you, hit on you, compliment you. It's basically a fuck-you-I-have-options." Sam says. Carrie stares at him before finally saying it.
"And what about her?" Carrie asks. Sam inhales quietly, before asking.
"Who?" He asks, but he knows.
"Y/n. What about her?" Carrie asks, more upfront this time.
"What about her-"
"I know you had feelings for her Sam. Be honest with me. Am I just here to pass the time?" Carrie asked, but he saw the hurt in her. Her eyes were brimming tears. Fuck, this was a bad idea.
"Y/n and I... she doesn't like me." He said quietly.
"Am I here to pass the time?" Carrie asks again, a tear running down her cheek.
Sam doesn't answer. He says silent. He tucks his dogtag back under his shirt and runs a hand through his hair before walking across the living room to her front door.
"Sam what is it about her you like? What does she have that I don't?" Carrie pleads, hurrying after him. She holds onto his arm and forces him to look at her.
"Carrie she- she's different. I can't explain it-"
"Then try... what am I doing w-wrong?" Carrie asks, tears falling now. Sam sighs, looking down at her hand, gently peeling her off of him.
"Carrie I really can't explain it I just- I love her. I'm sorry."
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new-tella-us · 2 months
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Finished the genderbend!
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barely-coherent · 8 months
What the Seduce Me Bros Call Their Daughters
Only daughter's because I was making them in the sims and all of them had daughters for some reason
Sweetheart, darling, cutie
Like his daughter is fussing or something cause she's tired and he picks her up like "Alright, sweetheart, Daddy's gotcha"
Tucks her into bed with a kiss on the forehead "Sweet dreams, cutie"
Or she's like babbling and he's like "Very interesting, darling"
He replies to her noises like a conversation
He's 100% husband material and 1000% dad material
He refers to your daughter as princess too
But there's a few like honey, lovely, stuff like that
"Hey Honey, time to wake up."
And any boy that even looks at her is like "Why are your dad's eyes gold?"
"They do that when he's angry."
He isn't above threatening children
Just be glad he isn't Sam...
Doofus is reserved for you only
He calls your daughter babygirl
Probably throws in a girly every now and then
She scrapes her knee and he goes "Up you go, there you are girly, can I have a smile from my babygirl?"
He was nervous as hell to be a dad but he's great
I'm 100% he calls her sugar or something related to cooking
He once called her flower
And you were like "Oh, that's cute!"
And he was like "No, the baking ingredient flour"
He made her go in and tell you not to be mad at him
You threatened Simon Tabby with a seam ripper and thread scissors if he even dared touch her
Matthew storms in at one point like "Sugar, I don't want you hanging out with him anymore."
And it turns out he's talking about Simon Tabby because they teamed up to prank him
Mostly hun, sunshine or something like peanut
He was amazed at how small she was when she was born
That's probably why he calls her peanut
He melts whenever she smiles
"Whatcha smiling at, sunshine?"
Or like her favorite toy got broken and he doesn't see it immediately while she's crying
"What's wrong, peanut?"
And she's like BEGGING for a bed time story so he's like "Alright, wrote this one myself, hun."
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1lovesickfangirl1 · 3 months
Warm Drinks, Sweet Dreams
You’ve been having a hard time falling asleep the past few days. Impending deadlines and embarrassing moments race in your mind. Going online has distracted you from these thoughts, but sleep wouldn't reach you.
You get up out of bed and into the hallway, hoping that a warm glass of milk and a snack will help sleep come sooner. You creep down the stairs to avoid waking up the incubi in the other rooms. Stepping toward the kitchen you spot a familiar figure. Matthew was sitting at the dinner table with a cup of hot cocoa and earbuds in his ears.
His tired face meets yours in slight surprise, “Couldn’t sleep?” you nod in response.
“Take a seat, I can make you some cocoa. I really don’t mind”. As you were about to interject, he’s already heading to the kitchen to grab another mug. You grab the seat next to his and go on your phone to pass the time.
He sets the steaming cup in front of you, the hot cocoa topped with a bit of whipped cream and mini marshmallows. The bags under his eyes and his slightly grown in facial hair in this lighting made him look a bit older.
“Why are you awake?” curiosity filled your voice.
“It’s just one of those nights I guess. I tried counting sheep, turning on rain sounds, keeping my eyes shut for as long as possible. Sleep wouldn’t come so I’m here.” he turns to you with a weak smile. “Why are you up? If you don’t mind me asking.”
“Couldn’t get out of my own head. Being here with you has helped a bit though.” warmth filled you as you took a sip of your drink. You didn’t notice at first, but the fragrant taste of cinnamon made itself present.
“You put cinnamon in the cocoa?” you question.
“Yeah! Cinnamon is a warm spice, so I thought it would help with falling asleep.”
How he managed to be so sweet is a wonder. “Well it definitely tastes good. Thanks for making me this.”
“No problem at all.”
You both finished your drinks in comfortable silence. Not much needed to be said as you were both attempting to drifting off to sleep. Placing the empty mugs into the sink, you wish each other goodnight as you head back to your rooms for peaceful sleep.
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ya-boi-haru · 2 years
You know what, you seem cool...
*dumps all of my Seduce Me Headcannons/theories*
~Contains Spoilers~
• The only reason the boys were back in the Chicago area to begin with was for Harold's funeral. They heard about it on the news and all went into shock.
• Getting their Human names went one of 4 ways: 1) They picked them themselves 2) Harold had the names on IDs ready to go, and let them pick a card - he just had to add the persons photo 3) Harold gave them the names persoanlly 4) Damien picked them all out beforehand while he was learning about the Human World
• The reason Sam didn't get to pick - or they didnt have time to do his choice - where they went on for trips was cause he kept losing at rock - paper - scissors (or coin tosses etc) so he never got to pick
• Since Sam and Damien can't read, if they were left on their own to order something they'd just point at something and hope it was good
• It took a bunch of Trial and error to learn that Matthew likes sweeter Coffee
• Damien Is Demisexual - or Graysexual, somewhere on that spectrum (im prepared to die on this hill)
• I could also see Erik being Demi
• Sam was super nervous to tell Carrie he was a Demon and was working himself up, but she already knew
• Damien can get overstimulated with sound sometimes due to his mind-reading. Even when he's human he can still get it from time to time in stressful situations.
• Damien would get frequent panic attacks and the others got really good at learning how to ground him and calm him down. When Mika gets stressed or panics about school or work stuff they use similar techniques.
• Sam does the most abbreviated texts (eg; c u 2nite) James uses proper grammar, Matthew uses Emojis and gifs, Erik knows all the flirty lingo, Damien also abbreviates but not as bad as Sam and he likes using the occasional Emoji😊☺️
• Matthew has fun ringtones while James uses default ones.
• Matthew has Sam saved as "Jackass" and Sam has Matthew saved as "Pipsqueak" (or something similar)
• Erik & Matthew are the type that get sick/pass out when their blood gets taken. Sam sometimes does too, but he will never admit it
• (In the Anderson mansion) James & Erik's rooms were neat and tidy - Erik would decorate. Damiens and Mattgews were stuffed with plushness- clean but not tidy. Sams is the messiest
• They let Matthew try an energy drink once... they never let him again.
• If nights were really bad, Damien would go stay with one of his brothers (mainly either Matthew or Sam since the older ones were always busy and they weren't allowed near) They would stay up with him and talk or try to think of other things to drown out the rest of it all. In the human world if he had a bad nightmare or anything, he'd still get up and go and talk to one of his brothers.
• (this one's based off an old video I made + I'll be using Sam for this one, cause Cannon route)
After the party the boys saw what Mikas dad was like and how tense Mika was during the event. So after the party Sam approached Mika to ask if she was okay. She thought he was talking about Malix for a moment but then he says that She was tense and acting not like herself during the party; that he knows a thing or two about a shitty dad and that he's here if she wants to talk.
• During the party the boys would give Mika small encouragements/ comfort throughout the night whenever they saw the opportunity. Matthew would come to her with extra snacks, or they would distract guests when she needed a break from questions.
• Micheala explained "Soul Marks" and I joked that they're a magic equivalent of a Hickey. So after Mika and [one of the brothers] did it - or they fed off her - they knewww and teased the brother about it.
• Erik wasn't prepared for Mika to flirt back
• The tags that Sam through away ultimately went into the Anderson Mansion. Mika found them (she was younger at this time) and gave them to Harold. They had demon magic energy on it, which Harold could sence. He dropped Mika off early to investigate it more
• One night, Sam and Mika hung out on the roof until the stars came out. Mika pointed out the constellations she knew
• James and Erik had to help the other 3 with their ties (+ the MC if they're played as male)
• Whenever the boys would pine for Mika, Damien had to sit and suffer in silence as he heard their nervous thoughts
• Since Mika was one of the boys first they probably did most of their 'exploring' with her.
• When the incubrothers learned they could never really tell her dad about what they were, they were a little upset - especially Sam. (Damien didn't have much of a problem with it since he wants to be human - and turns - anway)
• The Brothers quickly made Monopoly a forbidden game
• Damien adores his hair being played with and has fallen sleep because of it multiple times
•Matthew and Damiens hair gets frizzy/Curly in humid/rain weather
⚠️The next lot of headcannons are based on the more heavier topics of the game and involve Trigger Warnings such as abuse and assault, please proceed with caution:
• After James asked Mika how she got the bruise on her cheek and she brushed it off, no way he didn't know. James knew immediately and knew not to push further. Damien also knew - due to mind reading.
- Damien also dissociated a little after "seeing/hearing" what had happened to Mika.
• In the first flashback In the first game it notes that Damien hid behind Sam... I headcannon that Sam defended Damien from their father a lot. It would normally end in violence since Sam "defyed" his father. But he would also take blame for something that Damien did so he wouldn't get hurt getting in trouble. Sam would also beat up any imps that messed with him.
• Sometimes after being forced to mentally hear his mother and father, Damien go into sever panic attacks and didn't want to be touched and lashed out at imps that tried to 'control' him. These were the worst of them but the brothers knew how to handle it.
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Debating toning down Aron's backstory for my Wait for your love fic, but it could make for really cool plots throughout the time of the fic. Like, I don't want it to seem like weird since Mika has a pretty simple backstory whereas Aron's back story is nonstop plot twists, because I couldn't catch a fucking break growing up LMAO. She represents me before finding out some of the things I know now, health wise and family wise. I want her to grow the ways I felt I have grown, and the ways I still want to grow. I know that people like characters with complex backstories, t I don't know if her backstory being so complex is a good idea for the SM universe. Please give me your thoughts!
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